integrative approach in diabetic patient education

S91 ‘INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAM El Mrnlkcipliuy kam8 - &as. Meals, lmmatbns C Rudin-Jone& K Iiegan, C. Smilh, J. A&Ion-Martya D.W. lkava chris&-hmdl, New a&mJ. A communilv team amwoacb to diabetes educadon in eapaimx d the lamdog gmup wbi~% Wroum~ an inter- dependem form OF leamiw Tbc cwneld beames one OF di; betg We bypofbesise that people will not take M OFtheir diabefes if there are pressingiwes in their lives. matailln For the padems but alro hw the educational @den, and published evaluation trials. Specific pedagogic guing S&b multidriplinuy managemaa extend cafe prwbkrr activities in patient edurstkm, canwmkadm, rp- cillc ,ewa,cb and pmfcmkma, mb,b& tbcsehddrk~mkinlemuuFbothmubblbyand monalily. Yet !bc% diseaws,and the cwdidom mm-~ +fii cducadon pogwme aimed at belpiw ihem acbicw their individual gnnl The basic appmach is to cm-

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Post on 14-Jul-2016




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El Mrnlkcipliuy kam8 - &as. Meals, lmmatbns

C Rudin-Jone& K Iiegan, C. Smilh, J. A&Ion-Martya D.W. lkava chris&-hmdl, New a&mJ.

A communilv team amwoacb to diabetes educadon in

eapaimx d the lamdog gmup wbi~% Wroum~ an inter- dependem form OF leamiw Tbc cwneld beames one OF

di; betg We bypofbesise that people will not take M OF their diabefes if there are pressing iwes in their lives.

matailln For the padems but alro hw the educational @den, and published evaluation trials. Specific pedagogic

guing S&b multidriplinuy managemaa extend cafe prwbkrr activities in patient edurstkm, canwmkadm, rp- cillc ,ewa,cb and pmfcmkma, mb,b&

tbcsehddrk~mkinlemuuFbothmubblbyand monalily. Yet !bc% diseaws, and the cwdidom

mm-~ +fii cducadon pogwme aimed at belpiw ihem acbicw their individual gnnl The basic appmach is to cm-

For patIenta not us& insulin with a rli8ht modikati ,xaadiq m the Indcaaian situation and Food habits. This pmgmmmeweaimmducedto15otkr

svalumed Thea mre 25 mm ad 15 vmmen, with mn8e of peeFmm34-81veam.Meanbodvwcieht63.%3k%heiehl

should-i and patice rhould k imegraad) and ‘active’ (people ahmdd grasp Lc tkzmsdver the impliitiorm OF what tky are km- inn and q$dy it ta their own pmcrice~. Gcnazlised @ciples cnn be de&ml from examples OF gala edumtlonal practia. aulthcsecanbeddelyappliedinmpllySeldsoFchmnk