j ciaja even n s1r41r - university of...

1t j- v f S I t 1g 4 r j p iq 1 t- I J 0 t g 4 4 I y t 4 i CIAJA EVEN 1 N i S1r41R 1 I- If c I I 7 I I jV < 4 I i pO c- I VVIJR i3 i Number 282 OCALA FLORIDA SATURDAY MAY 2 1968 < Fitly Cents a MwiHi J5 a Yew I I r > F t- J 1 1Vt ARE YOU I UNCRY We will Satisfy 4 your wants L Service excellent The Best of everythtaf- lH s 1 t J- f C3IIIIIIS 0V Cafe ijSVS- J 4 V- tr VV I U LLER- DENT4 VV I SURGEON Office Over JM ittiroc Chambliss Bank I OCALA FLORIDA I TSRJfS CASH I t I 1 JEOHACEHt- DE t- Roort1 10 and n- i Second Holder Block VV OCALAIDA I t TERMS CASH I t L F B LA LOC- KDENTIST Office Over Commercial Buk 2 hon217- rER fIcASH 1 U ro J 1 10 Sf I 1f1oAr 63 H2B- c o 5Q IJ Y H- d VV IV w 1 f J l V- 1D IV- Et r r gi g i 7 11 0 jQ 0 o I VJ rt a a O Q 8 S 4 l zb- df H I aJ I rn N Pp Cd i- V > = 1 + rn cd 1 P t ii + J O I I 1111 dr c- HLJi 6- s I 13 I 1 0o4 + z I- h 3 5 14 J o T- Ot > co- ctf Q 0 c S g Vj O 02 oQ I Co Q f Pd s Ji A Q I QV f to M O- p4 f- c r f > s I CD 4r J- 2So O l t 0 d S I- O I 0 I r 1 Ul F4 4 N 4 U Q 3e 1 44j1 CO z I- f I I 4bV VL3 3- s = h- P i tf 1 M 01 w I Q = < 1 I o pi C+ 0 4 Q F J- t 0 14 INU + fen i1V ttJ o I I ° O < et rO tD Ay H rM d d d 1- d 7- E O JOx r I c- Q Q = 0 Q 0- Q o I = 4 0- Q V- VI 8- C + 4 + 4 I 0 w I > Vr > rjw S r vlil I i VV 5 4 kc j I EXPRESS TRAIN HELD UP Messenger Bound Hand and Foot and Large Sum of Money Carried Off by Two Masked Robbers Columbus 0 May 2The St Louis express on the Pennsylvania railroad held up last night near Pittsimrg ar- rived ¬ forty minutes late The crtpv said the train was held up by masked men and that the bandits escaped vyiih four sealed bags containing mall The crew stated that a number d ex iess packages and a quantity of gold bullion were taken but they do noc know the value of the property- The Adams Express Company peo- ple ¬ refuse to make any statement Ex- press ¬ I Messenger Roshon says that two men entered the car and covered him with revohers tied him with ropes I rifled the car then pulled the signal cord stopped the train and escaped- The express messenger on arrival here at the end of the run was taken in charge by the local mangement of the Adams Express Company arid is be ¬ questioned There are some fea ¬ tures in the story with which the of ¬ ficers are not satisfied and they am trying to get at more of the details of the robbery Conductor Lafferty states he knew nothing of robbery until3ie heard the signal to stop which came from the express car He saw no one leave the train but hurried to the express- car as soon as the slow down began He found Roshon bound so tightly he I v as helpless Roshon told hip the I same story he repeated after hrs ar ¬ rival It IB believed the booty amount I cl to at least 20000 SEVEN riNCHES OF SNOW Fell in Northern New Yprk Thursday NigHt J VV VS Buffalo N Y May 2Scven inches or snow fell here Thursday night At Jtiimcstoiyh FrIdy murninff the snow was ten mcnies deep Today opened bright and the snow is disappearirig1 fast The cold snap came mst un 1pectedly OS The weather is moderat- ing ¬ today COastwtse vessels arriving iVi New Yorkharbor report the weath- i > yesterdiy > was vei stormy I sORE NIfPLES 7Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that u cure may be effected by applying Chamberlains Salve as soon as the child is done nursing Wipe It off with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse 1 Many trained nurses use this salve with best results For sale by all drttggists VV DENUNCIATIONS OF DAVIS Washington May 2 Senator Jeff I Davis of Arkansas 1 delivered one of the mOt sensational and caustre I Speeches ever heard in the national hallb of legislation yesterday when he made a reply to the editorial com inents that have recently been made in newspapers regarding charges made by tyim in previous speeches He declared that certain newspapers are I subsidized by the press and warned I members of the senate that the seriate hs regarded by public opinion as I the defendfcr of predatory wealth and should be more careful of its reputa ¬ tion j For ovel an hour Senator Davis oc- cupied ¬ the floor and so intense was his speech that notwas there a call for ftrder although he transgressed the lines of parliamentary usage He1 was frequently applauded mi- nority ¬ however MrVDvis said he rose to awointof personal privilege to make reply to charges made in certaip newspapers Commenting on tter nces he made on the floor of flue senate Nam ¬ lug some of these papers he declared that he has proof that they ar ei < sub- sidized ¬ by the trusts and tht t they Jiave spared no effort to belfttieVtthose- Avho had theymalihOod to rise in the hans of legislation and denounce qr tarn interests las prejudicial to the gcod of the American people Senator Davis called on the senate to be more careful of its reputation alleging that in public opinion itj is new considered the defender of pre- datory ¬ I wealth laIn here to de- nounce r any such statement of Y such sentiment so far as I am c cerned and I declare thyself agains t oil interests that have for their pur- pose ¬ I the concentration of utilities or I commodities that may oppress tiro people I He declared that a certain line of cravep newspapers were accustomed 4 o utterances of public men and con- trovert ¬ them to suit their ends Awl I know of some public men who htvs riot the manhood to denounce su bh publications as false he declared I THE LUCKY QUARTER- Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr Kings New Life Pills They bring Lyt1 the health thats more precious than jewels Try them for headache biliousness constipation malaria fItly disappoint you the price will be hfiilly refunded at any drugstore f A l J 17 111- r rj Ipo 1- t Iii F t I t < > < i tJI- or t BASEBALL Result Yesterdays Games in the South Atlantic League I Savannah 1 Augusta 2 VV Charleston 7 Columbia 6 f Jacksonville 7 Macon 1 VV Where They Played Today j Savannah at Augusta Charleston at Columbia Jacksonville at Macon I I Standing of the Clubs Jacksonville If 4 778 Augusta vg 12 7 632 I Columbia i oJ < 9 6 600 Macon t8 10 444 Savannah 7 11389C- harleston I 4 16 200 I HOWS THIS i I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward ¬ for any case rof Catarrh that cannot be curd by Halls Catarrh Cure F v Cheney r CQ- lolcdo O- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last IGfyears and believe him perfectiyv honorable in all business and ffnaica fly able to cary out any < obligations made by his firm I Walding Hitman s Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Oo I Halls Catarrh Cur is taken inter- nally ¬ I acting directlyyupon the blooJ and mucous seurfaces of the system I Testimonials i sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold byi all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for consti- pation ¬ Lp I I NOTICE- I I I have this day May 1st sold but I the Ocala Pressing Club ofc which I was sole owner to Mr JJ F9rt All I liabilities up to May 1st 1908are as- sumed ¬ by J F Williamson and all bills due said Ocala Pressing Club rp to May 1st are the property of saId J F Williamson Thanking my friends and patrons for their patronage and favors in the past I most lyeartily recommend Mr rr J Fort and ask yoifr Continuous Viitronage with him who I knovVWIl I gIVe each and erdry one satisfaction in very particular Respectfully JVF Williamson Jo i V t 1 it VV LACE SALE < Tornprrbw at the Variety Store they will sell Vat n lei nes Lace Edging land Insertion to match worth up to a dollar a dozen at 50 cents for the dbz- e yards Look at the window w EARLY r BREAKFASTS You can get an early breakfast at Ith Elks Cato if y6u are going out of town Vj VV TIME Now is the time to have those crack- ed ¬ walls refinished Let lIne figure on doing it with Alabastine The cracks wont show All corors and tints- J A Morris Jr Decorating thats my business NEW RESIDENCE FOR RENTV I A completely rebuilt residence of I seven rooms and bath city and cis- tern water splendid neighborhood for rent Apply to F W Ditto or this ffice I I ASSESSOR lv AYERS CARD I My official duties which cannot be neglected for anything now require all of my time and attention It is therefore impossible for me to can ¬ vass Hire county which gives my op- ponent ¬ a bigg advantage 1 am thus orced to depend on my friends to put hi a good w0rd and a little work for- m which is ala s appreciated and remembered Alfred Ayer- ITINIRARYOFCANDIDATES 5 Vt f I 9- Dunnellon I May 4 At night- i I Sparr May 6 Picnic Mclntosh May7- Flemirrgton May 8 Picnic Pedro May 11 J VV Belleview May 11 At night Candler May 12 Moss BluffMay 13 VS Lynne May 14 Picnic Pine May 15 Picnic Stokes Ferry May 16 Picnic Ocala May 18 At night- Campaign Committee t Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy There is probablyno medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Dur ¬ ing the third of Cqentury in which it has been in ue li ople have learned that itis the one remedy that never 1 tailsWhen reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take For sale by all drijggists W H MORRIS Electrician ti telephone line eon structor Air work guaranteed Out- of toAvn orders specialty Addres- sWH Morris Ocala Flat I R C Davis > e6 of Jacksonville will t sell any make of secpndhand I typewriter upon easy terms if desired VV VV CLEVELAND HAS CANCER A Sorrowful port as to the Health- of the ExPresident Emanates I from NewYork New York May 2The Evening j World gives prominence to the follow- ing I t I J There is a report current in finan- cial ¬ circles emanating fiun officers of the Suitable Life Assurance cietY that former President Cleveland is a sulTerer from cancer of the stomach I and that his case has been pronounc IcC hopeless by specialists called into I consultati6i by the family physician Mr Cleveland remains at take I wood hotel Jlltho gh the Jipuse clos- ed ¬ fov the seasori ten days a o His wife ind children are the only Either guests l I Efforts to confirm the Evening Worlds statement thai Mr Qlevefand Es suffering1 from cancer and that his condition is critical vare unavailing owing to the extreme reticence ob- served ¬ by all connected with the case IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad tler or rheumatic trbuble 1 two months treatment Sold by druggists I or by naIl Send for t sth Dr ilS W Hall 2926 Olive street St Louis Missouri i SHROUDED SECFIECVVV I VV t Members of the Race Equality Club of New York Attembt to Conceal Their Identity New york May2The Cosmopol- itan ¬ Club of Greater York which on Monday night startled theentire ccuntry with its Equality dinner where whites girls and negro men dined side by side ha drawn the veil or secrecy over its membership Acting Secretary Andre Tridon sail tLis secrecy would be maintained to protect a number of young white girls whose parents did not know they wer mombers and were meeting with ne- gro ¬ men and treating then as v social equals Some of our young lady members wculd not want thelr own parents pr immediate friends t6 knpw of the hew relations they hate taken said Trl lolL I am pledged not to reveal their namesV I Dr OVen Wailer a negro also an officer of the clUb refused to deny or nfiirm the report that Intermarriages had already taken place between white and colored members of the club which N has been meeting in private I for nearly two years I in discussing the dinner Mrs Tri onsaidt after explaining why he14e make public any more names oithe white giSls i Personally do not care but their families and friends might ob ject For instance have in mind a young woman who is financial secre- tary ¬ of a prominent southern com rnny She was there last night but the first appearance of her name in irint would mean her immediate dis- charge ¬ I virj J IT j f A LIVING SKELETON- Is the final Condition of any child that has wormsif it lives Think of having something in your stomach that eats all you take as nourish- ment ¬ Nine tenths of ttiebafbies have worms maybe yours has Be certain that it has notby giving it Whites Cream Vermifuge expels all worms and is a tonic for the baby Price 25 cents fcold by AntiMonopoly Drug- Store f A C CROOM STATE CbNTROLLERflSI- j s- I 1 A C Croom state comptroller Twa es r t- his candidacy for reelection VujI1tbe recordof hs services and especially upon the following l v t 1st He has obeyed and adminis- tEred lJ every law pertaining tohSjU 1 tes with absolute fidelity and with J firmness toward all alike i y 2nd He has instituted reform oi administration which annually saved j fl p great thousands Of dollars to trk the taxpayersFthrlda 4 j 3rd He has placed the work of tfca- ffiqe on a strictly business 1 bs r Vastly increasing Its efficiency1 tl1rJ c ppcpc nd 3iin proniptness for rvioe- U f- I th PQop1 f 1 4th t He ha od 1ntheetTortl 1di4 < tribute the tax burden fairly classed ot property and has c10 eeY4r i th iri 4ptl 1 sl bl eto do un- icc J existmg > lws > to lighten the ur1 fl 1Q of taxthn tIpOIiV the peorile- tIi i W11It all i1s nght Me had j t41t tIme Vane In tllcases oppos Jf1 1 Jyagance governmental VeX dityres and can pbintyto thousands of- lollars ft of unwise and unneccey expenses from which the people hViv i beer saved by his firm stand 3i drt economy J < < 6th His administration of ti tl p Psnsibn Bureau has been Vcomtheadeit by Confederate Veterans in t county InthQSttLte Ete is a veteran 1 Ivimselt who saw a great deal of hard t I tiprhting Wd has always been a true 4 friend of the oldsoldiers v t FOR YOUR SjLJNDAY DINNER fl try the fotlbwing deljghtful dessert Hr cupEngUMl Walnut meat J- V A t1 4V J I 1 > doz figs cut up fine t f 1 lOc package JErT4Q rnyftv < > V1 Dissolve the JEUjrO in aplritjt l tl < boiling water When cools commencing to thicken stir lhr th lrj figs and nuts Serve with Whipped t CreAm Delicious Thealput ls J jJ and JELLOcan be bought at ny good l roc ry Thi makes IV nO O lesscrt for a largeifaniIly arid IlvtyV r economical < VV TJ 1 < EIECTRICrAiiRINQ 7 t l I I > t- Y J will lose 6 Ifou dQWt have Walter Tucker Pie 1Q yiur J 1 > electric wring when you ares r to have it lone He do s tne bit t b work and does It in ac orthtijctth the hues of the fire insurance p pW 1- nd gtraranteeg aU work J t- I 1 ACME STAPLER FOR 3 ALE i 1 > I S J VV j4J J f- I 41 S fiJ r I The Star Ocalja Fla has for gale a tr 35 Acme Staple Binder aIm t tls i n good as new with lot of staples 15 < Lot of lOerrr mailVng galleys almoiit J new At hal price A rotary lead and 7 rule cutter 30 for 10 Mustangr thallV t1 tt er inV good I hape for less than Valf price Yt71- ROOMS FOR RENT o t r i I Three splendid connecting r mslor i light housekeeping Will notr J it family with children Apply to 4 Mrs 1 i i J H C Jones r t J 1 i BARBER SHOP FOR SALE VV r A complete barbershop outfit fore I v sale Apply to Geo F Williams 4f v Ocala House Barbershop f J n ii > OLD GLOBES MADE NEW- rtfr- Bjng your old electric light loboij 1f to Walter Tticlcer and exchange thorn for new ones Often old globes ar4 1 not giving half the light they should tt though burning just as much currentS Monday there will be a specjal sale f or chidrens oxfords arIdsIippers at- T shels- r J J VV v f C t r i ti I P- ltereyTbe 1 THAT YOUGET t RE VALUEINV4 > 4 A BOSTONIANV VV 94 AKDHANANSHOEr r ll than any other make I- i9jll I THE MARION SHOE COMPAQ I 11- i f Phone 222 i V I i 1- I ii- f I f Y1 SummerTime is Gas Tiinc1V Ji Are you cooking fith wood or gas If you l r lr- 1 are not burning gas see Hunter the gas man- CITIZENS CASCQiti r- I > 0 tlliee Rum Office lows 83I e 5 Htkkr H k l J- ot > c 1 l- t iJ- ij1r I i L i A 1J T r m r h il < t f jJ > I d > > tt tr Tifc- o 4 VV4 a s a

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Page 1: J CIAJA EVEN N S1r41R - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00837/0232.pdf · 1t j-v f S I t 1g 4 r j p iq 1 t-J I 0 t g 4 4 I y t 4 i CIAJA EVEN1N i S1r41R

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I VVIJR i3i Number 282 OCALA FLORIDA SATURDAY MAY 2 1968 < Fitly Cents a MwiHi J5 a YewI

I r >

F t-





I UNCRYWe will Satisfy

4your wants


Service excellent The Best ofeverythtaf-




t J-



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SURGEONOffice Over JM ittiroc Chambliss

Bank I




Roort1 10 and n-iSecond Holder Block VV




Office Over Commercial Buk2 hon217-


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Messenger Bound Hand and Foot andLarge Sum of Money Carried

Off by Two Masked Robbers

Columbus 0 May 2The St Louisexpress on the Pennsylvania railroadheld up last night near Pittsimrg ar-rived


forty minutes late The crtpv saidthe train was held up by maskedmen and that the bandits escapedvyiih four sealed bags containing mallThe crew stated that a number d exiess packages and a quantity of goldbullion were taken but they do nocknow the value of the property-

The Adams Express Company peo-ple


refuse to make any statement Ex-press


Messenger Roshon says that twomen entered the car and covered himwith revohers tied him with ropes

I rifled the car then pulled the signalcord stopped the train and escaped-The express messenger on arrival hereat the end of the run was taken incharge by the local mangement of theAdams Express Company arid is be ¬

questioned There are some fea ¬

tures in the story with which the of ¬

ficers are not satisfied and they amtrying to get at more of the details ofthe robbery

Conductor Lafferty states he knewnothing of robbery until3ie heardthe signal to stop which came fromthe express car He saw no one leavethe train but hurried to the express-car as soon as the slow down beganHe found Roshon bound so tightly he

I v as helpless Roshon told hip theI same story he repeated after hrs ar¬

rival It IB believed the booty amountI cl to at least 20000


Fell in Northern New Yprk ThursdayNigHt


Buffalo N Y May 2Scven inchesor snow fell here Thursday night AtJtiimcstoiyh FrIdy murninff the snowwas ten mcnies deep Today openedbright and the snow is disappearirig1fast The cold snap came mst un1pectedly OS The weather is moderat-ing


today COastwtse vessels arrivingiVi New Yorkharbor report the weath-

i>yesterdiy > was vei stormyI

sORE NIfPLES7Any mother who has had experiencewith this distressing ailment will bepleased to know that u cure may beeffected by applying ChamberlainsSalve as soon as the child is donenursing Wipe It off with a soft clothbefore allowing the babe to nurse


Many trained nurses use this salvewith best results For sale by alldrttggists VV

DENUNCIATIONS OF DAVISWashington May 2 Senator Jeff I

Davis of Arkansas 1 delivered one ofthe mOt sensational and caustre I

Speeches ever heard in the nationalhallb of legislation yesterday when hemade a reply to the editorial cominents that have recently been madein newspapers regarding chargesmade by tyim in previous speeches Hedeclared that certain newspapers are I

subsidized by the press and warned I

members of the senate that the seriatehs regarded by public opinion as I thedefendfcr of predatory wealth andshould be more careful of its reputa ¬

tion j

For ovel an hour Senator Davis oc-


the floor and so intense was hisspeech that notwas there a callfor ftrder although he transgressedthe lines of parliamentary usage He1was frequently applauded mi-nority


howeverMrVDvis said he rose to awointof

personal privilege to make reply tocharges made in certaip newspapersCommenting on tter nces hemade on the floor of flue senate Nam ¬

lug some of these papers he declaredthat he has proof that they arei < sub-sidized


by the trusts and tht t theyJiave spared no effort to belfttieVtthose-Avho had theymalihOod to rise in thehans of legislation and denounce qrtarn interests las prejudicial to thegcod of the American people

Senator Davis called on the senateto be more careful of its reputationalleging that in public opinion itj isnew considered the defender of pre-datory


wealth laIn here to de-

nouncerany such statement of Y

such sentiment so far as I am ccerned and I declare thyself agains t

oil interests that have for their pur-pose

¬ I

the concentration of utilities or I

commodities that may oppress tiropeople


He declared that a certain line ofcravep newspapers were accustomed4 o utterances of public men and con-trovert


them to suit their ends AwlI know of some public men who htvsriot the manhood to denounce subhpublications as false he declared I

THE LUCKY QUARTER-Is the one you pay out for a box of

Dr Kings New Life Pills They bringLyt1 the health thats more preciousthan jewels Try them for headachebiliousness constipation malariafItly disappoint you the price will behfiilly refunded at any drugstore

f Al J 17

111-r rj

Ipo 1-

tIii F

t I t< >< i tJI-

or t


Result Yesterdays Games in theSouth Atlantic League

I Savannah 1 Augusta 2 VVCharleston 7 Columbia 6fJacksonville 7 Macon 1 VV

Where They Played Todayj

Savannah at AugustaCharleston at ColumbiaJacksonville at Macon I


Standing of the ClubsJacksonville If 4 778Augusta vg 12 7 632

I Columbia i oJ < 9 6 600Macon t8 10 444Savannah 7 11389C-harlestonI 4 16 200



We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-ward


for any case rof Catarrh thatcannot be curd by Halls CatarrhCure F v Cheney r CQ-

lolcdo O-

We the undersigned have knownF J Cheney for the last IGfyears andbelieve him perfectiyv honorable in allbusiness and ffnaica flyable to cary out any <obligations madeby his firm

IWalding Hitman s

MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo Oo

I Halls Catarrh Cur is taken inter-nally


I acting directlyyupon the blooJand mucous seurfaces of the system


Testimonials i sent free Price 75cper bottle Sold byi all druggistsTake Halls Family Pills for consti-pation





have this day May 1st sold butI the Ocala Pressing Club ofc which Iwas sole owner to Mr J J F9rt All

I liabilities up to May 1st 1908are as-


by J F Williamson and allbills due said Ocala Pressing Clubrp to May 1st are the property ofsaId J F Williamson

Thanking my friends and patronsfor their patronage and favors in thepast I most lyeartily recommend Mrrr J Fort and ask yoifr ContinuousViitronage with him who I knovVWIl

I gIVe each and erdry one satisfactionin very particular Respectfully

JVF WilliamsonJoi

V t1 it


Tornprrbw at the Variety Store theywill sell Vat n lei nes Lace Edgingland Insertion to match worth up to adollar a dozen at 50 cents for the dbz-e yards Look at the window




You can get an early breakfast atIth Elks Cato if y6u are going out oftown VjVV

TIMENow is the time to have those crack-


walls refinished Let lIne figure ondoing it with Alabastine The crackswont show All corors and tints-

J A Morris JrDecorating thats my business


A completely rebuilt residence ofI

seven rooms and bath city and cis-tern water splendid neighborhoodfor rent Apply to F W Ditto or thisffice I




My official duties which cannot beneglected for anything now requireall of my time and attention It istherefore impossible for me to can ¬

vass Hire county which gives my op-


a bigg advantage 1 am thusorced to depend on my friends to puthi a good w0rd and a little work for-m which is ala s appreciated andremembered Alfred Ayer-



I 9-


May 4 At night- iISparr May 6 Picnic

Mclntosh May7-Flemirrgton May 8 PicnicPedro May 11 J VVBelleview May 11 At nightCandler May 12Moss BluffMay 13


Lynne May 14 PicnicPine May 15 PicnicStokes Ferry May 16 PicnicOcala May 18 At night-

Campaign Committeet

Chamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy

There is probablyno medicine madethat is relied upon with more implicitconfidence than Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Dur ¬

ing the third of Cqentury in which ithas been in ue li ople have learnedthat itis the one remedy that never 1

tailsWhen reduced with water andsweetened it is pleasant to take Forsale by all drijggists

W H MORRISElectrician ti telephone line eonstructor Air work guaranteed Out-of toAvn orders specialty Addres-sWH Morris Ocala Flat


R C Davis > e6 of Jacksonvillewill

t sell any make of secpndhand I

typewriter upon easy terms if desired



A Sorrowful port as to the Health-

of the ExPresident EmanatesI from NewYork

New York May 2The Eveningj World gives prominence to the follow-ing I t I J

There is a report current in finan-cial


circles emanating fiun officers ofthe Suitable Life Assurance cietYthat former President Cleveland is asulTerer from cancer of the stomach


and that his case has been pronouncIcC hopeless by specialists called intoI consultati6i by the family physician

Mr Cleveland remains at takeIwood hotel Jlltho gh the Jipuse clos-ed


fov the seasori ten days a o Hiswife ind children are the only Eitherguests l

I Efforts to confirm the EveningWorlds statement thai Mr QlevefandEs suffering1 from cancer and that hiscondition is critical vare unavailingowing to the extreme reticence ob-


by all connected with the case

IF YOU KNEWThe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney bladtler or rheumatic trbuble 1 twomonths treatment Sold by druggists

I or by naIl Send for t sth DrilS W Hall 2926 Olive street StLouis Missouri



Members of the Race Equality Club ofNew York Attembt to Conceal

Their IdentityNew york May2The Cosmopol-


Club of Greater York whichon Monday night startled theentireccuntry with its Equality dinnerwhere whites girls and negro mendined side by side ha drawn the veilor secrecy over its membership

Acting Secretary Andre Tridon sailtLis secrecy would be maintained toprotect a number of young white girlswhose parents did not know they wermombers and were meeting with ne-gro


men and treating then as v socialequals

Some of our young lady memberswculd not want thelr own parents primmediate friends t6 knpw of the hewrelations they hate taken said TrllolL I am pledged not to reveal theirnamesV I

Dr OVen Wailer a negro also anofficer of the clUb refused to deny ornfiirm the report that Intermarriageshad already taken place between whiteand colored members of the clubwhich N has been meeting in private

I for nearly two yearsI in discussing the dinner Mrs Tri

onsaidt after explaining why he14emake public any more names

oithe white giSls i

Personally do not care buttheir families and friends might object For instance have in mind ayoung woman who is financial secre-tary


of a prominent southern comrnny She was there last night butthe first appearance of her name inirint would mean her immediate dis-charge


virjJ IT j f

A LIVING SKELETON-Is the final Condition of any childthat has wormsif it lives Thinkof having something in your stomachthat eats all you take as nourish-ment


Nine tenths of ttiebafbies haveworms maybe yours has Be certainthat it has notby giving it WhitesCream Vermifuge expels all wormsand is a tonic for the baby Price 25cents fcold by AntiMonopoly Drug-Store



I 1

A C Croom state comptroller Twa es r t-

his candidacy for reelection VujI1tberecordof hs services and especiallyupon the following l v t

1st He has obeyed and adminis-tEred

lJevery law pertaining tohSjU 1

tes with absolute fidelity and with J

firmness toward all alike i y2nd He has instituted reform oi

administration which annually saved j flp great thousands Of dollars to trkthe taxpayersFthrlda 4j3rd He has placed the work of tfca-ffiqe on a strictly business 1 bs r

Vastly increasing Its efficiency1 tl1rJ c

ppcpc nd 3iin proniptness for rvioe-U


I th PQop1 f 14th t He ha od 1ntheetTortl 1di4 <

tribute the tax burden fairlyclassed ot property and has c10 eeY4r

i th iri 4ptl 1 slbleto do un-


existmg> lws > to lighten the ur1fl

1Q of taxthn tIpOIiV the peorile-tIi


W11It all i1s nght Me had j

t41t tIme Vane In tllcases oppos Jf11 Jyagance governmental VeX

dityres and can pbintyto thousands of-

lollars ftof unwise and unneccey

expenses from which the people hViv i

beer saved by his firm stand 3idrteconomy J < <

6th His administration of ti tlp

Psnsibn Bureau has been Vcomtheadeitby Confederate Veterans in t

county InthQSttLte Ete is a veteran 1

Ivimselt who saw a great deal of hard t I

tiprhting Wd has always been a true 4

friend of the oldsoldiers v tFOR YOUR SjLJNDAY DINNER


try the fotlbwing deljghtful dessert HrcupEngUMl Walnut meat J-


A t14V J I 1 >

doz figs cut up fine t f

1 lOc package JErT4Q rnyftv <> V1Dissolve the JEUjrO in aplritjt l tl <

boiling water When coolscommencing to thicken stir lhr th lrjfigs and nuts Serve with Whipped tCreAm Delicious Thealput ls J


and JELLOcan be bought at nygood l roc ry Thi makes IV nO


lesscrt for a largeifaniIly arid IlvtyV reconomical <VVTJ 1




Y J will lose 6 Ifou dQWthave Walter Tucker Pie 1Q yiur J 1 >electric wring when you ares r tohave it lone He do s tne bit t b

work and does It in ac orthtijctththe hues of the fire insurance p pW 1-

nd gtraranteeg aU work J t-





I 41 S fiJ rI The Star Ocalja Fla has for gale a tr

35 Acme Staple Binder aIm t tls i n

good as new with lot of staples 15 <

Lot of lOerrr mailVng galleys almoiit J

new At hal price A rotary lead and 7

rule cutter 30 for 10 Mustangr thallV t1 tter inV good

Ihape for less than Valf



r i I

Three splendid connecting r mslor i

light housekeeping Will notr Jitfamily with children Apply to4Mrs 1 ii JH C Jones r

t J 1


BARBER SHOP FOR SALE VVrA complete barbershop outfit fore I vsale Apply to Geo F Williams 4f v

Ocala House Barbershop f Jn ii >OLD GLOBES MADE NEW- rtfr-

Bjng your old electric light loboij 1f

to Walter Tticlcer and exchange thornfor new ones Often old globes ar4 1

not giving half the light they should tt

though burning just as much currentSMonday there will be a specjal sale f

or chidrens oxfords arIdsIippers at-T shels-

rJ JVV v f

C t

r i tiI P-







ll than any other make I-




i fPhone 222 i V

I i1-



fI f Y1

SummerTime is Gas Tiinc1V Ji

Are you cooking fith wood or gas If youl r lr-


are not burning gas see Hunter the gas man-





tlliee Rum Office lows 83I e 5 Htkkr H k lJ-





tiJ-ij1r I

i L i A 1J T rm rh il < t f jJ >I d>

> tt tr Tifc-o

4 VV4asa