jefferson county public schools success story

Naviance Success Story Jefferson County Public Schools To learn more or to schedule a demo, call 800.927.8439 (toll-free) or +1.703.859.7300 (international). One major trend affecting schools is the increasing growth of state-mandated or rec- ommended adoption of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). And while schools may sup- port the idea in theory, many are scrambling to find ways to meet the requirements. Paper-based plans are hard to keep updated and are not easily communicated to par- ents, even though family engagement in students’ planning is critical. ese challenges, along with lack of access to quality college and career planning tools and materials, often prevents successful implementation of ILP requirements. Schools across the country, including Jefferson County Public Schools outside Denver, Colorado, are finding that Naviance brings all the pieces of an ILP together in a com- plete, one-stop shop solution. USE BUILT-IN TASKS TO KEEP STUDENTS ON TRACK Jefferson County Public Schools uses Naviance to fulfill the Individual Career & Academic Plan (ICAP) requirement for all 60 schools in the district. Bryan Krause, Student Services Director, estab- lishes milestones based on state require- ments and assigns tasks to students in each grade. Naviance contains built-in tasks often found in ILPs such as search- ing for scholarships and researching col- leges. In addition to built-in tasks, Bryan creates tasks at the district level and schools can create additional custom tasks to support specific needs. Meeting ILP Requirements with Naviance About Jefferson County Public Schools Jefferson Public Schools is the largest public school district in Colorado, consisting of nearly 86,000 students. Bryan Krause, Student Services Director, turned to Naviance to manage their Individual Career & Academic Plan program electronically. Electronic capture is essential to monitor [ILP] implementation. Online ILPs help states determine which students are receiving specific supports, whether academic, counseling, or interventions. Moreover, online formats also allow for easier sharing and communication between students, parents, and school staff.” – TODD BLOOM, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer Hobsons

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Naviance Success Story

Jefferson County Public Schools

To learn more or to schedule a demo, call 800.927.8439 (toll-free) or +1.703.859.7300 (international).

One major trend affecting schools is the increasing growth of state-mandated or rec-ommended adoption of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). And while schools may sup-port the idea in theory, many are scrambling to find ways to meet the requirements. Paper-based plans are hard to keep updated and are not easily communicated to par-ents, even though family engagement in students’ planning is critical. These challenges, along with lack of access to quality college and career planning tools and materials, often prevents successful implementation of ILP requirements.

Schools across the country, including Jefferson County Public Schools outside Denver, Colorado, are finding that Naviance brings all the pieces of an ILP together in a com-plete, one-stop shop solution.

USE BUILT-IN TASKS TO KEEP STUDENTS ON TRACKJefferson County Public Schools uses Naviance to fulfill the Individual Career & Academic Plan (ICAP) requirement for all 60 schools in the district. Bryan Krause, Student Services Director, estab-lishes milestones based on state require-ments and assigns tasks to students in each grade. Naviance contains built-in tasks often found in ILPs such as search-ing for scholarships and researching col-leges. In addition to built-in tasks, Bryan creates tasks at the district level and schools can create additional custom tasks to support specific needs.

Meeting ILP Requirements with Naviance

About Jefferson County Public Schools

Jefferson Public Schools is the largest public school district in Colorado, consisting of nearly 86,000 students.

Bryan Krause, Student Services Director, turned to Naviance to manage their Individual Career & Academic Plan program electronically.

Electronic capture is essential to monitor [ILP] implementation. Online ILPs help states determine which students are receiving specific supports, whether academic, counseling, or interventions. Moreover, online formats also allow for easier sharing and communication between students, parents, and school staff.”

– TODD BLOOM, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer


Naviance Success Story

Jefferson County Public Schools

To learn more or to schedule a demo, call 800.927.8439 (toll-free) or +1.703.859.7300 (international).

Creating ILPs with Naviance Naviance can provide all of the tools needed to create a successful ILP:

Course planner

Career exploration

College search

Personality and learning style assessments

Resume builder

Self reflection

Action plan with deadlines

Electronic sharing between student, parent, teacher, and counselor

And much more

PROMOTE EARLY ADOPTION AND PARENT ENGAGEMENTMr. Krause says that he likes for students to become familiar with Naviance in 7th grade so that when they reach 11th grade, it’s second nature as they take on more intensive college and career exploration and planning. Schools have also incorporated the component that allows parents to review and sign off on student plans. Family and educator collaboration is crucial to student success, even for the best laid plan.

REPORT ON ILP STATUS AND COMPLETIONFinally, Naviance makes it easy to report on results and see progress. In order to target interventions, schools can see which students still need to meet require-ments. Reporting also allows schools and districts to report on the per-centage of students who have com-pleted plans, which can be shared with the school board, administra-tors, or the state.