john vincent atanasoff deposition, 1968

I 2 UN IT tU STATES DI S'lR IC T COU RT 3 D IS'D? IC T OF NIFNE SO T1\ 4 FOURTH DIVISION 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 6 Hone yc.-l r..?: 11 , Inc 0 , 7 J? lain ti fE , 8 -vs- 4-67 Civ. 138 9 Sperry Rand CDrpDration and I ilina is 2c:i..en d.fic Deve lopmsn ts , Inc., 10 11 12 13 - -- - - - -- - De £endan ts . ., , - - - - - - - x of Dr. John Vo AtD.n8.soff by 14 Pl ain tif £, be fore Foar 1 Go .I\nocr s on and \"'ard L. Su tLLn, s I 15Pu b lie, S v..'l. te of Hinne sOLa, C ou n ty of Henne pin , at 25 15 16 Firs t Ha tiona 1 Ban!,- "Cui laing, Hinnea9 01 is , Hinnesotn ; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 1 ..... c ornj.nenc:'.ng at \J : j o t e tock Ac:iYI. , November 11 , t 9C, C. DORS"SY, vllNDHORST , 6, Hl\LLADAY , by Henry Hal l aday , Esq ., en" BAIR, F l;':i:F:t·IA(! '. JJD , by D. Do i";. llegre tti, Esq .; A t' .... "rn"' ..... TS nJ ..... l.·n'-l · ·.::f: L L. · .J i ___ .l .L. L i. . . c. - _. L !..l.. 0 L.aurence B. DocJds , EsCl .; Jo hn J. Dority , Esq .; and ClL\DBOUli.NE , PAJ!,KE , tyi-IITESIDE & HJJ2F , b ""r · '" ' ,r..,.- n f 1 · -- 'Tf'r.,-: :; .. aCb.-,:r: y ;) lmeJ_, A tt::rcne ys f OJ.. ' DE' iendan ts , and I I I I Iowa State University Library, Special Collections Department

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