judo-ron 78-judo is ok

Zuihitsu- Random Notes about Judo by Ronald Désormeaux 1 | Page  JUDO-RON 78- Judo is O.K. Judo can be a path of conduct for a better performance during a lifetime. As I gather some notes to prepare a summary about my judo experiences, I came to realize that JUD is indeed !" Its teaching progr am is a path o# conduct #or a producti$e and enjoyable li# etime" %hether you ta&e Judo as a sport, see it as a #orm o# recreation, practice it #or the competiti$e experiences or study it #or its esthetic $alues, you 'ill #ind that all the components o# judo are ! because JUD(s ensemble is the )estalt o# all its parts" It is one o# many natural path'ays to learn ho' to better per#orm as a person"" *et me explain+ %hen Pro#essor Jigoro !ano trans#ormed the old Juj utsu techniues into his !odo&an Judo in 1--., he ensured that his in$ention 'ould conser$e the three principal attributes o# /artial Arts o# the past" 0hese 'ere #ound in the hinese, 2indus and Japanese philosophies that 'ere charted be#ore and during his li#etime" 2e diligently garnished his curriculum 'ith the triangular ideas o# S!N- "!-#$!" 0hey represent the possible path to'ards a higher state o# accomplishment through the enhancement o# the spirit, the per#ection o# technical s&ills and t he impro$ement o# bodily responses" A#ter 34 years o# being in$ol$ed 'ith the $arious judo spheres, either as a student, a competitor, a teacher, an administrator and as a m anager, I am no' able to determine that Judo as an ensemble correspond to one o# the many natural paths o# learning and gro'ing as human beings" 5y being remo$ed #rom the daily mani#estations o# Judo on the tatami or in the Dojo, one can appreciate that these routes are a$ailable #or charting by all o# us 'ho ha$e the desire to #ul#ill an enjoyable and producti$e li#e" In retrospecti$e, I can emphasize that Judo is O.K. %ith the use o# this acronym, I 'ant to emphasize that the global Judo program teaches you to O%S&R'& 67 and t o acuire the necessary KNO(-O( 6!7 that is therea#ter con$eniently trans#orming your beha$ior into a natural and harmonious )$#" 8uch #inality may last you a career and possibly a li#e time" *DO+ “Keiko Shôkon”  $im of this presentation Using the analogy o# "!9D, this essay 'ill attempt to demonstrate the strength o# the original principles employed by Pro#essor Jigoro !ano 'ith his ne' Judo teaching program" Perhaps our demonstration 'ill go beyond the preliminary explanations that 'ere presented to most o# us 'hen 'e 'ere introduc ed to judo" 0here is a saying that goes :” Let us try to think of the past in order to shine in the present :" 0his is condensed in the abo$e maxim o# Keiko Shôkon as expressed by Pro#essor !osu&e ;aga&i" i  2ope#ully, the #ollo'ing discussion 'ill align us in that direction"

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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8/13/2019 JUDO-RON 78-judo is OK

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