introduction to devops on aws

Introduction to DevOps on AWS October 2014

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Page 1: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Introduction to DevOps on AWSOctober 2014

Page 2: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Agenda• Intro to DevOps (evolution, principles, practices)

– Infrastructure as Code– Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment CI/CD– IT/Infrastructure Automation

• DevOps on AWS– CloudFormation– Elastic Beanstalk– OpsWorks– BlueGreen deployment– Deployment Models (AMIs)

Page 3: Introduction to DevOps on AWS


What is it ?– A philosophy? Cultural change? Paradigm shift ?– Alignment of development and IT operations with better communication and collaboration ?– Improvement in software deployment ?– Breaking down the barriers between development and IT operations ?– Akin to Agile software development applied to infrastructure and IT operations

It’s all of the above !!!




Developer IT Operations

Page 4: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Evolution of DevOps from Agile

Business Case Requirements Use Case Features Plan Go to market


Design Code Refactor Unit Test Bug Fix Deploy


Provision Configure Orchestrate Deploy Report Monitor

IT Operations(infrastructure)

Agile Development

DevOps• Continuous Integration• Continuous Deployment• IT Automation• Application Management

• Iterative development• Scrum, sprints, stories• Velocity



Page 5: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

DevOps Principles• Collaboration• Breakdown the barriers• Work as one team end to end• Treat Infrastructure as code• Support business and IT agility• Automate everything• Test everything• Measure & monitor everything

Page 6: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

DevOps Practices• Infrastructure as code• IT Automation• Continuous Integration

– Application• Compile, test, optimize (code coverage)

– Infrastructure• Logical, valid, secure

• Continuous Deployment– Application– Rollout & Rollback

• Version control integration• Application and Infrastructure version management• Monitoring and logging

Page 7: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Infrastructure as code – why ?• Scalability (anything manual is not scalable)• Reliability• Reproduction/Duplication• Environment consistency• Auditability/Record Keeping• Security• Governance

Page 8: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Here’s some infrastructure as Code"WebServer": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Metadata" : { "AWS::CloudFormation::Init" : { "config" : { "packages" : { "yum" : { "httpd" : [], "php" : [], "php-mysql" : [], "php-gd" : [], "php-xml" : [], "php-mbstring" : [], "mysql" : [] } }, "sources" : { "/var/www/html" : "", "/home/ec2-user" : "" },

AWS CloudFormatio



Page 9: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Automation and configuration management

Declarative Approach to:– Provisioning– Configuration– Orchestration– Reporting

Elastic Beanstalk



Page 10: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment• Application AND Infrastructure• Nothing Manual – Automate as much as possible• Define infrastructure declaratively• Architect infrastructure carefully including security• Treat definitions and configurations like application code• Store in version control • Infrastructure is part of the application• Automate testing (end to end)• Plan for rollback• Monitor, log and audit

Page 11: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery• Help prove code quality and function repeatedly with predefined results• Lots of options; self hosted, open source, closed source, and SaaS• Monitoring, testing, validation• Plugins

Page 12: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Version Control



Unit TestApp Code

IT Ops

DR Env

Test Env

Prod Env

Dev Env


WriteApp Code



tar, war, zipyum, rpmDeploy



Continuous Integration / Deployment & Automation

Deploy application only

Deploy infrastructure only




WriteInfra Code



Artifact Repository

Page 13: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

DevOps on AWS: Deployment & Management– Cloud Formation– Elastic Beanstalk– OpsWorks– BlueGreen deployment

Page 14: Introduction to DevOps on AWS


S3 EBS Glacier StorageGateway







VPC DirectConnect

ELB Route53


RDS ElastiCacheDynamo RedShift

Content Delivery



DataPipelineEMR Kinesis




AWS Global InfrastructureDe



t &




IAM Federation

Identity & AccessMonitoring


Deployment & Management

BeanStalk CloudFormation

OpsWork CloudTrail

AWS Global Infrastructure






Application Services

SES SNS SQS ElasticTranscoder

CloudSearch SWF AppStream

Page 15: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS OpsWorks AWS CloudFormationAWS Elastic Beanstalk

DevOps framework for application lifecycle management and


Templates to deploy & update infrastructure

as code

Automated resource management – web

apps made easy

DIY / On DemandDIY, on demand

resources: EC2, S3, custom AMI’s, etc.


Deployment and Management

Convenience Control

Page 16: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

• IT automation – Built in and can be combined with 3rd party tools

• Version control Integration (Integration with Git, SVN)• Application version management• Infrastructure as code• Infrastructure version management• Deployment• Rollback• Monitoring & logging

Example Supported DevOps Practices on AWS

Page 17: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

• Automated infrastructure management & code

deployment for your application

• Includes:

• Load balancing

• Health monitoring

• Auto Scaling

• Application platform management

• Code deployment

Page 18: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Java PHP Python Ruby .NET Node.js docker


Page 19: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Example Elastic Beanstalk Architecture

Route 53 Hosted Zone

Availability Zone

Web Server

Web Server

Auto scaling Group

RDS DB Instance

Availability Zone

Web Server

Web Server

Auto scaling Group

RDS DB Instance Standby

Elastic LoadBalancing

S3 Bucket

Page 20: Introduction to DevOps on AWS




Fault tolerance

Content delivery

Software updates

and patches

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk

Page 21: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS OpsWorks

• Application infrastructure management

• Linux and Chef

• Primary components:

• Stacks

• Layers

• Instances

• Apps

AWS OpsWorks

Page 22: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Scalability• Auto healing• Auto scaling• Load balancing• Scaling – time• Scaling - load

Application Management - OpsWorks

Infrastructure Provisioning• Region• Availability Zone• Operating system• Keys

Application Architecture• Load balancers• Web layer• Elastic IP’s• Security groups• Database layer

Configure Application• Source of

packages• Git, svn, S3

Monitoring• Logs• Monitor

Deployment• Environments• Dev, Test, Prod

AWS OpsWorks



instances applications



Page 23: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Amazon CloudFormation

• Infrastructure as Code

• Integrates with version control

• JSON format

• Templates

• Stacks

• Supports all AWS resource typesAWS CloudFormation

Page 24: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS CloudFormation: Model Your App

• Document, version control, and share your applications and infrastructure as a JSON document

• Provision app and other AWS resources (VPC, DynamoDB, etc) from a template

• Repeatable, reliable deployments for test/dev/prod in any AWS Region

Page 25: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Resource Property Types

• Autoscaling• CloudFront• CloudWatch• DynamoDB• EC2• Elastic Beanstalk

Architecting on AWS – Overview of Services for Web Applications

• Elastic Load Balancer• IAM• OpsWorks• RDS• S3• SNS/SQS

Page 26: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Example options for a VPC resource

• VPN Access• DHCP Options• Customer Gateways• Virtual Private Gateways• Network ACLs• Security Groups• More …

Architecting on AWS – Overview of Services for Web Applications

Page 27: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS CloudFormation: Application stack example

Architecting on AWS – Overview of Services for Web Applications

CloudFront Distribution

Amazon Route 53 Elastic Load Balancer

S3 BucketWeb ASG



RR 1

RR 2

RR 3

RR 4

ElastiCache Cluster

Web Servers

Web Servers

Elastic Beanstalk



Page 28: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS CloudFormation: Application stack example (continue)

Architecting on AWS – Overview of Services for Web Applications

Template File Defining Stack





The entire application can be represented in an AWS CloudFormation template.

Use the version control system of your choice to store and track changes to this template

Build out multiple environments, such as for Development, Test, and Production using the template

Page 29: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

{"Description" : "Create an EC2 instance running the Amazon Linux 32 bit AMI.”,"Parameters" : {

"KeyPair" : { "Description" : "The EC2 Key Pair to allow SSH access to the instance", "Type" : "String"

} },"Resources" : {

"Ec2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : {

"KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyPair" }, "ImageId" : "ami-75g0061f”,“InstanceType” : “m1.medium”

} }

}, "Outputs" : {

"InstanceId" : { "Description" : "The InstanceId of the newly created EC2 instance", "Value" : { "Ref" : "Ec2Instance” }

} }


AWS CloudFormation Example (1 of 3)

Architecting on AWS – Overview of Services for Web Applications

Page 30: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS CloudFormation Example (2 of 3){

"Description" : "Create an EC2 instance running the Amazon Linux 32 bit AMI.”,"Parameters" : {

"KeyPair" : { "Description" : "The EC2 Key Pair to allow SSH access to the instance", "Type" : "String"

} },"Resources" : {

"Ec2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : {

"KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyPair" }, "ImageId" : "ami-75g0061f”,“InstanceType” : “m1.medium”

} }

}, "Outputs" : {

"InstanceId" : { "Description" : "The InstanceId of the newly created EC2 instance", "Value" : { "Ref" : "Ec2Instance” }

} }


Architecting on AWS – Overview of Services for Web Applications

Notice that you need to use an EC2 KeyPair for the CloudFormation template to work.

Page 31: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS CloudFormation Example (3 of 3){

"Description" : "Create an EC2 instance running the Amazon Linux 32 bit AMI.”,"Parameters" : {

"KeyPair" : { "Description" : "The EC2 Key Pair to allow SSH access to the instance", "Type" : "String"

} },"Resources" : {

"Ec2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : {

"KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyPair" }, "ImageId" : "ami-75g0061f”,“InstanceType” : “m1.medium”

} }

}, "Outputs" : {

"InstanceId" : { "Description" : "The InstanceId of the newly created EC2 instance", "Value" : { "Ref" : "Ec2Instance” }

} }


Architecting on AWS – Overview of Services for Web Applications

You can define exactly what type of EC2 instance you want to launch.

Page 32: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Example - Putting it all together !!

Page 33: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Sample Architecture

Page 34: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Sample Architecture with CloudFormation

Page 35: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Sample Architecture with CloudFormation

Page 36: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AWS Elastic Beanstalk & OpsWorks

Elastic Beanstalk:• Application container framework similar to a PaaS• Deploy your application into Elastic Beanstalk and it takes care of building a self

healing, auto-scaling, multi-AZ infrastructure• Allows you to turn some of the knobs under the hood to tweak• Considered one of the easiest places to start with hosting an application on AWS

OpsWorks:• Build multi-layer application stacks• Ties in with Chef for a large degree of flexibility and customization• Makes deploying applications easier• More flexible than Elastic Beanstalk, but requires a bit more knowledge

Page 37: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Sample Architecture


Page 38: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Deployment Models

Page 39: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method• Code gets bundled into an AMI, we then deploy that AMI

– Pluses• Very atomic• New shouldn’t effect older versions• Can deploy alongside current• Easy tools to automate

– Cons• Bit more work involved• Have to think about where your data is persisting• Schema updates potentially harder to package in

• Leverage configuration management tools in automation process

Page 40: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - Building

Page 41: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - Building

Fully Functional AMI OS-Only AMI

Partially Configured AMI

Page 42: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - Building

Fully Functional AMI OS-Only AMI

Partially Configured AMI

Least flexibleto maintain

Page 43: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - Building

Fully Functional AMI OS-Only AMI

Partially Configured AMI

Most amount of post-boot work

Least flexibleto maintain

Page 44: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - Building

Fully Functional AMI OS-Only AMI

Partially Configured AMI

Most amount of post-boot work

Least flexibleto maintain

Try and find a happy medium here

Page 45: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - DeployingBlue/Green Deploys

– We stand up a duplicate part of our infrastructure and slowly cut traffic over to it

• Shift via DNS• Makes it easy to do testing of new

features• Makes it easy to roll back

– As we shift more traffic over, let auto-scaling grow/shrink our instances of the new or old application

• Shut down the old when no traffic there

Amazon Route 53

EC2 Instances



DynamoDB MySQL RDSInstance

ElastiCache Cache Node

Page 46: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - DeployingBlue/Green Deploys

– We stand up a duplicate part of our infrastructure and slowly cut traffic over to it

• Shift via DNS• Makes it easy to do testing of new

features• Makes it easy to roll back

– As we shift more traffic over, let auto-scaling grow/shrink our instances of the new or old application

• Shut down the old when no traffic there

Amazon Route 53

EC2 Instances


EC2 Instances


90% 10%

DynamoDB MySQL RDSInstance

ElastiCache Cache Node

Page 47: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - DeployingBlue/Green Deploys

– We stand up a duplicate part of our infrastructure and slowly cut traffic over to it

• Shift via DNS• Makes it easy to do testing of new

features• Makes it easy to roll back

– As we shift more traffic over, let auto-scaling grow/shrink our instances of the new or old application

• Shut down the old when no traffic there

Amazon Route 53

EC2 Instances


EC2 Instances


50% 50%

DynamoDB MySQL RDSInstance

ElastiCache Cache Node

Page 48: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - DeployingBlue/Green Deploys

– We stand up a duplicate part of our infrastructure and slowly cut traffic over to it

• Shift via DNS• Makes it easy to do testing of new

features• Makes it easy to roll back

– As we shift more traffic over, let auto-scaling grow/shrink our instances of the new or old application

• Shut down the old when no traffic there

Amazon Route 53

EC2 Instances


EC2 Instances


0% 100%

DynamoDB MySQL RDSInstance

ElastiCache Cache Node

Page 49: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - DeployingBlue/Green Deploys

– We stand up a duplicate part of our infrastructure and slowly cut traffic over to it

• Shift via DNS• Makes it easy to do testing of new

features• Makes it easy to roll back

– As we shift more traffic over, let auto-scaling grow/shrink our instances of the new or old application

• Shut down the old when no traffic there

Amazon Route 53

EC2 Instances


EC2 Instances


0% 100%

DynamoDB MySQL RDSInstance

ElastiCache Cache Node

Page 50: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - DeployingBlue/Green Deploys

– We stand up a duplicate part of our infrastructure and slowly cut traffic over to it

• Shift via DNS• Makes it easy to do testing of new

features• Makes it easy to roll back

– As we shift more traffic over, let auto-scaling grow/shrink our instances of the new or old application

• Shut down the old when no traffic there

Amazon Route 53

EC2 Instances



DynamoDB MySQL RDSInstance

ElastiCache Cache Node

Page 51: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

AMI Deployment Method - DeployingBlue/Green Deploys

– We stand up a duplicate part of our infrastructure and slowly cut traffic over to it

• Shift via DNS• Makes it easy to do testing of new

features• Makes it easy to roll back

– As we shift more traffic over, let auto-scaling grow/shrink our instances of the new or old application

• Shut down the old when no traffic there

Amazon Route 53

EC2 Instances



DynamoDB MySQL RDSInstance

ElastiCache Cache Node

Page 52: Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Further Reading

• AWS Documentation -

• AWS Technical Whitepapers –

• AWS Architecture Center –