jurnal-pengaruh osmotikum pada pembetukan & perkembangan embrio somatik kedelai

 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Agustina, H., W. Widoretno dan R. Mastuti. 2005. Pengaruh Asam Amino Pad a Pertumbuh an dan Perkemban gan Emb rio Somati k Kedela i !l"#ine ma$ %.& Merr&. 'ugas Akhi r (urusan )iologi *akutas M+PA ni-ersitas )rai/a"a Allard, R.W. 10. Prin#i3le o4 Plant )reeding. (ohn and Wille" Sons. e 6ork. Hal 21788 Attree S.M. dan %.9. *oke. 118. Embr"ogen" o4 !"mnos3erms: Ad-an #es in S"ntheti# Seed 'e#hnolog" o4 9oni4ers. Plant 9ell, 'isue and.;rgan 9ulur. 85: <85 Attree, S.M., =. Moore, >.R. Sahne" dan %.9. *oke. 11. Enhan#ed Maturation and =esi##ation 'oleran#e o4 White S3ru#e Pi#ea glau#a ?Moen #h.@ > oss& Somat i# Embr" os: E44e #ts o4 a non7Plasmol"s ing Water Stress and Abs#isi# A#id. Ann. )ot. : 51<525 )aile" , M.A., H.R. )oerma dan W.A. Parrot. 118. !enot"3e e44e#t on 3roli4eratii-e Embr"ogenes is and Plant Regeneration ;4 So"bean. +n -itro 9ell.=e- .)iol.21: 0270 )a/a/ 6.P.S. 11B. )iote#hnologi#al A33li#ations o4 Plant 9ulture. Somati# Embr"ogenesis and arti4i#ial Seeds. S3ringer7> erlag. )erlin. Hal 587C1 )arale, .)., H.A. Kern dan (.M. Widholm. 1. Plant Regeneration 4rom 9allus 9ulture o4 Se-eral So"bean !enot"3es >ia Embr"ogenesis and ;rganogenesis. Planta C:BC87B0 )arale, .) dan (.M. Widholm. 110. So"bean: Plant Regeneration and Soma# lonal > aria tion. =alam 6 .P .S. )a/a/ Ed& . )iot e#hno log" in Agr i#u ltu ral and *or est r" . > ol 0. %eg ume s D ;il See d 9ro 3 . S3ringer7>erlag Heidelberg. )erlin

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