jan. 31st esp 179 pop&housing

ESP 179- Winter 2013 Population & Housing, Public Services & Utilities Feb. 2nd, 2013 Instructor: Trevor Macenski

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ESP 179- Winter 2013

Population & Housing,Public Services & Utilities

Feb. 2nd, 2013

Instructor: Trevor Macenski

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Scheduling and Guest LecturesNext Tuesday-Cultural Lecture

Dr. Ken Lord will be lecturing.

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EIR Threshold Matrix AssignmentThreshold Evaluation Matrix

At least 2 EIRs no more than 4 2 Page paper

Kevin will provide an example.

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Lecture OutlineReview CEQA Checklist QuestionsPopulation HousingPublic ServicesUtilitiesImpact Analysis ApproachSample Discussion and Analysis

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Population & Housing

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It’s all about the numbers Census

Every 10 years Results in population and housing data used for projections

Regional Government Projections NARC- National Association of Regional Councils CALcog- California Council of Governments

Association of Bay Area Governments Butte County Association of Governments Council of Fresno County Governments Kern Council of Governments Sacramento Area Council of Governments San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments Southern California Association of Governments Western Riverside Council of Governments Merced County Association of Governments San Luis Obispo Local Agency Formation Commission Santa Clara County Cities Association

General Plans or Community Plans

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Population estimates of the State, counties and cities are available here Housing units Vacancies Average household size Components of population change Special populations

Data is used in determining: Annual appropriations limit for all California jurisdictions Distribute State subventions to cities and counties Comply with various State codes Research and planning purposes by federal, state and local

agencies, the academic community and the private sector E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and

the State, 2010-2011 Census Data

Population Estimates

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Housing Elements and Projections The Housing Element has extensive legal requirements,

making it much more detailed than any other element of the General Plan.

Regional Governments (ABAG, SACOG, KCOG, etc.) Project housing need figures for the state-mandated timeframe

of the Housing Element period. Each city’s main obligation under State Housing Element

law is, if the necessary funding is available, to: Designate sufficient developable land to allow for construction

of sufficient very low-, low- and moderate-income housing to meet the city’s ”fair share” of regional housing need for such units.

The California Department of Housing and Community Department must certify that the Housing Elements meets those requirements.

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Checklist Questions- Pop/HousingWhat are some good examples?


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Public Services

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Public ServicesAppendix G requires us to evaluate the

following public services: Fire Protection Police Protection Schools Parks Others…like Libraries, Hospitals, etc

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Fire and Emergency Response The impacts of the proposed project will create an

adverse significant impact if fire suppression, fire protection, and emergency medical service demands exceed the capabilities of the Lead Agency. How do you measure that?

Existing Fire District Master Plans Firefighter to resident ratiosStation locationsContract ServicesResponse TimesService request lettersThe Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS)

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Police Police services impacts are considered

significant if the project increases the need of law enforcement services such that the capabilities of the Lead Agency Police Facility are exceeded during project implementation. How do you measure that?

Response timesOfficer to resident ratiosPolice station locationsServices request letters

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Schools A project can be considered to have a significant

impact on public schools if the project generates more students than school facilities can sustain, leading to conditions of overcrowding and lack of resources.

Classroom overcrowding, in and of itself, however, does not equate to a significant effect on the environment (Goleta Union School District v. Regents of the University of California).

School impacts are typically mitigated by payment of developer fees in accordance with AB 2926.

Request for service letters.

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Parks Lead Agency standard for parks and recreational

facilities, as per the Quimby Act, is 3 acres per 1000 residents.

Compare requirement to the Lead Agency standard and if they currently meets this standard.

A significant impact would occur if the project’s park and recreational demands would substantially degrade current parks and recreation facilities or if the construction or expansion of recreational acilities would have an adverse effect on the physical environment.

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Checklist- Public Services

What type of projects?

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Utilities and Service SystemsDemand for services is greatly dependant

on project type: Energy- Urban Uses- water, wastewater, sewer, etc.

Common approach Document baseline services and capacities Identify any policy thresholds, if applicable Quantify project’s contributions Compare project to capacities Often use engineering and design reports

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Sewer and Stormwater Sewer

Lead Agency specific Local or Regional facilities Often involve NPDES Permits

Ensure compliance with permit discharge requirements Master or Facility Plans

Stromwater Is it clean? Then it’s all about capacity. Policies for onsite retention? Master or Facility Plans

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Water SupplyWater Supply Assessment- See Hydro

LectureUrban Water Management PlansGeneral PlanApproach in a nutshell:

Document Supply Sources Existing Demand Project Related Demand Long term supply of water 20yr

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Rules of the Water Game Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes

regulatory requirements for potable water supplies including raw and treated water quality criteria.

Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), which was enacted in 1974, gives the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to set standards for contaminants in drinking water supplies. Amended in 1986 and 1996. 83 contaminants listed in the SDWA

EPA sets a maximum contaminant level or treatment technique for contaminants in drinking water.

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Rules of the Water Game The State Water Resources Control Board

(SWRCB) manages all water rights and water quality issues in California under the terms of the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (1969). The California Department of Health Services (DHS) has

been granted primary enforcement responsibility for the SDWA. Title 22 of the California Administrative Code establishes DHS authority and stipulates drinking water quality and monitoring standards.

These standards are equal to or more stringent than the federal standards.

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LandfillsOnce again, it’s a capacity question

Each landfill has a permitted capacity Calrecycle

Approved Methodology Public Resources Code, Division 30, Chapter 4,

Article 1, Section 41701

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Recycling Rules…CIWA The California Integrated Waste Management Act

of 1989 requires each county and its cities to adopt an Integrated Waste Management Plan

Establishes standards for solid waste disposal and recycling Plan is certified by the State Integrated Waste

Management Board as to compliance with the Act. Requires LEA’s to

Reduce the waste streamProvide for the safe collection of household hazardous

wastesExpand recycling and reuse programs

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Recycling Rules…CIWA

Strict mandates for local agencies to achieve a 25 percent reduction in solid waste disposed of by 1995 and a 50 percent reduction by the year 2000.

Each city is required to prepare, adopt, and submit to the County a Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE). Counties must also prepare a SRRE for unincorporated areas.

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