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Affects of Learning Disabilities and Other Health Impairments on Students in Your Class Author: Ms. Degenhardt Professional Development High School Setting

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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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1. Affects of Learning Disabilities and Other Health Impairments on Students in Your ClassAuthor: Ms. Degenhardt Professional Development High School Setting 2. Areas of Eligibility for Specific Learning Disabilities (As defined by the Learning Disabilities Associaltion of America) Reading Comprehension Reading Fluency Listening Comprehension Oral Expression Written Expression Mathematics Calculation Math Problem Solving Basic Reading Skills"Learning Disabilities, What Are The Different Types?" by Dr. Sheldon Horowitz of NCLD 3. Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension is the complex cognitive process involving the intentional interaction between reader and text to extract meaning According to University of Oregons Center on Teaching and Learning. Although students may be able to read the words on the page, their brain is not able to extract the meaning. 4. Oral Expression The inability to verbalize ones thoughts, needs, wants and ideas within an impromptu situation. Students have the ability to: impressively articulate themselves on paper Answer when given time to formulate their answers Use proper terminology when answering a short answer exam question However, when it comes to impromptu questions or even conversations, students with an oral expression disability will have trouble constructing the proper terminology or answer. 5. Reading Fluency being able to read quickly, knowing what the words are and what they mean, and properly expressing certain words putting the right feeling, emotion, or emphasis on the right word or phrase ( National Reading Panel). Students are unable to fluently read the words on their grade level text. Ex: Administrators are explicit in discipline. 6. Listening Comprehension Listening Comprehension refers to the understanding of the implications and explicit meanings of words and sentences of spoken language. (CDE Guidelines for Identifying Students with Specific Learning Disabilities 2008) 7. Written Expression basic writing skills of production of letters, words, and spelling, (SLIDE 139); Capitalization and punctuation, Word and text fluency, Sentence construction, Genre-specific discourse structures, Planning processes, Reviewing/Revising processes SLIDE 154; Students are able to verbally state their opinions, thoughts and needs; however, when required to write the information down, they struggle with where to start, the information to include, the structure of their response, appropriate wording. 8. Mathematics Calculation Completing math problems where students must know concepts, strategies, and facts (includes decimals, fractions, percents). (Thurber et al, 2002) Students are able to extract information from within a story problem, however will make small, yet significant addition, subtraction, multiplication and division errors. 9. Basic Reading Skills Difficulty with phonemic awareness Students struggle to identify individual sounds and manipulate them Difficulty identifying printed letters and the sound associated with those letters Students cannot represent speech sounds within their spellings (theft is fet) Difficulty decoding written language Typically struggle with encoding. (Harlacher, et al.) According to the Colorado Department of Education 10. Mathematics Problem Solving Use and understanding of math concepts to solve problems (e.g., word problems, measurement, temperature, volume) (Thurber et al, 2002) Students will have difficulty with: charts and graphs, fractions, applied computation, word problems 11. Resources Thurber, Shinn, Smolkowski (2002). What is measured in mathematics tests? Construct validity of curriculumbased mathematics measures. School Psychology Review, 31 (4), 498-513. ISTE-Tech Standards for Teachers ELA-CCSS 20Standards_395332_7.pdf