json overview and demo

arsing JSON proof of concept tool for de y Barrett hary Drossman

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Post on 08-Sep-2014




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Presented by Troy Barrett and Zachary Drossman on July 15, 2014 at The Flatiron School.


Page 1: JSON overview and demo

Parsing JSONA proof of concept tool for devs

Troy BarrettZachary Drossman

Page 2: JSON overview and demo

Who is J SON?

Wrong question, son.

Page 3: JSON overview and demo

JSON: not the bring home for dinner type.

Page 4: JSON overview and demo

Interpreting JSON { items = ( { accessInfo = { accessViewStatus = NONE; country = US; embeddable = 0; epub = { isAvailable = 0; }; pdf = { isAvailable = 0;}; publicDomain = 0; quoteSharingAllowed = 0; textToSpeechPermission = ALLOWED; viewability = "NO_PAGES"; webReaderLink = "http://…; };

};searchInfo = {

textSnippet = "Harry Potter is an ordinary boy ….”; };

selfLink = "https:…”;volumeInfo = { authors = ("J. K. Rowling”); averageRating = "4.5"; canonicalVolumeLink = "http://…"; categories = ("Juvenile Fiction”); contentVersion = "preview-1.0.0"; description = "Harry …"; imageLinks = { smallThumbnail = "http://… "; thumbnail = "http://…"; }; industryIdentifiers = ({ identifier = 0747532699; type = "ISBN_10”; …

Page 5: JSON overview and demo

Interpreting JSON { items = ( { accessInfo = { accessViewStatus = NONE; country = US; embeddable = 0; epub = { isAvailable = 0; }; pdf = { isAvailable = 0;}; publicDomain = 0; quoteSharingAllowed = 0; textToSpeechPermission = ALLOWED; viewability = "NO_PAGES"; webReaderLink = "http://…; };

};searchInfo = {

textSnippet = "Harry Potter is an ordinary boy ….”; };

selfLink = "https:…";volumeInfo = { authors = ("J. K. Rowling”); averageRating = "4.5"; canonicalVolumeLink = "http://…"; categories = ("Juvenile Fiction”); contentVersion = "preview-1.0.0"; description = "Harry …"; imageLinks = { smallThumbnail = "http://… "; thumbnail = "http://…"; }; industryIdentifiers = ({ identifier = 0747532699; type = "ISBN_10”; …

Page 6: JSON overview and demo

So if we wanted to use this data...

• NSString *bookISBN_ID = [@“items”][#][@“volumeInfo”][@“industryIdentifiers”][#][@“identifier”]

Page 7: JSON overview and demo

What if there was a better way?

Page 8: JSON overview and demo

Listen to our DEMO.

Page 9: JSON overview and demo

sO let’s leaRn suMthin


Page 10: JSON overview and demo

To infinity

and beyond!

Page 11: JSON overview and demo

Working with storyboards

Page 12: JSON overview and demo

Breaking the code

Page 13: JSON overview and demo
Page 14: JSON overview and demo