iploca newsletter 57

57 NUMBER THE IPLOCA NEWSLETTER Contents: Letter from the President page 4 News from Geneva page 5 Member News page 9 IPLOCA Awards page 16 Washington, D.C. Convention page 12 - with 6 photo pages DECEMBER 2013 WITH NEWS FROM: THE INDUSTRY, MEMBERSHIP, ALLIED & SISTER ASSOCIATIONS

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IPLOCA Newsletter 57


Page 1: IPLOCA Newsletter 57



Contents:Letter from the President page 4

News from Geneva page 5

Member News page 9

IPLOCA Awards page 16

Washington, D.C. Conventionpage 12 - with 6 photo pages



Page 2: IPLOCA Newsletter 57

Experience the Progress.global sales organisationBreukersweg 4, NL-7471, ST, Goor, the NetherlandsTel. +31 547 260 000, Fax +31 547 261 000www.maats.com


The Group

Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH Hans Liebherr-Str. 35A-6410 TelfsTel.: +43 50809 6-100Fax: +43 50809 6-7772www.liebherr.com

2033-005_09 Bandru ̈cker_V2_INT-GB 3.indd 1 13.11.2009 15:28:54 Uhr

Page 3: IPLOCA Newsletter 57


Experience the Progress.global sales organisationBreukersweg 4, NL-7471, ST, Goor, the NetherlandsTel. +31 547 260 000, Fax +31 547 261 000www.maats.com


The Group

Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH Hans Liebherr-Str. 35A-6410 TelfsTel.: +43 50809 6-100Fax: +43 50809 6-7772www.liebherr.com

2033-005_09 Bandru ̈cker_V2_INT-GB 3.indd 1 13.11.2009 15:28:54 Uhr

ContentsLetter from the President 4

News from Geneva 5

Board Meeting Update 5

New Faces on the IPLOCA Board of Directors 7

Member News 8

[email protected] 10

World Federation Meeting 11

Washington, D.C. Convention Retrospective 12

Presentation of Awards in Washington, D.C. 16

Health, Safety and the Environment 17

New Technologies 18

In the Headlines 23

Upcoming Conferences 23

IPLOCA Secretariat

International Pipe Line & Offshore

Contractors Association

Chemin des Papillons 4

1216 Cointrin / Geneva


Telephone +41 22 306 02 30

Fax +41 22 306 02 39

E-mail [email protected]

Website www.iploca.com

IPLOCA Newsletter


Elizabeth Spalding


Peter Schoonenberg


[email protected]

Comments & copy

[email protected]

IPLOCA © 2013

Cover Photo

Courtesy of Max Streicher

IPLOCA Yearbook


[email protected]

Listing changes

[email protected]

IPLOCA Mission To provide value to members through a forum for sharing ideas, engaging the industry and its stakeholders, facilitating business opportunities and promoting the highest standards in the pipeline industry.

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Letter from the President

It was with great pleasure that I accepted the role of IPLOCA

president for the coming year. It is an honour to work

alongside my colleagues on the board of directors in leading

the work of the association.

Following the elections in Washington we welcome some

directors who are now joining us for the first time on the

board. You will find their profiles in this newsletter as we

introduce them to the membership. Others are more familiar

faces, returning after serving the association in the past and bringing with them the

knowledge and experience they have acquired.

I would particularly like to recognise outgoing directors – and former presidents – Osman

Birgili, Andy Lukas and Karl Trauner, each of whom served IPLOCA for many years. We will

miss seeing them at future board meetings.

Our committees continue their work. The recent plenary session of Novel Construction,

held in London under the umbrella of the New Technologies Committee, was attended by

38 delegates from 31 companies, with some excellent presentations. More information is

on page 18 of this newsletter.

We anticipate a number of regional meetings in 2014 and to continue to further engage

members, potential members and clients around the world. We will post information on

our website as this becomes available.

I look forward to the next year and to meeting as many of our members as possible during

our various IPLOCA meetings, and of course, at our next convention, in Abu Dhabi in

October 2014.

Warm regards,

Najib Khoury

IPLOCA President 2013-2014

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News from GenevaWith the convention now past, and follow-up completed,

Emma Hachfeld, whom many of you met in Washington,

D.C. has now finished her five-month internship with us

and has re-commenced classes at the Ecole Hotelière de

Lausanne. Emma will graduate in July 2014 with a degree

in International Hospitality Management. We wish her

every success in the future.

IPLOCA’s Board of Directors and the staff of the Secretariat

would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the

success of the association during the past year.

We appreciate the friendship, the generous sharing of

your time and expertise during meetings held around the

world and, of course, the generous commitments made in

sponsorship of the annual convention.

We look forward to welcoming new members and sharing

new achievements and collaborations to benefit the

pipeline industry in 2014. Our very best wishes to all for a

safe and prosperous 2014.

Board Meeting Update Washington, D.C. The final meeting of the 2012-2013 Board of Directors and

the first meeting of the 2013-2014 Board were held in

Washington, D.C. during convention week. The following

were the key outcomes from the meetings:

Minutes of the Stockholm MeetingThe action items from Stockholm were reviewed and were

complete. The minutes were formally approved.

Treasurer’s ReportHarald Dresp provided the Half Year Forecast to Complete

2013, noting that he expected a positive result at 31

December 2013 of approximately CHF 20,000, similar to

the association’s financial position at this time last year. He

confirmed that a reserve of CHF 1.8 million is still set aside

in case of unexpected convention cancellation, association

closure, or other event.

Regular MembersSubsea 7, UK, was confirmed by the Board as a new

Regular Member, following an email vote in August.

Associate MembersBauhuis B.V., The Netherlands and Porta-Kamp

Manufacturing, Inc., USA were confirmed as new Associate

Members, following an email vote in August.

Name Changes - Stroytransgaz JSC, Russia to CJSC Stroytransgaz

- Sievert, India to SIEVERT - A Bureau Veritas Group Company

- Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd., UK to Land &

Marine Engineering Ltd.

ResignationsResignations have been received from the following:

- Jaihind Projects India Ltd., India – no reason given

- PJSC Stroytransgaz, Russia – a purely technical step,

since the STG Group will continue to be active in IPLOCA

via CJSC Stroytransgaz.

Considered as resigned because of non-payment of 2013

membership fees:

- ChTZ-Uraltrac, Russia

Incoming president, Najib Khoury presented Doug Evans with his

presidential pin.

Season’s Greetings

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- Galfar Engineering & Contracting, U.A.E.

- Gammon India Limited, India

- PBG Technologies, Poland

- T.D. Williamson, Inc., U.S.A.

Health & Safety Statistics SubmissionsFive Regular Members have still not submitted their Health

& Safety statistics for 2012.

Washington, D.C.Caroline Green provided an update on arrangements for

Washington, noting some changes in the programme this

year, including the cancellation of the Wednesday evening

Presidents’ Cocktails in order to allow for a completely free

evening. She informed the directors that USD 544,000 had

been received in sponsorship and that the Welcome Dinner

would be arranged by Worldwide Machinery this year.

An increasing number of children and other relatives of

delegates are now registering for the convention. The Board

confirmed that these attendees must be charged to attend.

Honorary Members of IPLOCAMarco Jannuzzi and Michael Rae had each sent information

to the Board regarding suggested criteria for appointing

Honorary Members. It was determined that the following

rules should apply:

- A maximum of one person per year (Regular or Associate

Member) may be appointed an Honorary Member.

- Anyone in the association may recommend a candidate.

- A total of five letters of recommendation must be

received from companies (Regular or Associate

Members) who have been members of IPLOCA for at

least ten years.

- Once letters are received, the board will vote

anonymously. The vote must be unanimous in order for

a candidate to be appointed an Honorary Member.

IPLOCA Scholarship Committee ReportDoug Evans provided an update on the ideas of the

Scholarship Committee, the goals being to provide

an educational scholarship to family members of IPLOCA

members, without bias. He suggested providing

CHF 100,000 to 300,000 as seed money and adding to it

in the future, perhaps via an auction or lottery.

Organisations such as the Institute of International

Education (www.iie.org) and Scholarship America exist

and could be engaged to manage the selection and

disbursement of funds. Scott Summers, Jean-Claude Van

de Wiele and Ibrahim Zakhem volunteered to participate

with Doug in this committee.

Convening of the 2013-2014 Board of DirectorsRetiring President Doug Evans thanked his board for their

support over the past year. He then tabled the proposed

names for the 2013-2014 officers and the board voted to

appoint Najib Khoury as president, Jean-Claude Van de

Wiele as 1st vice president, Atul Punj as 2nd vice president

and Harald Dresp as treasurer.

Appointment of the Directors-at-LargeThe retiring directors and directors-at-large left the room

and the names of the proposed new directors-at-large

were tabled by President Najib Khoury. The board voted

to appoint Larry Bolander (Fluor), Georges Hage (C.A.T.

Group), Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar), Wilhelm Maats (Maats

Pipeline Equipment) and Bruno Maerten (Geocean) as


Nominations to the CommitteesCommittee leadership was then discussed and the

following were appointed:

HSE Committee

Bruno Maerten (Chairman), Juan Arzuaga, Kaan Dogan,

Georges Hage, Jean-Claude Van de Wiele, Adam Wynne Hughes

New Technologies Committee

Jean-Claude Van de Wiele (Chairman), Roberto Castelli,

Doug Evans, Jesus Garcia Pons, Marco Jannuzzi, Michael Rae

Client Engagement Committee

Scott Summers (Chairman), Doug Evans, Gerry Grothe,

Andrei Klepach, Greg Miller, John Tikkanen, Jean-Claude

Van de Wiele

Scholarship Committee

Doug Evans (Chairman), Greg Miller, Scott Summers,

Jean-Claude Van de Wiele, Ibrahim Zakhem

Convention Location Committee

Marco Jannuzzi (Chairman), Kaan Dogan, Jesus Garcia Pons,

Bruno Maerten, Adam Wynne Hughes

Training Committee

Jan Koop (Chairman), Harald Dresp, Gerry Grothe, Georges

Hage, Marco Jannuzzi, Najib Khoury, Wilhelm Maats

Next Board Meeting 10-14 December, Bangkok, Thailand

Regional MeetingsPresident Najib Khoury asked for volunteers to host

regional meetings in 2014 and the following were

suggested: Central Europe (Jan Koop), Latin America (Jesus

Garcia Pons), Middle East & Africa (Ibrahim Zakhem)

Europe Eastern (Kaan Dogan).

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New Faces on the IPLOCA Board of DirectorsFollowing the 2013-2014 elections for directors in

Washington, D.C. we now welcome the following to the

IPLOCA leadership:

Larry Bolander, Director-at-LargeLarry currently serves

as vice president of

sales and marketing

for Fluor’s Global

Pipeline Business Line.

Larry has spent 40 years with Fluor in the engineering,

procurement, and construction industry. He is currently

based in Houston, Texas, but has had the opportunity to

work and live throughout the Americas and Asia in his

tenure with Fluor. After graduating from University of

Illinois in Civil engineering, he began his career in field

engineering. He spent 12 years in field operations and

project management. From field operations, Larry returned

to school to become an instructor for Effective Leadership

Behaviors in Decision Making and Problem Solving where

he taught week-long seminars to executive management

teams. Following this assignment he moved into Fluor’s

sales and marketing organisation where he has spent the

last 18 years in assignments in Asia and North America.

Larry has had a focus on many industries over his span

with Fluor, including pipelines, oil & gas, petrochemicals,

industrial, and mining. He has been a board member of the

U.S. ASEAN Business Council for the last five years and a

leader in a number of Fluor initiatives. Larry and his wife

Amy have four children and three young grandsons. In his

spare time, he enjoys golf, boating, specialised autos and

keeping up with the grandsons.

Jim Frith, Director for East & Far EastJim is general manager

of Pipelines Business

Unit of McConnell Dowell,

is a director of McConnell

Dowell Corporation

and also a member of the Australian Pipeline Industry

Association Board. He is a Chartered Professional Engineer

and a member of the Australian Institute of Company

Directors. Jim commenced working with McConnell Dowell

in 1989 and has been fortunate to have worked on many

large resources and infrastructure projects throughout

Australia and South East Asia in a variety of roles. He has

been instrumental in McConnell Dowell’s success over

that period. Throughout his career, he has proven his

abilities in working with his clients to understand their

unique project drivers, including engineering concepts,

trading environment, contractual elements and negotiation,

people, budget, quality, safety and environment. He is

well respected throughout McConnell Dowell Group and

the industry for his abilities in maritime engineering and

construction. Jim is married to Hilda and they have two

daughters – Catherine (17 years) and Isabelle (10 years).

His hobbies include family, keeping fit, Australian Rules

football and cricket.

Georges Hage, Director-at-LargeGeorges is a dual French

and Lebanese citizen and

CEO of The Contracting

and Trading Group of

Companies “C.A.T.”.

He started his career in France in 1984 and has held senior

management and board positions with international

groups in Europe and the Middle East. During his

professional career, he has acquired a wide and solid

experience in engineering, design, management,

development, project finance, construction and operations

in several construction sectors. He holds a master’s

degree in Civil Engineering, a post-graduate specialization

in pre-stressed and reinforced concrete and an MBA in

management and finance. He is married to Myrna and

has two children, Alexandre and Cecilia. Georges enjoys

travelling, skiing, classical music and spending as much

time as possible with his family and friends.

Andrei Klepach, Director for Europe EasternAndrei is a vice-president

of Stroygazconsulting

(SGC). He graduated as a

specialist in international

relations from Moscow State Institute of International

Relations (MGIMO University) and Thunderbird School

of Global Management and devoted his life to oil and

gas construction. He started his career in the pipeline

industry 15 years ago as a pump station construction

project manager. He joined SGC in 2008 and has led

many important pipeline projects in Russia, such as

Bovanenkovo-Ukhta, Ukhta-Torzhok, East Siberia-Pacific

Ocean, Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok, Zapoliarnoe-

Purpe, and the landfall section of the Nord Stream project.

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He is married to Inna and has three children – Sofia, Ivan

and Elizabeth. His interests include yoga, theater and

travelling with his family.

Atul Punj, Director for East & Far EastAn Indian citizen, Atul Punj is the

Chairman and Promoter of Punj

Lloyd, a diversified conglomerate

providing engineering and

construction services in Energy

and Infrastructure. Starting young,

Atul initially focused on pipelines

but his global vision and foresight led him to establish

Punj Lloyd in 22 countries, catering to every aspect of the

energy chain – upstream, midstream and downstream.

Today Punj Lloyd, headquartered in India, is a USD 2.13

billion organisation with operations spread across the

Middle East, the Caspian, Asia Pacific, Africa, South Asia,

China and Europe. Atul has extensive knowledge of

the business, coupled with his understanding of global

frameworks. Actively involved with many trade bodies,

he represents India at various international forums. He

enjoys swimming, skiing and spending time with his son

who has recently returned to India after completing his

graduation from the US. A voracious reader, Atul enjoys


We also welcome back to the board Roberto Castelli

(Director for Europe Mediterranean), Gerry Grothe, Director

for Associate Members, and John Tikkanen, Director for

America North. A photograph of the full 2013-2014 Board of

Directors can be found on page 24 of this newsletter and on

our website at www.iploca.com.

Member NewsBonatti/Petrofac Awarded USD 650 Million EPC Project in Algeria Bonatti and Petrofac will execute a 32-month Engineering,

Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for

Sonatrach to extend the life of the Alrar gas field in south

east Algeria. The contract value is more than USD 650

million. The scope of work encompasses engineering,

procurement, construction, and commissioning services

for the development of new separation and booster

compression facilities at the well-established Alrar field

which has been in operation since 1987. Paolo Ghirelli,

president and CEO of Bonatti commented: “Petrofac

and Bonatti combined to provide a competitive proposal

for this project, which is Bonatti’s second EPC contract

at Alrar. With Petrofac we share a long experience of

operating in Algeria, where we started working in 1998,

and also a focus on local capability which demonstrates

our combined commitment to develop the local energy

sector. We look forward to working closely with Petrofac on

this important project.”

ICA Fluor Awarded Pemex Contract for Miguel Hidalgo Refinery in MexicoFluor Corporation has announced that its ICA Fluor

industrial engineering-construction joint venture with

Empresas ICA, S.A.B. de C.V. was awarded an additional

new USD 95 million contract by Pemex to develop the

first phase of the overall project to reconfigure the Miguel

Hidalgo Refinery, located in Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. Fluor

will book its USD 48 million share of the contract in the

third quarter of 2013. ICA Fluor will be responsible for

the basic and detailed engineering for the process plants,

auxiliary services and integration works required to

increase the refinery’s distillate production capacity from

63 to 80 percent. This is the first phase of a mega-project

announced by Pemex to increase national production

of higher value distillates through the reprocessing of

products such as gasoil (diesel). Pemex expects its total

investment to be approximately USD 3.5 billion.

Former Head of NNSA, Thomas D’Agostino, Joins Fluor’s Government Group Fluor Corporation has announced that Thomas P.

D’Agostino has joined the company’s Government

Group (FGG) as the senior vice president of Strategic

Planning and Development. He will be based in the

company’s Greenville, S.C., office. Prior to joining Fluor,

D’Agostino spent more than 36 years in government

service in a variety of leadership positions. In 2007,

he was sworn in as the Under Secretary for Nuclear

Security and Administrator of the U.S. National Nuclear

Security Administration (NNSA), and remained in that

position until retiring in January 2013. Prior to the lead

administrator role, he served as the Deputy Administrator

for Defense Programs and directed the Stockpile

Stewardship Program and major elements of the NNSA’s

Nuclear Security Enterprise, including three national

research laboratories, four production plants, and the

Nevada National Security Site.

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Price Gregory Selected for Houston Lateral Pipeline ProjectPrice Gregory International, a Quanta Services company,

has been selected to install pipeline infrastructure for

TransCanada Corp.’s lateral pipeline project in Houston,

Texas. Price Gregory will construct and install approximately

48 miles of 36-inch-diameter steel pipe to interconnect

TransCanada’s Gulf Coast pipeline to refineries in the

Houston marketplace. The Houston lateral pipeline should

increase Houston refiners’ access to US and Canadian oil for

refining once the project is complete. Price Gregory expects

the project to be completed in the spring of 2014.

Techint to Construct New Pipeline System in MexicoAfter seven months of Basic Engineering work, and with

an open-book process, an EPC contract has been signed in

Mexico with Gasoductos del Sudeste for the performance of

an Ethanol Pipeline System for the Project Etileno XXI. The

scope encompasses the obtaining of the Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA), the acquisition of the land-use rights, the

engineering, procurement (including the main pipeline),

construction and commissioning of 225 km of 24”, 20” and

16” diameter ducts for transportation of liquid ethanol (C2+)

and Ethane Gas (C2 Gas), including the corresponding surface

stations. The project faces important challenges: the pipeline

routing takes place in low lands, with high impact in the rainy

seasons. There are over 270 special intersections and 27 ways

to be performed through horizontal excavation.

Technip Awarded Major Contracts for the TEN project in GhanaTechnip, leader of a consortium with Subsea7, has been

awarded by Tullow Ghana Limited two contracts for the

TEN Project, located offshore Ghana, at a water depth

reaching up to 2,000 meters. Together, those two contracts

have a combined value of approximately USD 1.23 billion,

with a Technip share of about USD 730 million. Technip’s

scope of work includes the engineering, fabrication and

installation of 9 flexible risers, 3 flexible flowlines and

12 flexible spools totaling 48 kilometers; engineering,

fabrication and installation of 33 kilometers of water

injection and gas injection rigid flowlines; installation

of about 63 kilometers of static and dynamic umbilicals;

engineering, pre-fabrication, final assembly and

installation of 10 well rigid jumpers and delivery of further

6 prefabricated rigid jumpers. Technip’s operating center

in Paris, France, will execute this project with the support

of the Group’s offices in Accra, Ghana. The flexible pipes

will be fabricated at Technip’s Flexi France facility in Le Trait,

France and the rigid flowlines at the Group’s spoolbase in

Evanton, UK. The offshore installation is scheduled to be

completed in the second half of 2016.

Technip and HQC create Two Joint Ventures to Improve Access to the European and Chinese Procurement MarketsTechnip has announced that its operating center in Rome,

Italy, has signed an agreement with China Huanqiu

Contracting & Engineering Corporation (HQC) to set up two

joint-venture companies. Headquartered in Rome, Italy and

Beijing, China, they will be responsible for procurement

activities, respectively on the European and Chinese

markets. These companies will perform procurement

activities for worldwide onshore and offshore projects.

By establishing a local presence, and thus eliminating the

cultural and language barriers, these new companies will

allow an immediate knowledge and access to the local

suppliers market, based on Technip and HQC’s experience.

Technip and Sasol Form Front-end Engineering Alliance for GTL FacilitiesTechnip and Sasol, the owner of the world’s leading Gas to

Liquids (GTL) technology, have established an alliance for

front-end engineering services for future Sasol GTL projects.

The alliance also allows for Technip’s participation during

the execution stage of future GTL projects. Officials said

the alliance, which builds on existing relationships, aims

to achieve strong capital productivity through the highest

standards of HSE, operability, accelerated innovation and

reduced project cycle times. GTL technology is becoming

increasingly important not only for the environmental

advantages of its products, but also because it provides an

efficient and safe solution for the transportation of natural gas.

Transneft and Rosneft Agree on China Pipeline ExpansionRussian oil majors Transneft and Rosneft have agreed to

increase Russian oil supplies to China. This marks a relaxing

of tensions between the two countries over pipeline

network expansion costs. Rosneft President Igor Sechin and

Transneft President Nikolai Tokarev, have signed a number

of agreements based “on principles of co-financing” to

increase oil supplies volumes to China and to the Rosneft’s

Tuapse refinery in the Krasnodar region, Russia. Under

the agreement, Transneft will finance the expansion of the

Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (EPSO) oil pipeline, which

runs from Skovordino, Russia, to the Chinese border. This

will support Rosneft’s growing oil supplies to China. Rosneft

will pay back the investment through a special long-term

tariff to be determined by the Federal Tariff Service.

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Van Oord Orders DP2 Cable-Laying Vessel for Wind Park Construction Van Oord has ordered a new cable-laying vessel. The ship

will be built at Damen Shipyards wharf in Romania and

will be completed at the end of 2014. The ship is intended

for the installation of electricity cables for offshore wind

parks. Van Oord is making preparations for the Gemini wind

park project which will be constructed 60 km to the north

of Schiermonnikoog, one of the Dutch Wadden Islands. The

cable-laying vessel will be deployed at that site, among

many others.

Van Oord BAM Consortium to Build APM Terminals Moin Container Terminal in Costa RicaA consortium consisting of Van Oord and BAM International,

has been awarded the contract for the design and

construction of Phase 2A of the new container terminal

for APM Terminals in Moín, Costa Rica. The total contract

value amounts to USD 460 million which is split between

Van Oord and BAM International on an almost equal basis.

It will take the consortium approximately three years to

complete the project. The consortium will be responsible

for the construction of the new terminal and marine access.

The scope of work for Van Oord consists of the construction

of a 1.5-km rock breakwater, reclamation of an area of

40 hectares, including soil improvement works, and the

dredging of the access channel and turning basin. Van

Oord will deploy a trailing suction hopper dredger, a cutter

suction dredger and rock installation equipment. BAM

International will construct the 650-metre quay wall, as well

as the pavement, associated buildings and all utilities.

Willbros Names Young as Director of Integrity ConstructionWillbros Group, Inc. has announced

that Brian Young has been named

director of Integrity Construction.

Based in Houston, Young will

be responsible for working with

Willbros regional construction and

the professional services’ integrity group to increase Willbros’

share of the U.S. integrity construction market. He will

focus on identifying opportunities where the company

can assist clients with full-service integrity management

program offerings, including program development, GIS/

data services, risk analysis, corrosion evaluation, integrity

engineering and integrity construction services. He has more

than 15 years of experience in the pipeline construction

industry. He joins Willbros from Sunland Construction where

he served as assistant operations manager. In that role he

was responsible for business development, daily operations,

and implementing an employee development and training

program. Young earned a bachelor’s degree in Environmental

Science from Auburn University. He is a member of the

Houston Pipeliners Association and has completed Project

Management Institute certification through ABC Mechanical

at Purdue University.

[email protected] Help us Keep our Database CurrentWe have developed a new tool to help us keep our

database current and to make sure we reach the most

appropriate contacts in your organisation. We thank all

those who responded to a beta release of this tool in May

this year and helped us improve it.

Once a year the IPLOCA Secretariat will ask IPLOCA’s “key

representatives” and their assistants in each organisation

to verify or update the contact information you have

provided to us. Those of you who are in this “key

representative” group should have received this email

during November. We appreciate your responses!

During the year, in the late spring, and prior to the release

of the new IPLOCA Yearbook, you will also receive a

different - and completely separate - request from the

Yearbook publishers, Pedemex. Please respond to both

requests, as their purposes are completely different and

the two databases are not in any way linked. Please click

on your unique link provided in the email you receive from

IPLOCA. This link will allow only one person from your

company to submit modifications, and to do so only once,

so there should be no duplication of effort possible.

Some tips:

- Mailing lists: key representatives and key

representative assistants are our primary contacts at

your organization. For each individual listed, please

select the appropriate “mailing list” (or category) from

the list shown.

- When you click submit, you will not see the changes

immediately online.

- An e-mail will be sent to us and we will make the

updates to the database.

- To confirm existing information (when no change is

necessary), just click submit.

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World Federation Meeting

The World Federation of Pipeline Industry Associations

(WFPIA) met in Washington, D.C during the convention.

Incoming IPLOCA president, Najib Khoury, stressed the

value of having all of the representatives meeting regularly

to discuss best practices and industry goals and objectives.

The sister associations share topics of common interest

and further interaction amongst the members would

be beneficial, in particular for their secretariats. It was

determined that an updated document indicating aims and

objectives will be created for the group’s approval. The

aim is to update the number of members and invite other

Associations to join.

Safety is one of the most important topics to be discussed,

along with new technologies and training opportunities,

and while it was recognised that most of the associations

produce their own materials, in many cases these can be

shared with the World Federation. IPLOCA has included on

its website the calendar of each member of the Federation,

to facilitate inclusivity when planning events.

IPLOCA Yearbook 12th edition 2013-2014

The Yearbook has been

distributed worldwide

to the desks and in

the field of pipeline


We hope this edition

will again meet your

expectations but we

always appreciate

your comments and


Do not hesitate to send

us the addresses of the

persons to whom you wish us to send the IPLOCA Yearbook.

Please send any updates to [email protected]

and be sure to also send a copy to [email protected].

In this way we will update our newsletter mailing lists and

membership database.

Additional printed copies can be obtained on request:


(Clockwise from left foreground): Najib Khoury, Juan Arzuaga (IPLOCA), Peter Cox (APIA), Andy Lukas (IPLOCA), Kevin Barrett, John Allen

(PLCA), Neil Lane (PLCAC), Timothy Bell (DCA), David Johnstone (PLCAC).

IPLOCA 2014 Membership Fees

Membership fee invoices were

emailed and sent by postal mail at

the end of November. The payment

due date is 2 January. Membership certificates will be

mailed in January.

If you have any questions please contact IPLOCA’s

Accounting Manager at [email protected]





Page 12: IPLOCA Newsletter 57


More than 625 people enjoyed warm and sunny weather

and a wonderful week at the convention in Washington,

D.C. thanks to terrific support, once again, from our many

generous sponsors.

Yet hardly had the event ended when a 16-day government

shut-down left thousands of less fortunate travellers

wondering what to do in Washington, without their expected

access to its most famous monuments and tourist locations.

Indeed, had the convention been scheduled for the following

week, it could have been a very different event!

On the evening of the President’s Dinner, held in the

magnificent Library of Congress, an unfortunate fire alarm

right at the beginning of the event - and the subsequent

triggering of the sprinkler system that flooded the kitchen -

resulted in an almost 90-minute wait outside in the chilly air

for our remarkably patient guests.

Dinner was eventually served, albeit rather late, but

the evening was nevertheless highly appreciated, with

a wonderful atmosphere, great entertainment and

excellent food.

Washington, D.C. Convention Retrospective

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Guest Speakers at the Washington, D.C. Convention

Richard Norton Smith

Presidential Historian

Presidents, not Pipelines

Alan D. Quilley

President, Safety Results Ltd.

Leading and Lagging Indicators - Evolution

of Health & Safety Measurement

Willie Watt

General Manager for Pipeline

Bundles, Subsea 7

Pipe Bundling

Suzanne Minter

Manager Crude and Natural Gas

Analysis, Bentek Energy

The Butterfly Effect of North American

Shale Development

Stephen Moore

Wall Street Journal

Is America on the Comeback?

John Attrill

Project General Manager, BP

Southern Corridor

Loek Vreenegoor

General Manager Pipelines, Flow

Assurance & Subsea, Shell

Are our Pipelines Smart Enough?

The following presentations were made during the Open General Meetings in

Washington. We thank all our guest speakers for their support. Most of these

presentations are available at www.iploca.com.

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Maats Pipeline Equipment

Golf Tournament Wilhelm Maats and Boris Boehm

would like to thank everyone

who played in the second Maats

Pipeline Equipment sponsored

golf tournament which was held at

Whiskey Creek Golf Club, Ijamsville,


Despite a rather early start and a one-hour bus journey

to the venue the tournament was a great success and

your support was very much appreciated. The course was

excellent, as was the weather and the day couldn’t have

been more perfect.

Congratulations to all trophy winners, namely:First Place: Team 8 - Rick Barnard, Nicola Calvo,

William Corbett and Bill Buckley

Second Place: Team 11 - John Leask, Brent Sherfey

and Yury Yurkevich

Third Place: Team 16 - Thomas Schooley, Liz Evans,

Peter Nicholson and Chris Lethbridge

Nearest the Pin Ladies: Marja Maats

Nearest the Pin Men: Heinz Schwarte

Longest Drive Ladies: Charlotte Hardy

Longest Drive Mens: Rick Barnard

Wilhelm and Boris very much look forward to seeing you

at the 2014 IPLOCA Convention in Abu Dhabi and hope you

will join them for another great day on the golf course.

And the Winner is…Longstanding board member and current associate

member and director, Greg Miller (Pipeline Inspection)

was the lucky winner of USD 32,500 for a new Volvo

or Renault, generously provided by Volvo Construction

Equipment and Renault Trucks.

Crossroads School in Houston, Texas, was chosen by

Doug and Liz Evans to receive the funds. The school also

received the banner IPLOCA created, for use in their

capital campaign (see photo). Doug Evans presented the

Director of Crossroads School, Gila Arnoni, with lottery

funds of USD 22,873 in support of this special not-for-

profit school committed to serving students with a variety

of learning differences.

Thanks to all who supported the school by purchasing a

ticket, and to Volvo Construction and Renault Trucks for their

continued generosity.

An incredulous Butch Graham congratulates a delighted Greg

Miller, on having bought the winning ticket.

Doug Evans presented the Director of Crossroads School, Gila

Arnoni, with lottery funds of USD 22,873.

Left to right: Kevin and Monica Wenger, Marja and Wilhelm Maats

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Questionnaire We would like to thank all of the attendees who

responded to our post-event questionnaire. While the

overall results are remarkably consistent year to year, we

pay special attention to your concerns and suggestions for

improvement, to identify any clear patterns or concerns.

This year questionable service in the hotel was the most

often cited concern, though its location was appreciated.

As always, the challenge is to find a single hotel that

can accommodate our large group, while providing the

necessary amount of meeting space and ballroom space.

The tours, in particular the Segway experience, were clearly

highlights for quite a few people.

We look forward to seeing everyone next year in Abu Dhabi

for what will doubtless be a completely different, and for

many, a unique experience.

Thanks to our Washington D.C. Convention Sponsors!

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The IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award sponsored by TOTAL

The IPLOCA Corporate Social Responsibility Award was given

in recognition of an initiative aimed at improving the living

conditions of the people in communities local to and impacted

by pipeline industry work.

Heerema Port Amboin, represented by Bruce

Gresham, received the award in recognition of their

work to support to REMAR, a global organization helping

orphans, the homeless and addicted young people in

Porto Amboim, Angola.

The runners-up were:

- SPIECAPAG, represented by Bruno Guy de Chamisso, for

their Employment and Site Work Skills Management.

- Welspun Corp. Ltd, represented by Vikas Gupta, for their

Global Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

2013 IPLOCA Health and Safety Award sponsored by Chevron

Nacap Australia, represented by Tony Vervest and

Mark Bumpstead, received the Health and Safety

award in recognition of their Code Safe Video.

Nacap commissioned CodeSafe to establish a visual

communication presence within the pipeline division.

CodeSafe brought in visual support to existing operational

procedures. CodeSafe’s digital platform develops,

stores and delivers visual communication messages to

employees on demand using QR Code technology to

deliver visual support to employees when they need it. By

scanning a CodeSafe QR code employees can view safety,

environment and quality communication messages in

an interactive way. This ensures that every employee can

access the visual support necessary to bring engagement

and better comprehension to health and safety processes.

IPLOCA also named three runners-up:

- Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, represented

by Maximilian Hofmann and Harald Dresp, for

their Safety Matters to Everyone initiative.

- McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd and

Consolidated Contracting Company Australia Pty

Ltd (CCC) JV, represented by Rashid Shuhaiber, for

their Game On programme.

- SPIECAPAG, represented by Bruno Guy de Chamisso,

for their Engaging Everybody Programme.

We congratulate all those who participated in the 2013

awards and encourage all members to prepare and

submit entries for 2014. Further information on the

entries is available on our website, along with the list of

submission received. Questions may be addressed to

[email protected].

Presentation of Awards in Washington, D.C. Three awards were presented in Washington, D.C.

Doug Evans, Bruce Gresham

Tony Vervest, Mark Rand, Mark Bumpstead, Bruno Maerten

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2013 IPLOCA New Technologies Awardsponsored by BP

This award was given in recognition of a significant

achievement in the development of new pipeline

technologies. John Attrill of BP and Doug Evans,

Chairman of the IPLOCA New Technologies Committee,

made the presentation.

Herrenknecht won with their Pipe Express, a new method

for environmentally-friendly and economic pipeline

installation. Information was also presented at the Novel

Construction Meeting in October (see page xx).

Runners-up for the award were:

- Laurini Officine Meccaniche, represented by Paolo Garbi

and Marco Laurini, for their three innovative products:

Pipe lifting kit, hammer and muletrax.

- Applus RTD, represented by Martin Pot, for

their ultrasonic testing method IWEX 3D.

Health, Safety and the Environment

Thwarted from attending the meeting in October 2012 by

Hurricane Sandy, Kevin Parker was similarly grounded just

prior to this meeting by the St. Jude storm, also known as

Cyclone Christian, which affected northwestern Europe on

27 and 28 October 2013. We’re hoping for better weather

before the next meeting.

New HSE Committee MemberThe HSE Committee welcomes Brian Tanner from CRC-

Evans as its newest member. Brian has more than 16 years

of experience in pipelines, and a total of 34 years in the oil,

gas, ship building, drilling and power generation industries,

both on- and offshore. He is currently the HSE manager for

CRC-Evans Offshore worldwide.

HSE ReportsRecipients of the print version of the IPLOCA newsletter

received two inserts with the September edition. The 2012

IPLOCA Health & Safety Statistics Report and the 2012

IPLOCA Environmental Statistics Report both presented

aggregate data from our members. Additional copies are

available from the Secretariat and the documents are also

available at www.iploca.com.

Review and Completion of IPLOCA Safety PhilosophyThe committee suggested a member Safety Philosophy

(previously referred to as “Golden Rules”) with some

adjustments to the original text and now reading as follows:

- As an IPLOCA member, we are committed to the

Occupational Health and Safety of our people

- We believe all incidents and accidents are avoidable

- We believe leadership is key for successful Occupational

Health and Safety

- We believe that everyone is responsible for Occupational

Health and Safety.

When approved, this will be communicated to all members

and potential members.

IPLOCA Safety GuidelinesThe committee discussed safety guidelines produced by

Doug Evans, Ulrich Schaffhauser (Herrenknecht), John Attrill (BP)

(Clockwise, from foreground) Sarah Junod (IPLOCA), Bruno Maerten

(Committee Chairman), Alain Gauthiez, Richard van Sonsbeek, Brian

Tanner and Juan Arzuaga meet in the IPLOCA headquarters in Geneva.

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INGAA Foundation and it was agreed that these similar

IPLOCA guidelines should be part of Onshore Pipelines:

The Road to Success.

New Health and Safety WorkshopA workshop on the analysis of incidents with high potential

for safety consequences was suggested by the group, in

line with the presentation made in Washington, D.C. by

Alan Quilley. July 2014 has been suggested and once the

date is finalised HSE Managers and key representatives of

IPLOCA members will be informed.

Cooperation with Sister AssociationsThe World Federation of Pipe Line Industry Association

(WFPIA) consists of IPLOCA and the following associations:

- Australian Pipeline Industry Association LTD (APIA)

- Distribution Contractors Association (DCA-USA)

- Drilling Contractors Association (DCA-Europe)

- Pipeline Contractors Association (PLCA-USA)

- Pipeline Contractors Association of Canada (PLCAC)

- Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG)

- Russian Oil & Gas Union

Safety is a common subject of interest and further

interaction amongst these entities is planned.

New Technologies Committee Novel Construction October Plenary Session

On 17-18, October 2013, 38 delegates from all over the

world participated in a Novel Construction meeting in the

U.K. at the Sofitel Hotel, Heathrow Airport. Delegates flew

in from Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland, France and

many other countries.

The seven working groups and their leaders are as follows:

- Planning & Design directed by Criss Shipman (Gulf

Interstate Engineering)

- New Trends directed by Zuhair Haddad (CCC)

- Coatings directed by Vlad Popovici (Shawcor)

- Earthworks & Crossings directed by Paul Andrews (Fluor)

- Welding & NDT directed by Jan van der Ent (Applus RTD)

- Logistics directed by Bruno Pomaré (Spiecapag)

- Pre-commissioning (Hydraulic Testing and other tasks)

directed by Vincenzo Calabria (SICIM).

A list of all participants in the meeting can be found on

the IPLOCA website. The Novel Construction Initiative is

looking for new topics and participants. A recent decision

was made to allow presentations at the meetings from

non-IPLOCA members. In this case prior approval of both

topic and participation must be secured from Juan Arzuaga,

IPLOCA’s Executive Secretary.

The group has recently completed the third edition of

Onshore Pipelines: The Road to Success, which is now

available publicly on the IPLOCA wiki (wiki.iploca.com).The

wiki allows continued collaboration on this live version

of the document, while, at the same time, participants

are beginning to turn their attention to additional new

technological developments in the pipeline construction field.

At the Sofitel meeting, to stimulate brainstorming and

additional new ideas, we welcomed a number of guest

speakers; a synopsis of the information they presented

on new technologies is below. We thank them all for their

participation in the meeting.

Upcoming IPLOCA Meetings26 March 2014

HSE Committee Meeting

27-28 March 2014

Spring Novel Construction Meeting

30 June - 1 July 2014

HSE Adjudication Committee

July 2014

“High Potential Incidents” HSE Workshop

4 November 2014

HSE Committee Meeting

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PIPE EXPRESS® An Innovative Method for Environmentally Friendly and Economical Pipeline Installationby Dipl.-Ing. Diana Pfeff, Herrenknecht AG

With the Pipe Express® System, pipelines with a diameter

between 36” and 60” can be installed in a semi-trenchless

process. During the installation of the pipeline the soil is

excavated by a tunneling machine and transported to the

surface by chain trencher and conveyor belt. The tunneling

machine is accompanied on the surface by a buggy and

the operator’s control vehicle. The Pipe Thruster installed

in the launch pit pushes the machine and the pipeline

with lengths of up to 2,000 m into the simultaneously

drilled bore hole.

Pipe Express is used near to the surface, where the open-cut

installation of pipelines with overburden of up to 2.5 m would

cause increased cost due to special requirements. The System

has many advantages in unstable soil or where the open-cut

installation of pipelines would require costly measures such

as groundwater lowering. A smaller strip is required for the

pipeline corridor when using Pipe Express technology, this

reduces land disturbance and rehabilitation which is very

important, especially in environmentally sensitive areas. With

daily installation rates of up to 1,000 m it is very competitive

with the conventional open-cut method. In November 2012, the

new technology has shown its usefulness already in the first

real scale project. As first reference the method demonstrated

its efficiency in the construction of the “North-South Gas

Pipeline” in the Netherlands, where performance rates of up to

1.2 meters per minute were reached. The 48” gas pipeline had

a total length of about 500 m and was laid in two pipe sections.

Currently, the machine is in operation near Bangkok in

Thailand for the “Fourth Transmission Pipeline”. Despite the

monsoon season, the 42’’ gas pipeline is to be installed in

several sections with an overburden between 1.2 m and

2.3 m. The first 703 m long crossing has already been finished

with advance rates of up to 0.9 m/min. The restricted space

conditions between two streets and the surface power line

required a space-saving technology. The pipeline is installed

under the existing street while just cutting a small section

of the asphalt. With the heavy rainfalls during the monsoon

season, using conventional construction methods with long

and wide open construction pits meant the tight time schedule

could not have been maintained.

The Pipe Express Equipment in operation on the first project in

the Netherlands.

The Pipe Express Equipment reaches the Target shaft on the first

project in the Netherlands.

Schematic illustration of the Pipe Express method.

The Mission of the Novel Construction Initiative To collect and present state of the art technology in

pipeline construction, with the purpose of fostering

a collaborative and innovative discussion between

all industry players to achieve safer, faster, and cost-

effective pipeline construction through physically and

environmentally sound practices.

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On September 27, 2013 Herrenknecht received the “IPLOCA

New Technologies Award” for the newly developed semi-

trenchless Pipe Express® method in Washington (DC). Doug

Evans, President of the IPLOCA and CEO of Gulf Interstate

Engineering, emphasized in his speech that Pipe Express

can make a key contribution to environmental protection

in pipeline projects. This aspect was decisive for the jury

as protection of the environment is of major importance

in the development of large scale projects. (See page 17.)

Six months ago, the technology was awarded the “bauma

Innovation Award” during the bauma 2013 in Munich. The

development of Pipe Express was funded by the Federal

Ministry of Environment with the aim of developing a

particularly environmentally-friendly and cost-efficient

method for pipeline installation.

Hercules RedRamClamp Hydraulic Internal Line up Clamp by Laurens van der Heijden, Lastechniek Europa BV

This innovation from Hercules Piping Tools Engineering BV

is specially designed for large bore diameter pipes.

The clamping force is hydraulic and adjustable up to

400 tons for each expander row, which allows a precise

alignment. It eliminates any miss-match and forces oval

pipes back to round. The gap between the two pipes is

adjustable by a hydraulic cylinder up to 6mm. Batteries and

hydraulic power pack are built in. The wireless remote and

horizontal attitude Indicator with steering correction system

make it possible to drive long distances through a pipeline

and use the internal lineup clamp for Ti-in welds.

- J-bevel root welding without copper shoes.

- Clamping force 800 ton (2 x 400ton)

- Eliminates Hi Lo mismatch

- Pipe range 36’’– 42’’ or 48’’– 56’’

- Working environment temp -40° / 50°C

- Self-propelled and horizontal attitude correction

- Wireless remote control

- Hydraulic gap adjustment, open and close 6 mm

- Increases productivity and improves quality and safety

A demonstration video is available at www.redramclamp.nl

and more information is available from Lastechniek Europa BV -

[email protected]

CostOS Software by Alan Windley, Nomitech

Nomitech was invited to present new innovations with

regards to cost estimating, highlighting the ease of

estimate production, from the early concept stage through

to detailed pricing.

It was explained that all AACE classes of estimates, 1-5, could

be achieved within the same estimating platform.

The presentation highlighted the use of both internal cost data

and the use of commercially available cost data.

Two example projects were used for the purpose of the

presentation, highlighting the use of innovative parametric

smart cost assemblies, enabling rapid production of cost

estimates and the ease by which estimates could be modified

and value engineered. Starting off with detailed estimating,

the presentation showed rates being built up from component

parts such as labour, productivities, materials, equipment

and subcontractor rates from both existing company cost

knowledge and from commercially available external sources.

The ability to send out ‘requests for quotes’ for components

was explained as was the ability to predict rates from trends,

Restricted space conditions on the second project in Thailand.

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build in future price escalations and build in location factors

for resources and local productivity. Once an estimate had

been produced, it was explained how this information could

be classified by multiple work breakdown and cost breakdown

structures and explained how this could then be synchronised

with both the project plan and risk analysis. Then followed the

concept of parametric smart assemblies, incorporating data

and information derived from the P & ID (Process Flow).

During the presentation, the first example showed the

production of an estimate, using a parametric assembly, to

fully price a complete gas compression station by simply

choosing pre-set parameters. This covered engineering costs,

procurement costs, installation costs and commercial terms.

The second example showed the estimation of sub-sea piping

but also incorporating the use of quantity take-off of pipeline

lengths using GIS maps. This showed quantities such as

the depth of the sea along the whole pipeline length being

calculated, visually, directly from the GIS map. The final part

of the presentation then showed how accurate quantities

could be abstracted from 3D models and costs associated to it,

using a model of a Wellhead Jacket as the example.

In summary, the presentation highlighted how cost estimates

could be produced, business cost knowledge data retained

and shared, for any required degree of accuracy. This would

alleviate the need for vast complicated and uncontrolled

spreadsheets, whilst still integrating with existing core

business processes, using the very latest software

technologies available.

PipePillo® Structured Pipeline Pillow 1 A New Method for Pipeline Support by Geoff W. Connors, P.Eng., PipeSak® Incorporated

Protection of the pipe during and after pipeline

construction is of paramount importance for safety

and pipeline integrity. Areas of rock and stone are often

encountered during construction of new pipelines.

Even with modern pipeline coatings, additional protection

for the pipe is necessary where rock or stone exposure

is significant.

Historically, additional pipe protection used in these

types of situations is achieved through adding either a

significant layer of sand or select backfill above and below

the pipeline (sand padding) and/or by attaching a high-

impact resistant, poly-type rock shield around the pipeline

during the pipeline installation process. To accommodate

sand padding, some form of intermittent support of the

pipeline is generally required to elevate the pipeline off

the trench bottom. Similar intermittent support is also

recommended practice when using poly-type rock shields

to keep the pipeline from fully resting on trench rocks.

Current methods of in-trench support involve sand piles,

sand bags, spray foam and individually formed foam

pillows – each with drawbacks:

Continuous sand bedding – although often considered the

‘ideal’, is not only expensive but is often difficult and unsafe

to install - particularly in deep trenches.

Individual sand piles can be difficult to install over a welded

pipe and are often the source of ovality and/or denting.

Sand bags require hand placement for proper support. In

open trenches, this can be time consuming and unsafe.

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Improper placement will cause the pipe to oval or dent.

Spray-in foam is difficult to ‘engineer’ properly – with long

term strength a real concern (newly constructed pipelines

full of hydrostatic test water and one metre cover often

causes foam to compress excessively.) Cathodic protection

shielding is also of concern. Foam pillows are light and

easily placed – but can float out of position and compress

or crack under heavy loading. As with all foam, cathodic

shielding is always a concern.

A new, engineered method of in-trench pipeline support

is now available - the Structured Pipeline Pillow (SPP).

SPPs are injection molded and made from high strength,

environmentally inert polypropylene or polyethylene resins.

Designed to support any size pipeline, SPPs are most

effective with larger diameter, heavier pipelines. One SPP is

engineered to carry a single 40’ joint of heavy wall pipeline

filled with hydrostatic test water. Compared with current

methods, SPPs:

- Stack tightly for transport.

- Are light enough for installation from outside the trench

and resist floatation when ground water is present.

- Help ensure the pipeline is centered in the trench during

the pipeline installation.

- Maintain long-term pipe clearance above rocky trench


- Ovality and denting concerns are reduced.

- Allow cathodic protection an easy path to the pipeline.

- Will never biodegrade.

In their extended stacking mode, SPPs tested well

as an effective alternative to wooden skids for many

situations such as pipe stockpiling; stringing along the


BENJAMIN MEDIATrenchless Technology

North American Oil & GAs Pipelines

10050 Brecksville RoadBRECKSVILLE, OHIO 44141U.S.A.T +1 330 467 7588 F +1 330 468 2289 E [email protected] I www.trenchlessonline.com www.napipelines.com Rob Krzys President & Publisher E [email protected] Bernard P. Krzys Chief Executive Officer & Publisher E [email protected]


Underground Construction

P.O. Box 941669HOUSTON, TEXAS 77094-8669U.S.A.T +1 281 558 6930 #212 F +1 281 558 7029 E [email protected] I www.pgjonline.com Oliver KlingerPresident & PublisherE [email protected]


15 South StreetFARNHAM, GU9 7QU SURREYU.K.T +44 1252 718 999 F +44 1252 718 992 E [email protected] I www.worldpipelines.com

Rod HardyDirectorE [email protected]

Chris LethbridgeAdvertisement ManagerE [email protected]


1455 West Loop South, Suite 400HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027U.S.A.T +1 713 963 6270 F +1 713 963 6228 I www.offshore-mag.com

Mark PetersVice-President/Group PublisherE [email protected]

IPLOCA Media Partners (September 2010 to August 2013)

In MemoriamEginhard Vietz1941 - 2013

Eginhard Vietz, entrepreneur and

founder of Vietz GmbH in Hannover,

Germany, passed away on 15

September 2013.

Born in Pomerzin (now Poland) in January 1941, he grew

up in Saxony and East Berlin, and was an apprentice

welder. He escaped to the then West Germany just days

before the Berlin wall was completed. He later formed

a welding equipment company and produced pipeline

construction equipment, including automatic welding

equipment for exportation, even to new markets in Asia,

Eastern Europe, Sudan and Australia.

He was well known as a lecturer in Hannover, Munich and

Oldenburg, and as a speaker for the Welding Association

in Germany.

We extend our sympathy to his widow Waltraud Vietz who

continues his work, and to the rest of his family and friends.

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IN THE HEADLINESPipeline Technology Conference, ptc Moves to BerlinHaving grown up as part of HANNOVER MESSE, Europe’s

leading pipeline conference and trade show, Pipeline Tech-

nology Conference (ptc), will move to the capital, Berlin,

next year. The ptc has grown steadily over the years and,

in addition to the conference itself and the accompanying

exhibition, it is now also directly followed by several special

workshops and in-depth seminars. International partici-

pants from over 30 different countries use the opportunity

to come to Europe and obtain information about cutting-

edge technologies and new pipeline projects.The Chairman

of the ptc Advisory Committee, Dr. Klaus Ritter comments:

“In recent years the Advisory Committee has repeatedly

talked about a possible relocation of the event. The move

to the capital makes the event even more attractive for our

many international visitors from North and South America,

Asia and Africa.”

The ptc 2014 will take place from May 12-14, 2014 in the

Convention Center of the Estrel Berlin and, in addition

to the usual topics, will focus specifically on the areas of

onshore and offshore construction and pipeline safety.

More information on participating in the event as a speaker,

visitor or exhibitor, can be found at www.pipeline-conferen-

ce.com or by contacting [email protected]

Norwegian Oil Giant Statoil Saw Profits Slip in Third Quarter of 2013Norwegian oil giant Statoil announced a decrease of about

6 percent in its net income in the third quarter of this year.

The company’s net profit was 13.7 billion Norwegian kroner

(USD 2.4 billion), compared to the same period of a year

before, when it registered with NOK 14.5 billion. Statoil

explained that the decrease is due to expected, lower

production and reduced prices. Statoil also attributed this

fall to non-recurring items, associated tax effects and a

higher gain from the sale of assets last year. The company

added that this year it expects to complete about 60

exploration wells, from previously 50, to spend about USD

3.75 billion in exploration this year, up from USD 3.5 billion.

Statoil’s oil and gas production increased 2 percent on the

year, to 1.852 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in the

period from July to September. The boost in total output

was for the most part attributed to the start-up and ramp-up

of production mainly in Angola, Brazil and onshore US, and

minor maintenance effects.

www.energymarketplace.com, 30 October 2013

Upcoming ConferencesHeavy Oil 2014

27-29 January 2014 – Cancun, Mexico


DCA 53rd Convention

4-9 February 2014 - Cancun, Mexico


PLCA 66th Annual Conference

18-22 February 2014 - Bonita Spring, FL, USA


Offshore Pipeline Technology Conference

26-27 February 2014 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands


PIG - Pipeline Industries Guild Dinner

11 March 2014 - London, U.K.


Conexpo - CON/AGG

18-22 March 2014 - Las Vegas, USA


Pipeline Opportunities Conference

25 March 2014 - Houston, TX, USA


Hannover Messe

7-11 April 2014 - Hannover, Germany



6-8 May 2014 - Mexico City, Mexico


PLCAC 60th Annual Convention

11-15 May 2014 - Vancouver, Canada


Pipeline Technology Conference

12-14 May 2014 - Berlin, Germany


48th IPLOCA Annual Convention13-17 October 2014 - Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.


Page 30: IPLOCA Newsletter 57


OfficersNajib Khoury (CCC) President; Director, Middle East & Africa

Jean-Claude Van de Wiele (Spiecapag) 1st Vice President; Director,

Europe Mediterranean; Chairman of the New Technologies Committee

Atul Punj (Punj Lloyd) 2nd Vice President; Director, East & Far East

Harald Dresp (Max Streicher) Treasurer; Director, Europe Central

Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering) Immediate Past President;

Chairman of the Scholarship Committee

DirectorsGerry Grothe (Pipeline Machinery), Director, Associate Members

Greg Miller (Pipeline Inspection), Director, Associate Members

Michael Rae (Argus Limited), Director, Associate Members

Scott Summers (ARB), Director, America North; Chairman of the

Client Engagement Committee

John Tikkanen (Shawcor), Director, America North

Jim Frith (McConnell Dowell), Director, East & Far East

Jan Koop (Bohlen & Doyen), Director, Europe Central; Chairman of

the Training Committee

Kaan Dogan (Attila Dogan), Director, Europe Eastern

Andrei Klepach (Stroygazconsulting), Director, Europe Eastern

Roberto Castelli (Bonatti), Director, Europe Mediterranean

Adam Wynne Hughes (Pipeline Induction Heat), Director, Europe


Jésus Garcia Pons (Arendal), Director, Latin America

Ibrahim Zakhem (Zakhem), Director, Middle East & Africa

Directors at LargeLarry Bolander (Fluor)

Georges Hage (C.A.T. Group)

Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar), Chairman of the Convention

Location Committee

Wilhelm Maats (Maats Pipeline Equipment)

Bruno Maerten (GEOCEAN), Chairman of the HSE Committee

Executive SecretaryJuan Arzuaga

Left to right, front row: Doug Evans (Immediate Past President), Jean-Claude Van de Wiele (1st Vice President), Najib Khoury (President),

Atul Punj (2nd Vice President), Harald Dresp (Treasurer), Juan Arzuaga (Executive Secretary). Second row: Larry Bolander, John Tikkanen,

Jésus Garcia Pons, Ibrahim Zakhem, Greg Miller. Third row: Georges Hage, Adam Wynne Hughes, Gerry Grothe, Kaan Dogan, Jan Koop, Bruno

Maerten. Back row: Marco Jannuzzi, Scott Summers, Michael Rae, Andrei Klepach, Wilhelm Maats. Inset: Roberto Castelli, Jim Frith.

IPLOCA Board of Directors 2013-2014

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