jamiq multitu.de


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Post on 19-May-2015




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Multitu.de is the most beautiful and advanced Twitter Wall in the world. Used at major conferences and events to add real-time interactivity that bridges the virtual and real world.


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What is Multitude?

Multitude is a large screen engagement platform designed specifically for events and conferences. During events, many delegates share their thoughts and comments online in real-time via Twitter and hashtags.

Multitude lets you display these tweets on any number of large screens from projections to LCD TVs and on mobile screens from the iPad to iPhones with perfect synchrony.

Multitude serves as an active timeline of conversations and photos shared by the delegates during an event. Multitude can also be used to share data in events that take place across multiple venues at the same time.

Multitude also comes with multiple plugins including a Clock & Agenda, Live Trending Words, Real-time Leaderboard, Announcement Panel, SMS Integration, and can be completely customized to fit the look and feed of your event or sponsoring brands.

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Social Media Week Singapore 2012 at Avalon #smwsg

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Benefits of Multitude

• Powerful visual on large screens at live events and concerts.

• Creates a new level of engagement uniting the online conversations with the offline worlds in one visualization.

• This large interactive wall is a powerful platform to drive delegates to booths and sessions.

• Sell sponsorship of the large screen which everyone is looking at.

• Synchronous across multiple screens.

• Available on companion iPad/iPhone mobile screens.

• Onscreen agenda, clock, announcements, keyword trending, leaderboard, and SMS integration are optional plugins that can be included on the screen.

• 100% customizable to your event or sponsor’s look and feel.

• Turn-key solution with 24 hour activation (without customization).

• Cloud-based architecture allows for instant global deployment.

• Self-monitoring and self-healing technology for robust uptime.

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What is a Hashtag?

Hashtags are ways people group conversations on Twitter. With millions of tweets being sent every hour, following conversations around an event is best done by focusing on hashtags.

Delegates will often include hashtags into their conversations so others know which event their comments are related to. Event organisers are increasingly promoting the use of hashtags in their event publicity material.

Hashtags look like: #EventName


“I’m attending #SXSW, who’s going to be there?”

“The speaker on stage now is making a good point about social media. #adtech”

“I hope Adam wins! #AmericanIdol”

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Why use Twitter Hashtags for events?

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Example: Multitude with background floaters

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Example: Multitude with Real-time Trending Words

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Example: Multitude with sponsor logo

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Example: Multitude on iPhone

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Multitude at SingTel Event

Multitude as an integrated backdrop

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Multitude at ad:tech Singapore

Multitude as a standee Multitude at a booth

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Multitude at IFAD Event

Multitude for Q&A

Multitude for Keynotes

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Multitude at ikms Event

Multitude as a projection

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Multitude at Social Media Week Singapore

Multitude at Lucky13

Multitude at SMU

Multitude at Sinema Old School Multitude at Avalon

Multitude at Graze

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Setup & Deployment

• Dedicated Logistics Manager

• Dedicated PC with Google Chrome

• Internet Connection (LAN/Wi Fi preferred. Can work over 3G/LTE)

• Projector & Screen


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Live Demo of Multitude

1. Large Screen Live Demo: http://demo.multitu.de/board/ (Best run on a large screen TV or projection)

2. Mobile Live Demo: http://demo.multitu.de/mobile/ (Best run on Safari in iPad or iPhone)

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Standard Product

Components Description

Multitude Software-as-a-Service

Real-time stream of Twitter conversations from the delegates at the event. This is stream designed to track mentions based on your hashtag.

Setup, Deployment, and Testing

Our engineer will setup, deploy, and test during your event setup days.

The minimum deployment will look like this example on the right. The system will be able to track 1 hashtag and stream tweets and images live. (Note: Hardware such as physical screens and computers are not included with the standard product)

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Additional Plugins

Plugins Description

Agenda & Clock Your full agenda that moves with the time to so people always know what’s taking place now and what’s coming up.

Real-time Word Trending Trending of words being used in real-time. If most people are talking about “social media” that word will rise to the top. Very useful for discussion and knowledge sharing events.

Live Leaderboard Displays who the most engaging users are. This encourages others to get their names and faces on the leaderboard as well. A powerful motivator for social interaction.

Dedicated Announcements Box

Dedicated announcement box for the organizer to push announcements about changes, drive delegates to certain booths or sessions.

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Additional Plugins

Plugins Description

SMS Integration Additional SMS integration so that people without Twitter accounts can participate as well.

Mobile Interface Special version with dedicated URL designed for any number of iPad and iPhone users.

Word Filter Blacklist to filter out spam and unacceptable words from being posted to the screen.

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Event Organizer’s Requirement

Required Components Description

Broadband Internet Connection

Needs to be stable as all data is streamed live from Twitter. (Note: Mobile/3G broadband is not advised.)

Projectors/Screens We support resolutions from 1024x768 to beyond full HD. If required, JamiQ can provide a HD projector for a rental fee.

Computer Hardware with Google Chrome

Any modern computer with Google Chrome web browser installed will work. If required, JamiQ can provide a dedicated PC for a rental fee.

Delegate Hardware iPad or iPhone.

Multitude is a Software-as-a-Service. Event organizers are advised to provide their own hardware such as projectors, screens, computers, and internet connection. Often the venue’s equipment and infrastructure are the best as they are designed for the environment.

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Some of our Clients

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Sales Contact

Benjamin Koe [email protected] +65 6536 0906 (office) +65 9181 7128 (mobile) 67 South Bridge Road Level 3 Singapore 058697