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Te inormation included in this bookletwas collected by native Arabic speakers and

Muslim-background believers who studiedIslam and have been working in the fields ocommunications and comparative religionor many years

For their research they relied onauthentic Arabic Hadith and Sunna andutilized the Arabic version o the Quran thatis currently used in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

o present their findings in English theyused the Palmer English translation o theQuran that is considered to be one o theoldest English translations in the world and

is currently used by many worldwide

copy 2014 Published by Te ruth

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Islam Religion of Peace or War

Who Was Muhammad

Te Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo


Military Expansion

A Message of Hope for You oday







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It was a beautiul morning Te skies over Manhattan were

clear as crystal and the view rom the 94th floor was magnificent

But nothing could have prepared the workers in the North ower

or what they now saw Engines screaming a massive Boeing 767

was speeding straight or themmdashin a matter o minutes both

towers had been hit and jet uel fire chaos and death enguled the

World rade Center buildings

In the 2001 September 11 attacks 2977 innocent people

were killed by Islamic terrorists ravelers on the our planes and

people at work at the win owers and the Pentagon were the

victims Te images are orever imprinted on our minds

Who can orget the pictures o hundreds o people who made

the choice to leap out o skyscraper windows rather than be burned

alive We remember the gallant first responders who ran towards

death on behal o their riends and neighbors We can still see the

massive cloud o debris as it swallowed the city

In other parts o the world people gasped and wept as they saw

what had happened to America But in many Islamic nations street

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celebrations were rampant ldquoTe great Satan has been woundedrdquo

they boasted Tey congratulated themselves on the death o so

many innocents as they burned American flags in effigy

And yet within six days the President o the United States

George W Bush stood at the Islamic Center in Washington

DC and proclaimed beore a watching world that Islam was a

religion o peace

Tus cognitive dissonance began or many How can we

observe the savage slaughter bombings beheadings and hatred

demonstrated by Islamic believers and still concede that Islam is a

religion o peace Tis is the question that many reuse to ask and

this booklet will attempt to answer


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Te inormation included in this bookletwas collected by native Arabic speakers and

Muslim-background believers who studiedIslam and have been working in the fields ocommunications and comparative religionor many years

For their research they relied onauthentic Arabic Hadith and Sunna andutilized the Arabic version o the Quran thatis currently used in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

o present their findings in English theyused the Palmer English translation o theQuran that is considered to be one o theoldest English translations in the world and

is currently used by many worldwide

copy 2014 Published by Te ruth

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Islam Religion of Peace or War

Who Was Muhammad

Te Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo


Military Expansion

A Message of Hope for You oday







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It was a beautiul morning Te skies over Manhattan were

clear as crystal and the view rom the 94th floor was magnificent

But nothing could have prepared the workers in the North ower

or what they now saw Engines screaming a massive Boeing 767

was speeding straight or themmdashin a matter o minutes both

towers had been hit and jet uel fire chaos and death enguled the

World rade Center buildings

In the 2001 September 11 attacks 2977 innocent people

were killed by Islamic terrorists ravelers on the our planes and

people at work at the win owers and the Pentagon were the

victims Te images are orever imprinted on our minds

Who can orget the pictures o hundreds o people who made

the choice to leap out o skyscraper windows rather than be burned

alive We remember the gallant first responders who ran towards

death on behal o their riends and neighbors We can still see the

massive cloud o debris as it swallowed the city

In other parts o the world people gasped and wept as they saw

what had happened to America But in many Islamic nations street

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celebrations were rampant ldquoTe great Satan has been woundedrdquo

they boasted Tey congratulated themselves on the death o so

many innocents as they burned American flags in effigy

And yet within six days the President o the United States

George W Bush stood at the Islamic Center in Washington

DC and proclaimed beore a watching world that Islam was a

religion o peace

Tus cognitive dissonance began or many How can we

observe the savage slaughter bombings beheadings and hatred

demonstrated by Islamic believers and still concede that Islam is a

religion o peace Tis is the question that many reuse to ask and

this booklet will attempt to answer


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Te inormation included in this bookletwas collected by native Arabic speakers and

Muslim-background believers who studiedIslam and have been working in the fields ocommunications and comparative religionor many years

For their research they relied onauthentic Arabic Hadith and Sunna andutilized the Arabic version o the Quran thatis currently used in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

o present their findings in English theyused the Palmer English translation o theQuran that is considered to be one o theoldest English translations in the world and

is currently used by many worldwide

copy 2014 Published by Te ruth

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Islam Religion of Peace or War

Who Was Muhammad

Te Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo


Military Expansion

A Message of Hope for You oday







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It was a beautiul morning Te skies over Manhattan were

clear as crystal and the view rom the 94th floor was magnificent

But nothing could have prepared the workers in the North ower

or what they now saw Engines screaming a massive Boeing 767

was speeding straight or themmdashin a matter o minutes both

towers had been hit and jet uel fire chaos and death enguled the

World rade Center buildings

In the 2001 September 11 attacks 2977 innocent people

were killed by Islamic terrorists ravelers on the our planes and

people at work at the win owers and the Pentagon were the

victims Te images are orever imprinted on our minds

Who can orget the pictures o hundreds o people who made

the choice to leap out o skyscraper windows rather than be burned

alive We remember the gallant first responders who ran towards

death on behal o their riends and neighbors We can still see the

massive cloud o debris as it swallowed the city

In other parts o the world people gasped and wept as they saw

what had happened to America But in many Islamic nations street

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celebrations were rampant ldquoTe great Satan has been woundedrdquo

they boasted Tey congratulated themselves on the death o so

many innocents as they burned American flags in effigy

And yet within six days the President o the United States

George W Bush stood at the Islamic Center in Washington

DC and proclaimed beore a watching world that Islam was a

religion o peace

Tus cognitive dissonance began or many How can we

observe the savage slaughter bombings beheadings and hatred

demonstrated by Islamic believers and still concede that Islam is a

religion o peace Tis is the question that many reuse to ask and

this booklet will attempt to answer


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Islam Religion of Peace or War

Who Was Muhammad

Te Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo


Military Expansion

A Message of Hope for You oday







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It was a beautiul morning Te skies over Manhattan were

clear as crystal and the view rom the 94th floor was magnificent

But nothing could have prepared the workers in the North ower

or what they now saw Engines screaming a massive Boeing 767

was speeding straight or themmdashin a matter o minutes both

towers had been hit and jet uel fire chaos and death enguled the

World rade Center buildings

In the 2001 September 11 attacks 2977 innocent people

were killed by Islamic terrorists ravelers on the our planes and

people at work at the win owers and the Pentagon were the

victims Te images are orever imprinted on our minds

Who can orget the pictures o hundreds o people who made

the choice to leap out o skyscraper windows rather than be burned

alive We remember the gallant first responders who ran towards

death on behal o their riends and neighbors We can still see the

massive cloud o debris as it swallowed the city

In other parts o the world people gasped and wept as they saw

what had happened to America But in many Islamic nations street

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celebrations were rampant ldquoTe great Satan has been woundedrdquo

they boasted Tey congratulated themselves on the death o so

many innocents as they burned American flags in effigy

And yet within six days the President o the United States

George W Bush stood at the Islamic Center in Washington

DC and proclaimed beore a watching world that Islam was a

religion o peace

Tus cognitive dissonance began or many How can we

observe the savage slaughter bombings beheadings and hatred

demonstrated by Islamic believers and still concede that Islam is a

religion o peace Tis is the question that many reuse to ask and

this booklet will attempt to answer


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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It was a beautiul morning Te skies over Manhattan were

clear as crystal and the view rom the 94th floor was magnificent

But nothing could have prepared the workers in the North ower

or what they now saw Engines screaming a massive Boeing 767

was speeding straight or themmdashin a matter o minutes both

towers had been hit and jet uel fire chaos and death enguled the

World rade Center buildings

In the 2001 September 11 attacks 2977 innocent people

were killed by Islamic terrorists ravelers on the our planes and

people at work at the win owers and the Pentagon were the

victims Te images are orever imprinted on our minds

Who can orget the pictures o hundreds o people who made

the choice to leap out o skyscraper windows rather than be burned

alive We remember the gallant first responders who ran towards

death on behal o their riends and neighbors We can still see the

massive cloud o debris as it swallowed the city

In other parts o the world people gasped and wept as they saw

what had happened to America But in many Islamic nations street

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celebrations were rampant ldquoTe great Satan has been woundedrdquo

they boasted Tey congratulated themselves on the death o so

many innocents as they burned American flags in effigy

And yet within six days the President o the United States

George W Bush stood at the Islamic Center in Washington

DC and proclaimed beore a watching world that Islam was a

religion o peace

Tus cognitive dissonance began or many How can we

observe the savage slaughter bombings beheadings and hatred

demonstrated by Islamic believers and still concede that Islam is a

religion o peace Tis is the question that many reuse to ask and

this booklet will attempt to answer


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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It was a beautiul morning Te skies over Manhattan were

clear as crystal and the view rom the 94th floor was magnificent

But nothing could have prepared the workers in the North ower

or what they now saw Engines screaming a massive Boeing 767

was speeding straight or themmdashin a matter o minutes both

towers had been hit and jet uel fire chaos and death enguled the

World rade Center buildings

In the 2001 September 11 attacks 2977 innocent people

were killed by Islamic terrorists ravelers on the our planes and

people at work at the win owers and the Pentagon were the

victims Te images are orever imprinted on our minds

Who can orget the pictures o hundreds o people who made

the choice to leap out o skyscraper windows rather than be burned

alive We remember the gallant first responders who ran towards

death on behal o their riends and neighbors We can still see the

massive cloud o debris as it swallowed the city

In other parts o the world people gasped and wept as they saw

what had happened to America But in many Islamic nations street

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celebrations were rampant ldquoTe great Satan has been woundedrdquo

they boasted Tey congratulated themselves on the death o so

many innocents as they burned American flags in effigy

And yet within six days the President o the United States

George W Bush stood at the Islamic Center in Washington

DC and proclaimed beore a watching world that Islam was a

religion o peace

Tus cognitive dissonance began or many How can we

observe the savage slaughter bombings beheadings and hatred

demonstrated by Islamic believers and still concede that Islam is a

religion o peace Tis is the question that many reuse to ask and

this booklet will attempt to answer


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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celebrations were rampant ldquoTe great Satan has been woundedrdquo

they boasted Tey congratulated themselves on the death o so

many innocents as they burned American flags in effigy

And yet within six days the President o the United States

George W Bush stood at the Islamic Center in Washington

DC and proclaimed beore a watching world that Islam was a

religion o peace

Tus cognitive dissonance began or many How can we

observe the savage slaughter bombings beheadings and hatred

demonstrated by Islamic believers and still concede that Islam is a

religion o peace Tis is the question that many reuse to ask and

this booklet will attempt to answer


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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According to the consensus o the eminent Jurists o Islam

the world is divided into two partsmdashDar el Harb the House o

War and Dar el Islam House o Islam In other words there is

no middle ground A person is either submitted to the teachingso Islam and the sayings o their prophet or else he is at war with

Islam Again there is no middle ground

Is Islam a Religion of Peace or Waro arrive at a proper conclusion we must understand who

Muhammad was by the record given in the so-called holy book

o Islam the Quran and the Sunna the traditions sayings and

deeds o Muhammad Lastly we must look at the actual practices

o those who were the ollowers o Muhammad and his successors

Te principal practice was the incessant waging o a holy war inwhat was called jihad

Who Was Muhammad

Muhammad was born around AD 570 in the town o Mecca

in the Arabian Peninsula where Saudi Arabia is located today

Te desert environment was harsh and the region was relatively

isolated rom the rest o the world

Many religions were present in the region including

Christianity and Judaism Even the biblical Queen o Sheba camerom the area Ongoing tribal warare was prevalent along with

the belie in supernatural beingsmdashangels demons and mystical

creatures called jinns

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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Europe and parts o the Middle East were entering what is

known as the Dark Ages the chaotic years afer the all o the

Roman Empire As Europe through the centuries began moving

toward what we know as the Renaissance the Arabs on the

Arabian Peninsula seemed rozen in the seventh century

Te boy Muhammad entered into requent trances which one

o his nurses attributed to demon possession (We should note that

Muhammadrsquos mother gave him away to a nurse to raise or thefirst three to our years afer he was born) He suffered repeated

tragedies as his mother ather and grandather died leaving him

to be raised by his uncle

Muslims believe Muhammad received no ormal educationand that he was illiterate unable to read or write

A wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years his

senior arranged or Muhammad to marry her He worked as his

wiersquos employee traveling throughout the Arabian region In his

position as the business manager he encountered many Jews and

Christians and learned o their religions and culture

Even by the age o 40 Muhammad was still experiencing

trances It was during this time he claimed his most powerul

revelation In it he asserted that a being grasped him so tightlythat he thought he would die Ten the being gave him a orceul

message which experience Muhammad attributed to a jinn983089

Subsequently Muhammad shared the experience he had with his

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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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wie and later her cousin Waraqa When Waraqa who belonged

to a sect o Christianity grasped some meaning o what hersquod been

told he said perhaps Muhammad had been visited by a messenger

o God because this is what happened to Moses who received the

great law Tereore according to Waraqa Muhammad was to be

considered the new prophet or this people

How was this spiritual experience validated His middle-aged

wie gave him a our-part test

She asked him i he saw a being in the room and Muhammad

answered in the affirmative

His wie then said ldquoSit on my lef thigh Do you see the beingnowrdquo ldquoYesrdquo he answered

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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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ldquoSit on my right thighrdquo she said ldquoDo you see the being nowrdquo

ldquoYesrdquo he answered

Ten she said ldquoSit on my lap Do you see the figure nowrdquoldquoYesrdquo Muhammad answered

At this point Khadija uncovered hersel and said ldquoDo you see

the being nowrdquo ldquoNordquo answered Muhammad ldquoit has vanishedrdquo At

this point Khadija says ldquoTis must be an angel because he wouldnot look on an uncovered emalerdquo983090

On the strength of this ldquoextraordinaryrdquo test Muhammadrsquos

revelation was validated It is astounding to believe that an

entire worldwide religious movement was founded on this and

only this so-called ldquoevidencerdquo

Tis ldquovalidationrdquo can be considered doubly remarkable

because according to Islam the testimony o a woman is only hal

as valid as that o a man Tereore Islam is only validated by the

testimony o a woman

Encouraged by his wie Muhammad began to share his

revelation with the inhabitants o Mecca in AD 610 He told

them Allah alone was god and Muhammad was his prophet

He met with nothing but disbelie In addition the mysterysurrounding his parentage led to humiliation at the hands o

his peers Tey asked him to perorm miracles so they could

believe in him However he was unable to perorm the requested

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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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miracles Tey tried to kill him Muhammad ran or his lie

toward the town o Yathrib (270 miles rom Mecca) which name

he later changed to Medina Tis journey has become known as

Te Higira (Hijrah) the beginning o the Islamic calendar

When he arrived in Medina his ollowers grew in number

Tey were joined by a band o mercenaries ogether they

began to raid caravans to finance his operations He took

plunder and captives to be used as slaves or or ransom

At the beginning o his teaching Muhammad asserted

that his ollowers should pray towards Jerusalem and should

revere Moses as a great prophet983091 Much o his early teachings

bear a striking resemblance to narratives taken rom the Old

estament that Muhammad had undoubtedly heard rom the

Jews Tis is why some religious scholars actually maintain that

Islam is nothing more than a Christian heresy983092

Te Jews in Medina reused to accept Muhammad as either

a prophet or a messenger o God Tey likewise reused to ollowhim Stung by this rejection Muhammad transormed his

message and his methods He began to use orce to accomplish

his mission by subduing or slaughtering those who opposed him

He and his troops mercilessly slaughtered or evicted all o the

Jewish tribes He took most o the Jewish women as concubinesor his troops saving some beautiul women as concubines or

himsel Tis marked a shifing o his theology rom one o

peace to one o violence Muslims today justiy the shif in their

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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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The Consequences of Muhammadrsquos ldquoRevelationrdquo

Te reign o terror by Muhammadrsquos troops was not limited

just to Mecca and Medina but soon targeted all o the inhabitants

o Arabia including Jews and Christians During one attack on aJewish tribe Banu Qurayza Muhammad ordered all the teenage

boys and men o the tribe killed simply because Muhammad

claimed that they broke a treaty between them His men dug a

ditch and they chopped off the heads o over 700 males and threw

their bodies into it His orces raped the women and then enslavedthem along with their children983095

A careul reading o the Quran when placed against the

events o Muhammadrsquos lie indicate that the ldquorevelationrdquo changed

according to the circumstances o his lie In act as has beenpointed out above an entire doctrine grew up around the radical

changes in his teachingsmdashthe ldquoDoctrine o Abrogationrdquo which

means ldquoannulmentrdquo

Te idea is simply that a newer revelation rom Allah can

cancel and replace an old one Te Quran itsel claims that newer verses replace the older ones because the newer ones are better

QuranSurah 2106 says

We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be orgotten

except that we bring orth one better than it or similar to itDo you not know that Allah is over all things competent

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 15: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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As Muhammad changed doctrines to accommodate his

desires his very intelligent wie Aisha remarked ldquoYour Allah

always rushes to ulfill your desiresrdquo983096 Abrogation came in very

handy or Muhammad on numerous occasions It seemed thatwhenever someone questioned his actions he would hear rom

Allah who consistently vindicated him

Here are just a ew o the convenient revelations he received

rom Allah

bull Muhammad put himsel on the same level as Allah in terms

o obedience Tere is not a single verse in the Quran that

talks about obeying Allah without mentioning that obeying

the prophet Muhammad is also commanded On the other

hand there are verses in the Quran that command people to

obey Muhammad without mentioning obeying Allah Quran

Surah 480 Whoso obeys the prophet he has obeyed Allahhellip

bull Muhammad lusted afer his adopted son Zaidrsquos wie

Amazingly he received a revelation rom Allah that allowedhim to marry his daughter-in-law Quran Surah 3337 But

when Zaid had accomplished his want o her we gave her

to you as a wie so that there should be no difficulty or the

believers in respect o the wives o their adopted sons when

they have accomplished their want o them and Allahrsquoscommand shall be perormed (It should be noted that the

practice authorized by Muhammad has actually caused the

ollowers o Islam to orbid the adoption o children)

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 16: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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bull Muhammadrsquos thirst or unlimited sex and sexual slaves was

also justified by revelation rom Allah Quran Surah 3350

O Prophet Surely We have made lawul to you your wives

whom you have given their dowries and those whom yourright hand possesses out o those whom Allah has given to

you as prisoners o war and the daughters o your paternal

uncles and the daughters o your paternal aunts and the

daughters o your maternal uncles and the daughters o your

maternal aunts who fled with you and a believing womani she gave hersel to the Prophet i the Prophet desired to

marry hermdashspecially or you not or the rest o the believers

We now have ordained or them concerning their wives and

those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame

may attach to you

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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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a lie o servanthood and goodness He elevated the position o

women and treated them with love respect and orgiveness

Jesus Christ gave His lie as a sacrifice or many Muhammadlived his lie sacrificing many or his own appetite and selfish gain

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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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you meet those who misbelieve non-Muslims while fighting in Jihad cut

off their heads until you have massacred them and take them captive

Military Expansion

Armed with their apostlersquos battle cry the orces o Islam began

a reign o terror unparalleled in history Te first target was the

Arabian Peninsula and in a series o brutal military actions the

orces o Islam killed captured or orced the conversion o virtually

every inhabitant o the Arabian Peninsula From that moment onthis part o the world was subjected to Islam and later what is called

Sharia Law

During the ensuing 100-year period the orces o Islam

conquered all o North Arica Palestinethe Holy Land Asia Minor

urkey Spain and parts o France until they were stopped by

Charles Martel at the Battle o ours in 732

Teir brutality knew no bounds Consider these shocking

statistics Since the beginning o the Islamic conquests until now

those slain by Muslim orces are as ollows

bull 51 million + Christians

Raphael Moore in his book History o Asia Minor estimates

that 50 million Christians have died in wars by jihad When

you include the 1 million Arican Christians killed in the20th century and the early martyrdom o Christians by

Muslims many scholars place the number at 60 million

Christians killed by Islam9830891048626

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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 313830

Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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bull 80 million Hindus

Te country o India today is only hal the size o ancient India

due to jihad It is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed in

jihad against India9830891048627

bull 10 million Buddhists

It is estimated that the total number o Buddhists killed by

Islam is 10 million Jihad killed the Buddhists in urkey

Aghanistan along the Silk Route and in India983089983092

bull 120-125 million Arican people

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Arica Tomas Sowell

estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the

Atlantic Ocean and 14 million traded to Islamic nations in

North Arica and the Middle East983089983093 It is estimated that or

every slave who reached the selling block another five died

either in the initial raid or rom illness and privation983089983094 Tat

means while 25 million slaves were delivered to market

another 120-125 million people are estimated to have died

Modern Muslims contend that the term jihad pertains only

to the inner struggle o the human soul against temptation and

spiritual evil In so doing they attempt to sugar-coat the clear

record o history When leaders o radical Islamic groups such as

Al-Qaida shout to ollowers ldquoJihad jihad jihadrdquo they are hardlyexhorting their troops to wage a battle or the soul

An interesting side note It does not appear rom the

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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sacred writings o Islam that there is any assurance o eternal

salvation outside o death in jihad In act in Quran Surah

3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way or die surely orgiveness

rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye could have had on earth

And blessing will be accorded to those who ight in jihad

according to Quran Surah 16110 hen verily thy Lord will

be orgiving and merciul or those who let their homes

ater they had been tried and then carried out Jihad andwere steadast

Tere is a veritable cascade o Quranic scripture underscoring

the command to Muslims to fight and kill Consider these selected

verses taken directly rom the Quran itsel Islamrsquos holiest book

Allah prefers Muslims who carry out jihad to those who donrsquot

From Quran Surah 495 Not alike are those o the believers who sit

at home without harm and those who are strenuous in Allahrsquos way

with their wealth and their persons Allah hath preerred those who

are strenuous with their wealth and their persons to those who sitstill by many degrees and to each hath Allah promised good but

Allah hath preerred the strenuous or a mighty hire over those who

sit still Allah preers those who fight with their money and lives to

those who stay behind Allah has promised rewards to both but he

preers and has a great reward or those who fight

Muslims who flee from jihad will go to hell From Quran

Surah 815-17 O ye who believe When ye meet those who

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 313830

Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 283827

Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 293828

Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 303829

Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 313830

Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 353834

Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 3638


1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 26: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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He could conquer them but He wants you to carry out Jihad in

order that He may try some o you by means o others And those

o you who are killed in strenuous fighting in Allahrsquos cause Hersquoll

never let your works be lost

Tere is salvation through jihad From Quran Surah 6110-

12 O ye who believe Shall I show you a bargain that will save

you rom grie Itrsquos that you believe in Allah and His Apostle

and that you carry out Jihad on Allahrsquos behal with your moneyand your lives Tatrsquos whatrsquos best or you i you only knew it

He will orgive your sins and bring you into Paradise which

contains rivers and pleasant dwellings in the gardens o Edenmdash

that is the great victory

Allah grants forgiveness and mercy to those who die in jihad

From Quran Surah 3157 And i indeed ye be killed in Allahrsquos way

or die surely orgiveness rom Allah and mercy is better than what ye

could have had on earth

Te Quran commands people to love fighting From Quran Surah

2216-217 Prescribed or you is fighting but you hate it but while you

may hate something thatrsquos good or you and you may love something

thatrsquos bad or you but Allah knows and youmdashyou do not know

Fighting non-Muslims leads to prosperity From QuranSurah 535 O ye who believe Fear Allah and crave the means

to approach Him and be strenuous in His way haply ye will

prosper then

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 273826

Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 283827

Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 293828

Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 303829

Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 313830

Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 353834

Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 3638


1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 27: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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Keep fighting until Islam is the only religion From Quran

Surah 839 And keep fighting them until there is no division

among you and Islam is the only religion but i non-believers

give up worshipping other gods then Allah sees what they do

Te jihadi standard of fightingmdashterrify your enemies From

Quran Surah 857 But when you meet a group o soldiers in a

war make an example o them that the ollowing group o soldiers

behind them would panic and run away and never orget it

Allah commands his followers to fight Jews and Christians

From Quran Surah 929 Fight those who donrsquot believe in Allah or

in the Last Day and who donrsquot orbid the things that Allah and His

Apostle have orbidden and who donrsquot have Islam the religion o truth

as their religion rom among the Jews and Christiansmdashuntil they pay

the fine or being non-Muslims and they have been humiliated

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 283827

Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 293828

Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 303829

Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 313830

Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 353834

Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 3638


1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 28: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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Fight people until they convert to Islam From Quran

Surah 4816 Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind instead o

going to battle ldquoYou will be called to fight against a people who

are great fighters and you may fight against them or they maysubmit and become Muslims And i you obey Allah will give you

a good reward but i you turn away as you did beore He will

punish you with a great tormentrdquo

Muslims are told to cut off the necks and fingers of thosewho opposed Allah and Muhammad From Quran Surah 812-

14 When Allah inspired the angels ldquoI am with you so make the

Muslims strong I will put terror in the hearts o non-Muslimsrdquo

So cut off their necks and cut off every fingertip Do that because

they opposed Allah and His Apostle And Allah is intent on

punishing anyone who opposes Him and His Apostle

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 29: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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Kill the non-Muslims who criticize Islam From Quran

Surah 129-14 But i the leaders o the non-Muslims break their

promises afer making a treaty with you and criticize Islam then

fight them because their promises donrsquot mean anything to themand this way you can stop their evil works Wonrsquot you fight those

who broke their promises and planned to expel His Apostle Are

you araid o them I you are believers Allah deserves your honor

Kill them Allah will use your hands to torment and disgrace them

He will help you and will heal the hearts o those who believe

Muslims should not seek peace when they are more powerful

From Quran Surah 47 35 So donrsquot be weak and call or peace

while you have the upper hand or Allah is with you and He wonrsquot

let your good works come to nothing

Be severe against non-Muslims and merciful to Muslims

From Quran Surah 4829 Muhammad is the Apostle o Allah and

those who are with Him are vehement against the misbelievers but

compassionate amongst themselveshellip

Allah will put terror in the heart of Christians and Jews

and cause them to destroy themselves From Quran Surah 592

He drove out o their homes the Jews and the Christians who didnrsquot

believe at the first gathering o orces Tey thought their ortresses

would protect them rom Allah but Allah came upon them rom a place they didnrsquot expect and put ear in their hearts Tey destroyed

their own houses with their own hands and with the hands o the

believers So heed this warning you who have eyes to see

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Page 30: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Tese then are just a ew examples o the teachings o the

Quran regarding jihad Tere is denial that Muslims today

embrace the teachings o Islam as set orth in the Quran Either

as a result o political correctness or naivety many reuse to linkIslamic terrorism with the Islamist ideology that inspires it

Yet the opposite is true As just one example listen to the

words o current Islamic spiritual leader Anjem Choudary o the

United Kingdom who says ldquoYou canrsquot say that Islam is a religiono peace Because Islam does not mean peace Islam means

lsquosubmissionrsquo So the Muslim is one who submits Tere is a place

or violence in Islam Tere is a place or Jihad in Islamrdquo

oday in our world the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic

groups are harassing torturing and murdering non-Muslims

across the globe One o the most distressing issues o our time

is the systematic emptying o Christians rom the Middle East

through relentless Islamic-led persecution

In addition current Muslim world leaders regularly call or thedestruction o Israel and the annihilation o the Jewish people

his too has been a hallmark o the so-called Arab

Spring an Arab-wide rise to power o the Islamic ideology

which includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood heirBrotherrsquos ounder al-Banna wrote in an article titled

ldquoIndustry o Deathrdquo

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 313830

Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Page 31: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Only those who become proficient in the ldquoart o deathrdquo can

prevail So prepare yoursel to do a great deed Be keen on dying

and lie will be granted to you so work towards a noble death

Is it any wonder that as the Muslim Brotherhood cohorts

marched through the streets o Cairo this past year they shouted

ldquoWe are araid not o death but we desire ithellip How

wonderul death ishellip Let us die in redemption orMuslims Jihad is our course o actionhellip and death in the

cause o Allah our most precious wishrdquo

Te Western mind cannot comprehend a system o belie that

encourages its young people to strap on bombs in murderous suicide

and sends its children to clear minefields as a service to their god

Despite the commands or jihad and the acts o terrorism we see

around the world the Muslim people are not the enemy Tey are

the victims o the ideology o Islam

Muslims are trapped in a world o spiritual darkness one thatrsquos

ull o suffering ear and hatred Teyrsquore told to believe that the

path o jihad is sacred and holy and ollowing it is a guarantee o

paradise and eternal lie

A recent Pew Research Center survey in early 2013 ound that

most Muslims around the world reject suicide bombings and other

attacks against civilians Yet their silence is deaening

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 353834

Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 3638


1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Page 32: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 34: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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Christianity has a different message Instead o giving

commands to kill enemies Jesus Himsel said ldquohellip love your

enemies and pray or those who persecute you that you may be

children o your Father in heavenrdquo ( Matthew 544 45)

Te Bible the true Word o God tells us that God loves all

people regardless o their background race gender or religion

But it also makes it clear that all have sinned and all short o the

glory o God (Romans 323)

o reconcile man to Himsel God sent His Son Jesus

Christ to the earth to live a perect lie and become the atoning

sacrifice or all our sin John 316 says For God so loved the

world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal lie

Jesus Himsel declared ldquo I am the way and the truth and the

lie No one comes to the Father except through merdquo (John 146)


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 353834

Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 3638


1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Page 35: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Jesus is ready to accept all who come to Him He died or

all o humanitymdashincluding you I you havenrsquot accepted Jesus asyour Savior you can ask Him into your heart today He will hear

your sincere prayer o aith

Scripture is quoted rom the NIV Amen

Lord Jesus I am a sinner

Tank You for

paying the debt of my sin when You died for

me Come into my heart and life today Please

forgive me of my sins and show me Your will

for my life

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullislambook-religion-of-peace-or-war 3638


1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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Page 36: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

8112019 IslamBook Religion of Peace or War

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1 al-Halabi Burhan al-Deen Al-Sira Al-Halabiya Vol

I p 377 and Al-Bukhari Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Jamial-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari) Vol I Book ImdashRevelation

Hadith 13

2 al-Suhaili Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abd Allah Al-Rawd

al-Unu fi asir al-Sira al-Nabawiya o Ibn Hisham Vol 1pp 408-409

3 Quran Surah 7144

4 Quran Surah 2142-144 and al-Bukhari asir al-

Quran Surah al-Baqara Bab al-lathina Atinahum al-Kitab

and Muslim Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Masajid wa Mawadi

al-Sala Bab tahweel al-Qubla min al-Quds ila al-Kaba

5 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Bab Nikah al-Muta wa

Bayan Anahu Ubiha Tuma Nusikha Wa Istaqar ahrimuhIla Yawm al-Qiyama and Al-Alusi asir al-Quran li Surat

al-Fateh 1 and arikh al-abari 2101

6 Sahih Muslim Kitab al-Nikah Fi Bab azweej al-Ab

lil-Bikr al-Saghirah

7 al-abari 19142 and Ibn Diya al-Maki arikh Mecca

Bab Tikr qatl Bani Qurayza bil-Madina


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Page 37: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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Page 38: IslamBook: Religion of Peace or War

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