kakatiya university, warangal, (ap) m.phil … · kakatiya university, warangal, (ap) m.phil...

KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY, WARANGAL, (AP) M.Phil Entrance Test - 2013 ECONOMICS SYLLABUS Smith‘s concept of Laisse of Fair; Theories of value - Smith, Ricardo, Marx; Say‘s Law of Markets -Recardo‘s Stationary state; Malthusian Theory of population; Marx‘s failing Rate of Profit. Feudalism as a mode of production; the European case; The rise and decline of feudialism; Growth and interacion with Mercantile Capital; Beginning of Industrial revolution, the transition debate. The capitalist mode of production in the competitive phase foreign trade and colonialism. Monopoly Capital and the domination of finance/ capital and imperialism. The Phenomenon of development and under - development; trade and development - Theory of unequal exchange - Transfer Mechanism - Imperialism and developing nations. Classical and Keynesian approach employment consumption function in the short-tun and long-run Multiplier and Accelerator - Expectations - Investment Function IS & LM model. Theories of the trade cycle Macro-Economic policy and trade cycle-and the future of Capitalism Monetarism-Rational expectations. Post-Keynesian models - Harrod-Domar Model, Solow model & Kaldor model. Theory of consumer demand - Marginal Utility Theory. Hick‘s Indifferene Curve Analysis. Revealed preference; Utility analysis, choices involving risk production and cost; two variable analysis; Returns to a factor; returns to scale; cost curves in short and long terms. Market structures; Perfect Competition, Monopoly Monopolistic Competition; Oligopoly models. The nature of general equilibrium - Basic assumptions and the frame work; Welfare Economics. Theory of International trade; Comparative Cost Theory: Inter-regional and internation trade; Leontief Paradox; Factor Price, equalization theory, Gains from Trade, terms of Trade. Purchasing power parity theory: Marshal-Learner conditions; balance of payments adjustments process; protection; Customs Unions. Conditions for maxima and maxima - Concept of Matrix operations with a matrix, inverse of a matrix, Rank of Matrix Determinant. Elements of probability; Concept of probability, addition and multiplication theorems and probability, population: Samples - Frequency distribution - Graphical representation of data Central tendency -Common measure and their relative merits - Principles of least squares and curve- fitting - linear regression and correlation, rank correlation.

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M.Phil Entrance Test - 2013



Smith‘s concept of Laisse of Fair; Theories of value - Smith, Ricardo, Marx;

Say‘s Law of Markets -Recardo‘s Stationary state; Malthusian Theory of population;

Marx‘s failing Rate of Profit. Feudalism as a mode of production; the European case; The

rise and decline of feudialism; Growth and interacion with Mercantile Capital; Beginning

of Industrial revolution, the transition debate. The capitalist mode of production in the

competitive phase foreign trade and colonialism. Monopoly Capital and the domination

of finance/ capital and imperialism.

The Phenomenon of development and under - development; trade and

development - Theory of unequal exchange - Transfer Mechanism - Imperialism and

developing nations.

Classical and Keynesian approach employment consumption function in the

short-tun and long-run Multiplier and Accelerator - Expectations - Investment Function

IS & LM model. Theories of the trade cycle Macro-Economic policy and trade cycle-and

the future of Capitalism Monetarism-Rational expectations.

Post-Keynesian models - Harrod-Domar Model, Solow model & Kaldor model.

Theory of consumer demand - Marginal Utility Theory. Hick‘s Indifferene Curve

Analysis. Revealed preference; Utility analysis, choices involving risk production and

cost; two variable analysis; Returns to a factor; returns to scale; cost curves in short and

long terms.

Market structures; Perfect Competition, Monopoly Monopolistic Competition;

Oligopoly models. The nature of general equilibrium - Basic assumptions and the frame

work; Welfare Economics.

Theory of International trade; Comparative Cost Theory: Inter-regional and

internation trade; Leontief Paradox; Factor Price, equalization theory, Gains from Trade,

terms of Trade.

Purchasing power parity theory: Marshal-Learner conditions; balance of payments

adjustments process; protection; Customs Unions.

Conditions for maxima and maxima - Concept of Matrix operations with a matrix,

inverse of a matrix, Rank of Matrix Determinant.

Elements of probability; Concept of probability, addition and multiplication

theorems and probability, population: Samples - Frequency distribution - Graphical

representation of data Central tendency -Common measure and their relative merits -

Principles of least squares and curve- fitting - linear regression and correlation, rank


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Elements of Statistical inference and tests of hypothesis index numbers and their

use - Consumers price index number -

The multiple theory of Public Household - The benefit and ability to pay

approaches to taxation -Incidence of taxation (Traditional and modern approaches) -

Effects of Tax and budgetary policy on the allocation of resources, Principles of

Government expenditure.

Public debt - Burden of public debt - pricing in public sector enterprises - cost-

benefit analysis -Classification of Government budget - Federal finance - Development

finance (Fiscal policy in the context of Economic Development).

Basic features of Indian taxation, public expenditure and debt - Central -

Government‘s budgetary policy.

Problem of underdevelopment - Development of underdevelopment institutions -

Choice of techniques

- Pattern of investment and capital formation, role of technology.

Classical Neo-classical theories of development and strategies of development -

Balanced growth -Unbalanced growth - Bigpush theories -Spread effects and backwash




Role of agriculture in economic development - Indian agriculture under the

British rule. Debate on the georganisation of the agrarian system In Pre-Independence


Agrarian structure system of land tenures and organisation of production - Land

Reforms and production - production function analysis.

Technical changes - The Impact of green revolution: terms of trade between

agriculture and industry.

Agricultural finance and credit - The role of co-operative credit -Agricultural -

finance - National banks and rural credit.

Demand and supply of agricultural commodities - Marketable surplus -

Institutional marketing including co-operative marketing.

Management approach to farm production - Farm management surveys -Cost

benefit analysis.

Price policies - Recent trends in agricultural taxation - State aid to agriculture

IADP, IAAP, DRAP and DRDA programmes.


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Meaning and scope of econometrics -Use of Mathematics and statistics in

Econometric analysis. Single Equestion system, Least Square Method - Properties of

least squares method. Problems and solution for errors in variables; Auto crorrelated

disturbances - Multi Collinearity, Heteroscedasticity;

Problems of identification, Derivation of the Rank and order conditions for

identifying a structural Equations and questions based of their application identification

problems and use of cross - section date in demand analysis.

Times-Series and Cross-Section Studies - Pooling of Time-Series and cross

section data - Engel Curves - Estimation of Engel elasticities size distribution of income

and levels of living.


Origin, growth and characteristics of labour force in India - Occupational

distribution of work force -Labour in orcanise and un-organised sector - Labour

efficiency and productivity - Sharing of gains in productivity.

Problems of Industrial labour - Concepts of social security and Labour Welfare-

Money and real wages - Minimum wage, fair wage and living wage - wage rate Vs cost

of living - Growth of trade union movement in India Social Security Legislations -

Labour participation in management.

Problems of agricultural labour - Demand and supply of labour in the rural area -

Trade unionism among agricultural labour - Implementation of minimum wage -

Indebtedness and Bonded labour in rural India - Wage structure in agricultural operations

in rural areas - problems of Child and female labour.

Employment policy under five year plans - Special programmes for employment -

NREP and other special employment programme.


Industrialisation in developing countries

Industrialisations India - Pre and Post - Indepence period - Pre - Independence are

- Industrialisation on employment - Capacity utilisation and Industrial Sickness.

Structure and growth of industries in India - Large Scale Vs Small Scale

Industries - Role of public sector - Rural industrialisation and regional balance.

Foreign private investment and multi-nationals- Growth of monopolistic trends in

Indian industries.


The concept of Tribe Economic Anthropology. Tribes and their Economics,

Characteristics of Tribal Economy, Impact of colonialism and Economic change in some

Indian Tribes. Historical review on various tribal movements.

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Tribal indentity and the process of tribal integration. Impact of Modernisation on

Tribal economics. Tribal Development programmes.

The role of Government and Non-Government organisations and the needed

approaches for Tribal Development.


Nature and scope of Women‘s Studies - definition of work in political economy -

Distinction between use value and exchange value as applied to measurement of

Women‘s work.

Economic basis and functioning of patriarchy in developed and developing

countries - Patriarchy in India. Origin and development of feminism.

Studies on Women‘s movements in India.

Women‘s labour force participation. Women‘s participation in organised,

unorganised and household sectors.


Rural Social and Economic struchus in India - Green - revolution and its impact -

Rural Indebtness -role of social Marketing - Irrigation in rural development - Income and

employment general programmes-Globalisation and rural development.

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any two questions from part-A and any two questions from part – 6

2. All questions carry equal marks.


1. Explain the factors that lead to the Industrial Revolution in Europe.

2. Distinguish between growth, development and plan models. Which of the plan models

according to you are more appropriate for a country like ours?

3. Discuss the limitations of classical approach to probability. Find the probability that in

a family of four children three will be (a) four boys and two girls assume that the

probability of male birth is the same as that of female birth.

4. Critically examine the failure of market mechanism in supplying the environmental



1. Critically examine the impact of green revolution on income distribution and

employment in Indian agriculture.

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Explain the use and importance of quantitative methods in economic analysis.


Discuss the economic basis and functioning of particularly with special reference

to India.


Trade the growth of trade union movement of India.


Evaluate the role or public secror in the industrial development of India.


Describe the characteristics of tribal economy.


2. Descuss the role terms of trade in promoting the development of Indian agriculture.


Examine the participation of women in Telangana Peasanr struggle.


Explain the problem of multi- colllinerity. What are methods avail to overcome

this problem?


Discuss the problem f child labour and female labour in India.


Critically examine the industrial policy of 1956 in relation of the objectives of

planning in India.


Examine process of peasantisation and proletarinisation of tribal population.

3. What are the objectives of Land Reforms? Critically examine the problems involved

in the implementation of land Reforms.


Explain the rationale for the inclusion of ―error term‖ in a regression model. What

are the assumptions of the ―errorterm‖.


Critically examine the special programmes for providing employment undertaken

during the Five Year plans.


Discuss the reasons for growing sickness in Indian Industry. Examine the context

the role of the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR):


Explain briefly the impact of modernization of Tribal Economics and the role of

Government ang Non-Government organization and needed approaches for Tribal



Examine various forms of exploitation of women in different employment


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M.Phil Entrance Test - 2013




I. Business Statistics (No problems):

01. Time Series: Name - components - Secular Trend and its

estimation - Semi Average, Moving Average, Least Squres - compound

growth rates - Seasonal variations.

02. Correlation and Regression : Correlation - concept - Different

Methods of Study - Coefficient of Determination, Regression - Use of

Multiple Regression Analysis for prediction.

03. Theory of Sampling and Sampling Designs : Merits and limitations

of Sampling - Principles of Statistical Regularity - Law of inertia of large

numbers - Methods of sampling errors.

04. Elementary probability theory - concepts - axioms - approaches -

business utility.

05. Tests of Hypothesis: setting up hypothesis - Type I and Type II

errors - point and interval estimates bconcept.of Standard Error - Single

and two tail tests - Basic steps in testing the hypothesis.

06. Statistical Decision Theory - Determination of Optimal Act - Two

people - Zero - sum game and business strategies.

II. Industrial Economics:

01. Concept of Industry, Firm and Plant - Theory of firm -

Environmental influence on the decision making process in business firm

– factores influencing the size of business units.

02. Demand Analysis - Market Structure - Equilibrium of firm and

industry under different competitive conditions.

03. Production - Industrial productivity and its measurements - Factors

influencing productivity -Capacity utilisation in Indian Industry.

04. Industrial Policy - A brief review of various Industrial Policy

Resolutions and Statements in India.

III. Organisational Behaviour:

01. Organisational Behaviour - Meaning - Scope - Factors influencing

Organisational Behaviour.

02. Indiviadual Behaviour Models of man - Personality - Stages of

personality - Deteminants of personality - perceptual process - Perceptual

distortion - attitude formation.

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03. Group Dynamics: Reasons for the formation of groups -

Characteristics of groups - Group cohesiveness - Factors influencing

group cohesiveness.

04. Leadership: Leadership skills - Leadership styles - managerial grid

- Management of change -Causes for resistance to change - Measures to

overcome resistance to change.


I. Financial Management & Accounting. 01. Concept of Financial Planning - Operating and Financial Leverage

- Fundamentals of Capital structure decisions.

02. Cost of capital - cost of debt - Preference capital, equity and

retained earnings and weighted averages - cost of capital

03. Capitalization concepts - Theories - over and Under Capitalization

- working capital concepts and principles.

04. Fundamentals of capital budgeting - capital budgeting process -

Evaluation of investment opportunities - Pay back - accounting rate of

return and discounted cast flow techniques (Problems excluded)

05. Accounting concepts, conventions and standards -Analysis of

financial statements: Ratios and SOL, and uses of funds analysis.

06. Company legislation relating to accounts and audit - cost, social

management audit.

II. Marketing Management: 01. Marketing Environment: Micro and Macro Environment factors -

Marketing mix - Elements -Factors influence marketing mix.

02. Role of marketing research - Techniques and methods of

marketing research.

03. Market segmentation - Bases for segmentation of consumer and

industrial markets - Market targeting - Product positioning - Product line

decisions - Product mix - Product life cycle - Branding sisions.

04. Factors influencing pricing desions: Pricing policies - changes in


05. Adverting: Objectives - Place of advertising in marketing -

Limitations on the uses of advertising Preparation of advertising copy -

Selection of media - Measuring advertising effectiveness -Advertising


III. Personnel Management:

01. Functions and responsibilities of personnel manager.

02. Manpower planning - concept - Manpower environment -

Techniques of manpower planing -determining manpower needs of an


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03. Staffing and Recruitment - Staff policies - Job analysis - Job

description - recruitment - Methods of Recruitment - Selection

instruments - Selection instruments - Selection process.

04. Training: meaning and need -Types of training - Management of

training programme.

05. Performance Appraisal: Concept - Need - Techniques.

Note: The candidate has to choose any one section in Part -B as Optional.

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Par – A is compulsory, the candidate has to choose only one subject as optional

from part- B.

PART-A (Marks: 50)

Answer any one of the following

1 . What is sampling? What are the various methods of sampling?

2 . How is equilibrium attained under Monopoly? What are the limitations of a


3 . Explain the concept of personality. What factors do determine the personality of an


PART-B (Marks: 50)

Answer any two questions from any one of the following subjects.

Marketing Management

1. What is Market Segmentation? What type of Segmentation do you suggest bathing


2. How do you measure advertising effectiveness?

3. What are the constituents of marketing Mix? What factors influence Marketing Mix?

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Financial Management and Accounting

1. Distinguish between over capitalization and under capitalization. What are the

consequences of over capitalisation?

2. Explain the concept of Leverage. Bring out the significance of EBIT – EPS Analysis.

3. Distinguish between NPV and IRR. Which of them do you recommended as an

investment criteria?

Personnel Management

1. What techniques are useful in appearing the performance of a middle level manager?

2. Evaluate the recent trends in the methods of recruitment and selection.

3. Draw out a manpower planning scheme for a college.

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M.Phil Entrance Test – 2013




1. Write an essay in about 750 words on one of the following:

(Three questions to be set from among the following literary topics: Literature

and Social Change, Modernism in Literature, Post modernism in Literature,

Stream of Consciousness Novel in English, Absurd Drama, Existentialism and

Literature, Symbolist Movement in Literature, Feminist Consciousness in

Literature, Expatriate Fiction, Themes of Postcolonial Fiction, Post-Independence

Indian English Novel

2. Write a critical appreciation of the poem given below in about 600 words. (A

poem to be given)

3. Write short notes in about 50 words each on five of the following. (Ten bits to be

set from the following topics)

Expressionism, Tragicomedy, Symbolism, Surrealism, Allegory, Middle English,

Satire, Lyric, Renaissance Humanism, Revenge Tragedy, Comedy of Humours,

Origin and Development of English Drama, Shakespearean Tragedy, Romance,

Characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry, Neo-classicism, Mock-epic, Comedy of

Manners, Restoration Rise of the English Novel, Parody, Picaresque Novel, The

Periodical Essay, Romantic Revival, Theory of Poetic Diction, Drawing Room

Novel, Victorian Compromise, Nineteenth Century British Novel, Dramatic

Monologue, Imagism, Poetry of Disillusionment, Poetry of the Thirties,

Movement Poetry, Problem Play, Oedipus Complex, Function of Criticism,

Neoclassical Criticism, Coleridge on Fancy and Imagination, Touchstone

Method, Theory of Impersonality, New Criticism, Feminism, Realism,

Naturalism, Mimesis, Hamartia, Catharsis, Biography and Autobiography,

Science Fiction, Magic Realism, Black Humour, Utopia and Dystopia


4. Write an essay on one of the following in about 700 words:

a. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century Indian

English poets: Ramanujan, Shiv K. Kumar, Ezekiel

b. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century Indian

English Novelists: RK Narayan, Mulk Raj Anand, Kamala Markandaya

c. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century Indian

English Playwrights: Tendulkar, Asif Currimbhoy, Girish Karnad

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5. Write an essay on one of the following in about 700 words:

a. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century

American Poets: Whitman, Frost, Wallace Stevens

b. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century

American Novelists: Hemingway, Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud

c. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century

American Playwrights: O‘Neill, Tennesse Williams, Arthur Miller

6. Write an essay on one of the following in about 700 words:

a. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century British

Poets: TS Eliot, WH Auden, Ted Hughes

b. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century British

Novelists: James Joyce, Lawrence, Joseph Conrad

c. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century British

Playwrights: Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter

7. Write an essay on one of the following in about 700 words:

a. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century Post -

colonial poets: Derek Walcott, Margaret Atwood, Wole Soyinka

b. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century Post -

colonial Novelists: Chinua Achebe, N‘Gugi, Toni Morrison

c. A question to be set on one of the major twentieth century Post -

colonial playwrights: Wole Soyinka, Ama Ata Aidoo, Amiri Baraka

8. Write an essay on one of the following in about 700 words:

a. A question to be set on the history of English language.

b. A question to be set on the English Phonetics.

c. A question to be set on methods of teaching English.

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M.Phil Entrance Test -2013




I. Meaning, kinds, nature and scope of History, importance of the study of Histoty,

History as a science and art.

II. History an its relations with other social sciences, especially with Geography,

Economics, Archaeology, Anthropology, Sociology and Political science.

BL Development of historical writings. A brief survey of historical writings in

Europe and India covering the major trends: the historians and philosophers of

history such as Herodotus, thucidides, Ranke Hegel, Kari Marx, A. J. Toynbee,

Kalhana, Jadunath Sarkar, Neelakanta Sastry.


1. Sources, land and people-influence of Geography on History.

2. The Rigvedic or early Vedic society and culture - later Vedic Society and Culture.

3. Republic and kingdoms of North India - The rise of the Kingdom of Magadha

Jainism and Buddism.

4. Foundation of Mauryan empire - nature of the state, Mauryan policy - Ashoka‘s

Dharma - Contribution to buddism, internal trade and trade routes - social (if -

decline of the Mauryan Empire.

5. Greeks, Sakas and Kushans in India - Kushan empire - Mahayana Buddhism -

Deccan under the Satavahavas urbanisation - trade and merchant guilds.

6. Foundation of the Gupta Empire - Gupta policy Samantha system, arts and

literature - society and economy - decline of the Gupta Empire.

7. India in the post - Gupta times - Harshavardhana - Pallavas - Chaludya. The

Cholas and their administrative system.

8. Raiputs, their contribution to Indian culture.

9. Arab conquest; their impact on Indian economy, society and culture.

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A. Factors leading to the establishment of the, Sultanate - The Slave Dynasty -

Balban, the Khiljis -Allauddin Khilji - conquests and reforms - Tughlaks -

Mohammad Bin Tuglak - Reforms; Ft Shah -Sayyids - Lodis - survey.

B. The kingdoms of the South: The Kakatiyas, the Vijayanagara empire - The

Bahamnis - a survey.

C. Society and culture in early medieval India Religious reform movements, Bhakti

Cult-Sufi siants -Interaction between Hinduism and Islam - arts and architecture -

Society and culture during the Kakatiya and the Vijayanagara periods.

D. Economics conditions in early medieval India - Administrative system of Delhi

Sultanate, the Kakatiya and the Vijayanagara - economic conditions and


E. Political history of the Mughuls; Administration, society, economy and culture.


1. Beginnings of British power in India - Anglo - French rivalry in the Deccan and

the Carnatic -Decline of French power - The English Company‘s involvements in

Bengal - The Battle of Plassey - The Battle of Bauxar - The British conquest of

India with special reference to Maharashtra and Mysore. Resistance of native

powers and causes of their failure, British Paramountacy over princely states.

2. Changes in administrative structure and politics - revenue, judicial, social and

educational activities of Christian Missionaries - British economic policies and

their impact on agriculture and industry.

3. Nationalism: Social basis of India Nationalism - origin and growth of Indian

Nationalists and militant nationalists -Revolutionary Terrorists - Rise and growth

of Communalism - Emergence of Gandhiji in Indian Politics and his techniques of

mass mobilisation: Non-Cooperation, Civil disobedience and Quit India

Movements - Rise of the Left Wing, Gandhiji‘s contribution to Indian National

Movement - British Official response to National Movement - Attitude of the

Congress to constitutional changes 1909,1919,1935 Acts, Indian National Army -

Naval Mutiny of 1946 - The partition of Indian and achievement of Independence.

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer four questions in all selecting two from the selection –A which is

compulsory and other Two from any one of the optional selection (B or C or D)

2. All questions carry equal marks

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1. Define History and discuss its importance.

2. Examine the relation History with Economics and Archaeology.

3. Analyses the major trends in the development of historical writings in


4. Asses the contribution of Neelakanta sastry to Indian Historiography.


5. Critically examine the influence of Geography on Indian History With

suitable examples.

6. Examine the social-religious and political conditions in India in the 6th

Century B.C. which helped the rise of new religious movement in India?

7. Discuss the contribution of Ashoka to the development of political,

administrative and religious institutions under the muryas.

8. Evaluate the salient features of the administrative system of the Cholas.


9. Asses the importance of the administrative and economic reforms of

Allauddin Khilji.

10. Discuss the contribution of Kakatiyas to the political and cultural

development in south India.

11. Trace the social conditions during the vijayanagara period.

12. Explain the Mughal administrative system.

SECTION-D (MODERN INDIA 1740-1947) (Optional)

13. Discuss the methods adopted by the British and the important stages in the

establishment of the British paramountancy in India till the quarter of the 19


14. Examine the merits and demerits of the revenue policies of the British in

India during company‘s rule.

15. Discuss the causes and consequences of the 1857 Revolt.

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16. Analyse the important developments between 1940-47 that led to the

partition of India.


M. Phil Entrance Test – 2013



1) Human Resource Management & HRD

i) Human Resource Planning

ii) Employee compensation

iii) Human Resource Development Mechanism,

iv) Training and Development

2) Organizational Behavior.

i) Aspects of Human Behaviors and personality

ii) Industry and Society

iii) Organizational Change

iv) Organizational Development

3) Social Research & Statistical Methods

i) Characteristics and Scientific Research.

ii) Methods of Research

iii) Scales of Measurement

iv) Data Analysis and Presentation

4) Management of Employees Compensation Systems

i) Employee remuneration,

ii) Wage Components

iii) Incentives

iv) Fringe Benefits

5) Employee Consenting and Labour Welfare Administration

i) Techniques of Behavioral Counseling

ii) Group Counseling

iii) Evolution of Labour Welfare policy

iv) Welfare of Special groups.

6) Total Quality Management

i) Total Quality Oriented HRM

ii) Strategic Quality Plans

iii) Organizing for TQM

iv) Methods for Total Quality Management

7) Labour Legislation & Labour Economics

i) Andhra Pradesh Factory Rules

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ii) Mines Act

iii) Industrial Policy

iv) Labour Market

8) Financial Management

i) Role of Financial Management

ii) Capitalization

iii) Working Capital Management

iv) Capital Budgeting

9) Information systems and Computer Applications

i) Information Systems for Manpower Planning

ii) Information Systems for Decision Making

iii) Planning designing and Implementation of MIS

iv) Management and Computer Systems

10) Management of Theory and Practices

i) Planning

ii) Organizing

iii) Directing and Controlling

Management Environment

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any five following questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

1) Write an essay on Training and development.

2) Examine the aspects of Human Behavior and Personality.

3) Critically examine the objectivity in Social Science Research.

4) What are the different types of Management of employee Compensation


5) Examine the various labour welfare programmes launched for the welfare of

labour in India

6) Write an essay on total Quality Management.

7) Critically examine the Main provisions of the Factories Act 1948 in India.

8) Define the Financial Management in an Organization

9) Write an essay on Information System and computer Applications

10) Examine the Management Theory and Practice

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M. Phil Entrance Test - 2013



1) Administrative Theory:

i) Classical Theories

ii) Behavioral Theories

iii) New Theoretical Approaches

iv) Emerging Theoretical Perspectives

2) Public Policy and Global Organizations & Development

i) Policy Process

ii) Policy Analysis

iii) World Bank

iv) World Trade Organization (WTO)

3. Management Techniques & Human Resource Management

i) Evaluations of Management Techniques

ii) Organization and Methods (O&M)

iii) Human Resource Planning

iv) Instructional Strategies of HRD.

4) Public Administration in India

i) Government & Administration Central and State Levels.

ii) District Administration.

iii) Reforms in Rural Local Governments in Post-Independent India.

iv) Personal. Finance and State Control of Panchayat Raj Institutions

5) Research Methodology in Social Sciences,

i) Problem of Objectivity in Social Research,

ii) Methods of Data Collection

iii) Data Analysis iv) Report Writing

6) Financial Administration

i) Budgeting

ii) Accounting and Auditing

iii) Union-State Financial Relations

iv) Control over Public Finances.

7) Rural and Urban Local Governments

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i) Rural Development Programmes,

ii) Rural Development Institutions,

iii) Urban Local Bodies

iv) Metropolitan Authorities.

8) Comparative Public Administration

i) Nature-Evolution and Importance of Comparative Public Administration

ii) Fred W.Riggs

iii) Ferrell Heady

iv) Historical and Contemporary Approaches

9) E-Governance and Human Resource Development

i) Theoretical Perspectives

ii) Development and Techniques,

iii) HRD Mechanisms

iv) Instructional Strategies for HRD.

10) Office Management.

i) Office Organization & Management

ii) Office Files

iii) IT and Modern Office Management

iv) Office Networking LAN. WAN.

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any five following questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

1) Critically examine the impact of globalization as economic development of


2) Critically examine the changing role of the District collector in Andhra


3) What are the basic features of office organization.

4) What an essay on Accounting and Auditing.

5) Explain the views of Luther Gallick and Urvick on Classical approach.

6) Explain the different approaches to the public policy.

7) What is development? Explain the reasons for under development in India.

8) Discuss briefly the socio-economic Context of India Administrations.

9) Critically examine the various strategies of rural development programmes

adopted after Independence.

10) a) Privatization b) Urbanization c) Cabinet Committees d) Reserve Bank of


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M.Phil Entrance Test – 2013



1. a. Thomas Hobbes : Theory of Individualism - consent and

Sovereignty - Philosophy and Science.

b. Rocsseau : Property and Origin of Inequality-Concept of

General will Paradox of Freedom and


c. J.S. Mill : Utilitarianism - Concept of Liberty -

Representative Government.

d. Karl Markx : Dialectical Materialism - Historical

Materialism - Critique of Capitalism - Theory

of alienation - Concept of Man.

2. a. Morgenthau‘s Realistic Theory of International Politics.

b. Theories of Imperialism - Marxist and Non-Marxist.

c. Neo-Colonialism - International Politics - Non - alignment - its growth -

Characteristics and assesment - new International Economics order.

3. a. Nature of Modem Political Theory - Normative and Behavioural approaches.

b. Systems Theory: Decision Making theory: Communication and Game


c. Structural - Functional Analysis.

4. a. Theories of Political Development - Concept of Modernisation and Nation


b. Theory of Elites - Political Culture - The role of values and attitudes in


c. Political Participation - Theory and Practice.

5. a. Social dimentions of Indian Politics - Role of caste, Language, Religion in

Political processes.

b. Working of Federal Polity in India - Problem of Centralisation - Movements

for States autonomy.

c. Indian Experience with development and democracy - areas of performance

and tensions.

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6. a. Political ideas of Arthasastra and the Law Book Menu,

b. Theories of the Origin of the State - Nature, Aims and Functions of the state

in ancient India - Kingship.

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the characteristic features of Sovereignty as outlined by Thomas

Hobbes in HIS Theory on Sovereignty.


Discuss Rocsseau‘s views on Freedom and Authority. Examine their validity.


Critically evaluate Karl Marx‘s critique of capitalism in the light of recent



2. Explain the basic assumptions of Normative and Behavioural approaches in

Political Science. How do they differ?


Discuss the aims and achievements of Non-aligment Movement. Is it still

relevant to the Third World? How?


Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of systems theory in understanding the

developing Political systems.

3. Comment on the utility of Madernization Theories in understanding the

moderanization process in the developing nations.


What is political culture? Explain the features and determents of political

culture in developing countries.


Examine the different determination of Political Participation in the context

of India.


4. Explain the performance Indian Democracy and identify the areas of



How far did the planned economic development model adopted by India

achieve its goals? What are its limitations?


Examine the theories on origin of state in Ancient India with special

reference to Kautilya‘s Theory.

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M.Phil. Entrance Test -2013



1. Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education

Meaning & Scope of Philosophy of Education; Basic Philosophical Issues on

Education: Metaphysics - Epistemology - Axiology; Indian Philosophies and

Education; Western and other Philosophies: Idealism, Naturalism, Realism and

Pragmatism and their influence on Education; Educational thought of Modern

Educational Thinkers: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo and J. Krishna Murthy;

Education and Society; Sociological Functions of Education; Education and

Social Change; Culture: Role of Education in Cultural Context; Education and

Cultural Change; Education and Modernization; Education and Democracy;

Equality of Educational Opportunity; Education of Disadvantaged Sections.

2. Advanced Educational Psychology

Scope of Educational Psychology; Growth an Development; Learning &

Motivation - Child Development Theories - Learning Theories; Intelligence and

Intelligence Theories - Creativity Studies and Measurement of Creativity; Special

Education for the Exceptional Children - Gifted and Backward Children.

3. Curriculum Development and Educational Technology

Origin an Evolution of Curriculum Making - Determinants of Curriculum;

Curriculum Planning; Organization of Curricular Context; Evaluation of

Curriculum; Selecting Instructional Strategies; Need of Educational Technology;

Programmed learning; Systems Analysis; Computer Education; Computer

Hardware and Software.

4. Research Methodology

Introduction, Meaning of Research; Scientific Method - Application of Scientific

Method in Education; Methods of Research; Selection and Definition of a

Problem; Preparation an Evaluation of a Research Plan; Selection of a Sample;

Selecting of Measuring Instrument; Techniques of Consulting Library; Methods

of Research; Data Management; Preparation of Research Report - Descriptive

Statistics; Measure of Central Tendency; Measures of Variability; Measures of

Relationship: Test of Significance: The‘t‘ Test simple analysis of Variance,

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Multiple Comparision Factorial Analysis of Variance and Analysis of Covariance

- Multiple Regressions : Chi-square - Use of Computers in Data Analysis

5. Teacher Education

Teacher Education - Concepts, Aims and Scope of Teacher Education - Teacher

Education in a Changing Society; Teacher Education Curriculum at Different

Stages - Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary; Principles of

Teaching; Methods of Teaching School Subjects - Teaching Models - Micro-

teaching, Block-teaching, Internship its Organisation and Problems - Supervision

and Evaluation of Student Teaching; Teaching as a Profession - Meaning of

Profession - Professional Ethics; Major issues in Teacher Education - Quality of

Education - Competency based Commitment Oriented Quality Education;

Research in Teacher Education - Action Research.

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100


Answer any FIVE Questions. Each Question carries 8 Marks

1. Explain the salient features of Gandhian Philosophy of Education.

2. What is Social Change? Explain with reference to Eduction.

3. Discuss the cognitive Child Development Theory of jean Piaget.

4. What are the implications of Operant Conditioning Theory of B.f.Skinner?

5. Critically evaluate the Secondary Curriculums of A.P.

6. What is the need of Educational Technology in the present day context?

7. What is Experimental Research?

8. on the intelligence test, 5 boys and 40 girls made the following scores

Sex No. Mean SD

Boys 50 60.52 11.42

Girls 40 55.68 12.12

Is the difference between boys and girls means significant at the 0.05 level?

At the 0.01 level?

9. Write briefly about the teachers Education in a changing society?

10. Explain the role of the teacher Organizations in the Quality Improvement of

Teacher Education.


Answer ALL Questions. Each Question carries 12 Marks

1. (a) Explain the concepts ‗Nationalism‘ and ‗National Integration‘ and the role of

Education in promoting National Integration and Nationalism.


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(b) Explain the concept ‗Equality of Educational Opportunity‘. Write the

measures taken by the Government to promote educational opportunities to the

socially disadvantaged groups.

2. (a) Explain the Guilford Structure of Intellect Model and its educational



(b) What is Special Education? How you help the gifted children?

3. (a) What are the Sociological, Physiological and Philosophical

determinants of Curriculum?


(b) What is computer Education? What is the place of Computers in

Teacher Education? Discuss.

4. (a) Outline a Research Proposal in any field of Education of your choice.


(b) Describe the procedure to be adopted in preparing and using a

questionnaire as a data gathering tool.

5. (a) Explain the importance of professional Ethics, with special reference

to Teaching Profession.


(b) What is the need and importance of Quality of Teacher Education?

Explain the role of NCTE in maintaining the Standards of Teacher


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M.Phil Entrance Test -2013




The Meaning and definition of sociology - Nature and Scope. The Origins of Sociology -

Sociology as a Science. Methods in Sociology. Sociology and its relationship with other

social sciences. Development of Sociology in India.

Society: Distinctive Characteristics of human society - Social Relationships - Symbol and

culture. Social System: Personality - Culture - Society: Interdependence; values &

Norms pattern variables. Social Structure: Concept & Elements - Institutions and


Social group: Meaning - Types

Social Institutions: Marriage - Family - Education - Economy - Polity - Religion.

Social - Process: Associative - Dissassociative

Socialization: Meaning - Re-socialization: Anticipatory Socialization: Adult

Socialization. Social Control: Definitions & Meaning: Social Control - Means: Formal -

Informal - Agencies. Social Deviance and Control.

Social Stratification: Social Differentiation and Social Stratification - Forms of Social

Stratification: Caste/ Estate/ Class/Theories - Social Mobility. Status & Role: Status &

Role: Their inter-relationship - Typology of social statps-Status - sec Status

crystalization, Role-set & Role Conflict.

Social Change: Concept and types - Factors of social change Biologica, Culture - Social -

technological, Theories: Mardian, Sorokin‘s, Toyenbee, Ogburn, etc., social change in

India: Sanskritization, Westernization, and Modernization & Secularization.


Auguste Comte: Beginnings of Sociology, Positive Philosophy, Law of three stages;

Hierarchy of Sciences. Social Statics and Special Dynamics.

Ernile Dukheim: Rules of Sociological Method, Divisions of Labour, Mechanical and

Organic Solidarity, Anomie, Succide, Society and Religion. Robert Spencer: The concept

of evolution: Organic and Inorganic evolution. Methodology for social sciences. Types of

society. Organismic theory of society (individual and the States).

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Karl Marx: Nature of Social reality, Dialectical and Historical Materialism. Base and

super structure, Capitalism -Class and Class conflicts. The concept of Alienation.

Resolution of Class Conflict.

Max Weber: Methodology of social sciences - Facts, values and social understanding,

(verrtehen) Types of Authority - Bureaucracy - Social Action: Religion and Rise of


V»F. Pareto: Logical and Non - logical actions. Residues and Derivations. General Forms

of society. Elites and the theory of circulation of Elites.

George Simmel: The concept of sociology: Forms of sociation, dissociation - study of

membership and Non-Membership, Groups - Functions of Social groups. Size and

intensity of conflict-Social function of Conflicts.


Meaning & Importance of Social research Logic: Deductive and Inductive.‘rules of logic

andjSocial Research Epistomological and foundations of Social Research.

Scientific Method: Steps in Scientific Method.. Hypothesll, characteristics.and types r

Fact,Values and Social Research: Concept, theory and methods.

Research Design: Explatatory - Descriptive, Diognastic and experimental design.

Methods of Primary, Secondary, Observation, Questionnaire, Interview Schedule Case

Study Survey and Projective

Sampling Design: Universe and Sample, Probability Sample, Simple Random, Stratified,

Random and, Sampling purposive. Date analysis, Classification, coding,Tabulation,

Applications of Computers in Social Report Writing.

Importance of Statistics in Sociological Research, Measures of Central Tendency - Mean,

Medium, Mode, Measures of Association Chi-square and correlation, Analysis of

Variance, F-Test & T-Test.


Definition of Social Anthropology - Methods and Scope of Social Anthropology. Social

Anthropology and other Social Science - Evolution of Man and Society - Theories of


Sulture: Definitions, Nature, Elements, types and functions. Culture-Contact.


Theories of Culture: Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict. Convergent Theory: Ralf Llnton,

Cultural deterministrics theories.

Tribal Society: Nature and Characteristics of Tribal Community - Tribe Ad Caste, Tribal

institutions: Family, Marriage, Kinship and Clan.

Tribal Institutions: Economics, Political Legal and Religion.

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Tribal Development and Welfare Programmes: Approaches: Enlightenments (Ghurye,

Elvin, Dube) Integrated approach to Tribal Development, Science, Technology,

Development - their influence on Tribes.


Nature of Social reality and sociological theory and Perspectives. Ecological Perspectiye

- Animal and Plant Ecology - Ecological complex - Ecology and Society.

Structural - Functional Perspective: Bronslow Malinowsky, Radiciffe Brown/and Talcott

Parwans, Rbert K. Merton.

Conflict Perspective: Pre-Marxian conflict - Machiavelli, Marxian or dialectical conflict,

Structural Conflict Theory-Simmel. Peter Van Den Berghe, Lewiscoser and Dehrendorf.

Exchange Perspectives: George. C. Homans and Peter M. Blau, Symbolic Interactionist

Perspective: William James John Dewy, C.H. Cooley, G.H. Mead, Herbert Blumer.

Phenomenological Perspective: Edmund Hussere, Alfred Schutz, Berger and Luckman.

Ethnomethodiologycal Perspective: Harold Garfmkel, Harvey Sache.


Rural Sociology: Nature, Scope, The Indian Village and its linkages, Rural - Urban

communities, contrast and continum, Rural Settlement Patterns.

Rural Social Organization: Rural Stratification Caste-Class, concept of Derminant Caste,

Jajmani System. Rural - Family, types and changes,

Rural Economy - Polity: Land tenure and agrarian structure. Land-Reforms. Rural Power

Structure. Panchayat Raj, Factionalism and Leadership.

Urban Sociology: Nature, Scope, Urbanism, Urbanization, Pre-industrial and Industrial

Cities. Urban growth in India. Rural-Urban Migration, Urban Ecology.

Rural and Urban Problems and Development: Rural Community Development. Concept

of Development, Recent Aural, development programmes In India and Andhra Pradesh

Slums; Problems and Development, Industrialization - Urbanization and-their impact on

Rural areas.


Nature and Scope of Industrial Sociology. Industrial Factory organization, production,

working class and their impact on the society.

Industrial evolution and the growth of capitalism in India. Growth of working class. Its

nature and the working conditions.

Scientificmanagement of Taylor-time and motion studies. Impact on management and the

workers may Human relations approach. Hawthorne expertments-infarmal groups in

Industrial Organization.

Trade Union Movement in India, Structure of unions, Unions and management.

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Commitment Motivation of workers, incendve. Scheme. Wages, bonus and ringe benefits

- Absenteeism.

Evolution of Industrial law in India recognition of unions, collective bargaining,

arbitration, adjudication and conciliation, workers participation.


Nature and Scope of Political Sociology - Approaches in Political Analysis. Political

power and social stratification: less Caste. Karl Marx, Max Weber Parets, C.W. Mills and

Politics,. & Society,

The Concept of state, the relationship between State & Civil Society, soverignty and

Government. The concept of Government forms of government, arious wings of

government Authority and power, legitimation of the power, ruling class and lites.

Political Party : Nature and Origin - Definition of Political part -Types of party of party

system - structure of the political party - Functions of political party - Pressure groups.

Political Cultural and Political socialization. Political socialization as a process. Agencies

of Political socialization, communication and political socialization, Theories of political


Political participation - Political Development - Modernization and Political Culture -

Voting behaviour. Social Structure and Political Process in India— Democracy &

National integration.


Social Work: Definition, Scope, Importance of Social Work in developing societies.

Historical background of social work.

Process and Methods of Social Work: Social case work group works Community

Organization, Major Fields of Social Work.

Social Work in the filelds of child Welfare, Women Welfare, Youth Welfare, Family

Welfare, Welfare of Physically Handicapped and other.

Rural Community Development, Urban Community Welfare, Labour Welfare, Welfare

of Backward Classes.

The role of voluntary organizations social development, recent trends, of social work in

Developing Societies and Developed Societies.

Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any five following questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define social system and bring out the main features of a social


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2. Explain Parito‘s thesis that Sociology on a logico experimental


3. What do you mean by a Research design? Distinguish exploratory

design from experimental design.

4. Discus the nature and scope of Social Anthropology and state its

significance in modern society.

5. Evaluate Karl Marx‘s contributions to the conflict approach in


6. Critically examine the Jajmani system in Rural Society.

7. Examine critically the principles of scientific management enunciated

by Taylor.

8. Explain the important determinants of population growth reference to

the Third Won.

9. Explain the role of caste in voting behavior.

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:

a) Urban ecology

b) Pressure groups

c) Migration

d) Rural family types

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