katyciai basic school of silute region

Katyciai Basic School of Silute Region “Healthy Herbs Outlook” 2015-2017

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Post on 09-Apr-2017




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Katyciai Basic School of Silute Region

“Healthy Herbs Outlook”2015-2017

It is a small, rural school located in the Katyciai village.

There are approximately 1500 inhabitants in Katyciai and surrounding


Every day our school bus rides 190 km to bring the students to school and to take

them home later.

Welcome to our school

The school year starts on September 1st, and ends up in early June.

Autumn holidays

The last week of October

Christmas holidays

Easter holidays

Summer holidays

June, July, August

Our students go to school from Monday to Friday

The lessons start at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m. One lesson lasts for 45 minutes.

150 students study at our school in 2015/2016.

There are ten forms at our school.

The students of the 4th form.

The students of the 5th form.

The students of the 8th form

The students of the 9th form.

Our pre-school group.

Our students are from 6....

…to 17 years old.

A number of students in a form is rather small.

An average is 15 students in one form.

Our first graders

Students of the10th form.

We try to meet the needs of our students striving to give them the best that we can.

Teaching/learning facilities and equiptment

However, the options are limited.

High qualified teaching staff

There are 2 members of the administrative board, 17 teachers, a social educator and a librarian at our school.

The headmaster of Katyciai basic school of Silute region

A deputy headmistress

A primary school teacher

A teacher of Lithuanian

A teacher of English

A teacher of Chemistry and Biology

A teacher of Russian

A teacher of Mathmatics and Physic

A teacher of History

A teacher of Geography

A teacher of Biology and Art

A teacher of Physical Education

A teacher of Music

A teacher of Religion

Each teacher has a computer in the classroom.

But almost all the devices are out –of-date.

Our students are provided with the textbooks but they have to buy the exercise books, as well as

other tools they need for the classes.

ICT classroom

Our library

A workshop for wood works

A number of extra curricular activities are organized at school.

Sports clubs

A guitar group

A club of floristics

We also celebrate some traditional events.

Advent Eve

“Let’s do it!”

Activities for the World Earth Day

Summer camps

Comenius Multilateral Partnership Project “The Seasons”

Our first international experience 2013-2015

At our school everybody has after school activities, mine is going home.

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”