july, 2018 issue 8.0 page...

July, 2018 Issue 8.0 Page no.1 www.maharch.org/ Editor’s Note MASA Fellowship Programme Teachers from member institutions of MASA with valid membership are eligible to apply for MASA Fellowship Programme. Schedule for the Fellowship Programme is as follows: Introduction to the MASA Fellowship – August, 2018 Submission of Papers : on or before 15 th September, 2018 Review + Selection of Papers: October, 2018 Details of the Fellowship would be announced soon! Greetings from MASA! Its that time of the year again, where we look forward to welcoming a new batch of students to our respective institutes! Needless to say this also means the results are out and we have to bid farewell to the final year students. As it is well known Change is the only Constant in life! One of the major changes to take effect for all of us here in Maharashtra is the ban on usage of plastics. How are we coping with this ban? It was long over-due and many conscious citizens were prepared for it. Change is never easy and any old habit requires some amount of time to die. As also new habits require time to be assimilated. Every coin has two sides and so we hear a lot of news from the supporters of plastic. May be there is a grain of truth in what they say, but the fact remains that plastics are choking our waterways which is akin to wrapping plastic over your nose and mouth and trying to breathe! All of us being in the field of education, I am sure are greatly concerned with this, we would love to hear what all of you are doing to implement this ban in your campuses. Do write an email to- [email protected] to share your initiatives and we will highlight them here! A proud moment for Indian Architecture this year was the selection of our very own Padmashree Balkrishna V Doshi as the 2018 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate, announced by Mr. Tom Pritzker, Chairman of Hyatt Foundation, which sponsors the award that is known internationally as architecture’s highest honor. It is a momentous event and all of us are honoured to having a gem in the Indian architecture industry. The new academic year also brings with it new teachers training programs. As like last year, this year also all institutes will be sending the number of teachers proportionate to their intake for these training programs. I am sure this will ensure that all teachers get a chance to attend and upgrade their knowledge. The MASA Fellowship Program 2018-19 will be offered again this year in which the faculty is encouraged to integrate her/his process of research with the mainstream curricula (e.g. studios/ lectures/study trips, etc.) in which she/ he is involved, the objective being to introduce such an attitude among students. We await its impending announcement here! We also look forward to all colleges renewing their membership with MASA and to welcome new members! Please find the subscription details below: Prof. Shubhada Chapekar Principal D Y Patil School of Architecture, Lohegaon,Pune Sr.No. Intake Subscription Fees For 1 Year Subscription Fees For 3 Years 1 40 Rs.15,000/- Rs.35,000/- 2 Above 40 Rs.25,000/- Rs.60,000/-

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July, 2018 Issue 8.0 Page no.1 www.maharch.org/













Teachers from member institutions of MASA with valid membership are eligible to apply for MASA Fellowship Programme. Schedule for the Fellowship Programme is as follows: Introduction to the MASA Fellowship – August, 2018 Submission of Papers : on or before 15th September, 2018 Review + Selection of Papers: October, 2018 Details of the Fellowship would be announced soon!

Greetings from MASA! Its that time of the year again, where we look forward to welcoming a new batch of students to our respective institutes! Needless to say this also means the results are out and we have to bid farewell to the final year students. As it is well known Change is the only Constant in life! One of the major changes to take effect for all of us here in Maharashtra is the ban on usage of plastics. How are we coping with this ban? It was long over-due and many conscious citizens were prepared for it. Change is never easy and any old habit requires some amount of time to die. As also new habits require time to be assimilated. Every coin has two sides and so we hear a lot of news from the supporters of plastic. May be there is a grain of truth in what they say, but the fact remains that plastics are choking our waterways which is akin to wrapping plastic over your nose and mouth and trying to breathe! All of us being in the field of education, I am sure are greatly concerned with this, we would love to hear what all of you are doing to implement this ban in your campuses. Do write an email to- [email protected] to share your initiatives and we will highlight them here! A proud moment for Indian Architecture this year was the selection of our very own Padmashree Balkrishna V Doshi as the 2018 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate, announced by Mr. Tom Pritzker, Chairman of Hyatt Foundation, which sponsors the award that is known internationally as architecture’s highest honor. It is a momentous event and all of us are honoured to having a gem in the Indian architecture industry. The new academic year also brings with it new teachers training programs. As like last year, this year also all institutes will be sending the number of teachers proportionate to their intake for these training programs. I am sure this will ensure that all teachers get a chance to attend and upgrade their knowledge. The MASA Fellowship Program 2018-19 will be offered again this year in which the faculty is encouraged to integrate her/his process of research with the mainstream curricula (e.g. studios/ lectures/study trips, etc.) in which she/ he is involved, the objective being to introduce such an attitude among students. We await its impending announcement here! We also look forward to all colleges renewing their membership with MASA and to welcome new members! Please find the subscription details below: Prof. Shubhada Chapekar Principal D Y Patil School of Architecture, Lohegaon,Pune

Sr.No. Intake Subscription Fees For 1 Year Subscription Fees For 3 Years

1 40 Rs.15,000/- Rs.35,000/-

2 Above 40 Rs.25,000/- Rs.60,000/-

July,2018 Issue 8.0 Page no.2 www.maharch.org/








S E S S I O N I I : H I S T O R I C I T Y A N D M O D E R N I T Y : A N E M E R G I N G O R D E R I N T H E A G E O F N E T W O R K S O C I E T Y Ar. Narendra Dengle, first Lead Speaker for the session, presented the topic clearly and passionately to address the key issues of the conference related to architecture and allied disciplines. The second Lead Speaker on this sub-theme Ar. Shirish Beri. discussed about the impact of our modern digitally networked society on our lives and architecture. The session was chaired by Prof Kulbhushan Jain.

Chairman Prof. Kulbhushan Jain Lead Speaker Ar. Narendra Dengle, Pune

Lead Speaker Ar. Shirish Beri, Kolhapur

S E S S I O N I I I : A R C H I T E C T U R E A S A S O C I A L A R T I N T H E A G E O F N E T W O R K S O C I E T Y The presentation by Ar. Shubhra Raje, the first Lead Speaker of the session elaborated on how architecture can be appreciated under the lighting conditions giving a depth to it. The second Lead Speaker in the session, Architect Nela De Zoysa explained the meaning of the words paradox and paradigm, relating it with architecture. The Chairperson for this session was Dr. Ujwala Chakradeo, Principal of SMMCA. This being the occasion of International Women's Day, Ar.Shubhra Raje, Ar.Nela De Zoysa and Ar. Jackie Cooper were felicitated for their contribution in the field of architecture.

Lead Speaker Ar. Shubhra Raje, USA Lead Speaker Ar. Nela de Zoysa, Sri Lanka

Chairperson Dr. Ujwala Chakradeo

S E S S I O N I V : C O M P U T A T I O N A L D E S I G N P A R A D I G M Ar. Vishu Bhooshan, the Lead Speaker in this session introduced the concept and evolution of CoDe. The session was chaired by Ar. Paramjit Ahuja, Chairman of IIA Nagpur Centre. There were paper presentations in the session.

Lead Speaker Ar. Vishu Bhooshan, UK Chairman Ar. Paramjit Ahuja Q & A session

Address by Shri Biswaranjan Nayak, President, Council of Architecture

Keynote Speech by Jackie Cooper, Australia

Keynote Speech by Haig Beck, Australia

Keynote Speech by Ar. James Law, Hong Kong

Address by Ar. Sunil Degwekar

S E S S I O N I : I N A U G U R A L S E S S I O N The Conference was formally inaugurated by Shri Biswaranjan Naik, President, Council of Architecture. The conference commenced with two Keynote speeches – joint speech by Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper, and by Architect James Law.

Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College Of Architecture, Nagpur hosted an International Conference “Paradox to Paradigm” on 9th and 10th March,2018 at Radisson Blu, Nagpur. This conference was being hosted to commemorate the Silver Jubilee year of our college. The theme of the conference was Architecture in the Age of Network Society. The conference was helmed by Dr. Ujwala Chakradeo (Organising Chairperson), Dr. Sampada Peshwe (Organising Secretary) and Dr. Priya Choudhary (Jt. Organising Secretary); with Prof. Kulbhushan Jain, Ar. Snehal Shah, Ar. Sunil Degwekar and Prof. Shriram Marathe as the advisors.

July,2018 Issue 8.0 Page no.3 www.maharch.org/







nce S E S S I O N V I : N E W D I R E C T I O N S I N A R C H I T E C T U R E

E D U C A T I O N A N D P R O F E S S I O N The first Lead Speaker was Ar. Ryoichi Misawa, Tokyo, Japan who deliberated on New Relationship between Architectural Culture and Society. The Second Lead Speaker of the session was Ar. Habib Khan, Nagpur. He established the relation of socio cultural setup of man and its response to Architecture through various examples. This session was coordinated by the Chairman Shri M. P Rawal, Head of ‘JK Cement Architect of the year Award’.

Lead Speaker Ar. Ryoichi Misawa, Japan Lead Speaker Ar. Habeeb Khan, Nagpur Chairman Mr. M. P. Rawal

S E S S I O N V I I : N E W T E C H N O L O G I E S A N D E M E R G I N G A R C H I T E C T U R E The first Lead Speaker for the session was Ar. Ben Nakamura, from Japan. His presentation dealt with the sustainable approach adopted in his project and also addressed the technological advents addressing the Low Carbon Society in 2050. The second Lead Speaker for the session Ar. Sameep Padora stressed on investigating the emergent models of practice. The session was chaired by Prof. Abhay Purohit.

Lead Speaker Ar. Ben Nakamura, Japan

Lead Speaker Ar. Sameep Padora, Mumbai

Chairman Prof. Abhay Purohit

Q & A session

S E S S I O N V I I I : V A L E D I C T O R Y S E S S I O N The last session was a panel discussion moderated by Prof. Kulbhushan Jain. All speakers answered questions put forth by the delegates. The Guest of Honor for the valedictory was Hon’ble Shri. Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation in the Government of India. Dr. Panna Akhani, Secretary and Director of Women’s Education Society also elaborated on the relevance of the theme and the initiative taken by the institute. Dr. Sampada Peshwe, Organizing Secretary, conducted the Valedictory Session. Present on the occasion were Dr.Ujwala Chakradeo, Principal of SMMCA, Dr.Priya Choudhary, Jt. Organizing Secretary, and Ar.Sunil Degwekar, Ar. Snehal Shah and Prof Kulbhushan Jain who were the members of the advisory committee. The conference was very well attended by a host of dignitaries including Ar. Divya Kush (All India IIA President), Ar. Satish Mane (Chairman of IIA Maharashtra Chapter) and his entire team, Prof. Shirish Deshpande, and many more. The conference received great appreciation from all quarters.

Lead Speaker Ar. Snehal Shah, Ahmedabad

Lead Speaker Ar. Sebastiano Brandolini, Italy

Chairman Prof. Uday Gadkari

S E S S I O N V : A D D R E S S I N G C H A N G I N G C U L T U R A L C O N T E X T S T H R O U G H A R C H I T E C T U R E Ar. Snehal Shah, the first Lead Speaker for the session elaborated on the changes which took place from the period 1987- 1996 where India was still a nation withdrawn into its shell. He stressed upon that architects and students should need to design sensibly with rigor and meaningfully. The second Lead Speaker for the session was Sebastiano Brandolini, who runs an Architectural studio in Milan. He discussed that architect must accept their role in the society and work towards their political, cultural and ethical responsibility. The chairman for this session was Prof. Uday Gadkari.

July,2018 Issue 8.0 Page no.4 www.maharch.org/

Editorial Board Dr. Ujwala Chakradeo Prof. Akhtar Chauhan Prof. Aneerudha Paul Editor Ar.Shubhada Chapekar D Y Patil School of Architecture, Lohegaon, Pune

Design & Concept Ar. Sarika Thakoor D Y Patil School of Architecture, Lohegaon, Pune

Published by-



Bavdhan Khurd, Paud Pirangut road, Pune- 411021.

website: http://www.maharch.org/

All rights reserved © MASA

International Yoga day was observed around the world on 21st June,2018 since its inception in 2015. Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined thousands of volunteers performing yoga asanas in Uttarakhand's Dehradun Forest Research Institute. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation and highlighted the importance of yoga. He stated that Yoga has the perfect solution to the problems we face, either as individuals or in society. Yoga is beautiful because it is ancient yet modern and said that this was the first proposal in UN that was accepted in a record time. This was the first proposal in UN that was accepted in a record time. Yoga day was also observed at D Y Patil Knowledge City campus, Lohegaon,Pune. It was attended actively by students, teachers and non-teaching staff.




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Yoga Day observed on 21st June at D Y Patil Knowledge City, Lohegaon,Pune













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India was the global host of 2018 World Environment Day which will take place on June 5, 2018. “Beat Plastic Pollution” was the theme for 2018 edition. On World Environment Day, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) today said a 'zero-effect, zero-defect' khadi product was a major agent in humanity's fight against global warming and climate degradation, reports PTI. "Our traditions emphasize on living in harmony with nature. We are committed to raising standards of living of people, in a sustainable and green manner," says PM Narendra Modi at function to mark World Environment Day.

Tamil Nadu government banned plastic manufacture and use of water bottles, bags, cups, straw etc. from January 1, 2019. Union Minister of State for Environment, Dr. Mahesh Sharma told ANI that, "plastic is a necessity for us, but it shouldn't become a curse. We have to abolish the use of single-use plastic in the world. We have a responsibility towards environment and mother nature".

"Pandharichi Wari" is Maharashtra's approximately 700years old tradition in which devotees of Lord Vitthala called Varkari trace the route to Pandharpur. Devotees from all over state gathered in Dehu and Alandi, the native places of Sant Tukaram Maharaj and Sant Dnyaneshvar Maharaj in Pune. Amidst chants praising Lord Vitthala, thousands of warkaris entered Pune on Saturday, 7th July, carrying the palanquins. Both the palanquins halted in the city for the whole day of Sunday,8th July and proceeded further on the journey to the temple town in Solapur district on Monday, 9th July . Pune district administration had made all the facilities available for warkaris. Girish Bapat, guardian minister of Pune has appealed people to maintain hygiene and make this Wari "Nirmal Wari". The Palkhi procession will reach its destination on 22nd of July for Ashadhi Ekadashi celebration. Source:https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/warkari-palanquins-reach-

pune-on-the-way-to-pandharpur-118070700741_1.html, http://www.newsonair.com/Main-News-Details.aspx?id=349718