jollie jik fees bloemfontein

Hello, my name is Ayden. I’m a little different from other children my age, but that doesn’t mean the love and happiness I have to give is any less than any other child of my age. You see, I’m disabled, but mommy sees me just as differently abled. I don’t eat or drink anything. I have an eating aversion. Because of this my emotional and physical growth is very impaired. I’m not gaining enough weight because Mom has to feed me through a tube in my tummy. It’s like being on a non-stop liquid diet. I don’t even like sweeties or juice – I’m scared swallowing will hurt. I’m struggling to form certain sounds because the muscles in my mouth is underdeveloped. With eating and drinking to develop these muscles and a bit of speech therapy afterwards I will hopefully be talking nonstop one of these days. Mommy has been trying with various therapists to get me to eat for the past five years. But fortunately Mom heard of this wonderful hospital in Austria, Graz, specialising in eating aversions. They have been dealing with eating aversions for over 20 years and have helped a lot of kids like me to eat and drink like normal children. Our plan is to go there next year in June (2013). But now we need all the help we can get. We need funds for the trip, the hospitalization , flights, medication etc. which amounts toR250 000. Mommy started a Trust for me for this trip. She has an accountant helping her, the Trust is registered with SARS and will be audited by the accountant. Please help in any way you can. Me and Mommy would really appreciate it. If you make a direct deposit please put your email address or cellphone number as reference as we would like to send a thank you and any progress on my journey on eating. I’ve included a letter to give you a background of my life so far. There’s also some information on the hospital in Graz if you would like to read through it as well as some documentation of success cases of kids around the world. Lastly I’ve put some information on the hospital in Graz. They’ve won numerous awards for helping children like me. Trust Details are as follows (Trust Number: IT455/12) Trust name: Special Needs Support Trust FNB Southern Centre Branch Code 250655 Acc nr: 62361597217 SWIFT CODE: FIRNZAJJ Email address: [email protected]

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JOLLIE JIK FEES BLOEMFONTEIN 21 Maart 2013 Fees Organiseerder: Jolandi Myburgh Sel 0827739858 e-pos [email protected]


Page 1: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Hello, my name is Ayden. I’m a little different from other children my age, but that doesn’t mean the love and happiness I have to give is any less than any other child of my age.

You see, I’m disabled, but mommy sees me just as differently abled.

I don’t eat or drink anything. I have an eating aversion. Because of this my emotional and physical growth is very impaired. I’m not gaining enough weight because Mom has to feed me through a tube in my tummy. It’s like being on a non-stop liquid diet. I don’t even like sweeties or juice – I’m scared swallowing will hurt. I’m struggling to form certain sounds because the muscles in my mouth is underdeveloped. With eating and drinking to develop these muscles and a bit of speech therapy afterwards I will hopefully be talking nonstop one of these days. Mommy has been trying with various therapists to get me to eat for the past five years. But fortunately Mom heard of this wonderful hospital in Austria, Graz, specialising in eating aversions. They have been dealing with eating aversions for over 20 years and have helped a lot of kids like me to eat and drink like normal children.

Our plan is to go there next year in June (2013). But now we need all the help we can get. We need funds for the trip, the hospitalization , flights, medication etc. which amounts toR250 000.

Mommy started a Trust for me for this trip. She has an accountant helping her, the Trust is registered with SARS and will be audited by the accountant.

Please help in any way you can. Me and Mommy would really appreciate it. If you make a direct deposit please put your email address or cellphone number as reference as we would like to send a thank you and any progress on my journey on eating.

I’ve included a letter to give you a background of my life so far. There’s also some information on the hospital in Graz if you would like to read through it as well as some documentation of success cases of kids around the world. Lastly I’ve put some information on the hospital in Graz. They’ve won numerous awards for helping children like me.

Trust Details are as follows (Trust Number: IT455/12)

Trust name: Special Needs Support TrustFNB Southern CentreBranch Code 250655Acc nr: 62361597217


Email address: [email protected]

Page 2: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Copied from The hospital’s website to explain Tube dependency:

The “normal” child

Learning to eat is a normal process in a child's development. This process needs common sense and a basic set of parental skills in sensitivity, cue reading, commitment to want to feed and an engagement for the child's growing sense of autonomy and self-competence.

The “special” child

However, when a baby is born prematurely or suffers from a physical anomaly needing immediate surgical intervention or is suffering from any other severe pediatric disorder, then things are all different. Suddenly the essential developmental step of learning to eat is failing to develop normally. Thus a feeding tube is often given to the infant or child. Subsequently the child might become tube-dependent – a problem arising from a lack of an exit plan.

How does tube dependency develop?

The feeding tube, initially inserted as an intervention intended to temporarily help the child thrive under extreme conditions, is a device which helps initially but makes patients dependent. As a consequence, many who became dependent on their tube, never learn to eat and show distinct food refusal and avoidance patterns, leaving both child and family with traumatizing challenges and a significant financial burden.

What exactly is tube dependency?

Tube dependency is a distressing and unintended result of tube feeding in infancy. The condition of tube dependency can be defined as active refusal to eat and drink, lack of will to learn or the inability and lack of motivation to show any kind of precursors of eating development and eating and drinking skills after a period of enteral feeding. It is often characterized by overt disinterest, food avoidance and active refusal, gagging, vomiting, oversensitivity, fussiness and otheroppositional and aversive behavior. It may influence the quality of life of the affected infants and their families to such a degree that all other troubles fade into oblivion besides the nightmare of a child who will not eat or drink and does not thrive even when enterally fed. Nevertheless, tube dependency is until now not recognized as a problem by many pediatricians. These children are referred to as children with feeding disorders/children with early eating behavior disorders.

Page 3: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

---------- MY LIFE ----------

I was born on 27 April 2007. Mommy struggled for five years to fall pregnant, so we decided that we’re not going to make her wait for us the whole nine months. So at 29 weeks me and Kyle made our appearance into her life. I think it was the happiest day in her life, but we decided to be a bit naughty and played a few tricks on her. Because we were born so small (I weighed 1088g and Kyle 1140 grams) our lungs needed a little help to breathe. We were put on a thing they call an oscillator. 36 hours later my one lung couldn’t handle the pressure of the machine and it started bleeding. Luckily the wonderful doctor decided to fight for my life for a whole three hours and with the help of all the angels watching over me I survived, but that meant the start of a very long journey for my whole family.

I needed some more help breathing after that – so I was ventilated for seven months. I stayed in hospital for 9 whole months and enjoyed all the attention, but I could see mommy got very stressedand tired of me not being home. Kyle went home after three months, but mommy and Kyle came to visit me every day in hospital. Because of my damaged lung I had to be on oxygen until my first birthday.

Page 4: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Sick after an operation

While in hospital I underwent operations on my heart, my bowel, my tummy and they took my tonsils out. I also suffered from reflux, but after a Nissens operation I felt much better and could keep my food in.

Although the ventilator kept me alive it hurt me very much, so I decided that I won’t swallow anything anymore. The doctor decided to give me a Mic-Key. It is feeding tube directly into my tummy delivering all my nourishment and liquids. Mommy makes special foods and they feed me five times a day.

My Mic-Key

Page 5: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Currently I’m in a special needs school in Bloemfontein were they teach me a lot of new things. We sing, paint and I play with my friends. They also help me with my sensory integration problems there. Here is a photo of when we celebrated my fifth birthday at school. Because I’m not eating, I’m not growing as fast as other kids – I’m a bit small and emotionally I’m like a 2 year old. I also struggling forming certain words because my muscles are underdeveloped. They need some practice – all with eating and drinking.

Celebrating my fifth birthday at school

Page 6: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Mommy has been taking me to therapists to try and help me realize that eating or drinking doesn’t hurt, but I am a bit stubborn on that issue.

So mommy saw on Carte Blanche Medical that there is other kids like me – they call it an eating aversion. There is a special kids hospital in Austria specializing in tube weaning babies and children with feeding disorders. ( There’s about fifteen South African parents that already went to Graz. So mommy needs to raise funds to take me there.

Kyle showing me how to play with a car I’m the one in blue .

Page 7: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Me playing Peek-a-Boo

Me and Mommy

Page 8: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Me, Mommy and Kyle

Page 9: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Courant Artikel

‘n Lewe sonder kos Wednesday, 25 July 2012 11:27 Marinè Jacobs

Mariné Jacobs

Ayden Potgieter se verhaal is een wat selde gehoor word. Hy is ‘n gelukkige, blondekop vyfjarige van Bloemfontein, maaraversie, wat beteken dat hy ‘n onoorkombare vrees het om te eet of te drink.tweelingboetie Kyle, is op 27 April 2007 gebore, ‘n volle 11 weke te vroeg, vertel ma Marquerite. Ayden het slegs 1 088 g geweeg met geboorte en Kyle net ‘n rapsie meer op 1 140 g. Albei is dadelik ná geboorte met asemhalingsmasjiene gekoppel omdat hul longetjies so klein was. Kyle het vinnig vordering getoon

en sterker geword, maar Ayden se lyfie het gesukkdie masjien begin bloei en hy moes vir ‘n verdere sewe maande geventileer word,” sê Marquerite. Ayden moes ook operasies aan sy hart, sy derms, maag en mangels ondergaan. Ongelukkig het Ayden onomkeerbare breiis. Hoewel die ventilator Ayden se lewe gered het, het dit hom geleer om nie te sluk nie. Hy moes ‘n “mic-key” ontvang - ‘n pypie wat direk in sy maag ingaan, waardeur Marquerite hom kan voed. “Hy moet vyf keer ‘n dag gevoed word en ek volg streng hoeveelhede wat deur ‘n dieetkundige bepaal is,” vertel Marquerite. Sy verduidelik dat Ayden nooit honger word nie. “Omdat hy nog nooit geëet het nie, het hy nie daardie begrip van die ‘hongeras ‘n mens eet nie.” Eindelose terapie en mediese aandag was tevergeefs. Ayden weier om te eet. Ayden is besonder klein vir sy ouderdom en sy ontwikkeling is ver agter. As vyfjarige kan hy steeds slegs ‘n paar woordjies sê, glad nie met speelgoed vir sy ouhy nou eers ‘n jaar. Hy is tans in die Monékinders met spesiale behoeftes.kinders met ‘n eet-aversie weer leer om norma

Marinè Jacobs

Ayden Potgieter se verhaal is een wat selde gehoor word. Hy is ‘n gelukkige, blondekop vyfjarige van Bloemfontein, maar hy het nog nooit geëet het nie. Ayden ly aan ‘n seldsame eetaversie, wat beteken dat hy ‘n onoorkombare vrees het om te eet of te drink.tweelingboetie Kyle, is op 27 April 2007 gebore, ‘n volle 11 weke te vroeg, vertel ma

het slegs 1 088 g geweeg met geboorte en Kyle net ‘n rapsie meer op 1 140 g. Albei is dadelik ná geboorte met asemhalingsmasjiene gekoppel omdat hul longetjies so klein was. Kyle het vinnig vordering getoon

en sterker geword, maar Ayden se lyfie het gesukkel. “Een van sy longe het na slegs 36 ure op die masjien begin bloei en hy moes vir ‘n verdere sewe maande geventileer word,” sê

moes ook operasies aan sy hart, sy derms, maag en mangels ondergaan. Ongelukkig het Ayden onomkeerbare breinskade opgedoen ná al die trauma waardeur sy lyfie

Hoewel die ventilator Ayden se lewe gered het, het dit hom geleer om nie te sluk nie. Hy ‘n pypie wat direk in sy maag ingaan, waardeur Marquerite hom

f keer ‘n dag gevoed word en ek volg streng hoeveelhede wat deur ‘n dieetkundige bepaal is,” vertel Marquerite. Sy verduidelik dat Ayden nooit honger word nie. “Omdat hy nog nooit geëet het nie, het hy nie daardie begrip van die ‘honger-gevoel’ gaan weg

Eindelose terapie en mediese aandag was tevergeefs. Ayden weier om te Ayden is besonder klein vir sy ouderdom en sy ontwikkeling is ver agter. As vyfjarige kan

hy steeds slegs ‘n paar woordjies sê, glad nie met speelgoed vir sy ouderdom speel nie en loop hy nou eers ‘n jaar. Hy is tans in die Moné-skool in Universitas, Bloemfontein, ‘n skool vir

Daar is egter hoop. “In Oostenryk is ‘n mediese sentrum wat aversie weer leer om normaal te eet,” vertel Marquerite. “Dit neem vier tot vyf

Ayden Potgieter se verhaal is een wat selde gehoor word. Hy is ‘n gelukkige, blondekop hy het nog nooit geëet het nie. Ayden ly aan ‘n seldsame eet-

aversie, wat beteken dat hy ‘n onoorkombare vrees het om te eet of te drink. Ayden en sy tweelingboetie Kyle, is op 27 April 2007 gebore, ‘n volle 11 weke te vroeg, vertel ma

het slegs 1 088 g geweeg met geboorte en Kyle net ‘n rapsie meer op 1 140 g. Albei is dadelik ná geboorte met asemhalingsmasjiene gekoppel omdat hul longetjies so klein

el. “Een van sy longe het na slegs 36 ure op die masjien begin bloei en hy moes vir ‘n verdere sewe maande geventileer word,” sê

moes ook operasies aan sy hart, sy derms, maag en mangels ondergaan. nskade opgedoen ná al die trauma waardeur sy lyfie

Hoewel die ventilator Ayden se lewe gered het, het dit hom geleer om nie te sluk nie. Hy ‘n pypie wat direk in sy maag ingaan, waardeur Marquerite hom

f keer ‘n dag gevoed word en ek volg streng hoeveelhede wat deur ‘n dieetkundige bepaal is,” vertel Marquerite. Sy verduidelik dat Ayden nooit honger word nie.

gevoel’ gaan weg Eindelose terapie en mediese aandag was tevergeefs. Ayden weier om te

Ayden is besonder klein vir sy ouderdom en sy ontwikkeling is ver agter. As vyfjarige kan derdom speel nie en loop

skool in Universitas, Bloemfontein, ‘n skool vir Daar is egter hoop. “In Oostenryk is ‘n mediese sentrum wat

al te eet,” vertel Marquerite. “Dit neem vier tot vyf

Page 10: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

weke en die kinders word deur verskeie terapeute en dokters behandel. Die kind word versigtig en met deurlopende mediese evaluasie van hul voedingspype gespeen.” Ongelukkig het hierdie oplossing natuurlik enorme finansiële implikasies. Marquerite vertel dat sy R200 000 nodig het om Ayden Oostenryk toe te neem, en as ‘n enkelma van ‘n tweeling, is dit ‘n reuse hindernis om te oorkom. Marquerite het ‘n trust gestig om geld in te samel om nie net vir Ayden te help nie, maar ook ander ouers wie se kinders spesiale behoeftes het. “Ek wil graag ander ouers ook bystaan, omdat ek weet hoe moeilik dit is en hoe min hulp en ondersteuning daarbuite is,” sê Marquerite. Indien jy graag ‘n donasie aan die Special Needs Support Trust wil maak, of met Marquerite oor spesiale behoeftes in verbinding tree, skakel haar gerus by 076-331-7383.


Ondersteun dié projek - WOMF Advertensie

AS deel van ’n geldinsamelingsprojek sal André the Hillarious Hypnotist van 22 tot 27 Maart om 19:00 in die Windmill-casino-en-vermaaklikheidsentrum se konferensiesaal optree. Dié geldinsamelingsprojek�� is ten bate�� van�� Ayden Potgieter.Ayden is een van ’n tweeling wat op 29 weke prematuur, met baie komplikasies, gebore is. Hy het sy eerste nege maande in die intensiewesorgeenheid van ’n hospitaal bestee. Die geldinsamelingsprojek�� word gehou�� om�� vir sy verskeie� terapiesessies en ander mediese uitgawes te betaal. Kaartjies kos R70 en is reeds by die Windmill-casino-en-vermaaklikheidsentrum te kry. Verversings sal verskaf word.

Page 11: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Kids around the world

From: Great BritainTube free since: Summer 2011 Email: [email protected]

Daniel and his family are from Nottingham, Great Britain.disorder. During his first month of life he started to drink and eat. However, he vomited a lot and suffered from a reflux. After he devrefused any kind of food and he stopped drinking as well. At the age of 1,5 a nasogastric feeding tube was inserted. Since that time, he never tried to eat orally by himself and as a result of Daniel´s long-term feeding via a tube, he got tube dependent. After unsuccessful treatment onsite, his family heard about the Graz feeding tube weaning model and contacted NoTube. They decided to participate in the program and at the age of 5, in April 2011 Danvisited Graz and started with the tube weaning treatment. After one month he was nearly tube weaned. Finally, Daniel was successfully tube weaned at home in Summer 2011.

From: USATube free since: 16.12.2010 Email: [email protected]

Reagan and her parents Tracie and Tim from Bartlett in the United States registered in December 2010 for NoTube’s Netcoaching program. Reagan has some very severe medical diagnoses, which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed in the first place: Double inlet left ventricle, aortic atresia, Laevo-transposition. One week after birth she already haoperation, followed by another in October 2010.As a negative side effect Regan got NGteam in December 2010 and on December 12Netcoaching program started. NoTube´s medical and psychological professionals coached Regan and her parents through the Netcoaching program and after only 4 days she got her last tube feed. Reagan is tube weaned since one year, which is a blessing for the whole famil

Kids around the world that has already been successfully tube weaned in Graz

Daniel Harrison

Daniel and his family are from Nottingham, Great Britain. He has an Autistic Spectrum disorder. During his first month of life he started to drink and eat. However, he vomited a lot and suffered from a reflux. After he developed a strong oral eating aversion. As a consequence he refused any kind of food and he stopped drinking as well. At the age of 1,5 a nasogastric feeding tube was inserted. Since that time, he never tried to eat orally by himself and as a result of

term feeding via a tube, he got tube dependent. After unsuccessful treatment onsite, his family heard about the Graz feeding tube weaning model and contacted NoTube. They decided to participate in the program and at the age of 5, in April 2011 Daniel and his family visited Graz and started with the tube weaning treatment. After one month he was nearly tube weaned. Finally, Daniel was successfully tube weaned at home in Summer 2011.

Reagan Bentz

[email protected]

Reagan and her parents Tracie and Tim from Bartlett in the United States registered in December Tube’s Netcoaching program. Reagan has some very severe medical diagnoses,

which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed in the first place: Double inlet left transposition. One week after birth she already ha

operation, followed by another in October 2010.As a negative side effect Regan got NG-tube dependent. So their parents contacted the NoTube

and on December 12th, when Regan was only 5 month old, the program started. NoTube´s medical and psychological professionals coached Regan

and her parents through the Netcoaching program and after only 4 days she got her last tube feed. Reagan is tube weaned since one year, which is a blessing for the whole family.

that has already been successfully tube

He has an Autistic Spectrum disorder. During his first month of life he started to drink and eat. However, he vomited a lot and

eloped a strong oral eating aversion. As a consequence he refused any kind of food and he stopped drinking as well. At the age of 1,5 a nasogastric feeding tube was inserted. Since that time, he never tried to eat orally by himself and as a result of

term feeding via a tube, he got tube dependent. After unsuccessful treatment onsite, his family heard about the Graz feeding tube weaning model and contacted NoTube. They

iel and his family visited Graz and started with the tube weaning treatment. After one month he was nearly tube weaned. Finally, Daniel was successfully tube weaned at home in Summer 2011.

Reagan and her parents Tracie and Tim from Bartlett in the United States registered in December Tube’s Netcoaching program. Reagan has some very severe medical diagnoses,

which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed in the first place: Double inlet left transposition. One week after birth she already had her first

tube dependent. So their parents contacted the NoTube , when Regan was only 5 month old, the

program started. NoTube´s medical and psychological professionals coached Regan and her parents through the Netcoaching program and after only 4 days she got her last tube feed.

Page 12: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

From: AustraliaTube free since: 23.04.2011 Email: [email protected]

Daniel and his parents Amanda and Brendan from New South Wales in Australia registered in March 2011 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Daniel was a monochorionic twin pregnancy with discordant growth, followed by severe intrauterine growth restriction withdiastolic flow, due to a marginally inserted umbilical cord to the placenta. Amanda got an emergency caesarean at 29 weeks of gestation.So Daniel was premature and small for date, which had made it necessary for a NGplaced. During feeding Daniel by tube he showed a lot of negative side effects of tube feeding. He vomited, retched and gagged. The NoTube team analysed Daniel´s conditions and found out, that none of his diagnoses in their current state made it necessary for him to be Daniel and his family started the NetCoaching program, his tube was already placed for 10 month. Just one month later, after starting with the netCoaching program, Daniel was tube weaned and he has been tube-free ever since.

From: USATube free since: 23.10.2010 Email: [email protected]

Lukas and his parents Andrei and Aubri from Honolulu in the United States registered in September 2010 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Lukas has some very severe medical diagnoses, which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed: Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, global diffuse brain damage, seizures, high blood pressure, aspiration pneumonia (once), dysphagia and reflux.

Daniel Gronow

Daniel and his parents Amanda and Brendan from New South Wales in Australia registered in March 2011 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Daniel was a monochorionic twin pregnancy with discordant growth, followed by severe intrauterine growth restriction with reverse end diastolic flow, due to a marginally inserted umbilical cord to the placenta. Amanda got an emergency caesarean at 29 weeks of gestation.So Daniel was premature and small for date, which had made it necessary for a NG

feeding Daniel by tube he showed a lot of negative side effects of tube feeding. He vomited, retched and gagged. The NoTube team analysed Daniel´s conditions and found out, that none of his diagnoses in their current state made it necessary for him to be tube fed! When Daniel and his family started the NetCoaching program, his tube was already placed for 10 month. Just one month later, after starting with the netCoaching program, Daniel was tube

free ever since.

Lukas Tallent

Lukas and his parents Andrei and Aubri from Honolulu in the United States registered in September 2010 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Lukas has some very severe medical

, which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed: Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, global diffuse brain damage, seizures, high blood pressure, aspiration pneumonia (once), dysphagia and reflux.

Daniel and his parents Amanda and Brendan from New South Wales in Australia registered in March 2011 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Daniel was a monochorionic twin pregnancy

reverse end diastolic flow, due to a marginally inserted umbilical cord to the placenta. Amanda got an

So Daniel was premature and small for date, which had made it necessary for a NG-tube to be feeding Daniel by tube he showed a lot of negative side effects of tube feeding.

He vomited, retched and gagged. The NoTube team analysed Daniel´s conditions and found out, tube fed! When

Daniel and his family started the NetCoaching program, his tube was already placed for 10 month. Just one month later, after starting with the netCoaching program, Daniel was tube

Lukas and his parents Andrei and Aubri from Honolulu in the United States registered in September 2010 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Lukas has some very severe medical

, which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed: Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, global diffuse brain damage, seizures, high blood pressure, aspiration

Page 13: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

From: USATube free since: 16.06.2010 Email: [email protected]

Zoe, her mother Maria and her family from the United States registered in May 2010 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Zoe had some very severe cardiac problems, which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed.

As an unintended negative side effeand gagged a lot. In June 2010 she got her last tube feed and to the delight of her parents, Zoe has been tube-free ever since.

Zoe Heyding

[email protected]

Zoe, her mother Maria and her family from the United States registered in May 2010 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Zoe had some very severe cardiac problems, which had made it necessary for a feeding tube to be placed.

As an unintended negative side effect Zoe developed reflux and as a result of this, she vomited and gagged a lot. In June 2010 she got her last tube feed and to the delight of her parents, Zoe

Zoe, her mother Maria and her family from the United States registered in May 2010 for NoTube’s netCoaching program. Zoe had some very severe cardiac problems, which had made it

ct Zoe developed reflux and as a result of this, she vomited and gagged a lot. In June 2010 she got her last tube feed and to the delight of her parents, Zoe

Page 14: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Awards & Press Coverage


In 2011, NoTube has won the runnerthe Fast Forward Public Forward Award by the Styrian government.

Press Coverage

Every year several media reports about the Graz tube weaning method and NoTube are published. A recent selection can be found below.please contact [email protected]

Online Television coverage of Lucia Belle on ACA

Lucia Belle´s story is described by a report from 2009 on ACA. One aim is to help her family fundraise the money for their trip to Austria to wean off their child from its feeding tube. Finally, in June 2009, the little girl participated in the Graz Tubesuccessfully.

Whitehorse Leader 12. August 2009: Layla's ne

This article is about little Layla from Australia who was born premature (24. Gestation Week) and tube feed for almost 3 years. The mother reports about the successful tube weaning in Graz.

In 2011, NoTube has won the runner-up prize at the Startup Weekend Zurich and was awarded the Fast Forward Public Forward Award by the Styrian government.

Every year several media reports about the Graz tube weaning method and NoTube are published. A recent selection can be found below. Media representatives interested in our work

[email protected] for journalistic inquiries.

Online Television coverage of Lucia Belle on ACA – Help Lucia learn to eat

Lucia Belle´s story is described by a report from 2009 on ACA. One aim is to help her family fundraise the money for their trip to Austria to wean off their child from its feeding tube. Finally, in June 2009, the little girl participated in the Graz Tube-weaning Program and was weaned

Whitehorse Leader 12. August 2009: Layla's new hunger for life

This article is about little Layla from Australia who was born premature (24. Gestation Week) and tube feed for almost 3 years. The mother reports about the successful tube weaning in Graz.

up prize at the Startup Weekend Zurich and was awarded

Every year several media reports about the Graz tube weaning method and NoTube are Media representatives interested in our work

Help Lucia learn to eat

Lucia Belle´s story is described by a report from 2009 on ACA. One aim is to help her family fundraise the money for their trip to Austria to wean off their child from its feeding tube. Finally,

weaning Program and was weaned

This article is about little Layla from Australia who was born premature (24. Gestation Week) and tube feed for almost 3 years. The mother reports about the successful tube weaning in Graz.

Page 15: Jollie Jik Fees Bloemfontein

Online Television coverage of the miracle Twins and their journey to Graz, Austria

At the end of January 2012, an Australian family is interviewed and talks about their experiences and their journey to Graz, Austria. The report is about their identical twins, Byron and Lincoln. Byron was born 3-times bigger than Lincoln. Both had a rough start. Like a miracle, both survived. But because of Lincoln´s severe medical condition he got a feeding tube,he has been fed since birth. To get rid of his tube, the family went to Graz, Austria, where Lincoln finally was weaned off his feeding tube successfully.

Daily Mail 19. October 2010: Bite by bite, girl who never learned to eat enjoys first taste of real food

This article from a British newspaper is about little Tabitha, whose parents care for funds for the journey to Graz to wean their daughter from her feeding tube.

BBC Nottingham 10. November 2010eat

BBC reports again Daniel´s story. He is afor years. The BBC reporter talks about the possibility to participate the tube weaning program in Graz, Austria.

Online Television coverage of the miracle Twins and their journey to Graz,

At the end of January 2012, an Australian family is interviewed and talks about their experiences rney to Graz, Austria. The report is about their identical twins, Byron and Lincoln.

times bigger than Lincoln. Both had a rough start. Like a miracle, both survived. But because of Lincoln´s severe medical condition he got a feeding tube,he has been fed since birth. To get rid of his tube, the family went to Graz, Austria, where Lincoln finally was weaned off his feeding tube successfully.

Daily Mail 19. October 2010: Bite by bite, girl who never learned to eat enjoys

This article from a British newspaper is about little Tabitha, whose parents care for funds for the daughter from her feeding tube.

BBC Nottingham 10. November 2010 - Parents seek help for boy who does not

BBC reports again Daniel´s story. He is an autistic boy from Great Britain and has been tube fed for years. The BBC reporter talks about the possibility to participate the tube weaning program in

Online Television coverage of the miracle Twins and their journey to Graz,

At the end of January 2012, an Australian family is interviewed and talks about their experiences rney to Graz, Austria. The report is about their identical twins, Byron and Lincoln.

times bigger than Lincoln. Both had a rough start. Like a miracle, both survived. But because of Lincoln´s severe medical condition he got a feeding tube, from which he has been fed since birth. To get rid of his tube, the family went to Graz, Austria, where

Daily Mail 19. October 2010: Bite by bite, girl who never learned to eat enjoys

This article from a British newspaper is about little Tabitha, whose parents care for funds for the

Parents seek help for boy who does not

n autistic boy from Great Britain and has been tube fed for years. The BBC reporter talks about the possibility to participate the tube weaning program in

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History - How NoTube Grew From Graz To The World:

Our History: Embedded in the Medical University Hospital Graz

NoTube and its services are based on a long tradition of medical expertise derived from research and work experience by the interdisciplinary team of the University Children’s Hospital Graz. At this clinic, the 3-week intensive tube weaning approach called “The Graz Model” has been developed, presented, published and evaluated. It is also at this Hospital at the psychosomatic division, that the In-/Outpatient treatment takes place.

The University Hospital Graz

The University Hospital Graz was founded in 1788 and currently provides over 1500 beds. A close link between clinical work and the research and teaching conducted at the Medical University Graz has been implemented from the beginning and is much appreciated by patients. The Medical University Graz is a teaching and research centre of international reputation for thousands of students, research fellows and teachers. 3 Researchers from the Medical University have been awarded the Nobel Prize.

The Psychosomatic Division

Our senior medical experts continue to work at the Psychosomatic Unit of the Pediatric Department. It was founded in 1981 and specializes on the increasing cases of feeding and eating behavior disorders in early childhood and adolescence, for which specific programs have been developed.

It is equipped with:

8 beds for adolescents 4 parent-child-units

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A team of pediatric specialists of all sub disciplines, radiologists, surgeons, nutritionists, psychologists, psychotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, teachers, early interventionists, social workers, dedicated medical trainees as well as specifically trained nursing staff.

24/7 medical support is available in German or English. Communication is also possible in French and Italian and interpreters for any other language can be provided.

Medical Experts in tube weaning

NoTube offers services to parents and professionals affected by children with early eating behavior disorders, particularly feeding tube dependency.

NoTube is a spin-off company of the University Hospital of Graz, Austria. NoTube offers services to parents and professionals affected by children with early eating behavior disorders, particularly tube dependency. This condition leaves a child relying on a temporary feeding tube without any medical intention or cause. The effects can be devastating, leaving the family awake at night and the child developmentally delayed.NoTube’s experts have weaned more than 1’600 children off their feeding tubes over the past 20 years. This website represents an effort to help children around the world to overcome the severe condition of tube feeding.