jefferson parish council meeting 1221 elmwood - live

JEFFERSON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 1221 ELMWOOD PARK BOULEVARD JEFFERSON, LOUISIANA Wednesday, March 7, 2012 PROCLAMATIONS 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM BUSINESS MEETING BEGINS AT 10:00 AM INVOCATION AND/OR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PARISH PRESIDENT TO ADDRESS COUNCIL ROLL CALL - Directors of Departments ROLL CALL - Council Members and Parish President MEETING CALLED TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 11:00 AM PRESENTATIONS BY: PERSONS WISHING TO APPEAR BEFORE THE COUNCIL REGARDING A RESOLUTIONS(S) ON AGENDA/ADDENDUM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Resolution - selecting a firm to provide for Dispute Resolution Services as arbitrators, mediators or faciltators in matters involving the Parish of Jefferson. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration) 1. Resolution - selecting a firm interested in providing supplemental 24 hour Louisiana licensed veterinary services for the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter, for a period of two (2) years. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration) 2. Affidavit for Supplemental Vet Care CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES On joint motion of all Councilmembers present it was moved, that the reading of the minutes of the Jefferson Parish Council Meeting of Wednesday, February 15, 2012 be dispensed with and said minutes be approved and adopted as recorded in the Official Journal of the Parish of Jefferson and the Official Minute Book of the Jefferson Parish Council with notations of corrections of publication as follows: 3. APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT APPLICATIONS Resolution - Approval of nineteen (19) 2012 Alcoholic Beverage Permits and one (1) Office / Manager Permits. (Parishwide) 4. Resolution - Approval of thirty-three (33) 2012 Alcoholic Beverage Certificates of Qualifications. (Parishwide) 5. 1

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012





ROLL CALL - Directors of Departments

ROLL CALL - Council Members and Parish President







Reso lu t ion - se lec t ing a f i rm to prov ide fo r D ispute Reso lu t ion

Services as arbitrators, mediators or faciltators in matters involving the

Parish of Jefferson. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the

request of the Administration)


Resolution - selecting a firm interested in providing supplemental 24

hour Louisiana licensed veterinary services for the Jefferson Parish

Animal Shelter, for a period of two (2) years. (Parishwide) (Approved

by Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration)


Affidavit for Supplemental Vet Care



On joint motion of all Councilmembers present it was moved, that the

reading of the minutes of the Jefferson Parish Counci l Meet ing of

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 be dispensed with and said minutes be

approved and adopted as recorded in the Official Journal of the Parish

of Jef ferson and the Off ic ia l Minute Book of the Jef ferson Par ish

Council with notations of corrections of publication as follows:



Resolu t ion - Approva l o f n ine teen (19 ) 2012 A lcohol ic Beverage

Permits and one (1) Office / Manager Permits. (Parishwide)


Resolution - Approval of thirty-three (33) 2012 Alcoholic Beverage

Certificates of Qualifications. (Parishwide)




Resolution - authorizing the Purchasing Department to advertise for

bids for labor, equipment and materials necessary for improvement

projects at Lakeshore Playground to include walking trail, shelter, tot

lot upgrades, reader-board replacement, and tennis court replacement

for the Depar tment o f Parks and Recreat ion . (Counc i l D is t r ic t 5)

(Approved by Ms. Lee-Sheng at the request of the Administration)


Reso lu t ion - a u t h o r i z i n g t h e a d v e r t i s e m e n t f o r s e a l e d b i d s f o r

c o n s t r u c t i o n o f O l d E s t e l l e D r a i n a g e P u m p S t a t i o n P h a s e I I

Modifications. (Council District 1) (Approved by Mr. Templet at the

request of the Administration)



Resolut ion - accept ing the lowest responsib le b id of Pete V icar i

Genera l Cont rac to r , LLC fo r l abor , ma te r i a l s , a n d e q u i p m e n t t o

construct the HVAC modifications at Rose Thorne Playground in the

amount of $234,800 from bids received under Bid No. 50-102497 for the

Department of Parks and Recreation. (Council District 1) (Approved by

Mr. Templet at the request of the Administration)


Rosethorne Gym HVAC Modifications (Pete Vicari) Affidavits

Campaign Contribution Affidavit

Affidavit for Pete Vacari General Contractors 50-102497

Resolution - accepting the lowest bid meeting specifications for Item #

1510, 1520, 1530, and 3030 to Anaconda Sports; I tem # 1320, 1360,

1430, 1450, 1460, 1470, 1690, 1830, 2060, 2130, 2150, 2200, 2210A,

2210B, 2210C, 3300, 3310, 3320, 3360, 3380, 3400, 3450, 4120, 4160 ,

and 5180 to Sports Supply Group, Inc.; I tem # 3040 and 3100 to BWI

Inc.; Item # 1390, 3010, and 3220 to Riddell/All American; Item # 1951,

2 2 1 0 , a n d 5 0 7 0 t o S t a p l e s S p o r t i n g G o o d s u n d e r B i d N u m b e r

50-102441 for a supply of athlet ic equipment for the Department of

Parks and Recreation. (Districts 2, 3, 4, and 5 - Eastbank) (Approved

by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration)


50-102441 Anaconda affidavits

50-102441 Riddell affidavits

50-102441 Sports Supply affidavits

50-102441 Sports Supply 2 affidavits

50-102441 Sports Supply insurance

50-102441 Staples affidavits

50-102441 BWI affidavits

Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bid of Solutions of New

Orleans, LLC, for a two-year contract for cleaning and repairing of Fire

Fighter Protective Clothing: Turnout Gear, Bunker Coats and Pants on

Bid Proposal No. 50-101424 with a contract cap of $50,000.00 for the

East Bank Consolidated Fire Department. (Council Districts 2, 4, and 5)

(Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration)


Affidavit for Solutions of New Orleans


Reso lu t ion - amend ing Reso lu t ion 118153 accep t ing the lowes t

responsible bid of K-Belle Consultants, LLC for labor, materials, and

e q u i p m e n t t o c o m p l e t e t h e g y m r e n o v a t i o n s t o J e s s e O w e n s

gymnasium in the amount of $336,000.00 from bids received under Bid

No. 50-102024 to add the acceptance of A l ternate 1 , removal and

replacement of gym floor for $45,000.00, making a new project contract

to ta l o f $381 ,000 .00 for the Depar tment o f Parks and Recreat ion.

(Council Distr ict 3) (Approved by Mr. Spears at the request of the



50-102024 (Jesse Owens Gym Repairs) K-Belle (AFFIDAVITS AND INSURANCE)

Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bid of Capital City Press

for bids received under Proposal No. 50-102339 for a two year blanket

contract for printing of the Parks and Recreation Activity Guide for the

D e p a r t m e n t o f P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n f o r a c o s t n o t t o e x c e e d

$50,000.00. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the request of

the Administration)


50-102339 City Press affidavit

Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bid of Trane USA, Inc.

for Proposal No: 50-102485 for the purchase of one (1) Trane Portable

A /C Sys tem Mode l Voyager3 -1 TCH360BF fo r the An ima l She l te r

Division for the total price of $24,891.00. (Parishwide) (Approved by

Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration)


Affidavit for Trane USA, Inc.

Resolution - rejecting all bids received on January 10, 2012, under

Proposal No. 50-102452 for a two (2) year contract for the sale of

Recycled Concrete (Rip Rap) for the Jefferson Parish, Department of

Public Works - Streets. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the

request of the Administration)


Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bid of DRC Emergency

Services, LLC, Bid No. 50-102552 for a one (1) year contract to provide

e m e r g e n c y e q u i p m e n t r e n t a l f o r n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r s o r s t a t e o f

e m e r g e n c i e s o n a n a s n e e d e d b a s i s f o r t h e J e f f e r s o n P a r i s h

Department of Public Works - Streets, for a contract ending on May 31,

2013. Expenditures shall not exceed $2,000,000.00 for the one (1) year

contract period and compensation shall not exceed this amount by a

f a c t o r o f m o r e t h a n 1 0 % w i t h o u t a m e n d m e n t t o t h e c o n t r a c t .

( P a r i s h w i d e ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . R o b e r t s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



50-102552 - DRC Affidavits

Affidavit for DRC Emergency Services

Resolut ion - accept ing the lowest responsible b id of Uni ted S i te

Services of Mississippi, LLC under Proposal No. 50-102354 for a two

year contract, at an annual cost not to exceed $150,000.00, for the

emergency supply, on an as-needed basis, of portable toilets for the

Department of Environmental Affairs. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr.

Roberts at the request of the Administration)


United Site Services Affidavits

Affidavit for United Site Services


Resolut ion - accept ing the lowest responsible b id of Bayou Tree

Service, Inc., Bid No. 50-102457, to provide a two (2) year contract for

pesticides application for the Jefferson Parish Department of Public

Works – Parkways. Expenditures shall not exceed $175,000.00 for the

two (2) year period and compensation shall not exceed this amount by

a f a c t o r o f m o r e t h a n 1 0 % w i t h o u t a m e n d m e n t t o t h e c o n t r a c t .

( P a r i s h w i d e ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . R o b e r t s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



50-102457 - Bayou Tree Affidavits

Affidavit for Bayou Tree Service

Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bid of Firmin Trucking

LLC for Proposal No: 50-102356 for Two Year Cont rac t for Grass

Cutting and Landscape Maintenance for the Animal Shelter Division

with a total contract cap of $20,826.00. Compensation shall not exceed

contract amount by a factor of more than 10% without amendment to

the contract. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the request of

the Administration)


Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bids of River Parish

Disposal, Inc. for Items 1 - 4 and Ramelli Janitorial Service for Items 5 -

8 for a two year contract, at an annual cost not to exceed $150,000.00

per year, for the emergency supply, on an as-needed basis, of solid

w a s t e c o n t a i n e r s f o r t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l A f f a i r s ,

Proposal No. 50-102355. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the

request of the Administration)


50-102355 New Ramelli Affidavits

Bid 50-102355 River Parish Disposal Affidavits

Affidavits for Ramelli

Affidavit for River Parish

Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bid of ThyssenKrupp

Elevators received on January 27, 2012, in the amount of $7,200.00 for

a two (2) year contract for elevator maintenance for the Jef ferson

Parish Department of Public Works, Drainage, Proposal No. 50-102239.

( P a r i s h w i d e ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . R o b e r t s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



Campaign contribution, ThyssenKrupp Elevators, Proposal no. 50-102239

E-verification, ThyssenKrupp Elevators, Proposal no. 50-102239

Non-collusion, ThyssenKrupp Elevators, Proposal no. 50-102239

Resolution - accepting the lowest responsible bid of Rasix Computer

Center, Inc. dba Academic Supplier, Bid Proposal 50-102673 for a one

(1) year contract for Toner and Ink Cartridges Supplies for all Jefferson

Parish Departments, Agencies and Municipal i t ies, for a cost not to

exceed $300,000.00, compensation shall not exceed this amount by a

factor o f more than ten percent (10%) wi thout amendment to the

contract. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the request of the



50-102673 Rasix Computer Affidavits

Affidavit for Proposal 50-102673



Resolut ion - author iz ing Change Order 2 to the contrac t w i th M.

Slayton Construction, Inc. for the construction of the Lafreniere Park

Dog Park in the additive amount of $19,925.95 making a new contract

cap of $434 ,714 .40 which the cumula t ive to ta l represents a 7 .5%

increase relative to the original contract amount and adding fifty-three

(53) days to the contract dated July 21, 2011 making a new contract

completion date of January 4, 2012 for the Department of Parks and

Recreation. (Council District 4) (Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request

of the Administration)


Affidavit for M. Slayton Construction

GCi Change Order Affidavit

GCi Campaign Contribution Affidavit

CO 2 Slayton Affidavits - Laf Dog Park

Resolution - authorizing Change Order 5 with J. A. Jack Julius, Jr, Inc.

for the gym replacement at Wally Pontiff Playground in the additive

a m o u n t o f $ 3 9 , 3 4 2 . 0 0 m a k i n g a n e w c o n t r a c t c a p t o d a t e o f

$5,941,671.00; the cumulative total of all change orders represents a

5.86% increase relative to the original contract amount of $5,613,000.00

a n d a d d i n g f i v e ( 5 ) d a y s m a k i n g a r e v i s e d c o m p l e t i o n d a t e o f

November 15 , 2011 fo r the Depar tment o f Parks and Recrea t ion .

( P r o p o s a l N o . 5 0 - 9 3 6 2 6 ) ( C o u n c i l D i s t r i c t 5 ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M s .

Lee-Sheng at the request of the Administration)


CO 5 affidavits

Affidavit for J. A. Jack Julius Jr., Inc. 50-93626

R e s o l u t i o n - a u t h o r i z i n g C h a n g e O r d e r 1 w i t h C M C o m b s

Construct ion, LLC Bid No. 50-101045, in the addi t ional amount of

$19,018.00, making a new contract cap of $336,018.00, the cumulative

total of the change order representing a six percent (6%) increase

relative to the original amount of $317,000.00, for labor, materials, and

equipment necessary for a new North Porte-Cochere Enclosure at the

Joseph S. Yenni Building, 1221 Elmwood Park Blvd. for the Department

of General Services. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at

the request of the Administration)



Affidavit for CM Combs Contruction, LLC


Resolution - granting an acceptance to Trane USA for their completed

contract Bid No. 50-98720, in the amount of one hundred f i f ty-three

thousand four hundred dollars ($153,400.00), for labor, materials, and

equipment necessary to instal l a new faci l i ty management system

(FMS) for the Joseph S. Yenni Building, located at 1221 Elmwood Park

Blvd., Jefferson, LA, for the Department of General Services. (Council

D i s t r i c t 2 ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . J o h n s t o n a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



Resolution - granting an acceptance to D. L. Daigle & Co., LLC., for the

c o m p l e t i o n o f C o n t r a c t ( B i d N o . 5 0 - 9 9 7 9 0 ) i n t h e a m o u n t o f

$127,787.00, to provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to

perform various repairs to the Dorothy Watson Community Center ,

1300 Myrtle Street, Metairie, LA. (Council District 3) (Approved by Mr.

Spears at the request of the Administration)




Resolution - authorizing No Objection to the Joint Permit Application

by C&M Contractors, Inc. for work within the Louisiana Coastal Zone

(P20080047) following the reclamation of 0.22 acre of water bottoms in

the Barataria Bay Waterway as part of a 4.38 acre expansion to an

existing marina and to provide additional protection of the property

from erosion. (Council District 1) (Approved by Mr. Templet at the

request of the Administration)



R e s o l u t i o n - a p p o i n t i n g M r . W i l l i a m A . L a z a r o , 5 0 3 6 B a r a t a r i a

Boulevard, Marrero, to the West Jefferson Medical Center Board of

D i r e c t o r s ( J e f f e r s o n P a r i s h H o s p i t a l S e r v i c e D i s t r i c t N o . 1 )

representing the Councilman from District 4, replacing Ms. Charlotte

Roussel. (Mr. Zahn) (Deferred from 1/25/12 addendum agenda)


Resolution - granting permission to exempt the Lake Pontchartrain

Bas in Founda t ion , f rom a l l J e f f e r s o n P a r i s h s a l e s t a x e s o n t h e

admission fees, sales of soft drinks, water, alcoholic beverages and

Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation merchandise (hats, t-shirts, etc.)

in connection with their Back to the Beach Event to be held on 6/2/12 -

6 /3 /12 , a t Laketown in Kenner . (Mr . Zahn) (Deferred f rom 2 /15 /12

addendum agenda)


Resolut ion - grant ing permission to St . Phi l ip Ner i School , 6600

Kawanee Avenue, Metairie to conduct a Crawfish Cook Off on 3/24/12,

and that its cook off can extend to 3/25/12, as a rain out date; to allow

the sale of beverages, food, beer and alcoholic beverages; and to allow

live music outdoors and one temporary sign to advertise said cook off,

provided that all necessary permits have been obtained. (Mr. Zahn)


Resolution - granting permission to Archbishop Chapelle High School,

8800 Veterans Boulevard, Metairie, to hold an Emerald Gala on 3/24/12

at the school; to allow the serving of beverages, food, beer and liquor;

and to al low l ive music; and that no beer wil l be consumed or sold

after 1:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 25, 2012, in connection therewith;

provided that all necessary permits have been obtained. (Mr. Zahn)


Resolution - granting permission to Pandemonium Car Show, 1832

Wycoff Drive, Pineville, Louisiana, to conduct a Car Show on 7/14/12 -

7/15/12 at Lafreniere Park; and to allow the sale of novelties, beverages

a n d f o o d i n c o n f o r m a n c e w i t h P a r i s h a n d P a r k g u i d e l i n e s a n d

agreements; to allow the erection of tents in connection with said car

show, provided that all necessary permits have been obtained. (Mr.



Resolution - granting St. Christopher School, 3900 Derbigny Street,

Metairie permission to conduct an auction/dance on 3/31/12; to allow

the sale of beer, beverages, liquor, food and live music, in connection

therewith provided that all necessary permits have been obtained and

that all requirements and regulations are met; and waiving all Jefferson

Parish taxes and fees in connection with said event. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)



Resolution - granting St . Angela Merici School , 835 Melody Drive,

Metairie, permission to conduct a Gumbalaya Cook-Off on Saturday,

April 21, 2012; to allow the sale of beverages, food, beer and have live

music prov ided a l l necessary permi ts have been obta ined . (Ms.



Resolution - granting St . Angela Merici School , 835 Melody Drive,

Metairie, permission to conduct a Fish Fry on 3/23/12; to allow the sale

of beverages, food and beer; provided all necessary permits have been

obtained. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)


Resolution - grant ing Metair ie Park Country Day School , 300 Park

Road, Metairie, permission to have a School Fundraiser on 3/24/12; to

a l low the sa le of beer , l iquor , beverages , food and l ive music in

connection therewith, provided that all necessary permits have been

obtained. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)


Resolution - granting permission to St . Christopher School , 3900

Derbigny Street, Metairie, to conduct a craft fair on school grounds on

3/24/12, to allow the sale of beverages, food and erect craft booths;

they are a lso granted permiss ion to erect smal l s igns a t var ious

intersections; with said event all Jefferson Parish taxes and fees are

h e r e b y w a i v e d , p r o v i d e d a l l p e r m i t s a r e o b t a i n e d a n d t h a t a l l

requirements and regulations have been met. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)


Resolution - granting permission to Believer’s Life Family Church to

conduct a Spring Fair on grounds located at 501 Lapalco Boulevard,

Gretna, from March 30, 2012 through April 8, 2012; providing games,

food and beverages; waiving all Jefferson Parish l icenses, fees and

taxes on the proceeds received by Bel iever ’s L i fe Fami ly Church,

p r o v i d e d t h a t a l l n e c e s s a r y p e r m i t s a r e o b t a i n e d a n d t h a t a l l

requirements are met. (Mr. Templet)


Resolut ion - appoint ing Mr . Roy Gat tuso to the Jef ferson Par ish

Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) as representat ive of

District 1. (Mr. Templet)


Resolution - appointing Mrs. Nicole Amstutz to the Alcohol Beverage

Permit Review Committee representing District 1. (Mr. Templet)


Resolution - granting permission to St. Matthew’s Men’s Club to sell

beer & liquor, beverages, food, have live music, hang 2 banners on

their fence fronting Jefferson Highway and erect 3 tents in conjunction

with their Fishing Rodeo to raise funds for St. Matthew’s School on

May 1 8 & 1 9 , 2 0 1 2 , b e t w e e n t h e h o u r s o f 1 2 : 0 0 A M & 1 2 : 0 0 P M ;

p r o v i d e d t h a t a l l n e c e s s a r y p e r m i t s h a v e b e e n o b t a i n e d . ( M r .



Resolution - granting permission to Assumption of Mary Church to

conduct an Easter Fair at 171 Noel Drive, Avondale, to raise funds for

the church, on 4/8/12; to serve & sell beer, beverages & food, have live

music; provided that all necessary permits have been obtained. (Mr.




Resolution - granting permission to the Paradise Manor Community

Club to hold a “Sock Hop” to benefit Shannon Masciano, to be held at

529 Sauve Rd, River Ridge, Louis iana on 4 /27 /12 and to have l ive

music; provided that all necessary permits have been obtained. (Mr.



Resolution - granting permission to St. Matthew’s Men’s Club to hold

a Crawfish Cook-Off to raise funds for St. Matthew’s School at 10021

Jefferson Highway, River Ridge, on 4/14/12, to sell food, beer, liquor

and beverages , e rec t 3 ten ts less than 41 ’ and have l i ve mus ic ;

p r o v i d e d t h a t a l l n e c e s s a r y p e r m i t s h a v e b e e n o b t a i n e d . ( M r .



Resolution - appointing Mr. Bryan St. Cyr to the Alcoholic Beverage

Permi t Rev iew Commi t tee , represent ing Counc i l D is t r ic t 2 . (Mr .



Resolution - appointing Deacon P. Quin Bates to the Jefferson Parish

Human Services Authority Board, Addictive Disorders Professional as

representative for Councilman-at-Large, Division B, replacing Kerry

Kissel Lentini. (Mr. Lagasse)


Resolut ion - appoint ing Ms. Sandra S. Arsenaux to the Jef ferson

P a r i s h H u m a n S e r v i c e s A u t h o r i t y B o a r d , A d d i c t i v e D i s o r d e r s

Professional as representative for Councilman-at-Large, Division B,

replacing Mr. John Neal. (Mr. Lagasse)





SUMMARY NO. 23418 - resub Lots K, J-5A, J-5B, J-5C,and J-5D, Unit I,

Modern Farms Subdivision. (Deferred from 2/15/12) (Council District 3)


Affidavit for Sum 23418

SUMMARY NO. 23469 - resub Lots A, Sq. C, Orlando Park Subdivision

and Q, Tract A, Elmwood Lafreniere Plantation Subdivision. (Council

District 2)


affidavit for Sum 23469

SUMMARY NO. 23470 - resub Port ion of Lots 1 , 2 and 3 , Colonia l

Farms Subdivision, Tract B, and Lot 22-A, Square 3, Cherokee Court

Subdivision. (Council District 2)


affidavit for Sum 23471

SUMMARY NO. 23471 - resub Lo ts 7 , 8 and 9 , Sq . 3 5 , T a f t P a r k

Subdivision. (Council District 5)



Affidavit for Sum 23471



SUMMARY NO. 23419 - rec lass i fy Lo t 15 -B , Squ a r e C , R i c h l a n d

Gardens Subdivision from R-1A to GO-2/CPZ and amending Chapter 25

of the Code more particularly amending the land use classification of

Lot 15-B, Square C, Richland Gardens Subdivision from LMR to LIC.

(Council District 2) (Deferred from 1/25/12)


Affidavit for Sum 23419

SUMMARY NO. 23422 - rec lass i fy Lo t s 1 3 & 1 4 , S q u a r e N o . 2 ,

Gardere Subdivision from R-1A to R-2 amending Chapter 25 of the

Code more particularly amending the land use classification of Lots 13

& 14, Square No. 2 , Gardere Subdivision from LMR to MDR. (Council

District 2)


SUMMARY NO. 23425 - reclassify portions of Lots K, J-5B and J-5C

(proposed Lots J-5B2 and J-5C1), Unit 1, Modern Farms Subdivision

from S-1 to C-2 and amending Chapter 25 of the Code more particularly

amending the land use classification of portions of Lots K, J-5B and

J - 5 C ( p r o p o s e d L o t s J - 5 B 2 a n d J - 5 C 1 ) , U n i t 1 , M o d e r n F a r m s

Subdivision from LDR to HIC. (Deferred from 2/15/12) (Council District



Affidavits for Sum 23425

SUMMARY NO. 23426 - reclassify Lot 15-A-3, Sq. 11, Morningside Park

Subdivision from C-1/CPZ to C-2/CPZ. (Deferred from 1/25/12) (Council

District 4)


Affidavit for Sum 23426


SUMMARY NO. 23472 - approv ing CPZ-4 -12 fo r va r i ances to the

landscape and buffer requirements and to the sign regulations of the

CPZ for E lmwood Vi l lage Center located a t 1200 South Clearv iew

Parkway on Lot C-1B-A1A, E lmwood Vi l lage Center Subdiv is ion.

(Council District 2)


Affidavit for Sum 23472

SUMMARY NO. 23473 - approving CPZ-29-11 for the use of public right

of way to satisfy the front buffer requirement, landscape and clear

vision variances to the regulations of the CPZ for Taft Parking Lot,

located at 3216 Taft Park on Lots 7, 8 and 9, proposed Lot 8-A, Square

35, Taft Park Subdivision. (Council District 5)


Affidavit for Sum 23473

SUMMARY NO. 23474 - approving CPZ-40-11 for the use of public right

of way to satisfy the front and rear yard buffers, variances to the BC-2

area regulations, and variances to the landscaping, clear vision and

sign regulations of the CPZ for Romano Italian Street Food located at

4620 Veterans Memorial Boulevard on Lot E, Square 42, Pontchartrain

Gardens Subdivision, Section A. (Council District 5)


Affidavit for Sum 23474



SUMMARY NO. 23475 - authorizing the establishment and operation of

a tattoo parlor as a permitted use with criteria listed in Article XXVIII.

General Commercial District C-2 Sec 40-522 (2) in an area zoned M-3 at

2708 4th Street, Harvey Square A, Section B, Joseph Rathborne Land

Company, Inc. Industrial Subdivision. (Council District 2)



SUMMARY NO. 23413 - amending the Code to require the Jefferson

Par ish Administra t ion to prov ide month ly organizat ional repor ts.

(Deferred from 2/15/12) (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts)


SUMMARY NO. 23460 - amending the Code of Ordinances Sect ion

20 -151 .1 (a ) , address ing parapherna l ia be ing brought in to par ish

buildings. (Deferred from 2/15/12) (Parishwide)


SUMMARY NO. 23476 - amending Section 16-26 of the Code to amend

the boundaries of Consolidated Garbage District No. 1. (Parishwide)


S U M M A R Y N O . 2 3 4 7 7 - a m e n d i n g v a r i o u s s e c t i o n s o f t h e C o d e

referring to the Director of the Office of Research & Budget Analysis, to

reflect changes in that office effected by the adoption of Ordinance No.

24073 on August 10, 2011. (Parishwide)


SUMMARY NO. 23478 - amending Section 2-527 of the Code to amend

t h e c r i t e r i a f o r m e m b e r s h i p o n t h e G o v e r n m e n t a l E t h i c s a n d

Compliance and Audit Committee. (Parishwide)


SUMMARY NO. 23479 - amend Ordinance No. 14796, The Pay Plan for

the Classif ied Service of Jef ferson Par ish to revise the pay grade

assignment for the Legal Secretary II class. (Parishwide)


SUMMARY NO. 23480 - amend Ordinance No. 4074, The Personnel

Rules for the Classified Service of Jefferson Parish, to revise Rule XIV,

Veteran Preference. (Parishwide)


S U M M A R Y N O . 2 3 4 8 1 - a m e n d i n g t h e 2 0 1 2 O p e r a t i n g B u d g e t .



S U M M A R Y N O . 2 3 4 8 2 - a m e n d i n g t h e 2 0 1 2 C a p i t a l B u d g e t .




Introduction of resolutions and motions by Councilmembers69.


Introduction of resolutions and motions by Councilmembers70.





Resolution - ratifying Amendment 1with the City of Kenner, to extend

t o a g r e e m e n t f o r a n a d d i t i o n a l y e a r a n d t o a m e n d t h e t e r m s o f

payment, the contract cap of this agreement shall remain unchanged at

$43,350.00. (Mr. Zahn)


Resolution - appointing Mr. Gregory T. Giangrosso to the off ice of

Administrative Assistant to the Jefferson Parish Councilmember for

District 5, replacing Mr. Rob Hinyub, effective on March 12, 2012. (Ms.



Resolution - accepting the high bids of Stewart Mastio, Geoffrey B.

Katz , Gregor Hof fman, Lar ry Dz iekan , Haro ld P . Schr ie f fe r J r . ,

William A. Lazaro, Jr., F. Joseph (Joey) Favalora, Jacques J. Creppel,

Alan Appley, William S LaCorte, Richard G. Pfister, Robert L. Swayze,

William Jessee, Chalin O. Perez Jr. for the rental of slip space at the

Bucktown Marina. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)


Resolution - authoriz ing the execution of a Cooperat ive Endeavor

Agreement with the Krewe of Alla to provide an amount not to exceed

$10,000 to the Krewe for expenses associated with the running of a

carnival parade in Jefferson parish on February 12, 2012. (Counci l

District 1) (Mr. Templet) (Deffered from 2/15/2012)


Resolution - authoriz ing the execution of a Cooperat ive Endeavor

Agreement with the Krewe of Choctaw to provide an amount not to

exceed $5,000 to the Krewe for expenses associated with the running

of a carnival parade in Jefferson parish on February 11, 2012. (Council

District 1) (Mr. Templet) (Deferred from 2/15/2012)


Resolution - authoriz ing the execution of a Cooperat ive Endeavor

Agreement with the Krewe of Cleopatra to provide an amount not to

exceed $10,000 to the Krewe for expenses associated with the running

of a carnival parade in Jefferson parish on February 10, 2012. (District

1) (Mr. Templet) (Deferred from 2/15/12 addendum agenda)


Affidavits for Krewe of Cleopatra

Resolution - motioning for a hearing date to be set and heard by the

Jef ferson Par ish Alcohol ic Beverage Permit Review Commit tee to

de te rmine whether the 2012 A lcoho l ic Beverage Permi t Renewa l

Application of T.B. Entertainment, LLC, d/b/a DC's Fantasee Cabaret,

located at 111 Wright Avenue, #B, Gretna, should be denied. (Mr.




Resolution - selecting an engineering firm from the list of the approved

firms for routine engineering services which cost under $300,000.00

for Sewerage Projects, which services will be required for the upgrade

o f l i f t s ta t ion O-12-7 (Broadway & 11 th ) . (Counc i l D is t r ic t No . 3)

(Approved by Mr. Spears at the request of the Administration) (Deferred

from 2-15-12)


Resolut ion - author iz ing Amendment 1wi th the Univers i ty of New

Orleans Foundation to act as a Leasing Agent and Manager for finding

tenants in the entertainment industry at the Public Works Department

M a i n t e n a n c e F a c i l i t y ( f o r m e r l y k n o w n a s t h e R h e e m C e n t e r ) .

(Parishwide) (Mr. Roberts) (Deferred from 1/25/12 addendum agenda)


Resolution - rat i fying Amendment 1 to the Agreement between the

Parish of Jefferson, Newell Normand, in his capacity as the Jefferson

Parish Sheriff, and the City of Gretna for the sharing of responsibilities

associated with the Off ice of Crime Prevention and Qual i ty of Li fe

Enforcement. (Parishwide) (Mr. Roberts) (Deferred from 2/15/12)


Resolut ion - assigning the administrat ion of the Jef ferson Par ish

Economic Incentive Fund Policy and Program to JEDCO; requesting

JEDCO to develop and administer a f i lm-permit process; amending

Resolution 11006. (Mr. Roberts) (Deferred from 2/15/2012 addendum



Resolution - to authorize an agreement with Cox Business Services to

provide a Metro E 10mpbs Data Service that wi l l enable the 9-1-1

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) to communicate wi th the pr imary

PSAP and the remote PSAPs located in the City of Kenner and the City

of Gretna and the backup facility on Belle Terre Road at an annual cost

not to exceed $7,200.00. (Parishwide) (Mr. Roberts)



Resolut ion - authoriz ing Amendment 5, with Al l South Consult ing

Eng ineers , LLC for the Grand Is le Water Sys tem Eva lua t ion and

Improvements for Jefferson Parish Waterworks Sites, to provide for a

time extension of one (1) year and establish a new contract termination

date of March 14, 2013 This amendment does not increase the total

cost of the Agreement which remains at $242,380.90.(Deferred from

2-15-12) (Counci l Distr ict No. 1) (Approved by Mr. Templet at the

request of the Administration)


Affidavits All South Consulting Engineers

Affidavit for All South Consulting Engineers, LLC

Resolut ion - ra t i fy ing an Agreement wi th IESI LA Corporat ion to

provide landfill operation, management, and maintenance services for

the Jef ferson Par ish San i ta ry Landf i l l under RFP No. 227 for the

Department of Enfironmental Affairs for a contract cap not to exceed

$6,200,000.00. (Parishwide) (Deferred from 2/15/12) (Approved by Mr.

Lagasse at the request of the Administration)





Resolu t ion - author i z ing Amendment 2 w i th R ichard C . Lamber t

Consultants, LLC adding funds to cover construction administration

during the extended construction contract period for the Golden Age

C e n t e r a t T e r r y t o w n P l a y g r o u n d t h e r e b y i n c r e a s i n g t h e f e e b y

$40,969.64 to a new total contract amount of $131,180.59. (Council

D i s t r i c t 1 ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . T e m p l e t a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



Affidavits - Terrytown Golden Age Center 2-15-12

Affidavit for Richard C. Lambert Consultants

Affidavit for Richard C. Lambert Consultants, LLC

Resolution - ratifying the agreement between MGT of America, Inc. and

Maximus Consulting Services, Inc. with Jefferson Parish, to develop,

o n a s n e e d e d b a s i s , a P a r i s h - w i d e c o s t a l l o c a t i o n p l a n a n d a

depar tmenta l cost a l locat ion p lan for the Par ish and the D is t r ic t

Attorney’s Office for use in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 for a cost not

to exceed $52,500.00. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the

request of the Administration)


MGT Affidavit of Notice of Fee Disposition

Maximus Affidavit of Fee Disposition - COst Allocation Plan

MGT Subcontractor Affidavit - Cost Allocation Plan

MGT Non-collusion affidavit Cost Allocation Plan

MGT Employment Affidavit - Cost Allocation Plan

MGT Campaign Contribution Affidavit - Cost Allocation Plan

Maximus Sub-Contractor Affidavit - Cost Allocation Plan

Maximus Employment Affidavit - Cost Allocation Plan

Maximus Campaign Contribution Affidavit - Cost Allocation Plan

Maximus Affidavit for Cost Allocation Plan

Resolution - ratifying Amendment 1 with Rafael E. Saddy, removing the

reta iner fee c lause and adding a re imbursement c lause for Firm’s

expenses incurred for the cost of insurance premiums to maintain the

insurance required under the Agreement. (Parishwide) (Approved by

Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration)





Resolu t ion - ra t i fy ing a new agreement , cont inu ing in fo rm and

s u b s t a n c e a s t h e P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s A g r e e m e n t t o p r o v i d e

professional supplementa l medica l veter inary serv ices , between

Jefferson Parish and Metairie Small Animal Hospital, Inc. except the

term of the new agreement shall commence on the 3rd day of March,

2012, and expire on the date that is the earlier of the 3rd day of April

2012, or the full execution of a contract. (Parishwide) (Approved by

Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration)



Resolution - ratifying the extension of an Agreement with Jefferson

Amateur Radio Club, Inc. and Consolidated Recreation and Community

Center and Playground District No. 1, for an additional five (5) years;

sa id ex tens ion sha l l be f rom March 12 , 2012 to March 12 , 2017 .

(Council District 5) (Approved by Ms. Lee-Sheng at the request of the




Resolution - ratifying an Agreement with the Town of Jean Lafitte to

al low the Parish and the Parish’s garbage col lect ion contractor to

occupy and use property owned by the Town as a residential trash

drop-off site, and in exchange the Parish will make improvements to

the site, in an amount not to exceed $230,000.00 for paving, fencing,

drainage and water service. (Council Distr ict 1) (Approved by Mr.

Templet at the request of the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing an Agreement with the State of Louisiana,

Office of Facility Planning and Control (FP&C), to secure $125,000.00 in

Capital Outlay Cash and $1,225,000 in a Non-Cash Line of Credit for a

total of $1,350,000.00 towards Breaux Ditch Drainage Improvements,

FP&C Project No. 50-J26-11-01. (Council District 1) (Approved by Mr.

Templet at the request of the Administration)


Resolut ion - author iz ing payment to Entergy Louis iana , LLC for

r e l o c a t i o n o f t h e t e r m i n a l p o l e s a n d u n d e r g r o u n d c o n d u c t o r i n

Entergy’s Behrman substat ion as necessary to construct drainage

improvements to Industry Canal – Oakwood Canal to Algiers Outfall

Canal, a portion of the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control (DPW

No. 2004-012-DR (SELA), for a tota l cost of $169,354.82. (Counci l

D i s t r i c t 1 ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . T e m p l e t a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



Resolut ion - author iz ing payment to Entergy Louis iana , LLC for

temporary relocation and restoration of facilities along Powerline Drive

and on the Mississippi River Batture as necessary to construct the

Jefferson Highway to River segment of the Harahan Pump to The River

Project (HPTR) - (DPW No. 2001-046F-DR (SELA) which is a portion of

the Southeast Louis iana Urban F lood Cont ro l , fo r a to ta l cost o f

$172,917.27. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the

request of the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing an Agreement with the State of Louisiana,

Office of Facility Planning and Control (FP&C) to secure $250,000.00 in

Capital Outlay Cash towards Upper Kraak Ditch Subsurface Drainage

Improvements, FP&C Project No. 50-J26-11-02. (Council Distr ict 2)

(Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing payment of $3,000.00 to Vogt Construction,

Inc. to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment to dredge river silt at

the in take gates o f the East Bank Water T rea tment P lan t fo r the

Department of Public Works, Water. (Council District 2) (Approved by

Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration)


Resolution - extending the warranty agreement with Schindler Elevator

Corporation, to provide elevator maintenance for one (1) Hydraul ic

Passenger Elevator located in the East Bank Maintenance Faci l i ty

Building, 200 Shrewsbury Road for the Department of Public Works -

Streets. The agreement shall be extended for a period not to exceed

two (2 years with a new expiration date of March 8, 2014, for a cost not

to exceed $1,860, annual ly , for the Department of Publ ic Works –

Streets. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request

of the Administration)



Schindler Affidavits

Affidavit for Shindler Elevator Corporation

Resolut ion - increasing the contract cap for the Time Contract to

Provide Services to Operate, Manage and Maintain the Jefferson Parish

Sanitary Landfill Site from $70,080,215.00 to $74,816,248.00. (Council

D i s t r i c t 3 ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . S p e a r s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



Reso lu t ion - author i z ing an Agreement w i th Ca tho l i c Char i t i es ,

Archidocese of New Orleans, setting forth the terms and conditions,

scope o f serv ices , and proposed budget fo r the expend i tu re o f

$47 ,043 .00 FY '11 of Sta te Emergency She l te r Grant funds for the

continued operation of the Way Maker Ministries Emergency Shelter.

( P a r i s h w i d e ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . R o b e r t s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



Catholic Charities SESG Affidavits

Resolut ion - accept ing a proposal f rom ESRI to supply sof tware,

training, and professional services, based on Louisiana state contract

(# 408322) pricing, under the terms and conditions stated in the ESRI

Q u o t a t i o n # 2 0 3 9 4 4 4 0 1 , w i t h a c t i v i t i e s d e t a i l e d i n t h e p r o p o s a l

managed by the Jef ferson Par ish GIS Department at a cost not to

exceed $135 ,000 . (Par ishwide) (Approved by Mr . Rober ts a t the

request of the Administration)


ESRI NonCollusion Affidavit

ESRI Employment Status Verification Affidavit

ESRI Campaign Contribution Affidavit

Resolution - authorizing Amendment 1 with Jefferson Parish and the

Je f fe rson Par ish H u m a n S e r v i c e s A u t h o r i t y ( J P H S A ) t o p r o v i d e

Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program services (HPRP).

The amendment wil l extend the contract to June 30, 2012, with no

c h a n g e i n t h e a m o u n t o f H P R P f u n d s p r o v i d e d . ( P a r i s h w i d e)

(Approved by Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing an agreement with C. Spencer Smith, AIA, as

a sole-source provider of plans and architectural specifications for 26

single-family homes to be constructed on properties transferred to

Jefferson Parish by the Louisiana Land Trust. The agreement will be

f o r a p e r i o d o f o n e ( 1 ) y e a r a n d w i l l n o t e x c e e d $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 .

( P a r i s h w i d e ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . R o b e r t s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e



Spencer Smith Affidavit

Affidavit for Spencer Smith, AIA, LLC

Resolution - ratifying an Agreement with the Jefferson Parish Human

Services Authority for use of space at 5001 Westbank Expressway,

Marrero. (Council District No. 2) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the

request of the Administration) (Deferred from 2/15/2012)


R e s o l u t i o n - a u t h o r i z i n g t h e p u r c h a s e o f a C U M M I N S - A L L I S O N

CORPORATION maintenance agreement in an amount not to exceed

$3,076.00, for the period of Apri l 27, 2012 to Apri l 26, 2013 for the

Department of Transit Administration. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr.

Roberts at the request of the Administration)



Resolution - raising the expenditure cap by $40,000.00 for the two (2)

year contract for steel storm drain culverts, with Qual i ty Si tework

M a t e r i a l s , I n c . f o r t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f P u b l i c W o r k s , D r a i n a g e .

( P a r i s h w i d e ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . R o b e r t s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e




Resolution - authorizing the Chairman of the Jefferson Parish Council

to annually sign the SF 424B, Assurances Non-Construction Program

and SF 424D, Assurances Construction Program forms, and to sign the

attached SF 424 Applicat ions for Federal Assistance to amend and

execute the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) Grant Award

Numbers F12AF70080 and F12AF70081 ( formerly M07AF16059 and

M07AF16061 respectively) for the Lower Lafitte Shoreline Stabilization

at Bayou Rigolettes project from the U.S. Department of the Interior,

Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), to obligate funds in the amount of

$7,642,384.79 for Phase 2 construction of shoreline protection along

Bayou Barataria at the junction of Bayou Rigolettes in an effort to

reduce eros ion and protec t the Grand Is le water tank f rom wave

energy, to amend the grant numbers, and to extend the project period

one year, through February 28, 2014. (Council District 1) (Approved by

Mr. Templet at the request of the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing granting of servitude to Entergy Louisiana,

L.L.C., on Lot Y-1-A-1-A, Henfer Park Subdivision. (Council District 2)

(Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration)


Resolut ion - author iz ing Jef ferson Par ish to in tervene in a F i rs t

Amendment to Ground Lease amending a Ground Lease between the

Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District and the New Orleans Saints

and a First Amendment to the Second Amended and restated New

Orleans Saints Professional Football Training Facility Lease between

the New Orleans Saints and Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District.

(Council District No. 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of

the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing the Parish Clerk to advertise for Statement of

Qual i f icat ions from qual i f ied f i rms interested in being engaged to

conduct an actuarial study for Jefferson Parish’s Self-Insured Program

for Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, Automobile Liability and

other insurance coverages associated with the Jef ferson Par ish’s

Property and Casualty Insurance Program. (Parishwide) (Approved by

Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration)


Campaign Contribution Affidavit (2.20.12)

Employment Status Verification Affidavit (2.17.12)

Non-Collusion Affidavit (2.8.12)

Subcontractor Affidavit (2.8.12)

Resolution - authorizing the Parish Clerk to advertise for submittals of

Statements of Qual i f icat ions from professional f i rms interested in

providing Soils Investigation Services on an as-needed basis, for the

Department of Public Works, for projects in the Parish of Jefferson.

( P a r i s h w i d e ) ( A p p r o v e d b y M r . R o b e r t s a t t h e r e q u e s t o f t h e




Resolution - authorizing the Purchasing Department to advertise a

Request for Proposals from firms to provide e-procurement/ onl ine

bidding solutions that will allow vendors to submit bids online for the

Department of Purchasing. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at

the request of the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing the Parish Clerk to advertise for submittals of

Statements of Qual i f icat ions for f i rms or individuals interested in

provid ing invest igat ive serv ices to minimize losses to the Par ish

including, but not limited to, circumstances from payroll fraud, abuse

of leave, or other benefits, theft and improper use of Parish equipment

and resources, etc. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts at the

request of the Administration)


Resolution - accepting the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program

(LIHEAP) grant award administered by Jefferson Community Action

Programs to provide energy assistance and rat i fy ing the contract

between Louisiana Association of Community Action Partnerships, Inc.

(LACAP) and Jefferson Parish. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Roberts

at the request of the Administration)


Resolu t ion - suppor t ing the federa l Resources and Ecosystems

Sustainabil i ty, Tourism Opportunit ies and Revived Economy of the

Gulf Coast Act of 2011 (RESTORE Act) which will redirect Clean Water

Act penalt ies from the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spi l l for Gulf Coast

recovery efforts, and urging swift passage of said Act by the United

States Congress. (Par ishwide) (Approved by Mr . Lagasse a t the

request of the Administration)



Resolution - authorizing an agreement with Jefferson Parish Hospital

District No. 1 for one (1) LifePak 15 Bi Pacing AED with Accessories for

West Jefferson Medical Center Emergency Medical Services personnel

to use as a lifesaving tool while on duty. (Parishwide) (Approved by

Mr. Roberts at the request of the Administration)









All persons wishing to appear before the Council are required to register with

the Parish Clerk. Please list your name, address, phone number and the reason

you would like to speak. Only persons registered will be allowed to address the

Council. You will have 5 minutes only.

Ione Bolden - re: Quality of Life Issues117.


In accordance with the requirements of Title ll of the Americans with Disabilities Act of

1990 ("ADA"), as amended, Jefferson Parish will not discriminate against qualified

individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or

activities. If you require auxiliary aids or devices, or other reasonable accommodation

under the ADA, please submit your request to the ADA Coordinator at least 48 hours in

advance or as soon as possible. A 72 hour notice is needed to request Certified ASL


ADA Coordinator, Katherine Hoover

Office of Citizens with Disabilities

1221 Elmwood Park Blvd., Suite 210

Jefferson, LA 70123

(504) 736-6086

[email protected]

Any person, who believes he or she has been subject to unlawful discrimination by the

Parish or any Parish officer or employee based on a past or current disability, or his or

her association with a person with a disability, may submit the grievance, in writing, to

the Parish's designated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator.




Wednesday, March 7, 2012







ROLL CALL - Directors of Departments

ROLL CALL - Council Members and Parish President




Mr. Terry McCarthy, Director of the Finance





Resolution - granting permission to the Louisiana Restaurant

Association to conduct a fund raiser "Taste of the Town" at Lafreniere

Park on 3/30/12; to allow the serving of beverages, food, liquor and

beer in conformance with Parish and Park guidelines and agreements;

and to allow live music, for the purpose of raising money for Patrons of

Lafreniere Park, Inc. for improvements to Lafreniere Park and to the

Louisiana Restaurant Association for culinary education; provided that

all necessary permits have been obtained. (Mr. Zahn)


Resolution - amending Resolution No. 118180 which grants

permission to Atonement Lutheran Church and School, 6500 Riverside

Drive, Metairie, to conduct its church and school spring fair on 4/20/12

- 4/22/12; to also grant them permission to erect three (3) additional

temporary signs at various locations to advertise the spring fair. (Mr.



Resolution - appointing Ms. Patrice A. Williams-Smith as

Commissioner K to the Jefferson Economic Development and Port

Commission (JEDCO), representing the Greater New Orleans Black

Chamber of Commerce, and replacing Mr. Ernest Stalberte. (Mr.



Resolution - granting permission to St. Benilde Men’s Club to erect

temporary signs advertising their Lenten Fish Fry to be held on Friday,

March 2, 2012 and Friday, March 23, 2012. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)



Resolution - authorizing St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church, to

have installed two (2) directional signs in the median of David Drive,

one between Camphor Street and West Metairie, and the other between

Camphor Street and Lafreniere Street with the cost for signs, posts

and installation to be borne by St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church.

(Mr. Johnston)



Resolution - stating the Jefferson Parish Council support and endorse

the AMA Distributions, Inc., dba ZLN Holding Company to participate in

the benefits of the Renewal Restoration Tax Abatement Program in the

Jefferson Parish Economic Development District within Metairie,

Jefferson Parish. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)


Resolution - requesting the Planning Department and the Planning

Advisory Board to conduct a study of the text of Chapter 33, Unified

Development Code of the Code of Ordinances with the intent of

evaluating, clarifying, and amending regulations pertaining to

dumpsters, loading, nonconforming signs, monument signs,

supplemental use standards, and the development approval process in

the Fat City zoning districts; and establishing interim regulations

during the study. (Ms. Lee-Sheng)


Resolution - ratifying the attached Cooperative Endeavor Agreement

between the Parish of Jefferson and Metairie Park Country Day School.

(Ms. Lee-Sheng)


Resolution - ratifying an Agreement with Terrytown Economic

Development Association for the 2012 Terrytown Spring Festival. (Mr.



Terrytown Economic Development Association Affidavits

Resolution - ratifying an Agreement with the City of Gretna to sponsor

the City of Gretna in its efforts to convert the Post Office, located at

719 4th Street, Gretna, Louisiana, into the “Gretna Cultural Center of

the Arts” in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00. (Mr. Templet)


Resolution - ratifying an Agreement with Louisiana State

Representative Bryan Adams for use of the Alario Center. (Mr. Spears)



Resolution - authorizing Amendment 2 with Meyer Engineers, Ltd to

provide engineering services for the design and construction of 11th

Street Rehabilitation (Queens Street to Manhattan Boulevard), to

extend the term of the agreement for a period of one (1) year, which

does not increase the total $211,371.00 cost of the Engineering

Agreement. (Council District No. 3) (Approved by Mr. Spears at the

request of the Administration)




Resolution - ratifying an agreement with Metairie Small Animal

Hospital to provide emergency veterinary care for the Jefferson Parish

Animal Shelter for a period of two (2) years at a cost not to exceed

$80,000. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the



Metairie Small Animal Hospital Affidavits


Resolution - authorizing the Director of Fire Services to sign an

agreement with Delta Terminal Services, LLC, to provide for training

for Delta Terminal Services Employees. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr.

Lagasse at the request of the Administration)


Delta Terminal affidavits


Resolution - authorizing a Location Agreement with High Noon West,

LLC for use of Pontiff Playground, 1521 Palm Street, Metairie, in

connection with the filming of Tough Love. (Approved by Ms.

Lee-Sheng at the request of the Administration)


Resolution - authorizing the acceptance of an increase in a

commercial crime insurance policy with Zurich American Insurance

Company for Jefferson Parish Community Development CDBG

Program for a cost not to exceed $828.00 total premium for the period

of February 16, 2012 to February 16, 2013. (Parishwide) (Approved by

Mr. Spears at the request of the Administration.)



Resolution - authorizing West Jefferson Medical Center (“WJMC”) to

enter into a contract with Sodexo, Inc. for dietary and housekeeping

services. (Mr. Johnston)



Resolution - authorizing the Council to go into executive session to

discuss legal matters concerning Waste Management of Louisiana,

LLC v. Consolidated Garbage District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson,

et al., 24th JDC, No. 711-346, Div. “N,” and to provide for related

matters. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the





All persons wishing to appear before the Council are required to register with

the Parish Clerk. Please list your name, address, phone number and the reason

you would like to speak. Only persons registered will be allowed to address the

Council. You will have 5 minutes only.

Mr. Ashton O'Dwyer - re: Batture Property19.


In accordance with the requirements of Title ll of the Americans with Disabilities Act of

1990 ("ADA"), as amended, Jefferson Parish will not discriminate against qualified

individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or

activities. If you require auxiliary aids or devices, or other reasonable accommodation

under the ADA, please submit your request to the ADA Coordinator at least 48 hours in

advance or as soon as possible. A 72 hour notice is needed to request Certified ASL


ADA Coordinator, Katherine Hoover

Office of Citizens with Disabilities

1221 Elmwood Park Blvd., Suite 210

Jefferson, LA 70123

(504) 736-6086

[email protected]

Any person, who believes he or she has been subject to unlawful discrimination by the

Parish or any Parish officer or employee based on a past or current disability, or his or

her association with a person with a disability, may submit the grievance, in writing, to

the Parish's designated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator.