jec magazine issue 37


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Quenching Asia's Thirst:JEC Builds Capacity in Water Management


Wilson Kwong鄺永銓

CEO's Message行政總裁的話


Feature Story特寫


Quenching Asia's Thirst: JEC Builds Capacity in Water Management怡和機器加強亞洲水務管理能力



JEC Secured Building Services Contracts from EMSD and Hongkong Land怡和機器獲得機電工程署及置地公司的屋宇裝備工程合約

JEC Designs and Replaces Programmable Logic Controllers for Baggage Handling System (Phase 2) at Hong Kong International Airport怡和機器為香港國際機場行李處理系統(第二期)設計及更換可編程邏輯控制器

Completion of Kennedy Town Swimming Pool Re-provisioning Works (Phase 2) Reinforces JEC's Expertise in Water Treatment堅尼地城游泳池重置工程(第二期)完成怡和機器水處理技術倍獲肯定

JEC Thailand Provides M&E Systems to Bangkok Red Line Construction Project泰國怡和機器為曼谷鐵路紅線項目提供機電系統

JEC Thailand Wins Shrewsbury International School M&E Contract泰國怡和機器獲得思貝禮國際學校機電工程合約

JEC Singapore Prov ides Fac i l i t ies Management Services in Healthcare Sector新加坡怡和機器在醫療領域提供設施管理服務

JEC Customer Cocktail Reception 2016怡和機器2016年度客戶酒會


Welcome to our first issue of JEC Magazine in 2017 and may I first begin by wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Rooster.

Our cover story this issue touches on JEC's growing presence in the development of water management systems around Asia – from waste and potable water processing to an upcoming project to develop water filtration systems for the new all-weather Water World at Hong Kong's much-loved Ocean Park.

A new regular section for the magazine, Product Solutions, introduces some of the fittings and styling that can help transform any residence into the perfect home, illustrating JEC's capability in addressing individual end user needs as we do for companies and institutions.

I am also pleased to share that JEC Hong Kong has recently secured building services contracts from the Hong Kong SAR Government and Hongkong Land, as well as an upgrading work for the Baggage Handling System at the Hong Kong International Airport. We are also honoured to have completed Phase 2 of reprovisioning works at Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, serving the needs of the general public through our expertise in water treatment. Across the region, JEC Thailand has secured contracts to provide M&E systems for the construction of the Bangkok MRT Red Line and at Shrewsbury International School. Meanwhile, in a joint effort with customer, our JEC Singapore team has displayed its sustainability credentials through participation in the 'Asia Square Green Wars'.

The turning of the Chinese New Year is a good time for me to glance back and express my thanks to all our teams for a series of outstanding performances over the past 12 months – in the service to our customers, the technical excellence of the projects we delivered, and the strong spirit in which we worked together to make it all happen. Thank you for your trust and support, and I look forward to working together as we engineer a better Asia in 2017.


今期特寫會展示怡和機器在亞洲發展水資源管理系統的歷程 ─ 從執行污水和食水處理項目,一直到快將動工的香港海洋公園全天候水上樂園用水過濾系統項目。




CEO’SMESSAGE行 政 總 裁 的 話

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目錄JEC Supported DSD Open Day怡和機器參與渠務署開放日

JEC Singapore Actively Engaged in Asia Square Green Wars新加坡怡和機器積極參與「亞洲廣場環保大戰」

Product Solutions產品方案


Home Sweet Home舒適溫馨的家

Environmental, Health & Safety環境、健康與安全


JEC Takes the Init iative to Promote Sustainable Development in Hong Kong建設綠色香港 怡和機器積極推動可持續發展

Training & Development培訓及發展


Nurturing Future Leaders for JEC培訓未來領袖 怡和機器孕育菁英

Community Care關懷社區


CENTRAL Rat Race 20162016鼠戰中環

Jardine Distribution Inc. Kicks Off “JDI Shares” with an Orphanage in Manila「JDI Shares」與馬尼拉孤兒院分享愛心

Major Contracts Listing工程合約


JEC Designs and Replaces Programmable Logic Controllers for Baggage Handling System (Phase 2) at Hong Kong International Airport


P.09JEC Customer CocktailReception 2016


P.12Nurturing FutureLeaders for JEC

培訓未來領袖 怡和機器孕育菁英

P.18Jardine Distribution Inc. Kicks Off "JDI Shares" with an Orphanage in Manila

「JDI Shares」與馬尼拉孤兒院分享愛心


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Quenching Asia's Thirst: JEC Builds Capacity in Water Management怡和機器加強亞洲水務管理能力

Asia’s water supply, management and recycling capability must undergo profound and urgent development, if the continent is to meet the needs of its growing and developing population. Scientists report that, without significant mitigation, climate change will further deplete water

basins in China and elsewhere, leading to a high risk of severe water stress that will impact lives, livelihoods and economic growth.

Meeting the challenge of water security for all is complex and will require careful local analysis and a tailored approach for each area across the region.



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與「水」同行Be Water, My Friend


JEC has been building and facilitating water management infrastructure since the 1980s, providing services to Hong Kong government, including the Water Supplies Department and the Drainage Services Department, as well as major corporations and other large users.

Over that time, JEC has helped to build and upgrade the majority of Hong Kong's secondary sewage treatment plants. Indeed, over the last 15 years or so, JEC has risen to become a leading provider of wastewater infrastructure in Hong Kong.

In the 1990s, as the need to manage water more carefully was taken up by state and commercial actors around Asia, JEC recognised that its experience in wastewater provision could valuably be applied to the construct ion and development of potable and other freshwater systems, handling of water flows of up to hundreds of millions of litres per day. Facilities involve similar technologies a n d a r e o f t e n f o r t h e government and institutional clients with whom JEC has long existing relationships, for the provision of essential p u b l i c s e r v i c e s a n d infrastructure.

As we moved into the new millennium, JEC took on projects to install modern filtration systems in municipal and private swimming pools around Hong Kong. Now, with more than 15 years’ experience in the development and refitting of swimming pool water filtration systems for government departments, large corporate and public facilities, JEC has provided for the majority of the Hong Kong market over the past five years.





▲ Indoor pool in Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Complex觀塘游泳池室內池

Outdoor pool at Kennedy Town Swimming Pool Complex堅尼地城游泳池戶外池

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技術與知識的傳承Flowing Across the Region

Other JEC country operations were seeking to develop their capabilities to supply and service water management facilities. The Hong Kong office was able to provide technical guidance and project management expertise.

In 2010 in the Philippines, where the population recently passed the 100 million mark and expectations for living standards are rising, the local and headquarters teams worked toge ther on the new business area. An early project was for construction of the Libingan Ng Mga Bayani Sewage Treatment Plant (LNMB STP) – the f i rst underground wastewater treatment plant in the Philippines, which now processes up to 75 MLD of wastewater.

To broaden and grow its water business, JEC worked with technology partners to participate in the development of a new generation of potable water treatment plants. A US$100 million project to design and build Putatan Water Treatment Plant 2 in the Philippines, to provide clean drinking water to almost six million people in metropolitan Manila, was an important first step. The plant will have an initial capacity of 100 MLD, extendable to 150 MLD of drinking water.

Key to the success of this project were JEC's strength in its regional offering with JEC Hong Kong providing technical support and business development to support the growth in the Philippines. Knowledge is shared openly, as the

JEC Hong Kong also has extensive experience in the design and installation of reclaimed water system that safely reuse water, through filtration, biological treatment and disinfection technology, such as at Business Environment Council Headquarters, Hong Kong Disneyland, Ocean Park, and T. Park, Hong Kong’s first self-sustaining sludge treatment facility.

In 2006, as part of the Hong Kong Government’s Total Water Management Strategy, JEC designed and went on to construct a reclaimed water treatment plant for the Environmental Protection Department at Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works. The project demonstrated, for the first time in Hong Kong, that high quality treated water could be produced using ultrafiltration membrane technology and disinfection.



2010年,菲律賓的人口剛好突破一億。隨着當地人民對生活質素的要求有所提升,怡和機器的菲律賓團隊便與香港總公司展開合作以開拓新的業務。早期項目包括興建Libingan Ng Mga Bayani (LNMB) 污水處理廠 , 那是菲律賓首個地下污水處理廠,現時每日可處理高達7,500萬公升污水。

為 了 在 當 地 擴 張 水 務 業務,怡和機器與技術夥伴合力研發新一代食水處理設施,而首項重要實踐是耗資一億美元設計和興建的Putatan食水處理廠二期。新廠房能為近六百萬名馬尼拉居民提供潔淨的食水,每天總處理量達1億公升,將來可提升至1.5億公升。


香港怡和機器在設計及安裝再造水系統方面亦有豐富經驗,系統利用過濾、生物處理及消毒技術,使水資源得以安全地重用。過去參與的項目包括商界環保協會總部、香港迪士尼樂園、海洋公園,以及香港首個自給自足的污泥處理設施 [源•區]。


▲ LNMB Treatment Plant was built underneath a public park in Taguig City. LNMB污水處理廠位於達義市公共花園地底

▲ Water feature at Hong Kong Disneyland Grizzly Gulch


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跨地域發展Distributed Development

different nationals share the same JEC goals. Leveraging local intelligence and connections, together with international partners, allows capacity building in all JEC operations.

Completion of the design, construction, testing, and commissioning of the new plant is expected in early 2018. The project will apply advanced technologies including ultra-filtration, a type of membrane filtration in which hydrostatic pressure forces a liquid against a semi-permeable membrane and reverse osmosis, which together assure high and reliable water quality standards. This is similar to the technology used in desalination. The scale too, at 150 MLD, is comparable to major supply capabilities through filtration or desalination.

Ir Alex Law, General Manager of Environmental Engineering, has been a key part of JEC’s growth in the water management sector over a decade. He says that, “The above projects are good examples of JEC’s end-to-end design and build capabilities, which we deliver in water management, wastewater treatment and swimming pool operations. The culture here is to always find and apply the latest filtration and desalination technologies to meet each customer’s needs.”

Applying its experience from working w i th the Hong Kong team, JEC Phil ippines is now winning water management contracts of its own, such as for the Magallanes Pumping Station feeding sewage from much of southern Manila – in the Taguig North and Makati South districts – into the LNMB STP. The facility, which includes an Odour Control System, delivers an average of 55 MLD, with peak flow of 93 MLD. Under an ongoing contract JECP is constructing a 22.6 MLD pumping station in Marikina City – using submersible pumps to capture and treat dry weather flow from the surrounding barangays.

JEC is building its water businesses in other regional operations too. Four years ago, JEC Thailand installed wastewater treatment plants at Bhiraj Tower & EmQuartier that process effluent before discharge. Water reuse systems were fitted, which return some wastewater for toilet flushing, and the plants incorporate a biologically active sludge belt press to facilitate disposal.

In Myanmar, the local team have recently supplied and installed a new wastewater treatment plant using an activated sludge (bacterial) process at the Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon.




藉着與香港團隊合作時所獲得的經驗,菲律賓怡和機器現已能獨力贏取水務項目的合約,例如麥哲倫(Magallanes)污水泵房便把大部分南馬尼拉,即達義市(Taguig)北部和馬卡蒂(Makati)南部的污水輸送至LNMB污水處理廠。這項設施附設異味控制系統,每日處理量平均為5,500萬公升,最高流量可達9,300萬公升。菲律賓怡和機器亦正為馬里金納 (Marikina)市興建抽水站,預定每日處理2,260萬公升用水,並採用了潛水泵,以便在旱季時仍能從周邊村落獲得水源並加處理。

怡和機器亦在其他國家開展水務業務。四年前,泰國怡和機器為Bhiraj Tower和EmQuartier安裝了



▲ Bhiraj Tower and EmQuartier in Bangkok. 位於曼谷的Bhiraj Tower和EmQuartier

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準備就緒 造福民生Already Prepared

Back in Hong Kong, in a technically challenging new project, JEC will develop water filtration systems for the new all-weather Water World at the city’s renowned Ocean Park, which will be twice the area of the old Water World, and comprise 18 rides overlooking the South China Sea. The project includes provision of mechanical, electrical and water recirculation systems, backed by a chemical water treatment system and a ground-breaking regenerative media filter that uses ultrafine volcanic perlite powder to better trap dirt, with a much reduced footprint – one fifth of the space for old sand filtration of the same capacity. The new Water World – which is targeted for completion in the second half of 2018 – appears set to be even more popular than its much-loved forerunner.

The need to expand clean water supply and wastewater management across Asia is clear. Demand is growing as populations and expectations rise. JEC stands ready to meet the challenge with the capability and capacity to do the job. By putting the latest and most effective technology into service for its clients, JEC remains strong in the market and relied on for its business expertise and technical depth, which the company is able to share around the region from Hong Kong, and between other local operations.

With many Asian countries having easy access to the sea, water filtration and, especially, desalination offer great opportunities for the Philippines, Hong Kong and others to expand their water resources for people and industry. JEC now has the capacity to meet these needs, with state-of-the-art infrastructure at a scale over 100 MLD to desalinate and process seawater to potable quality, suited to meet the requirements of national-level water infrastructure around the region.

The expectation of people around Asia to enjoy adequate water to drink and live by is more likely to be realised thanks to investments in skills and technology made by JEC over the last 30 years.




▲ JEC carried out improvement works on Life Support System in Ocean Park Polar Adventure Building.



Photo taken by Anniewongw (CC 3.0)

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JEC Secured Building Services Contracts from EMSD and Hongkong Land 怡和機器獲得機電工程署及置地公司的屋宇裝備工程合約

怡和機器保養及維修部獲得機電工程署的合約,為醫院管理局轄下五個場所更換風冷式製冷機。工程範圍包括為醫院管理局大樓、瑪麗醫院、沙田醫院、大埔醫院以及將軍澳醫院供應及安裝共20台風冷式製冷機、 29組冷凍水泵及相關設備。工程預期於2019年2月完成。工程合約已於2016年8月16日由行政總裁鄺永銓先生及機電工程署助理署長麥家俊先生代表簽署,簽約儀式於



JEC’s Maintenance & Renovation team has been awarded a contract from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) for the bulk replacement of air-cooled chillers in five venues of Hospital Authority of Hong Kong. The scope of work includes the supply and installation of 20 units of air-cooled chillers, 29 sets

of chilled water pumps and associated works for Hospital Authority Building, Queen Mary Hospital, Shatin Hospital, Tai Po Hospital and Tseung Kwan O Hospital. The works are due to complete in February 2019. Represented by Mr. Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive and Mr. K C Mak, Assistant Director of EMSD, the contract signing ceremony was arranged at EMSD Headquarters Building on 16th August 2016.

Apart from the Hospital Authority project, the team has also secured a contract from Hongkong Land for chiller replacement at Exchange Square in Central District. The team will install three Trane centrifugal chillers including two 1000 TR chillers for heating and cooling purposes and a 2000 TR chiller for cooling purpose. The project commenced in October 2016 and is expected to be completed in February 2018.

▲   The contract  signing ceremony was  joined by  senior management of JEC and EMSD, and colleagues of the project teams 怡和機器和機電工程署的管理層及項目團隊的同事出席簽約儀式

JEC Designs and Replaces Programmable Logic Controllers for Baggage Handling System (Phase 2) at Hong Kong International Airport 怡和機器為香港國際機場行李處理系統(第二期)設計及更換可編程邏輯控制器


理 局 的 合 約 , 負 責 為香港國際機場行李處理系統的離境處理及緊急停止系統設計、供應及更換可編程邏輯控制器(PLC)和相關的輸入/輸出(I/O)模組,當中涵蓋軟件及系統界面的改良。



JEC's E&M Contracting team has been awarded a contract from Airport Authority Hong Kong to design, supply and replace programmable logic controllers (PLC) and associated input /

output (I/O) modules, including modification of software and associated system interfaces, for the Departure Systems and E-Stop Centres of the Baggage Handling System at Hong Kong International Airport.

The scope of works includes the migration of existing PLCs and remote I/O modules to new model and modules. It also includes the development and modification of all necessary PLC programming, associated interfaces, PLC memory mapping and I/O mapping in order to maintain the existing functions and performance of Baggage Handling System after migration.

The project is expected to be completed in January 2019.




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泰國怡和機器獲得曼谷鐵路紅線項目合約,為其中三個車站包括廊曼站(Don Mueang)、朗六站(Lak Hok)及蘭實站(Rangsit)供應、安裝、測試和調試空調及通風、消防和衞生系統。項目位處威拍哇麗蘭實路,佔地100,000平方米,全長約26.3公里。


In 2015, JEC was awarded the contract from the MTR Corporation to design, supply and install swimming pool filtration systems for the re-provisioning works of Kennedy Town Swimming Pool (Phase 2). The project was completed in October 2016.

The former Kennedy Town Swimming Pool was demolished and re-developed into the brand new pool complex in two phases, in order to make way for the construction of Kennedy Town Station for the West Island Line. Opened for public use in May 2011, the first phase consists of an outdoor secondary pool and leisure pool, where JEC has successfully provided water treatment systems and water play equipment  to the facilities. For the second phase, JEC has  installed the filtration systems for the indoor pools including a multi-purpose pool, a training pool and two jacuzzis for year-round usage. The Kennedy Town Swimming Pool has been reopened after being closed down for more than a year to facilitate the re-provisioning works.

The successful project delivery once again demonstrated our expertise and capabilities in water treatment and reinforced JEC’s position as a swimming pool specialist in the market.

JEC Thailand has been awarded the contract for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of air-conditioning and ventilation, fire protection and sanitary systems for three stations along the Red Line, including Don Mueang station, Lak

Hok station and Rangsit station. The project is located at Vibhavadi – Rangsit Road in Bangkok with a total area of 100,000 square meters and total length of around 26.3 kilometers.

The Red Line Project is a suburban railway project under construction in Bangkok Metropolitan. It is a part of Bangkok's Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan which aims to build up an urban rail transit network for the Greater Bangkok area. The Red Line will connect the Bangkok region with its suburbs and is able to serve more than 300,000 passengers per day. The project is expected to be completed in July 2017.

Completion of Kennedy Town Swimming Pool Re-provisioning Works (Phase 2) Reinforces JEC's Expertise in Water Treatment

JEC Thailand Provides M&E Systems toBangkok Red Line Construction Project

堅尼地城游泳池重置工程(第二期)完成 怡和機器水處理技術倍獲肯定




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JEC Singapore has been awarded a facilities management contract for the Assisi Hospice, serving the healthcare sector in the country with its engineering expertise. In Assisi Hospice,

JEC Singapore will provide support in M&E services for three years, which include building maintenance and management of specialist contractors for plumbing services, fire services and equipment maintenance. The Assisi Hospice is a Catholic hospice with 47 years of history in Singapore which provides full continuum of palliative care to terminally ill patients. It was relocated to a new 6-storey purpose built complex next to its old hospice building on Thomson Road in January 2017. The project is expected to be completed by October 2019.

JEC Thailand recently won a significant contract for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of M&E

systems including air-conditioning & ventilation, electrical & communication and sanitary & fire protection at the new City Campus of Shrewsbury International School in Bangkok. It is located in Huai Khwang District composing of 4 multifunctional buildings with a total area of 24,000 square meters.

Shrewsbury International School is one of top and popular international schools in Thailand. The site for its new campus is surrounded by green features with an abundance of trees and natural landscapes. The design for the school will take advantage of these environmental benefits for learning, play and sports.

The project is due to complete in July 2018.

JEC Singapore Provides Facilities Management Services in Healthcare Sector

JEC Thailand Wins Shrewsbury International School M&E Contract



新加坡怡和機器早前獲得Assisi Hospice的設施管理合約,以其專業技術為國內的醫療業界提供服務。公司將為Assisi Hospice提供三年機電服務支援,當中包括

建築物維修及管理水務、消防和設備維修的專門承辦商。Assisi Hospice是新加坡國內一間有47年歷史的天主教善終療養院,為末期病人提供全面的善終服務。療養院已於今年1月遷至毗鄰湯申路(Thomson Road)原址的6層高綜合大樓。管理合約期將於2019年10月屆滿。

泰國怡和機器早前獲得一 項 重 要 合 約,為 曼谷思貝禮國際學校新

的市區校園供應、安裝、測試及調試機電系統,包括空調及通風、電氣及通訊和衞生及消防系統等。新校園位於匯狂區(Huai Khwang),由四座多用途大樓組成,總佔地面積達 24,000平方米。



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On 11th October 2016, JEC held its annual Customer Cocktail Reception at the Owners Box of Happy Valley Racecourse, Hong Kong. Over 240 guests and JEC staff attended and

enjoyed this occasion. The theme was “Empowerment in Action” which aimed to promote one of JEC’s values ‘Empowered Workforce’ as well as to recognise our team’s capabilities and contribution in attaining achievements. During the event a motion graphic video was presented, showcasing JEC’s significant projects with empowered staff. 

Please click on the link to view the video:

2016年10月11日,怡和機器於香港跑馬地馬場馬主廂房舉行了周年客戶酒會,超過240名賓客和同事應邀出席盛會。酒會以「Empowerment in Action」為主題,旨在向客戶宣傳集團其中一個



JEC Customer CocktailReception 2016




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JEC participated in “DSD Open Day 2016” at the Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works organised by the Drainage Services Department (DSD) on 15th - 16th October 2016. Themed with

"Blue-Green Infrastructure for You and Me", the Open Day was filled up with guided tours, game booths and stage performances. DSD’s iconic projects including “Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme”, "Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A", “Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Kai Tak River” and “Relocation of Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns” were also highlighted. We hosted a game booth to introduce our presence in the sewerage services and green building solutions so that the young generations can know more about JEC.

JEC Supported DSD Open Day怡和機器參與渠務署開放日

怡和機器於2016年10月15至16日在沙田污水處理廠參與「渠務署開放日2016」。為配合活動的主題「藍綠建設 你我共享」,渠務署安排了多個精彩的主題導賞、遊戲



場及其租戶為推動環保作出的努力,從而推廣有利可持續發展的3R原則 -減少廢物(Reduce)、廢物重用(Reuse)及循環再用(Recycle)。

今次活動的主題為「環保大戰」,靈感源自著名電影《星球大戰》。新加坡怡和機器積極參與其中,不單派出身穿自製「白兵」裝束的員工表演短版「江南Style」舞蹈,還組裝了一艘戰機模型,展示亞洲廣場的可持續發展之旅。表演及模型已於2016年11月21日在亞洲廣場的露天廣場the CUBE進行及向公眾展出。

是項活動相當成功,帶給場內人士不少歡樂。亞洲廣場可持續發展經理Philip Chan先生感謝怡和機器的努力和付出,他說:「我很高興能與新加坡怡和機器的世界級團隊合作,實在非常感謝他們的參與。」

JEC Singapore was honored to take part in the 3-day "Green Week" event organised by Asia Square, one of our key business partners in Singapore. This annual event aims to highlight the conservation efforts of Asia Square

and her tenants, with the goal to promote the 3R principles of ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' for environmental sustainability.

Inspired by the famous movie "Star Wars", the event was themed as "Green Wars". JEC Singapore actively supported it by performing a short ‘Gangnam Style' dance in self-fabricated Stormtrooper uniforms and building a TIE fighter to showcase Asia Square's sustainability journey. The show and fighter were presented to the public at the CUBE, the landscaped plaza of Asia Square on 21st November 2016.

It has been a success and everyone had lots of fun. Mr. Philip Chan, Sustainability Manager of Asia Square, was very pleased with our efforts and contributions. He added: "I am very happy and grateful to work with the world-class team of JEC Singapore. Thank you very much for their participation."

JEC Singapore Actively Engaged inAsia Square Green Wars新加坡怡和機器積極參與「亞洲廣場環保大戰」


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Home Sweet Home舒適溫馨的家

I t may come as a surprise that JEC, known for executing major engineering projects, can also sweeten your home with its wide range of quality building products. Our

extensive network of suppliers around the world allows us to source and supply stylish fittings and furnishings to serve our customers' requirements.

For reliable, durable, comfortable and high quality building products that precisely meet quality, timeframe and cost needs, our Building Equipment and Products Team is always at your service to help making your sweet home warm and cosy!



Italian engineered wood manufacturer Stile has over 50 years' experience producing high quality wood flooring. Partnering with the world leader in wooden floor finishes, Bona, Stile offers unique finishes like natural UV and traffic UV, and a wide range of wood,

finishes and formats with industry-recognised certifications to suit any applications.

Local specialist Milieu produces extremely durable wood flooring, for all weather conditions, at a competitive pricing: a wide range of plank-engineered wood flooring, in grains, and UV lacquer or oil finishes.

Exterpark Wood Decking is available in both real timber and wood composite. Wood is sourced from Spain and then stabilised and kiln-dried to achieve optimal stability. A breakthrough magnetic fixing system enables hassle-free replacement of individual plank while the patented tongue-and-groove profile assures smooth drainage by preventing the ingress of debris beneath the decking. The stunning hardwood finish beautifies any outdoor environment, making your balcony feel like a resort all year round.


Outdoor Decking戶外地板B

Engineered Wood Flooring複合木地板 A

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JEC is a pioneer in supplying sanitaryware in Hong Kong. We proactively source and supply quality sanitaryware products from Europe and Asia to suit all applications, sectors and budget.

Globally renowned Italian wood dyer Tabu offers a wide range of natural veneers from all major wood species, with pre-dyed veneers in a huge variety of colours, multilaminar woods, pre-finished decor, solids, edge-bandings, wooden flooring and wall-coverings. The vast Tabu production capacity can meet the needs of any designer. Tabu's well managed wastewater purification systems and commitment to use only colorants and materials from the most reliable manufacturers meet our shared commitment to the environment.

Automated shading systems from US industry leader Lutron ensure that spaces have the right light levels all the time, managing natural light and reducing lighting costs. Exquisitely designed and engineered ranges include motorised shading systems, remote controlled shades, vertical drapery systems, tensioned shades, roman shades, horizontal sheer blinds, pleated shades and honeycomb shades. JEC can also offer an extensive range of locally made curtains and shades.




For elegant and functional tiles and ceramic products, Italian specialist Cerdisa has a pedigree that is hard to beat. Versatile ceramic tiling, for use indoors or outdoors, on floors and walls, uplifts any home environment.


Shading and Blind遮陽裝置F

Wood Veneer木皮貼面D

Tiles瓷磚 E


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自制吹風機運輸系統的設計 Design of Self-Fabricated Blowing System



Self-Fabricated Ducting System




入料斗Inlet Cabin

通風口Ventilation Opening


Step1: Energize the blower system to ensure the two valves are not clogged


Step2: Fill the active carbon granules into the inlet cabin of the systemStep3:

Granules to be transported through pneumatic movement produced by blower in PVC duct to the deodorization system on the roof of building

4層高大樓4-storey Building

Deodorization System

J EC has been actively engaged in environmental engineering projects initiated by the Drainage Service Department (DSD) of HKSAR Government. In order to make Hong Kong a livable city, the DSD

emphasises the environmental management in every project it delivers. Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2A is one of the major DSD projects that JEC has been participating in. Site areas in the scheme are located in commercial and residential areas such as Central, Wan Chai, Aberdeen and Cyberport where construction works, maintenance and routine operations of the sewage treatment facilities would cause unavoidable nuisance especially dust and odour to the public. JEC management and the project team lay stress on the control of various emissions. In order to tackle the problems, we provided the following techniques to minimise the impact to the environment.



JEC Takes the Initiative to Promote Sustainable Development in Hong Kong建設綠色香港 怡和機器積極推動可持續發展

A new instrument installed for the project is the Deodorization System. Active carbon granules are required to fill up the biotrickling filters of the system. However, it is conducted manually and dust is easily generated during the filling process. For reducing dust emission and manual handling by workers, JEC has designed and fabricated a blowing system so that all the granules can be transited through a ducting system by pneumatic movement in an entirely enclosed environment. This innovation was awarded the Bronze Award in the Health and Welfare Category of the Innovative Safety Initiative Award (ISIA) 2016 which was jointly launched by the Development Bureau, the Construction Industry Council and Hong Kong Construction Association.

揚塵控制Dust Control


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The routine operation of existing screening systems in sewage treatment plants unavoidably emitted odour which is mainly composed of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). In view of this, JEC designed a canvas screening barrier to enclose the outlet for the fine screen and coarse screen to prevent diffusion of odour.

Another source of H2S emission is the dismantling works of existing drainage system. Sludge and effluent have been accumulated in the drainage pipes and plants concerned for demolition. JEC has created a mini-sized deodorization device for confined area such as pump room to minimise the impact of odour on workers’ health and safety as well as possible nuisances to the public. The device filters indoor air by a small container filled with charcoal to reduce H2S concentration. On the other hand, administrative controls such as continuously gas monitoring by gas detection instrument have been implemented synchronically to prevent the saturation of charcoal. All these efforts were recoginised by the Silver Award in the same Category of ISIA in 2015.

As a responsible corporate citizen, JEC always puts the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders first in operations, whilst caring for the environment with enhanced workflow. Our teams also shoulder the responsibility to limit any impact our operations may have on the environment.

Odour Control 異味控制




▲ Tr e a t e d a i r o u t l e t o f s e l f - f a b r i c a t e d deodorization device


▲ Replacement of saturated active carbon   開口更換活性碳

▲ Canvas screening barrier   帆布隔濾罩

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J EC puts pride in developing its employees for sustainable growth; which aims to nurture and groom future business leaders and managers for the company. Over the years, JEC had developed a

number of leaders and managers through its trainee programmes. In the early 90’s, JEC had launched its Engineering Trainee programme, recruiting engineer graduates to join the development programme. These engineer graduates would then further develop their career in their respective business units. A number of the employees who have completed the Engineering Trainee programme now hold senior management positions in our company including Managing Director – E&M Contracting Mr CK Tam; as well as a number of General Managers and Assistant General Managers in all three major operating units in Hong Kong.

To further enrich the programme, in 2006, the Human Capital Department began modifying it to become the Management Trainee programme that JEC currently offers.

Comparing to its predecessor, the Management Trainee programme enables the individual to gain a broader exposure across the organisation. During the programme, Management Trainees will be rotated to all three major operating units in Hong Kong, as well as having short stints in central service functions (such as information technology) to gain comprehensive insights about the operations and the process flows within the company.









The JEC Trainee Programme

Transiting from University to WorkplaceMost of the Management Trainees taken in by the company are fresh graduates. They have lots of enthusiasm in developing their career in the engineering industry and also have a lot of fresh ideas while not having many ideas about the workplace. Although education prepares them to be ready to work knowledge-wise, the young person may still need some adaptation in order to face the workplace challenges. Skills such as managing stakeholders’ expectations, relationship-building, pro-active problem solving, risk management, etc are yet to be further enhanced.

In order to provide personalised assistance to their development, each of them will be assigned a personal tutor and an engineering supervisor; so they can discuss about their professional learning as well as obtain guidance on their work issues from experienced engineers.

Nurturing FutureLeaders for JEC培訓未來領袖怡和機器孕育菁英

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An essential part of the induction programme is the team-building day. The new management trainee intakes are put together with the previous intake to go through activities together. Through the activities which simulate the workplace, with specific targets for them to accomplish; they could be able to act, review and reflect on what works well and what not. In this way, they can draw up some learning from the activities. The review and reflection is a critical learning for the Management Trainees as the workplace is different from the university where there is structured learning. One has to be proactive in managing their own learning while at workplace.

After the induction programme, the management trainees realised more about how they can proactively gain knowledge, experience and exposure in the workplace; and what they have to do to contribute in different team settings.

With our mission to train and develop our employees for sustainable growth, we strive to provide the assistance the employees needed to perform well and thrive. Through the induction programme, Management Trainees adapt to the workplace quickly and become part of the JEC family to engineer a better Asia.

To further help the Management Trainees smoothly and quickly adapt to the workplace, JEC provides a thorough induction programme. During the induction programme, they will be able to:• gainmore insightsabout thecompany–itsbusinesses,operationsandprojects; itspoliciesandprocedures; its

valuesandculture,etc;• understandclearlywhatisexpectedofthemasaJECManagementTrainee;• bondwithothermanagement trainees(particularly thosewhohave joined theManagementTraineeprogramme

beforethem)tobuildastrongnetworkfordevelopmentandpersonalgrowth;• discoverthedifferentroleswithinateamandwhataneffectiveteamrequires.

怡和機器還會安排全面的入職培訓,以協助管理培訓生更迅速和順利地適應工作環境。在培訓中,他們將能夠:• �深入了解公司—包括其業務、營運和工程項目;內部政策工作流程;企業的核心價值及文化等;• �清楚明白公司對管理培訓生的要求與期望;• �與其他管理培訓生建立密切聯繫(尤其是過去幾屆的培訓生),為事業發展及個人成長開拓人脈網絡;• 了解團隊內的各個崗位,以及一個高效團隊應當具備的條件。

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As part of the internal stress management program, members of Jardine Distribution, Inc. (JDI) have spent their ‘de-stressing’ budget by sharing it with the children of the Associacion de

Damas de Filipinas, an orphanage founded in 1913 for children in need of special care in Manila.

The combined teams from the Human Resource, Business Development and Technical Services and the Office of the President forwent other usual wellness activities and decided instead to spend a meaningful day with the orphans where they played games, shared stories and other fun activities. In turn, the children of the orphanage expressed their gratitude through dances, singing, and thank you messages.

Ms. Eleonor Castro, HR Manager of JDI led the activities. “I can confidently say that this was a very successful undertaking. The kids of the orphanage clearly showed their appreciation for our efforts. All of the department members really bonded together as they spent time planning, purchasing goods, and setting up the event,” Ms. Castro said.

作為內部壓力管理項目的一部分,JDI成員把他們的「減壓預算」用於Associacion de Damas de Filipinas孤兒院的孩子身上。這家孤兒院成立於




是次活動由JDI人力資源部經理Eleonor Castro女士統籌。她欣喜地表示:「這項活動取得圓滿成功,孤兒院的孩子們非常感謝我們到訪。而藉着共同策劃、採購物資及安排活動,同事之間的關係亦更見密切。」


怡和機器派出9名代表出賽,其中8人組隊參加設有八段障礙賽道的團體接力賽 「鼠戰」,當中包括行政總裁鄺永銓先生、保養及維修部同事以及五名2016年度管理培訓生,並成功在50支參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,位列第六。此外,執行董事–人力資本及傳訊趙志基先生亦參與了「鼠王爭霸戰」。大家都很榮幸能參與此年度盛事,並於比賽中全力以赴,為慈善出一分力!

Jardine Distribution Inc. Kicks Off “JDI Shares” with an Orphanage in Manila

CENTRAL Rat Race 2016

「JDI Shares」與馬尼拉孤兒院分享愛心


On 16th October 2016, JEC participated in the 11th CENTRAL Rat Race which had raised a record-breaking HK$3.28 million for MINDSET, a registered charity that supports mental health initiatives in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

The JEC team consisted of 9 members and dressed up as “Formula-1 Racers”, with 8 of them competing in the eight-leg obstacle course as a group in the team relay Rat Race including: Mr. Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive; colleagues from Maintenance & Renovation and five 2016 Management Trainees. The team won the 6th place out of 50 participating corporate teams. Mr. Philip Chiu, Executive Director – Human Capital & Communications also engaged in the Big Rat Race. All team members have put in all efforts to strive for excellence in the race and enjoyed this annual charitable event!



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Hong Kong14-39 King Wah Road, North Point Supply of active chilled beam and induction VAVAlexandra House Supply and installation of LED light boxCathay Pacific Catering Services Ltd Maintenance services for HVAC plantCentral Police Station Supply of ironmongeryCentral-Wanchai Bypass Tunnel Building Supply and installation metal door, glass door and raised flooring

Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics

Supply and installation of diesel genset systemSupply and installation of ELV systems and fire services system Design, supply and installation of building maintenance unit and pneumatic tube Supply of central battery system Supply and installation of automatic door system

CFC Tower, Tsim Sha Tsui Design and build contract of new air cooled chillers installationChina Mobile Data Centre Expansion Supply and installation of diesel genset systemChinese University of Hong Kong Supply and installation of building maintenance unit and pneumatic tube system at medical centreCity Garden Supply and replacement of sea water cooled chillerCity One Shatin Supply of LED lightingsCity University of Hong Kong Supply and installation of diesel genset systemCityplaza Three Fitting out offices with combined building service installationCLP Castle Peak Power Station Replacement of A/C (chilled water) plant systemCommercial Development at Wang Chiu Road and Lam Lee Street, Kowloon Bay

Supply and installation of diesel genset system Supply of 'Flamebar' fire resistant ductwork

Equinix Date Centre HK1 Supply and installation of FS system

Equinix Data Centre HK2-IV Supply and installation of cooling tower Supply of automatic tube cleaning system and valves

Exchange Square

Electrical installation - power supply upgrade worksFSID work for Tower 1, 2 and 3MVAC Work for FSIDOne & Two Exchange Square public area renovation at Central, Hong Kong Circulation, 3/F Lobbies & Rotunda, and 4/F Restaurant BalconyTower 1 and 2 lift lobbies renovation and FS renovationSupply of LED lightings

FEHD Environmental Hygiene Offices-cum-Vehicle Depot ASD Contract No. SS D505 - building maintenance unit for reprovisioning of FEHD Sai Yee Street Environmental Hygiene Offices-cum-Vehicle Depot at Yen Ming Road

Fire Services Training School, Tsueng Kwan O Supply and installation of steel doors and supply of ironmongeryGlobal Switch Hong Kong 1 Supply and installation of dummy loadbank for diesel genset systemGoldin Financial Global Centre Supply and installation of diesel genset system, PV panel, cooling tower and supply of pumps and valvesGreat Eagle Centre Supply and installation of LED emergency lighting

Hactl10-year FS maintenance contract on dry fireReplacement of LED exit signSupply and installation of LED lighting in office area

Hang Seng Bank, 113 Argyle Street Supply and installation of raised floor and supply of sanitarywareHarmony Redevelopment at Hysan Aveune Supply and installation of diesel genset systemHaven of Hope Hospital Supply and installation of diesel genset systemHKEx Data Centre Term maintenance contract of MEP installations

HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

Supply and installation of lifting appliances at road section between Scenic Hill and HK Boundary Crossing FacilitiesSupply of ironmongery for PCB façade packageSupply and installation of smoke curtain Supply of central battery system

HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge - HK Boundary Crossing Facilities Vehicle Clearance Plazas and Ancillary Building & Facilities Supply and installation of diesel genset system and PV panel

Home Ownership Scheme Development at Sha Tsui Road, Ex-Tai Wo Hau Factory Estate, and Ching Hong Road, Tsing Yi

Supply and installation of PV system, smart metering system and information display system

Hong Kong Electric (Contract No. 15/9024) Supply and commissioning of mobile gas turbine genset

Hong Kong International Airport

Design, supply and replacement of programmable logic controllers and associated input/output modules for baggage handling system (phase 2)Maintenance services for automatic sortation systems of baggage handling systemMaintenance services for conveyor systems of baggage handling systemMaintenance, improvement and refurbishment works for electrical and mechanical systems at Midfield Concourse and North Satellite ConcourseSupply and installation of metal design ceiling at Midfield

Hong Kong Jockey Club Supply and installation of filtration system for Olympic Equine PoolHong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel Aquarium and all associated works, and supply and installation of swimming pool filtration systemHong Kong Ocean Park Ocean Park Tai Shue Wan Water World Project water filtration systemHong Kong Science Park Supply and installation of LED lightingsHospital Authority Hong Kong, East Cluster Supply and installation of patient hoists for Cheshine Home, Chung Hom KokHSBC Main Building, HMB Project Bridge II Supply and installation of fuel systemI Tech Data Centre Phase 2 Supply and installation of diesel genset systemJardine House Supply and installation of LED highmast flood lightJubilee Garden Supply and installation of LED lightingsKai Tak District Cooling Project Phase 3 & 3B Supply of seawater pumpsKai Tak Nullah Reconstruction & Upgrading Supply and installation of stoplogsKennedy Town Swimming Pool (Phase II) Supply and installation of swimming pool filtration systemKowloon Hospital, KCC Supply and installation of 71 sets of patient hoists at Kowloon Hospital

Landmark, Central

FSID workMVAC and electrical work for toilet renovationMVAC work for FSIDSupply of LED lightings and emergency battery kit

Liantang / Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Building

Supply and installation of diesel genset systemSupply of central battery system and ironmongeryDesign, supply and installation of sewage treatment plantDesign, supply and installation of building maintenance unit for building and associated facilities

Luk Hop Industrial Building Supply and installation of LED lightings





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M+ Museum at West Kowloon Cultural District Supply and installation of smoke curtain system and diesel genset system Supply of ironmongery

Maxim's Office Building Supply and installation of carpet tiles

MTR Corporation

Building management system installation and modification for East Rail Line Station Control Room in Tai Wo, Fanling and Sheung Shui StationsChiller plant replacement for Wanchai StationDesign, supply and installation of electrical works, fire services, pumps and drains, swimming pool filtration system and supply of ironmongery for the reprovision of Harbour Road Sports Centre and Wan Chai Swimming PoolMobile lifting jack in Pat Heung DepotOn-wagon equipment relocation of OLE british wagons, emergency rescue wagon, power pack wagon and powered long rail wagonProvision of mobile wheel lathe and mobile lifting jack at Tsuen Wan Depot Replacement of underfloor wheel lathe at Ho Tung Lau DepotSCL Contract 1122 - building services for Admiralty South Overrun TunnelSCL Contract 1191 - floodgate system for Shatin to Central Link Phase 2Supply and installation of LED lighting and emergency battery kit at Sorrento and Tung Chung CrescentSupply and installation of access cover for South Island Line (East) Supply and installation of steel door and frames for Shatin to Central LinkSupply and installation of stoplogs for 810B West Kowloon Terminal Station SouthSupply and replacement of AFA system for Hong Kong and Kowloon StationsSupply of cooling tower for SCL Contract 1164 Diamond Hill StationSupply of fire pumps and cooling tower for Shatin to Central LinkSupply of 'Flamebar' fire resistant ductwork at SCL Contract 1177 Ma Tau Wai Station and Ancillary BuildingSupply of 'Flamebar' fire resistant ductwork for Express Rail LinkSupply of metal door and ironmongery at Tin Shui Wai StationSupply of water pumps for SCL Contract 1173 Hung Hom Station

Mui Wo Sewage Treatment Works Supply and installation of the lifting appliances

Murray Building Hotel DevelopmentSupply and installation of diesel genset systemSupply of pumps and fire resistant ductwork, fire pumps and central battery system

New World Centre Supply of valves, fire pumps, fire resistant ductworkSupply and installation of smoke curtain

NTT Data Centre (FDC2-EXP-001) Supply and installation of diesel genset systemNTT Data Centre at Tai Po Supply and installation of diesel genset systemNTT Data Centre at TKO Wonder 9 (EXP-002) Supply and installation of diesel genset systemOffice Development at NKIL 6311 at Kowloon Bay Supply of air duct flange systemOrganic Waste Treatment Facilities Phase 1 Supply of absorption chillerPacific Place Replacement of high tension chillers Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Supply and installation of continuous batch washing machine and membrane press for Chai Wan Laundry Peninsula Centre Supply and installation of LED lightingsPrince's Building & Alexandra House Electrical installation - power supply upgrade worksPublic Library and Indoor Recreation Centre in Area 3, Yuen Long Supply and installation of steel doors and supply of ironmongery

Public Rental Housing Development at Tuen Mun Area 54 Site 2 Phase 1 & 2 MVAC installation

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Pneumatic tube transportation system integration works with YMTSC and extension to Block RResidential Development at Cheung Sha, Lantau Supply and installation of Modwood composite wood deckingResidential Development at Deep Water Bay Drive Supply and installation of swimming pool filtration systemResidential Development at Kai Tak Supply and installation of diesel genset systemResidential Development at Ngau Tam Mei Supply and installation of swimming pool filtration systemResidential Development at Yoho Town Phase 3, Yoho Grand, Yuen Long Supply and installation of Exterpark outdoor decking

Sewage Pumping Station for Tung Chung Housing Supply and installation of E&M equipment for sewage pumping station

Shangri-La Hotel, Hung HomSupply and installation of Exterpark outdoor deckingSupply of pumps

Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment WorksProvision of electrical and mechanical facilities for further expansion phase 1A - advance works and Ng Chow South Road Sewage Pumping StationSupply of diffuser aeration system

Sheung Shui Water Treatment Works Improvement of dewatering plantSouth Horizons Supply and installation of LED lightingsTai Po Water Treatment Works Supply of granular activated carbonTelford Plaza II Supply and replacement of chillersTHEi New Campus VTC at Chai Wan Supply and installation of cooling tower and carpet tiles, and supply of valves and ironmongery

Tin Shui Wai HospitalDesign, supply and installation of pneumatic tube systemSupply of pumps, air quality products and central battery system

TKO Gateway and Tin Chak Shopping Centre Supply and installation of VSD for chilled water pumpTo Kwa Wan Preliminary Treatment Works Provision of electrical and mechanical equipment for detritor no.1 and 2Tsuen Wan 5 Bayside Supply of valvesTuen Mun Western Trunk Sewerage Tunnel Supply and installation of stoplogsUnion Hospital, Shatin Supply and installation of pneumatic tube systemVarious Health Care Venues in NTE Provision of split type A/C and VRVWater Supplies Department Regional Office Design, supply and installation of grey water and rainwater recycling plantWellcome & Mannings Various Stores at HK, Kowloon and NT MVAC repair and maintenance services for various stores (2016 - 2018)Wellcome Supermarket, Port Centre MVAC Works

West Kowloon Government Office at Yau Ma TeiDesign, supply and installation of building maintenance unitSupply and installation of diesel genset systemSupply of central battery system

West Rail Nam Cheong Station Property Development Supply and installation of swimming pool filtration systemWF Joseph Lee Primary School Supply and installation of swimming pool filtration systemWing On House Upgrading of sea water system World-Wide House, Central Replacement of water-cooled chillerXiQu Centre Supply and installation of smoke curtain system and timber doorsYau Mai Tei Specialist Clinic at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Supply and installation of IPC, wall protection system and timber doors



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MacauJunior Court of Law Supply of central battery systemLisboa Palace Supply of 'Flamebar' fire resistant ductwork and valvesLouis XIII Hotel Supply and installation of genset systems and supply of valvesMacau Light Rail Transit Design and supply for painting boothMacau T+T1 Project Supply of valves

MGM CotaiSupply of floor drains and bathtubsSupply and installation of cooling tower, smoke guard, and supply of pumps and valves

MGM Grand ParadiseDesign, supply and installation of building maintenance unit & turntableSupply and installation of smoke guard system

SJM Hotel at Cotai Supply of valvesSt. Regis, Venetian Macau, Parcel 5B Supply of ironmongery and sanitaryware

Venetian Cotai P3

Design, supply and installation of baggage handling systemSupply and installation of diesel genset systemSupply of ironmongery and sanitarywareSupply of valves and fire resistant ductwork

ThailandBITEC 2 & BHIRAJ TOWER at BITEC Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication

system, sanitary and fire protection system

CP Leadership Development Center Nakhon Ratchasima Supply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection system

FAS Services 2016-2017 (EGAT) Supply and installation of fire alarm system

Gaysorn 2 Supply, installation and commissioning of air-conditioning & ventilation system, electrical & communication system, sanitary & fire protection system

Gaysorn Plaza Operation and maintenanceKing Power at Suvarnabhumi Airport Operation and maintenanceMahasawin Hotel Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of air-conditioning, sanitary and fire protection systems

Main Villa - Ban Rai Sang dao Supply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection system

MRT Supply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system for Blue Line Extension ProjectRenaissance Pattaya Supply and installation of building automation system & fire alarm system

Shrewsbury International School, City Campus Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection system

Singha Complex Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of mechanical & electrical systemSiriraj Hospital (Syamindra Building) Supply and installation of sanitary system

SPCG Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection system

The Red Line Train Station (Don Mueang station, Lak Hok station and Rangsit station)

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of air-conditioning and ventilation system, fire protection system and sanitary system

Singapore7-11 Stores Maintenance of refrigerated casesAsia Square Tower 1 & 2 Mechanical and electrical operation servicesAssisi Hospice Mechanical and electrical facility managementBig Box Jurong ACMV & chiller plant maintenance Grand Park City Hall ACMV & BMS replacement jobJames Cook University Maintenance of air-conditioning systemKeppel Towers/Tower 2 Mechanical and electrical facility managementMarina Bay Business Financial Tower 2 & 3 Mechanical and electrical facility managementMarina Bay Financial Centre and One Raffles Quay Mechanical and electrical facility managementOne Raffles Link Mechanical and electrical facility managementOverseas Family School Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) preventive maintenance contract Plaza Singapura A&A to common area ACMVResorts World Sentosa Maintenance of district cooling plantSuntec City Electrical system maintenance servicesUOB Alexandra Building Mechanical and electrical facility management

PhilippinesDoehle Haws Building Maintenance of VRF air-conditioning system and relocation works of fan coil unitsHVAC system of Plant A-C Admin Building (Tiwi, Albay) Preventive maintenanceIntegrated Facilities Management for JLL - IBM and JLL - Schneider Electric Property and asset management

Marikina North Sewer Network and Pump Station Design, build, testing and commissioning of sewage pumping stationMondelez Operation and maintenaceProperty and Asset Management for various facilities managed by Jones Lang LaSalle Operation and maintenance of facilities equipment

Property Management for Ayala Properties Management Corporation Operation and maintenance

Putatan Water Treatment Plant 2 Design, build, testing and commissioning of water treatment plantSewage Treatment Plant in Libingan ng mga Bayani Design and construction of sewage treatment plant facilitiesShopwise - Makati Supply and installation of chilled water systemSonion Manufacturing Plant Supply and installation of HVAC units and MEPF Taguig North Sub-Catchment Sewerage Project - Makati South Sewer Line and Pumping Station Supply, build, testing and commissioning of sewage pumping station and lift stations

United Laboratories Operation and maintenanceUniversal Robina Corporation Operation and maintenance


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