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Page 1: ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY - Armada International · 2018-01-29 · ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY Profile 06 n AIRCRAFT AND UPGRADES Israel’s first true industrial inroads into defence aviation
Page 2: ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY - Armada International · 2018-01-29 · ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY Profile 06 n AIRCRAFT AND UPGRADES Israel’s first true industrial inroads into defence aviation
Page 3: ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY - Armada International · 2018-01-29 · ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY Profile 06 n AIRCRAFT AND UPGRADES Israel’s first true industrial inroads into defence aviation


06n AIRCRAFT AND UPGRADESIsrael’s first true industrial inroads intodefence aviation date back to thelate 1950s with the manufacture of theFouga Magister by Bedek. Israel is now notonly a World-level expert in fighter,cargo, tanker and AEW&C adaptations,but also an airborne weapons producerthat has to be reckoned with.

04n INTERVIEW WITH ITAMAR GRAFFPRINCIPAL DEPUTY DIRECTOR, SIBATAt the end of their long visit to Israel the authors were very kindly received byItamar Graff. The interview lasted somewhat longer than planned. The following areextracts of some of the most important points made, and answers given, byMr Graff, particularly regarding Israel’s export policy.

12n AIR DEFENCEWhile companies like IAI and Elta areheavily involved in Israel’s air defenceprogrammes, the latter notably for whatregards its radars, Rafael remains thekingpin of the discipline with a number ofprogrammes of international repute.

18n LAND SYSTEMSMerkava, Galil and Uzi typically spring tomind, but many other vehicles, weaponsand systems have since owed their efficiencyto those who returned straight to thedrawing boards from the battlefield.

40n NAVAL WARFAREIsrael’s naval activities, via Israel Shipyards,originates from the 1967 embargo byFrance that followed the Six-Day War andaffected the delivery of the last five of the12 Saar 3-class missile boats. The lessonwas well, very well, learned.

44n DRONES & ROBOTICSOne can argue for hours on whomade the first drones – to use their originalname – but there is no question aboutthe true, practical modern-eratypes: they had an Israeli origin – andthat was over 40 years ago.

52n ELECTRONICSBy developing its own electronicsindustrial capability, Israel has de factoreduced the number of systems that would bedenied to the nation by foreign nations’embargoes. This explains Israel’s highcommand of almost any sophisticatedelectronic system sector.

56n STABILISED ELECTRO-OPTICSThis domain is largely shared between Elbit,IAI, Controp, Top I Vision and Esc Baz withnumerous systems, although Rafael has itsown turret known as the Toplite which has,according to the company, the unique recordof being “on every ship of the US Navy”.

61n SPACEAs well as producing satellites, Israel nownot only builds launch vehicles in the form ofthe Shavit series of rockets, but has alsobecome the world’s first nation to launchwestwards to avoid overflying itsneighbouring countries.



based on informationprovided by the companiesdescribed.

1st Edition —September 2013

Printed by: MEdia TranSaSia LTd.

CoPyrighT 2013by Media Transasia Ltd. Publishing office:Media Transasia Ltd, room no. 1205-1206,hollywood Centre 233, hollywood road,Central, hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2815 9111,Fax: (852) 2815 1933

Page 4: ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY - Armada International · 2018-01-29 · ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY Profile 06 n AIRCRAFT AND UPGRADES Israel’s first true industrial inroads into defence aviation

At the end of their long visit toIsrael the authors were very kindlyreceived by Itamar Graff. Theinterview lasted somewhat longerthan planned. The following areextracts of some of the mostimportant points made, andanswers given, by Mr Graff,particularly regarding the policyof the Israeli Ministry of Defencetowards the export market.

Origin of Sibat:Sibat is an organisationwithin the MoD. It is not a company, it is agovernmental organisation. It was created inthe 1970s when exports amounted to a fewdozens of million dollars probably {per year}and now reach $6 to 7 billion per year. Since,things have changed dramatically. Exports ofthe Israel defence industry represents 70 to 75percent of the total defence production inIsrael. I don’t know what the numbers arenow in the US, it probably is the opposite. Soin Israel we are very dependent on findingpartners overseas. The role of Sibat is tocoordinate all the governmental efforts,mainly of the MoD, to support the defenceindustries to find partners – we don’t callthem customers, but partners – to share newtechnologies {…}. So to summarise, Sibat’smain focus is to find new technological co-operations, and {…} here to help find theseopportunities for our companies. Because weare MoD, we have the ability to open doors{…} and we understand the needs of othercountries. While until a few years agoattentions was focussed on the “Big Guys”(Mr Graff here refers to the Rafael and Elbitgroups in particular), we now helpthe SMEs and the hundreds of smallercompanies in Israel.

Geographical markets:We are asmall organisation, with less than 100people all together, and we have three maindivisions, {...} one for North America,Canada and Europe, the other large divisionis for the Pacific region, mainly Australia,and then Asia, the Far East and also Africa.The {third} smaller division is forLatin America. We cannot {unlike

other countries} provide political supportbecause there are countries that prefer workunder a low profile with Israel. We aregeographical Experts. We are supported bythe MoD abroad and part of the MilitaryAttachés’ role is to support us. We havealmost 30 people {working} abroad.The Defence sector in Israel gets hugesupport from the Government. There arevery close relationships amongst thepeople and the military.

Export risks:Answering our questionsabout security and condition of sales withcertain countries to avoid dissemination ofpost-export items, Mr. Graff explainedthat Israel had to be even more careful thanothers in that respect. We have had somebad experiences, take for exampleVenezuela. Venezuela was a very good allybefore Chaves, and Israeli companies evenhad the ability to sell classified equipment.And after that things changed, and Chavesbecame the best friend of Ahmadinejad and{…} from intelligence the result is not good,but it’s part of the risk you take. Exportrequires a risk management and thisis a role fulfilled by Sibat, and Sibat iscontrolled by Parliament.

Africa:A few decades ago, Israel was veryinvolved in Africa, but no longer {that much}in the last decade, but now we have anational interest to be there, to co-operatewith the good regimes mainly because of thepenetration of Al Qaeda. What we can seenow in Africa is that many countries areasking for our support. Sibat is now lookingat ways of providing consultation, notnecessarily to achieve sale opportunities, butmore to advise on how to cope with terrorism.We are working with a few countries in Africathat think that it is important to fight fanaticIslamism. We support them and sometimeseven train them.

Robotics: We {Israel} are not a bigplatform producer. There is the Merkava,there is the Namer APC, but these are not themain items {of exportable technologies}. Ourexpertise is in some niches, the technologiesthat give the quality advantages {to ourproducts}. I’ll mention here robotics, UAVs,USVs, UGV, all that is flying or driving orcruising with nobody inside, and Israel is aworld leader in that field. {…} We startedwith UAVs forty years ago. And today if yougo with our units you’ll see that no operationis carried out without anything in the sky. It’spart of our doctrine to use UAVs all the time,24/7. Mentioning other robotics forguarding pipelines and so forth, Mr Graffcontinued saying: it’s been going on for years.So our contribution is operationalexperience.

Other fortes:Another activity is activeprotection. It starts with the Trophy, {now}protecting one unit of tanks, and I think it’sthe only operational system in the world, andit stopped an RPG two years ago or so. Interms of ballistic missile protection we alreadyhave three systems, one is the Iron Dome,again the only one {of its kind} existing in theworld and it is fully operational with 86, 87percent of success during the last activity fromGaza. Then there is the David’s Sling that isunder development. We already have theArrow II, and in a few years we’ll alsohave the Arrow III.

Towards the end of the exports aspectcovered by Mr. Graff during this interview,one of his statements provides a perfectconclusion: So it is something really uniquefor such a small country to have suchcapabilities.

Interview With

ITAMAR GRAFFPrincipal Deputy Director, Sibat

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Thepurpose ofthe present survey is to

provide a condensed portraitof the leading exporting Israelicompanies recently visited byArmada’s three senior editors

specialising in air, land, seaand electronics matters whohave been able to examine

and discuss the mostsignificant products they

manufacture, and therebyprovide a profile of their

general technical capabilities.This survey should not be

regarded as a register of theIsraeli defence industry – forthis purpose Sibat producesan excellent directory – but

rather more as a bird’sview of Israel’s footprint in

the defence world.

Eric H. Biass, Paolo Valpolini, Tom Withington


Page 6: ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY - Armada International · 2018-01-29 · ISRAEL DEFENCE INDUSTRY Profile 06 n AIRCRAFT AND UPGRADES Israel’s first true industrial inroads into defence aviation

Israel’s first true industrial inroads into defence aviation date back to the late 1950swith the manufacture of the Tzukit, the Fouga Magister built by Bedek. The firstIsraeli-designed and built aircraft, however, came in the mid-1960s in the form ofthe Arava twin tail-boom short take-off and landing transport aircraft

Aircraft, Upgrades,Air-launched Weapons


In its Block 60 guise, the Colombian Kfir was deemed fit enough tobe invited to the 2012 Red Flag exercise during which it scoredquite few kills against more recently built aircraft. The ColombianAir Force took delivery of its last of 24 in 2011. (IAI)


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A t the time its manufacturer wasIsrael Aircraft Industries, a namethat was slightly modified to IsraelAerospace Industries to reflect the

company’s involvement in space activitiessince 1988, which actually includes satellitelaunching from Israel. This, it is worthy ofnotice, involves launching over theMediterranean, and therefore westwards, forreasons that are logical enough.

Today, the firm occupies a sprawlingcomplex at Tel Aviv’s David Ben Gurioninternational airport. It specialises inproviding upgrades and overhauls of civilianand military aircraft. To this end, it hasperformed several conversions of civilianairliners into freighters, and into military

special missions aircraft such as electronicintelligence-gathering platforms, airborneearly warning planes and tankers. Alongsideits work on aircraft conversion, Bedekprovides maintenance, repair and overhaulservices for airframes and engines.

The only other fully Israeli designed andpurely military aircraft was to have been theLavi fighter aircraft. Under development inIsrael in the 1980s, the project foiled underAmerican pressures since it was financiallysupported by the United States which, at thesame time was developing the F-16 and sawthe Lavi as a competitor on the export market.Two of three prototypes have survivedand are static displays. Lavi, incidentally,means Lion, while its predecessor, the Kfir,means Lion Cub.

I KFIR – LAHAVAn IAI Lahav division product, the Kfir is aheavily redesigned French Mirage 5, itself anaircraft that was originally intended for Israelbut victim of a sales embargo. Cutting a longstory short, the Kfir was re-engined with themore powerful General Electric J79 used inthe F-4 Phantom. The Kfirs stayed in IsraelAir Force inventory for slightly over 20 years,but was also exported, notably to Colombia,Ecuador and Sri Lanka – if one omits anumber of examples borrowed by the US AirForce and Marine Corps to use them as foeaircraft during training exercises.

Lahav has continually modernisedthe Kfir over the years, but has recently








In its latest iteration, the Mach 2+ Kfiris said to be typically 1/3 cheaper to buy andoperate than an F-16 and to offer a smaller

radar cross-section. Amongst other amenitiesit comes with a smart wide-band IAI datalink

and a collision avoidance system. (IAI)


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developed a new suite of electronics andweapon kits to bring the aircraft up to currentstandards. According to the company, thenew computer, for example, is more capablethan its counterpart fitted to the F-16 Block60. The upgrades are not only intended for itscurrent customers but also for export to newcustomers, since Israel has an important stockof low flight hour aircraft that could offer avery interesting alternative to certain nationsthat need to equip with a reasonably capablefighter aircraft at a reasonable cost. The KfirAdvanced Multirole Fighter, for example, hasbeen offered to Bulgaria as a response of thatnation’s request for proposal issued in 2011.In certain cases, however, the presence of theJ79 engine might hinder its exportability.

I SKIMMER - LAHAVThe company’s expertise is not only confinedto fixed-wing military aircraft. IAI Lahav’sSkimmer naval helicopter mission packageoffers a retrofit ensemble to transform ‘vanilla’helicopters into maritime support platforms.Traditionally naval helicopters have not beencheap, and the Skimmer kit offers a means bywhich countries with an existing militaryhelicopter fleet can transform some of theirmachines for this mission. The Skimmerupgrade involves the installation of a multi-mode long range maritime patrol sensor, in

this case the EL/L-2022M Maritime PatrolRadar provided by IAI subsidiary EltaSystems. Alongside the radar, the Skimmerupgrade adds self defence equipment in theform of a missile warning system, chaff andflare dispensers, plus laser and radar warningreceivers. Other mission-specific equipmentincludes a dipping sonar, optronics, anti-shipmissiles and air-launched torpedoes. All ofthese components can be tied together with amission management and planning system,and the company is keen to emphasise thatnaval helicopter aircrew were heavily involvedin the Skimmer design process to ensure itsoptimum configuration for the maritimesupport role. The work can include totalairframe strip-down for marinisation.

I TANKERS - BEDEKMention of Bedek was made earlier in thecontext of the Tzukit. This subsidiary of IAIhas since moved into the field of maintenanceand modification of larger aircraft, civilianand military. As far as military aircraft areconcerned Bedek has specialised in theconversion of airliners into air-refuelling orspecial mission aircraft, the latter categoryincluding types for early warning, comint,elint and sigint, and maritime patrol andantisubmarine warfare missions.

Bedek is in charge of the maintenance of


The first Colombian Air Force B767 Multi Mission Tanker Transport here seen test feedinga Colombian Kfir, is equipped with hose and drogue underwing pords. A second aircraft isexpected , equipped with a fly-by-wire air-refuelling boom. (IAI Bedek)

The Kfir Block 60’s cockpit, completewith multiple function display,mapping display, flight computer andmodern head-up display. (IAI)


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all Israel Air Force transport aircraft, whichencompasses Gulfstreams, Hercules andB.707 tankers. Since 1969 Bedek has turnedto the next-generation tanker conversion ofB.767s with one already sold to Colombiaand two to Brazil. Colombia’s second tankerwill be equipped with an air-refuellingboom. To be more precise, these B.767sare called Multi Mission Tanker Transportsto reflect the fact that they can be used for

only for air refuelling but also through anumber of modules, to carry out cargo, troop,medevac and even covert C4I missions. Bedekalso specialises in what it calls Small andSmart Tactical Tankers base on G550s,C5000s and B.737s.

I EITAM - IAI ELTA IAI’s latest airborne early warning aircraft isthe Gulfstream G550-based Eitam, whichsupersedes the B.707-based Phalcon. It isalso known as the CAEW, in which the Cstands for conformal to reflect the designthat almost completely embeds the lateralsensors as on the Phalcon. The latteroriginally used the Elta EL/M-2075 radars

and is no longer operated by Israel althoughthe only officially exported system, to Chilewhere it is known as the Condor, is said tostill be in operation.

Being based on the G550, the Eitam offersa higher degree of flexibility, a notablereduction in operating costs over itspredecessor and yet offers an on-stationendurance of nine hours at a range of 100nautical miles from base. The Eitam usesElta’s active electronically scanned arrayEL/M-2085 radar. Five aircraft are operatedby Israel, but it also has been exported(allegedly four units so far) to Singapore andItaly (two units). In Israel at least, the Eitam’smaintenance is entrusted to Bedek.

One of the weapons that owed muchrepute arguably is the Popeye, amassive, 1,360-kilo television andinfrared-guided air-to-ground

missile that entered into service in 1985 and isknown in America as the Have Nap AGM-142. Rafael has since turned its attention tonumerous new systems more tailored totoday’s needs.

I SPICE 2000 – RAFAELRafael has developed a family of stand-off,autonomous, air-to-ground weapon systemknown as Spice (for Smart, Precise Impact andCost-Effective), on the basis of a guidance kit.Once released the Spice first flies towards thedesignated target area using inertial/GPS


Air-to-ground weapons

The main contractor of the G550-basedconformal (sensors) airborne early warningaircraft, known as Caew, is in fact Israel’selectronics house Elta, which in any case isan IAI subsidiary. (IAI)

Rafael is, in Israel, almost synonymous with rocket and missile systems and hasdeveloped numerous weapons since it was founded in 1948, although Israel MilitaryIndustries whose main field of activity is focused on land systems, has also been asupplier and exporter of air-to-ground weapons.

With its wing kit the RafaelSpice 250 has a range of 100km. Using a new quadruple

launcher, an F-16 cancarry 16 of these ground attack

weapons. (Armada/Paolo Valpolini)


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guidance. In the homing phase, the systemlocates the target using scene-matchingtechnology using its memory-storedgeoreferenced imagery and relies on its trackerto hit with the pre-set attack azimuth andimpact angle to ensure maximum damage.

The Spice 2000 (compatible with 2,000pounds warheads such as MK-84, RAP2000or BLU-109), comes in the form of a fore andan aft section, and allows the weapon toachieve a range of 60 km with a declared CEPof less than three metres. The Spice 1,000,intended for warheads such as the MK-83,RAP1000 or BLU-110, adds a deployablewing kit that further increases range to ahitherto unknown value.

The latest member of in the stable is theSpice 250 that leverages the electro-opticalseeker developed for the previous members.The new ordnance is launched from theSmart Quad Rack. Each pylon thus carryingup to four weapons, a single F-16 can carry upto 16 bombs. The rack contains a data link forpost-launch navigation update as well asbattle damage indication, by picking the last

image before impact. Also equipped with awing kit, the ‘250 has a range of 100 km. AllSpice types are in service or on order, andsome have already gained a considerableoperational experience.

I DELILAH AL - IMIIn service with the IDF, but not yet exportedthough, is the Delilah AL, a turbojet poweredstand-off surface attack missile with amaximum range of 250 km developed by thecompany’s Advanced Systems Division.Purposely designed to hit moving targetsthis missile, which is 2.71 metres long with awingspan of 1.15 metres and a weight of 187

kg, can reach the target area, and then loiterfor over 20 minutes to identify the highervalue target thanks to its electro-opticalseeker and hit it with outmost accuracy. TheDelilah can pull-up, go-around and re-attack its target and can maintain a man-in-the-loop command until the last phase ofthe attack. The weapon has since been usedas the base for the development ofhelicopter-, ship- and ground-launchedversions that add a launch booster thatincreases its launch weight to 230 kg andlength to 3.2 metres, but operationalcharacteristics remain the same. The DelilahAL is currently in service with the Israel

Air Force’s two-seater attack aircraft.

I MARS AND WHIPSHOT – IMIIMI has just finished the development of itsfighter aircraft Mars (Multi-Purpose, Air-launched Rocket System) supersonic weapon,a 4.4-metre long, 100 km range, fire-and-forget system weighing 500 kg (with 120 kgaccounted for by the warhead), fitted with aGPS guidance system. For light attack aircraftIMI developed the Whip Shot, a 15 kg“affordable” system guided via a wireless linkfrom the aircraft, the electro-optical targetacquisition system of which tracks the targetuntil the guided rocket hits it.








As suggested by this artist impression, the15-kilo Whip Shot laser beam rider is

intended for use by light aircraft. IMI is incontact with numerous manufacturers of

light aircraft, that might offer the Whip Shotas part of coin packages. (IMI)

Latest in the IMI portfolio is the 500-kiloMars supersonic guided rocket. (IMI)


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The Iron Dome achieved worldwidefame in November 2012 when it wasused to great effect to intercept rocketsbeing fired towards Israel from the

Gaza Strip by the Hamas militantorganisation. The Iron Dome was firstmooted back in the 1990s following thecommencement of rocket attacks by theLebanon-based insurgent group Hezbollahagainst northern Israel. Although ideas hadbeen floated for an anti-rocket system, thecapability that would eventually be calledIron Dome gained momentum in 2004following the energies of Brigadier GeneralDaniel Gold, the then chief of the IsraeliDefence Force’s Research and Developmentoffice. Gold emerged as an enthusiasticbacker for a surface-to-air anti-rocket system.Two years later, the need for such a capabilitywas given added impetus when, during the2006 Second Lebanon War, Hezbollah firedaround 4,000 rockets against northern Israel,causing the deaths of 44 Israeli citizens, andthe evacuation of a further 250,000 for theduration of the conflict. However, northernIsrael had not been the only area to suffersevere rocket attack. Hamas has frequentlyfired rockets and mortars into southern Israelfrom the Gaza Strip, with around 12,000 such

attacks conducted between 2000 and 2008.The Iron Dome was finally selected inFebruary 2007 as the platform to engage theshort-range rocket threat, and this gave thegreen light for Rafael’s development.

Iron Dome’sdevelopment andprocurement has beenjointly funded by Israeland the United States.

Israel provided the finance for the purchaseof the first two systems, with a further eightbeing funded by the United States. Over theyears, Washington has made a number offunding pledges to support the Iron Dome.In May 2010, the House of Representativesvoted in favour of a $205 million request fromPresident Barack Obama for theprocurement of Iron Dome batteries. Afurther pledge of $680 million was made bythe House of Representatives in May 2012.More recently, in June 2012, the US SenateArmed Services Committee included anadditional $210 million as part of the 2013

Air Defence


Rocket interceptby an Iron DomeTamir missile.(Armada Archive)

Although other companies like IAI and Eltaare heavily involved in Israel’s air defence programmes,the latter notably for what regards its radars,Rafael remains the kingpin of the discipline with anumber of programmes that have gained internationalreach, even if only used in Israel.

Rafael’s Iron Dome came to global attention in late-2012 when it was successfully used tointercept rockets fired by Palestinian militants towards Israel from the Gaza Strip. The systemundoubtedly saved many lives by intercepting these rockets. (Armada/Tom Withington)


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National Defence Authorisation Act.What does all of this funding buy?

According to Rafael, the Iron Dome canintercept rockets at a range of up to 38nm(70km). In addition, mortars have beenintercepted during tests. The success rate ofIron Dome peaked in late 2012 when themanaged to shoot down three out of fourrockets over Tel Aviv. Very importantly, theIron Dome’s architecture is designed to avoidintercepting rockets predicted to hitunpopulated areas, and above all is effectiveagainst both salvoes of rockets and individualrounds. For example, of the 1,500 rocketsfired during the November 2012 crisis, 500were engaged, while the rest left harmlesslycrashing in the desert or in the sea.

The Iron Dome architecture includes theTamir interceptor missile, a BattleManagement Centre (BMC), the missilefiring unit and the fire control radar, notablythe Israel Aerospace Industries Elta SystemsEL/M-2084 radar (see below). One radar andone management centre can handle twomissile firing units. The radar tells the Tamirinterceptor where the target is and providestarget updates during its flight, although theinterceptor has its own radar and performsthe end game autonomously.

The Israel Air Force currently has five IronDome batteries, and a sixth will enter servicesoon. Funding (a significant amount of whichis provided by the United States as notedabove) has been requested for an eventualtotal of 15 systems.

I DAVID’S SLING - RAFAELAs a complement to Iron Dome, Rafael’sDavid’s Sling is designed to intercept short-range ballistic missiles, theatre ballisticmissiles, conventional air-breathing threats

and anything that flies in the atmospherewhich is not intercepted by the Iron Dome(see above), according to a companyrepresentative. Developed with the assistanceof Raytheon, David’s Sling architectureincludes the IAI Elta Systems EL/M-2084radar, the Stunner interceptor and its firingunits, and a battle management centre.

The Stunner is designed as a hit-to-kill

weapon which includes a bi-directionaldatalink for updates. The Stunner interceptoruses both radar and optronics guidance, and issaid to have an effective range of between38nm (70km) 135nm (250km). This meansthat the Stunner can intercept threats that falloutside the top of the Tamir interceptor’s (seeabove) range. Rafael won the contract todevelop the David’s Sling in 2006 and








The Iron Dome’s missile, the Tamir,as exhibited by Rafael at Eurosatory in 2008(Armada/Eric H. Biass)




Rafael’s David’s Slingsurface-to-air missilesystem is designed to

provide coverage againstshort-range and theatre

ballistic missiles inaddition to conventional

air breathingthreats. (US MissileDefense Agency)


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Raytheon has reportedly provided invaluableassistance in terms of developing the missile’sfiring unit. While the Iron Dome has provenits mettle in engaging short-range rocket fire,the David’s Sling’s quarry will be longer-rangeand higher-altitude threats, such as ballisticmissiles currently being developed as part ofIran’s covert Weapons of Mass Destructionprogramme. According to its manufacturer,the David’s Sling still has two years ofdevelopment until it is deployed.

I BARAK-8 – IAIAs the country’s work on the David’s Slingand Iron Dome air defence systemsillustrates, Israel has emerged as one of theworld’s few leading suppliers of missiletechnology, joining counterparts in theUnited States, Europe and Russia. While bothof the systems discussed above are intendedfor ground-based air defence, maritime airdefence products are available from Israelisuppliers. For example, Israel AerospaceIndustries has joined forces with India’sDefence Research and DevelopmentOrganisation to develop the ship-borneBarak-8 air defence missile.

Development of the weapon commencedin 2007, following the signature of a jointdevelopment contract between the twocountries worth $330 million, with bothcountries providing equal funding. TheBarak-8 can be procured as both a land- and

ship-based air defence missile. The navalvariant has a range of 38nm (70km), and aceiling of over 52,493ft (16,000m), while theland-launched missile can reach 65nm(120km). The missile can hit speeds of up toMach-4.5 and destroys its target using a 60kglaser-fused, pre-fragmented, high-explosivewarhead. In Indian service, the missile will bedeployed onboard the country’s navy


Displayed at the 2005 Paris Air Show,the Spyder illustrates Rafael’s involvementin shorad systems, by using existingair-launched missiles like the Derby (left)and the Python. (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

Characteristic shape of the tip of the Stunner, the missile of the David’s Sling system.(Armada/Eric H. Biass)


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‘Kolkata’ class guided-missile destroyerswhere it teamed with the longer-range Barak-1 surface-to-air missile and IAI Elta EL/M-2248 MF-STAR Active ElectronicallyScanned Array air surveillance radar.

I ARROW-II/III – IAIIsrael’s Arrow Ballistic Missile Defence(BMD) programme commenced in the 1980sto answer the ballistic missile threatpresented, at that time, by Iraq. The Arrow isoperational since 2000. IAI is primecontractor for the overall Arrow programmebut, like several of the missile systemssurveyed above, development has involvedAmerican assistance, most notably fromBoeing. This involvement commenced inMay 1986, when Israel and the United Statessigned a Memorandum of Understandingsplitting the financial risk between the twocountries.

The Arrow initiative has been cycledthrough a number of increments: the initialArrow-1 weapon was subjected to several testlaunches during the 1990s and reportedlypossessed a range in the region of 27nm(50km). The development efforts whichunderpinned Arrow-1 were then rolledinto the Arrow-II. Tests of this weapondemonstrated its ability to hit a targetmissile at a range of 54nm (100km). Thisdevelopment work culminated in the firstArrow-II battery being declared operationalat the start of the 21st Century. Since then,the Arrow-II has been rotated through anumber of ‘Blocks’, including the Arrow-IIBlock-II which demonstrated an ability to hittargets at 33nm (60km) altitude and theArrow-II Block-III which demonstrated intests that it could be used as part of adistributed weapons system with disparateArrow launchers working together tointercept a common target. Work continuedon the Arrow-II Block-IV which is reportedlycapable of intercepting Iran’s 1,042nm(1.930km) range Shahab-3 medium-rangeballistic missiles. Finally, the Arrow-II Block-V upgrade merges the capabilities of theArrow-II and Arrow-III (see below).Currently, the Arrow architecture uses theArrow-II interceptor which is capable ofperforming endo- and lower-tier exo-atmospheric missile interception. The fullArrow architecture comprises the missilelauncher, the interceptor, intercept controlpost, battle management system and IAI EltaEL-2080 Green Pine target acquisition andfire control radar.

Since 2006, during tests, the endo-atmospheric and exo-atmospheric Arrow-IIinterceptor has scored a 100% hit rate against


Israel has joined forces withIndia in the development

of the Barak-8 navalsurface-to-air missile. The

weapon has a range ofcirca 65nm (70km) and will

equip the Indian Navy’s‘Kolkata’ class destroyers.(Wikimedia Commons)





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representative ballistic missile targets.Development of the exo-atmosphericArrow-III is now underway. So far, theArrow-III interceptor has performed a singlefly-out launch test which took place on 25thFebruary 2013. Arrow-II can providetheatre-level protection but, because of itslonger range, Arrow-III can provide nation-wide strategic defence. The Arrow-III’sconcept of operations calls for it to loiter forsome time in space after launch and then,once the missile is detected, the Arrow-III’shit-to-kill vehicle impacts against the target.Arrow-III can use the same launch, andcommand and control architecture of theArrow-II and the missile is expected to enterservice in the next five years.

I RADAR - ELTAThe country’s leading radar house is IsraelAerospace Industries Elta Systems division,known as IAI Elta. The firm provides theEL/M-2084 multi-mission radar for the IronDome and David’s Sling air defence systems.This three-dimensional radar uses an ActiveElectronically Scanned Array (AESA)antenna and performs either sector scanningacross a 120° area, or full 360° scanning at 30revolutions-per-minute. When operating inthe air surveillance role, the radar can detecttargets at a range of 256nm (474km) andat altitudes of up to 100,000 feet. Whenoperating in a weapons-location mode, itdetects targets at a range of 54nm (100km).

The radar can detect and track up to 1,200targets in its air defence mode, and200 targets-per-minute when performingweapons location.

The Elta EL/M-2080 Green Pine airsurveillance radar is a comparatively largersystem than the EL/M-2084. This lowfrequency radar has a range of up to 269nm(500km), and uses phased-array, solid-statearchitecture. It is used with the Arrow family of

surface-to-air missiles and, as well asequipping Israel, it has been exported to India.

Elta, as well as producing ground-basedproducts, provides naval surveillance radars inits MFSTAR family. These include the three-dimensional EL/M-2258 Alpha (AdvancedLightweight Phased Array Radar) which candetect low-flying missile targets at 14nm(25km), and higher altitude conventionalthreats at 65nm (120km). The Alpha covers


An Elta ELM-2084 radar being readiedat Eta’s prior to delivery to an Iron Dome unit.(Armada/Eric H. Biass)

Although conceived inthe late-1980s, the Arrowballistic missile defencesystem has performed arange of successfulintercept tests. IAI iscurrently workingon the development ofthe Arrow-III version.(Armada Archive)


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360° in azimuth and 70° in elevation,imposing a weight penalty of 700 kilos on avessel. The Alpha is joined by Elta’s EL/M-2248 fixed array naval radar as part of theMFSTAR family. Using a flat-panel aesaarchitecture, this radar is being installed onthe ‘Sa’ar’ class corvettes of the Israeli Navy.Each integration of the new radar onboard theships can be achieved in a matter of months.Low sidelobes and frequency agility help toprotect these radars against electroniccountermeasures.

I RADAR – RADA ELECTRONICS Although Israel is home to IAI Elta, arguablyits largest radar house, the country does boastother firms producing highly capable wares.

These include Rada Electronics which offersthe CHR and MHR radars. These aresoftware-defined, multi-mission surveillanceradars using AESA antennas. The radars canperform track and scan in any direction fromthe antenna boresight to +/-40° in azimuth.It is possible to use several radars together toprovide 360° coverage. The MHR familyincludes the RPS-40 (hostile fire), RPS-42(tactical air surveillance) and RHS-44(surface and air border intrusion) variants.The CHR works with Israel MilitaryIndustries’ Iron Fist hard-kill activeprotection system. The radar can generatestreams of pulses in parallel and performsurveillance of different targets in a time-interleaved fashion; detecting mortar fire,

and then detecting drones for example, withthe change taking a matter of milliseconds.

I THE SPARROWS - RAFAELAlthough not air-to-ground weapons, it isworth mentioning here the Sparrow family ofair-launched target missiles, as they are usednot only in Israel but also abroad for testingantiballistic missile systems. The Black, Blueand Silver Sparrows represent respectivelyincreasing short-range theatre ballisticmissiles, from the Scud-B up to the Scud-C/Dand to the Shibab. With a length between 4.85and 8.39 metres and a launch weight ofbetween 1.275 and 3,130 kg, the Sparrows havebeen used, for example, for the latest tests of theMBDA Aster-based Samp/T system.


I CUEING V-SHORADS – IMIThough it does not produce any SAM effector, IMI’s portfolio carries a passive system, known as Red Sky-2, that allows toconsiderably enhance Manpads effectiveness thanks to an IR sensor that provides surveillance and cueing functions. The scanner hasa maximum detection range of over 15 km in ideal conditions, IR systems being affected by weather and targets, the sensor having afield of view is 8.3° horizontal and 11° in elevation. With a scanning rate of 36° per second the system field of regard is of 360° inazimuth and ±25° in elevation, but scanning sectors can be programmed from 30° to 180° in azimuth and of 11° and 22° in elevation.The scanner is installed on a tripod and provides target data to the tracker and launcher unit, which is equipped with a thermal camera,with instantaneous zoom taking the picture from a 24° horizontal field of view to 0.8°, and a laser rangefinder. The launcher unit isinstalled on a tripod, with a 360° azimuth and –10° to +70° elevation capacity, and carries two missiles. A typical layout for defendinga base can see three launchers and one scanner, each launcher covering some 150°-160° thus ensuring some overlap. A single-operator control unit ensures target detection and launch, exploiting the missile’s operational envelope to its maximum, and can beplugged in a higher echelon surveillance and C2 network.


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Awaiting to see what the new long-term development programme –launched by the Israel DefenceMinistry and known as Rakiya –

will bring in terms of new lighter vehiclessufficiently protected and with enoughfirepower to answer the challenges of boththe urban and the conventional battlefield,the Israeli Defence Forces are fighting dailywith some of the most protected combatvehicles which were designed to meet

national specifications, the Merkava mainbattle tank. This tank is definitely not bannedfrom export, but a Mk 4 would prove veryexpensive. Israel’s main battle tank isproduced by state arsenals; however about40% of its components are produced by IsraelMilitary Industries (IMI) Land SystemsDivision. Among these components are thetransmission (under Renk license), part of thesuspensions, the turret bearing, the ballisticarmour protection, and the main gun. IMIdeveloped an improved version of the gunused in the Mk3, that accepts more energetic

ammunition, but the company is alreadylooking forward and a technologydemonstrator has already carried out its firstshooting tests. The new RG120 gun has aweight which is half that of the Merkava Mk4,1,800 kg compared to 3,600 kg, with 1,400 kgbeing accounted for by the recoil mass. Recoilstroke is 500 mm while recoil force is 350 kN.According to IMI weight reduction wasobtained mainly through engineeringchanges and design optimisation, avoidingexpensive exotic materials. The new gun ismuzzle-brake compatible to further reducerecoil, and features an automatic breech. Toreach the final development stage IMI islooking for a customer, the national one beingof course on top of the list should a MerkavaMk5 become a reality. An RG105 is alsoavailable as a rifled 105 mm lightweight gun.

I NAMERIMI is also fully involved in the Namerprogramme, for which it provides the ballisticarmour and the roof protection, as well as thetransmission and part of the suspensionsystem. The company is also active in theupgrading business, having worked on M60s,T-72s, T-55s and M113s, and having providedconsultancy for the Indian Arjun tank. Oneof the major contracts has been that withTurkey for the M60, where IMI was active in


VehiclesIf typical symbols of the Israeli land military were to befound, Merkava, Galil and Uzi would be the first namesto spring to mind. The need through the years to producetop tier equipment for its soldiers has led the landsegment of the Israeli defence industry to develop someof the most effective equipment, designed by people whooften use it on the battlefield when called on reserve duty. Many of those systems have scoredsuccesses on the export market.

The Merkava 4 is manufactured by the statearsenals; however the Israel MBT featuressubsystems provided by many national

defence industries. (Rafael)


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all domains, firepower, protection andmobility. The company is looking for furthersimilar programmes. In the wake ofprogrammes conducted with the BrazilianMarines for the M113 and anotherconcerning the AM-13 in an undisclosedcountry, IMI recently received an upgradecontract from a Far East customer and isawaiting a major one from the same area. Akit that turns T-54/55s into Nato standardtanks is also offered and according to IMIcustomers should materialise soon.

I WILDCATBeside its participation in the developmentand production of heavy vehicles and in theupgrade of armoured vehicles, IsraelMilitary Industries developed a vehicle onits own in the late 2000s, the Wildcat. Basedon a 4x4 Tatra truck chassis, it exploits thatcompany’s experience in independentswinging half-axles to provide very good off-road performances at reasonable cost. TheWildcat has a monocoque hull, its V-shapeproviding good resistance against minesalthough protection levels remain classified.

As for ballistic protection three kits areavailable, from 7.62 AP up to 14.5 mm APand RPGs. The heavier the kit the lower thepayload, which ranges from 1.7 to 3.7tonnes, GVW being 18.5 tonnes. Poweredby a Cummins 325 hp engine installedbehind the front cabin, the Wildcat cancarry a three-plus-nine crew, access beingprovided by a rear ramp and a second rampon the left side of the vehicle. Proposed innumerous configurations, C4IR&S, Combat& Support, Ambulance, Recovery, Logisticsand Police/Border Patrol, the Wildcat is stilllooking for a launch customer.

I HURRICANE, NAVIGATOR, WOLF-HATEHOFRemaining in the vehicles business, butturning to lighter systems, the major Israeliplayer here is Hatehof. Based in the GolanHeights, the company is currently putting intoproduction its new Hurricane 4x4, which withan A-kit providing Level 2 ballistic and Level3A/B mine protection grosses at 9.6 tonneswith a 2.1-tonne payload. Gross weight climbsto 11 tonnes though, with a Kit-B that

provides Level 3 ballistic and Level 4A/B mineprotection. Powered by a Cummins 245 hpengine it can carry up to seven people. Weightsaving compared to previous vehicles is dueto the use of new special steel, no compositeshaving been adopted in order to keep the priceunder control.

While the Xtream was developed for anspecific export programme that did notmaterialise, its 16.5 tonnes at Level 4ballistic and 3B/4A mine protection provedto be a niche market. According to Hatehofthat did not pushed its development further,the Navigator was designed for Turkey and isthe company proposal for MRAP-typevehicles. The Turkish version known asKirpi was locally produced by BMC, butfollowing the company financial problems

production has been discontinued. Hatehofmight thus look again at that marketfollowing the RfP recently launched bySMMS. At 18.5 tonnes gross, and a 15-tonnecurb weight, it can reach Level 4 with B-kitand anti-RPG/IED levels with C-kit,carrying two military in the front cabin andup to 11 in the rear compartment. It ispowered by a Cummins 345 hp engine.

The Wolf remains for the time being themost successful vehicle. Grossing at 8.6tonnes (7.3 tonnes curb weight) with A kit(Level 2 ballistic, Level 1A/B mines) it canhost up to nine soldiers. The projectflexibility was shown when Hatehofanswered a requirement for a shorterversion, with a gross weight of 7 tonnes andfive seats. The Wolf is also the base vehicleon which the new NBC division of Hatehofdeveloped the command post and the sniffer




Based upon the high mobility Tatra oscillatingarms 4x4 chassis, the Wildcat is an APC thatcan carry three crew members plus ninedismounts, at 18.5 tonnes GVW. (IMI)

Derived from the Merkava MBT the Namer is one of the heaviest armoured personnel carriersin the world. For the future Israel is looking at a lighter vehicle family. (Rafael)

The 9.6-tonne Hurricane is currently being putin production on Hatehof assembly lines; itcan transport up to seven people. (Hatehof)

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vehicles. Both obviously equipped withoverpressure NBC protection, the CP isequipped with a marking perimeter system,a meteorology monitoring system, GPS,two-way wireless data communicationsystem, and advanced communications,while the sniffer is equipped in addition witha Hapsite Viper chemical identificationsystem, an external robotic arm for soil andliquid sampling, an external probe forairborne chem-bio contamination analysis, aradiological detector, sealed storage boxesand a decontamination system for smallobjects. The new NBC Division alsodeveloped a truck-based decontaminationvehicle currently in service with the IsraeliDefence Forces.

I RAM MK. III-RAMTAAlthough its name, Israel AerospaceIndustries, does not suggest any involvementin land warfare, IAI Ramta division is in factproducing a light and agile vehicle known asthe Ram Mk III. It is the latest iteration of theRBY platform developed in the ‘70s, andfeatures a rear-mounted 189 hp Deutz aircooled engine coupled to an automatictransmission with selectable 2x4 and 4x4drive modes, differential locking beingprovided on customer requirement. TheRAM MkIII features a monocoque hull builtof two pieces of diamond-shaped ballisticsteel that provides the fully bulletproof, mine-protected cabin, to which the drive line andautomotive systems are attached.

The 12.5x20 MPT tyres chosen by Ramtaengineers are considerably larger than thoseused on most vehicles of that class deliveringextremely high mobility over rough terrainwithout the use of heavy, complex andexpensive independent suspension. Thevehicle can be provided with ballisticprotection at STANAG level 2 or 3; recentmodels received add-on ceramic armour towithstand 12.7 mm ball without exceedingthe vehicle’s load limit. As for mine protectionthe RAM MkIII meets 2A/B level, fibreglassfenders allowing to vent out the blast should awheel hit a mine.

The RAM MkIII combat weight is of 6.5tonnes for the basic version and grows to 7.2with add-on armoured kit. It can host thedriver and seven passengers and speed up to100 km/h cruising speed on roads, cruisingrange being 800 km. The vehicle is offeredwith open or closed cabin and long or shortversions, and has been developed inArmoured Personnel Carrier, CommandVehicle, Scout Vehicle, Weapon & Missile

Carrier, Air Defense vehicle, Mortar Carrier,and SWAT configurations. The RAM iscombat proven and is serving with over adozen military, paramilitary and police forcesin Asia, Latin America and Africa.

With the acquisition of Seymar ElbitSystems also entered the vehicle productionfield, inheriting the Musketeer, a light 4x4armoured vehicle mostly aimed at border

police and patrol duties, which is still atprototype level. Elbit is currently developinga heavier vehicle. Prototypes are alreadyrunning and the company has started amarketing campaign since development isplanned to be completed in late 2013. Thereconnaissance version will be equippedwith an RCWS. No more details arecurrently available.


Developed according to Turkish requirements, and produced in Turkey by BMC, the Navigatoris the Hatefof proposal on the MRAP market. (Hatehof)

The Wolf is one of Hatehof's best sellers and has been developed both in long and shortversions, to cope with customers requirements. (Hatehof)

Although specialised in aerospace matters, IAI produces an agile armoured vehicle protectedup to STANAG Level 3, in service with numerous military and paramilitary forces. (IAI)

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W ith over 200 engineers workingin order to further improvearmour solutions Plasan Sasais one of the worldwide major

players in the passive armour domain and isfocused in new composite armour solutions tocope with weight and cost control. Not onlydoes the company develop new technologiesto cope with increasing threats, but it alsoconsiders vehicles manufacturing aspects tominimise assembly time and costs.

Technical details on passive armour

packages, used internationally such in best-sellers as Oshkosh M-ATV, remain mostlyclassified. Those packages are particularlyintended to defeat shaped-charge warheads,kinetic energy rounds and IED blasts.

Passive armour packages are alsoprovided for maritime platforms as well asfor airborne protection, mostly for cabincockpits. These adopt a modular design andeasy installation, while in both personneland air solutions weight becomes a priorityfigure in the equation. Well known for yearsfor those products the Galilee heights-basedcompany adapted quickly to new realities.

With the demand for reduced armourweight, Plasan provides various compositesolutions through its subsidiary Plasan USDefense Composite Structures. While noinformation is releasable about vehicles all-composite solutions, more is available onmarine applications. Plasan US DCScomposite sandwich panels offer cost andstructural advantages, flammabilityprotection, and compatibility with electricalshielding, and are ideally suited to next-generation, slab-sided low radar crosssection superstructures. Compositetechnologies such as pultrusion are also usedto manufacture structural navalcomponents as well as missile launchers,reducing weight and price by 50%. PlasanSasa looks even more to the future throughits TorTech subsidiary, a companyspecialised in carbon nanotube fibres thatare being used for improving the quality ofcomposite protection armour for vehicles.The carbon nanotubes manufactured by Q-Flo can modernise the defence sector bymeans of a new variety of lightweight,stretchable and extremely strong protectivematerial. TorTech is expected tomanufacture a carbon nanotube-based yarnwhich can be woven into the most powerfulman-made material.


IMI developed the L-VAS as a light add-onarmour to improve light vehicle protection

against RPGs and IEDs. (IMI)

Vehicle Armourand ProtectionThe need for constant upgrades in vehicles protection ledIsraeli companies to develop state-of-the-art technologiesand solutions to cope with increasing threats. Today someof those companies are renowned around the world fortheir passive, reactive and active solutions.


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I IRON WALL-IMIIsrael Military Industries is providing all theballistic package for the Merkava and theNamer. Israel has always considered reactivearmour a viable solution against HEATwarheads, to the contrary of many westerncountries, although it constantly developedsolutions aimed at reducing the danger forbystanding infantrymen. With the advent ofIEDs, especially those using ExplosivelyFormed Penetrators or Self-FormedFragmentation IMI developed the Iron Wall,which composite-metal hybrid structureallows to save weight compared to RHAsolutions. Used as an add-on, and dependingon the level of protection, it weighs 200-230kg/m2 and adds between 110 and 150 mm tothe original armour. A heavier hybridpassive-reactive compound is theBreakwater, designed to withstand also RPGrounds, that adds about 450 kg/m2 and 350-400 mm thickness. At the other end the L-VAS is designed for light vehicles, such aswheeled APCs, to increase their protectionagainst RPGs and IEDs; another systembased on passive and energetic materials, itis fully qualified by the IDF for the M113.Capable of sustaining multiple hits fromRPG-7s, 14.5 mm AP rounds or IEDs, thesystem ensures no sympathetic detonationbetween neighbouring reactive tiles, noindent on the vehicle wall and minimaleffects around the vehicle.

I IRON FIST-IMIIn the active protection arena IMI developed asoft/hard kill system known as Iron Fist. Theidea is to jam all jammable threats, keepinginterceptors for those that cannot be jammed.Antitank missiles are dealt with an electro-optical jammer capable to disturb the missileat 1 km distance when launched from a 3 km

position. The jammer was developed by ArielPhotonics of Israel, while jammingtechniques were developed by IMI. If thethreat cannot be jammed, an interceptor isejected by a trainable two-tube launcher. Theintercept point is calculated thanks to theinputs of a series of sensors, bolometriccamera, daylight camera and the Rada RPS-10radar. The latter weighs 17 kg, covers 120°,three sensors being thus needed to cover 360°.The canister travels relatively fast anddeflagrates breaking the round envelope. Thecurrent warhead contains some metal, thatwill be soon replaced by composites, furtherreducing potential collateral damages.

Technologies developed for the Iron Fisthave been put to fruition in the development ofthe Bright Arrow, a system combining anRCWS and the Iron Fist Hard Kill element ona single pedestal, with radiofrequency,thermal imaging and CCD cameras assensors, easily installable on light armouredvehicles thanks to its weight of only 250 kg.IMI is developing a static system to be used forcamp protection, providing a C-RAM system.

I TROPHY-RAFAELCurrently the only active system in service,Rafael Trophy-HV is installed on MerkavaMk.4s and has proved its worth in combatsince March 1st 2011 when tank 1A, L coy,9th Tank Battalion, 401st Armoured Brigade,defeated an incoming threat. Threatdetection and tracking are entrusted to theIAI/ELTA ELM-2133 WindGuard pulseDoppler aesa radar, with four antennaelocated at the four corners of the vehicle toensure 360° upper hemisphere coverage.These provide the computer with the dataneeded, including threat classification.Maximum accuracy is needed in order toactivate the best positioned of the twolaunchers and launch the Multiple Explosive





The Iron Fist main sensor is thecompact hemispheral radar RPS-10developed by Rada. (Rada)

IMI defines the Iron Fist a second generationactive protection system; it is made of a softkill and a hard kill element. (IMI)

A crate of RPG warheads neutralised bythe Trophy; the precision with which thoserounds are severed is quite impressive.(Armada/P. Valpolini)

The Bright Arrow combines a remotely controlled weapon station and the hard kill element of the Iron Fist. (IMI)


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Formed Penetrators towards the incomingprojectile, its EFPs being aimed at specificareas of the projectile, something for whichclassification by the radar is a key issue. Eacheffector generates “some” non aerodynamicelements, their number being very limited,that disintegrate the threat without explosion.

Visiting Rafael testing area, where aMerkava is used to carry on trials with theTrophy, it was quite impressive to see a fullcrate of RPG warheads that had systematicallybeen severed in the same place, proving if itwere needed the consistency of the system.Over 2,000 live tests have been carried outwith RPGs in Haifa, though those involvingmissiles take place in southern Israel.According to Rafael over 90% of the RPGsdisintegrate without initiation. This is not thecase for antitank missiles, which are indeed

initiated, albeit at safer distances. Threatclassification also means that if an incominground is going to miss, the system will not takeaction, saving effectors and avoiding to initiatethe round. The ELM-2133 radar is also usedas a situational awareness tool, as it picks upthe shooters position, allowing the tank toreact; pushing a single button the tankcommander can slave the turret and point itstraight on the firing source. Rafael received asecond significant order from the IDF, andsince 2012 all three armour battalions of the401st Brigade, 9th, 46th and 52nd, fieldTrophy-equipped Merkava Mk.4s. Since thewell advertised first engagement, the Trophywent into action at least five more times, andthe radar identified the shooter.

For the export market Rafael developedthe Trophy-MV, that has a lesser weight

compared to the HV, 450 kg versus 850 kg,while maintaining similar performances andincluding also soft-kill capabilities. Weightreduction is due to miniaturisation, and thecompany awaits a launch customer tocomplete qualification, the system being atprototype stage. A third version, the Trophy-LV dedicated to light vehicles, is alsomarketed; based on electro-optical sensors,its effector comes in the form of modulesfixed to the vehicle roof that generate adownward energetic blade at minimaldistance from the vehicle armour, “cutting”the warhead. While the HV and MV areeffective also against missiles and kineticenergy rounds, the 200 kg (for a Humvee)Trophy-LV is tailored for RPG-type threat.Here too Rafael is awaiting a launch customer.

I ASPRO-RAFAELRafael is also a major player in the passive andreactive armour field, its systems being usedby many armies around the world, eightdifferent add-on armour systems from thecompany having served in the Iraqi andAfghan theatres of operation with coalitionforces. Its current two families of products arethe Aspro-P and the Aspro-H, respectivelypassive and hybrid.

The fully passive Aspro-P system isdesigned to absorb energy and preventpenetration, increasing the vehicle’s ballisticprotection up to Stanag Levels 3, 4 or 5. Easy toinstall, fully modular, the system is combattested. Although the armour packagecomposition remains classified, it is clear thatRafael leveraged all its studies in the ceramic,metallic and other materiel fields, as well asthose on the coupling and mutual effects ofthose sandwiches. Rafael Ordnance andProtection Division also developed an anti-


Based on a wholly different effector, theTrophy-LV is aimed at light patrolvehicles; here the system is mounted onan HMMWV. (Rafael)

Three IDF tank battalions deploy Merkava Mk4 equipped with Rafael Trophy. These systemshave been successfully used in combat. (Rafael)

A key element of Rafael Trophy is the IAI-Elta ELM 2133 Winguard radar thatprovides the firing data for the effector.(Armada/P. Valpolini)


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STEMSmine protection with a laminated

configuration to absorb the blast energy aswell as a floating floor.

A lightweight Enhanced Appliqué ArmorKit was developed purposely to provide USMarine Corps AAV7s improved protectionwhile maintaining their amphibiouscapabilities. Exploiting its experience in thereactive armour field, Rafael developed thetiles used on US Army Bradleys, thecompany gave birth to the hybrid Aspro-Hthat uses Insensitive Low Burning Rateenergetic materials. These do not detonateor burn when hit by bullets, projectiles, orfragments, but react only when hit by the jetof a shaped-charge warhead providing fullenergy that disrupts the jet. The passiveelements of Aspro-H ensure a Stanag Level5 ballistic protection.

I ORAN SAFETY GLASSUntil now we considered opaque and activearmour solutions. Turning now to transparentarmour, Oran Safety Glass (OSG) isspecialised in the development andproduction of flat and curved, laminated,tempered and armoured glass solutions fordefence, security and civilian applications. Its

products are being used in over 35 countries,working together with numerous vehicleproducers in the United States, France,Germany and Italy among others. Its moreadvanced solutions allow 30% weight savings.With threat changes, OSG developed itsfacilities adding blast, fragmentation, RPG,EFP, to its ballistic tests, since the companyalso produces blast and fragment resistant flatand curved glass. OSG also producesceramics- based glass, allowing around 50%weight reduction from STANAG levels 1 to 4 (atypical company typical conventionalSTANAG 2 glass weighing 125 kg/m2 whilethe ceramic solution lowers this to 71 kg/m2).

OSG glasses can be found on most of theAmerican MRAPs, trucks and utilityvehicles, on Renault Trucks Defense PVPs,on Daimler Zetros and Actros, on MANtrucks and on Astra trucks.

Looking for innovative solutions and wellaware of the risks generated by urban warfarescenarios, OSG has developed the RockStrike,a layer that protects the ballistic transparentarmour from the damages caused by rocks,even by those thrown at relatively highvelocity such as slingshots. This solutionreduces costs, as the armoured window needs

not be replaced if not hit by rounds. It alsoprovides better situational awareness thanmetal grid solutions. A new product unveiledat DSEI is the Adi, jewel in Hebrew. Thistechnology allows to keep a no-spallenvironment inside the vehicle without usingthe typical plastic layer attached to the safeside of the glass that causes delamination andis often damaged, reducing the armouredglass life cycle.

Speaking of situational awareness, anotherinnovative product from OSG is the DigitalVisual Window that integrates a liquid crystaldisplay into a windshield, allowing the driverand commander to check their info whilecontinuing to look outside. The screen can beinstalled in any position, and is capable ofhigh-resolution video, text and graphics.Another OSG solution aimed at providinginformation on the windscreen is the SilkLight, a built-in, light-driven electronicsystem that displays information directly onthe transparent armour. It provides pre-defined specific information such as vehicleposition and turn over danger, overheating ofengine or cabin crew, emergency exits andegress warnings, etc.

Another key element in vehicles safety isfuel tank protection. The Rubber Division ofMagam Safety, a company belonging to theStar Defense System Group, has developedand produced the flexible self-sealing fueltanks for the Merkava tanks. It has recentlydeveloped an external solution that allows totransform a standard tank into a self-sealingtank, weight penalty being only 14 kg/m2.Adopted by the IDF on some confidentialprojects, it showed during tests a leakage ofonly 7.7 grams of fuel following perforationby a 7.62 mm round.


Rafael developed a hybrid armour, known asApsro-H, that uses insensitive low burningrate energetic materials to disrupt shapedcharge jets. (Rafael)

The Digital Visual Window developed by Oraan Safety Glass (left) integrates a digital display into the windscreen, here used for night drivingpurposes. Map and GPS position are here (centre). A rendering (right) of the Silk Light function; a built-in system allows to project pre-programmed messages of different types. (OSG)


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W ith equipment sold to over 60countries Soltam, which isnow part of Elbit Systems Landand C4I, always favoured high

mobility platforms and has been a leader intruck mounted artillery. The Atmos(Autonomous Truck-Mounted Self-propelled howitzer) comes in the form of a155 mm gun/howitzer mounted on a 6x6 or8x8 truck chassis. A modular system, the top-tier proposal includes a 52 calibre barrelgiving it a range of 41 km. Traverse is limitedto ±25° while elevation reaches +70°. Poweris provided by an APU which drives hydraulicand electric systems such as ammunitionhandling and automatic loading systems. Amodular electronic suite can include tacticalcomputers, INS navigation system, muzzlevelocity radar, day and night sight, digitalcommunication link, and target acquisitionsystems, depending on customers’ choice.The Atmos has been considered by the IDF,based on a 6x6 truck with double armouredfive-man cabin, but its acquisition is stillpending. The formula was also declined inSoviet style, the Atmos D-30 being armedwith the notorious 122 mm gun.

Elbit Systems Land and C4I portfolio alsoincludes the Athos 155 mm autonomoustowed howitzer system, a 52 calibre weaponthat has the same performances as the Atmos(three-rounds burst in 15 seconds, 15 roundsin 3 minutes and 75 rounds within 60 minuteswhen equipped with the auto-loader), withan MRSI capacity of four rounds on the sametarget at the same time. The company alsocarried out upgrades of various systems,installing new guns on existing assembliessuch as in the M-46S and the M-114S.

I CARDOM-SOLTAMBesides 60 mm, 81 mm and 120 mortars,Elbit Systems Land and C4I offers twoautonomous systems. The Cardom is a self-propelled recoiling mortar in 81 or 120 mmcalibre, both smoothbore, with a reach of7,000 metres and a maximum rate of fire of16 rounds per minute. The Cardom includes afire control system and a navigation systemthat allow to be ready for fire within 30seconds from the vehicle stop. An evolutionof the Cardom, the Spear is a 120 mm systemwhich firing load has been reduced to lessthan 10 tonnes, allowing it to be installed onlight vehicles such as a Humvee. Equippedwith a computerised aiming and navigationsystem, it can be taken in and out of actionwithin 60 seconds. With a 30-metres CEP, itcan also be used in static position, deployedby a 2-3 crew, and has a rate of fire of 15rounds per minute.

I ROCKETS-IMIRocket artillery is the business of IMI, whichLAR-160 Light Artillery Rocket System isavailable with a number of differentammunition. The two launch pod containerscontain each thirteen 160 mm surface-to-surface rockets, the basic free-flight onehaving a range of 45 km. The launcher canalso accept the Accular GPS-guided rocket,which has a range between 14 and 40 km witha CEP of 10 meters. An Accular pod contains11 rockets, each having a 35 kg warhead.

Both types can also be used in the Lynxmodular rocket launcher also featuring twolaunch pods, which is able to fire any rocketfrom 122 mm up; when using the 122 mmGrad each pod contains 20 such rockets. It isfully autonomous and features a state-of-the-art C4I system, the fire control system and theinertial navigation system allowing for quickreaction time. The mechanical and hydraulicsystem ensure a reloading time of less than 10minutes, while on board electronicsautomatically identify the ammunitioninstalled. IMI offers also other ammunitionfor the Lynx. One of them is the Extra,(Extended Range Artillery Rocket), a 306mm diameter rocket provided withinertial/GPS guidance system that gives it a10 meters CEP on a 20-150 km range, itswarhead containing 120 kg explosive. EachLynx pod can host up to four Extra, thatrocket being in service with numerouscustomers worldwide. The bigger system thatcan be launched by the Lynx is the DelilahGL, the ground launched version of the air-to-ground missile, a rocket booster havingbeen added for launch. This 250 kg precisionweapon has a 180 km range while its averagespeed is between Mach 0.3 and 0.7, reaching amaximum of Mach 0.85 in the final dive. Its1.15 meters wingspan, the missile diameter


Elbit Systems is proposing the Cardom self-propelled recoiling mortar in 81 or 120 mmcalibre. (Elbit Systems)

An ATMOS 155 mm truck mounted howitzer in action; a five-man crew ensures full operationalcapability to the system. (Elbit Systems)

ArtilleryProducing artillery firecontrol systems of differentkinds, with the integrationof Soltam, which producedthe tubes, Elbit Systems isnow in a position toprovide turnkey integratedartillery solutions to itscustomers.


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being 0.33 meters, together with the turbojetengine, allow it to loiter over the battlefieldbefore hitting the target with its 30 kgwarhead. Exploiting its CCD or FLIR seekerthat provide real-time video imagery back tobase thanks to the data link, the Delilah GLfeatures re-attack capabilities against static ormoving target as well as battle damageassessment, navigation being ensured by aninertial/GPS system. A Lynx pod can accept asingle Delilah.

I AMMUNITION-IMIThe largest division within IMI, the MunitionSystems Division counts 1,200 employees,140 of whom are devoted to research anddevelopment. Three of the five directorates,artillery ammunition, tank ammunition andinfantry ammunition, are directly related toland warfare, the remaining two being aerialammunition and homeland security.

Among the 155 mm artillery projectiles,the new M454 S-HE (Super-High Explosive)is based on a pre-fragmented drogueparachuted warhead. The fuse is set beforefiring, and after the established time the fuse isinitiated and ejects the warhead which startsits descent towards the target, detonating atthe optimal height over the target itself, thepre-fragmented warhead ensuring five timesmore lethality that standard HE rounds whenused against infantry, light vehicles andlogistic targets. No duds are generated due tothe built-in self destruction system, thus theround is compliant with the Oslo convention.The M454 S-HE is compatible with all Natoguns from 39 to 52 calibres and is currentlyunder development, IMI aiming to completequalifications in early 2014.

IMI also produces the M481 HE-ER, withhollow based bottom that allows ranges up to

30 km, the projectile containing 12 kg TNT,which is nearly 50% more than standardammunition in 155 mm calibre. The IMIcatalogue contains also numerous otherammunition in 155 mm, 105 mm and formerWarsaw Pact calibres. As for propellantcharges, the company fields a Nato standardbi-modular charge system and a uni-modularsystem, both providing a muzzle velocity of940 m/s with four modules and a 52 calibresbarrel and 750 m/s with 3 modules and a 39calibres barrel.

In the tank ammunition field IMI isknown to be one of the major players in theworld, and is currently working on the 3rdgeneration of its kinetic energy round. Whilethe 2nd generation M322 currently in use





IMI will complete the qualification of its M454S-HE round in 2014; this round is compliantwith the Solo convention. The pre-fragmenteddrogue warhead of an M454 S-HE rounddetonates at an optimal height and is fivetimes more lethal than standard HE roundsagainst soft targets. The self destructionsystem allows to generate no duds. (IMI)

The Accular GPS-guided rocket (left) has a CEP of about 10 metres and a maximum range of 40 km. Israel Military Industries Extended RangeArtillery Rocket (Extra) has an inertial/GPS guidance system and a range of 250 km. (IMI)


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allowed to preserve the barrel,which could fire over 1,000 roundsbefore replacement (qualified bythe IDF as well as by the Germanand Swedish authorities), the newM338 APFSDS promises furtherbreakthrough. It adopts a lowvulnerability propellant that notonly increases safety but providesadditional energy. The penetrator ismade of a new tungsten alloy and isheavier than the M322’s. Althoughno precise data were provided interms of penetrator weight, ratioand muzzle velocity, IMI states thatthe new M338 will ensure betterpenetration especially against ERAand spaced armour. The new roundwill require the adoption of newfiring tables by tank fire control systems,although it remains fully compatible with120 mm smoothbore guns. The companyfinished the round development and islooking to the IDF for qualification, which ishowever expected shortly.

Focusing on urban warfare, a dailyscenario for the IDF, one of the latest additionto IMI tank ammo portfolio is the M339 HE-MP-T, a multipurpose round that features athree-mode fuse that makes it effectiveagainst bunkers, urban structures, lightarmoured vehicles dismounted Infantry. The

fuse is programmable and can be setin point detonation super quick, pointdetonation delayed and air burstmodes. The M339 can penetrate a200mm double reinforced concretewall, the PDD mode allowing todetonate inside the building,generating not only fragments butalso a considerable overpressure.Programming is carried out using aprogramming coil linked to the FCSthat sets the time in the frontelectronic device, this allowing to use it

without modification to the breech. Theround is already in production and the firstM339s were delivered to the IDF in late 2012.Other customers have shown up, some ofthem looking for electronic programmablebase fuse, in order to carry out the operationwhile loading or when the breech is closed,IMI being ready to adopt other solutions.

The other key round is the M329 APAM-MP-T, another multipurpose round that wasinitially designed in 105 mm caliber whichfuse can be set in five different modes, themost relevant being the Ejection mode, which

ejects the six unitary warheads contained inthe round in a sequence, thus saturating anarea, typically a street. The fuse can also be seton point detonation super quick, pointdetonation delay, air burst – the whole roundexploding as unitary warhead, and antihelicopters. The M329 is in use with the IDF.

IMI is also producing a full range ofammunition in the 100,105, and 125 mmcalibers. While all those products come fromthe Munition Systems Division, anotherbusiness unit, the Small CaliberAmmunition Division, is in charge ofproducing all small arms ammo in the 5.56,7.62, 9, 12.7 mm and .338 Lapua Magnumcalibers. IMI is the principal supplier ofammunition to the Israel Defense Forces(IDF), and has numerous undisclosedexport clients, including Nato countries.Both 5.56 and 9 mm ammo are NATOqualified, and are available in Green version.

Elbit Systems, fully involved in mortarproduction, also manufactures 60, 81 and120 mm calibre rounds, and is developing anew 120 ammo. IMI also developed theGMM120, a guided mortar bomb that canbe fitted with a single or dual guidancesystem, a GPS and/or a semi-active laserseeker being those of choice. These ensure aCEP of less than 10 meters over a 9 kmrange, the munition featuring a canard servoand control mechanism.


Israel Military Industries developedthe GMM120 mortar bomb, equippedwith a GPS and/or a semiactive laserguidance system. (IMI)


E lbit Systems recently scored numeroussuccesses in the medium calibre arena,its 30 mm UT (Unmanned Turret)being under contract in four different

nations, Brazil, on the Iveco VBTP-MRGuarani, in Belgium on the Mowag PiranhaIIIC 8X8 vehicles, in Portugal, on the Steyr

Pandur II ordered by the Navy, ad in Slovenia,on the Patria AMV 8x8 vehicles, this turretbeing integrated with two Spike antitankmissiles. A dual-axis stabilized turret allowingfire on-the-move, it features separate gunner'sand commander’s sights, both dual axisstabilized each. The design allows thecustomer to chose among a variety of sightingsubsystems. The maximum elevation of the

Elbit Systems UT30 unmanned turret; one of the last contracts is that for Brazil, where the turretequips part of Iveco's VBTP-MR Guarani 6x6 vehicles. (Elbit)

TurretsThe need to protect themachine gunners becamesoon a must in Israel,whose forces areconfronted with opponentsin scenarios that are oftenof urban type. Thus threeof the nation’s maindefence companies haveremote controlled weaponstations and unmannedturrets armed with lightand medium calibreweapons in theirinventories.


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main gun is +60°, allowing operations inurban terrain. Protection is modular and cango up to STANAG Level 4, includingammunition, sights and electronics. Tofavour export Elbit Systems is ready totransfer the know-how to third parties, as inthe Belgian and Brazilian contracts.

The company is also proposing a family ofremotely controlled weapon stations, the firstof them being a single-weapon systemcapable to host up to a 12.7 mm machine gunor a 40 mm AGL. Known as the 12.7 RCWS, itis dual-axis stabilized and its sensor suiteincludes a day camera, a thermal sight, a laserrange-finder and a search light. It alsofeatures functions such as Automatic TargetTracking and manual backup operation incase of power loss, optical pod super elevationand traverse drives for ballistic compensationat the outer ranges of the weapons. The 7.62mm RCWS is the smaller element of thefamily, and is also fully stabilized. Armed with

a machine gun it weighs less than 150 kg with690 rounds, the magazine being upgradeableat 1,150 rounds. The DRWS (Dual RemoteWeapon Station) can in turn carry a mainweapon, a 12.7 or a 40 mm AGL, and asecondary 7.62 mm MG. Qualified for theAustrian Army it is in production for thisservice. Its sensors and performances aresimilar to the 12.7 RCWS. The DRWS can beused in the surveillance mode, decoupling theweapon from the sensor package, anddisabling firing, an option useful in OOTWs.Elbit considers its unmanned turrets andRCWS portfolio complete and is looking fornew customers, while no new models seems tobe in the pipeline.

I RAFAELRafael is another major player in the turretsand RCWS field, its Samson RCWS rangingfrom light to medium calibre, the lighterbeing the Samson Junior, aimed exclusively

at light machine guns, 5.56 or 7.62 mm. Soldto Israel and to an unknown Europeancustomer, its light weight, 60 to 75 kg withoutweapon and ammo, generates a minor impactto even the smaller vehicles. The in-hullcommands are the same for all the three lightRCWS; if weight is less a concern, then comesthe Samson Mini, around 150 kg. Thisaccepts up to 12.7 mm machine guns and 40mm AGLs. Visiting the Rafael assembly line inHaifa it was possible to see the production foran undisclosed export customer, withoutstabilisation and armour, while most of theproduction of the 207 RCWS of that typeaimed at the Israeli Namer IFV are producedin the US by Marvin Land Systems, the turretsbeing however assembled at Haifa. Thoseturrets are stabilised and can host 7.62 or 12.7mm MGs and 40 mm AGLs, featuring thesame cradle that allow quick replacement atcrew level. Their actuators, front cradle andsight pod are equipped with some armour,that adds about 50 kg to the original weight.The Samson Mini has been sold in thousandsto the IDF and 13 export customers. Rafaelsatisfied also the request from a customer thatwanted a 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun,which required a new structure due to thehigher recoil, length and weight of theweapon, as well as in some changing on theactuators position.

At only 260 kg without weapons andammo the Samson Dual can host a mediumcalibre gun, up to 30 mm, and a secondary





Elbit's Dual Remote Weapon Station canhost a 12.7 mm or a 40 mm AGL in themain cradle and a 7.62 mm MG in thesecondary one. (Elbit)

A Samsom Mini on the assembly line at Rafael main plant in Haifa (left). The type has been selected by Israel for its Namer and by undisclosedexport customers. One of Rafael best sellers in the turret field, the Samson Mini (right), can be armed with weapons up to 12.7 mm machine gunsor 40 mm AGLs. (Armada/P. Valpolini)


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weapon in the form of a machine gun up to12.7 mm. Based on a completely newstructure, the Dual allows reloading frominside the vehicle and can easily be installedon a light 4x4 vehicle. One of the weaponscan be removed and replaced by a twin-ATGM launcher.

The Samson Mk I, of which some 100were sold to the Czech Republic, has evolvedinto two Mk II prototypes, with reloadingfrom under armour. Following theconclusion of the testing phase in June 2013 itis now ready for production. A new systemallows to carry two Spike ATGMs that areretracted in a protected position when not inuse, the pod being able to host the MR, LRand ER versions of that Rafael missile.

I IMIFully involved in heavy and medium turretsupgrades, Israel Military Industries isnonetheless also present in the light RCWSbusiness. Its portfolio currently features theWave brand, all of them fully stabilised. TheWave 100 can host a 7.62 or a 12.7 mmmachine gun, the turret weight withoutweapon and ammo being 160 kg. With only a10 kg penalty, the Wave 200 gives thecustomer the option of mounting also a 40mm H&K automatic grenade launcher,elevation remaining –20°/+60° while thesensor suite is still made by a daylightcontinuous zoom camera, a thermal sightand a laser rangefinder. While maintainingsimilar performances, the Wave 300 differsconsiderably as its architecture has beendeveloped to accept former Warsaw Pactweapons such as the 7.62 mm PKT and the12.7 mm NSVT machine guns.


The new pod containing two Spike antitankmissiles that can be retracted when not in use.It is aimed at the Samson MkI and MkII turrets.(Armada/P. Valpolini)

The Spike family of missiles developedby Rafael covers an extremely wide areaof missions, going from a mediumrange artillery role to short range

engagements in urban areas. Leveraging itsexperience in electro-optics the Haifa-basedcompany aimed at providing the infantry withpinpoint accuracy systems, some of thembeing used not only in the ground to groundroles but also in air-to-ground, on board ofcombat helicopters, and in naval systems.

Going by decreasing range, the championis the Spike NLOS, a missile featuring awireless data link keeping the man in the loopand a day/night seeker, thus allowing to hitnon-line of sight targets and to shift from onetarget to another one at the very last minute.Equipped with cruciform wings, it has aneffective range of 25 km, weighs 71 kg in hiscanister and can be equipped with differenttypes of warheads, HEAT, fragmentation,Pressure-Blast-Fragmentation. It can belaunched by ground vehicles, helicopters orlight vessels.

The other member of the family that goesbeyond the ground use is the Spike ER, forExtended Range, with its 8 km range. Thelink between the operator and the missile is

Anti-armourmissiles androcket launchers

The Spike NLOS canreach a target at a rangeof 25 km and can also be

mounted on ship.(Rafael)

A Rafael Spike ER on a Cobra attack helicopter.This missile has also been integrated in theEurocopter Tiger and in the AgustaWestlandA129 Mangusta. (Rafael)


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provided by a fibre-optic that allows to launchit in a lock-on-after-launch mode or in a moreconventional LOBL mode, keeping a fire-observe-update capacity. The seeker allowshowever also a fire-and-forget launch mode.The typical ER application is on attackhelicopters, Spain and Italy have chosen itrespectively for the Tiger and the Mangusta,although it is also used in other roles, such asin coastal defence mounted on a tripod. TheLong Range and Medium Range versions arethose mostly used by infantry, Spike LR andSpike MR are both missiles that can be firedfrom enclosure while differing of course byrange, 4 km and 2.5 km respectively, the LRbeing the only one among the two that can beused in the fire-observe-update, the MRbeing a full fire-and-forget weapon, guidancebeing provided by the CCD/IR seeker. A two-man team can deploy with one launcher andtwo missiles. The MR, LR and ER versions arealso produced by Eurospike, a joint venturebetween Rafael, Diehl BGT Defence andRheinmetall Defence Electronics.

The two newcomers of the family are theSpike-SR, for short range, and the Mini-Spike, both in development. Equipped with aPBF warhead the Mini-Spike has a radio linkto the launcher that allows to update afterlaunch using the missile electro-optic seeker.Operating range is up to 1,500 meters, the 4.5kg missile being able to carry out high angleattacks. Provided with a lightweight launchunit, it can be used also from MR/LRlaunchers. The Mini-Spike should reachproduction status in 2017. The Spike-SR is afire-and-forget disposable weapon weighing 9kg with a 1 km range, guided by an IRuncooled seeker. The original warhead is

aimed at destroying tanks, but other types ofwarheads might be provided in the future.Production should start in 2016.

I STREET FIGHTINGWhen range and target do not require the useof a missile, rocket launchers come into play.Rafael acquired the German companyDynabit Nobel Defence, the R&D assets ofboth companies having thus developed aseries of products, many of which aimed aturban warfare. Known in Germany with theacronym RGW-90 and in Israel as Matador,the 90 mm rocket launcher is in productionwith many warheads, the Rafael cataloguefeaturing the anti-structure (AS) and the wallbreaching (WB) munitions. All the Matadorsystems are 1 meter long and are based on theDavis gun principle, thus allow to fire fromenclosure.

The Matador-AS has a range of 400 metersand a weight of 10 kg, and has a tandemwarhead equipped with a multimode fusethat allows it to defeat fortified positions,timber bunker, urban structures and lightarmoured vehicles. The heavier Matador-WB, 13 kg, features an Explosively FormedRing warhead which diameter is larger thanthat of the launch tube; it is specificallydesigned to open breaches into walls to allowthe passage of an infantryman. Its maximumrange being of 120 meters a simple flex sight isinstalled. A Matador-MP, equipped with amultipurpose warhead is also available.

Israel Military Industries developed theShipon, also based on the Davis principle andthus usable from enclosures. Its multipurposemunition can be used in the follow-through-grenade mode, in the air-burst mode, or innormal mode, against triple wall bricks orreinforced concrete. At 6.8 kg, the maximumrange of the Shipon is of 300 metres.

The focus on urban warfare is furtherhighlighted by the Simon door breaching riflegrenade, developed by Rafael. Launched froma rifle, using a standard live 5.56 mm ballround, it is designed to breach steel or

wooden at ranges of 15 to 30 meters. It weighsonly 680 grams and is made of a plastichousing containing the charge, a standoff rod,the stabilizing tail, the safety and armingmechanism and the impact detonator.

IMI Wall Buster is another systemdedicated to urban fighters; this remotely-activated pyrotechnic breaching device isdesigned to create a passageway in a wall. Itcan be put in position using a telescopingpole, magnetic tape or double-sided tape.Available in various grain sizes it includes aninitiator, that can be replaced with IMIMatchbox electronic time initiator, flexibletransfer cord and detonator.





The Mini Spike features a radio link to thelaunch unit. It can be launched either from itslaunch unit or from the standard Spikeinfantry launchers. (Rafael)

Developed by Israel Military Industries, theShipon warhead is based on the follow-through-grenade concept. (Armada/P. Valpolini)

A light system for ramming doors open, theSimon rifle grenade developed by Rafael isone of the numerous breaching systems bornout of the IDF experience. (Rafael)

Urban targets, fortified positions and light armoured vehicles are the raison d’être of Rafael's Matador AS. (Rafael)


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Elbit Systems provides night visionsystems for MBTs and AIFVs, itssystems being installed into theMerkava, T-72, Leopard and Arjun, as

well as in Namers and BMP-2s. These rangefrom commanders’ and gunners’ sights, todrivers’ sensors, to situational awarenesssystems. In the tactical field its Coral family ofhandheld binocular thermal imagers cananswer the requirements of the various unitlevels, from squad up. The 1.7 kg uncooledMini Coral can carry out man recognition at 1km and is typically provided at platoon level,the bigger Coral-Z, equipped with an opticaland a digital zoom, doubling that figure.Other Coral systems are available, thosethermal systems based on the proven 3-5µmFPA InSb detector technology; they are inservice in 25 countries among which Israel,the US and several NATO nations. For longer

ranges the Long View CR is available,containing a TI channel with a x18 continuouszoom as well as wide and narrow field of viewday CCD cameras, capable of recognising aman at over 7 km.

Target designation is the other side of ElbitSystems electro-optical business. Numeroussystems are available to cover different ranges.For shorter ranges the Rattler H and RattlerG are optimal solutions for troops in contactand JTACS. The pistol-like H weighs only 1.3kg and can designate a Nato target at 3 km,while the 1.7 kg Rattler G can mark a targetat 10 km and designate it at 5 km. Packedtogether with the Coral CR and the microAtlas lightweight tripod with integral gyro-compass it allows precise targeting in day andnight conditions. The PLDR II with its built-inGPS, electronic compass and tacticalcomputer weighs 6.7 kg and can designate atank-size target at 6 km and a large target at10 km. Night vision can be added in the formof a Coral LS, that features a Long-range1.06μm “See-Spot” capability. Two portablelong range systems are available, the Serpent,with designation ranges of 8 km against atank and 11 km against a large target, andwith a weight of only 4.63 kg, and the 8 kgPLLDS with continuous designation at over10 km. Elbit Systems designators are alsowidely used in western armies, their weight-to-range performances having always beenamong the best.


Elbit's Long View CR allows one to recognisea man at 7 km distance, thanks to its x18zoom. (Elbit)

The Rattler-G (left) is one of the lightest laser marker/designators available; originally issuedonly to very specialised personnel, such as JTACS, this type of system is now issued to a wideraudience. Very light, easy to use thanks to its shape, the Rattler H can designate a target forthird parties up to a range of 3 km. (Elbit)

Israel industrial capacity in the night vision andtargeting field is considerable, the need to dominatethe battlefield at night and to pinpoint targets incomplex scenarios being the daily business of thenational customer. Other applications of electro-opticsystem have also been developed

The Mini-Coral, previously known as Mars, is the uncooled member of

the Coral family and is normallyissued at platoon level. (Elbit)

Electro-optics in the Field


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While providing night vision solutions forantitank missile systems such as the A-TIM,Elbit Systems electro-optics activity alsoextend to the protection against that samethreat, the VIRCM (Vehicle-Mounted IRCounter Measure) being able to jam IRguided antitank missiles, that is many 2ndgeneration SACLOS missiles.

Protection of vehicles and troops againstdirect fire threats is also provided by Rafaelwith its SpotLite family of systems. TheSpotLite P (for portable) is a portableelectro-optic system with a 48° field of viewthat can detect and locate small arms fire.The system can be carried by two soldiersand is installed in static position on a tripod.The sensor head includes a CCD, a laserrangefinder, a laser marker and a GPS; onceverified that the small arms fire source is nota friendly one, the system extracts the gridsand possibly marks the target with its laser.Grids are provided to effectors, that can gofrom snipers to armoured vehicles to airassets. The SpotLite M (for mobile) isdesigned to be installed on vehicles andenables the detection and location of smallarms, RPGs, ATGMs, and and tank shellsbeing fired towards the vehicle, even on themove, covering 360°. The vehicle can thenreact with passive or active measures, or canforward the fire source location through thecommand chain.





For the protection of infantry positions Rafaelhas developed a tripod-mounted version ofits SpotLite gunshot detection. (Rafael)

T he main HMI is the Personal DigitalUnit (PDU), a ruggedized tacticalcomputer with an integrated GPS thatruns the Integrated Infantry Combat

System C2 application as well as the TacticalIntranet Geographic Dissemination in Real-time (Tiger), the latter providing the relevantinformation at the right time as well asoptimising message transfer. The TORC²H, a

battlefield management system tailored formounted/dismounted operations, can alsobe installed, allowing coordinated battleteams to perform their tasks with optimumprecision. The TORC²H also providescommanders and crew with simplifiedoperational interface, enhanced situationalawareness and data communicationcapabilities.

An IntegratedSoldier Approach

Elbit eyepiece is themain human-machine

interface duringfighting for soldiersequipped with theDominator or the

Dominator LD. (Elbit)

Looking at worldwide soldiers modernisationprogrammes and at the IDF requirement Elbit Systemsdeveloped the Dominator, a soldier system that exploitsthe company know-how in many fields, from C4I tooptronics to communications, making every soldier botha node and a sensor of the distributed system.

The Dominator LD 4.3-inch display (left ) and Raptor terminal linked to the soldier radio. Thesystem developed for dismounted soldiers weighs only 1.3 kg. (Armada/P. Valpolini)


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Other HMI assets are part of the system,such as the Eyepiece, which display shows theC4I picture as well as live video; it can bemounted on the helmet, on the vest, orbecome part of the weapon FCS. Hand-helddisplays of various types are also available.Radio agnostic, Elbit Systems proposes itscommunications solutions from its Tadiransubsidiary, such as the PNR-1000A or thePNR-500 personal network radios. Adds-onsuch as specialised C4I packages, targetacquisition systems, unmanned air andground vehicles, can be integrated into theDominator in order to expand its reach.Elements of the dominator are part of the IDFIntegrated Infantry Combat System and havealso been adopted by the Australian Army, bythe Finnish Army, and by some armies inLatin America and Europe.

In 2012 Elbit Systems introduced theDominator-LD, for Light Dismounted, alightweight version of the previous systemaimed at special forces and dismounted

soldiers. The core element is the Raptorcomputing unit running on Linux, with its4.3” screen and cell-phone like interface.The TORC2H–D, the dismounted versionof the BMS, is installed, communicationsbeing provided by the Tadiran PNR-1000A.The Raptor is installed into a dockingstation, and can be easily taken off i.e. forplanning. For a comprehensive situationalawareness picture on-the-move the JSEyepiece handheld display unit is available.The whole system weighs less than 1.3 kg,and the system can be configured atcustomer choice.

I SMALL ARMSOnce part of Israel Military Industries, IsraelWeapon Industries (IWI) was privatised in2005 and is now part of the SK Group thatalso acquired Meprolight and Pulse IntecoSystem, bringing under the same hatweapons, sights, electro-optical systems,lasers and night vision systems, which allows

to exploit synergies when developing newproducts from scratch.

Two historical names are part of IWIportfolio, the Uzi and the Galil, although thecompany has deeply updated the two designs.The new 9x19 mm Uzi Pro makes extensiveuse of polymer components to save weight,while the new adjustable stock with cheek restconsiderably improves ergonomics, togetherwith the new front grip. The barrel is 152 mmlong and the weapon fires from closed bolt, aquick fitting suppressor being available.

The Galil, for its part, is now available in5.56 mm guise for the Assault Rifle, ShortAssault Rifle and Micro Galil versions. Anupgrade kit known as the Galil Ultra isavailable for all three versions and includesan ergonomical hand grip for Picatinny rails,telescopic butt and ergonomic pistol grip. TheGalil Sniper is the 7.62 mm version insemiauto, with full ergonomic adaptations interms of buttstock, pistolgrip plate and bipod.The Galil mechanism is also the base of the


In the IWI briefing room it is possible to see the first Uzi, something quite different from the current Uzi Pro seen here (left) equipped with a Meprolight reflex sight. The X95, here in the Flattop version, is the latest development of the Tavor, and can be quickly converted from 5.56 mm to 9 mm. (Armada/Paolo Valpolini)

The X95 in 9 mm calibre guise equipped with a silencer. The X95 is available with standard and short barrels. The Negev is one of the fewmachine guns to also feature a semi-auto mode. The IWI machine gun has very low recoil and is easy to control. (Armada/P. Valpolini)


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ACE family of assault rifles, available in5.56x45, 7.62x39 and 7.62x51 mm calibres.

The upgrades to the existing weaponscome from lessons learned on the field by thenumerous young officers, many of themfrom special forces, that work at IWI and thattwice a year go back to service. This hands-onexperience obviously has a deep impact alsoon new projects, and beside the link to theIDF in terms of requirements the companycan leverage the operational know-how of itsproper personnel. In recent years the Tavorbullpup assault rifle has become theworkhorse of the IDF. Chambered in 5.56x45mm it works in auto and semi-auto modethanks to a gas on piston head mechanismand a rotating bolt locking. It is available withtwo different barrel lengths, the 460 mmbeing used for the standard, sniper andgrenadier versions, the compact having a 380mm barrel. A follow-on is the X95, a lighterweapon with shorter barrel, 330 mm thatbecomes 380 mm in the long version, aimedmostly at special forces. The same weaponcan be quickly converted from 5.56 mmcalibre to 9x19 mm, the latter being based ona blowback system firing from close boltposition. Both the Tavor and the X95 are nowalso available in flattop configuration, whichenables the attachment of all types of day andnight optics and additional accessories. TheIWI catalogue also features a light machinegun in 5.56 mm, the Negev, available in thestandard version with a 460 mm long barrel,and in the special forces version with a 330mm barrel. The 7.62 NG-7 version is thelatest addition, the drum feed being from theside and not from the bottom to speed upammunition replacement. As with the otherNegev the NG7 fires in semi-auto mode. IWIis also active in the handgun arena with itsJerico pistols.

A number of new projects will come tofruition in the short or mid term future.Among these the 40 mm underbarrel grenadelauncher has undergone the last testing withlow velocity rounds and should soon enterproduction. IWI has now its own line ofsilencers, and all those new production needsbrought to the construction of a new buildingthat will host the company in 2-3 years time,manpower having constantly increased,doubling in the last eight years, and lookingin perspective to a further 50% increase.Other new projects are already in thecomputers of IWI engineers, most of themremaining under wraps. At least one wasunveiled in general terms, a sniper bolt actionrifle the R&D work of which has been carried

out with the IDF. Some of the key features willbe a quick barrel change and a rough bipod.Meprolight is currently starting to work onthe sighting system that will combine atelescope and a clip-on thermal sight.

In the small arms field Israel MilitaryIndustries just finished developing the Multi-Purpose Rifle System (MPRS), centred on aFire Control System that can be used toaccurately deliver either a 40 mm grenade or a5.56 mm round. A built-in computercontaining multiple ballistic tables makes thesystem pretty flexible, however the system isfully exploited when using IMI 40 mm AirBurst munitions. These feature a multimodefuse that can be used in time delay, pointdetonation or airburst modes, with anintegrated self destruct capability. Fuseprogramming is done by magnetic induction,coils being present in both the grenadelauncher and the grenades. Thecommunication protocol adopted for the FCSallows, however, to use it also on weaponsadopting different types of airburst grenades.

The FCS weighs around 700 grams, the firstsystems having been delivered to the IDF forevaluation in late 2012.

I DAY AND NIGHT RIFLE SIGHTNumerous companies in Israel are active inthe sight production, from daylight CQBsights to snipers telescopes, to imageintensification sights up to thermal imagers.It is thus impossible to depict the whole offercoming from those companies, a selection ofthe latest entries and of the most peculiarsystems being the most appropriate way todepict the whole panorama.

The above mentioned Meprolight beingpart of the same group of IWI, its sights areoften offered together with the Israeli-madesmall arms. The Mepro M5 red dot sight,which recently obtained a major contract inLatin America, is a x1 system that gives a 160°field of view with both eyes open thanks to its33 x 22 mm window. Originally the red dotcovered 2 MOA and had four brightnesssettings; the most recent version of the M5


The ACQ1 sight (left)developed by MSE, acompany founded by Ltc.Mikey Hartman, formercommander of the IDFMarksmanship andSharpshooting school.MSE sights, here anACQ2 , haveconsiderably largerwindows, allowingunlimited view with botheyes open. (MSE)


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features two dots, a 0.8 MOA for long rangeshooting and a 1.8 MOA for short range/CQB. The M5 is compatible with Gen II andGen III NVGs and with magnifying scopes,as the company MX3. With the integralPicatinny attachment and without battery,power is provided by a single AA battery thatensures 8,000 hours continuous operation,the M5 weighs less than 300 grams. TheMepro 4X fixed 4 magnification sight featuresan 8° field of view that is wider than most of itsdirect competitors. Meprolight is developingnew reticles for different ammunition andranges on customers request, fiveillumination settings being available. Thesight, which weighs 320 grams with the singleCR2023 battery that ensures over 250 hours ofoperation, is in the last stages of evolution andhas already bagged some orders.

The Mepro 4X can be coupled to the NOAXT4 clip-on thermal sight, that exploits thesame technology of the NOA Nyx family, andis powered by four AA or CR123 batteries, orby only two CR123s. Its configuration isbeing frozen and it will soon enterproduction, some orders having alreadybeen signed in Asia and Latin America. Thewell known NOA NYX uncooled thermalsight family has a new member, the NOANYX 3x dedicated to marksmen. This sight,featuring a 2.7 magnification optic, canwithstand the recoil of 5.56, 7.62 and 338 Cal.rifles, a shock absorber is available asoptional for using it on 12.7 mm rifles, whilea new attachment is also available thatmaintains zeroing. A x2 – x4 digital zoom isavailable, while reticles have been modifiedkeeping into consideration longer ranges anddifferent ammunition, such as 5.56x45,7.62x39, 7.62x51 mm and .338. A remotecontrol is available. Powered by four AAbatteries providing 8 hours continuousoperation, it has a weight of less than 1 kg. APicatinny rail on top allows to install anolografic sight for CQB. This sight adds to

the Meprolight thermal sights family thatincludes 2x, 3x, and 7x magnification for avariety of operational and tactical needs. Forsnipers Meprolight developed the MESLAS, a10x40 riflescope with an integrated 1.54 µmlaser rangefinder with 2,000 meters range.The range data is fed into the fire-controlcomputer that automatically calculates theelevation angle. The computer hosts up to 10different ballistic tables for 7.62 mm, .338LM, 12.7 mm and possibly .300 WM.Meprolight is starting to produce the Meslas,for which it has obtained a couple of orders.The Meprolight catalogue includesnumerous other sights such as the MeproMOR reflex sight with laser pointers, theMepro 21 self-illuminated day-night sight,and the Hunter and Mini Hunter imageintensification night sights.

Within the Star Defense Systems groupare two companies active in the sightingbusiness, MSE (Marksmanship, Sniper,Excellence) that produces electro-optic daysights, and New Noga Light, active in theelectro-optic day and night vision systems.MSE is headed by Ltc. Mikey Hartman,founder and former commander of theMarksmanship and Sharpshooting school ofthe IDF for the last two decades, the manwho wrote the marksmanship doctrine of theIDF. His experience is key in developingsights that are as much fighter-friendly aspossible. The development of the sightscurrently available started in late 2011, thus allthe portfolio is brand new.

The AQC-1 (Accurate Quick “Chot”)family of sights follows Ltc. Hartman idea forwhich a narrow field of view brings theshooter to close one eye, losing situationalawareness; thus the window size is 25 x 34mm with an unlimited field of view withboth eyes open. This x1 magnification sighthas three selectable reticles, quick shooting,accurate shooting and red dot, the central dotcovering 1.7 MOA. Three buttons on the rearallow to switch on and off the sight, to selectthe reticle and to select the brightness (fourday and four NVG settings are available), aPTT cable enabling the same operationswithout moving hands from the shootingposition. A motion sensor automaticallyreactivates the sight when this goes into sleep


Israel Military Industries has developed aweapon system that includes 40 mmgrenades with programmable fuse and a firecontrol system, allowing to use various modesincluding the airburts one. (IMI)

Meprolight M5 red dot sight is often providedwith IWI assault rifles, the two companiesbeing part of the same industrial group.

Meprolight developed a series of uncooledthermal sights known as NOA NYX tailoredfor riflemen as well as for marksmen andsnipers. (Meprolight)

The OR night sight is a low-cost solution provided by

MSE using a low-level light camera. It is mounted before the sight. (MSE)


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mode for battery saving, a low batteryindicator providing a warning whenreplacement of the CR123 is needed. TheAQC-1 sights are available in three differentmodels, B and C, and the AQC-1W with aneven bigger window, 30x35 mm, their weightbeing between 297 and 375 grams. The AQC-2 family is derived from the AQC-1W butintegrates a laser designator, the AQC-2 anIR 850 nm laser with a 200 meters range atnight, the AQC-2C a visible 639 nm laserwith a range of 25 meters in daytime and 300meters at night, and the AQC-2D both IR andvisible lasers.

MSE also developed the OR-Sight, a lowcost add-on system with x1.5 magnificationbased on an ultrasensitive camera and isequipped with an interchangeable lasermodule, either 830 or 980 nm. Whenmounted in front of an AQC-1 it uses thefront sight’s reticle features, zeroing andballistics trajectory, but it can also be used as astand-alone observation device, the rangebeing of 200 meters in pitch black using theIR laser illuminator. Powered by two 3.7 Vrechargeable batteries, it has an operationtime of eight hours and weighs 540 gramswith batteries. MSE products are currently

being tested by the IDF, the company havingalready obtained some successes in the US.

Turning to New Noga Light, this companyis specialised in night vision sights, bothintensification and thermal. The Matisseseries comprises two uncooled thermal sight,the Matisse M75, a x3.6 magnification forsharpshooters, and the Matisse SD, a dualfield of view with x1.7-x5 magnification sightfor snipers, weighing respectively 1.1 and 1.8kg. They both feature a x2-x12 continuous ordiscrete digital zoom and are powered by sixCR123 3V batteries or by a rechargeablebattery pack.. Beside thermal sights we findthe Li-Or series of image intensification sightsfor long range shooting, the family includingthree members, M4F, M4FS and M7F, thenumber showing the magnification. The M4sare dedicated to sharpshooters, the FS beingthe submersible version for navalcommandos, while the M7 is aimed at snipers.Li-Or sights can be equipped with Gen II orGen III tubes and are powered by a single AAbattery. A remote PTT allows to operate thesight while keeping the hands on the rifle. Anopen cross reticle or a mil-dot reticle areavailable, with five brightness settings. Thesights weigh respectively 1.1, 1.2 and 1.8 kg.

New Noga Light is looking closely at theevolutions in the II-TI fusion domain, andmight move in that field but only when truedigital fusion will be available, although costwill be a key issue in a future decision.

Elbit, the biggest electro-optics houseoutside the United States, is mostly orientedon long range optronic systems, its Elopsubsidiary being the player in that field.However with the acquisition of ITL ElbitSystems added its portfolio of day and nightrifle sights increasing its offer in this field.Looking at the Elbit ITL portfolio, thisincludes the Mars (Multi Aiming ReflexSight) family that is based on a x1 reflex sightavailable with various types of reticle, such asred reflex pattern, red dot or others, whichincorporates a laser pointer. The latter can beof the IR or visible-red type, although bothcan also be available in the same sight. TheMars has an automatic brightness control thatautomatically adjusts the reticle britghtness tothe outside scene. Both the sight and the laserfunctions are boresighted using a singlecontrol, the Mars being also operated from anexternal PTT connected by cable to the unit.Using the Trisight unit in combination allowsto obtain a x3 magnification, the Trisightbeing also usable as a stand-alone sight. TheElbit-ITL line of products also comprises afamily of uncooled thermal sights, known asCoyote, designed for uses that range fromspecial forces operators, to snipers, tomachine gunners. The smallest is the Coyote20 mm, that through a Picatinny adaptor canbe mounted on a weapon, the same solutionbeing used also for the Coyote 45/75 mm andthe Coyote 100 Sniper. The Coyote 100 HMGis purposely designed for machine gun useand is the only such system developedspecifically for maritime use. It has beenproven in combat on many weapons, from 40mm guns to 7.62 mm machine guns.

The Elop portfolio includes manysurveillance systems, the family dedicated tothe sighting role being the Lily, which isavailable in three versions, S (short range),M (medium) and L (long). The S and Mmodels weight is less than 1 kg, includingbatteries that provide 8 hours operation.They are both based on Elop’s 3rd generationmicro-bolometer. The Lily-L is a cooled TIclip-on device working in the 3-5 µm band,


Meprolight Meslas includes a computerand a laser rangefinder, the sight thusproviding the firing equation to the shooter.(Armada/P. Valpolini)

The Li-Or image intensification sightfamily by New Noga Light, here theM4F, includes also a submersible

version for naval special forces. (NewNoga Light)

New Noga Light catalogue featurestwo uncooled thermal sights known asMatisse M75 and SD, dedicatedrespectively to sharpshooters andsnipers. (New Noga Light)


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with two fields of view, 2.5° and 10°, with aweight of 3.1 kg. Equipped with a remotePTT it allows a man detection at 5 km andrecognition at 2 km.

I PERSONAL PROTECTIONDue to its security situation Israeli securityand military forces needs for personnelprotection systems led the way to a strongindustrial base in this specific field. Numerouscompanies are thus manufacturing personalarmour systems, that found a successfuloutput also on the export market.

Israel Military Industries has a hugeportfolio of personal body armour both formilitary and police/security purposes.Among those aimed at the military marketASA03 plates, a Level III NIJ solution with250 x 300 mm plates weighing 1.35 kg if usesan add-on in a body armour, or 1.5 kg asstand-alone solution. The ASA75 is a hardplate for antiterror duties, providing LevelIII+ protection, with high multihitperformances; capable of stopping 7.62x39mm AP rounds and NATO ball rounds in5.56 and 7.62 mm calibres, this 0.12m2 plateweighs approximately 3.5 kg. The ASA44Aplate has the same size of the ASA03 butincreases protection to Level IV, weight being3.1 kg as add-on and 3.3 kg as stand-alone.

Rafael is active in the production ofboron carbide ballistic components, that areused for platform protection as well as forbody armour. The company patented thepressureless sintering technology thatensures lower costs compared to hot presstechnology offering high performances,lightweight and flexibility in shape. Mostpersonnel protection systems are producedin multi-curve shape, and reach MIJ LevelIV protection. Backed with polyethylene

Rafael plates provide protection againstSS109 5.56x45 mm round at 24 kg/m2density, 7.62x39 AP at 28 kg/m2, and 30-06APM2 at 33 kg/m2.

Plasan Sasa, a specialist in armourprotection, developed a product line tailoredto military and security requirements, thecompany providing both the plate carrier aswell as the ballistic package. The company hasnearly 30 years experience in this field, and isconstantly developing new solution based onstate of the art raw materiel available on themarket such as aramid fibres, high densitypolyethylene (UHMWPE), and ceramicplates and tiles produced with variousmateriel like alumina, glass ceramics, siliconcarbide and boron carbide. Its body armourreach NIJ Level III, IV and IV+ protection.Among its load carriage systems is theATLAS (Advanced Tactical Load-carriageArmor System) that provides a 0.56 m2coverage area at 2.65 kg and can be equipped

with a series of optional protections, and theMPAC (Modular Protection Armor Carrier),a lighter solution weighing less than 1.2 kg.

Magam Safety, part of the SDS Group, isanother player in this field, and is currentlymarketing its MS-OTV modular ballisticprotective vest wit inserts ensuring Level IIIA– III – IV according to customersrequirements. The company established acooperation agreement on R&D with DSMDyneema, and is currently concentrating onthe future generation body armour,developing new processing technologies anda new matrix for Dyneema. Magam Safety isalso working with partners on newtechnologies for hard ballistic materiel. It hasrecently put on the market a Level III solutionagainst AK-47 mild steel core ammunition at15 kg/m2 density, the aim being to reach 12kg/m2. A 700 grams helmet shell with a V50 of800 m/s against 1.1 gr fragments has alsobeen developed. While the company iscurrently concentrating on new Level IIIsolutions, it already started to cooperate withsome German partners on Level IV.

I SENSORS FOR ALL USESOriginating from the technical unit of the IDIntelligence Corps, Serafim Optronics isactive in the persistent covert surveillancefield. Its Mugi (Mini Unattended GroundImager) has been sold in numbers to the IDFas well as to North American and Europeancustomers. The Mugi consists of an IR imagerand a CCS camera (visual and near-IR, withzoom) installed on a moving platform thatallows ±39° pan and ±10° tilt, without anyexternal movement nor reflection that mightgive away the system position. It allowsrecognition of a human being on the move at3,500 meters in day and 1,600 meters at night.


A multi-curve plate produced by Rafael. Thecompany markets a full range of personalprotection solutions. (Rafael)

The Elbit Elop catalogue includes the Lilyfamily of uncooled thermal sights, available inshot, medium and long versions. (Elbit)

Rafael developed a sintering technology thatallows to produce cheaper and more effectiveballistic ceramic elements. (Rafael)

Magam Safety, part of the SDS Group, hasestablished a cooperation with DSM Dyneemaand is working on new technologies for nextgeneration body armour. (Magam Safety)


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The sensor unit is 367 mm high, has adiameter of 197 mm and weighs 5.5 kg. Theoperation time depends on the power systemadopted; the BPU-10 rechargeable batterypackage brings the total weight to 19 kg andensures 9-12 days of operation, while the non-rechargeable BPU-60 pack is heavier, totalweight going up to 36 kg, but ensures 50-80days autonomy. Typically the Mugi is dug intothe soil, only the small periscope unitcontaining the sensors protruding 110 mmfrom the ground making it practicallyinvisible, the system having been purposelydeveloped to be camouflaged. A built-inencrypted data wi-fi allows to send images,full motion video or single frames, up to 20km distance, these being received on theoperator unit that comes in three differentvariants, mobile, a 13 kg rugged case, ruggedtablet, a 5 kg unit, and rugged handheld, at 3 kgweight. Radio, sitcom or 3G links can also beused. The MugiI is equipped with a videomotion detection system that automaticallywarns the operator, and can be easilyintegrated in a net of unattended groundsensors that can be used to “wake-up” theMUGI, thus providing considerable powersaving. The C2 software allows to connect upto 32 systems and to operate four systemssimultaneously, battery status andcommunications status of each system beingdisplayed on the console.

Integrating the Mugi with the IAI EltaELM 2112(V1) surveillance radar gives birthto the UGF (Unattended Gap Filler). A C-band low consumption radar weighing only6 kg, it detects a moving person or rubber boatat 1,000 meters and a vehicle at 2,000 meterswith a range accuracy of less than 10 metersand an azimuth accuracy of less than 2°. Theradar covers a 90° sector, four such unitsensuring 360° coverage i.e. for protecting aFOB, each unit having a consumption of 12W. While the MUGI is designed for beingdeployed in the field, Seraphim OptronicsChameleon is intended for covert urbanreconnaissance, the system being capable ofrecognising a human target at 2 km and toidentify it at 120 meters. It employs an internalCCD camera (VIS & NIR) or an uncooled IRimager with pan, tilt and zoom capability of±25° and ±5° with no external movement andno light reflection from the system. As theMUGI, also the Chameleon is proposed in aconfiguration with a low power consumptionradar. The Seraphim portfolio also includes aSmart Relay Unit (SRU), an all-in-one videorouter and transmitter that extends the rangeof the company systems, as well as a

ruggedized hand-held control unit. Camero, part of the SK group, is

specialised in see through the wall radars, theXaver family now including three members,all working in the 3-10GHz frequency range.The Xaver 800 is mostly devoted to securityforces due to its dimensions and weight, 14.5kg, however this 3-D sensor allows not onlyto verify the presence of life in the room butalso to establish the number of people andtheir location, to track target movementpatterns, to establish target height andorientation and to pick up the room generallayout, including dimensions and majorinfrastructure elements. Much more compactand light, only 3.2 kg, the Xaver 400 can beused at tactical level and provides informationin 2-D, thus lacking the height and orientationmode. Both systems can penetrate cement,plaster, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete,adobe, stucco, drywall and other standardbuilding materials with detection ranges of 4,8 and 20 metres, with a range resolution betterthan 3 cm and a cross range of 30 cm at 8meters distance.

The most recent addition to the Cameroportfolio is the Xaver 100, incorporatingimprovements following lessons learned inthe field, with a better handle and HMI. At lessthan 700 grams the Xaver 100 can tell theoperator if a target is present in the room andits movement direction and distance with aresolution better than 15 cm.. In late 2012 andearly 2013 Camero received numerous ordersfor its products from European, Central Asiaand Latin America customers, the details ofthose contracts remaining undisclosed.


The UGF (Unattended Gap Filler) iscomposed of Seraphim Optronics MiniUnattended Ground Imager integrated withIAI Elta's ELM 2112(V1) surveillance radargives (Seraphim Optronics). A view of the latest version of the Xaver 100

sporting a screen that displays the symbols ofhuman beings and their distance from thewall. (Armada/P. Valpolini)

Seraphim Optronics' Chameleon 2 optronicsurveillance system was developed forurban operations and can be integratedwith other sensors, such as a radar.(Seraphim Optronics)

Camero's Xaver 400 is the mid-sizesee.through-the-wall radar developed by thecompany and is intended both for militaryand paramilitary use. (Camero)


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An FMS plan in the early ‘90s led tothe construction of part of the Saar 5in the United States, which in turnled to the privatisation of the

company, the working force being reducedfrom 1,200 to 300 employees. Privatisation –Israel Shipyards is currently a member of theSK Group – sparked off a greater interestfrom the export market. In addition to ordersfrom the IDF, eight Saar 4.5 were ordered as of2002 plus five Shaldag Mk.III fast patrol boatsin 2008. In 2004 the company secured anorder for its OPV 58 from the Hellenic CoastGuard in view of Athens Olympic games.This vessel is based on the Saar 4 hull, with asmaller CIC on the bridge, the samearchitecture being adopted for the OPV 62which was launched in March 2011.

Looking at the age of the IDF fleet, thelatest vessels are 12 years old while the olderunits are over 35 and, considering thediscovery of offshore gas fields, IsraelShipyards thought of a multirole vessel toallow Israel to use its reduced budgets in amost possible clever way. The new model,known as Saar 72, was developed on companyfunds and is based on commercial standards inorder to reduce cost. The work took two and ahalf years, the shipyards benefiting of some

help from the Israeli government, and its hull iscommon to two different models, the above-mentioned fast attack vessel and the OPV 72offshore patrol vessel.

With an overall length of 72 metres and abeam of 10.25 metres, the Saar 72 has adisplacement of about 800 tonnes and ispowered by two MTU 16V1163M94 dieselengines providing a maximum speed of over30 knots, a sustained speed of 28 knots and acruise speed of 18 knots. At this speed therange is of over 3,000 nautical miles or 21days. The crew consists 50 sailors, though 20more special forces men can also be carriedon board. The Saar 72 features a 10 x 15.3-metre flight deck that can operate a medium-size helicopter. The ship can host surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, a navalgun up to 76 mm calibre and other systemsand weaponry at customers choice. IsraelShipyards is waiting for a launch customer,since the Israeli Navy is still looking for abudget to launch a new corvette class. Majorinterest appears to be coming from Asia,mostly for the OPV configuration, althoughanother undisclosed potential customer isinterested in the corvette.

In the early ‘90s Israel Shipyards launcheda new aluminium-built fast patrol boat, the


Naval ActivitiesIsrael’s naval activities, via Israel Shipyards, originatesfrom the 1967 embargo by France that followed the Six-Day War and affected the delivery of the last five ofthe 12 Saar 3-class missile boats (the famous Boats ofCherbourg). Israel decided that it had to build anautonomous shipyard capability, which in 1971 led tothe launch of the first Saar 4 and to that of the first Saar 4.5 in 1980. However, as seen below, IAI is alsoinvolved in shipbuilding activities.

An artist impression of the SAARS72 fast attack vessel showing themissile weaponry, the helicopterlanding pad and the 76 mm gun.

(Israel Shipyards)

The latest development of theShaldag is the Mk.5, a 36.2-

metre ship that can reach over40 knots, with a displacement of

95 tonnes. (Israel Shipyards)


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Shaldag Mk II in which all systems were aslight as possible in order to reach over 45knots. A larger derivative, the Mk III, is inservice in southern Israel, while the Mk IVwith the same hull but more accommodationwas sold to the Romanian Border Police in2010 to enforce the Schengen Treaty.

Shaldags have also been exported toCyprus, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria and SriLanka. However some nations needed abigger vessel, which led Israel Shipyards todevelop the Shaldag Mk V. The new Shaldag is32.65 metres long, has a 6.2-metre beam, adisplacement of 95 tonnes, and its MTU orCaterpillar engines coupled to waterjets fromMJP Kamewa or Rolls Royce can speed herup at over 40 knots, with a range of 650 nm at32 knots and 1,000 nm at 12 knots, whichmeans a six-day endurance. The crew consistof 10 to12, while armament is to customerschoice, the maximum calibre for the gunbeing of 30 mm, though surface-to-surfacemissiles are also among the options. Israel

Shipyards already secured a first order for sixMk V from an undisclosed customer a fewmonths after its unveiling. The first should belaunched before year end. The same nationalso acquired six OPV 62.

I IAI RAMTADespite the company’s name, it may surprisesome readers to learn that IAI is in thebusiness of supplying naval vessels, albeitthrough its Ramta division. In fact its ‘Dvora’family of light attack craft have sold wellaround the world. They equip Israel’s navyand the naval forces of Gambia, Paraguay,Taiwan and Sri Lanka. The improved SuperDvora Mk.II is used by Eritrea, India, Israel,Sri Lanka and Slovenia. The Dvora classdisplaces 45 tonnes, can reach speeds of 37knots, and carries both a 20mm cannon and12.7mm machine gun. The latest SuperDvora Mk.III, however, can achieve speedsof 50 knots, and dashes of up to 52 knots.These craft have a range of up to 1,500nautical miles, and displace 70 to 75 tonnesfully loaded. In terms of armament, theSuper Dvora Mk.III carry one stabilized25mm or 30mm gun mount and two12.7mm machine guns.

I DECOYS-RAFAELAlthough better known for other lines ofproducts, Rafael is pretty active also in thenaval domain, having decoys, electronicwarfare systems and turrets in its portfolio.

In the decoy field Rafael developed the

The Super Dvora Mk.III is offeredwith a choice of high-speed surface

drives or waterjets. (Ramta)





IAI Ramta is now developing the 20-metre Mini-Dvora. Crewed by onlyfour against 12 to the Dvora, it has a

range of 300 nm at 30 knots. (Ramta)

The Wizard geometrical shape decoy developed by Rafael is launched by the standard 115 mm launcher. (Rafael)

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Wizard, a new generation system whichgeometrical shape, a corner reflector, allows tobetter simulate the target. As the latestmissiles are equipped with decoydiscrimination algorithms, that take not onlyradar cross section into consideration, butalso scintillation and glint, the Wizardensures such characteristics providingdistraction defence, before the enemymissiles has locked-on the actual ship, atmedium ranges and seduction defence,switching the missile towards the decoy after ithad locked-on the ship, at short ranges. Thisdecoy can be launched from standard 115mm tubes, the same that are used for theother Rafael 115 mm decoys such as the IRHeatrap flare decoy, the LRCR, MRCR andBT-4 long, medium and short-range chaffdecoys, and the Leacut acoustic decoy usedagainst homing torpedoes.

Underwater decoys are also part of Rafaelportfolio. The Scutter reactive expendable

acoustic torpedo countermeasure is a self-propelled third-generation system designedto respond simultaneously to more than onetorpedo, also of different types, such as active,passive or passive-active. Based on its threatlibrary the Scutter generates customiseddeception signals to lure the torpedo that re-attacks the countermeasure multiple timesuntil it runs out of power. While the Scutteris mostly dedicated to ship and helicoptersuse, the Subscut is submarine-launched andadopts evolved algorithms to generate theright signals to lure active sonar guidedtorpedoes or generate generic noise forpassive homing torpedoes.

Turning to the fourth-generation decoy,the Torbuster combines the “brain” of theScutter, attracting the enemy torpedo and,

when this is at its closest point comes the final“punch”: the decoy’s warhead generatesenough damage to the torpedo to oblige it toabort its attack.

I BARRELS-RAFAELRafael produces two series of naval stabilisedremote control weapon stations. The juniormember is the Mini-Typhoon. This caneither be operated as a stand-alone systemwith its own sensors that include CCDcamera and thermal imager, or integrated inthe ship architecture, exploiting the navalunit sensor suite. Lead angle and super-elevation are provided by the computer thattakes ship and the target motion data intoaccount. The Mini Typhoon weight variesbetween 140 and 170 kg depending on the


Rafael’s Scutter is a state of the artexpendable acoustic torpedocountermeasure system designedto respond to multiple-torpedothreats. (Rafael)


A fourth generationunderwater decoy, theTorbuster attracts the enemytorpedo and then detonates itswarhead to damage it. (Rafael)

A Rafael Mini Typhoon remotely controlled gun mount armed with a 12.7 mm machine gun.It has . a maximum weight of 170 kg. (Rafael)

Rafael’s Wizard decoy was designed with anoptimised geometrical shape that allows tosimulate not only the radar cross section butalso scintillation and glint. (Rafael)

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weapon mounted. Four types of system arepossible: 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine guns,GAU-17 7.62 mm Gatling gun and MK19 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

Missiles can be integrated to furtherenhance lethality, Spyke-NLOS and Spyke-ERbeing proposed also as naval solutions.Elevation goes from –20° to +60°, stabilisationaccuracy being 0.5 mrad. The senior memberof the family, the Typhoon, is armed with agun up to 30 mm calibre, weighing less thanone tonne fully loaded. Its traverse is limited to± 160° while elevation is between –20° and+45°. Its sensor suite includes a CCD camera,a thermal imager and a laser rangefinder.

Both stations have been selected amongothers by the US Navy. Among sensorsRafael proposes its Toplite electro-opticalsystem, that can also be mounted on theTyphoon, as well as its Sea Spotter, and aninfrared staring and tracking system thatallows passive operations against surface andairborne targets. Rafael also developed a fullseries of electronic warfare systems for navaluse and is active in the training andsimulation business.

I ELBIT AND ELISRAElbit Systems Elisra also provide navalelectronic warfare systems, such as its AcquaMarine integrated naval Radar ElectronicSupport Measure, Counter ElectronicSupport Measure, Laser Warning System andElectronic Counter Measure suite, its Natacs

2000 tactical comint/direction findingsystem, and its Timnex II ESM/elint system.Physical decoys come in the form of theDeseaver Mk II system, a single launcherbeing able to host up to 12 six-decoymodules; fully integrated in the ship thesystem ensures optimal deployment of the

decoys. Active defence can be provided by theMini-Orca (Overhead Remotely ControlledArmament) armed with a 7.62 machine gun.Sighting for this system can be made throughone of Elbit Elop stabilized, multi-sensorelectro-optical payloads, the Compass or thesmaller 8-inch Mini-Compass (see theStabilised Electro-optical Systems section).Ship integration is one of Elbit Systems mostimportant businesses in the naval field, thecompany also providing combatmanagement systems such as the ENTCS2010 based on open architecture.

A most powerful system is the Aquashielddiver detection sonar which results from thefirm’s 15-year experience in the developmentof specific diver detection algorithms.According to DSIT, the Aquashield currently isthe longest range diver detector. Firstdeliveries took place in 2006. It is used in Asiaand Europe, by the Israeli Navy of course, butalso in the Gdansk harbour where itconsitutes its first civilian application.

DSIT also offers a comprehensive systemPort View, a harbour surveillance commandand control system that integrates the above-mentioned Aqua Shield, search radars andday and thermal cameras.

I DSITEighty-employee stron DSIT specialises inboth sonars and acoustic sensors for theprotection of sites (harbours and oil rigs forexample) and harbours. The company’s mainmarket is Asia, followed by South America,Europe and finally North America.


The Typhoon accommodates weapons up to 30 mm. This example is installed on a US Navyship and is equipped with a top optronic sight. (Rafael)

Elbit’s Compass stabilised optronic turret seenhere, and Mini-Compass are also often usedon naval gun mounts. (Elbit Systems)

The Aqua Shield has the ability to detect adiver equipped with a closed circuit

breathing system at a range of 700 metres. Itis fully automatic and can simultaneously

handle up to 1,000 targets. In order tosharpen its effectiveneness the coverage

angle can be selected (DSIT)





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Ironically, even America’s current largerdrone manufacturer General Atomics seesthe background of its Gnat drone writtenin the Leading Systems Amber designed

by Abraham Karem – a former Israel AirForce engineer who had designed his firstdrone in the early 1970s. As a matter of fact,operations conducted by the United States inAfghanistan and in other areas like Yemen,where the hunt for terrorists is on, have hada tendency to blur the fact that the leadingexporter of drones today actually is Israel.The Israeli drone world is largely divided

between Israel Aerospace Industry and ElbitSystems, at least as far as the larger types areconcerned. For the smaller, so-called tactical,types, they are followed in the military fieldby Aeronautics, Top-I and Steadicopter.Rafael had made attempts to cut its slice of thedrone cake, particularly with niche urbanwarfare types, but withdrew from that scene afew years ago to concentrate on land andnaval robotics. We shall not attempt to coverall Israeli drones here, Armada has anexcellent worldwide yearly survey coveringthe subject in the form of the DroneCompendium, but rather provide some of thelatest examples that best illustrate the thosecompanies’ capabilities.

I MALESThe queen category is the Medium AltitudeLong Endurance type, which is better knownas male. There are very few players in thiscategory worldwide, but Israel alone has two –IAI Malat and Elbit. The definition of a maledrone is vague and arguable, but refers to adrone able to fly at a minimum altitude ofaround 10,000ft (which for many is lowerthan “medium”) over a period of time of 24to 48 hours.

I HERON-IAIThe current veteran here is the IAI Heronwhich took to the air in 1994. Capable of anendurance of 52 hours and of an operationalceiling of 35,000ft, the 1,150kg Heron hasbeen ordered by at least 14 nations

worldwide, the most notable customers beingIndia, Germany, Brazil, Turkey and France,although the latter had it modified withmixed results by Cassidian under the nameof Harfang. The Heron has a retractable gear,carries four simultaneously operable sensors,uses a dual automatic take-off and landingsystem and a satcom set can be carried forlong range missions.

I HERMES 450-ELBITSecond on the list is the Elbit Hermes 450,which had its maiden flight in 1998. In servicewith the Israel Defence Forces for over 13years, it also proved quite successful on theexport market, having been sold to a gooddozen nations including Singapore and otherunexpected countries such as Azerbaijan,Botswana and Georgia, to name but a few. It is


Taking off at 5,650kilos and poweredby a 1,200 hp turboprop, the IAI Eitan isthe largest drone produced by Israel.

Typically the Heron can carry an ELM/2020Umaritime radar, or an ELM/2055 syntheticaperture radar, an Elk-1891 satcom systemand a variety of gimballed electro-opticalsystems. Some, like the example featuredhere sport electronic warfare sensors, whileothers operated by Israel are seen literallycovered in elint and comint aerials.(Armada/Eric H. Biass)

The now 550-kilo Hermes 450 has a payloadcapacity of around 180 kilos. Its ceiling is18,000 feet and it offers an endurance of 17 hours. This artist impression shows itcarrying electronic warfare gear in itsunderwing pods. (Elbit)


Drones & RoboticsOne can argue for hours on who made the first drones – to use their original name – butthere is no question about the true, practical modern-era types: they definitelyhave an Israeli origin. Even one of the earlier and most popular American drones, theNorthrop Grumman RQ-5 Hunter was based on the eponymous IAI aircraft.

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also used by Britain in Afghanistan underElbit operation as an interim solution untilthe Thales version known as the Watchkeeperbecomes operational.The ‘450 is generally fitted with an Elbit

Compass gimbled electro-optical chin-mounted turret, but can also be fitted with asynthetic aperture radar, a maritime patrolradar as well as with elint, comint andcommunications jamming suites. A fit thatappears to have been popular is the fitting ofthe Italian Selex Gabbiano T-20 (20-wattoutput) maritime and coastal surveillanceradar. The Hermes 450 also takes-off and landsautomatically and can use semi-preparedairfields. The drone can also carry themarginally larger, but more powerful T200.

I EITAN-IAIInitially known as the Heron TP, this is morethan a turboprop-powered version of theHeron. In spite of similar twin-boomconfiguration, it is dramatically larger andheavier. The Eitan (which means Steadfast)had its maiden flight in 2004, has a take-offweight of 4,650 kilos which is more virtuallyfour times that of the Heron. Its 1,200-hpPT6A affords it a ceiling of 45,000 feet and anendurance in excess of 70 hours. It is inoperation is Israel since 2009, but is notknown to have scored any export orders so far.

I HERMES 900-ELBITWith a take-off weight of 1,180 kilos, apayload capacity of 350 kilos a ceiling of30,000 feet and a 36-hour endurance, theHermes 900 aims at expanding the gapbetween the Hermes 450 and far heavierdrone models. One of the major advances of

the ‘900 is its large electronics bays whichenables it to internally accommodate a widechoice of systems. This is a huge advantageover external fits or mounts that requiretampering with the airframe, in that theconfigurations do not need to beaerodynamically approved. It is interesting tonote in this context that the radar is the onlyout-of-house component used in the Hermes450 if one accepts that electronics supplierElisra is a subsidiary of Elbit. The datalink,for example is from Elisra and provides a line-of-sight range of 250 km. One of the important features, in regards to

the number of electronic systems the ‘900 cancarry thanks to its ample payload bays, is itspayload plug-and-play architecture. In spiteof the ample internal capacity, the Hermes900 has four external hardpoints. Possible payloads include the Dcompass

electro-optical turret, Lasso scanner (arelatively new development that creates nearreal-time updated multi-spectral aerial



The Eitan is alleged to have a weapon carrying capability, as suggested by this real-size mock-up presented with Lahat missiles. Teamed with Rheinmetall, IAI is offering the aircraft toGermany as part of the Saateg requirement. (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

Photographed by the author at the Pik airfield in the Golan Heights, the 15-metre spanHermes 900s display their ample bays enabling them to carry an impressive array of sensors,including a maritime surveillance radar. (Armada/Eric H Biass)

The evolution of the Hermes 450 neverseems to stop as exemplified by this “guineapig” photographed at the Pik airfieldworkshop in the Golan Heights, fitted with anew rotary piston engine, a three-bladepropeller and an experimental radargondola housing a Selex Gabbiano T20maritime radar. (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

A definite boon for operators that alreadyoperate the Hermes 450 and who wish toeither upgrade to Hermes 900 or operate bothis that all ground control, datalink and C4Iequipment remain the same. As can be seenhere, it employs “glass cockpit” and hotascontrols. (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

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photography and provides automaticexploitation and mapping of very largeareas), elint gear (typically Elisra’s AES-210),comint ad direction-finding suite, ElisraSkyfix and Skyjam units (which listen andrecord Cell-phone conversations and SMSs,locate the unit to then transmit the gatheredintelligence information where needed onthe ground, and eventually jam the ‘phone),Elisra’s Skeye (a high-resolution wide areaairborne persistent video surveillance systemwhich is capable of permanently monitoringwide areas, intercept events, thence supportaccess to a video archive for comparison).The ‘900 is also available with a TCAS andavoidance evasive manoeuvre system, apanoramic 200° electro-optical sensor. Soonto come is a radar source avoidance systembeing developed by Elisra.The Hermes 900, which had its maiden

flight in December 2009, was ordered by theIsraeli Air Force as soon as 2010, and besideshaving been tested by Switzerland, hasalready been ordered by Chile, Colombia andMexico (for police duties).

I LIGHTER DRONESLeaving the male drone world for the lightercategory of aerial explorers, but that stillrequire to take-off and land traditionally,Israel has a couple of players in this range thattypically weigh 100 to 25 kilos, and offer anendurance of up to 12 hours or more. One ofthe older models in this context must be theIAI Searcher which entered service in the veryearly 1990s and is still in production in Mk IIguise. Given the high numbers exported, thetype is still being overhauled and maintainedby IAI Malat’s facilities.Newer contenders come in the form of

the Aerostar from Aeronautics and Elbit’sHermes 90.

I AEROSTAR-AERONAUTICSAeronautics’ star product is the Aerostarwhich made its début in the early 2000s. It ispowered by a 38 horsepower flat-twin enginedeveloped by Italian engineer GuidoZanzottera. Bearing this name, the companywhich is based near Lugano andmanufactures a whole range of engines, wasbought up by Aeronautics.Although it is twice as lighter, the Aerostar

roughly fits into the shoes of the IAI Searchermentioned above in terms of size, payloadcapacity and endurance. Indeed, not onlydoes the shoulder winged and twin tail boomAerostar have a span of 8.7 metres, it has amaximum payload capacity of 50 kilos, anendurance of over 12 hours and a datalinkrange of 250 km.

I HERMES 90-ELBITThe lightest, at 115 kg take-off weight in thiscategory, is the Hermes 90 unveiled at theParis Air Show in 2009. One of thepeculiarities of the Hermes 90 airframe is thatit can be fitted with a traditional fixed landinggear, or with a landing sled when no smoothairfield is available, in which case the aircrafthas to be catapult-launched. Elbit sees theHermes 90 as a high-end tactical dronesystem that can perform typical observationand surveillance missions through itsMicrocompass stabilised electro-opticalchin-mounted turret, but also comint anddirection-finding missions using the ElisraSkyfix. It can however be fitted with asynthetic aperture radar.

I ORBITERS-AERONAUTICSLighter still, but also launched by alightweight catapult are the Orbiter I, II and IIIdeveloped by Aeronautics. They come withwing spans of 2, 3 and 4.2 metres offeringendurances of 3, 4, and 7 hours. Their take-off weights range from 7 to 28 kilos. While allare tail-less designs, the I and II have aconventional tubular fuselage with a highlyswept wing fitted with upward pointingwinglets. The Orbiter III, on the other hand,has a downward-pointing winglet- equippedwing that blends into the fuselage, but it alsocarries a small wing (not a canard) mountedabove the nose. All three are pusher-propconfigured (brushless motor powered) and


I IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPENWith drones becoming more sophisticated – andtherefore expensive – their protection has been an issueof growing concern in recent years, especially thatenemy forces hitherto regarded as primitively equippedin terms of air defence assets are beginning to gear up.Elisra, Elbit’s electronic warfare specialist subsidiary,

has thus unveiled a new electronic warfare self-protection system suite for drones (here photographedby the authors) based on the normal aircraft Spectrolitesuite, but with power consumption reduced to 300Watts. Although the system was officially announced atthe 2103 Paris Air Show, it had already been ordered bythe Israeli Air force. The system is also described in the“Electronics” section of this Profile.

The size and performance of aircraft like theAerostar now tends to seduce paramilitaryand homeland security forces around theworld. (Aerostar)

The Orbiter III was unveiled at the 2011 ParisAir Show. Its T-Stamp stabilised electro-opticalpackage affords it a target designationcapability. (Aeronautics)

The Hermes 90 has a wingspan of five metres and,taking off at 115 kilos maximum, can carry a 25-kilo payload at an operational ceiling of 15,000feet for a duration of 15 hours. (Elbit)

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land with a combination of parachute andairbag. Their nose tip-mounted payloadstypically are from Controp, the D- or U- (dayccd or night infrared) Stamp for the Orbiter I,the Orbiter II adds a stabilised zoom Z-Stampcapability, while the Orbiter III can also carrythe T-Stamp that packs day, night, laser andstabilised zoom.

I BIRDEYE SERIES-IAIIAI Malat has produced quite a number of 90-minute endurance Birdeye 400s, but the typehas been replaced around 2010 by the twiceas heavy (at 11 kilos) Birdeye 650, which uses athree-metre span high-sweep, downward-point winglet wing that blends into a relativelystout, but obviously lift-generating fuselage.The catapult launched, it flips over it back anddeploys a parachute for landing. The aircrafthas no vertical tail surface and is electricallypowered by a pusher prop aircraft located atthe end of a short tail boom. It has anendurance of three hours (although thiswould be increased to seven hours with theuse of a fuel cell). It can use a Tamam Micro-pop or a Controp electro-optical payload.

I SKYLARK-ELBITThe much lighter, hand-launched categoryis largely occupied by Elbit’s Skylark(retroactively designated Skylark-1) for yearsnow, and has been ordered by a good dozencountries.The type was then superseded by the

Skylark 1 LE (bringing user nation numbersto 20 on the scoreboard) that offers a longerendurance. The 7.5-kilo Skylark 1-LE offersan endurance of three hours and typicallyemploys a Controp D- or U-Stamp nose-mounted camera system at ranges of up to 20or 40 kilometres depending on terrainconfiguration. The Skylark I LE has beenextensively used by the coalition forces inAfghanistan. The Skylark, its tracking aerial

and operating station can be carried by twomen and put into operation within minutes.It will operate even in GPS-denied areas.

I CASPER SERIES-TOP I VISIONLighter still is the series of featherweight,hand-launched Casper drones produced byTop I Vision, a company that also specialises insurveillance aerostats and stabilised payloads,mainly for homeland security operations. Italso has developed a “smart” robotised jet ski.Its 5.5-kilo Casper 250 drone has a wingspan of2.5 metres, and endurance of 90 minutes andoffers a datalink range of more than 10kilometres depending on terrainconfiguration. Its payload options include thefirm’s own Lev 2 day or uncooled infraredstabilised electro-optical packs (Lev meansheart). Top I Vision is also working on othertypes of drones, notably a tail-less designcalled Whisper. Top I Vision, it is worthy ofnotice, exports 90% of its production and haseven established a production line in India.

I VERTILIFTSVertical take-off and landing drones is arelatively new field for the Israeli defenceindustry, although some industrialdevelopments have been conducted here and

there, including by Israel Aerospace Industrywho put together a uninhabited system basedon the Alouette III helicopter.

I PANTHER-IAIWith the Panther, IAI has moved into asomewhat innovative concept of tiltrotoraircraft in that it includes three electricmotors: two on the wing and one in the rearof the fuselage pod, between the tail booms.While the wing-mounted rotor axes tilt fromvertical for take-off and landing to horizontalfor high speed level flight, the tail rotor axisremains vertical to provide pitch stability(through varying rpm) but can swivel slightlyleft or right with respect to the aircraft’slongitudinal axis to produce yaw control. The secondary relevant feature of the

Panther is its relatively quiet operation. ThePanther takes off at 65 kilos maximum, carriesan 8.5-kilo payload (typically a stabilisedccd/infrared Mini-Pop) and its four-hourendurance affords it an operational range of60 kilometres. A typical mission station wouldinclude three aircraft, an integratedcommunications suite and two operatorconsoles. IAI is now working on hybrid powergeneration system for the Panther.

I BLACK EAGLE-STEADICOPTEROf a radically more conventional design, theBlack Eagle 50 has been under developmentby Steadicopter since 2008 for Tsahal and isnow undergoing certification. The Armyrequirement stipulates that a system shouldinclude two aircraft and one ground station.The 35-kilo aircraft is now also being offered tothe Israeli navy. Powered by a two-strokewater-cooled 120cc engine, it has anendurance of three hours. Steadicopter is currently working on a

larger machine called the Black Eagle 300based on a single seater light helicopter ofCanadian origin.


The electrically powered Top I Vision Casper250 comes in a neat compact package thatincludes aircraft, datalink aerial and controlstation. (Top I Vision)

The Black Eagle 50’s data link is from Elbitwhile typical payloads come from Controp, inthis instance a D Stamp. (Steadicopter)

Here seen presented at the Paris Air Show in2011 by IAI, the treble rotor Pantherconstitutes an innovative approach toconvertible vertical-horizontal flight. It flies atan astonishing height of 5,000 feet aboveground level. (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

The electrically powered Skylarlk 1 LE weighs7.7 Kilos, has an endurance of about threehours and lands by prancing into a deep stallat an adequate height above the ground anddeploying a belly landing airbag. (Elbit)



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On land, a wheeled or tracked vehiclecan run into many sorts of trouble.Some of these can be unforeseenlike a pool of water resulting from

a heavy storm, for example, which requiressome form of artificial intelligence to bedetected unlike a felled tree which onlyrequires a obstacle sensor, like those nowadaysfitted in the bumpers of our automobiles.While a number of challenges are being

organised around the world, Israel is, to ourknowledge the first nation to have put anautonomous system into service, even if itpatrols on a known terrain and that its weaponfunction has a man-in-the-loop channel.

I GUARDIUM — G-NIUSG-Nius, a company formed in equal parts byElbit and IAI has been working on theGuardium (retroactively designatedGuardium Mk.I) for a number of years, endingup with an operational vehicle that went intoservice in 2007 to carry out border patrolmissions and route proofing against roadsidebombs. Some ten vehicles have been built.Then came the Guardium Mk.II based on

a better and stronger platform capable ofcarrying an extra 500 kg of payload, with afull day and night capability. Given its extrapayload capability, the MkII could inaddition have been employed as a mule.

The new trend now is to use productionvehicles as indeed, and against all odds, theirreadily integrated electronics greatlyfacilitates the injection of externalcommands: since all commands on steering,throttle and gearbox are readily sent viaelectronic signals (accelerator, power assistedsteering and gearbox are now devoid of anyphysical mechanical link) tapping into theelectronic circuits renders the installation ofcostly and cumbersome servos totallyredundant. Hence the Ford-based Mk.III,which has been ordered by the Israeli DefenceForces to replace the Mk I. G-nius isemploying all the systems and sensors used(all being of Israeli origin, by the way) on theMk.I and II on an M-113 and testing it as apossible hybrid convoy lead vehicle.


The original Guardium onsurveillance duty at BenGurion airport (G-nius)

Surface RoboticsLand features undoubtedly constitute the toughestchallenge for robotic vehicles. Their flying counterparts(the drones) only have one major obstacle, and it is calledEarth (their other obstacles being other, andcomparatively sparse, aircraft). Their swimming mateshave much larger and reasonably flat expanses onwhich to move about and can generally be kept withineye shot range.

The projected G-nius Guardium Mk.III roboticvehicle would be based on a Ford truck andwould carry a Rafael turret. (G-nius)


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Acquired in May 2013 by the MistralGroup, ODF Optronics is active inomni-directional imaging solutionsfor military and law enforcement

use. Its first success was the EyeBall R1audio/visual surveillance sensor, a selfrighting ball capable to rotate at 4 rpmproviding a 360° panoramic imaging.Weighing only 580 grams and with an 85 mmdiameter, the ball includes a colour or blackand white camera, infrared and white lightdiode illumination, and a microphone. Oncethrown or rolled into a room, the systemstarts to send its images, its endurancedepending very much if illumination is usedor not. An EyeBall kit includes a portabledisplay unit with screen and three R1 balls.To ensure more mobility to the sensors, ODFdeveloped the EyeDrive, a 3.8 kg throwablewheeled/tracked robot equipped with fourcameras that provide 360° situationalawareness. A fifth camera, with a ± 45° tiltcapability is used for investigation while amicrophone provides acoustic awareness.The EyeDrive can speed up at 4 km/h, andwhile it has a payload capacity of 3.5 kg toaccommodate other cameras ormanipulators, this limits its throwability.To improve command and control ODF

developed the OWLink: in the multicameraversion this bidirectional COFDM data linkallows to operate eight standard definition

cameras or four standard and one highdefinition cameras. Inside buildings its rangereaches 50 metres, stretching to 200 meters inthe open. The OWLink, a light and low powerconsumption item, can be integrated intoexisting robots.

I IRIS-ROBOTEAMAnother company active in the mini-UGVfield is Roboteam, born out of the experiencein the military of its two co-founders. Thefirst product developed by Roboteam was theIris, for Individual Reconnaissance andIntelligence System, a one-kilo robot poweredby two AA batteries that can be thrown atover 60 metres using the David slingtechnique, or dropped from a height of 10metres. The Iris has no up or down and canthus move as it lands. All made of composites,its sensor package includes a front day/night

The IRIS, IndividualReconnaissance andIntelligence Systemdeveloped by Roboteampictured in a culvert.(Roboteam)

ODF Optronics throwable robots; in theforeground the EyeBall R1 and in the background the EyeDrive. (Armada/P. Valpolini)

Smaller, RemoteControlled orThrowable

I REX - LAHAVLahav has very recently come up with the Rex,which is a robotic logistic carrier. The primeintention behind the Rex is to offer a poweredslave platform, a mechanical porter, orsherpa, or coolie, in other words, able to carrythe increasingly heavy paraphernalia soldiersto carry out their missions. Other missionscan be more logistically orientated, such asthe delivery of power supplies, notably freshbatteries, or even recce missions in which caseall manner of sensors can be fitted to itsflatbed platform.The Rex thus has a “follow me” function

by which its high off-road capabilities enablesit to follow a small commando and carry itssupply of missiles, for example. Anothermode is active remote control, where a Rexequipped with a powerful stabilised electro-optical package could be driven just shy of thecrest of a hill to observe the terrain “beyondbehind”, so to speak.The three Rex demonstrator prototypes

are currently powered by a diesel engine, buta hybrid diesel-electric powerplant is nowbeing studied to provide quiet operationwhen required.

A four-wheel drive, four independent wheelsuspension, four-steered wheel vehicle, theLahav Rex is 160 cm long, 80 cm wide and75 cm tall, and drives at a speed of12km/hour. (Eric H. Biass)

Three prototypes of the 250-kilo capable Rexcarrier have been built so far and demonstratedto potential customers. (Eric H. Biass)



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Elbit’s solutions employ mission controlsuites akin top those of its drones,which naturally open the door tocombined sea surface and drone

missions. Currently, the company isproposing two unmanned vessels. Thejunior element is the Stingray, a 3.2-metreboat with a 250 kg payload. It can reach up to45 knots with an endurance of eight hoursand has a stabilising system that prevents itfrom capsizing. Mostly used forreconnaissance and ISR missions, theStingray is equipped with a stabilisedelectro-optic payload, from Elbit needlessto say.

The Silver Marlin is much larger at 10.6metres, powered as it is by two 315 hp dieselengines driving two propellers, allowing it toreach the speed of the smaller craft, but with a24 to 36 hour or 500 nm endurance.Displacing 6.5 tonnes, the payload is tentimes that of the Stingray, which allows tocarry not only extra optronic sensors but alsoweaponry, a remotely controlled weaponstation armed with a 12.7 mm machine gunfor example. Due to its range, the SilverMarlin can be equipped with a satcom systemto remain linked to the operator ashore,though direct line-of-sight comms arepossible over shorter ranges. The craft isequipped with an autonomous obstacleavoidance system.


The LiquidElementWith its drone and electro-optical know-how feathers inits cap, Elbit Systems is unsurprisingly active in Neptune’skingdom. But Elbit also has good company there with thelikes of Rafael and IAI, not to mention Top I Vision.

camera with a ±90° tilt mechanism, a near-IRand visible laser pointer and a microphone.To improve mobility its front nylon wheelsare bigger than rear ones, but all equippedwith a six-arm spider that increases grip. TheIris dimensions are 175 x 205 x 95 mm,allowing a soldier to carry it in his sidepocket. It was the first miniature throwablerobot delivered to the IDF.

Also made of composite materials,powered by a standard BB-2557 US militarybattery, the MTGR for Micro TacticalGround Robot is the second productdeveloped by Roboteam. At 5.9 kilos it istracked and exploits its extremely long arms toobtain maximum manoeuvrability, with a topspeed of 6.4 km/h. The MTGR carries sixcameras providing full 360° coverage day andnight, as well as a microphone for situationalawareness. The MTGR can be equipped witha tactical manipulator, a top-view camera, or a

Picatinny rail to allow easy attachment ofmultiple military tools and accessories. The senior member of the Roboteam

family, which is also the latest development, isthe Probot – a 120 kg platform able to carry a230 kg payload at a maximum speed of 35km/h on wheels. When high mobility isneeded each of the four wheels has a trackedflipper that comes into action, allowing theProbot to climb stairs and overcome difficultobstacles. It can operate at a range of 500metres in urban environment, and featurestracing and imaging sensors allowing semi-autonomous operations, shifting theoperators focus from platform control tomission control. Equipped with a 360° video,a tilt camera with a x10 zoom, a laser pointerand an illumination module, it is powered bystandard US military batteries that ensure 4-6hours of operation.Roboteam proposes two control units for

its Iris and MTGR, the ROCU-5 with a 5”touch screen, a one-thumb stick and twopush-buttons, and the ROCU-7 with a 7”NVG compatible touch screen.

The ROCU 7 is the Roboteam’sremote control unit featuringan NVG-compatible 7-inch

screen. (Roboteam)

Elbit System’s Silver Marlin is over 10 meters long and can be armed with a 12.7 mm RCWSfor offensive operations. (Elbit Systems)

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I PROTECTOR-RAFAELAs said above, the Silver Marlin has goodcompany with the Rafael Protector which,according to its builder, is the only system of itskind to be in service in several countriesaround the world. The boat is available in twoversions – 9 and 11 metres. It is now availablewith a monumental 80-metre throw water

cannon. The craft carries 8 cameras thatprovide a full 360° view, can be armed with aTyphoon remote control turret and has beendemonstrated firing the Spike missile. Thenine-tonne Protector 11 is based on a deep Vhull designed for high seas and is equippedwith two powerful Caterpillar C7 dieselsdriving Hamilton/Kamewa waterjets systems

that affords it a maximum speed of 38 knots .The Protector, it goes without saying is

equipped with a laser rangefinder, a searchradar and an electro-optical director forautomatic or manual day-and-nightdetection, identification, tracking andtargeting operations. By the very nature of theequipment carried that Protector is de facto aC4I component.

I BARRACUDA-TOPI I VISIONAnother item that will soon join the fray is thesmaller, but smart device Top I Vision iscoming up with. A jet-ski based systemparticularly designed for the surveillance ofriver coasts where smuggling and illegalpenetration are easy, the Barracuda isequipped with a stabilised day and night ball(from Top I Vision, of course) and can hidein reed marsh or a mangrove. It can stay“dormant”, in other words engine cut-off, forone week and be woken up as soon as itssensors detect trouble”.



The ski-jet based Barracuda beingdeveloped by Top I Vision is able to hide lowin reed marshes for a week. (Top I Vision)

The new Rafael Protector 11, here photographed at the 2012 Euronaval exhibition in Paris, isimpressive and comes, from left to right, with a Spike twin launcher canister attached to aTyphoon gun turret, loudspeakers, a Toplite electro-optical turret, two multiple 180° camerasystems (the second unit looking rearwards), a detection radar, and finally a powerful watercannon mounted on the rear platform. (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

The Stingray USV by Elbit Systems is mostlydevoted to reconnaissance and intelligence

missions, equipped with an electro-opticsensor suite. (Elbit Systems)

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T he key players in this field areundoubtedly Elbit, Elisra and Elta,although, as we shall see below, Rafaelhas its say in the radios department.

Smaller companies seen below also havecome up with interesting systems.Reviewing the latest achievements fromthese companies, this section is divided intosubsections, namely radios, electronicwarfare, battlefield management and C2,and jammers.

RADIOSI PNR1000 – ELBITCommand and control (see below) isarguably nothing without communicationsand Elbit Systems’ PNR-1000 Personal NetRadio offers a small, lightweight, full duplexUHF product. There is no limit as to thenumber of listeners accommodated on aPNR-1000 network, which can host threetalkers at any one time. The radio can handlevoice and data transmissions; the latter at arate of 320kbps. The radio can be loaded witheither Elbit’s proprietary waveforms, or thoseused by the customer and the radio performsits own network management. Elbit says thatthe range of the PNR-1000 is around doublethat of its legacy CNR-9000.

This translates into a range of up to twokilometres in open space, 700 metres to onekilometre in urban environments and up to

500 metres in jungle. Elbit’s Military-IPRadio (MIPR) is a VHF vehicular/manpacktransceiver which has a data rate of up tofour megabits-per-second. Typically used asa backbone transceiver, the MIPR can beutilized at the brigade level. The radio hostsElbit proprietary or customer-specificwaveforms. Finally, the firm’s THF-8000HFradio offers a data rate of 92kbps. It can beused for manpack, vehicular or fixed-stationapplications. The manpack weighs underfour kilograms and has an output of 25W,although this increases to 125W for thevehicular version.

I TAC-4G LTE – ELBITOther innovative communicationscapabilities pioneered by Elbit include theTAC-4G LTE Cellular Network which isbuilt around an encrypted cellular networkwhich is managed from a ground vehicle.This can give a deployed military force acommon cellular communications networkwhich can be used regular cellphones, but ina secure fashion. These cellphones can thenbe utilised for viewing pictures and video,transmitting data and for conventional voicecommunications. By deploying severalground vehicles to manage the network, adegree of redundancy is built in by which thenetwork can continue functioning shouldone of the vehicles cease operation.

I MP-DF-100 – ELISRAElbit Systems is the parent of the Elisra Groupwhich provides a number of specializedelectronic platforms. For example, its MP-DF-100 is a tactical, man-portablecommunications intelligence system.Covering the 25-3000 megahertz band, theMP-DF-100 can be used on the move or at thehalt. This comint product allows soldiers toclassify and locate the position of emitters.When used in a stationary fashion, the MP-DF-100 can build up a tactical map of localemitters and their frequencies. Elisra iscurrently working on the MP-DF-200 which itexpects to be available by the middle of 2014.This will have a smaller receiver and hot-swapbatteries. Both the MP-DF-100/-200 cantransmit their comint data across any tacticalradio or satcom network.

I RAVNET-300 – RAFAELAlthough it has earned a solid reputation as amissile house, Israel’s Rafael AdvancedDefense systems also specializes in militarycommunications. Notably, it producesairborne radios in the form of the dual-bandVery High Frequency (VHF)/Ultra HighFrequency (UHF) Ravnet-300 which iscurrently in service with the Israeli Air Forceand Israeli Navy; the latter of which onlyuses it for ship-to-air communications. TheRavnet-300’s data throughput is in theregion of up to 300 kilobits-per-second(kbps) and provides high-quality, low-delayvoice services including full duplexcommunications at a range of up to 180nm(333km). Moreover, compatibility with theMil-Std-1553 protocol allows the Ravnet-300 to equip a diverse array of air platformswhich accommodate this data bus.

Despite only entering service four yearsago, the Ravnet-300 will be replaced in thecoming years with a new airborne radioproduced by Rafael called NetCore (a.k.aBNET-AR). In its pilot stage of development,


The Lockheed Martin F-16I has been a staple ofthe Israel Air Force for several years, yet theactivities of Israeli firms such as IAI, Rafael andElbit have made Israel’s Vipers arguably someof the most advanced around. (Rafael)


ElectronicsBy developing its own electronics industrial capability,Israel has de facto reduced the number of systems thatwould be denied to the nation by foreign nations’embargoes. This explains why Israel has a finger inalmost every electronics pie (air defence radars thoughare covered in the air defence section of this Profile).

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the NetCore provides three-channelcommunications in the form of VHF/UHFand satellite communication. NetCore has asmall form factor which is below that of theRavnet-300. The company says that it canimport Nato-compatible waveforms into theradio for use with Link-16, which arecompatible with the waveforms developed forthe United States Joint Tactical Radio System(JTRS) programme. Notably, NetCoreeclipses Ravnet-300 in terms of data rates,offering speeds of 1.5 megabits-per-second.Spare space is included within the radio forfuture software upgrades, and the radio hasan ad-hoc networking capability which canmanage, as well as use, the network.

At the command and control level,NetCore carries Rafael’s GlobalLink airbornecommand and control network. GlobalLinkcan carry voice, video and data traffic betweenaircraft, and between aircraft and the ground.The network can perform video sharing,situational awareness, such as blue forcetracking and collision avoidance. Althoughnot its primary task the company says thatGlobalLink does have a residual missionplanning capability, particularly for helicoptermissions. NetCore is expected to enter servicewith the Israeli Air Force in the coming twoyears, and will eventually be rolled-out acrossall of its airborne platforms. As NetCore entersservice, there will be a parallel introduction ofGlobalLink into the IAF.

I BNET – RAFAELBNET is in fact of family of radios whichinclude the airborne BNET-AR, discussedabove and the vehicular BNET-V andhandheld BNET-HH broadband software-defined radios. The BNET-HH provides adata transmission rate of two megabits persecond (mbps) across a single 1.25MHzchannel, with the BNET-V offering up to10mbps across noncontiguous 1.25MHzindependent channels.. Although primarilydesigned to handle data, the radio can carryvoice-over-IP traffic and runs both airborneand ground communications channels. Thecompany refers to the BNET-V/HH as the‘Israeli version of JTRS’, and stresses that it canimport Nato-standard waveforms into theradio to this end. Rafael is on course to deliverboth radios to the Israeli Defence Force by theend of next year. The firm is also in discussionwith two non-disclosed European non-Natocountries regarding further acquisitions.Ergonomically, the BNET-HH does notimpose too much of a physical burden,weighing a mere 1.2kg (2.6lb) including its

battery. The BNET-V is not much heavier,tipping the scales at 7kg (15.4lb). It isnoteworthy that the BNET-V can also be usedin an airborne configuration. Both of theseradios are compliant with the SoftwareCommunications Architecture which hasbeen developed as part of the erstwhileUnited States Joint Tactical Radio System(JTRS) programme to define specificstandards to increase waveform portability insoftware-defined radios. The BNET-V has afrequency coverage of 20-2000MHz and thiscan be extended upwards into the S-band of

2000-4000MHz. Likewise, the BNET-HH canbe extended upwards into the L-band (1,000-2,000MHz) and S-band if desired by thecustomer. The output power for the radios isfive watts (BNET-HH) and 50W (BNET-V).

I SOURCE OF SOUNDSilence maybe golden; but not on thebattlefield. Source of Sound has sold its in-earnoise reduction systems around the world.Soldiers need to hear, and need to be aware ofthe environment, but at the same time needto be protected from the loud noises whichprovide the soundtrack to battle. To put thefinancial cost of the noise of battle intoproportion, the company says that each yearthe US government pays over $1.2 billion incompensation for hearing loss damage.

Source of Sound is offering the Mini BlackBox. It has been undergoing tests and trialsfor the last twelve months. The IDF hasalready ordered a few hundred and they arecurrently being delivered. Each earplugcombines a small microphone to pick up theambient noise, and the earphone itself. Theselink to a control box with two push-to-talkbuttons for two radios, or two channels, and avolume control for the ambient noise and forthe communications feed. The earphones fitinto standard earplugs, of which the companyoffers five different sizes. The Mini Black Boxconstantly monitors the level of ambientnoise, and if there is a sudden bang, theearphones automatically cancel out the loudnoise to protect the wearer’s ears. Mini BlackBox can be powered for around 45 hoursusing batteries, although it can also draw itspower from a soldier’s radio.

I MAXTECH NETWORKSMuch has been made of the growing softwareand computing industry in Israel. Theexpertise which is being developed for thecivilian sector owes its ancestry to theinvestment which the country has pouredinto defence technology since its foundation in1948. Companies such as MaxTech Networksprovides both tactical radio and waveformtechnology. In terms of the latter, it providessoftware to firms such as Selex and Thaleswhere it is embedded into these company’stransceivers. The company will soon unveilits MaxTech SDR UHF radio which is alreadyin trials with one of the customers. The radiohas an analogue-like FM waveform whichcan link into civilian radio networks used byemergency services first responders forexample, while offering narrowband andwideband networking. MaxTech willcommence deliveries in six months. Toprovide an illustration of how the company’sproducts can mesh with existingcommunications networks, MaxTech saysthat it is working on a project in the Far Eastwhich involves remote police stations locatedin isolated border regions. The police will useMaxTech’s radios, and their transmissionswill go through an internet protocol gatewaywhich will link the radios to satcom andexisting cell phone networks to enable them tocommunicate with command centres at thelocal and national levels.

I UTCCommunication underwater is never easy.Although sound travels faster in water,humans have not learnt the ability to speak

Elbit Systems’ PRC-710HH, marketed under itsTadiran banner, is a lightweight VHFhandheld radio. An add-on amplifier providesit with up to 20 watts of power. The companyclaims that it is the lightest frequency-hoppinghand-held radio on the market. (Elbit)


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beneath the waves and be understood, and areunlikely to for the next few millennia. UTC’sUnderwater Digital Interface (UDI) getsaround this problem by providing an acousticmodem for underwater text messaging bydivers. Using ultrasonic waves it enables fulldigital communications, transmitting andreceiving using the same antenna. Each devicecan transmit 14 pre-set messages and thesecan be added to the device using a USB cablevia a laptop computer. When messages aretransmitted to other receivers, the sender getsa confirmation that the message has arrived.To help divers in distress the UDI, which takesthe form of a wrist-worn display, has an SOSbutton. Once this is pressed it transmits theposition of the diver and their depth. Eachwrist display has a range of up to onekilometre and ten hours of battery powerduring continuous use. The product has alsobeen tested at depths of up to 100m. Up to 14divers can be accommodated on eachAcoustic Modem network.

ELECTRONIC WARFAREI SEWS-DVGiven the company’s expertise in the field ofdefence electronics, it will come as littlesurprise to readers to learn that Rafael offersproducts in the electronic warfare domain.For example, Rafael’s SEWS-DV maritimeelectronic warfare system covers the 0.2-40Ghz radar section of the electromagneticspectrum. SEWS-DV equips the Israeli Navy.It can furnish submarines, surface vessels andalso maritime patrol aircraft. Although notproviding specific details, the firm says thatthe SEWS-DV has an expansive threat library,although this is empty when sold and it is up tothe customer to populate this as they utilisethe SEWS-DV in service.

The frequency spread of the SEWS-DVmakes an important contribution to theprotection of a ship. Anti-ship missilesroutinely use milimetre-wave guidanceradars in the Ka-band. The flight profile ofsuch weapons means that they tend to skimthe surface to avoid detection, which isfurther aided by their comparatively smallphysical size. Therefore, an electronic supportmeasure such as the SEWS-DV can detect themissile’s tell-tale emissions comparativelyearly, enabling the ship to take evasive actionthrough aggressive maneuvering, the use ofcountermeasures or kinetic attack.

I SPS-65(V)In the EW domain, Elbit Systems announcednew products at this year’s Paris Air Show in

the form of the SPS-65(V)5 ElectronicIntelligence and jamming platform.According to the company, the SPS-65(V)offers a wide spectrum of capabilities and hascompetitive size, weight and powercharacteristics. The frequencies covered bythe SPS-65(V)5 range from low-bandfrequencies up to 18Ghz. In terms of signals,the product can detect conventional pulse,continuous wave and high-pulse repetitionfrequencies. In addition, the SPS-65(V)5performs a laser warning function for multi-band laser frequency coverage, single ormultiple pulse lasers. A number of airframes,including UAVs, can accommodate the SPS-65(V)5 given that it has compatibility with theMIL-STD-1553 databus, and also the RS422and RS232LAN technical standards. ElbitSystems have produced the SPS-65 in severalversions including the (V)1,(V)2,(V)3 and(V)5. The key differences between theseversions is the steady reduction of thequantity of black boxes. For example, the‘brains’ of the SPS-65 is all housed in one LineReplacement Unit which in turn links to up

to eight laser and radar sensors located aboutthe airframe, providing 360° coverage. In themedium term Elbit is developing a 40Ghzextension which will be available soon,although this will require the aircraft toaccommodate more antennas. Elbit Systemshas several customers for the SPS-65(V)5 toequip manned platforms, and the companyhopes to secure an order for drone-mountedSPS-65(V)5 payloads from the IsraeliDefence Force shortly.

I SKYFIXThe SPS-65(V) joins the SkyFix productwhich is a UAV-mounted system electronicwarfare payload. SkyFix consists of a familyof products including SkyFix Comint-DF,SkyFix-G , which can jam tactical networksand SkyFix–Cellular for mobile phonejamming. All of the SkyFix products cansearch across the target spectrum; monitorand classify selected frequencies and performjamming. SkyFix has been deployed on theHermes-450 drone, and may yet equip thelarger Hermes-900.

BATLEFIELD MANAGEMENT AND C2I DAP – ELBIT SYSTEMSElbit Systems has carved out a niche as aleading supplier of defence electronics since itsformation in 1967 in the northern Israeli cityof Haifa. Currently, the company is leadingthe Israeli Army’s Digital Army Programme(DAP) battle management software which iscarried by the Tiger/Torch communicationsbackbone. The DAP, which entered service inthe 2008/9 timeframe, provides a BattleManagement System for all branchesincluding armour, artillery, engineers,infantry, reconnaissance and logistics. Itconnects all echelons of command from theCorps level down to the individual soldier.

The DAP is built around a core suite ofsoftware which is adapted to the echelon ofcommand and the branch of the army whichit equips. Over the long term, Elbit isworking on algorithms that can ‘clean up’ thequantity of information which is beingdelivered from sensors to various levels ofcommand to ensure that users are notdeluged with data. This will be implementedin DAP via a software upgrade and shouldbe rolled out across the Israeli Defence Forcein the next five years.

I C2 – MPRESTSoftware is also a speciality of MPrest whichprovides Command and Control (C2)software, and has been heavily involved in the


Rafael’s RAVNET-300 airborne radio is currentlyin service with the Israeli Air Force and IsraeliNavy. It has a data throughput of up to 300kbpsand, although having only recently enteredservice, it will soon be replaced by thecompany’s NetCore product. (Rafael)

Rafael’s SEWS-DV is a digital shipborneelectronic warfare system. It covers the 0.5-40GHz frequency range, allowing it to detectthe millimetre-wave radars of anti-ship missiles,while also being able to perform electroniccountermeasure functions.

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development of the C2 architecture for theIron Dome. The company’s strength is that itdevelops a generic infrastructure for a C2system which can then be sold to customersand tailored to their requirements. The IsraeliAir Force has also adopted the infrastructureand MPrest says that it can establish a C2system in less than 24 hours using its genericbuilding blocks. At the civilian level MPrest isdeveloping a C2 system for Israeli electricalcompanies. This will connect up to 300 sites,some of them manned and some of themunmanned. MPrest’s C2 software isWindows-based and has been used for a widerange of applications, from drone groundcontrol stations to border security systems.

JAMMERSI PHANTOM TECHNOLOGIESIsrael knows all too well the death anddestruction which can be wrought by carbombs and explosives. Little surprise thenthat Israeli firms such as PhantomTechnologies are producing analogue anddigital cell phone jammers and other counter-roadside bomb equipment. These productscan take the form of manpack and mobiletactical jammers, power amplifiers, but also

large compound jamming solutions to cover awide area such as a prison to prevent cellphone use by inmates. For security on-the-move Phantom Technologies provide convoyjammers in the form of vehicle-based systems,and covert vehicle-borne jammers.

I SKYFIX – ELBITThe SkyFix is a drone-mounted systemelectronic warfare payload, and ismentioned in that section (it has beendeployed on the Hermes-450 drone, andmay yet equip the larger Hermes-900). It infact consists of a family of products thatincludes the SkyFix Comint-DF SkyFix-G,which can jam tactical networks andSkyFix–Cellular for mobile phone jamming.All of the SkyFix sets can search across thetarget spectrum, monitor and classify

selected frequencies and perform jamming.

I ATALD - IMI In the survivability and protection field an IMIexport success is the Atald decoy. Adopted bythe US Navy, it can be configured with differentpayloads, RF, IR or IR & RF, simulatingadvanced targets in order to saturate thedefences of the enemy vessel. The Atald cangenerate multiple false targets, can be set forRCS and speed, and can be programmed for acertain flight behaviour. The carrier is 2.34metres long, has a 1.55 meters wingspan, andweighs 170 kg, and can reach a speed of up to260 m/s powered by a 77 kg thrust turboengine. When operating at low altitude, up to20,000 feet, it has an endurance of 18 minutes,which increase to 35 minutes when operating athigh altitude, up to 30,000 feet.

Elbit Systems is leading the Israeli Army’s Digital Army Programme (DAP) which provides battle management software across the Tiger/Torch communications backbone for all branches of the force.

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I nitially more orientated on airborneapplications, stabilised “balls”, as theyoften are referred to, now seeapplications extended to remote-

controlled and robotic land and marineapplications. In land applications they havebecome extremely appreciated to providehigh-quality, long range pictures from thetip of a telescopic mast, for example. In themarine field, they are an absolute sine qua

non mount on robotic speedboats.

I ELBITElbit’s range comprises four main products,the Amps, the Compass, the Dcompass andthe Microcopass.

The heaviest at 85 kilos, the Amps isdesigned for longer range maritimesurveillance from larger aircraft, whetherinhabited (typically Beech special mission

aircraft and helicopters) or not, like Elbit’sown Hermes 900. The sensors it carries arelargely configured to customer requirementsbut would typically include CCD camera, aninfrared camera and an ICCD sensor. Image


Stabilised Electro-OpticsThis domain is largely shared between Elbit, IAI, Controp, Top I Vision and Esc Baz withnumerous systems, although Rafael has its own turret known as the Toplite which has,according to the company, the unique record of being “on every ship of the US Navy”.

A stabilised electro-optical ball (here aMinipop) is a challengingly tight combinationof electronics and watchmaking precisionmechanics. (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

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interpretation is greatly facilitated by theunit’s own GPS and inertial navigation systemthat allow for accurate geo-pointing andimage geo-referencing.

The 38-kilo 15” diameter Compass ismore destined for maritime platforms. Itshigh definition day channel uses a large

format CCD colour camera with three fields ofview, namely 0-6° x 0.45°, 21.25° x 16° and 25°x 19°. The infrared camera is a cooled 3rdgeneration sensor based on a 640 x 512 pixelmatrix. Laser sensors include two channels,one for rangefinding with an 154 μm eyesafebeam, the other for target designation using

1.064 μm beam although a 830 nm nightvision-compatible emitter can be used.

The airborne Dcompass, also a 15-inchunit, is largely the same, but adds a 1394 x1040 pixel CCD day sensor and geo-locationthrough the use of inertial measurement unit.Its weight varies between 33 and 38 kilos.

The Microcompass is an 8.2-inch turretthat tips the scales at nine kilos providing a360° coverage and an elevation capability of




The Micropop (left) and Minipop are typical members of the wide range of stabilised electro-optical sensor produced by the Tamam division of IAI (Armada/Eric H. Biass)

Elbits range of gimballedelectro-optical sensor essentiallyrevolves around the Amps, the15”Compass and 8.2”Microcompass turrets. (Elbit)

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+30° to –90°. It houses a zoomed CCDcamera, a 2nd generation 640 x 512 pixelarray, 3-5 μm infrared sensor with 2.5° x 2°and 17.5° x 14° fields of view, a 830 μm, 10km-range night vision goggle compatibletarget illuminator and an optional 1.54 μmeyesafe 4 km-range rangefinder. This willtypically find applications in drones orsurface robots.

I IAITamam’s division of IAI specialises in allmanner of electronic intelligence gatheringand navigation systems, and it comes as nosurprise that it should have developed awhole of range gyrostabilised electro-opticalsensors, from the simpler Pop 200, throughthe Mosp series, to the latest and mostsophisticated Pop300D-HD of which over1000 have been sold world-wide.

The 20-kilo Pop 300D-HD is a 10.4-inchdevice which, as its suffix suggest, houses ahigh- definition 1280x1024 pixel, 3-5 μmindium antimonide infrared sensor. The Daychannel has nothing to envy either, beingbased on a 1920x1080 pixel Cmos sensor.Other channels include a dual 1.06 μm and1.54 μm eyesafe laser rangefinder, an 830 nmlaser pointer, and an automatic video tracker .

I RAFAELRafael’s Toplite is a sturdy 16-inch four axis

gimbal assembly designed for a number ofairborne, land and naval applications. Thehigher performance unit is actually calledToplite III and comes with a 640x480-pixel 3-5 μm infrared sensor offering 1° x 0.77°, 4.4° x3.3° and 24° x 18° fields of view. Tipping thescales at 59 kilos, it also houses a day camera (avariety of choices), a 1.54 μm laserrangefinder and a dual-band 1.06/1.57 μmlaser designator-rangefinder.

In the context of sensors that are oftenused by drones, mention must be made here ofthe Recce-U from Rafael. A podded system, itin fact is a smaller and lighter version of thenow well established Reccelite used by fighteraircraft or larger aircraft assigned on a deepreconnaissance mission, the Reccelite beingitself a descendant of the Litening.

Unveiled at the Paris Air Show in 2009 theRecce-U can be carried by male drones such as


Controp’s flagship is the 22.5kg, 3-5 μminfrared and day four-gimbal gyrostabilisedturret, which is used, inter alia, by navalhelicopters and drones. Controp is the firstcompany to have developed a thermal cameraequipped with a constant zoom. (Controp)

The Recce-U’s sales already hover above the60 unit mark, and given its capabilities, couldeventually near the Reccelite’s 1,300-unitscoreboard. (Rafael)

The ubiquitous Toplite is used on helicopters,fixed wing aircraft, ships, land vehicletelescopic surveillance masts. (Rafael)

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the Heron and upwards, and has beenordered inter alia by Spain, the Netherlands,Germany and Italy and has been used inAfghanistan. The system works inconjunction with a stationary or mobileground station via a 250-km range SDV-53datalink, simultaneously gathers high-resolution infrared and digital “visual”images and can fuse and patch pictures in realtime, although specific frames can be blownup if needed. The patching is stitchlessbecause is performed at pixel level.

With such performances, the Recce-U getsparticularly useful in the search for roadsidebombs (it can spot powerlines from a height of15,000 feet) because of the perfect image

overlap it does and thus facilitates changedetection. The system was put through itspaces in a test where 144 items had beenhidden. The Recce-U found 126 in one hourand thirty minutes.

I CONTROPDownsize, Controp is particularly renownas the supplier of small stabilised electro-

optical payloads for smaller and lighterdrones to the extent that even numerousforeign lighter drones are seen equippedwith one or the other of the company’sStamp series.

However, the 210-employee companyalso produces larger and more powerfulstabilised systems for helicopters (like theDSP-1), maritime platforms and all mannerof vehicles, as well as powerful thermalimaging cameras (including the 15-kmrange Spider stabilised system for aerostats),automatic intruder detection systems andstabilised aerial pedestals. Its 3rd-generation320x256 focal plane array Fox thermalcamera, which is fitted to a number ofunsuspected systems (including Tamam’sMops and Controp’s own DSP-1), featuresan automatic gain control and imagingenhancement. Currently, exports accountfor 84% of Controp’s business, a figure thatstood a 3% only fourteen years ago.

I TOP I VISIONDrone producer Top I Vision already

These small (pen provides a scale) and lightweight stabilised electro-optical sensors arerepresentative of the Stamp series produced by Controp. The D-Stamp in the centre for examplehouses a x10 zoom CCD camera with inertial tracking mode with optional hold coordinate mode. TheU-Stamp on the left carries an uncooled dual field-of-view sensor, while the TR-Stamp on the rightpacks a cooled 3-5 μm sensor, plus a CCD camera with zoom and a laser rangefinder. (Controp)

Amongst the lightweight stabilised sensors for light drones produced by Top I Vision are the 950-gram day camera Lev 2 and the 1.5-kilo Lev 6 that adds an uncooled camerachannel. (Top I Vision)





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mentioned elsewhere in this survey, alsoproduces its own range of stabilisedpayloads for light, hand-launched drones.These are the two-gimbal Lev 2 series thatweigh one kilo maximum. The companyalso makes the Lev 4 Series, which at about3.5 kilos carries a x40 zoom CCD camera,the Lev 6 Dual which packs a day cameraand an uncooled thermal sensor for a totalweight of 1.5 kilos.

I ESC BAZEsc Baz specialises in wired, wireless andman-portable observation systems, as well astactical communication systems for HMSand military applications. Its surveillance andobservation product line includes turn-key

solutions for perimeter defense, armoredvehicle protection, and quick-deploymentmobile systems.

The most tactical systems of the Esc Bazcatalogue are those of the man-portablesurveillance category, such as the AMI man-portable modular, scalable, remote controlsurveillance system, designed for combatmulti-tasking at short, medium and longranges. The Rooster is another remoteoperation observation system featuring amotorised pan-tilt head that can integratehand-held thermal binoculars or otherelectro-optic sensors allowing soldiers tocarry out a better surveillance while seekingprotection from snipers. These systems areremotely controlled by Esc Baz Max andMax II multi-functional command andcontrol systems.

The company portfolio incudes a series ofshort and long range surveillance systems.Currently Esc Baz is mostly focusing on newlong range uncooled thermal imagingsystems able to detect a man at 6 km range.One of these is the AVIV-LR, designed for

military and paramilitary surveillance andobservation missions, based on an accuratepan and tilt unit and a day/night sensor. Thelatter is the company Layla uncooled thermalcamera, designed with integrated dual-channel digital signal processing videoprocessing; the camera offers a built-insecond video input for an additional CCDday camera enabling enhanced day time colorvision. The system is equipped with a 25-225mm optical continuous zoom and includestwo built-in video processors and videoimage stabilization, ensuring night-visionvideo of the highest quality. With the additionof a laser rangefinder, a GPS and agyrocompass the AVIV-LR can become atargeting asset, the system being also open tobe integrated with other sensors such asradars, fence systems or unattended groundsensors. If fitted with a 25μm 384x288 pixelsarray the AVIV-LR allows to detect a man at4,100 metres and to recognise him at 1,300metres, while the 17μm 640x480 pixels arrayincreases those figures respectively to 6,100and 1,900 metres.


The AVIV-LR is amongst the latest productsfrom Esc Baz. Based on the Layla uncooledthermal camera, its dual-channel digital signalprocessing allows tthe addition of a CCD daycamera. The AVIV-LR is also equipped with a25-225 mm optical zoom.(Esc Baz)

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T he maintenance of Israel’s terrestrialairpower is a major priority for IAI,although the company is also heavilyinvolved in supporting efforts in the

‘final frontier’. Initiatives which IAI iscurrently working on in this domain includethe Amos-4 satellite, the latest in the series ofAmos communications satellites. Thissatellite is expected to weigh in the region of

4,000 kilograms and will produce 4,100 wattsof power. Amos-4 will be placed in ageosynchronous orbit and will providecoverage of Southeast Asia. IAI’s Amos-5satellite is now operational, having beenlaunched in December 2011 providingcommunications services over Africa, Europeand the Middle East. Looking towards thefuture, Amos-6 should be launched in circa-

2016. It will weigh around 4,500kg andbe equipped with 40 transponders. Thissatellite is expected to replace the legacyAmos-2 bird launched in December2003. This provides communicationsservices in the Middle East, Europe andacross the East Coast of North America,handling television, radio and internetcommunications. It is possible thatAmos-6 could eventually be followed byAmos-7, although this satellite has notyet entered development.

Alongside the Amos family ofcommunications spacecraft, IAI hasdeveloped the OptSat-3000 newgeneration observation satellite. Witha weight of 400kg and a projected lifespan of circa six years, the OptSat-3000will produce both panoramic and multi-spectral, high-resolutionimagery. It is expected to be launched

in the next two-to-three years. For radar-based observation, IAI produces theTecSAR day and night synthetic apertureradar satellite which offers wide coverageusing mosaic, spot and fine resolution. Itwas launched in 2008 and is expected tohave a lifespan of up to six years. Imagerygathered by the TecSAR is transmitted toearth using an X-band datalink.


Since its maiden launch, several Shavitlaunches have been performed from thePalmachim complex. The rockets can liftup to 800kg into space. (IAI)


As well as producingsatellites (above the Amos-5), IAI builds launchvehicles in the form of theShavit series of rockets.Performing its first launch in September 1988, theserockets can be sent intospace from the Israeli AirForce’s Palmachim air forcebase on the country’ssouthern Mediterraneancoast, launching westwardsto avoid the rockets over-flying Israel’s neighbours.


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40 mm Air Burst minitions IMI 35

Accular IMI 26

ACQ 1/ACQ-1W/ACQ-2 MSE 35,37

Aesa air survellance radar IAI Elta 15

Adi Oran Safety Glass 25

Aerostar Aeronautics 46

AES-210 Elisra 46

AM-13 IMI Land Systems 19

Amos-2 IAI 59

Amos-4 IAI 61

Amos-5 IAI 61

Amos-6 IAI 61

Amps Elbit 56

Aquashield DSIT 43

Armor protection plate Plasan Sasa 38

Arrow-II/III IAI 15

Arrow-IIIs Elta 16

ASA03 Plates/ASA 75 IMI 38


Aspro-P/Aspro-H Rafael 24,25

Atald IMI 55

Atald decoy IMI 55

Athos 155mm Elbit 26

A-TIM Elbit 33

Atlas Elbit 32

ATLAS Plasan Sasa 38

ATMOS 155mm Elbit 26

AVIV-LR Esc Baz 60

Ballistic package Plasan Sasa 38

Barak-8 IAI 14

Barracuda Top I Vision 51

BENT-HH Rafael 53

BENT-V Rafael 53

BENT-V/HH Rafael 53

Birdeye Series IAI Malat 47

Black Blue Rafael 17

Black Eagle 50/300 Steadicopter 47

Bright Arrow IMI 23

Cardom Elbit 26

Casper Series Top I Vision 47

Cell Phone Jammers Phantom Technologies 55

Chameleon/2 Seraphim Optronics 39

CNR 9000 Elbit 52

Command and Control (C2) Mprest 54

Compass Elbit 45,56

Composite sandwich panels Plasan Sasa 22

Coral- CR/Coral-LS Elbit 32

Coyote family Elbit ITL 37

Cueing V-Shorads IMI 17

D- or U- Stamp Controp 47

DAP Elbit 54

David's Sling Rafael 13

Dcompass Elbit 56

Delilah Al IMI 11

Derby Rafael 14

Deseaver MkII Elisra 43

Digital Visual Wondow Oran Safety Glass 25

Dominator LD Elbit 33

DRWS Elbit 29

Eitam Elta 10,44

EL/L-2022M Maritime Radar Elta 8

EL/M - 2084 Multi-mission radar Elta 16

EL/M - 2248 Elta 15,17

EL/M - 2258 Elta 16

EL/M-2075 Elta 10

EL/M-2084 Radar Elta 13

EL-2080 Green Pine Elta 15,16

ELM2112(V1) Elta 39

ELM-2133 WindGuard Elta 23,24

Eurospike Rafael 31


EyeBall R1 ODF Optronics 49

EyeDrive ODF Optronics 49

Flexible self healing fuel tanks Star Defence System 25

Globallink Rafael 53

GMM120 IMI 28

Products/Systems mentioned in this issue. Where there are multiple references to a Product/System in an article,only the first occurence and subsequent photographs are listed below



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Guardium Mk.I/Mk.II/Mk.III G-Nius 48

Hermes 450/Hermes 900 Elbit 44,45,46

Hermes90 Elbit 44,45,46

Heron IAI 44,45

Hurricane Hatehof 19

IRIS Roboteam 49

Iron Dome Rafael 12

Iron Fist IMI 23

Iron Fist IAI 17

Iron Wall IMI 23

Jammer Ariel Photonis 23

Kfir IAI Lahav 7

Kfir AdvancedMultirole Fighter IAI Lahav 8

Kfir Block 60 IAI Lahav 8

Kirpi BMC 19,20

LAR-160 IMI 26

Lev 2 series Top Vision 60

Lev 6 Dual Top Vision 60

Lily family Elop 37,38


M329 APAM- MT IMI 28


M339 HE-MP-T IMI 28

M454 S- HE IMI 27

M481 HE-ER IMI 27

Mars IMI 11

Mars family Elbit ITL 37

Matchbox IMI 31

Matisse/Matisse M75/Matisse SD New Noga Light 37

Max II Multi-Functional Systems Esc Baz 60

Maxtech SDR UHF Maxtech Networks 53

Mepro M5/Mepro 4X/Mepro 21 Meprolight 35,36

MESLAS Meprolight 36

MF-STAR Elta 15

Micro Galil/Galil/Galil Sniper IWI 34

Microcopass Elbit 56

Micropop IAI 57

Military-IP Radio (MIPR) Elbit 52

Mini Black Box Source of Sound 53

Mini Coral/Coral-Z Elbit 32

Mini Dvora/Dvora Mk.II IAI Ramta 41

Mini Ocra Elisra 43

Mini-Compass Elbit Elop 43

Minipop IAI 57

MK 4 Main Battle Tank IMI Land Systems Division 18

Mosp series IAI 58

MP-DF-100 Elisra 52

MP-DF-200 Elisra 52

MTGR Roboteam 50

Mugi/MugiI Seraphim Optronics 38,39

Multi Mission Tanker Transports Tankers Bedek 10

Musketeer Seymar Elbit Systems 20

Natacs 2000 Elisra 43

Navigator Hatehof 19,20

Negev IWI 34,35

Netcore Rafael 52,53

NOA NYX Meprolight 36

Optsat IAI 61

OPV 72/OPV 62 Israel Shipyards 40,41

Orbiters I, II and III Aeronautics 46,47

Panther IAI 47

Passive armour packages Plasan Sasa 22

PNR 1000 Personal Net Radio Elbit 52

PNR-1000 A/PNR-500 Elbit 34

Pop 200 IAI 58

Pop 300D-HD IAI 58

Port View DSIT 43

PRC-710HH Elbit 53

Probot Roboteam 50

Protector Rafael 51

Python Rafael 14

Rad Sky IMI 17

Rada Electronics Elta 17

RAM MK. III IAI Ramta 20

Rattler-G/Rattler-H Elbit 32

Ravnet-300 Rafael 52,54


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Reccelite Rafael 58

Recce-U Rafael 58

Reflex sight Meprolight 34

Rex Lahav 49

RG 120 / RG 105 IMI Land Systems Division 18

RGW-90/Matador Rafael 31

RockStrike Oran Safety Glass 25

ROCU 5/7 Roboteam 50

RPS-10 Rada 23

Saar 4/4.5/S72 Israel Shipyards 40

Samson Series Rafael 29,30

Scutter Rafael 42

Searcher/Mk II IAI 46

Sea-Spotter Rafael 43

Serpent Elbit 32

SEWS-DV Rafael 54

Shavit IAI 59

Shaldag Mk.II - Mk.V Israel Shipyards 40

Shipon IMI 31

Silver Marlin Elbit 50

Silver Sparrows Rafael 17

Simon Rafael 31

Skeye Elisra 46

Skimmer IAI Lahav 8

Skyfix Elisra 46,54,55

SkyFix Comint-DF Elbit 54

SkyFix-Cellular Elbit 54

SkyFix-G Elbit 54

Skyjam Elisra 46

Skylark I LE Elbit 47

Small and Smart Tactical Tankers Tankers Bedek 10

Spear Elbit 26

Spice 1,000 Rafael 11

Spice 2000 Rafael 10,11

Spice 250 Rafael 11

Spider Controp 59

Spike missile family Rafael 30, 31, 51

Spotlite Rafael 33

SPS-65(V) Elbit 54

Spyder Rafael 14

Spyke-NLOS/Spyke ER Rafael 43

Stamp Series Controp 58

Stingray Elbit 50,51

Stunner Interceptor Rafael 13

Super Dvora Mk.III IAI Ramta 41

T-72, T-55, M-113 IMI Land Systems Division 18,19

TAC-4G LTE Cellular Network Elbit 52

Tamir interceptor missile Rafael 13

Tavor IWI 34,35


8000HF Elbit 52

Sparrows Rafael 17

Tiger Eurocopter 30

Timnex II ESM Elisra 43

Toplite Rafael 43,58

Toplite III Rafael 58

Torbuster Rafael 42

TORCH2H-D Elbit 34

Trophy/Trophy HV Rafael 23,24

Trophy MV/Trophy LV Rafael 23,24

Typhoon/Mini Typhoon Rafael 42,51

Underwater Digital Interface UTC 53

UT-130 Elbit 28

Uzi/Uzi Pro IWI 34

Wall Buster IMI 31

Wave 100/200/300 IMI 30

Whip Shot laser beam rider IMI 11

Whipshot IMI 11

Wildcat IMI Land Systems Division 19

Wizard Rafael 41,42

Wolf Hatehof 19,20

X-95 IWI 34,35

Xaver family Camero 39

Xtream Hatehof 19



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IAI Israel Aerospace Industries,Ben-Gurian Int'l Airport, 70100,

Elta SystemsIAI Elta Systems,PO Box 330, Ashdod 7710202,

BEDEKBen-Gurian Int'l Airport, 70100,

RAFAELAdvance defence systems Ltd P.O Box 2250, Haifa 3102102, Israel

IMIIsrael Military Industries Ltd., PO Box 1044, 64 Bialik Blvd, Ramat Hasharon, 4711001,

Aeronautics P.O Bix 169, Yavne 81101, Israel

Ariel Photonics 4 Ha'Ma'ayan St, Lobby Fl, LIGAD Center 2 Bldg,Modiin 71700,

Camero Intergama Building Level 3Grand Netter Industrial ZoneP.O Box 3521, Kfar Netter 40593,

Controp P.O.BOX 511, Hod Hasharon, 45105,

DSIT 2 Rechavam Zeevi St., Givat Shmuel, 5401777,

Elbit Adv.Tech Center, P.O.Box 539, Haifa, 31053,

7, 8,15,41,44,46,47,49,57,58,59,61

8, 10

8, 10









Aircraft, Upgrades, Air-launched Weapons, Drones andRobotics, Stabilised Electro-Optics,Air Defence,Smaller, Remote Controlled or Throwable

Aircraft, Upgrades, Air-launched Weapons

Aircraft, Upgrades, Air-launched Weapons

Air-to-ground weapons, Air Defence, Vehicles, Vehicle Armourand Protection, Turrets, Anti-armour missiles and rocketlaunchers, Electro-optics in the Field, An Integrated Soldierapproach, Naval Activities, Drones & Robotics, Surface Robotics,The Liquid Element, Electronics, Stabilised Electro-Optics

Air-to-ground weapons

Drones and Robotics

Vehicle Armour and Protection

An Integrated Soldier Approach

Drones and Robotics, Stabilised Electro-Optics

Naval Activities

Drones and Robotics, The Liquid Element, Electronics, Radios,Electronic Warfare, Jammers, Battlefeild Management systemsand C2

Companies mentioned in this issue. Where there are multiple references to a company in an article,only the first occurence and subsequent photographs are listed below



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Elisra 48, Mivtza Kadesh St., Bene Beraw, 512503,

Elop Advanced Technology Park,P.O.B. 1165, Rehovot 76111,

Elta 100 Yitzchak Hanasi Blvd.,P.O.BOX 330, Ashdod, 77102, Israel.

Esc Baz P.O. Box 173Kibbutz Einat 48805, Israel

G-Nius P.O.Box 4018, Nes-Ziona, 74140, Israel

Hatehof P.O Box 639, Ind. Zone Ziporit, Nazareth Elite 17001, Israel

Plasan Sasa

Roboteam HaAhim MiSlavuta 14. Tel Aviv, Israel

Seraphim Optronics 2 Hayetzira St.P.O.Box 621 Yokne'am, 20692 Israel

Top I Vision 25, Hathiya St., Holon, 58402 Israel

Star Defence System group 11 Granite st., P.O.Box 3034 Kiryat Arie, Petach Tikva, 4951410, Israel

Source of Sound 19 Yad Harutzim St.P.O.Box 8628 Netanya, 42505, Israel

Saymar Elbit Systems 11 Granit St., P.O Box 3158, Petach-Tikva 49002, Israel

43,46, 52






22, 38







Naval Activities, Drones & Robotics, Electronics

Naval Activities, An Integrated Soldier Approach

Aircraft, Upgrades, Air-launchedWeapons, Air Defence

Stabilised Electro-Optics

Surface Robotics


Vehicle Armour and Protection, Personal Protection

Smaller, Remote Controlled or Throwable

An Integrated Soldier Approach

Drones & Robotics, The Liquid Element, Stabilised Electro-Optics,

Vehicle Armour and Protection





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