july-september newsletter

July - September 2011 Volume 1, Issue 8 Valley of Newport News, Orient of Virginia, AASR The Valley of Newport News Scottish Rite welcomes the 2011 Spring Reunion Class. The Spring Reunion was held on Friday April 15, Saturday April 16 and was followed by a Ring Ceremony conducted by the Knights of St. Andrew on Sunday April 16. Twelve new members attended the presentation of the 4th, 13th, 14th, 18th, 29th, 30th and 32nd Degrees. The Spring 2011 Reunion was dedicated in memory of Ill. Edgar C. Lett, IGH. Members of the 2011 Spring Reunion Class David A. Burley Brian R. Croteau Kenneth R. Dodson Timothy W. Gaskins Eric M. Grenier Robbie J. LeBlanc Paul Eugene Lubic, Jr. Marshall J. T. Manipol Richard A. Russell Brian C. Smoot Arthur K. Stevens Steven P. Vaughn

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July-September Newsletter of the Valley of Newport News


Page 1: July-September Newsletter

July - September 2011

Volume 1, Issue 8 Valley of Newport News, Orient of Virginia, AASR

The Valley of Newport News Scottish Rite welcomes the 2011 Spring Reunion Class. The

Spring Reunion was held on Friday April 15, Saturday April 16 and was followed by a Ring

Ceremony conducted by the Knights of St. Andrew on Sunday April 16. Twelve new

members attended the presentation of the 4th, 13th, 14th, 18th, 29th, 30th and 32nd Degrees.

The Spring 2011 Reunion was dedicated in memory of Ill. Edgar C. Lett, IGH.

Members of the 2011 Spring Reunion Class

David A. Burley

Brian R. Croteau

Kenneth R. Dodson

Timothy W. Gaskins

Eric M. Grenier

Robbie J. LeBlanc

Paul Eugene Lubic, Jr.

Marshall J. T. Manipol

Richard A. Russell

Brian C. Smoot

Arthur K. Stevens

Steven P. Vaughn

Page 2: July-September Newsletter

Valley Personal Representative Message Ill. C. A. Parker, IGH

Inside this Issue

Page 2 - Valley Rep Message

Page 3 -Upcoming Activities

Page 4 -“From the Secretary’s


Page 5 -Venerable Master’s


-Knights of St. Andrew

Page 6 - Scottish Rite Degrees

Page 7 - Master Craftsman Class

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Skip Parker

Page 2

As the summer months approach, we start to plan for those all-important vacations with our kids

and grandkids. If your schedule is anything like mine, you’re having a hard time fitting in all of your


We just completed our Annual Scottish Rite Picnic and, once again, it was a huge success. A big

thank you goes out to Ill. Jimmie Willis and his staff for all of their hard work. I also thank the

Knights of St. Andrew providing their support of this event. I promise you next year we will have

more food available.

As a reminder, our kitchen will go dark for July and August to give our kitchen staff a break but

the delicious dinners will resume in September. Another big thank you goes out to Ill. Don Moyer,

IGH, Ill. Chuck Sutphin, IGH, Bro. Ralph Hood, KCCH, and all of the kitchen staff who make our

evenings most enjoyable.

I will be traveling to Washington, D.C. in August for the Biennial Session of the Supreme

Council. A part of the regular business of the session is the election and conferral of the 33°,

Inspector General Honorary (IGH), as well as the Knight Commander of the Court of Honour (32º

KCCH). The brethren elected to receive these degrees will be honored at our September Stated.

Ill. Jack Smith, IGH, is very busy preparing for the Annual Scottish Rite Conference in Virginia.

Our Valley will be hosting the conference this year at the Omni Hotel in Newport News on

September 23rd and 24th. If you have never attended one of our Orient of Virginia Conferences, now

would be a great opportunity to come out and enjoy the hospitality. A change has been planned for

Conference this year on Saturday afternoon which differs from our past practices. Ill. James D. Cole,

33o, is requesting the conferral of the KCCH Degree in our auditorium. The degree will be conferred

by the Valley of Richmond after which we will return to the hotel for our Annual Banquet and

election of Officers. We will also honor all new 32º KCCHs and 33º IGHs at the banquet. This looks

to be a spectacular evening for all in attendance.

Please remind all your friends who have not yet joined the Scottish Rite that our Fall Reunion will

be held on the 28th and 29th of October. Look around your Lodges for prospective new members to

join and let’s make our Fall Reunion one our largest ever.

Enjoy your summer.

Orient of Virginia

Scottish Rite Conference

September 23rd and 24th, 2011

Omni Hotel, Newport News, VA

Conference President:

Illustrious Jack Smith, IGH

Page 3: July-September Newsletter

Valley of Newport News

Ill. James D. Cole, 33º Sovereign Grand Inspector General of Virginia

Ill. Clifford A. Parker, IGH Personal Representative of the SGIG in Virginia

Ill. Adrian L. “Pete” Eure, IGH Secretary for the Valley of Newport News

Ill. Danny O. Belott, IGH Assist. Secretary for Valley of Newport News

Ill. Gerald E. Burks, IGH Treasurer for the Valley of Newport News

Bro. Harold C. Joyner, KCCH Almoner for the Valley of Newport News

Ill. James E. Lassiter, IGH Chairman of the Trustees

Newport News Lodge of Perfection

Bro. James Allen Freeman, KCCH Venerable Master

Newport News Chapter of Rose Croix

Bro. William Lee Luthie, KCCH Wise Master

Newport News Council of Kadosh

Bro. Randolph Locknane Rogers, KCCH Commander

Newport News Consistory

Bro. James Allen Freeman, KCCH Master of Kadosh

Knights of St. Andrew

Bro. William Franklin Overby, 32º Venerable Master

Chartered October 12, 1912

Upcoming Activities

July 26 - Knights of St. Andrew Stated Meeting 7:00pm

July 27 - Valley of Newport News Stated

Meeting 7:30pm

August 21-23 - Scottish Rite Biennial Session,

Washington, D.C.

August 24 - Valley of Newport News

Stated Meeting 7:30pm

September 10 - Valley of Newport News

Spaghetti Dinner 5-7pm

September 23-24 Orient of Virginia Scottish Rite Conference,

Newport News, VA

September 27 - Knights of St. Andrew Stated Meeting 7:00pm

September 28 - Valley of Newport News Stated

Meeting 7:30pm (dinner at 6:30pm)

Our stated meetings are held on the fourth

Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm. A

deliciously prepared Dutch Treat dinner is

served at 6:30pm prior to all meetings w/e of

July & August. The Ladies of the Scottish

Rite meet at all meetings w/e of the July &

August Stated meetings.

Editor: Bro. J. Richard Rawls, 32o Asst. Ed.: Ill. David A. Burkus, IGH

Offices: 65 Saunders Rd.

Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757 599 6617

Fax: 757 599 0021

Email: [email protected]

Please support your Blue Lodge, your

Scottish Rite and all other Masonic Bodies

you are a member of.

They all need your support.

Page 3

Lodge or Valley Shirts ********************

Now that it is hot, I am

sure you would prefer to

wear a polo shirt vs. a

coat and tie. If you are

interested in ordering a

Lodge or Valley polo

shirt, please contact Ill.

Jerry Whitlock, IGH, at

757-851-6775 to place

your order. Jerry can

obtain shirts for any

Lodge in the area as well

as shirts for the Valley of

Newport News. Want a

new shirt, order one now

from Jerry !

Page 4: July-September Newsletter

From the Secretary’s Desk Ill. Adrian L. Eure, IGH

Orient of Virginia Membership J. Richard Rawls, Director of Membership

Ill. Adrian "Pete" Eure, IGH,


Page 4

Freemason Network: www.FreemasonNetwork.net

Update your Scottish Rite Information: http://update.scottishrite.org

Pay your dues online: https://secure.scottishrite.org/OnlineDuesPayment/DuesPayment1.asp

Valley of Newport News: http://newportnewsscottishrite.org

Orient of Virginia: http://www.orientofvirginia.org

The year is passing quickly and we are looking at the last half. We had an excellent Spring Reunion.

We made twelve Masters of the Royal Secret and we welcomed them and their families into the Newport

News Scottish Rite family at our Ring Ceremony and reception. I would like to thank the Newport News

Scottish Rite Ladies Club, for the outstanding reception. The ladies always make the Newport News

Scottish Rite look good!

Brothers, at this time we have over 150 members who have not paid their 2011 dues. As you know, the

Valley needs the dues to run the building and pay our bills. Please, if you have any questions concerning

your dues, please call the Scottish Rite Office. We are open – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

– from 9:00 am to Noon. The Scottish Rite Office phone number is 757-599-6617. We do not want to

suspend any of our members for non-payment of dues. Please call!!!

You may pay online to the Supreme Council, using your credit card. Go to the Supreme Council web

site: https://secure.scottishrite.org/OnlineDuesPayment/DuesPayment1.asp to make your dues payment


We are looking forward to a great Scottish Rite Conference of Virginia, hosted by the Valley of

Newport News Scottish Rite. It will be held at the Omni Hotel in Newport News on September 23-24,

2011. Something new at this Conference – the Valley of Newport News Scottish Rite will host the KCCH

Investiture at our Scottish Rite Masonic Center on September 24th, 2011. The Valley of Richmond will be

presenting the Investiture Ceremony in our auditorium on the afternoon of the 24th. Times will be

announced later.

I would like to thank the members who come in during office hours and help by answering the phone,

working in the hospital equipment building, working on the maintenance of the building, and the many

other things that need to be done around our building. Thanks a bunch!!!!

Brethren, as Director of Membership for the Orient of Virginia, I recently had the opportunity to

attend a Membership Conference at the House of the Temple in Washington. I would like to share with

you a couple of items from this conference that may be of interest to you.

Currently, the Valley of Newport News has 705 members and our average age is 68. As of June 15,

2011, 24.61% of the members of the Valley of Newport News had not paid their 2011 dues. We all need

to be a Brother-to-a-Brother and reach out to those members we have not seen in a while to determine if

they are experiencing a health or financial issue. Is the only time we communicate with our Brethren

when we want their dues payment? We should be calling on our members throughout the year to see if

they need our help. Show a Brother that you care about him by simply staying in touch with him. Do

your part to be a Brother-to-a-Brother.

You are encouraged to make use of the web sites shown below. We are moving forward with

technology and we hope that everyone will do what they can to make use of it. Stay informed, update

your Scottish Rite information and pay you dues online. Should you have any questions concerning

membership in the Orient of Virginia, please contact me.

Fraternally, Richard

Page 5: July-September Newsletter

Venerable Master’s Message Bro. James Allen Freeman, KCCH

Knights of St. Andrew William Overby, Venerable Master

Brethren of the Valley of Newport News Scottish Rite wearing black hats, we still need you to join with us.

Unfortunately, we have recently lost a few members and to support our Valley we need all your help. We had a very

successful Spring Reunion where we put on the exciting 29th degree. I express my thanks to all Sir Knights who took part in

the presentation- job well done.

The Annual Feast of Bannockburn on June 28th was well attended. Thanks for coming and I hope you enjoyed the “Tur-

Duc-In”, a medieval dish. The special presentation about the Feast of Bannockburn by Sir Knight Chris Knoller was well

done and appreciated. We will also be helping with the Scottish Rite BBQ on July 16th. Make your plans now to attend.

Those of you black hats that would like to join our distinguished Knights of St. Andrew, just ask any Sir Knight for an

application for membership and bring it to our next meeting with $25.00. We also welcome Red and White Hat Scottish

Rite members to join with us in our service to the Valley. You can’t hold office or vote but we would still love your support

as we all serve the Valley of Newport News.

Our next meetings will be held on Tuesday, July 26th and

Tuesday, September 27th at 7:00 PM.

Fraternally Sir Knight William Overby, Venerable Master

Page 5

The year is moving swiftly just like the sand in an hour glass and we still have many things to accomplish before the year

ends. We had a great turnout at the 9th Annual Ill. William M. Johnson, IGH, Memorial Golf Tournament at the

Williamsburg National Golf Club. I would like to thank everyone that helped make this event a success this year. Your

dedication to this cause is very much appreciated. Please visit our web site (newportnewsscottishrite.org) and review the

pictures of our 2011 Golf Tournament. I am looking forward to your support in next year’s tournament scheduled for May


The 2011 Spring Reunion was very successful and the degree teams did an outstanding job. I would like to thank

everyone behind the scenes who made this a wonderful success. Without your support, we could not have had such a

successful Reunion.

Several of our new members are taking the Master Craftsman’s Course, along with many others from the Valley. I would

like to thank Brother Patrick Murphrey, for his time and dedication to organize a classroom environment to discuss the

course in detail.

Our Fall Reunion is getting closer and we need new members. Please spread the word in your Lodges to help us have a

successful Fall Reunion, just as we did in the Spring.

Our Annual Family Picnic was outstanding and I want to thank the officers of the Lodge of Perfection for their hard

work. Special thanks are extended to the Knights of St. Andrews for their continued support of activities throughout the

Valley. The assistance that you provide each year cannot be replaced.

Our Annual Christmas Dinner will be held on December 21, 2011 at 6:00pm. We will have a wonderful dinner followed

by a Christmas Country Special Concert provided by the Freeman Family from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Please mark your

calendars now for this event. More details will be provided later.

May the God of Heaven and Earth keep us and guide us,

James A. Freeman

Venerable Master

Page 6: July-September Newsletter

Scottish Rite Degrees - Council of Kadosh 19° - 30° Degrees

Page 6

19th degree - Grand Pontiff. This degree proclaims the spiritual unity of all who believe in God and

cherish the hope of immortality, no matter what religious leader they follow or what creed they profess. It

is concerned primarily with the perennial conflict between light and darkness, good and evil, God and


20th degree - Master ad Vitam. This degree is a drama of the American spirit confronting the challenge

of disloyalty and treason. Masonic principles and leadership are subjected to a crucial test. The degree

demonstrates the Masonic condemnation of all that conspire against the security of the nation and the

happiness of our people.

21st degree - Patriarch Noachite. This degree teaches that Freemasonry is not a shield for evil doing and

that justice is one of the chief supports of our fraternity.

22nd degree - Prince of Libanus. In this degree, the dignity of labor is demonstrated. It is no curse, but a

privilege, for man to be allowed to earn his sustenance by work. Idleness, not labor, is disgraceful.

23rd degree - Chief of the Tabernacle. This degree teaches that impure thought and selfish, unworthy

ambitions are corrupting and destructive, and that a man who forgets his duty to family, country, and God

will be morally and spiritually destroyed.

24th degree - Prince of the Tabernacle. This degree teaches that a mutual belief in one true, living God

should bind men together in the service of humanity and in a worldwide brotherhood.

25th degree - Knight of the Brazen Serpent. This degree teaches that there are desert stretches in every

individual life in the history of every nation, with a resultant breakdown of discipline and loss of faith.

This degree is a clarion call to faith-in ourselves, in each other, and in God.

26th degree - Prince of Mercy. This degree teaches the quality of mercy; that it is a spirit of compassion

and a tenderness of heart which dispose us to overlook injuries and to treat an offender better than he


27th degree - Commander of the Temple. This degree teaches that Scottish Rite Freemasonry believes in

the concept of a free church in a free state, each supreme in its own sphere, neither seeking to dominate

the other, but cooperating for the common good.

28th degree - Knight of the Sun. This degree using the symbolism of the tools and implements of

architecture teaches that by building high moral character among its adherents, Freemasonry may

advance mans determined quest for the achievement of unity and good will throughout the world.

29th degree - Knight of St. Andrew. This degree emphasizes the Masonic teachings of equality and

toleration We are reminded that no one man, no one Church, no one religion, has a monopoly of truth;

that while we must be true and faithful to our own convictions, we must respect the opinions of others.

30th degree - Grand Elect Knight Kadosh. This degree sets forth the tests and ceremonies that symbolize

the experiences we must undergo in the building of excellence in character.

Page 7: July-September Newsletter

Brethren I am pleased to announce that we have recently started a group Master Craftsman Class at

the Valley of Newport News. The class has proven to be extremely popular with approximately 20

participants. The class is composed of a cross-section of our Valley consisting of black, red, and white

hats. The class also includes 6 of our newest Scottish Rite Masons fresh off the Spring Reunion


The class meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm until October. The class schedule is

as follows:

Class #1: May 11, Complete Quiz 1 “Some Masonic and Scottish Rite Basics”

Class #2: June 8, Complete Quiz 2 “The Lodge of Perfection”

Class #3: July 13, Complete Quiz 3 “Chapter of Rose Croix”

Class #4: August 10, Complete Quiz 4 “Council of Kadosh”

Class #5 & #6: September 14, Complete Quiz 5 “Consistory”;

Complete Quiz 6 “Scottish Rite Honors”

The cost of the class is $40 which includes your copy of the Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide,

3rd Edition (a $75 book!) and class materials. At the conclusion of the course, graduates will be

presented with a certificate and Master Craftsman lapel pin.

If you are interested in participating, it’s not too late! Please contact me at

[email protected] or 757-871-5376 and we will get you caught up.

Master Craftsman Group Class Starts at Valley of Newport News Patrick C. Murphrey, 32˚

Page 7

The New Call-Em-All Service

Recently many of you may have received a voice message from the Valley reminding you about

our May and June Stated Communications.

This call is a part of a new initiative at the Valley to continue to improve our communication to

our members.

The Call-Em-All Service allows us to call our 600+ members simultaneously to remind them of

major events and stated communications. The cost is only 6 cents per completed call. A completed

call means connecting with a live person or voicemail. This service is an inexpensive way to reach

out quickly to our members and is a substantial cost saving compared to sending notices in the mail.

Please if you do not wish to have this service, “opt-out” or

call Patrick Murphrey 757-871-5376.

We hope that you enjoy this new way of staying connected and communicating with the members

of the Valley of Newport News Scottish Rite!

Page 8: July-September Newsletter

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Our Departed


Their spirit to God,

their memory in

our hearts.

Roy Alexander Stutts, Sr., 32o

March 30, 2011

Garrett W. Sellers, Sr., 32o

March 31, 2011

Elmo Mayo Wilcox, Jr., 32o

May 30, 2011

Albert Maxwell Wagner, III, 32o

June 16, 2011

Leamond (Bud) Thomas Forrest, Jr., 32o

June 21, 2011