international holocaust remembrance alliance

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  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    MEMBER OBSERVER The cover image shows the Wall of Portraits', which forms partCOU TR!ES COU TR!ES of the perma"e"t e#hi$itio" at the %a&er"e ossi" ( Memorial, M)se)m a"*

    oc)me"tatio" Ce"tre o" +oloca)st a"* +)ma" Rights i" Mechele", Belgi)m The wall

    shows over -.,/00

    1rge"ti"a 2 2002 3 1l$a"ia 2-0453 *eportees a"* spa"s fo)r floors of the m)se)m The pict)res

    1)stria 2 2001 3 1)stralia 2-04.3 of those who s)rvive* are show" i" color while the pict)res of those who perishe* areshow" i" $lac6 a"* white 7or ma"8 of the *eportees, "ot eve" a pict)re remai"s The

    Stoc6holmBelgi)m 2-00.3 B)lgaria 2-04-3

    Ca"a*a 2-0093 El Salva*or -045 eclaratio" states, :O)r commitme"t m)st $e to remem$er Croatia 2-00.3 The former ;)goslav the victims who perishe*, respect the s)rvivors still with )s,

    C&ech Rep)$lic 2-00-3 Rep)$lic of a"* reaffirm h)ma"it8 s commo" aspiratio" for m)t)al )"*ersta"*i"g a"* ewish Material

    Pola"* 249993Claims 1gai"st

    Roma"ia 2-0053Aerma"8

    Ser$ia 2 2011 3 Co)"cil of E)rope

    Slova6ia 2-00.3E)ropea" U"io"

    Slove"ia 2-04431ge"c8 for

    Spai" 2 2008 3 7)"*ame"tal

    Swe*e" 2499/3 Rights 27R13Swit&erla"* 2-0053 !"ter"atio"al

    !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce1llia"ceD Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of theStoc6holm eclaratio" $8 !+R1

    The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is an intergovernmental body whosepurpose is to place political and social leaders’ support behind the need for Holocaust education,remembrance and research both nationally and internationally The founding document of IHRA is the !to"cholm #eclaration, a document which committed governments to implement national

    policies and programs in support of Holocaust education, remembrance, and research This brochure should highlight the

    "ey achievements in IHRA$s history

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of theStoc6holm eclaratio"-000 -04.

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    U"it e* %i"g*om 249 9/3 Trac i"g Se rvi ce 2!TS3U"ite* States 2499/3

    Orga"i&atio" for Sec)rit8

    a"* Co operatio" i"Pi ir""o ffir'*

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance



    Introduction — Dr. Kathrin Meyer 2

    History of the IHRA — Sir Andrew Burns 4

    Time ine !

    Stoc"ho m Dec aration #$

    Reaffirmation Statement #2

    Is the IHRA Re e%ant& — 'rofessor (ehuda Bauer #)

    IHRA *or"in+ ,rou-s #!

    n the /eed for Ho ocaust 0ducation — 'rofessor Ste%en Kat1 2)

    *or"in+ Definition of Ho ocaust Denia and Distortion 2!

    IHRA ommittees 3#

    Inter%iew with Ben He f+ott 34

    IHRA Mu ti (ear *or" ' an 3!

    ,rant 'ro+ramme 42

    'ermanent Internationa 'artners 45

    3 / 52 2015.07.15. 15:35

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" F 4

    !"tro*)ctio"Dr Kathrin Meyer6IHRA 07ecuti%e Secretary

    #) years after the si+nin+ of the Stoc"ho m Dec aration6 the -u8 ication you are ho din+

    in your hands has -ro%ided an o--ortunity to ta"e stoc" of the achie%ements of our

    or+ani1ation. 9ounded as the Tas" 9orce for Internationa oo-eration on Ho ocaust

    0ducation6 Remem8rance and Research: on 5 May6 #;;!6 the Internationa Ho ocaust

    Remem8rance A iance ue networ" of e7-erts and +o%ernments focusin+ on the so e mandate of

    Ho ocaust re ated issues.

    9rom 2$$2 2$$56 my -redecessor Kare 9raca-ane accom-anied the Tas" 9orce

    throu+h the first crucia years of its e7istence6 mo%in+ from country to country with

    each of the rotatin+ hairmanshi-s. Those first years were a %ery acti%e time for the

    IHRA — the first decade saw a ands ide of countries ?oin the or+ani1ation as the

    ma?ority of 0uro-ean countries sou+ht mem8ershi-. And as the IHRA +rew6 so too did

    the cha en+es in%o %ed with or+ani1in+ and conso idatin+ a com- e7 8ody which was

    ne%er meant to 8e -ermanent.

    In 2$$!6 the decision to set u- the IHRA 'ermanent ffice in Ber in was

    im- emented. This was a c ear indication that the or+ani1ation that was initia y

    intended as a -ro%isiona tas" force was no on+er a tem-orary 8ody. The decision to

    rename the Tas" 9orce the @Internationa Ho ocaust Remem8rance A iance: was a

    further affirmation of the -ermanence of the IH R A. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGTh a ohr mi" " fic o i" o"tioamitiiMTi o"+ hoto i" r"H'a"t wooro IirilwGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

    4 )2 2$#).$5.#). #) 3)

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    %arel 7racapa"e a"* %athri" Me8er at the ope"i"g of the !+R1 Perma"e"t Office i" -00/ Credit: IHRA

    The ast #) years ha%e seen the IHRA find its feet in the internationa arena — the

    res-ecti%e hairs ha%e em8ar"ed on outreach acti%ities with an increasin+ y + o8a %iew6

    our e7-erts are focusin+ more on content re ated issues6 and a +rowin+ num8er of

    interdisci- inary -ro?ects are 8ein+ carried out within the IHRA6 for e7am- e6 throu+h the

    Mu ti (ear *or" ' an. It is my ho-e that this -u8 ication hi+h i+hts some of our +reat

    achie%ements6 8ut in the end it can on y -ro%ide an o%er%iew of the rea chan+e and

    s-ecific achie%ements that ha%e ta"en - ace since former Swedish 'rime Minister ,oran

    'ersson 8rou+ht the or+ani1ation to+ether.

    It is a +reat -ri%i e+e to wor" with so many scho ars6 -o itica re-resentati%es and

    educationa e7-erts in my ro e as 07ecuti%e Secretary of the IHRA. These indi%idua s

    who offer their time %o untari y6 ins-ired 8y their ""mm"" hplipf i" thp im""rta"rp "f "i ir w"r6 tri ilJH arp thp har6h""p "f

    ser%es to under ine the im-ortance of the IHRA as a -ermanent 8ody.

    The formation of the ommittees on the ,enocide of the Roma6 Antisemitism and

    Ho ocaust Denia 6 and the Ho ocaust6 ,enocide and rimes A+ainst Humanity

    demonstrate that the IHRA is conscious of the ro e it has to - ay not on y in -reser%in+

    the -ast 8ut a so in sha-in+ the future.

    this or+ani1ation. I am a so +ratefu to my dedicated team at the 'ermanent ffice who

    ha%e +rown with the tas"s +i%en to them. I am dee- y -roud of a that we ha%e achie%ed

    to+ether and I oo" forward to the IHRA:s future successes.

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" (

    6 / 52 2015 .07 .15 . 15:35

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  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    I heir conc usions and recommendations are then ted direct y into the -o icy ma"in+

    e%e of mem8er +o%ernments.

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" .

    !+R1 Ple"ar8 -04 i" Berli" Credit: Trevor Good

    n 25 Eanuary 2$#)6 5$ years after the i8eration of the ,erman /a1i concentration and

    e7termination cam- Auschwit1 Bir"enau and #) years after the ori+ina Stoc"ho m

    Dec aration6 the IHRA countries reaffirmed the commitments underta"en in Stoc"ho m —

    this -u8 ication aims to -ro%ide a sna-shot of the %ita wor" which the IHRA has carried

    out o%er the ast #) years. It has 8een my honor to chair the IHRA throu+h this im-ortant

    anni%ersary. It has 8een a time for ref ectin+ on what we ha%e achie%ed thus far and for

    determinin+ that this is not a time to ease u- on our efforts. Sad y6 incidents ofantisemitism6 7eno-ho8ia6 +enocide and Ho ocaust denia and distortion are not confined

    to the -ast 8ut continue to 8e rea threats to the hea th of our societies. These threats

    hi+h i+ht the %ery rea need for an inter+o%ernmenta 8ody i"e the IHRA which "ee-s

    memory and understandin+ of the Ho ocaust firm y on the -o itica a+enda.

    It is my ho-e that in the future we sha see e%er more countries ?oin the IHRA and

    stren+then Ho ocaust education6 remem8rance and research in their own societies. The

    Ho ocaust has a uni%ersa meanin+ e%en for countries and societies re ati%e y untouched

    8y the e%ent itse f. And it is my ho-e that throu+h our united efforts6 the commitments

    enshrined in the Stoc"ho m Dec aration wi continue to 8e res-ected and im- emented

    around the wor d in honor of the %ictims and sur%i%ors of the Ho ocaust. ur res-onsi8i ity

    to them does not diminish o%er time.

    F0%en as we redress the in?ustices of the -ast6 we must ensure

    that the essons of the Ho ocaust do not fade away in the future.G( E#cerpt from a vi*eo message $8 Bill Cli"to", Presi*e"t of the U"ite*

    States, at the Ceremo"ial Ope"i"g of the Stoc6holm

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    !"ter"atio"aK t or)m, -L >a")ar8 -000

    L !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

    AR,0 /TI/A —

    In 2$$36 Ar+entina decided to eradicate im -unityfor the mass and systematic %io ations of humanri+hts committed durin+ the ast dictatorshi-uired forenterin+ and ad%ancin+ within the IHRA are maintained throu+h the introduction of a re+u ar-eriodic re-ortin+ mechanism on acti%ities re atedto the Stoc"ho m Dec aration.

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio"

    / ( !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" ( 9

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    #. — The Ho ocaust uences.

    4. — *e - ed+e to stren+then our efforts to

    -romote education6 remem8rance andresearch a8out the Ho ocaust6 8oth inthose of our countries that ha%e a read

    ). — *e share a commitment to encoura+ethe study of the Ho ocaust in a its dimensions. *e wi -romote education a8outthe Ho ocaust in our schoo s anduni%ersities6 in our communities andencoura+e it in other institutions.

    . — *e share a commitment to commemorate the %ictims of the Ho ocaust and tohonor those who stood a+ainst it. *e wiencoura+e a--ro-riate forms of Ho ocaustremem8rance6 inc udin+ an annua Day ofHo ocaust Remem8rance6 in our countries.

    5. — *e share a commitment to throw i+hton the sti o8scured shadows of theHo ocaust. *e wi ta"e a necessaryste-s to faci itate the o-enin+ of archi%esin order to ensure that a documents8earin+ on the Ho ocaust are a%ai a8 e to

    The Stoc6holm !"ter"atio"al 7or)m o"the +oloca)st was a co"fere"ce hel* i"the 8ear -000, atte"*e* $8 the high levelreprese"tatives of 5L "atio"s, with theaim of e"co)ragi"g a )"ite*, i"ter"atio"al effort to promote +oloca)ste*)catio", remem$ra"ce a"* research

    !. — It is a--ro-riate that this6 the firstma?or internationa conference of the newmi ennium6 dec ares its commitment to- ant the seeds of a 8etter future amidstthe soi of a 8itter -ast. *e em-athi1ewith the %ictims: sufferin+ and drawins-iration from their stru++ e. urcommitment must 8e to remem8er the%ictims who -erished6 res-ect thesur%i%ors sti with us6 and reaffirmhumanity:s common as-iration for mutua

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" 44

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  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Reaffirmatio"of theStoc6holm


    n 25 Eanuary 2$#)6 the IHRA reaffirmed its commitment to the Stoc"ho m

    Dec aration to mar" its #)th anni%ersary. The fo owin+ statement was made

    Today6 5$ years after the i8eration of Auschwit16 the 3# mem8er and ei+ht o8ser%er

    countries of the Internationa Ho ocaust Remem8rance A iance6 to+ether with our se%en

    'ermanent Internationa 'artners6 ha%e co ecti%e y reaffirmed our stron+ and un>ua ified

    su--ort for the foundin+ document of our or+ani1ation6 the Stoc"ho m Dec aration of the

    year 2$$$6 and the so emn commitments which our +o%ernments then undertoo".

    The un-recedented character of the Ho ocaust wi a ways ho d uni%ersa meanin+

    for us. *e are committed to remem8erin+ and honorin+ its %ictims6 to u-ho din+ the

    terri8 e truth of the Ho ocaust6 to standin+ u- a+ainst those who distort or deny it and to

    com8atin+ antisemitism6 racism and -re?udice a+ainst the Roma and Sinti.

    *e are determined to continue to de%e o- our internationa coo-eration on

    Ho ocaust education6 remem8rance and research6 and the -re%ention of future


    The Presi*e"t of the Rep)$lic of Pola"* Bro"islaw %omorows6i at the

    commemoratio" ceremo"8 of the ?0th a""iversar8 of the li$eratio" of

    % 1)schwit& Bir6e"a) hel* o" -? >a")ar8 -04. Credit: tukasz Kaminski

    Chancellery o the !resident o the Re"ublic o !oland

    FAn Auschwit1 sur%i%or6 'rimo e%i6 -ointed out that Fthose who

    for+et the -ast are condemned to re-eat itG.

    It is our o8 i+ation of 0uro-e and indeed of the who e wor d to

    remem8er for the sa"e of the ones who suffered here6 for your

    sa"e6 adies and ,ent emen6 who ha%e sur%i%ed a cam- +ehenna.

    It is e>ua y our o8 i+ation to remem8er for our own sa"e and for

    the sa"e of our future.G( 1" e#cerpt from the a**ress $8 the Presi*e"t of the Rep)$lic of Pola"*

    Bro"islaw %omorows6i at the commemoratio" ceremo"8 of the ?0th

    a""iversar8 of the li$eratio" of % 1)schwit& Bir6e"a) hel* o" -? >a")ar8 -04.

    as p)$lishe* o" www presi*e"t pl

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" F 4

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Cnfortunate y6 the wor d in which we i%e6 #) years after the IHRA was founded6

    -ro%ides am- e -roof as to the necessity of wor"in+ to fu fi the IHRA:s mandate. An

    e7tremist6 %io ent6 and dead y mutation of a +reat re i+ion is threatenin+ to destroy the

    -ositi%e achie%ements of ci%i i1ations6 0ast and *est. It as-ires to contro the wor d 8 y

    terrorist means6 directed in the first instance a+ainst masses of Mus ims6 8ut then

    a+ainst a the rest of humanity.

    Eews6 a+ain6 are a centra tar+et and are threatened with annihi ation. There is a

    -ara e 8etween radica Is am6 Sta inist communism6 and /ationa Socia ism. A three

    are or were >uasi re i+ions6 c aimin+ a8so ute "now ed+e and a8so ute certainty. /a1ism

    and Bo she%ism sou+ht to contro the wor d6 too6 8y %io ent means. They6 too6 wanted to

    a8o ish ethnic and nationa identities in fa%or of a wor d united 8y a radica 6 anti

    democratic and anti indi%idua ist re+ime. i"e /a1ism6 the two other ideo o+ies6 too6

    -ro?ected a machoist6 8asica y anti feminist ima+e there was not a sin+ e woman in the

    So%iet 'o it8ureau or the /a1i eadershi-6 and of course radica Is am is anti feminist.

    And for a three of th em6 the Eews were or 8ecame a main enemy.

    Sta inist -ersecution of Eews after #;4) was to end with a mass de-ortation eadin+

    to annihi ation. Radica Is am sees the Eews as 8ein+ 8ehind a their enemies6 and

    threatens them with mass murder and tota e7termination. /ationa Socia ism de%e o-edthese ideas to their o+ica conc usion it intended to murder e%ery sin+ e Eew a o%er the

    wor d. The Eews were6 and are today a+ain6 those throu+h whom the rest of humanity

    was and is 8ein+ attac"ed.

    The Ho ocaust was the most e7treme and un-recedented form of +enocide unti now6

    a -aradi+matic case of somethin+ that is ha--enin+ a o%er the wor d attem-ts to

    annihi ate human +rou-s as such. It is the mission of the IHRA to wor" a+ainst that6

    a+ainst the dan+er that this constitutes to a of humanity. The IHRA wor"s in coo-eration

    with many other +rou-s and indi%idua s6 within the C/ and re+iona systems6 to -romote

    democracy and human ri+hts. It is -art of efforts to com8at the dan+ers of +enocide6 8y

    its wor" in the fie ds of education6 remem8rance6 and research of the Ho ocaust.

    The IHRA needs to di+ dee-6 to address the concerns of its audience6 8y showin+

    the im-act the -ast has on the -resent this can ha--en to

    4L !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    you6 whoe%er you are and where%er you i%e. *e can a 8ecome -er-etrators6 %ictims6

    or 8ystanders6 and we must 8ecome none of these.

    The Ho ocaust is not the -ast se%enty years is a %ery short time in historica terms6

    and a the conditions that surrounded the Ho ocaust are sti there. The Ho ocaust is

    the -resent6 and in order not to re-eat it6 or e%ents simi ar to it6 the IHRA must6 and

    ho-efu y wi 6 do its -art.

    F*e must ne%er for+et what ha--ened when +o%ernments

    turned a 8 ind eye to +ra%e in?ustice outside their 8orders6

    when they waited too on+ to act.G( E#cerpt from a vi*eo message $8 Bill Cli"to", Presi*e"t of the U"ite* States, at the

    Ceremo"ial Ope"i"g of the Sto6cholm !"ter"atio"al 7or)m, -L >a")ar8 -000

    J0 H R0'CB I —

    In the 1ech Re-u8 ic6 the +reater in%o %ement of /,e7-erts in -ro?ects and discussions within the IHRA has

    ed to a more efficient dia o+ue and increased mutuatrust with +o%ernment authorities. The esta8 ishment ofan efficient system of ife on+ earnin+ a8out theHo ocaust for -rimary and secondary schoo teachers isanother "ey achie%ement of IHRA mem8ershi-. 9ina y6findin+s and recommendations from the IHRA ha%e edto a num8er of seminars on the +enocide of the Roma.This to-ic is a -riority for the +o%ernment6 asdemonstrated 8y the Museum of Romani u ture and the- ans for a Roma Ho ocaust Memoria in Hodonin uKunstatu.

    Commemoratio" eve"t, +o*o"i" ) %)"stat), -04

    Credit: L. Grossmannova, Museum of Romani Culture

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" 4?

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Acad emic*or"in+ ,rou-

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Ce"tropa m)ltime*ia films

    *ispla8e* o" a smart pho"e

    Ce"tropa pict)res a"* stories

    $elo"gi"g to the %alef sisters

    of Belgra*e were )se* to

    create a m)ltime*ia film that

    has "ow $ee" show" at five

    i"ter"atio"al film festivals a"*

    is )se* i" schools i" Ser$ia,

    the US, Aerma"8, !srael a"*

    elsewhere Credit: Centro"a

    Participa"ts at Sal&$)rg Alo$al Semi"ar's +oloca)st E*)catio" a"*

    Ae"oci*e Preve"tio" sessio" *isc)ss !+R1 teachi"g g)i*eli"es Credit:

    #alzburg Global #eminar

    ommunication *or"in+

    ,rou- < *,=

    The *, -romotes the wor" of the IHRA 8othinterna y across the mem8er states ande7terna y to +o%ernments6 /, s6 the media andinternationa -artners.

    The *, -ro%ides a - atform for Ho ocauste7-erts from a mem8er states to share -ro?ectsand -ro+rams6 and to inform mem8ers of initiati%esand resources. /ota8 e achie%ements o%er the-ast #) years inc ude the introduction — andsu8se>uent o%erhau — of the or+ani1ation swe8site and the re8randin+ of the or+ani1ationfrom IT9 to IHRA. The *, can a so ta"e creditfor the -u8 ication of %arious 8rochures and f yers6o%erseein+ the trans ation of officia IHRAdocuments and6 to+ether with the 0ducation*or"in+ ,rou-6 creatin+ +uide ines on usin+ sociamedia in Ho ocaust education.

    The sma 6 dynamic +rou- of e7-erts whichcom-rise the *, Steerin+ ommittee is a8 ysu--orted 8y the wider +rou- of *, de e+ates6who ser%e in a iaison ro e within the other *or"in+,rou-s. The *, a so wor"s c ose y with current6-ast and -resent hairmanshi-s to ensureo-timum and continuous communicationstrate+ies.

    -0 ( !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    0ducation *or"in+ ,rou-

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    atio"al +oloca)st Commemoratio" -04. orga"i&e* $8 the

    )tch 1)schwit& Committee Credit: &irk #"its

    FThe tas" is ur+ent6 the a--roach difficu t.

    The "ey word is memory.G( Speech $8 Elie Wiesel at the Ceremo"ial

    Ope"i"g of the Stoc6holm !"ter"atio"al 7or)m -L

    >a")ar8 -000

    Woma" loo6i" at the Wall of ames at the Memorial *e la Shoah i" Paris Credit: 'emorial de la #hoah("hoto ! runner

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" ( -

    D0/MARK —

    The ast decade of IHRA mem8ershi- has8rou+ht a8out two main de%e o-ments inDenmar". 9irst y6 ci%i society or+ani1ations ha%e8ecome increasin+ y in%o %ed in or+ani1in+acti%ities re ated to the annua Ho ocaustRemem8rance Day Auschwit1 Day:6 as we as to

    other historica e%ents. This increased-artici-ation si+na s that "ee-in+ the memory ofthe Ho ocaust a i%e is not on y an o8 i+ation forstates6 8ut a so for ci%i society. Second y6 IHRAmem8ershi- has he -ed "ee- a -o itica focus onthe im-ortance of 8rin+in+ the Ho ocaust6 as weas re ated issues of antisemitism6 discriminationand other forms of into erance6 into thec assroom.

    0ST /IA —

    Since 0stonia ?oined the IHRA6 awareness ofHo ocaust issues has increased dramatica y andthe 25 Eanuary commemoration has 8ecome an

    inte+ra annua e%ent. The memoria on the site of the /a1i concentration cam- at K oo+a has 8eenreno%ated and an outdoor e7hi8it now com- etesthe memoria . essons on the Ho ocaust ha%ea so 8ecome -art of 0stonian schoo curricu a68oth in history and socia studies. Than"s to theIHRA networ" and 8i atera interstatea+reements6 our educators now ha%e directaccess to the 8est -ractices6 study materia s andeducationa resources in the wor d.

    9I/ A/D —

    In 9in and6 information on the Ho ocaust isco%ered 8y se%era schoo su8?ects. In 2$#$6 the9innish /ationa Board of 0ducation amendeds-ecific cha-ters concernin+ the Ho ocaust in thenationa core curricu um of history and-hi oso-hy ethics in 8oth -rimary and secondary

    education. 9innish history6 re i+ion and ethicsteachers attended dedicated trainin+ sessions onthe Ho ocaust at the Internationa Schoo forHo ocaust Studies at (ad Lashem in 2$#$ and2$#26 and many u--er secondary schoo s in9in and -ro%ide s-ecia courses on the Ho ocaust6which inc ude study %isits to the Auschwit1Bir"eanu State Museum.

    The IHRA nationa cha-ter6 which inc udesadditiona e7-erts and +o%ernmentare-resentati%es6 meets re+u ar y 8etween- enaries to discuss IHRA re ated matters.

    %risti"a %aihari a mem$er of the 7i""ish *elegatio" to the !+R1

    at the memorial for >ewish ref)gees *eporte* from 7i"la"* i"

    ovem$er 495-, +elsi"6i Credit: IHRA

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    9RA/ 0 —

    9rance s accession to the IHRA offered ano--ortunity to create a networ" of nationaHo ocaust e7-erts6 ensurin+ more efficientsharin+ of information 8etween institutions andwider dissemination of acti%ities in the areas of

    Ho ocaust teachin+6 research and remem8rance.These discussions ha%e a so aid the foundationfor enhanced educationa wor" and a c oser-artnershi- 8etween the authorities and the%arious remem8rance sites in 9rance. This6 inturn6 has forma i1ed ties throu+h an internationanetwor" which has 8een enriched o%er theyears6 thus -re%entin+ educationa and memoriaacti%ities from 8ecomin+ nothin+ more thanritua s.

    Chil*re" co"s)lti"g the Memorial *e la Shoah we$site where the "ames

    of >ews *eporte* from 7ra"ce are registere* Credit: 'emorial de la

    #hoah("hoto ! runner

    ,0RMA/( —

    ,erman IHRA mem8ershi- has fostered thecoo-eration and efforts of the numerous anddi%erse institutions focused on Ho ocaustremem8rance6 research and education throu+hout,ermany. The %ast num8er of memoria s that

    ha%e emer+ed since the Stoc"ho m Dec arationform -art of ,ermany:s remem8rance cu ture and-ro%ide an im-ortant 8asis for de8ates on its /a1i-ast. The most im-ortant outcome of ,ermany sIHRA mem8ershi- is the dia o+ue with co ea+uesfrom other countries6 which has ed to therea i1ation of a %ariety of 8i atera and mu ti atera-ro?ects.

    ,R00 0 —

    The ma?ority of ,ree" citi1ens re?ect acts of7eno-ho8ia and into erance — not on y 8ecause,reece is the crad e of democracy and humanistic

    %a ues6 8ut a so 8ecause of the im- ementation ofthe -rinci- es of the Stoc"ho m Dec aration inmany areas of contem-orary ,ree" society. Thisis e%ident in such areas as education6 academicresearch6 memoria s and6 of course6 the -ress andother mass media channe s. In this res-ect6 theIHRA is the 8rid+e that eads from the i+noranceof the -ast to the to erance and understandin+ ofthe -resent6 and a so our ho-es for +enerations tocome.

    -5 ( !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

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    0ducation and research a8out the Ho ocaust are at the core of the IHRA:s fundamenta

    acti%ities. In my ro e as Ad%isor to the IHRA6 I am often as"ed *hy is Ho ocaust

    education so im-ortant& Here6 I wou d i"e to share some thou+hts on this issue6

    es-ecia y +i%en the com- e76 contentious6 and often dan+erous times in which we i%e.

    The need for serious study of the Ho ocaust inschoo s and uni%ersities is 8oth a historicanecessity and a si+n of res-ect for the truth.Denyin+ and re ati%i1in+ the Ho ocaust is not on yfactua y fa se 8ut a so contri8utes to amis-erce-tion of socia and -o itica rea ity more+enera y.

    This re>uirement6 to "now the truth and to tethe truth6 is today nowhere more necessar y thanin the arena of education. 9or it is onl education6of different sorts6 in different %enues6 which canhe - sha-e the character of 8oth adu ts andchi dren in ways that we wou d i"e to see. Thatis6 as indi%idua s who care for and he - others6who ha%e a sense of -ersona res-onsi8i ity for

    their actions and the actions of their society6 who8e ie%e in accounta8i ity6 and who ha%e thecoura+e to raise a critica %oice when it isneeded. Students who en+a+e a--ro-riate y inthis su8?ect 8ecome more critica y a ert6 more>uestionin+ of their own and other en%ironments6and more sensiti%e to the %ariety of human andcu tura differences. A8o%e a 6 we need toreco+ni1e that it is education that wi ar+e ydecide the future of our ci%i i1ation — and aci%i i1ations.

    It is for this reason that the fi+ht o%er educationis so intense. Those who see" to c ontro it for-artisan6 re i+ious6 or ideo o+ica reasons fu ya--reciate what they are doin+. But the-re?udiced6 do+matic6 choices that they ma"e andwou d im-ose on others harm e%eryone in theirsociety. Such contro ho ds a reasoneddiscussion6 a scientific research6 and historicain>uiry —not ?ust the study of the Ho ocaust —hosta+e to a priori assum-tions that cannot 8e>uestioned 8ut that may we 8e fa se.

    Second6 and of crucia im-ortance6 it must 8ec ear y understood that Ho ocaust education is notso e y a @Eewish issue.: Ho ocaust denia andtri%ia i1ation6 a on+ with other forms of racism67eno-ho8ia and -re?udice6 demand a res-onsefrom a +o%ernments and a indi%idua citi1ens6whate%er nationa state they are mem8ers of. Thisis 8ecause the dee- >uestion that e%ery state andcu ture has to answer is what sort of state6 whatsort of cu ture6 wi it 8e& *i it encoura+ehonesty6 inte+rity6 the ru e of aw6 freedom fromo--ression6 the -rotection of minorities6 and

    ?ustice for a 8 oth withi n and o utside it s 8orde rs& A+ain6 wi we cr eate a so ciety th at is 8a sed on-er%ersions of the truth6 on discrimination anddehumani1ation of the @other: and6 therefore6 acorru-t and un?ust society&

    Then6 too6 it is essentia to understand6 as thehistorica record teaches us6 that Eews are usua y

    ?ust the first %i ctims.The im-act of teachin+ the Ho ocaust6 if done

    correct y6 wi 8e fe t in a discussions a8out thecore mora and -o itica issues that students todaymust confront. And it wi 8e fe t 8oth in theirnarrow c assroom settin+s and6 more +enera y6 intheir socia 6 ethica and -o itica en+a+ement withthe wor d around them. Those who -artici-ate inthis education wi 8ecome more carin+6 mora yse f conscious6 and certain y 8etter citi1ens. As mem8er s of the IHRA and si+ natories of the

    Stoc"ho m Dec aration6 these are +oa s we aneed to 8e committed to.

    -L !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

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    Ho ocaust denia is discourse and -ro-a+andathat deny the historica rea ity and the e7tent ofthe e7termination of the Eews 8y the /a1is andtheir accom- ices durin+ *or d *ar II6 "nown asthe Ho ocaust or the Shoah. Ho ocaust denia

    refers s-ecifica y to any attem-t to c aim that theHo ocaust Shoah did not ta"e - ace.Ho ocaust denia may inc ude -u8 ic y denyin+

    or ca in+ into dou8t the use of -rinci-amechanisms of destruction a")ar8 -000

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" -9

    Distortion of the Ho ocaust refers6 inter alia, to

    — Intentiona efforts to e7cuse or minimi1e theim-act of the Ho ocaust or its -rinci-a e ements6inc udin+ co a8orators and a ies of /a1i ,ermany

    — ,ross minimi1ation of the num8er of the%ictims of the Ho ocaust in contradiction to re ia8 esources

    — Attem-ts to 8 ame the Eews for causin+ theirown +enocide

    4. — Statements that cast the Ho ocaustas a -ositi%e historica e%ent. Thosestatements are not Ho ocaust denia 8utare c ose y connected to it as a radicaform of antisemitism. They may su++estthat the Ho ocaust did not +o far enou+hin accom- ishin+ its +oa of Fthe 9inaSo ution of the Eewish uestionG

    — Attem-ts to 8 ur the res-onsi8i ity for theesta8 ishment of concentration and death cam-sde%ised and o-erated 8y /a1i ,ermany 8y -uttin+8 ame on other nations or ethnic +rou-s.

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    ITA ( —ISRA0 —

    The State of Israe remains a--reciati%e of thedistinct contri8ution offered 8y the IHRA:s %erye7istence o%er these -ast #) years6 which hasena8 ed meanin+fu 6 re e%ant and accurateHo ocaust remem8rance6 education and research

    throu+hout the wor d. 8%ious y6 the Shoahremains a dee- y e%ocati%e6 often char+ed issuefor Israe and Israe is6 and accordin+ y the wor" of (ad Lashem and other Israe i institutions ref ectsthat uni>ue6 e%er -resent centra ity. Throu+h theun-recedented - atform created 8y the IHRA onthe di- omatic e%e 6 Israe has succeeded inde%e o-in+ c ose -artnershi-s with %arious IHRAmem8er +o%ernments6 de e+ations andconstituent institutions6 to+ether furtherin+ worthy-ro?ects under IHRA s ae+is.

    Since ?oinin+ the IHRA6 the Ita ian ,o%ernmenthas increased its su--ort for initiati%es which aimto stren+then Ho ocaust remem8rance6 educationand research. 9o owin+ the 2$$4 Ita ian

    hairmanshi-6 institutions and ci%i society ha%e8ecome more in%o %ed in Ho ocaust re atedissues. The co a8oration 8etween the Ministry of0ducation and the Cnion of Ita ian Eewish

    ommunities has -roduced -ositi%e resu ts. It a socontinues to stren+then the ci%i consciousness offuture +enerations — -articu ar y with a nationa 6annua com-etition6 -rominent y awarded 8y the'resident of the Ita ian Re-u8 ic. The numerousmemoria initiati%es and e%ents around 25 Eanuary— or+ani1ed 8y institutions and ci%i society+rou-s — recei%e wides-read media attention.

    ATLIA —IHRA mem8ershi- has offered at%ia a - atform for sharin+ 8est -ractices. 07am- es of com- eted-ro?ects inc ude Ho ocaust education seminars foro-inion ma"ers in at%ia6 which were or+ani1ed 8ythe museum @Eews in at%ia: with the su--ort ofthe IHRA. Another uni>ue -ro?ect de%e o-ed 8y the

    entre of Eudaism at the Cni%ersity of at%ia is the@/ames and Destinies: -ro?ect. It com-rises awe8site containin+ information on former Eewishcommunities of at%ia as we as an archi%e ofEews who -erished in the territory of at%ia durin+the -eriod #;4# #;4).

    0 ( !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

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    ommittee on Antisemitism and

    Ho ocaust Denia

    The creation of the ommittee on Antisemitismand Ho ocaust Denia in 2$$; was a mi estone forthe IHRA6 as it turned the focus of the or+ani1ationtowards the contem-orary cha en+es of Ho ocaust

    denia and distortion6 and current forms ofantisemitism.The ommittee:s 8i++est achie%ement is the*or"in+ Definition of Ho ocaust Denia andDistortion6 which was de%e o-ed in coo-erationwith +o%ernmenta re-resentati%es from IHRAmem8er countries for use as a wor"in+ too andwas ado-ted in 2$#3.

    ommittee on the ,enocide of the Roma

    The ommittee on the ,enocide of the Roma haswor"ed to increase the commitment of the IHRA to-romote education6 research and remem8rance onthe fate of the Roma durin+ the Ho ocaust6 and to

    en+a+e with contem-orary issues such as hates-eech and discrimination a+ainst Roma.The wor" of the ommittee inc udes su--ortin+

    or+ani1ations with a focus on the Roma in theIHRA:s ,rant 'ro+ramme a-- ication -rocess6raisin+ %isi8i ity of the issue throu+h outreach andnetwor"in+6 and 8y or+ani1in+ a conference he din ondon in 2$#4.

    In 2$#4 the ommittee a so initiated tworesearch -ro?ects an annotated 8i8 io+ra-hy ofacademic -u8 ications on the +enocide of theRoma6 and an o%er%iew of internationaor+ani1ations wor"in+ on the +enocide of theRoma and contem-orary Roma focused issues.

    Eli"a Machal6ova si"gi"g at a commemoratio" eve"t,

    +o*o"i" ) %)"stat), -009 Credit: )* Grossmannova+

    Museum of Romani Culture

    - ( ! "t er "a ti o" al +o lo ca )s t R em em $ra "c e 1l li a" ce

    ommittee on the Ho ocaust6

    ,enocide and rimes A+ainst


    The ommittee on the Ho ocaust6 ,enocide andrimes A+ainst Humanity +rew from a su8

    committee that focused on ways to su--orteducators in teachin+ a8out the re ationshi- of theHo ocaust to other +enocides and crimes a+ainsthumanity. The centra accom- ishment of the su8committee was the -u8 ication of the documentThe Ho ocaust and ther ,enocides:6 which offersideas and recommendations for educators.

    The new y formed committee aims tosu-- ement this -u8 ication 8y de%e o-in+additiona +uide ines6 which wi focus on acom-arati%e a--roach as we as en+a+in+ withIHRA hairs: initiati%es on +enocide -re%ention.The committee a so aims to com- ete an o%er%iewof e7-erts and institutions ta"in+ a com-arati%ea--roach to teachin+ a8out +enocide6 and toco ect and share 8est -ractices in IHRA mem8er

    and non mem8er countries.

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    ITHCA/IA —

    ithuania has made teachin+ a8out theHo ocaust o8 i+atory in schoo s6 and more than#$$ To erance 0ducation enters ha%e 8eenset u- in secondary schoo s —35 of these recei%e financia su--ort from theIHRA. In addition6 courses in Ho ocaust Studies

    are offered at fi%e ithuanian uni%ersities and 23Se-tem8er is commemorated annua y at the"i in+ site at 'aneriai. The 'ar iament of theRe-u8 ic of ithuania dec ared 2$## the @(ear ofRemem8rance for the Lictims of the Ho ocaust:6and 2$#3 was dec ared the @(ear ofRemem8rance for the Lictims of the Li nius,hetto:. In 2$#$6 the crimina code was amendedwith a new artic e6 ma"in+ it a crimina offence tocondone6 tri%ia i1e6 or deny crimes of +enocide orcrimes a+ainst humanity.

    CN0MB CR, —

    In u7em8our+6 interest in the Ho ocaust is+rowin+ constant y. The intense networ"in+amon+ IHRA mem8er countries has contri8utedstron+ y to u7em8our+ re e%a uatin+ its focus onthe Ho ocaust. The re-ort on Eewish assets hasdrawn -u8 ic attention to the su8?ect and has

    raised new >uestions a8out the in%o %ement ofu7em8our+ers in the Ho ocaust and the ro e ofu7em8our+ ci%i ser%ants in de-ortations. In

    2$$46 the 0uro-ean Ministers of 0ducationesta8 ished a s-ecia Ho ocaust Memoria Day6 inwhich schoo s - ay an eminent ro e. 9urthermore6the +o%ernment recent y made the decision toerect a dedicated monument to commemorate the%ictims of the Ho ocaust.

    Memor8 Roa* i"itiative, ith)a"ia Credit: Tomas Kavaliauskas

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" F

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    Born in #;2; in 'a8ianice6 'o and6 Ben sur%i%ed Buchenwa d and was i8erated from

    Tere1in in May #;4) 8y the Russian Army. 9rom his e7tended fami y6 on y his sister Ma a

    sur%i%ed. After the war Ben sett ed in ,reat Britain which he re-resented at the #;) and

    #; $ ym-ics6 and won a 8ron1e meda at the #;)! ommonwea th ,ames. He now

    i%es in ondon with his wife A%a and has three sons and nine +randchi dren.

    1s o"e of the ver8 few people st ill i"volve* i"the !+R1 who was there whe" the Tas6 7orce,which forme* the $asis of the orga"i&atio"was create*, how wo)l* 8o) *escri$e 8o)rrole to*a8NHa%in+ 8een hairman of the 4) Aid Society uentia . The ondon conference wascritica 8ut 'ersson:s own interest and inter%entionwere decisi%e and I was most honored to acce-this in%itation to s-ea" at the Stoc"ho mInternationa 9orum in Eanuary 2$$$.

    oo6i"g $ac6 to whe" the !+R1 wasesta$lishe*, what was the co"temporar8feeli"g a"* atmosphere co"cer"i"g +oloca)stiss)esN

    A thou+h there wa s +reat i+noran ce a8out theHo ocaust when the IHRA was founded6I am de i+hted that we ha%e made +reat -ro +resssince then. The most critica de%e o-ment for me

    was the demise of ommunism without this6 theIHRA wou d ne%er ha%e come into e7istence. Thereunification of 0uro-e o-ened u- new-ossi8i ities. In addition to 'ersson and inton6 inthe CK we were %ery fortunate to ha%e in TonyB air a 'rime Minister who was thorou+h ycommitted to this cause. To+ether6 theseconditions constituted -erfect timin+ for this-ro?ect. My stand out memories from the first- enary are 'ersson:s s-eeches6 8ut the who eatmos-here was -henomena . 0%eryone there"new we were -art of somethin+ historic and %er ys-ecia .

    +ow wo)l* 8o) *escri$e the !+R1 sachieveme"tsN

    %era 6 e7ce ent6 8ut success is de-endent onthe country hairs — it is u- to them to 8ui d onthe achie%ements of -re%ious years and -ut theirown stam- on -roceedin+s.*e are %ery fortunate in the CK to ha%e Sir

    Andrew B ums6 who i s a +re at eade r and so meonewho has +a %ani1ed our wor". I must a so +i%ecredit to the countries in%o %ed in

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" .

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    insti+atin+ and arran+in+ the creation of the'ermanent ffice in Ber in. This has 8een a +reatachie%ement and has +i%en the or+ani1ation astron+ identity. I am de i+hted that more and morecountries ha%e 8ecome mem8ers and that stiothers are encoura+ed 8y the words andcommitments of the Stoc"ho m Dec aration.

    died. I see on y a -ositi%e future for the IHRA6 ason+ as it stays true to its ori+ina mission. More

    im-ortant y6 as on+ as we see what is ha--enin+in the wor d with -eo- e 8ein+ -ersecuted8ecause of their race6 re i+ion or identity6 it is%ita that the IHRA e7ists. The or+ani1ation andthe wor" that it does are now more im-ortant

    than e%er.

    Ca" 8o) *escri$esome of the pro

    uestion6 the IHRA wi continue on+ after the sur%i%ors ha%e

    My stand out memories from the first - enary are 'ersson:s

    s-eeches6 8ut the who e atmos-here was -henomena .

    0%eryone there "new we were -art of somethin+ historic and

    %ery s-ecia .

    What more co)l* $e *o"e to e"ha"ce the!+R1 s roleNI fee stron+ y that we are achie%in+ a +reat dea .*e can a ways try to -romote ourse %es more 8utthis shou d not detract from what we are doin+ orwhat we ha%e achie%ed.

    !t is "oticea$le that 8o) are the o"l8 s)rvivori"volve* with the !+R1 o 8o) thi"6s)rvivors e#perie"ces, memories a"*legacies are $ei"g well represe"te* a"*preserve*N

    A thou+h I am confi dent that sur%i% ors mes sa+esare we -reser%ed6 it is u- to or+ani1ations and+o%ernments in each country to acce-t thiso8 i+ation and commit the necessary resources.Throu+h the IHRA:s networ"6 and than"s to thewor" of some remar"a8 e or+ani1ations6 we arefortunate to ha%e access to some e7ce entmateria s.

    Other tha" 7eli6s T8ch, who was a mem$er of the Polish *elegatio", are 8o) aware of others)rvivors who have $ee" i"volve* with the!+R1N/o — on y my friend 9e i"s6 who I +reat y missfrom these -roceedin+s. He made a +reat andim-ortant contri8ution to our wor" and it was withdee- sadness that I earned of his -assin+.

    L ! "ter"a tio"a l +o loca) st R eme m$ra"ce 1l li a"c e

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    /0TH0R A/DS —

    IHRA mem8ershi- has6 without a dou8t6 inf uenced -o icy ma"in+ in the /ether ands. It ed tothe foundin+ of the entre for Ho ocaust and,enocide Studies in 2$$2 — an institute thatoffers an annua Masters -ro+ram on the

    Ho ocaust. In 2$#$6 the entre mer+ed with theInstitute for *ar6 Ho ocaust and ,enocide Studies

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  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    M(*' on0ducation Research

    %er the -ast ten years6 the fie d of teachin+and earnin+ a8out the Ho ocaust has8ecome increasin+ y -rofessiona i1ed6 withnumerous re ated de%e o-ments in educationresearch. The IHRA reco+ni1ed the need

    to e7amine these new trends and initiated theM(*' on 0ducation Research6 which aimsto -ro%ide an o%er%iew of em-irica researchstudies focusin+ on teachin+ and earnin+a8out the Ho ocaust.

    A conferenc e wi 8 e he d i n Swit1er and in2$# to share and discuss the findin+s amon+academics6 educationa e7-erts6 decisionma"ers6 /, s6 di- omats and fundin+ or+ani1ations.

    FIdentification and commemoration of the

    ne+ ected Ki in+ Sites remains a tru y

    ur+ent tas". IHRA is ess interested in

    e7- ainin+ the sad state of affairs than in

    su--ortin+ acti%ists and or+ani1ations that

    ha%e 8een acti%e in chan+in+ it.G( %arel C Ber6hoff i" the afterwor* to %illi"g Sites ( Research a"*


    !+R1's first p)$licatio" %illi"g Sites (

    Research a"* Remem$ra"ce'

    M(*' on

    Ki in+ Sites

    The IHRA:s M(*' on Ki in+ Sites is dedicated toocatin+ "i in+ sites and ensurin+ their

    commemoration and -reser%ation. The conference@Ki in+ Sites — Research and Remem8rance:6he d in 2$#46 was attended 8y a %ariety of e7-ertsin the fie d. The conference focused on fie dwor"as we as on e7- orin+ re+iona -ers-ecti%es6data8ases6 education and commemoration. A -u8 ication incor-o ratin+ t he conf erence

    -a-ers was -u8 ished in March 2$#) andconstituted the first authoritati%e antho o+y on thecurrent state of research on "i in+ sites as we asthe first 8oo" in the IHRA -u8 ication series.

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" ( 9

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    M(*' on Ho ocaust MemoriaDays

    Aimin+ to share " now ed+e and 8est -ractic es6and as -art of the M(*' on Ho ocaust MemoriaDays6 the IHRA or+ani1es senior e%e meetin+swith +o%ernment re-resentati%es6 -o icy ma"ers6students6 and /, s. IHRA de e+ations6 inc udin+the IHRA hair6 the Ad%isor to the IHRA6 theIHRA:s 07ecuti%e Secretary and affi iated e7-erts6ha%e %isited IHRA mem8er countries inc udin+9in and6 Hun+ary6 Ire and6 'o and6 Romania and

    S-ain under the aus-ices of the M(*'. TheM(*' a so aims to further de%e o- contentresources re ated to Ho ocaust Memoria Days6which are a%ai a8 e on the IHRA we8site.

    The "ames of Roma"ia" >ewish a"* Roma victims of the +oloca)st are

    *ispla8e* at the Ce"tral Memorial Site of the +oloca)st Memorial

    Mo")me"t i" B)charest The roof is ma*e of metal gir*ers with space

    $etwee" them s8m$oli&i"g life $etwee" light a"* sha*ows, a"* the

    )"timel8 *eath of the victims Credit: Elie .iesel /ational Institute or

    #tudying the Holocaust in Romania

    M(*' on Archi%a


    The M(*' on Archi%a Access see"s toe%a uate the state of access to re e%antmateria s ocated in IHRA mem8er and nonmem8er countries. The -ro?ect:s o%era aim is tostren+then the commitment to o-enin+ archi%esas mandated in the Stoc"ho m Dec aration.

    The M(*':s research shows that Ho ocaustscho ars and researchers face di%erse cha en+es

    inc udin+ e+a o8stac es6 data -ri%acy re+u ations6the c osure of archi%es6 -rohi8iti%e costs andinade>uate research faci ities. 9urthermore6 themateria s themse %es are often in -oor -hysicacondition.

    The M(*' aims to su--ort IHRA mem8ercountries in conductin+ a re%iew of c assified orotherwise administrati%e y restricted Ho ocaustre ated documents. The -ro?ect a so incor-oratesthe IHRA:s initiati%e to en+a+e with the 0uro-eanCnion in ca in+ for o-en access to Ho ocaustre ated materia .

    50 !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

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    R MA/IA —

    Se%era de%e o-ments ha%e ta"en - ace inRomania since ?oinin+ the IHRA6 inc udin+ theinau+uration of the @Romanian /ationa Ho ocaustMemoria : in 2$$;6 the u-datin+ of -rimary andsecondary schoo curricu a6 the -u8 ication ofacademic and non academic wor"s on theHo ocaust6 and the de%e o-ment of a nationa-ro+ram for teacher trainin+ in Ho ocausteducation. In 2$#$6 a mass +ra%e was disco%ered

    in 'o-ricani

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    1Ce"tropa i"teractive ta$le i" the os 1"geles M)se)m of the +oloca)st

    Ce"tropa is a" !+R1 gra"t recipie"t a"* is o"e of the few oral histor8


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    By intr o

    S'AI/ —

    S-ain has 8enefited si+nificant y from the easi yaccessi8 e e7-ert "now ed+e and -resti+iouscoo-eration within the IHRA. A thou+h the +enera-o-u ation in S-ain often fee s that the history of

    the Ho ocaust is not direct y re e%ant to them6more and more educationa and research acti%itiesare current y 8ein+ de%e o-ed that consider 8oththe -ositi%e and ne+ati%e as-ects of S-ain s -astdurin+ the Ho ocaust. S-ain esta8 ished 25Eanuary as the officia @Ho ocaust Remem8ranceDay: in 2$$46 and an increasin+ num8er of +o%ernment fi+ures now commemorate the anni%ersaryeach year. S-ain:s IHRA mem8ershi- means thattheir -artici-ation is +i%en a -rominent - ace onthe internationa sta+e.

    FTe ye your chi dren of it6 and et your

    chi dren te their chi dren6 and their

    chi dren another +eneration.G( >oel 4D

    55 ( !"ter"atio"al +oloca)st Remem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

    Participa"ts a"* staff of the -04 Raphael em6i" Semi"ar for Ae"oci*e

    Preve"tio", Alo$al E*itio" Credit: Ausch-itz Institute or !eace and


    S*0D0/ —

    The startin+ -oint for the wor"in+ +rou- whichformed the 8asis of the IHRA was the >uotation@Te (e (our hi dren:. This >uotation ins-ired a8oo" on the history of the Ho ocaust which has

    8ecome one of the most wide y -u8 ished 8oo"s inSweden. Another si+nificant nationa res-onsewas the creation of a +o%ernmenta authority6 the@ i%in+ History 9orum 6 which contri8uted to thereformation of the nationa history teachin+curricu a for +rades 5 ; and in hi+h schoo s6em-hasi1in+ the im-ortance of teachin+ a8out theHo ocaust. The @ i%in+ History 9orum: has a sofostered wides-read nationa awareness of thecommemoration of 25 Eanuary.

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" ( 5.

    The @Kee-in+ the Memory A i%e: -oster desi+ncom-etition was aunched in 2$##6 su--orted8y the IHRA ,rant 'ro+ramme andcoordinated 8y (ad Lashem to+ether with%arious -artner or+ani1ations from IHRAmem8er countries. 0ach year6 art and desi+nstudents create ori+ina -osters 8ased on aHo ocaust re ated theme chosen 8y the -ro?ect-artner6 The Ho ocaust and the Cnited /ations

    utreach 'ro+ramme. /ationa ?uries e%a uatethe hundreds of entries. The 8est entries are-u8 ished as a -oster -ac"6 a on+ with anon ine esson - an6 as an outreach resource. Tocommemorate nationa and internationaHo ocaust remem8rance days6 the -ostersha%e 8een e7hi8ited around the wor d in hi+h-rofi e +o%ernmenta 6 ci%ic and educationasettin+s inc udin+ -ar iaments and the C/Head>uarters.The -osters are a so in constant use as ateachin+ too in count ess c assrooms acrossthe + o8e.

    Mi"ister of State 2M)ltic)lt)ralism3 Tim Uppal a""o)"ces the two wi""ers of the

    i"ter"atio"al poster competitio" to commemorate the +oloca)st at the ;i&6or Ceremo"8

    at Earl Bales Par6 i" Toro"to orga"i&e* a"* le* $8 the Ca"a*ia" Societ8 for ;a*

    Vashem Credit: &avid Amoils !hotogra"hy

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    S*ITJ0R A/D —

    Swit1er and was the first country to esta8 ish anationa IHRA su--ort +rou-6 8y 8rin+in+ to+etherre-resentati%es from teachers: associations6Eewish /, s6 Sinti and Roma or+ani1ations6+o%ernmenta de-artments and uni%ersities. Theunder yin+ idea was to -romote theim- ementation of the Stoc"ho m Dec aration and

    the +oa s of the IHRA in ci%i society. Thiscom8ined to- down 8ottom u- a--roach turnedout to 8e -articu ar y successfu in a mu ti in+uaand federa ist country. Teamwor" and di%ersity areSwit1er and:s stren+ths.

    So)th a6ela"* +oloca)st Memorial a8 -045 @ a6e istrict +oloca)st Pro

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  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance



    Part"ersThe IHRA coo-erates c ose y with %arious inter+o%ernmenta 8odies in the form of

    'ermanent Internationa 'artners. Some of the -artner or+ani1ations ha%e a narrow

    +eo+ra-hica focus whi e others ha%e a + o8a -resence. *hat they a share6 howe%er6 is that

    issues re ated to Ho ocaust education6 research and remem8rance form -art of their mandates6

    and that they a o-erate with the 8ac"in+ of +o%ernments committed to Ho ocaust


    In most cases6 the Ho ocaust forms on ya -art of the -artner or+ani1ations: ar+er -ortfo io6 whereas the IHRA focuses e7c usi%e y on the Ho ocaust and re ated issues.The -artner or+ani1ations turn to the IHRAto "ee- a8reast of de%e o-ments in the fie d6and to +ain access to the IHRA:s uni>ue-oo of e7-erts. In turn6 the IHRA 8enefitsfrom the e7-erience and e7-ertise that the-artner or+ani1ations offer6 and IHRA e7-erts and nationa de e+ations ha%e the o--ortunity to coo-erate with these inf uentiainternationa or+ani1ations.

    ose coo-eration 8etween the IHRA andits -artners reduces du- ication in areaswhere there may 8e an o%er a- of mandates.

    And 8y -oo in+ resourc es6 "now e d+e andcontacts6 the IHRA and its -artner or+ani

    1ations can ensure +reater effecti%enessin -romotin+ Ho ocaust remem8rance andunderstandin+.

    Mar6i"g 4. 8ears of the Stoc6holm eclaratio" 5?

  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


  • 8/18/2019 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance


    !"ter"atio"al +oloca)stRemem$ra"ce 1llia"ce

    'ermanent fficeindenstrasse 2$ 2)

    #$; ; Ber in,ermanyT O4; 3$ 2 3; $7 O4; 3$ 2 3; 4;

    www.ho ocaustremem8rance.cominfoPho

    9ind us on 9ace8oo"htt-s www.face8oo".com IHRAnews9o ow us on Twitterhtt-s IHRAQnews Su8scri8eon (ouTu8e ihranews

    Scan this code to %isit our we8site.

    ;a* Vashem's Boo6 of ames, Bloc6 -? at the 1)schwit& Bir6e"a) State

    M)se)m The mo")me"tal Boo6 of ames'

    ( - meters high a"* 45 meters i" circ)mfere"ce ( co"tai"s 5 - millio"

    "ames of m)r*ere* >ews gathere* over the past L0 8ears $8 ;a* Vashem

    a"* create* especiall8 for the e#hi$itio" S+O1+' i" Bloc6 -? at the

    1)schwit& Bir6e"a) State M)se)m

    1t the e"* of the $oo6 are empt8 pages, leavi"g room for a**itio"al

    i"sertio"s as the tas6 of collecti"g "ames of victims is "ot 8et complete

    Credit: Courtesy $ad %ashem[email protected]://[email protected]