integrated lake basin management...

Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM), ILBM-G India : 2003 - 2010) International workshop on ILBM, Hyderabad, Aug. 2008 Bhoj wetlands, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India - 9-10 th August 2009 Lakes of Udaipur, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India – 12 th August 2009 Pushkar and Annasagar, Ajmer, Rajasthan 14-15th August 2009 Ujjani lake, Maharashtra, January 2010 Nathsagar, Jaikwad project, Maharashtra – 7 th Feb. 2010 Chilika lake, Orissa, India 2009 1. Institutions, 2. Policies, 3. Participation , 4. Technologies, 5. Information, 6. Finance

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Page 1: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),ILBM-G India : 2003 - 2010)

International workshop on ILBM, Hyderabad, Aug. 2008 Bhoj wetlands, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India - 9-10th August 2009

Lakes of Udaipur, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India – 12th August 2009Pushkar and Annasagar, Ajmer, Rajasthan 14-15th August 2009

Ujjani lake, Maharashtra, January 2010Nathsagar, Jaikwad project, Maharashtra – 7th Feb. 2010

Chilika lake, Orissa, India 2009

1. Institutions,2. Policies,3. Participation ,4. Technologies,5. Information, 6. Finance

Page 2: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

ILBM-GIndian component

1. International Workshop on ILBM Hyderabad, India

Nov. 2008

3. Int Workshop on Udairpur lakes 12th Aug. 2009

2. ILBM Brain storming session on Bhojwetlands, Bhopal 9-10th Aug., 2009

4. Consutative meeting on Pushkarand Anasagar, PushkarAjmer, India

ILEC- Managing lakes and their Bains for sustainable use - 2005

ILEC/Lake Net Lake Basin Management Initiative

1-4th Sept 2003

ILEC WLV Action Reports 2007

ILBM Network of South Asia -


Page 3: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

Projected water scenario by 2025Projected water scenario by 2025

Global water scenario by 2025 : India will be a water stressed region by 2017 with decline of per capita availability of water from 2,200 m3 in 2000 to 1600 m3 in 2017. By 2025 water will be the limiting factor for development and or sustainability in all the sectors of national activities. On this background there is an urgent need to conserve

and manage available freshwater resources in the form mainly of of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Page 4: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

South Asia Association for

Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

1. India 2. Nepal 3. Bhutan 4. Bangladesh 5. Sri Lanka 6. Maldives and 7. Pakistan







18% of world’s population in

2% of its land mass“Water stressed “ the countries in South Asia are also facing water crisis mainly on account of an increasing demand of

freshwater in all sectors of human activities.

ILBM- India

1. Pushkar [Rajasthan] 2. Udaisagar [Rajasthan] 3. Bhoj wetlands [MP] 4. Ujjani lake [Maharashtra] 5. Nath sagar [Maharashtra] 6. Hussainsagar [AP] and 7. Chilika [Orissa]

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Understanding of relationship between Basin, Lake and Command can help in developing and implementing ILBM strategies


ILBM model for sustainable management of lake/reservoir can be built based on characteristics of all the three attributes of a lake ecosystem

Viz. Basin, Water body and command

Page 6: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

ILBM can be applied to a variety of lake situations

•Highly urbanized and /or industrialized basin•Eutrophication as well as toxicity•Reduced biodiversity.•Health hazards •Ground water pollution

Reservoirs down stream of Urban areas :Udaisagar


•Poor water quality•Hydrological issues•Ground water exploitation •Degradation of catchment

Temple tanksPushkar


•Chemical intensive agriculture•Siltation due to deforestation•Urbanization and industrialization

Impoundments based on topography :HussaisagarChilikaAnasagar


•Well established management system under irrigation departments in the states. •Water quality issues due to up-land chemical intensive agriculture and industrial developments.•Competition for water among different user sectors•Siltation from deforestation in the catcment

Reservoirs on rivers and tributaries :Ujjani, Bhoj wetland



Page 7: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

A. Yeshwantsagar [Ujjani lake] is a riverine irrigation reservoir constructed in June 1980. The Upper Bhima Basin (UBB) has the catchment of 4,700 sq km and Ujjani lake is situated at

the terminal end of this river basin. It is example of Rural attributes

Page 8: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

Challenge 1 : Equity in the face of variability and scarcity

Challenge 2 : How to satisfy rapidly changing pattern of competing water demands

ILBM Challenges in UBB and Ujjani reservoir

Challenge 3. Investment for sewage treatment

Challenge 4 : Integration of technologies with eco-technologies – A green approach

Challenge 5 : How to tackle the problem of toxic industrial solid and liquid waste

Challnenge 6 : Resolution of urban-rural conflict

Challenge 7 : Mitigation of pollution impact on Ujjani reservoir and its command

Challenge 8 : Protection of Ujjani brid sanctuary

Challenge 9 : Utilization of biological resources of the lake

Challenge 10 : Development of Eco-tourism, educational activities and awareness campaigns

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ILBM- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Dr. M.S.Kodarkar, Member, ILEC, Sci-Com & Secretary, IAAB, Hyderabad; Prof. Ravindra Jain, Hon'ble, V.C., Barkatullah University; Sri Alok Srvastava, Principal Secretary, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh; Dr. Masahisa Nakamura, Chairman, ILEC, Sci-Com & Coordinator ILBM-G project and

Dr. Pradeep Srivatsave, Dean, Faculty of Science

Dr. Masahis Nakamura, Chairman, ILEC Sci-Com and coordinator of ILBM-G project addressing

Dr. M.S.Kodarkar, Dr. Supernana Mishra, Dr. M. Nakamura (Japan), Dr., Mr. Shailendra Pokharel (Nepal), Dr. Vipin Vyas and Sri. Sunil Deshpande

Flock of painted storks in the back waters of upper lake. Thick plantation in the bioconservation zone of the Upper lake is visible.

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Upper LakeBasin : 361 Km2

Submergence : 30.72 Km2

Lower Lake

B. Upper lake, Bhoj wetlands, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India : The basin is rural, water body semi-urban and command totally urbanised

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Smooth flow of goods and services require committed finances for a variety of follow-up actions. Ways and means need to be developed to generate finances from beneficiaries and funding agencies. PPP needs to be explored.Governments.

6. Finance :

A knowledge base generated through research need to be translated in to implementable actions. Barkatullah University, Bhopal, can play an important role in generating and maintaining data base.

5. Knowledge

and information

Organic farming, silt trapping and aforestation. Green belt of bio-conservation zone around the lake is one of the most successful action. Impact of The I and D work needs further extension to newly developing areas around the lake. Eco-technologies needs to be implemented to compliment technological interventions.

4. Technologies

An ILBM platform in the form of Bhoj Sarovar Samvardhini [Conservation and Mangement Sociwty] BSS - is proposed to ensure stake holders participation. The Lake interpretation centre needs face lift and advertisement to attract more visitors..

3. Participation

Basin management being a dynamic process, policies need to be dynamic as new challenges emerge in short and long time spans. Policy frame work for developing a synergy between rural catchment.

2. Policies

Lake Conservation Authority (LCA) needs to be further empowered and funded for long term action plans.

1. Institutions

ILBM analysis of Bhoj wetlands, Bhopal, M.P.

Page 12: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

L Dr. M. Nakamura, Chairman, ILEC, Sci-Com, Japan; Dr Tej Razdan, Chairman, Jheel Sanrakshan Samiti (JSS); Shriji Arvind Singh JiMewar, Chairman and Managing Trustee of Maharana of Mewar

Charitable Foundation (MMCF), Udaipur; Sri. Gulab Chand Kataria, MLA, Udaipur; Shri Raghuveer Singh Ji Meena, M.P.

ILBM team, Udaipur and Pushkar, Rajasthan L Dr Tej Razdan, Chairman, JheelSanrakshan Samiti (JSS); Dr. M. Nakamura, Chairman, ILEC, Sci-Com, Japan and

Padma Bhushan, Prof Jagat S. Mehta, Chairman, Jheel Snrakshan samiti and others

Marble slurry dumped in the catchment of SwaroopsagarFoam filled sewage drain from Udaipur city Victim of Udaisagar pollution

ILBM : Udaipur lakes, Rajasthan, India

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Page 14: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

The conservation programmes are being funded by Ministry of Environment and Forests - MOEF - through National Lake Conservation Programme - NLCP. However, planning for post-project sustenance of implemented actions will be the real challenge. Budgetary allocation of funds for annual maintenance of lakes could be a strong measure for long term conservation .


Findings from research being carried out by professional/educational institutions needs to be implanted in the form of executable ground level actions for maintaining ecological health of the lakes.


Sewage regulation : Interception and Diversion of sewage and regulation of Inter-lake flow of water is already implemented. However, there is a need of implementing 'in lake' actions like aeration, fish culture, weed and Solid waste management.


Jheel Samrakshan Samiti - JSS - is actively pursuing the cause of lake protection and conservation. Stake holders groups and farmers dependent on Udaisagar lake are active in the movement for lakes and there is a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management programmes.


Inter-basin transfer of water from Sabermati basin is identified as a solution for environmental problems ofUdaipur lakes – Opinion on such linkages is highly polarized.Dumping of solid waste and marble slurry in the basin needs to be stopped.Sewage management needs in-depth study and action plans to prevent pollution of Udaisagar lake.


Better co-operation, co-ordination and integrating out look between Municipal/Governmental departments/ organizations will be basic to success of management actions.1.

Udaipur lakes, Udaipur, Rakasthan

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Bird’s eye view of Pushkar lake in good times

Topography of Pushkar-Anasagar lakes,

Ajmer, Rajasthan, India

ILBM team meeting with Divisional Commissioner, Ajmer, Shri AtulSharma and others. Shri Ansntprashad Ganeriwal, Pushkar, facilitated

the interaction between visiting Inter national ILBM team, Government agency and representatives of civil society.

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Deforested hills in the lake basin

Over exploitation of ground water for agriculture in the basin

Evaporation and percolation of water from lake due to high

temperature and sandy bottom of lake

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Proper utilization of funds channeled for different rural development schemes. The Pushkar municipality needs to make budgetary allocation of funds for maintenance of the lake.6.

Traditional colourful arts and crafts need to be brought in to awareness creation. An annual lake festival can make a big difference in understanding significance of the water resource. A Pushkar lake information centre can be established.


Organic farming, silt trapping through Gabion structures and aforestation needs top priority. Technologies (like tissue culture) to protect and propagate local plant gene pool. Bottom scaping of lake for better protection of biodiversity.Aeration of water to recycle organic load on the lake.Treatment of water and bottom to prevent evaporative water loss and loss of water by percolation.


To reorient agriculture based on limited water and regulation on exploitation of ground water need cooperation of rural communities.

The lake dependent communities need to extend their cooperation in maintaining the lake.A platform for cross-community dialogue in the form of Pushkar Sarovar Samvardhini needs to be created to

speared awareness and evolve conservation plans based on developing environmental challenges.


Regulation of change in land use pattern to maintain basin character is basic to protection of a lake.The basin is rural with vast agriculture and policies on application of chemicals and fertilizers is very vital for

water quality of the lake. A policy for development of a synergy between pre-dominantly rural basin and the lake communities is

necessary.A 1000 meters Bio-conservation zone needs to be created around the lake with plantation of multiple plant

species resistant to drought like conditions.


A coordination and cooperation between different administrative wings of state government. 1.

Pushakar, Ajmer, Rajasthan

Page 18: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

Lessons learned Indian ILBM experience has brought out following aspects :

1. ILBM as civil society initiative has potential to influence decision making and implantation processes in the water sector : Ujjani ILBM has initiated discussion in Go, NGO sector

2. ILBM acts as a trigger for Public Private initiatives for conservation and management of water resources : Udaysagar conservation project after ILBMG workshop in Udaipur

3. ILBM offers an integrated platform for diverse stake holders to deliberate on conservation issues in water sector : Brain storming session on Bhoj wetland has initiated processes in Lake development authority, University and NGOs

4. ILBM has a potential to involve stake holders in good governance in water : Lake conservation and management societies being established in many places

To sustain the momentum generated an ILBM network of South Asia being established soon

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Page 20: Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM),… · a need of integrating their efforts in the conservation and management

Constructed in 1562, more than 450 years old lake Hussainsagar is an engineering marvel. Of the four sub-basins making its catchment, Kukatpally is extensive industrialized and is the source of industrial pollution. Other three basins bring in large volumes of sewage that sustains hydrology of the lake. The lake is extensively developed into recreational zone by Hyderabad Urban Development Authority under Green Hyderabad Project (GHP) funded by

Netherlands Government.

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Powai lake, Mumbai, a megacity of more than 1 billion population is an ecological land mark inconcrete jungle. The lake ecosystem is under extreme urban stress and needs actions for its

protection and conservation. An ILBM document is under preparation. Powai lake conservation society is already established to initiate actions.

Lonar lake, Maharashtra : An inland saline lake created by meteoric impact thousands of years back, is an ecological wonder. Under stress from urbanization of surrounding areas and extensive ground water extraction

and surface water storages around. The unique ecosystem needs special inititives based on principles of ILBM

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Regd.No. 307/81.Regd.No. 307/81.


Hyderabad - 500 095, Andhra Pradesh, India.

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