
A Brief Summary of YaghiLabs Traffic Inventions 2013 HTTP://JIMYAGHI.COM/ JIM YAGHI Y.L MARKETING FZE | P.O. Box 478423, Dubai, UAE

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  • A Brief Summary of

    YaghiLabs Traffic




    Y.L MARKETING FZE | P.O. Box 478423, Dubai, UAE

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    Im Jim, founder of YaghiLabs. You might already know me if

    youve been doing online marketing for some time. On the

    other hand, if youre a YaghiLabs VIRGIN, dont be ashamed.

    This introductory document will help you get up to speed.

    Im an eccentric scientist turned Business Owner.

    My first business was a social networking website long before

    the existence of Facebook, MySpace, and even MSN and AOL

    Instant Messengers. Ive been online so long that my friends

    joke, Jim is the actual Inventor of the Internet!

    But lets not indulge in wicked rumours, ok?

    During my work in Silicon Valley, Austin, Auckland, and Sydney I

    generated millions of leads for hundreds of different businesses

    websites and made them all very rich.

    My reputation for traffic domination is a mystery to most. But each of my secrets is hidden in plain sight. I

    work out of a basement lab where I conduct experiments on people and how they interact with websites.

    Then I document my discoveries on my blog and in a daily email newsletter I write.

    At first, the newsletter was just a hobby. After all, a majority of my income derives from being a share-holder

    in sales made by the largest web companies online - where my role is advisor on online business models and

    manager of web-based advertising.

    But soon my hobby newsletter attracted thousands of subscribers like you who wanted to learn from my

    experience and marketing innovations.

    Old subscribers whove been following me for years have no difficulty using my ideas. But recently, a lot of

    new subscribers have started to write asking for explanations of some of the less known methods I refer to


    Because you see, Jim doesnt do things like everyone else.

    In fact, most of my methods are counter to what you may already know. And they may shock youupset

    youor even please you.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    What you can be sure of though, is each idea is not some fun over-hyped theory. Its the stuff Im discovering

    while in the trenches, getting my hands super dirty.

    Things like: Reverse SEO, Viral Containment, and Time Continuum Headings.

    What are these things?

    Rather than tell you to search through the thousands of articles archived in my blog, I thought it would be

    beneficial to write a document introducing some of the most important concepts I keep referencing. These

    ideas are not new to me, Ive been profiting from them for years.

    But theyll seem new to you.

    So if you havent heard of these things before, its a good idea to use this document to quickly become

    familiar with YaghiLabs terminology. And next time you get an email from me and I say something strange

    and dont explain it, youll be able to use this document to look it up.

    This document is brief; its about 20 pages. However, it will immediately get you up to speed so you can get

    the most out of the YaghiLabs newsletter.


  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    It really bugs me when I teach about web content and people drag me into a discussion about SEO relevance!

    Not because they care about the good kind of relevance which aims to say something useful to some

    audience. But they want me to talk about how to trick search engines to send free traffic.

    Web Marketers think that if their web content is stuffed full of some popular search keyword, theyll be seen

    more in search, which means plenty of traffic, loads of leads, and gobs of money for them. Which is why they

    try to turn any tutorial on writing into a discussion on search-engine hacking.

    But this is a waste of time that rarely results in traffic. Let me explain how search programs work behind the

    scenes so you can better understand how to get traffic from them.

    Machine Learning drives ALL modern search engines.

    This is a fascinating field of computer science that aims to make machines take decisions in a human-like way.

    Since I was little, I loved the idea of intelligent computer programs. I began creating a multi-lingual search

    engine when I was a little older than 14. My postgraduate specialisations, my masters and PhD theses, and

    my scientific publications were all centred on Machine Learning.

    My point is, Im one of few marketers who understands search engines, because I built them.

    Computers are too dumb to understand natural language requests on their own; a human has to give them

    step by step mechanical instructions, in zeros and ones on what to do. By the time youre done, you may as

    well have done the job yourself.

    Only recently have computers become fast enough to process the giant amounts of data needed to become

    Artificially Intelligent. A software which has the ability to learn starts its life-cycle as if an infant child. Ask it to

    do something and it uses a little math and data-retrieval to take a basic guess at what it should do. Then it

    asks for feedback from you, its first human user. At which point, you may offer a correction or adjustment.

    A Machine Learning component emulates human learning by storing and re-using its interaction with you in

    future-understanding of other humans. Meaning, the next user who asks for the same thing will get a slightly

    better best guess based on its previous interactions. Artificial Intelligence programs get better when human

    users teach them. By using the program, each user teaches it some adjustment until it becomes as seemingly

    intelligent as a Google or a Bing search.

    But relevance is hard even for humans to guess at, let alone teach to a machine.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    Which is why traditional SEO seems juvenile to me; characterised by hacking and black-hat spam methods

    that are short-lived without consideration for the learning components that drive modern search engines.

    Regardless of forced relevance, eventually every website that turns up in a search will be put to the HUMAN

    TEST. In order for that website to ever be seen again in another search, some human has to tell the search it

    gave a good result.

    Unhappy with traditional SEO methods, I decided to find a better cleaner way.

    I disappeared into the Lab so I could run experiments on Googles search.

    Heres what I found:

    Like beauty, relevance is in the eye of the beholder. Its not absolute.

    Search engines learn from millions of searcher interactions. Every search ever run and every result ever

    clicked by a human teaches the program something. But its not relevance the program measures and learns


    Its Searcher satisfaction!

    Search engines dont really know the meaning of relevance; a result relevant to me may be irrelevant to

    youand yet we might run the same search query while desiring (and clicking) different results.

    So a search engine takes a best guess at what we might be looking for, and then if enough of us show

    satisfaction with some result, it adjusts the order of returned pages for future searchers to give that result a

    priority placement in future.

    Search results are dynamic and constantly changing.

    This reasoning led me to the Reverse SEO technique.

    It works opposite to the way traditional SEO is done. Instead of optimising our pages to appear relevant, we

    study our website reports to discover how previous visitors to our site discovered our content; the questions

    they were asking in a search engine or the information they were looking for.

    We then assume that our site was only shown in this instance because it was the engines best guess at


    So we add new tutorials, guides, articles, and content based on what the visitors wanted upon arrival.

    The variety of searches that lead to our website being seen in search give clues about the content we should

    add. The more questions we answer in our web content, the more we can satisfy new visitors with the

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    discovery of our content. Because we know that search engines will learn to give us more visibility for an

    ever-increasing number of searchers.

    The outcome?

    Today we receive thousands of free hits from search every month.

    The YaghiLabs website has become a valuable resource for everyone in our target market. It is packed with

    helpful content for everyone. And we do this without hacking or becoming enemies with search engines!



  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    Its no secret

    Pay-Per-Click is my favourite model of online advertising because it is cost-effective.

    This could explain why a lot of small businesses who use Pay-per-click (PPC) networks are so obsessed with

    the Click-Through-Rate of their ads.

    Click-Through-Rate (or CTR) is the percentage of clicks that result from some ad being viewed. The higher an

    ads CTR, the more visitors it sends to the advertised website.

    Its become standard practice to equate the success of an ad with high CTR.

    But when an advertising model bills on the basis of click frequency, like PPC does, you dont just get an

    increase in visitsyou get an increase in ad spending too.

    To counter the expected increase in ad spend, PPC courses that emphasise CTR teach students to limit who

    gets to see their ads. This way, only the people who get to see the ad ever have the ability to click and cost.

    However, the entire approach relies on the difficult task of maximising clicks when you have reduced ad


    Years ago, when I was working for what is now the largest online marketing education publisher on the

    Internet, I learned PPC from CTR-centric PPC courses too. But the approach made little sense.

    I dove into the labs to find a better answer.

    Quickly, I realised that CTR is optimised by PPC networks to make more money from advertisers. This is not a

    conspiracy theory; its how their PPC programs are designed.

    High CTR ads tell an ad network which ads have potential to spend maximum money based on their click


    By comparing the CTR of competing advertisers, PPC networks can determine the best use of their most

    valuable advertising real-estate to earn the highest revenue possible from their advertising programs.

    To further their cause, PPC networks incentivise advertisers with a discount when they place ads that get

    clicked often. While this seems at face-value to be a generous business-practice, it is no more than wholesale

    pricing of clicks for bulk buyers. Meaning, you have to buy a lot of clicks to be eligible for lower individual

    click cost. But the PPC network profits regardless of whether you get a Return on Investment or not.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    When managing PPC campaigns for clients, the least of my concerns was helping the PPC network make more

    money. I was being paid to help my client get the best bang for their advertising dollar, not the worst!

    After hundreds of experiments with different types of ads and PPC strategies, I discovered the Filter Ad.

    Filter ads are a kind of ad that discourages untargeted clicks.

    The Filter Ad is specifically designed to lower CTR. This way, my client only spends on clicks from visitors who

    are likely to buy. This may be a little hard to swallow since less clicks means less traffic. But the Filter Ad is

    different because it is greedy in the use of ad real-estate.

    Meaning, it aims to decrease clicks, while maximising impressions.

    Optimising impressions is only important to the network, not to the advertiser. After all, ad impressions are

    free to us; its the clicks we pay for. Whereas PPC networks have special optimiser programs that give highest

    visibility to ads more likely to be clicked. But they are unconcerned with clicks turning into sales for the


    Advertisers like me, on the other hand, benefit from more visibility.

    What I care about is paying only for clicks that result in revenue. And this is what I optimise.

    Filter Ads are written with a single concern; to reduce clicks from people who are not likely to buy. They are

    best shown to the largest audience possible, even if it wastes the networks ad real-estate.

    I try to reach the largest audience possible for freeand save money by writing ads that are un-inviting to

    anyone not interested in buying.

    The result?

    For that client, in a single year, I attracted nearly 100,000 leads and increased their profit 7-fold!



  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    Online Marketers intentionally use the words scientific and mathematical to exaggerate the intelligence

    of their marketing methods.

    However, as a guy with a Mathematics and Science background, I know these are just hyped up labels for

    methods that lack the rigour required of science.

    Split-Testing is a supposed scientific practice every online advertiser claims to use but rarely does.

    The notion that you can test two (or more) variations of an ad to find out which gets the best response is a

    fabulous theory at best. It plays to the fantasy of under-achievers to pretend at science.

    A truly scientific experiment requires a large and representative sample size, plenty of data, and a high level

    of control on all parameters not in the experiment.

    Reality is the large amount of data needed to run conclusive experiments is expensive. Especially when data

    comes from advertising; it costs time and money. Only a business that can fully invest in data for the sake of

    study should bother to run experiments this way.

    Now keep in mind, testing in itself is not the issue. Its the use of results that come from an incorrectly run

    experiment which is a problem.

    Experiments must always end with a conclusive outcome a clear winner or optimal ad strategy.

    Without enough data to reach a conclusive result, you run the risk of declaring an ad a loser when in

    reality, if it were seen by enough people it may in fact be the real winner.

    To delete an ad incorrectly declared loser, especially when that ad has received some response could mean

    you eliminate a large sub-set of your audience entirely from your website.

    As a real scientist but also a consultant to small businesses, split-testing has always been too expensive and

    too slow for me to use correctly to find winning ads. There had to be a better way.

    Once more, I headed into the lab and began to experiment with more robust methods for writing good ads.

    At last, I discovered the Split-Angle Ad.

    The Split-Angle Ad is not a split-testing method at all. Its not even a scientific method.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    What a Split Angle ad does is attempt to capture the some sub-set of the target audience with a single hot

    buttons. To reach other sub-sets of the same audience, we use more Split-Angle ads. Together, a group of

    ads written this way will attempt to capture the entire market with all their hot-buttons.

    Heres how it works:

    Like with split-testing, two or more variations of an ad are run simultaneously. But unlike split-testing, we

    dont delete ads that get poor response in favour of those with better response. Instead, we keep

    building up ad variations that get some response and hit as many angles as possible.

    If ever enough data is collected and we can see an ad is bringing down the entire ad campaign by inflating its

    cost, we kill it of course. But in reality, this rarely happens.

    Instead, we keep adding new Split-Angle Ads until we have captured all major hot-buttons the market

    responds to.

    The result?

    I no longer test ad variations against each other. I dont use pretend science to complicate advertising.

    Split-Angle Ads have allowed me to dominate every market I have ever desired with multiple messages that

    capture every member of my audience!



  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    Its like the holy grail of advertising.

    To make something go viral is the dream of every marketer.

    Viral Traffic relies on a piece of infectious content. Every time someone is exposed to it, they are compelled

    with a sudden urge to spread it by word of mouth online or offline regardless; it is shared, consumed, copied,

    and transferred in social circles, between families and friends to all corners of the globe. And it is rapid in its


    Luck seems to be the only common theme in viral videos and content. But viral spread can be manipulated

    too if you know how. And this is what I set out to do one day.

    Heres what happened:

    A friend and I decided to do a wide-scale market domination experiment.

    We dove into my Lab to study patterns in any kind of content that had ever gone viral; videos such as Bed

    Intruder, The Evolution of Dance, Charlie Bit My Finger, and Jim Carreys Love Letter to Emma Stone, as well as

    viral systems like Facebook and Twitterwhich had all reached legendary viral status.

    A curious pattern emerged.

    Everything that had ever gone viral seemed to always begin its life-cycle with a containment of its spread!

    Meaning, spread was either intentionally or unintentionally RESTRICTED.

    Although this sounds counter-intuitive, the easiest way to understand this is to liken it to the effect in a

    boiling kettle of water.

    To heat a kettles content until boiling point, you cover it with a lid. By containing heat inside a kettle, you

    allow less water to escape as vapour and increase pressure which builds up heat. Momentum of movement

    and bubbling inside the kettle reaches a point of explosion the lid is blown off and seething hot water

    escapes from the sides burning everything in its way.

    In the same way, the spreading effect of viral content is only possible with Viral Containment.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    By deliberately restricting the spread and sharing of the virus in a very small and tight network of people,

    you can build momentum to a boiling point called LIFT OFF MOMENTUM. When this happens, the

    restrictions on sharing explode on their own and the content infects a wider network of people.

    Facebook used this method by distributing to a small list of Harvard students but was intentionally contained

    within the Harvard school network. It was not available outside Harvard. Soon, people outside Harvard began

    finding ways to get in.

    Facebook actually used multiple layers of containment to reach a boiling point of legendary proportions! It

    was opened up to new schools one at a time before it infected the world.

    Viral Containment was a remarkable discovery. We were excited to test it.

    We put together a new Internet Marketing product launch and ran the experiment.

    The result?

    In a matter of days, we built a mailing list of 30,000 subscribers. And our product made half a million dollars

    in sales in its first 24 hours!



  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    Copywriters put a lot of thought into writing headlines.

    For good reason too!

    A headline can make or break a sale. It can invite people into sales copy or it can cause them to run scared in

    the opposite direction.

    However, what I learned early on is that copywriters are word-smiths. They emphasise the written word to

    extreme. This makes them brilliant at long-form written sales presentations, but they struggle to be concise

    where brevity matters.

    Just compare a copywriters sales page headline with a traditional book heading; they need half a page of

    writing just to get across the topic of their presentation.

    This verboseness may be appropriate in a Sales Presentation, but its impractical on a Landing Page.

    A Landing Page is the first page seen by a visitor to a website when they arrive from an ad. Theyre extremely

    critical pages but they only give you half a seconds chance to say what you want before the visitor hits the

    back button to leave.

    The more writing on a Landing Page the less likely the visitor will remain.

    When paying for traffic by the click, it is critical to get across a brief message in as few words as possible and

    get an immediate response. Copywriters cant do this. They try to maximise response with lots of words and

    end up over-selling the required action.

    As a result, Landing Pages when written by most copywriters waste costly clicks and they lose many visitors

    upon contact.

    It became clear to me that I could not learn to create effective landing pages from copywriters.

    Into the lab I headed again.

    I began researching theories in language, space-time, design, and human-user interfaces. In the process, I

    innovated a number of effective landing page models. One of which was

    Time-Continuum Headings.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    I cant take credit for the name. It was coined by a copywriter friend of mine who got excited about one of

    my landing page models.

    The idea is simple; Time Continuum headings deal with tense and trust.

    The heading of a Landing Page is intended as a first-time contact with new web visitors. There is no history on

    which they can draw to believe any claims made.

    English has 3 tenses:

    Past, future, and present. And each affects peoples perception of truth.


    The future is a promise yet to be proven. Promises have the potential to be broken. For example, the

    message I will win the race, requires the recipient to put faith in the senders ability to win. If you dont know

    the person making the claim, there is no basis to believe them.

    Similarly, the past is difficult to verify because the recipient wasnt there to see it. People often exaggerate

    and lie about what they have done before. For example, I won the race, is a claim that cant be proved

    definitively without having been there. Perhaps you cheated, perhaps you won by the skin of your teeth,

    perhaps there were no other contenders. If you dont know the person making the claim, you dont know

    how trustworthy they are.

    However, when describing the present, the truth is neither assumed nor implicated. It can be checked.

    For example, I am leading in the race, can very quickly be verified by peaking at the progress of the race. At

    which point, the reader of the message will know for certain if this is true or not.

    But the desire for a closer look is the exact goal of a landing page. And thats the desire present-tense

    language creates.

    At first, the discovery was only a theory. So we put it to the test. Heres what happened:

    The moment my friend replaced the headline on his websites landing page with our Time Continuum

    heading, his leads skyrocketed to 400%!

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    Split-test after split-test and years later, the Time Continuum version of his heading continues to significantly

    outperform all other headings. And dont forget, hes a copywriter with a lot of heading tricks up his sleeve.

    But Time Continuum Headings always win.



  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    Ive been laughing since 2011.

    Marketers scared of selling with email what a bunch of clowns!

    Email is the most effective way to create a consistent flow of sales activity. It builds trust, keeps your

    business top-of-mind, and demonstrates astounding credibility.

    It always struck me as silly when marketers focused on building big mailing list always shy away from emailing

    their subscribers. They think that if they email too often and sell too persistently, they risk annoying and

    losing all their subscribers.

    A grave error!

    Isnt the purpose of investing into a mailing list is to get addresses of prospects to email and sell to?

    Logic dictates that only people who receive, open, and read sales messages will buy. Not emailing and not

    selling doesnt even give a chance to subscribers who want to spend money. And all for what?

    Because theyre afraid of a small percentage of people unsubscribing. Dumb.

    Anyone who unsubscribes will never become a buyer. So why worry about them?

    I didnt.

    In 2012, I sent a total of 211 emails to one of my smaller mailing lists. Each email delivered a precise sales

    message and concluded by asking for the sale. For the whole year, I repeatedly pitched the same product.

    I wrote for the people who welcomed follow-up and were interested in learning about solutions to problems

    we solve. Anyone else who didnt like it and unsubscribed was declaring their lack of interest in information,

    let alone in buying.

    Meanwhile, I watched colleagues and students dance around follow-up, obsessed with minimising

    unsubscribes by cutting down email frequency. They wasted their time experimenting with email subject

    lines that may or may not have boosted their open and click-rates. Waiting for the exact perfect moment to


    And worstthey avoided including sales links even on the rare occasion they emailed!

    Their enormous mailing lists were rendered useless by an illogical fear of unsubscribes.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    On the other hand, throughout that year, I experimented with different email approaches and made

    revolutionary discoveries that increased revenue to the point I had to move the labs to a tax-free zone to

    eliminate taxation!

    One discovery stood out as extraordinary.

    It came to me by chance one day as I was tracking the email addresses of subscribers who opened my

    broadcasts immediately after they were sent. I noticed certain subscribers clicked the sales link every time I

    emailed. This required investigation.

    What I found was that all subscriber behaviour repeated in a cycle of 4 emails.

    A magic number? Maybe.

    These patterns became known amongst my staff as the Email Wave Phenomenon, because of its cyclical


    Heres what happened after 4-days of consecutive emails:

    #1 Emails open-rates evened out. Open-rates were always higher after a long period of absence from the

    inboxes of subscribers. But after 4 emails, the number of subscribers who opened messages was always the

    same regardless of the emails subject. Meaning, open-rates only spiked when emails were sent sporadically.

    For four emails they dropped then remained unchanged as long as emailing remained consistent afterwards.

    Its very likely that marketers who were attributing increased open-rates to some magical subject line were

    actually seeing the negative effect of being inconsistent with their follow-up. Their amazing subject line

    only was highly opened because their subscribers didnt recognise them.

    #2 Unsubscribe rates dropped until they became negligible. Consistent emailing in a set pattern gave

    people a ritual in their day and a reason to look forward to our follow-up messages. However, when we

    disappeared from inboxes for weeks, subscriber interest dropped, they stopped recognising the source of the

    email, and unsubscribed. This would explain why many Marketers see a spike in unsubscribe activity every

    time they email. The problem was not that they emailed, it was that they hadnt emailed. During a long

    disappearance, subscribers would lose interest but only remember to unsubscribe upon next contact.

    #3 Frequent contact increased sales, subscriber feedback, and product consumption. The effect of email

    was cumulative; the more consistently a subscriber heard from us, the more momentum we built in their

    desire for our products. The copy had little effect, as long as the sales link was there. However, when we

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    were sporadic in communications, we killed the prospects excitement. As if more proof was needed, we

    discovered that our sales emails were not just selling NEW customersbut they were also RE-SELLING

    existing customers on a product they already bought! If they purchased access but never got around to using

    the product, after four emails we saw an influx of support requests to YaghiLabs asking for help to retrieve

    forgotten passwords.

    #4 Anyone who clicked 4 times in a row made a purchase. When looking at the individual names of people

    who clicked the sales link in our emails, we found strangely that even after hundreds of emails that ended

    with the exact same link and call to action, certain people would click the sales link every day for four days

    straight. These same people would then either write in with a question and buy or buy without further


    #5 It took 4 emails to be read by 75% of the mailing list. While only about 10% of subscribers opened every

    single email we sent, we found that every set of 4 emails was opened and read by the bulk of our subscribers.

    Most marketers try to get the maximum number of readers for a single email blast because they rarely email

    enough to see this pattern. But since we were emailing consistently, we realised that subscribers read sales

    emails like they read a magazine. They opened only the emails that interested them. To get an important

    message read by all subscribers, we had to send it 4 different ways on 4 different days.

    This is the Email Wave Phenomenon and I now swear by it.

    Oh, and the result?

    211 emails were sent to a small list of 4,000 subscribers over the span of a year.

    We averaged a $2,000 dollar sale every 3 days consistently for the whole year. Nearly 300,000 dollars from a

    list of 4,000 newsletter subscribers. Not bad, eh?



  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    Remember when Facebook Advertising was a waste of money?

    I do.

    Marketers stayed well away from paid advertising on Facebook because they didnt seem to work. It was

    costly and rarely resulted in anything more than a pile of inattentive fans.

    The purpose of any Squeeze Page is to capture traffic into a mailing list where they could be followed-up with

    and sold to. Squeeze pages are named this way because traditionally they were singularly focused on

    squeezing a visitor for their email address.

    And it worked too.

    When you bar a visitor from advancing beyond a single page at your website unless they declare their email,

    you will get emails.

    Facebook had the unfortunate problem of being too new for traditional marketers to use without a few


    One day, we decided to use Facebook as part of a viral marketing strategy to launch a new product. But we

    werent prepared to spend money on ads if we werent going to capture visitors to a mailing list.

    I disappeared into my lab to crack the beast.

    Two things became clear almost immediately.

    The first was that people didnt like leaving the Facebook platform after clicking an ad. And the second was

    that they wanted to interact with whatever page they were directed to after clicking, in a way that was

    natural on Facebook.

    Meaning, if they clicked our ad and were taken to our website, they would almost always hit back to return

    to Facebook.

    Like many marketers before us, we tried to create a traditional opt-in squeeze page on our Facebook

    business page. But soon found people were reluctant to yield their email address there too.

    The solution I eventually arrived at is one I call the Step-Squeeze.

  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM


    It relies on a very basic idea; one that Id intuitively been using for some time when asking prospects or

    customers to do some slightly involving task at the YaghiLabs website.

    The instruction is broken down into small micro-commitments of increasing difficulty. Each forces the

    recipient to get a little more invested in the process, until their total investment in multiple steps becomes

    painful to stop. At which point you can ask them to do almost anything and they will comply.

    See, people have a natural urge to complete sequences.

    They do not like to begin a sequence without seeing it through to the end.

    This was the basis of the first squeeze page to ever work on Facebook!

    My page had only two instructions:

    1. Click Like to become a fan

    2. Click the image to download something promised

    Two micro-commitments that only involved clicking; a natural Facebook behaviour that sets the user up to

    leave Facebooks site and do something a little more involved at ours.

    We took them to a regular squeeze page off Facebook where we asked for their email address.

    The result?

    We tracked nearly 10,000 leads from Facebook PPC alone. And thanks to a free Step-Squeeze Page generator

    I posted to my website, this method has been copied by thousands of internet marketers and trainers who

    would never dream to pay for Facebook advertising without some form of the Step-Squeeze!



  • This document is the exclusive property of YaghiLabs and is protected by international copyright law and treaties. For more information visit JimYaghi.COM



    This is just the beginning, not the end.

    I hope that the little peak Ive given you into what goes on in the YaghiLabs has whet your appetite to learn

    more about traffic and marketing from us.

    After all, this is only a small selection of hundreds of traffic and sales discoveries weve made. We run tens of

    experiments on any given day and we share them often with our subscribers.

    So make sure you check your email whenever we come a-knockin!

    Oh and in case you missed the sales link I deliberately included in every chapter, here it is again for good


    That is the enrolment link to the Internet Business Academy where you will learn from me lots of new ways

    to improve or start an online business. Its an information-packed online training program and a pre-requisite

    to all learning with YaghiLabs!

    So enrol at the link now.

    Until next time,
