jack-pc security rev a - 0206

1 Jack-PC Security Rev A - 0206 Important!! Under NDA - Chip PC Proprietary and Confidential Information *CDC02264*

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Jack-PC Security Rev A - 0206. Important!! Under NDA - Chip PC Proprietary and Confidential Information. *CDC02264*. Claim:. “Jack PC is the most secured desktop available today.”. This presentation is all about proving this strong claim…. What makes for the most secure desktop ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Jack-PC SecurityRev A - 0206

Important!! Under NDA - Chip PC Proprietary and Confidential Information


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“Jack PC is the most secured desktop available today.”

This presentation is all about proving this strong claim…

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What makes for the most secure desktop?

1) Strong Physical security

2) Strong User Authentication

3) Strong Device Authentication

4) Strong Peripherals Authentication, tracking and logging

5) Strong Management security

6) Strong Image security

7) Chip PC high security environment, technologies and capabilities

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Strongest Physical Device Security

Concept: Physically securing the device and its cables.


• No exposed components (wall mounting)

• Special built-in mechanical lock

• No exposed LAN jack / wiring

• Strong metal anti-tampering structure

• POE – No exposed power source

• No removable mass-storage (soldered DOC)

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Jack PC Removed from Locking in Housing with Extraction Tool

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Housing Contacts

Housing Block Connector

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Strongest User Authentication

Concept: Identify device physical location.


• Patented local log-in authenticated against AD (similar to PC domain log-in)

• Support for most PC/SC PKI Smart-cards using external USB reader

• Support for Biometrics authentication

• Passed-through user authentication from XG server

• Fully configurable Kerberos, NTLM and other authentications.

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Local User Logon Screen

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Strongest Device Authentication

Concept: Reliably identify the device.


• Patented technology to enable strong matching of device unique properties with device identity

• Soldered components with OTP (One Time Programming) chips

• Reliance on properties that cannot be cloned / modified.

• Two side authentication device Management system

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Strongest Peripherals Authentication

Concept: Reliably control the connected peripherals


• Strongest USB usage control using patented detection and power signatures

• Full peripherals control through XG policies based on device or user profile

• Detection / logging of all peripherals connection / disconnection events

• Option to implement keyboard authentication scheme

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Local Image USB Settings

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Strongest Management Security

Concept: Securing device management functions


• Managed by XG – AD policies, leveraging Windows Security Scheme

• Full Multi-level administrative rights, delegation

• Management protocols uses selectable high-encryption, compression and port settings (non-SNMP)

• Single Sign On using XG secured infrastructure

• Security desk, logging and events

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Xcalibur Global Permissions – Delegation of Control

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Xcalibur Global Protocol & Ports Settings

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Xcalibur Global Authentication Provider

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Strongest Image SecurityConcept: Securing device management



• Highly secured patented software deployment mechanisms using signed XPIs

• Immunity to viruses, worms and other malicious code

• No security patches, vulnerabilities and anti-virus needed - EVER

• Modular image does not require often re-imaging

• No BIOS, no BIOS vulnerabilities

• Truly stateless client design – no user information remains

• Wide set of local VPNs

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Strongest Image Security

• Encrypted image for each unique device

• User can never access system files or settings

• XP desktop without desktop vulnerabilities

• Relies on Windows CE Kernel enhance and secured by Chip PC. Full access to source-code

• Local user settings can be defined on per-function level. Only required settings are open

• Enhanced and secured local IE browser with manageable kiosk mode, downloads and cookies

• Secured VNC remote shadowing

• Dynamic (per-user) software deployment enables on-the-fly role based device loading upon user log-in

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Secure VNC Shadowing Activated by Xcalibur Global on Local Image

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Local Image Authentication Settings

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Strongest Image Security

On-chip support for:

• DES/3-DES (128 and 192 bit keys)

• AES (128, 192, and 256 bit keys)

• ARC4 (RC4) (40 to 128 bit keys)

• Automatic Padding

• Supported modes (ECB, CBC)

• AES Counter Mode

• FIPS 140-2 random

The Jack-PC is the only thin-client in the market that features a secondary Crypto/IPSec processor from as standard.

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Additional Security Products

• Special TEMPEST / MIL-STD thin-client products

• Fiber-optic based thin-clients

• Custom images and plug-ins

• Second signature by customer

• Security audits preparations, analysis, testing, consultancy

• Hybrid simulation lab for testing and simulations

• Security experts on staff

• Custom smart-cards and applications

• Optically isolated KVMs, Twin-clients

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Chip PC Security Environment• Operate as a subsidiary of Israel’s largest

defense conglomerate

• All manufacturing is done in high-security MIL-STD facilities

• Common-Criteria to level 6 with similar products

• Access to MS and Citrix source-code

• Secured to top-secret development and production environments

• Contingency and disaster recovery facilities (3 sites)

• World’s highest security organizations are relying on Chip PC products

• Internal security and procedures can be audited by customers