j.. reposito - nys historic...

<t.H - %.« ?iTt *%* t#" -> **L : iM0m<M$ r : l%wra|j ' I: ^r^y 1 ipMOT# tepefy J.. hpju lr lends and the public, {I received, in adatiiott ^ 4 a large affortrnept of tit' ; &*-fOrlticr brvfk, a large attortrnent or ~~T 1 ~. *• * ri . . , rt l l r e l t e l ifc GROCERIES, /«•« * c ««"*..«f * Uniud.SttUi «fSi >Tlti,ftjl^eJ^ ••try- tc&l •»t. bfniiifiwM*^ •"•*#*)(»" •&U #&.%&& im* c&E l^|o.E§&f^nt ifee^as Jotfo^vV;*!, ryC*.w&"ft|t3r0;te lilhiii; Ets$ Rspgev • w * ^ ' feg; sleety;':fiW a«f£& l-;ao$- #M &»,;-fcy**> ^Gi?f%§ltof ^iJifi?' *rt.<$ .x*r-or Mpnii. taf#. •ge:" * off tr^focrf mg- wwwriPiiwi w iwip^jfwwwqfrWTyfrii j* »«i REPOSITO )iniriiiiiii<ii.«iii««ii»iiii ,ri ' in, t.ii inr'itf l l n r 'r. Vir*. •-"•• < -j • " " " " ' • •' >•'*' "* . • '•.;'•'f •' t ANA'NpAIGUa; PRINTED AND WBtlSBED 3¥ 6CUJU0- ^ POST. ... ,;... >'. * -! » •iriii.,i-.l.l..ii . . II.I.. i ii|i . ii mi. i . flu-Jim. _m—•ii..iiLil.-iin-|iiii-i>-Miliii.ir- -,-'I-TII-I J -—' T —•——' 'l" 1 ' ;• ' ' ""' i 1 ^ 1 , i I, i , _^«M—•»———»«.i li ii *• HI i, r >-^ r -fr^- ! y T - rrM; Y-- rTp . fliHl TRUtJC yNBI4§3fiD R&IvGNS* Looking- Giafifes^ ||a^ ^^loUow-Ware, ^fetile^ pit, Mm i God ^8lctt : :^l|J| lj»^t<| very ioi«r for 0*Cb or # | j 0 l d afed; IQkiafter TICKET^ aU#o 4 . ^4^ tt^rT^T^At- Wt7frAP^rr^^ ^ h ^^i% ©fa Than, whocould thus , Sw^m on the o^her f W ^e go^mi Fy.1.1 x 10&v'JLrJl«rAK. i MJiilN A« defcend td a icor^eFpondence.\$th a pro* 'our c t e p bought tfodd bv a pretty \h rle ;. :, .- -^ „..-;- -_•-•..•.•••. . -^-r felled verier 0 lits.^rid calumny? To qorpsio! twelve ihouland men. and oily #hat o aftate of degrading hunliliation have Jialf a dozen tegimems of horfe, svHI tot ^?C tunk> ^whelj, fach,a-m&ti H f^lecled to *he lotdief dtieens look to thett camp . |)wrd the *tf4irs of Goverrinieitti *nd df- i •..-:.-*. - 1^ .. 40+i.A S » ^ l l ^ t *C» l f » ^ ^ ^M.*.ir ^athccn^rMes;oj,theSt«ef The mitt- To thd People of |he United States. io>s ^f^g. ^e, CoflfeAt to earii a fob*. I N F L A M M A T O R Y addrfelfes to the (xfywz* by aid|ing $$*$ views of inc«^(Udi people^ have r in every age» rnet the dif- JimbHiop, inuft meet witli cpritempt .They two tlj^ufaftd iniles from W'afhin^ton, a* iheif 0o$int)cy ? ,an,d their General as itd Rulej nnA, H^htrul PxefidU: ? Or, it :he ^"""""H* o%y ihe orders from W#{hi:ig- iiOitlleir "powerj |ib little check*' con ton* appfobattaii 0! the wife and pruddnt,-*- art? too low tor ;4§teAation. But thofe ed and not''at all watched ;v .... : ^ ..,M|T O^l LETTERS w l a p ' Gotten 2,Aaro|rtBai- |ey|,*Tpotin:a;s-iiLrmfl^OQjg'2, Jer^tniak ' l ^ ^ ' M T O U r a i i e i Jacob; ©•yer,h[ipna- : ^fe^a* , 0^]M«fe' : -J , tidy Clarke, Calvin ^o^, ATOel : ' Tf>yl«fr t . Otfeni^^Thaylpr/ Moiitvf<¥*i$^bw^^ertooTOSeeleV,, 1 jam { ,;||^iOyi:Sti^he\J:' tigers, p, Le Hpfbctt, ijobtt Straight, Iljaito Rider, Bd^iel Shad- ; l $Q$k$ '.IJe1r|.«(y $tp*l, j«»htt' Hertrferiori, !,®aft ; S>«fetpMrtc e -0aylofd, Jahjr 'Trtii t *oa« r jolm SHoeh: afcer, iun. Nathaniel Seymour, ji^f» AfiTfickox, Piercf Tup. fm, Era.{luii Ros* e|, |ohn H. Pijile^, WFfH Kumi^reyl iJavtd Bbweit, W: Bronfoni, 'B leniafj t Jhaptti!, I>aniel iM 01 ce. iC^rl^^J^-Stftion Lathrop 2 JbeJ Watftca *,• Matthew 'Warner, jofeph |.Ba«;thet,.€spL,jkob Sevens $s, Gaptaiti f$ai3juel S«e:r«'r>gJ^eflfeq:t4xI Lyon sj, Saoi- i^lUaiwft, A'liftifi iJJuttoi Mtl«a prifrol, •^efeaclC^dVW, Ifaac OeFore% John Phillips, dub Woods, Elihu MfgheEis, 0eth W , Sjtfeffie X $r$oiJr&mkiM. Wilder, Elq. Jon- lilaii Cobiinl, Spitt Roberts, John Tay- ,fc%,pti^||fe^ Pi4$LJ4feM; ,G^c[.,.jfclia«- &im Watkerjl%«j>ma$ Viucentjohii Reid. .%am A|dr.ip* ^ipji : dhij;h Cul|v«r, EliaS <JlningS| John |J^ wirlbut, Luke fvlafon, feacon D^n^ i i , Fofteti Thorflasj Jeriks» h Jonje.', Jedithart Tucker* jPhillip ddoii, Mrt;]S|alfy PiJFraety f fejnj&iQii* r f Johni Efheips; Silas ** Tiiey have rightly Believed it tiior* proft^ wli 0 CoAdefeejhd to jfriakeufeoi fuch meansfi^et4*be Ero^'iinces as ihs:t el tke Roataii ^r, to fubtriit tfcl teftfjiorary and : parttal e- jtefove'oUr eternal abhorrence. t I n pro!- P#co;n|«1^ llid ? r vils^tban by creating a icohvwlfion in the f&*wg the ^qutry into official meafures ' |p,| wo^fc.is dtherimpuslem pr ftal? ftat^, to eridarigerjthe te'xiftence of every fibpfce the eleyation of our pfefeht ruleis, '.few ?0, pretendthat tbe free principles ^|' rehiaining good. Iti'thi? fentitnent I tnoft itfbebove* u$| to a£t wrtb decency and ' bur RjeyubR^an^0oyerntpen4^anhej>^';, heartily concur. But ja "broper enauiry mbderation. We mult feelindignation, plie4,dr tnade to operall over h4f ;M n ( henjilphers.~r* T we oojught but a involution | m il funljptuons nor cerifarable. « The tdratniF- di^ttiled. If et it p not improper to ^all tration of the governnieftt6f diircountry typ*** atwmtioii to tneafpies which their iu- has*. within tliefe fe\y years, • pahVd imd th^rs^re anxfouff^ endeavoring to bmy other hands than thofe in whom you firft j - u,,r ~ I —" •*"--*- ^- -^-—**—- veftedthftexectitiye authority.; The i«i trigues by which this change waif effe&edj have alfeadily b^en partially developed; Much yet remains wrappted in an impene- ttable Veil of myft^ry* which the hand of time can alone tear away*; Fjrorh the affi- duity with which the meafure "that produ- ced this effect were concealed from gene- ral knowledge, t* m?y he inferred, that the *.- r ~ -.j-. , -.— .„~~.. , _ —^ .„^„. ^ motives oi Cuch meafures would redound ures wh^h w.?re prtt into op.ekti6n*to de- even ft* m the RJe^E&idlLl? « ih^bJIvion* To afcertairt the charaSers ot;|fh6members of our adminiftration, it is pecefrary, no|t only to, invefiTgate their cbpdu& finee theits exaltation, but to ex J or their l^dtyendtnte-^tlzty WmMnpgt forth owe to us their Jtri^ih^udgrm^ ' i^pailei, in artime into the nijeans %^hijcb produced "t3" ERE is-a f-w^et fen^^forfh^frsi tblir unmerited elevation. It is, certainly A l , >orn fons of A i i ? r i o ^ l o r y % M th? ineVitabfe ,conclurio"n» that, where the dignity and. Indexesdfence. <#'']&&%.. ^ a c h e r y and ifttrigue forirt the Bsfts of country, to repeat, ffert is a,mple ii^m, power, .the fpperf riirlure cahnot Be fre^ .^'or^that prowel^whicli taade Barg^ F^m injuifi'ce, and difhoriori The tSeaf- * nA K,c Ar^ w -«r*r«r»A*.» K^t^>••!?„«,* prove oppref. lude ^he citijseits of our country, have been fuccefsiul.a hut the tlTeQ: caftitiot be permatlent.,../ Conviction muft* fucceed error, and indignation accompany convic- tion. This is iy.elj known tp-the parties. immediately injereifed.—^They feel the* i- 1 * * i- .is s ...fey..a;fiffnin.enl f , ^..fad^^ult-fey^ MI1C3|%'tejeb^ E^ psiW^r; .tjonts.i?tied/ l^^»flua^e : ol- this i«|^l»d' ,; ^o remffe^wtii ft& Saturday the twefli- 3tt^ at three.o'clock st day, zt'Tttytor's , and a title to-tlte? be fubferiber.—^,Da« t!uary,^\. D. £804; tZ GRANGER. ; 1- _, . L, , , , , , , • • ^ i ROAD/ 7 iy given, agrebaoiy > Legiflature of the r tjftablifhing a Turn ita, in the county of scounty oi 'SteubcB^ sSix ? i2j ThatBock^ -efMbfcriptions for , lrn-Pike, by JOHN !^<JS£SATWAT£R» "ir, o f Canandaigva i , aftd HEKKY-A^ E ;„wfio are, by the mpiHEojieri/ off" Mt little to the honor and reputation of the garties concerned. What lew ctrcutni. ftances have been accidentally, coinmuni- cated to jthe w«rld, prtly coi*roborat*e the jufticeot this mference. W e nave .dif- covered that tjbeto'ilB ol fa&jon were etn- t ployed in.the hateful offiee ot traducing the < puieit chara&ers in focie'y, by thofe who are now mvefted wtih the honorable badges oi ^executive power. Truth and honor were facrtficed at the (brine o£ am- biyon, and»thefe men'pat up petitions to the goddefs i f their adolatry, though they td juniverfal ridicule by a continued ac* never dated to pollute Ihe ieiHpies, nor <|utew?encj?: iu the artrbitiou^ defigusk of reproach the altar of their Gnd* By a va* tjwjj srt^al men* • My voice is only .the riety of infidmus ai tiSees and concealed vq$& of an abfcure^nd^tdujl^bju ly«_ intrfgues, they e®;.cluaily'b1inde«l" a mrfjor- the voice of One who wilhes Jor r»o^n£ ity 0f you to their real rntemious. They but the prdfperity of Amejfif a and the fucceeded in impofmg on the ctedulity of bappinefs of her eitiaens* - It is trdth that unfufpe&ing honefty, by artfally playing fp.cafcs,. and b;er •« ftill fmall voice" muft Snd' hjs Army' pritonersl, [before'' Fi mt ?# # *. anxious qsihe was to feiaa- irate u^ fronilter natural rival, our itioihef' 'cotihtry, darei? to Ifeow 4i s coftme^ance^ : Ko, ^A Corfitaii—it ii ?Ati : &l'^ttj tfaere IJ| in degraded America, a rtmntml!: ftill eWttiiaf who would toggle as h ird emmxfg who w< to ict^t you to retF&ft ths.t cbntentptuouf; ruth rifthc a c t i o n and they U«inble for expre|fonjw;t% did >o reM the over* r ' ""» ** ' " bearing pretention•of.th^t^ pOj^er.Ayh^hx* owe y&&' thte-confequences* The period is laftap- . , . _ pro|chmg when .you are either to refeue now holds you at defiance. 1 vqur iiatioual reputation frop^ the con- nothirig, For the fervi:es t^mhtol the worfd,by refifting with fiim- w '~ ^ ^ " ^ ***' *"" u : ncis the inEuenc© of fa&ion* or to fubjmit Pain, ckerfdn, M*<2ay, Ifake Ha'thjiway, ThaddeusJHaael- fe%Molea;ipfo«rp.. ; ; to wreak hia vengeance on Hs ofTenderSj letted to the domination, but never to the ^ « ^ / f e ^ * n o t d Pofter r tola. Joieph fc ^fci^p- tb ^ jyr ac bi aV clian fyllem of laws of Rome—They v*ere governed by |»ro|^ ML^fe.ebi>yer, Lusher 3ing- laJriguean{ jbafenels which had been put Pro.Confuls, whoiwcrefchtikeGovern- fla^iEtq. jOimia " ^ in i L-^wnir-T rt « *° operation. He was contented to be or Claiborne* each of them with one or -imn.^^Mn^r^mtmi\&iK qovere a w ^ Jpfarny, it he could, extend . two legions, to play the Emperor in the ^ l ^'r^YTy^r^nV'^ « a. participation ot it to the partners of hts Provinces. The dltv of Rome wa» anfuf- 5^^^..Neherniah Higb^ ^hnftiart gu ^ • Th0 4 ^ , ^ xvhkh h? mdef ed w i t h t h e pageatltry oi power, and tlieii rentntx., J J] _ | though butpartial,were fuHicient to fink the Provinces were cruured with the weight _J^ CEILED,; , j TfilS Oft ICE/ Bf ?.>r OR sr^Gi.£,- rER J S ' - STACK/ > 4' s . , unfufpe&tng honefty, by artfully playing on your pafltons and • nafreprefenting the acltionf of the ejdftiuff admintifrattoh»- j » Having attained the height to which their unwearied exertions have elevated them, they are lefs careful of retaining the malk, and as they have feciired the power, are indifferent w ihc ^\mm Q\ tliw «m- flituents. In the-di^ifion at the fpoils of be eventually heard* though 5 drowned lor the moment by th|e uproar ol faction, or lo'Ji in the wila Harm ot party paffions. • COLOMBIANUS. Froth the Frederzcktetoh li&riud. ton 2» BBntoIa'"YTh*»t, JgnatiHmjNfaTcj- ren, 'jarnes •iCjxdrdq'!.. ' } NertftfieMs-^mmes^Harfand, "WHHanx loft^ Ezri RaWet, Thomas: R^nfdell, ^^^f che caule. One of the moft Bc ^.? Jl ffW^.F? M 1 i?4 l ^!: -iJD k aaiveofitspartizan^andatthefametime {^W^i^V 1 1 1 8 - ^ R ^' one of the vfleu of mankind, hiving been ^ |, ^HE Ronjan Empire is toniputed to have atn|r!y paid, aiid w^lre it otherw#I% jt is n^t f^r the inurdere^js of "*»•«• Aife fcouis^ to claim our gratis ii«. . Suf'u'tthap.pilj,' W:.e-ai-.el:iioi i d €onj|derr : this, ekpreffiofl'-as the h^re-^bwfls&o^o"! vanity. It ^ r -an-opiui.o;c ; ' : ^§^$&v%m^ IITc pSficy of JYa^'cp : to* 'arVu^l^i, *j^ - pinion'' which J$ tolefatcd^ ^H 'nior%Ji|pi" ' ik Attterka^ec^ied by 'th4''inifV' ions of t^m QreM Mepkbhc s m\d, iikx$•&!. all, in^the newly acquireci:, country^ uiHori*' "it-jvtl; the g^kd tidings of $1 eat joy wfiicb/eitii tan Louilat protelai?ned-i:o the : t^ ; m^hj©it, s ^inliabiiauts -df LOttiliana^-It • wasferedS* ed in t k t PMFOMBEidBtt WliLdH they Were to ob|a(liin.tbs„n^t>onaL : bo;iE»'.* ci'ls, ahi th^eterbano^e an| gi;a|;tt|li ; •w^iicli wraS tofeefcBeriilie<p!for : JFsKST^'e.''' pie Ah 1 Italy^ SJetly, SpaiA and Portu- gal, and the greater part or the prefent Turkish Empire, and the B ot Africa, together with Egyri minifiralidn- rbary coaA P r,Iit m l " c W t e d States w*»r«^ f«h ift the affarned afcetjdenry of Ptaoj&e^iftS repeat the infuks ofered Ilger fiopetownlyJffalter Angue! *, * Geneva-.^—,Jonathan Cook* if<ir^W:«Pft*fi Clark* tferthantM/t.-t -- Simoi^ » Lvans.>>~ Tqnit'ian Wildari. JLetceJier.^- Ofwegduhi . Mud>Crxe*L-l}bhn Rrggs* ^ - Ontario Co<iwH Mrs. Elizabeth Bai- ley, Morris F. ^ J r W ! ^ ^ J el P or William Rees^, the characters of his former aflbciatcs and inifigators to^ the lowe^ pitoh of degrada- tioo. Thefe men arc now inftallcd into the higheft offices o I UieNation*, Thefe tnen are now cpnfidered by the world as the mirror of your mjind?. The obloquy and infamy with which they are loaded, arc reflected upon you, for; the dilhonor of ot oppreflion. Our Country^ with fewer people, ha*a greater extent than;the RomanEmpirejandi conftdering the turbulent ipirit ot democ- racy, athi the inevitable relaxation ot all authority, on the fjad&wi-id trorijiers of an Empitcvftifta patfajlefs foreft, thediiScuity ot governing the fjnited States, extended yoiJfrfelves,land your countrysis infepara- as they nowareis ^ertamiy as grfcat asAu- bleffora thtedifgraceot your adminiftra- guftuaexperieheed, OutAuguftu5>whofe Hah Reynolds tiou. Permit me then, my fellow-citizens^ fr*n&nefs* tdurAge ctajt zx^mircy, to e«tr,ea.t ypu to aix)Ufe from your politic- h6en found wy kke the firft Roman Em^ dcntfatistaQiion. It is l'i|kewile-''&^m|l^ in ihf I cohducl of our R tpmfen^t|^ji a^ broa<£ j W^y ha^ Mr. ^^n^oe^'s^ib^ieiv a difpbfition to «lelay Tnteg^iati^ ;^^ftti'" Great Britain,at a time when It mi ^hfp lutely ueceifary, biit to |l|feter- itfee! «a:|s3n^| of theThuillieries ? Jn hife|iibSryie:lc|r to the wiibes of France, 6|^r jp^eity.s^t" her Ritfal is fuiered«fo expir£ Ar| wl. not only to afTerit to a h: 'p-H^ influemi" at i^me, ; hd£j:o''a|Rinie.|; ; :tft^iv ot indijfference towards^a'py' 'ne|o||a'io|l'" witfi a power, a'eonnexi^'d..with''i(«'|L0)bi'-i| of the uttnoft importandj to Arheirwa merely'\becaufe this ilegfi :c\ w/i|i be gr ful to*nation before which, as l#,;fov» ihgitori very diplomatic;?Ily fald^ %% rope had bowed the knee ? But to return. Bonaparte has ontpial- p m p CHAPIN, »• Jf. ; ^ G^ernmirit tor td B Y virtue ol a I writ of Fieri Pmias, if* fued 1 Out of the Court Qf qomttion O^ernmeft i«r yawklves. It will r * ff^^^%S»*^£^ affect i «. 1. n no W bright to . p^ int . qu re but little attention to taBsj to con- ges. He will watjt the legions, or he will• . , - r- » n . •"ranee. To toleiate this language is ifent to it. Ii is now brought to a pot Pleas, an<Jtd me dire&eoVand^ deLv^vu,, ^jp»nff_ the goods and cfiatteJSj lajnd&sndi tUnementls ot A $ ^ 0I)NfJiAR, 11 %n fei- sed and tak^n all the goods a^nd chattels, kttds and) teheme^ts of tWttidt As A, .In 4k vinee you,, that unworthy motives were the grand caufes ot the unworthy artifices pra&tiled to render you di0atfsfied with tie. conda^fe of youy old admioiltratiort. w 1£ou will find thefe motives wctc riot tier regioos go unffaVerjied, and tfey ia;» received M-. * fmm m-0$ Wm 'v$w''i#li- mit to a declaration whtcti deprives- <w of my Baihfic^» and lhalt **j£fe Jfe to^ li»rale,,at|Pubiic: Vcn4ue*^ ^ / f r *.W lef, in Canaudaigiia, on Smrftf* the fev ' ,«ntk day bt [janba ry ne&t, at oneto Ittthealterrvoon, .,«,,,£ i BEN L BARTON 5l&<rfij >• $mM%di§u<t/Nov. x& t$&% ' * The, alfove tale h further poftpopd un «tl Saturday, Jhe i 4 th day of julf «e*t ? $m to cbtnmence at one irfofo&V** * hC] | k c e aboW-m«ni l«waed* fwiionfia and phihimhropj, btit private ortett ^ ^ ^ / ^ g the rank, which the blood .pi4ue,orthee*peaa^onofpwfbflalexak ^t^Q^^vo^mim^^ w aifoiledto'obtain 1 tatw«S» When we know that the ma^ ma. anfwer % There mujfc be power e^ who no* enmys the! higheft ogae which notigh fome wherje, and power m Idll ac* our €onaituuoo recognizei, while intb<» tfvity too, to kefep f*Vnm<L ®f*>^ tenure atxh* iecond poft of authority in gether, or they wM hreife off; and tttore, foreigner to. detame the ceputatiotf of hi* ettertry, w|ofe ^nfclous » ^ « ^ ^ FROM THJU&A&IE* T ha* been repeatedly jtnfinuated iti tfjls Aurora, that the Adminiftrat'ioJi ari acquainted' with f*tl% which jvouldl ft/nVSow and a&uaMv t>itd" from hii owtt feek a hoftilfe torMgn atttaflce; wnat * acquamtca ^n .*«,, *»»«. *,«««., con SSkTlSir^^ l « » » ^ f ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^manyjatelyjljtgh^ office^ the S nroLlv conidedta bi*-pro^aion.f wllfbeHttef, bu^otfobittfraMheir^ W^^*™"*®* ara projieily conided to bi*.pr« . , Can we deem o p ssiionftl. hoAor ftcur* j?eiiencf ot 0wr loll^ thtt not* mm m tMEftuted ^ittfV* *^» «<«•(«* •#••»- ffl9' 4 W : "*"^*f., ,.-^._ + 'ij»r-u 'V/ ..-.>•; -V Of QUTHiiROE* J Doesriofthe falfejioot: % '^'^Ufjii

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Page 1: J.. REPOSITO - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1804-04-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ftances have been accidentally, coinmuni-cated to jthe w«rld, prtly coi*roborat*e

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ANA'NpAIGUa; PRINTED AND W B t l S B E D 3 ¥ 6CUJU0- POST. ... ,;... > ' . * -! »

•iriii.,i-.l.l..ii . . II.I.. i ii|i . ii mi. i . flu-Jim. _m—•ii..iiLil.-iin-|iiii-i>-Miliii.ir- - , - ' I - T I I - I J-—' T — • — — ' ' l " 1 ' ; • ' ,» ' " " ' i 1 — ^ 1 , i I, i , _ ^ « M — • » — — — » « . i l i ii *• H I i, r > - ^ r - f r ^ - ! y T - r r M ; Y - - r T p .

fliHl TRUtJC y N B I 4 § 3 f i D R&IvGNS*

Looking- Giafifes^ | | a ^ ^ ^ l o U o w - W a r e ,

^ f e t i l e ^ pit, Mmi God ^8lctt ::^l|J| lj»^t<| very ioi«r for 0*Cb or

# | j 0 l d afed; IQkiafter T I C K E T ^

aU#o4. ^ 4 ^

tt^rT^T^At- W t 7 f r A P ^ r r ^ ^ ^ h ^ ^ i % ©fa Than, whocould thus , Sw^m on the o her f W ^e go^mi Fy.1.1 x 10&v'JLrJl«rAK. i MJiilN A« defcend td a icor^eFpondence.\$th a pro* 'our c t e p bought tfodd bv a pretty \h rle ;. :, .- - ^ „ . . - ; - -_•-•..•.•••. . -^-r felled verier 0 lits.^rid calumny? To qorpsio! twelve ihouland men. and oily

#hatoaftate of degrading hunliliation have Jialf a dozen tegimems of horfe, svHI t o t ?C tunk> ^whelj, fach,a-m&ti H f^lecled to *he lotdief dtieens look to thett camp

. |)wrd the *tf4irs of Goverrinieitti *nd df- i • . . - : . - * . - 1 ^ . . 40+i.A S » ^ l l ^ t *C» l f » ^ ^ ^M.*.ir ^athccn^rMes;oj , theSt«ef The mitt-T o thd People of |he United States. i o > s ^f^g. e, C o f l f e A t t o earii a fob*.

INFLAMMATORY addrfelfes to the (xfywz* by aid|ing $$*$ views of inc«^(Udi people^ haver in every age» rnet the dif- JimbHiop, inuft meet witli cpritempt .They

two tlj^ufaftd iniles from W'afhin^ton, a* iheif 0o$int)cy ? ,an,d their General as itd Rulej nnA, H^htrul PxefidU: ? Or, it :he ^ " """"H* o%y ihe orders from W#{hi:ig-

iiOitlleir "powerj |ib little check*' con

ton* appfobattaii 0! the wife and pruddnt,-*- art? too low tor ;4§teAation. But thofe ed and not''at all watched

;v....: ^ ..,M|T O^l LETTERS

w l a p ' Gotten 2,Aaro|rtBai-|ey|,*Tpotin:a;s-iiLrmfl^OQjg'2, Je r^ tn iak

' l ^ ^ ' M T O U r a i i e i Jacob; ©•yer,h[ipna-:^fe^a* ,0^]M«fe' :-J ,tidy Clarke, Calvin ^ o ^ , ATOel:' Tf>yl«frt. Otfeni^^Thaylpr/ Moiitvf<¥*i$^bw^^ertooTOSeeleV,,1jam

{,;||^iOyi:Sti^he\J:' t i ge r s , p , Le Hpfbctt, ijobtt Straight, Iljaito Rider, Bd^iel Shad-

; l$Q$k$ '.IJe1r|.«(y $tp*l, j«»htt' Hertrferiori,

!,®aft; S>«fetpMrtc e -0aylofd, Jahjr 'Trtii t *oa«r jolm SHoeh: afcer, iun. Nathaniel

Seymour, ji^f» AfiTfickox, Piercf Tup. fm, Era.{luii Ros* e|, |ohn H. Pijile^, WFfH Kumi^reyl iJavtd Bbweit,

W: Bronfoni, 'B leniafj t Jhaptti!, I>aniel iM 01 ce. iC^rl^^J^-Stf t ion Lathrop 2

JbeJ Watftca *,• Matthew 'Warner, jofeph |.Ba«;thet,.€spL,jkob Sevens $s, Gaptaiti f$ai3juel S«e:r«'r>gJ^eflfeq:t4xI L y o n sj, Saoi-

i lUaiwft, A'liftifi iJJuttoi Mtl«a prifrol, •^efeaclC^dVW, Ifaac OeFore% John Phillips, d u b Woods, Elihu MfgheEis, 0eth W , Sjtfeffie X $r$oiJr&mkiM. Wilder, Elq. Jon-lilaii Cobiinl, Spitt Roberts, John Tay-,fc%,pti^||fe^ Pi4$LJ4feM; ,G^c[.,.jfclia«-&im Watkerjl%«j>ma$ Viucentjohii Reid.

.%am A|dr.ip* ^ipji:dhij;h Cul|v«r, EliaS <JlningS| John |J^ wirlbut, Luke fvlafon, feacon D^n^ i i , Fofteti Thorflasj Jeriks»

h Jonje.', Jedithart Tucker* jPhillip ddoii, Mrt;]S|alfy PiJFraetyf fejnj&iQii*

rf Johni Efheips; Silas **

Tiiey have rightly Believed it tiior* proft^ wli0 CoAdefeejhd to jfriakeufeoi fuch means fi^e t4*be Ero 'iinces as ihs:t el tke Roataii ^r, to fubtriit tfcl teftfjiorary and: parttal e- jtefove'oUr eternal abhorrence. t I n pro!- P#co;n|«1^ llid ? r

vils^tban by creating a icohvwlfion in the f&*wg the ^qut ry into official meafures ' | p , | w o ^ fc. is dtherimpuslem pr ftal? ftat^, to eridarigerjthe te'xiftence of every fibpfce the eleyation of our pfefeht ruleis, '.few ?0, pretendthat tbe free principles ^ | ' rehiaining good. Iti'thi? fentitnent I tnoft itfbebove* u$| to a£t wrtb decency and ' bur RjeyubR^an^0oyerntpen4^anhej>^';, heartily concur. But ja "broper enauiry mbderation. W e mult feelindignation, plie4,dr tnade to operall over h4f ;M

n( henjilphers.~r*T

we oojught but a involution |

m il funljptuons nor cerifarable. « The tdratniF- di^ttiled. If et it p not improper to ^all tration of the governnieftt6f diircountry typ*** atwmtioii to tneafpies which their iu-has*. within tliefe fe\y years, • pahVd imd th^rs^re anxfouff^ endeavoring to bmy other hands than thofe in whom you firft — j-u,,r~I—" •*"--*- ^ - -^-—**—-veftedthftexectitiye authority.; The i«i tr igues by which this change waif effe&edj have alfeadily b^en partially developed; Much yet remains wrappted in an impene-ttable Veil of myft^ry* which the hand of time can alone tear away*; Fjrorh the affi-duity with which the meafure "that produ­ced this effect were concealed from gene­ral knowledge, t* m?y he inferred, that the *.-r~ - . j - . , -.— .„~~.. , _ —^ .„^„. ^ motives oi Cuch meafures would redound ures wh^h w.?re prtt into op.ekti6n*to de- even ft*

m the RJe^E&idlLl? «

ih^bJIvion* T o afcertairt the charaSers ot;|fh6members of our adminiftration, it is pecefrary, no|t only to, invefiTgate their cbpdu& finee theits exaltation, but to ex

J or their l^dtyendtnte-^tlzty WmMnpgt forth owe to us their Jtri^ih^udgrm^

' i^pailei, in >»

artime into the nijeans % hijcb produced " t 3 " ERE is-a f-w et f e n ^ ^ f o r f h ^ f r s i tblir unmerited elevation. It is, certainly A l , >orn fons of A i i ? r i o ^ l o r y % M th? ineVitabfe ,conclurio"n» that, where the dignity and. Indexesdfence. <#'']&&%.. ^achery and ifttrigue forirt the Bsfts of country, to repeat, ffert is a,mple ii^m, power, .the fpperf riirlure cahnot Be fre^ .^'or^that prowel^whicli taade Barg^ F^m injuifi'ce, and difhoriori The tSeaf- *nA K,c Ar^w-«r*r«r»A*.» K^t^>••!?„«,*

prove oppref.

lude ^he citijseits of our country, have been fuccefsiul.a hut the tlTeQ: caftitiot be permatlent.,../ Conviction muft* fucceed error, and indignation accompany convic­tion. This is iy.elj known tp-the parties. immediately injereifed.—^They feel the*



* *

i- .iss...fey..a;fiffnin.enlf, ^..fad^^ult-fey^

MI1C3|%'tejeb^ E^ psiW^r; .tjonts.i?tied/ l^^»flua^e :ol- this i « | ^ l»d ' , ; ^o remffe^wtii ft& Saturday the twefli-3tt at three.o'clock st day, zt'Tttytor's , and a title to-tlte? be fubferiber.—^,Da« t!uary,^\. D. £804; tZ GRANGER. ;

1- _ , . L , , , , , , , • • — ^ — •

i R O A D / 7 iy given, agrebaoiy > Legiflature of the r tjftablifhing a Turn ita, in the county of scounty oi 'SteubcB^ sSix?i2j Tha tBock^ -efMbfcriptions for , lrn-Pike, by J O H N !^<JS£SATWAT£R» "ir, of Canandaigva i

, aftd HEKKY-A^ E ;„wfio are, by the mpiHEojieri/


Mt little to the honor and reputation of the garties concerned. What lew ctrcutni. ftances have been accidentally, coinmuni-cated to jthe w«rld, prtly coi*roborat*e the jufticeot this mference. W e nave .dif-covered that tjbeto'ilB ol fa&jon were etn-

t ployed in.the hateful offiee ot traducing the < puieit chara&ers in focie'y, by thofe who are now mvefted wtih the honorable badges oi ^executive power. Truth and honor were facrtficed at the (brine o£ am-biyon, and»thefe men'pat up petitions to the goddefs i f their adolatry, though they td juniverfal ridicule by a continued ac* never dated to pollute Ihe ieiHpies, nor <|utew?encj?: iu the artrbitiou^ defigusk of a» reproach the altar of their Gnd* By a va* tjwjj srt^al men* • My voice is only .the riety of infidmus ai tiSees and concealed vq$& of an abfcure^nd^tdujl^bju ly«_ intrfgues, they e®;.cluaily'b1inde«l" a mrfjor- the voice of One who wilhes Jor r»o^n£ ity 0f you to their real rntemious. They but the prdfperity of Amejfif a and the fucceeded in impofmg on the ctedulity of bappinefs of her eitiaens* - It is trdth that unfufpe&ing honefty, by artfally playing fp.cafcs,. and b;er •« ftill fmall voice" muft

Snd' hjs Army' pritonersl, [before'' Fimt ?##*. anxious qsihe was to feiaa-

irate u^ fronilter natural rival, our itioihef' 'cotihtry, darei? to Ifeow 4i s coftme^ance^:

Ko, ^A Corfitaii—it i i ? A t i : & l ' ^ t t j tfaere IJ| in degraded America, a rtmntml!: ftill eWttiiaf who would toggle as h ird emmxfg who w< to ict^t you to retF&ft ths.t cbntentptuouf;

ruth rifthc a c t i o n and they U«inble for expre | fon jw; t% did >o reM the over* r ' ""» • ** ' " bearing pretention•of.th^t^ pOj^er.Ayh^hx*

owe y&&' thte-confequences* The period is laftap- . , . _ pro|chmg when .you are either to refeue n o w holds you at defiance. 1 vqur iiatioual reputation frop^ the con- nothirig, For the fervi:es t^mhtol the worfd,by refifting with fiim- w ' ~ ^ ^ " ^ ***' *"" u :

ncis the inEuenc© of fa&ion* or to fubjmit

Pain, ckerfdn,

M*<2ay, Ifake Ha'thjiway, ThaddeusJHaael -

fe%Molea;ipfo«rp.. ; ; to wreak hia vengeance on Hs ofTenderSj letted to the domination, but never to the ^ « ^ / f e ^ * n o t d Pofterr tola. Joieph fc ^ f c i ^ p - t b ^ jyr a cbi a Vcl ian fyllem of laws of R o m e — T h e y v*ere governed by | » r o | ^ ML^fe.ebi>yer, Lusher 3ing- l a J r i g u e a n { jbafenels which had been put Pro.Confuls, whoiwcrefchtikeGovern-fla^iEtq. jOimia " ^ i n i L- wnir-T rt« *° operation. He was contented to be or Claiborne* each of them with one or

-imn.^^Mn^r^mtmi\&iK q o v e r e a w ^ Jpfarny, it he could, extend . two legions, to play the Emperor in the ^l^'r^YTy^r^nV'^ « a. participation ot it to the partners of hts Provinces. The dltv of Rome wa» anfuf-5 ^ ^ ^ . . N e h e r n i a h Higb^ ^hnftiart g u ^ • T h 0 4 ^ , ^ xvhkh h ? mdef e d w i t h t h e pageatltry oi power, and tlieii rentntx., J J] _ | though butpartial,were fuHicient to fink the Provinces were cruured with the weight

_ J ^

CEILED,; , j TfilS Of t ICE/ Bf ?.>r OR sr^Gi.£,-

rERJS ' -

STACK/ > 4' s . ,

unfufpe&tng honefty, by artfully playing on your pafltons and • nafreprefenting the acltionf of the ejdftiuff admintifrattoh»-j» Having attained the height to which their unwearied exertions have elevated them, they are lefs careful of retaining the malk, and as they have feciired the power , are

indifferent w ihc ^\mm Q\ tliw «m-flituents. I n the-di^ifion at t he fpoils of

be eventually heard* though5 drowned lor the moment by th|e uproar ol faction, or lo'Ji in the wila Harm ot party paffions. •


Froth the Frederzcktetoh li&riud.

ton 2» BBntoIa'"YTh*»t, JgnatiHmjNfaTcj-ren, 'jarnes •iCjxdrdq'!.. ' }

NertftfieMs-^mmes^Harfand, "WHHanx l o f t ^ Ezr i RaWet, Thomas: R^nfdell, ^ ^ ^ f c h e caule. One of the moft B c ^ . ? J l f f W ^ . F ? M

1 i ? 4 l ^ ! : -iJD k aaiveofitspartizan^andatthefametime { ^ W ^ i ^ V 1 1 1 8 - ^ R ^ ' one of the vfleu of mankind, hiving been

^ | , ^ H E Ron jan Empi re is ton iputed to

have atn|r!y paid, aiid w lre it otherw#I% jt is n^t f^r the inurdere^js of "*»•«• Aife fcouis^ to claim our gratis i i« . .

Suf'u'tthap.pilj,' W:.e-ai-.el:iioi i d €onj|derr :

this, ekpreffiofl'-as the h^re-^bwfls&o^o"! vanity. It r-an-opiui.o;c;'

:^§^$&v%m^ IITc pSficy of JYa^'cp: to* ' a r V u ^ l ^ i , * j ^ -pinion'' which J$ tolefatcd^ ^H 'nior%Ji|pi"

' ik Attterka^ec^ied by 'th4''inifV' ions of t^m QreM Mepkbhcsm\d, iikx$•&!. all, in^the newly acquireci:, country^

uiHori*' "it-jvtl; the g^kd tidings of $1 eat joy wfiicb/eitii tan Louilat protelai?ned-i:o the:t^;m^hj©it,s

^inliabiiauts -df LOttiliana^-It • was fered S* ed in tkt PMFOMBEidBtt WliLdH they Were to ob|a(liin.tbs„n^t>onaL:bo;iE»'.* ci'ls, ah i th^e te rbano^e a n | gi;a|;tt|li;

•w^iicli wraS to fee fcBeriilie<p! for: JFsKST^'e.'''

pie Ah1 Italy^ SJetly, SpaiA and Portu­gal, and the greater part or the prefent Turkish Empire, and the B ot Africa, together with Egyri


rbary coaA P r , I i t m l " c W t e d States w*»r« f«h ift the affarned afcetjdenry of Ptaoj&e^iftS

repeat the infuks ofered

Ilger fiopetownlyJffalter Angue! *,

* Geneva-.^—,Jonathan Cook*

if<ir^W:«Pft*fi Clark* tferthantM/t.-t -- Simoi^

» Lvans.>>~ Tqnit'ian Wildari. • JLetceJier.^-

Ofwegduhi . Mud>Crxe*L-l}bhn Rrggs* ^ - Ontario Co<iwH Mrs. Elizabeth Bai­ley, Morris F. ^ J r W ! ^ ^ J e l P o r % » William Rees^,

the characters of his former aflbciatcs and inifigators to the lowe^ pitoh of degrada-tioo. Thefe men arc now inftallcd into the higheft offices o I UieNation*, Thefe tnen are now cpnfidered by the world as the mirror of your mjind?. The obloquy and infamy with which they are loaded, arc reflected upon you, for; the dilhonor of

ot oppreflion. Our Country^ with fewer people, ha*a

greater extent than;the RomanEmpirejandi conftdering the turbulent ipirit ot democ­racy, athi the inevitable relaxation ot all authority, on the fjad&wi-id trorijiers of an Empitcvftifta patfajlefs foreft, thediiScuity ot governing the fjnited States, extended

yoiJfrfelves,land your countrysis infepara- as they nowareis ^ertamiy as grfcat asAu-bleffora thtedifgraceot your adminiftra- guftuaexperieheed, OutAuguftu5>whofe

Hah Reynolds

tiou. Permit me then, my fellow-citizens^ fr*n&nefs* tdurAge ctajt zx^mircy, to e«tr,ea.t ypu to aix)Ufe from your politic- h6en found wy kke the firft Roman Em^

dcntfatistaQiion. I t is l'i|kewile-' '&^m|l^ in ihf I cohducl of our R tpmfen^t|^ji a^ broa<£ j W^y ha^ Mr. ^^n^oe^'s^ib^ieiv a difpbfition to «lelay Tnteg^iati^ ; ftti'" Great Britain,at a time when It mi ^hfp lutely ueceifary, biit to |l|feter- itfee! «a:|s3n | of theThuillieries ? Jn hife|iibSryie:lc|r to the wiibes of France, 6| r jp^eity.s^t" her Ritfal is fuiered«fo expir£ A r | wl. not only to afTerit to a h:'p-H^ influemi" at i^me,;hd£j:o''a|Rinie.|;;:tft^iv ot indijfference towards^a'py' 'ne|o||a'io|l'" witfi a power, a'eonnexi^'d..with''i(«'|L0)bi'-i| of the uttnoft importandj to Arheirwa merely '\ becaufe this ilegfi :c\ w/i|i be gr ful to*nation before which, as l#,;fov» ihgitori very diplomatic;?Ily fald^ %% rope had bowed the knee ?

But to return. Bonaparte has ontpial-

p m p CHAPIN, » • Jf. ; ^ G^ernmiri t tor td

BY virtue ol a I writ of Fieri Pmias, if* fued1 Out of the Court Qf qomttion

O^ernmef t i«r yawklves. It will r * ff^^^%S»*^£^ affect i «. 1. n noW b r i g h t t o . p ^ i n t . qu re but little attention to taBsj to con- ges. He will watjt the legions, or he will• . , • • - r- » n .

•"ranee. To toleiate this language is ifent to it. Ii is now brought to a pot

Pleas, an<Jtd me dire&eoVand^ deLv^vu,, jp»nff_ the goods and cfiatteJSj lajnd&sndi

tUnementls ot A $ ^ 0I)NfJiAR, 11%n fei-sed and tak^n all the goods a nd chattels, kttds and) teheme^ts of tWttidt As A, .In


vinee you,, that unworthy motives were the grand caufes ot the unworthy artifices pra&tiled to render you di0atfsfied with tie. conda^fe of youy old admioiltratiort. w

1£ou will find thefe motives wctc riot tier regioos go unffaVerjied, and tfey ia;»

received M-.

* fmm m -0$

Wm 'v$w''i#li-

mit to a declaration whtcti deprives- <w of

my Baihfic^» and lhalt **j£fe Jfe to^ li»rale,,at|Pubiic: Vcn4ue*^ ^ / f r * . W lef, in Canaudaigiia, on Smrftf*the f e v '

,«ntk day bt [janba ry ne&t, at oneto Ittthealterrvoon, . , « , , , £

i BEN L BARTON 5l&<rfij >• $mM%di§u<t/Nov. x& t$&% ' * The, alfove tale h further poftpopd un

«tl Saturday, Jhe i4th day of jul f «e*t ? $m to cbtnmence at one irfofo&V** *hC]

| k c e aboW-m«ni l«waed*

fwiionfia and phihimhropj, btit private or te tt ^ ^ / ™ ^ g the rank, which the blood .pi4ue,orthee*peaa^onofpwfbflalexak ^ t ^ Q ^ ^ v o ^ m i m ^ ^ wai foiled to'obtain 1 tatw«S» When we know that the ma^ ma. anfwer% There mujfc be power e^ who n o * enmys the! higheft ogae which notigh fome wherje, and power m Idll ac* our €onaituuoo recognizei, while intb<» tfvity too, to kefep f*Vnm<L ®f*>^ tenure atxh* iecond poft of authority in gether, or they wM hreife off; and tttore,

foreigner to. detame the ceputatiotf of hi* ettertry, w|ofe ^nfclous » ^ « ^ ^


T ha* been repeatedly jtnfinuated iti tfjls Aurora, that the Adminiftrat'ioJi a r i

acquainted' with f*tl% which jvouldl ft/nVSow and a&uaMv t>itd" from hii owtt feek a hoftilfe torMgn atttaflce; wnat * acquamtca ^ n .*«, , *»»«. *,«««., con S S k T l S i r ^ ^ l « » » ^ f ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ m a n y j a t e l y j l j t g h ^ o f f i c e ^ the

S n r o L l v conidedta bi*-pro^aion.f wllfbeHttef, b u ^ o t f o b i t t f r a M h e i r ^ W^^*™"*®* ara projieily conided to bi*.pr« . , Can we deem op ssiionftl. hoAor ftcur* j?eiiencf ot 0wr loll^

thtt not* mm m tMEftuted ^ittfV*

*^» «<«•(«* •#••»-


4W: "*"^*f., ,.-^._ +

'ij»r-u ' V / ..-.>•; -V



Does riof the falfejioot:


' ^ ' ^ U f j i i