karakia whakataka te hau ki te uru whakataka te hau ki te tonga kia mākinakina ki uta kia...

Karakia Whakataka te hau ki te uru Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Kia mākinakina ki uta Kia mātaratara ki tai E hī ake ana te atākura He tio He huka He hauhunga Tihe mauri ora Cease the winds to the West Cease the winds to the South Let the breezes blow over the land, Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air, A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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KarakiaWhakataka te hau ki te uruWhakataka te hau ki te tongaKia mākinakina ki utaKia mātaratara ki taiE hī ake ana te atākuraHe tioHe hukaHe hauhungaTihe mauri ora

Cease the winds to the WestCease the winds to the SouthLet the breezes blow over the

land,Let the red-tipped dawn come

with a sharpened air,A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day

Upper Hutt Network Learning Cluster

Refine school processes (refer MOE moderation series and TKI for more information)

Increase participation of students in the moderation process

Work with clusters of schools in or beyond region to further improve moderation

Lead teacher workshop

September 28th

Mangaroa School



  Welcome Discussions and feedback from in- school staff meetings

and inter-school visits, outside the region visits What has the process to date meant for our students?

Where does the child fit? Roles and Responsibilities (See workshop 1 or wiki)

Moderating writing samples across the curriculum My portfolio presentation – moderating online Update Individual school action plan – Please bring your

Action Plan X2 How far have we come? Where to next? Closing – burning Issues

NL – New Learning NS – Next Steps FBF – Feedback for FacilitatorRe moderation of reading - At above below etc.

Inform our school re our learning today and go onto learning on line

Informative – good fun tool – thank you

Clarification of At/Above Explore online assessment modules Some interesting discussion/discourse time allowed during the whole session

Clarification of At and above Spread the message across the school - work with another school

You’ll live!!!Bringing in NS into OTJs

Where to locate tools online and frequently asked questions

Ka Hikitia – Refining AsTTle matrix for writing assessment

Libby great as always – Julie confirmed where to find info. Quiet voice was ok – cause we focussed on her.

At/Above – in next year (at) group to be above

Moderate OTJ. Talk to syndicate about PM re not for OTJ


Clarity in my own head where to next with team. Next aspect for staff meeting how to get consistency of knowledge within team

More ideas of where to find more info – eg. Assessment on line/ Team Up etc

Great as always thank you

Definition of Well below/Below, At /Above

Revisiting on-line resources. Moderating OTJs

Today’s session was great to clarify well below etc

Definitions of Above/Below/At reading and writing

How can I share my new info/learning with staff

Good to have opportunities to make meaning of new learning - ensure we have time to do this

We need to change our reading criteria At Above Junior level Green – At, Turquoise Above

Change our reading criteria and educating the rest of our staff before end of year reporting

Food nice, dark room informative. We have a lot of work to do

    Julie Beattie very informative (x2) Moderation against cluster very informative

   In school staff meetings/syndicate meetings/your own practice/ developing and following action plan

Moderation visit to your schoolModeration visit to another school

Emerging Issues









Where does the Student fit?

View Pod cast

Student • Active participation in learning and assessment• Complete learning tasks to the best of their ability• Develop understanding of desired learning outcomes • Participate in selecting evidence for moderation• Use skills developed through self and peer assessment

Student work across the NZC

Make an overall teacher judgment

Below At Above

Next steps for the student………Next steps for the teacher………..

Action Plan

What are the next steps for: You as the leader of this learning? Your staff at school? Transferring into other areas – Reading,

Mathematics Your Assessment Schedule for 2012?

Update your action plan – please complete 2 copies – 1 for you – 1 for us – Consider the support you need, time, resourcing, further PD

How far have we come? Reflection Time

Criterion 12. Register Teacher Criteria use critical inquiry and problem-solving effectively in their

professional practice Key indicators systematically and critically engage with evidence and

professional literature to reflect on and refine practice ii. respond professionally to feedback from other members

of the learning community iii. critically examine their own beliefs, including cultural

beliefs, and how they impact on their professional practice

and the achievement of ākonga.

Te Whare Tapa Whā (Durie, 1994)

A kaupapa Māori holistic framework

Identify what you do for your Hauora under the 4 dimensions.Identify the gaps both personally and professionally.Set obtainable goals  


Moderation processes

High quality teacher

judgments: appropriate, comparable

and equitable

Conversations about planning for

moderation, sharing

expectations; collecting and

analysing evidence of student learning

Comparison of that evidence against

expectations, benchmarks or


Adjustment of judgments to align

with common expectations,

benchmarks or ‘standards’.

Feedback – Talking Partners

NL- New Learning NS – Next steps FB – Feedback for facilitator

The Muddiest Point !

The Muddiest Point is the mostdifficult part of your teaching/learning. - Moderation, OTJ’sIt is the part where you get stuck!

Uses:Pupils share work with a partner and reflect on;3 new things they have learntwhat they found easywhat they found difficultsomething they would like to work on /improverevisitTalk PartnersTeacher benefit:Gains an overview of learning that has taken placeGives an immediate indication of pupils’ understandingand/or feelingsAn opportunity to change the focus of teaching– if necessary