judaism rejects the state of israel

8/21/2019 Judaism Rejects the State of Israel http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/judaism-rejects-the-state-of-israel 1/7  Judaism rejects the state of Israel Posted by: Abdul-Rahman Ali- 02/06/201 A leadin! Israeli ne"s site# $aaret% recently &ublished an article statin! that the "orld's oldest com&lete co&y of the (en )ommandments is !oin! on rare dis&lay at the Israel *useum in Jerusalem "hich "as &art of the +ead ,ea scroll discoeries from years !one by.1  (he (en )ommandments of course a&&ear in the ld (estament of the )hristian ible and also in the Je"ish scri&tures. Je"ish &eo&le call them the 3(en ,ayin!s'. *ost syna!o!ues hae these clearly "ritten# in $ebre"# on a "all &la4ue. 5sually just the rst &art of each sayin! is "ritten and often the rst e and second e sayin!s are sho"n in t"o lists. (his reminds  Je"s that *oses 78alayhi al-,al9m receied the (en ,ayin!s on t"o stone tablets# on *ount ,inai.  (he 10 )ommandments are as follo"s: 1.  ;ou shall hae no other <ods but me. 2.  ;ou shall not ma=e for yourself any idol# nor bo" do"n to it or "orshi& it. 3.  ;ou shall not misuse the name of the >ord your <od. 4.  ;ou shall remember and =ee& the ,abbath day holy. 5. Res&ect your father and mother. 6.  ;ou must not =ill.

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 Judaism rejects the state of Israel

Posted by: Abdul-Rahman Ali-02/06/201

A leadin! Israeli ne"s site# $aaret% recently &ublished an article statin! thatthe "orld's oldest com&lete co&y of the (en )ommandments is !oin! onrare dis&lay at the Israel *useum in Jerusalem "hich "as &art of the +ead,ea scroll discoeries from years !one by.1

 (he (en )ommandments of course a&&ear in the ld (estament of the)hristian ible and also in the Je"ish scri&tures. Je"ish &eo&le call them the3(en ,ayin!s'. *ost syna!o!ues hae these clearly "ritten# in $ebre"# on a"all &la4ue. 5sually just the rst &art of each sayin! is "ritten and oftenthe rst e and second e sayin!s are sho"n in t"o lists. (his reminds

 Je"s that *oses 78alayhi al-,al9m receied the (en ,ayin!s on t"o stone

tablets# on *ount ,inai. (he 10 )ommandments are as follo"s:1. ;ou shall hae no other <ods but me.2. ;ou shall not ma=e for yourself any idol# nor bo" do"n to it or "orshi& it.3. ;ou shall not misuse the name of the >ord your <od.4. ;ou shall remember and =ee& the ,abbath day holy.5. Res&ect your father and mother.6. ;ou must not =ill.

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7. ;ou must not commit adultery.8. ;ou must not steal.9. ;ou must not !ie false eidence a!ainst your nei!hbour.10. ;ou must not be enious of your nei!hbour's !oods. ;ou shall not be

enious of his house nor his "ife# nor anythin! that belon!s to yournei!hbour.


 (he &ur&ose of this article is to only e?&lore those commandments from theaboe list that are releant as re!ards the formation of the ,tate of Israeland scrutinise and ascertain "hether Israel has any le!itimacy in Judaism.

“ ;ou shall not misuse the name of the >ord your <od@

ne of the most used e?&lanations you "ill hear from ionists and those"ho hold e?treme Je"ish ie"s to justify "hy they beliee they are

&ermitted to occu&y another &eo&le's land is that# alle!edly# the Je"ish&eo&le are <od's Bchosen &eo&le@ and the (orah 7the ld (estament !rantsthat &iece of land 7Palestine based on the follo"in! erse:

“I will establish My covenant between Me and you (Abraham)

and your descendants after you throughout their generations

for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your

descendants after you. And I will give to you and to your

descendants after you, the land of your sojourning’s, all the

land of anaan, for an everlasting !ossession".#$% (he belief in Judaism has al"ays been that the (em&le and former Je"ish

,tate "as lost &hysically because of the Je"ish &eo&le's failure to lie u& totheir s&iritual obli!ations to <od. (he (orah foretold that if the Bchildren ofIsrael@ should fail in their s&iritual tas=# they "ould be banished from theland and sent into e?ile. (his e?ilic &unishment accordin! to Je"ish belief"as to last until the >ord# in $is mercy# sa" t to end it by usherin! in the*essianic era. (his uto&ian future accordin! to Je"ish beliefs "ill featurethe "orshi& of <od by all man=ind# centred in the $oly >and and the city ofCuds 7Jerusalem.In the 3Additional ,erice' recited on eery major Je"ish holiday# "e nd the

follo"in! &rayer#“ And because of our sins we were e&iled from our land and

removed from our soil and we cannot now go u! and a!!ear

and !rostrate ourselves before 'ou".#%

 Je"ish sa!es belieed that <od im&osed three o"s "hen $e sent theminto the "ilderness/e?ile:71 that the children of Israel shall neer see= to re-establish their nation bythemselesD

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72 that they neer be disloyal to the nations "hich hae !ien themshelterD7E that these nations shall not o&&ress them e?cessiely.Feturei Garta 7B<uardians of the )ity@ are a Je"ish reli!ious !rou&# formallycreated in Jerusalem# ritish *andate of Palestine# in 1HE. (hey o&&oseionism and call for a &eaceful dismantlin! of the ,tate of Israel. (heystate that the belief of the Je"s is that it is forbidden to hae their o"nstate until the comin! of the Je"ish *essiah. (hey state that the (almud#"hich is the central te?t of Rabbinic Judaism and the second mostauthoritatie boo= after the (orah for Je"s# &roides that because of theirsins the Je"ish &eo&le "ere made to !o into e?ile from the land of Israeland that any form of forceful reca&ture of the land of Israel is a iolation ofdiine "ill i.e. it is forbidden. (hey beliee nonetheless that the land ofPalestine "ill be restored to the Je"ish &eo&le but that the restorationshould only ha&&en "ith the comin! of the a"aited *essiah# not by self-

determination as has been the case "ith the state of Israel.

 (he belief in Judaism that establishin! the Je"ish state "ithout the comin!of the *essiah is "ell established. (he *aharal of Pra!ue# "ho "as a)%echosloa=ian Rabbi and &iotal medieal Je"ish leader bet"een 12-160H# "rote that a Je"ish &erson should rather !ie u& his life than attem&tto end e?ile by con4uerin! the $oly >and.In addition# Rabbi ,amson Ra&hael $irsch# "ho "as a <erman Je"ish leaderbet"een 10-1 stated:

“uring the reign of *adrian when the u!rising led by +ar

ochba !roved a disastrous error, it became essential that the -ewish !eo!le be reminded for all times of an im!ortant

essential fact, namely that #the !eo!le of% Israel must

never again attem!t to restore its national inde!endence by

its own !ower it was to entrust its future as a nation solely to

ivine /rovidence01#2%A!ain Rabbi $irsch "rites#

“3e mourn over that which brought about that destruction #of

the 4em!le% we ta5e to heart the harshness we have

encountered in our years of wandering as the chastisement ofa father, im!osed on us for our im!rovement, and we mourn

the lac5 of observance of 4orah which that ruin has brought

about. . . 4his destruction obliges us to allow our longing for

the far away land to e&!ress itself only in mourning, in wishing

and ho!ing and only through the honest ful6lment of all

 -ewish duties to await the realisation of this ho!e. +ut it

forbids us to strive for the reunion or !ossession of the land by 

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any but s!iritual means.1#2%It is clear that the oer"helmin! belief "ithin Judaism for hundreds of years"as that it is forbidden for them to een consider con4uerin! Cuds untiltheir *essiah descended K this "as a &o&ular held belief throu!hout thea!es and the reason "hy the majority of Je"ish &eo&le al"ays resided incountries other than in Palestine. It "as only in the 1Hth )entury that theta=in! of the land of Palestine "as made &art of the belief "ithin Judaism"hich consisted of mis4uotin! and re-inter&retin! the scri&ture to suit"ic=ed# eil# and &olitical !oals by ionists. (hus# it is eident that theionists and those e?tremist Je"ish &eo&le "ho si!n u& to the messa!e ofionism# hae misused the name of their B>ord@ in direct contraention ofthe third commandment noted aboe and therefore has no le!itimacy to bea Je"ish ,tate. “ ;ou must not =ill@n July 22# 1H6# ionist terrorists dressed as Arabs ble" u& the Gin! +aid

$otel in Palestine# =illin! H1 and injurin! 6. (he &er&etrators "ere*enachem e!in's Ir!un e?tremist !rou&D the ery same *enachem e!in"ho "ould !o on to "in the Fobel Peace &ri%e some E2 years later# asPrime *inister of the ille!al ionist state. (his false-La! style# in "hichsta!e-mana!ed attac=s are blamed on innocent Palestinians for &oliticalends# "as to be a cornerstone of Israel's acts of state terrorism and "as tobe fre4uently em&loyed oer the follo"in! decades includin! the 21stcentury for &olitical motiated reasons. It is a&&arent therefore that Israel"as founded ri!ht from its ince&tion on =illin!# destruction and dece&tion.+arin!ly# in July 2006# Israeli ri!ht-"in!ers# includin! the current Prime

*inister# inyamin Fetanyahu held a t"o-day seminar to celebrate the 60thanniersary of the Gin! +aid bombin! as a sla& in the face of the ritishstate "ho made the ionist state a &ossibility K this "as an o&encelebration of terrorism.MIf Israel is indeed a Je"ish state# and the &remise for its e?istence is basedon scri&ture# then surely other instructions !ranted by the scri&ture shouldalso be u&heldN It is an o&en secret that Israel is the only nuclear &o"er inthe *iddle Oast. And yet# accordin! to the (orah# a Je"ish state is notsu&&osed to een hae a standin! army let alone bein! a nuclear &o"er.

 Je"ish rulers "ere forbidden from amassin! lar!e numbers of "ea&ons andhorses i.e. military resources#H and it is the belief "ithin Judaism that <odsti&ulated that Israel should remain militarily "ea= so they "ould learn totrust $im for &rotection only. In fact# militarisin! as a Je"ish state is fro"nedu&on to such e?tent in the (orah that it is li=ened to 3a&ostasy# "itchcraftand idolatry'.10 (his e?&lains "hy# des&ite thousands of years in e?ile#fre4uent e?clusion and &ersecution# the Je"ish &eo&le neer su!!ested thatthe $oly >and could or should be reta=en by force of arms as this !oesa!ainst their o"n beliefs "hilst not !oin! a!ainst ionist beliefs.

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f course# the indiscriminate =illin! of Palestinians has been a commonfeature of the state of Israel. ,ince its formation# hundreds of thousands ofPalestinians hae been =illed and continue to be =illed#11 and thereforeonce a!ain# "e see a !ross iolation by Israel of the si?th commandmentthat Byou must not =ill@ and therefore Israel has no le!itimacy to be a

 Je"ish ,tate.

“ ;ou must not !ie false eidence a!ainst your nei!hbour@ AF+“ ;ou must not be enious of your nei!hbour's !oods. ;ou shall not beenious of his house nor his "ife# nor anythin! that belon!s to yournei!hbour@

 (he aboe t"o commandments are further 4ualied in arious erses "ithinthe (orah for e?am&le# "e nd:

“ 3hen a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not

do him wrong. 4he stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as

 yourself, for you were aliens in the land of 7gy!t I am the

8ord your God".#9$%

“ o not mistreat or o!!ress a foreigner, for you were

foreigners in 7gy!t".#9%

+es&ite these instructions in the (orah# there are today a&&ro?imatelyM21#000-MM1#000 settlers 7thou!h it should not be for!otten that the entireIsraeli &o&ulation are considered as settlers.1It is not enou!h for thestate of Israel to hae already stolen more than three 4uarters of the landof the PalestineD "e =no" that they also see= to steal the remainin! 4uarterthrou!h the formation of ille!al settlements in areas "hich are su&&osed tobe mar=ed as belon!in! to Palestinians. In fact# I recall from my o"n isit to

 Jerusalem some years a!o bein! shoc=ed at "itnessin! a house belon!in!to Palestinians hain! an e?tremist Je"ish family s4uattin! and residin! inthe same house K a ma=e shift curtain has been &ut u& as a barrier "ithinthe home to diide the t"o families. hat is "orse is that the Palestinianfamily informed me that they had reached a sta!e that they "ere "illin! to

share the house "ith these criminal s4uatters but that this "as not enou!h#the s4uatters are no" see=in! to claim the "hole home throu!h the courts.I "onder if these e?tremists hae read the aboe &assa!es from the (orahabout the ri!hts of nei!hboursN

Instead of adherin! to the instructions in the (orah# the Israeli's hae&roed to be the most treacherous and blood thirsty nei!hbours to thePalestinians.

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Points to Fote

As stated aboe# Israel's claim to the land of Palestine is based on oneerse in their scri&ture 7noted aboe "hilst it is clear that this claim comesat the e?&ense of an o&en iolation of other erses and in &articular# theobli!ations enshrined "ithin the 10 commandments and from the ie"s of

 Je"ish sa!es for oer a thousand years. (he state of Israel cannot &ic= andchoose "hich &arts of the scri&ture a&&ly to them. If Israel is not bound tothe obli!ations of the commandments# then ho" can they be entitled to theerse about the coenant K you cannot hae one "ithout the other.hen assessin! Israel's claim# "e should as= "hether "e "ould stand forany other nation on earth forcin! &eo&le oQ of the land that has been intheir family's &ossession for !enerations on end on the claim of scri&turefrom thousands of years a!o of "hich the ori!inal source no lon!er e?ists

todayN ould "e allo" them to lay claim to a land based on their residin!and rulin! of the land for a &eriod of only 00 years in com&arison to a&eo&le "ho had o"ned it for oer 100 yearsN ould "e stand for anyother nation initin! &eo&le from arious &arts of the earth to come andbuild ille!al settlements on land that "e all acce&t belon!s to another&eo&leN ould "e stand for them restrictin! freedom of moement#arrestin! youn! children# closin! their &orts and airs&ace# bulldo%in! theirhomes and olie trees#1 and =illin! thousands of &eo&leN (he ans"erineitably is that "e most certainly "ould not. ut many of the nationsaround the "orld "hich follo" an ean!elical brand of )hristianity such as

America turn a blind eye to all of this because Israel in their eyes is&romised to the Je"ish &eo&le. It is a shame that they do not considerIsrael's claim further "hich "ould &roe the fallacy of such a contention and"ould sho" that those "ho hold e?tremist &ositions "ithin Judaism and theionists hae no re!ard for the messa!e "ithin their o"n scri&ture.

And nally# scrutinisin! the coenant itself a little further# it is clear that theionists beliee that the coenant a&&lies to the oQs&rin! of Abraham78alayhi al-,al9m. $o"eer# it should not be for!otten that the lar!er&ortion of Abraham's 78alayhi al-,al9m oQs&rin! and linea!e hae ado&ted

Isl9m as their faith and became *uslims. (hese Palestinian *uslims haefor more than a thousand years &rotected the land# &lou!hed its soil and"atered its trees K trees that the Israelis hae of course made a habit ofu&rootin! and re&lacin! "ith the blood of innocent &eo&le. ,o een if "eacce&t that entitlement to the land is based on the coenant in 4uestion#then I "ould say that such a coenant is most li=ely a&&licable to thePalestinians "ho are the oQs&rin! of Abraham and to say other"ise is amisa&&lication of the coenant.

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,ource: """.islam21c.comFotes:1 htt&://""".haaret%.com/je"ish-"orld/je"ish-"orld-ne"s/1.60H2 (orah: <enesis 1M:M-E htt&://""".n=usa.or!/ htt&://""".je"sforjesus.or!/&ublications/ne"sletter/au!ust-2000/"hatdoyousay"hen htt&://""".t"f.or!/Fe"s/;2002/001-FetureiGarta.html6 Oncyclo&aedia of (errorism# $arey . Gushner# ,a!e# 200EM htt&://""".tele!ra&h.co.u=/ne"s/122/Israel-celebrates-Ir!un-hotel-bombers.html htt&://""".the!uardian.com/"orld/201/jan/1/truth-israels-secret-nuclear-arsenalH (orah: +euteronomy 1M:16-1M10 (orah: *icah

11 htt&://"""."ar-memorial.net/"arsall.as&12 (orah: >eiticus 1H:EE-E1E (orah: O?odus 22:211 htt&://""".the!uardian.com/"orld/2012/jul/26/je"ish-&o&ulation-"est-ban=-u&1 htt&://electronicintifada.net/content/herita!e-u&rooted/M126

Posted by Thavam