interneuronal barrages and ripple superposed on inhibitory postsynaptic potentials

15.9.1967 Specialia 727 Interneuronal Barrages and Ripple Superposed on Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials Excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms in the brain are less well known than those at lower levels of the neuraxis. However, a large number of the basic mechanisms worked out from unitary recordings in the cord have been found to apply to cerebral neurons. The wide distribution of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) recorded in most brain areas upon separate inputs to any. given structure has for some time suggested the existence of causal inhibitory elements similar to R]~SHAW cells~, 2. The suggestion that IPSPs in the cord were produced by a repetitive synaptic bombardment from the interneurons was originally based on the fact that the frequency of the wavelets superimposed on the IPSP was the same as that of the interneuronal barrages 1. The significance of similar high-frequency ripple super- posed on brain IPSPs has remained obscure and a matter of speculation B,4 since no RnNSHAw-like inter- neurons had been recorded 5. Thalamic interneurons of R~NsHAw cell characteristics have recently been demon- strafed e. Simultaneous dual-neuron recordings have shown that independently recognizable spikes, not only ripple, do occur throughout the duration of IPSPs of identified thalamocortical relay cells 7. This communication (detailed study in preparation) has been extracted from another series of recordings of unitary potentials in ventrolateral thalamus upon intra- nuclear stimulation in anesthetized arid paralyzed cats. The Figure provides direct evidence that the often- recorded ripple riding on IPSPs is due to interneuronal barrage discharges at high frequency which modulate target cells' membrane potential in a repolarizing or hyperpolarizing direction s. In (A) a single cathodal shock was applied to a tungsten electrode tip 1.5 mm rostral to the recording micropipette (1 /z tip; filled with 3 M-K- citrate). The stimulus evoked an interneuronM response at over 500/see. After a sudden 50 mV negative shift of the baseline was recorded, without manipulation of the raicrodriver, record B emerged in the face of the oscillo- scope. Single shocks applied to the same rostral electrode as in (A) produced the following concomitant events: (a) arrest of large spike lasting 100 msec; (b) post-shock hyperpolarizing potentials of equal duration; (c) barrage response of a second element, probably the same one recorded in (A) during the hyperpolarizing potential. A photographic enlargement of another hyperpolarizing potential similarly evoked 5 min after (B) is shown in (C) to demonstrate that the interneuronal barrage occu- pied almost the whole duration of the hyperpolarizing potential. Recordings of extracellular unitary potentials from an intracellular electrode of 1 # tip are unusual; the recording of an interneuronal barrage concomitantly with its target neuron spike potentials and inhibitory potential is an extremeIy unusual concurrence but of much value for the understanding of inhibitory postsynaptic mechanisms. These records demonstrate that an intracellular electrode may 'see' extracellular activity and record meaningful dual-neuron correlations and interdependence when high sensitivity recording is employed. They also demonstrate topological nearness between the target cells and their modulating elements. The usefulness of simultaneous recording from 2 neurons or groups of neurons rather than from individual units has been stressed by other authors 9,~°. These and other records in our experiments also establish clearly that in the thalamus interneurons are not arranged in pools separate from other cells 1,7,s. Although no IPSP identifying transmembrane polariz- ing currents were used in this experiment, we feel justified, on the bases of other preparations, in assuming that the evoked hyperpolarizing potentials were true IPSPs 11,1~ and that they were caused by the interneuronal dis- charge. The mechanism would appear to be comparable to that of recurrent collateral inhibition via R~NSHAW cells in the lumbosacral segment of the cord ~,2,8-8. The records also suggest an answer to the question of whether interneuronal discharges are briefer than their effects and hence whether the longer-lasting IPSPs would be sustained by a prolonged release of the inhibitory transmitter ~2. It can be seen that the interneuronal dis- charge can last as long as its effect on the target cell, the inhibitory potential. The possibility that interneurons may be triggered successively through neural chains of various complexities 10, thus ensuring relatively long bar- rage discharges, is suggested by the stepwise trace of the inhibitory potential (see C). It has been assumed that the rhythmic small oscillations superposed on the inhibitory potential were usually smoothed out because they were generated by the dis- charge of many Renshaw cells progressively becoming out of phase beyond the summit of the IPSP; the ripple should otherwise become accentuated as the interneuronal frequency declines ~. While there is evidence that several interneurons must contribute to the formation of an IPSP, another alternative explanation is suggested by the Figure (C) in which it can be seen that the frequency t (A) Single-shock-evoked interneuronal unitary response at about 500/see from ventrolateral thalamus. (B) was taken shortly after 50 mV negative shirt of the baseline was recorded. Single shocks arrested the large spikes for 100 msec concomitantly with hyper- polarization of cell membrane and attending intemeuronal barrage at 500/see. All three events had the same time course. (C) enlarge- merit of another similar sequence evoked by the stimulus. Stimuli (at arrows) delivered to a locus 1.5 mm rostral to the recording mieropipette. Positivity upward. 1 j. C. ECCLES,P. FATTand K. KOKETSU, J. Physiol. 126, 524 (1954). B. RENSHAW,J. Neurophysiol. 9, 191 (1946). 3 H. KITASATO, Jap. J. Physiol. 75, 71 (1965). D. P. PURPURA and R. j'. SHOFER,J. Neurophysiol. 26, 494 (1963). s H. ASANU~IA and V. B. BRooKs, Archs ital. Biol. 703, 220 (1965). B p. ANDERSEN, J. C. ECeLESand T. A. SEARS,J. Physiol. 174, 370 (1964). 7 L. A. MARCO and T. S. BROWN, Nature 210, 1388 (1966). s L. A. MARCO and T. S. BROWN, Proc. Am. psycho/. Ass. 101 (1966). 9 R. W. GERARD, in Handbook o[ Physiology (Ed. J. FIELD; Am. Physiol. Soe., Washington, D.C. 1960), vol. 3, p. 1919. lo V. B. BRoo~s and H. AS~NUMA, Archs ital. Biol. 103, 247 (1965). 11 j. S. COOMBS, J. C. EccI.Es and P. FATT, J. Physiol. 130, 326 (1955). 1~ j . c. ECCLES, in The Physiology o/Synapses (Academic Press Inc., New York, 1964).

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Page 1: Interneuronal barrages and ripple superposed on inhibitory postsynaptic potentials

15.9.1967 Specialia 727

Interneuronal Barrages and Ripple Superposed on Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials

E x c i t a t o r y and inh ib i to ry mechan isms in the bra in are less well known t h a n those a t lower levels of the neuraxis. However , a large number of the basic mechan isms worked out f rom un i t a ry recordings in the cord h a v e been found to apply to cerebral neurons. The wide d is t r ibut ion of inh ib i tory pos t synap t ic potent ia ls ( IPSPs) recorded in most bra in areas upon separa te inputs to any. g iven s t ruc ture has for some t ime suggested the exis tence of causal inh ib i to ry e lements s imilar to R]~SHAW cells~, 2. The suggest ion t h a t I P S P s in the cord were p roduced by a repe t i t ive synapt ic b o m b a r d m e n t f rom the in terneurons was or iginal ly based on the fact t h a t the f requency of the wavele ts super imposed on the I P S P was the same as t h a t of the in te rneurona l barrages 1.

The significance of s imilar h igh- f requency ripple super- posed on bra in I P S P s has remained obscure and a m a t t e r of specula t ion B,4 since no RnNSHAw-like inter- neurons had been recorded 5. Tha lamic in te rneurons of R~NsHAw cell character is t ics h a v e recent ly been demon- s t rafed e. S imul taneous dual -neuron recordings have shown t h a t independen t ly recognizable spikes, no t only ripple, do occur t h roughou t the dura t ion of I P S P s of identif ied tha lamocor t i ca l re lay cells 7.

This c o m m u n i c a t i o n (detailed s t u d y in prepara t ion) has been ex t rac ted f rom ano ther series of recordings of un i ta ry potent ia ls in ven t ro la te ra l tha lamus upon int ra- nuclear s t imula t ion in anes the t ized arid para lyzed cats. The F igure provides direct evidence t h a t the often- recorded r ipple r id ing on I P S P s is due to in te rneurona l bar rage discharges a t h igh f requency which modu la t e t a rge t cells' m e m b r a n e po ten t ia l in a repolar izing or hyperpolar iz ing direct ion s. In (A) a single ca thoda l shock was appl ied to a tungs ten electrode t ip 1.5 m m rost ra l to the recording mic rop ipe t t e (1 /z t ip ; filled wi th 3 M - K - citrate) . The s t imulus evoked an in terneuronM response at over 500/see. Af te r a sudden 50 mV nega t ive shift of the basel ine was recorded, w i thou t man ipu la t ion of the raicrodriver , record B emerged in the face of the oscillo- scope. Single shocks applied to the same ros t ra l e lectrode as in (A) produced the following concomi tan t events : (a) arres t of large sp ike last ing 100 msec; (b) post -shock hyperpolar iz ing potent ia l s of equal dura t ion ; (c) barrage response of a second element , p robab ly the same one recorded in (A) dur ing the hyperpola r iz ing potent ia l . A photographic en la rgemen t of another hyperpolar iz ing potent ia l s imilar ly evoked 5 min af ter (B) is shown in (C) to demons t r a t e t h a t the in te rneurona l bar rage occu- pied a lmos t the whole dura t ion of the hyperpolar iz ing potent ial .

Recordings of ext racel lu lar un i t a ry potent ia ls f rom an intracel lular e lectrode of 1 # t ip are unusual ; the recording of an in te rneurona l bar rage concomi tan t ly wi th its t a rge t neuron spike potent ia ls and inhib i tory po ten t ia l is an ex t remeIy unusual concurrence bu t of m u c h va lue for the unders tanding of inh ib i tory pos t synap t ic mechanisms. These records demons t ra t e t h a t an int racel lular electrode m a y 'see' ext racel lu lar a c t i v i t y and record meaningfu l dual -neuron correlat ions and in te rdependence when high sensi t iv i ty recording is employed. They also demons t r a t e topological nearness be tween the t a rge t cells and thei r modula t ing elements. The usefulness of s imul taneous recording f rom 2 neurons or groups of neurons ra ther t han f rom indiv idual uni ts has been stressed by o ther authors 9,~°. These and o ther records in our exper iments also establ ish clear ly t h a t in the tha l amus in terneurons are no t a r ranged in pools separa te f rom other cells 1,7,s.

Al though no I P S P ident i fy ing t r a n s m e m b r a n e polariz- ing currents were used in this exper iment , we feel just if ied, on the bases of o ther preparat ions , in assuming t h a t the evoked hyperpolar iz ing potent ia ls were t rue I P S P s 11,1~ and t h a t t h e y were caused by the in te rneurona l dis- charge. The mechan i sm would appear to be comparab le to t h a t of recur ren t col lateral inhibi t ion v ia R~NSHAW cells in the lumbosacra l segment of the cord ~,2,8-8.

The records also suggest an answer to the ques t ion of whe the r in te rneurona l discharges are briefer t h a n thei r effects and hence whe the r the longer- las t ing I P S P s would be sus ta ined by a pro longed release of the inh ib i to ry t r ansmi t t e r ~2. I t can be seen t h a t the in te rneurona l dis- charge can last as long as its effect on the t a rge t cell, t he inh ib i to ry potent ia l . The possibi l i ty t h a t in te rneurons m a y be t r iggered successively th rough neura l chains of var ious complexi t ies 10, thus ensur ing re la t ive ly long bar- rage discharges, is suggested by the s tepwise t race of t he inh ib i to ry po ten t ia l (see C).

I t has been assumed t h a t the r h y t h m i c smal l oscil lat ions superposed on the inh ib i to ry po ten t ia l were usual ly smoothed ou t because t h e y were genera ted by the dis- charge of m a n y R e n s h a w cells progress ively becoming ou t of phase beyond the s u m m i t of the I P S P ; the r ipple should otherwise become accen tua ted as t he in te rneurona l f requency declines ~. Whi le there is ev idence t h a t several in terneurons m u s t con t r ibu te to the fo rmat ion of an I P S P , ano the r a l t e rna t ive exp lana t ion is suggested by the F igure (C) in which i t can be seen t h a t the f requency


(A) Single-shock-evoked interneuronal unitary response at about 500/see from ventrolateral thalamus. (B) was taken shortly after 50 mV negative shirt of the baseline was recorded. Single shocks arrested the large spikes for 100 msec concomitantly with hyper- polarization of cell membrane and attending intemeuronal barrage at 500/see. All three events had the same time course. (C) enlarge- merit of another similar sequence evoked by the stimulus. Stimuli (at arrows) delivered to a locus 1.5 mm rostral to the recording

mieropipette. Positivity upward.

1 j . C. ECCLES, P. FATT and K. KOKETSU, J. Physiol. 126, 524 (1954). B. RENSHAW, J. Neurophysiol. 9, 191 (1946).

3 H. KITASATO, Jap. J. Physiol. 75, 71 (1965). D. P. PURPURA and R. j'. SHOFER, J. Neurophysiol. 26, 494 (1963).

s H. ASANU~IA and V. B. BRooKs, Archs ital. Biol. 703, 220 (1965). B p. ANDERSEN, J. C. ECeLES and T. A. SEARS, J. Physiol. 174, 370

(1964). 7 L. A. MARCO and T. S. BROWN, Nature 210, 1388 (1966). s L. A. MARCO and T. S. BROWN, Proc. Am. psycho/. Ass. 101

(1966). 9 R. W. GERARD, in Handbook o[ Physiology (Ed. J. FIELD; Am.

Physiol. Soe., Washington, D.C. 1960), vol. 3, p. 1919. lo V. B. BRoo~s and H. AS~NUMA, Archs ital. Biol. 103, 247 (1965). 11 j . S. COOMBS, J. C. EccI.Es and P. FATT, J. Physiol. 130, 326

(1955). 1~ j . c. ECCLES, in The Physiology o/Synapses (Academic Press Inc.,

New York, 1964).

Page 2: Interneuronal barrages and ripple superposed on inhibitory postsynaptic potentials

728 Specialia EXPERIENTIA 23[9

of interneuronal discharge gradually increased rather than decreased. Concomitantly, the spike amplitude also gradu- ally declined. I t is easy to see tha t this interneuronal pat tern of discharges can well account for the well known time course of IPSPs if i t is accepted tha t the smaller the spike potential the smaller will be the output of inhibitory transmitter18, ~4. Indeed we have often recorded both patterns of interneuronal barrages, at gradually decreas- ing and at gradually increasing firing rates. Whenever the lat ter was obtained, spike amplitude gradually de- creased to zero, probably due to refractoriness or to de- polarization inactivation,

Summarizing, i t appears possible to record simultane- ously all primordial component events underlying the phenomenon of postsynaptic inhibition, namely target cell discharge, target cell inhibition, inhibitory potential and interneuronal barrage. The electrographic demon- strat ion of this modulatory interdependence is indicative of underlying topological closeness of the two involved elements. The commenness of this recurrent pa thway throughout the central nervous system has been empha- sized from different angles by various authors 94~,15. The role of recurrent collateral inhibition in controlling elec- troencephalographic rhythmic act ivi ty 6,~,~"m and possi- bly learning and total integrated behavior z~ has been adequately stressed by other authors.

Rdsumd. L'act ivi t$ 61ectrique des neurones du noyau thalamique ventro-lat6ral est 6tudi6e ici chez des chats anesth6si~s au nembutal et immobilis6s avec du flaxedil au moyen d 'un enregistrement intracelluiaire. Nous avons observ$ que l 'enregistrement de certains neurones montre que le potentiel nomm6 inhibiteur postsynaptique (IPSP) est accompagn6 de la d6charge en barrage d 'un autre neurone probablement semblable £ la cellule de RENSHAW.

L. A. MARCO 18, T, S. BROWN and M. E. ROUSE Ig

Illinois State Psychiatric Institute, Chicago (Illinois 60612, USA), 3rd October 1965.

z8 j. CASTILLO and B. KATZ, J. Physiol. 124, 586 (1954). 14 S. HAGIWARA and I, TASAKI, J. Physiol. 743, 114 (1958). ~ P. M. MILNER, Psychol. Rev. 64, 242 (1957). zs W. A. SPE~rCE~ and E. R. KANDEL, in Pkysiologie de L'Hippo-

campe (Colin int. centre national reserehe sei, Paris 1962), vol, 107, p. 71.

z~ E. F. VASTOLA, J. NeurophysioL 22, 258 (1959). x8 Present address: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia

University, Dept. of Physiology, New York, N,Y. 10052. 19 We thank Mr. G. Bn.Atqow for invaluable technical help.

Rettnale Impulsaktivtt~it und Elektrore t ino- g r a r n m unter d e m Etnf luss von D e s i p r a m i n

Die elektrische Aktivi t / i t des retinalen Systems wird durch verschiedene zentral nerv6s wirksame Pharmaka ver~ndert. So kann dutch Chlorpromazin die Spontan- aktivit/~t retinaler Neurone vermindert oder ausgel6scht werden, w~thrend die Belichtungsaktivit~tt nur wenig be- einflusst wird z In der vorliegenden Untersuchungsreihe wurde Katzen Desipramin injiziert, um zu untersuchen, ob dieses Pharmakon Ver~nderungen yon ERG, Spontan- und Belichtungsaktivit~t bewirkt.

In 8 mit Ather und Pentothal-Natr ium narkotisierten und dutch Flaxedil immobilisierten Katzen wurde der Nervus opticus intrakraniell nach der Technik yon SCHUBERT ~ freigetegt; mit Platin-Iridium-Mikroelek- troden wurden Impulsentladungen einzelner Axone ab- geleitet. Synchron damit wurde das E R G des Auges mit einer Haftschalenelektrode aufgezeichnet (DC-Verstar- kung). Die benutzten Lichtreize hat ten an der Eintr i t ts- pupille eine Intensit/ i t yon 70 lm/m ~ und dauerten 1 sec. Weitere methodische Einzelheiten linden sich bei BORN- SCHErH et al. 1 Desipramin wurde in Einzeldosen yon 2-10 mg/kg bis zu Gesamtdosen zwischen 20 und 35 mg/kg i.v. injiziert. Der w/ihrend der Versuche aus der Arteria carotis registrierte Blutdruck wurde dutch Desipramin nur geringfiigig und flfichtig beeinflusst, abgesehen yon H6chstdosen, die zum Tode des Tieres flihrten.

Der Einfluss yon Desipramin auf Spontan- und Belich- tungsaktivit/~t wurde bei insgesamt 42 retinalen Neuronen studiert. Bereits Dosen yon 4 mg/kg verminderten die Spontanaktivi t~t deutlich (Figur 1), es t raten h/iufig Doppel- und Mehrfachenfladungen (Bursts) auf. Mit zu- nehmender Gesamtdosis nahm die spontane Impuls- aktivit~t der Neurone welter ab und bestand oft nur mehr aus kurzen Bursts mi t langen Zwischenpausen. Bei h6heren Gesamtdosen - in einem Neuron schon bei 10

mg/kg, sonst bei 15-25 mg/kg Desipramin - setzte die Spontanaktivi t / i t vollkommen aus.

Im Gegensatz dazu wurde die phasische Reaktion der Neurone auf Lichtreize nut wenig beeinflusst; bei niedri- gen Dosen wurden mitunter verst/irkte Reizantworten

De~ JellZ 80




x xX x x x x x

x Xx x X

X x

e •

o ~ • oo o. oo

% ° o ° o • o o • • •

......... f

[inzetcIosis 10 5 5 mg

Gesamlclos]s 15 zo Dnsipramin

Fig. 1. Frequenz "der Spontanaktivit~lt (e) und der phasisehen Reaktion eines Neurons auf Liehtreiz (x) unbeeinflusst und bei

steigender Gesarntdosis yon Desipramin. Katze, 1,5 kg.

I H. BORNSCHEIN, W.-D. HEzss, P. HmLm und G. SANDBACH~ Wien. Z. NervenHeilk., im Druck (1967).

2 G. ScHtrBERr, Albrecht v. Graefes Arch. OphthaL 154, 125 (1953),