instalar snort en ubuntu

Upload: andres-diaz

Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Instalar Snort en Ubuntu



    we have discussed about Snort NIDS in detail in our previous tutorial, In this article we have tried simplify the

    process of installing snort with Ubuntu.


    • Ubuntu 14.4!1".4 #S

    • $atest D%& 'ac(age available with 

    • $atest Snort 'ac(age available with

    • ')%' pac(age available with Ubuntu

    • $ibdnet pac(age available with Ubuntu

    • D)*+ pac(age available with Ubuntu

    • #ur hosname is snort

    • #ur ubuntu user is snort

    • Snort Server I' %DD* 1-.1/.1.1

    0e will configure snort via remote ') using ssh

    nstallation Steps

    1. Update system

    -. Install sshserver

    2. Install Snort re3uisites

    4. Install Snort D%& re3uisites

    ". )reate a new directory to download pac(age download Snort D%& and Install D%&.

    . Download and Install Snort in Same directory created in above step

    . )onfigure Snort and test your installation

    /. )reate Directories to configure snort to run in nids mode


    First of all prepare Snort Desktop

    # apt-get update

    # apt-get install openssh-server

    # reboot

    Make sure ethtool is installed

    # apt-get install ethtool

    Make sure buildessential is installed

    # apt-get install -y build-essential

  • 8/18/2019 Instalar Snort en Ubuntu


    nstall Snort prerequisites

    nstall libpcapde!" libpcre#de!" $lib%gde! and libdumbnetde! packages

    # apt-get install -y libpcap-dev

    # apt-get install libpcre3-dev

    # apt-get install -y libdumbnet-dev

    # apt-get install zlib1g-dev

    nstall Snort D&' (rerequisites

    ison and fle) are the requirement for Snort D&' installation

    # apt-get install bison flex

    *reate a separate director+ in which will will install tar packages of snort and Snort D&'

    # mkdir /home/snort/snort_src

    *hange working director+ to newl+ created director+.

    # cd /home/snort/snort_src/

    Download and install latest !ersion of D&'

    # wget https//www!snort!org/downloads/snort/da"-!$!%!tar!gz

    nstall the (ackage

    # tar -xvf da"-!$!%!tar!gz

    # cd da"-!$!%

    # cd da"-!$!%

    # !/configure

    # make root&snort/home/snort/snort_src/da"-!$!%# make install

    nstall Snort in same director+

    # wget https//www!snort!org/downloads/snort/snort-!'!(!)!tar!gz

    ,)tract and Install the snort package

    # gunzip snort-!'!(!)!tar!gz

    # tar -xvf snort-!'!(!)!tar

    # cd snort-!'!(!)

    # !/configure --enable-sourcefire

  • 8/18/2019 Instalar Snort en Ubuntu


    # make

    # make install

    # ldconfig

    *reate a Soft -ink for Snort binar+

    # ln -s /usr/local/bin/snort /usr/sbin/snort

    erif+ +our Snort is installed correctl+ or not

    # snort -*

    *onfigure Snort for IDS Mode

    *reate following Directories

    # mkdir /etc/snort# mkdir /etc/snort/rules# mkdir /etc/snort/preproc_rules# touch /etc/snort/rules/white_list!rules# touch /etc/snort/rules/black_list!rules# touch /etc/snort/rules/local!rules

    *reate -og Director+ for snort

    # mkdir /var/log/snort

    *reate a Director+ for snort D+namics rules

    # mkdir /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules

    *hange permissions

    # chmod -+ )(() /etc/snort/# chmod -+ )(() /var/log/snort/# chmod -+ )(() /usr/local/lib/snort# chmod -+ )(() /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/

  • 8/18/2019 Instalar Snort en Ubuntu


    *op+ 0.conf and files from snort download director+ to /etc/snort

    # cp /home/snort/snort_src/snort-!'!(!)/etc/,!conf, /etc/snort/# cp -v /home/snort/snort_src/snort-!'!(!)/etc/,!map, /etc/snort/

    *onfigure /etc/snort/snort.conf 

    5efore editing snort.conf get the bac(up of that file first

    # cp /etc/snort/snort!conf /etc/snort/snort!conf_orig

    1i!e following *ommand

    # sed -i s/include .+02._456/#include .+02._456/ /etc/snort/snort!conf

    Note:Above Command will comment all rulesets which we will edit line by line

    1o to line 23 of /etc/snort/snort.conf" edit to make like below

    ipvar HOME_NET


    ote: replace abo!e ip address with +our ip address5

    1o to line %62 and put following entries

    var +02_456 /etc/snort/rulesvar 78_+02_456 /etc/snort/so_rulesvar +2+89_+02_456 /etc/snort/preproc_rulesvar :6;52_;75_456 /etc/snort/rulesvar

  • 8/18/2019 Instalar Snort en Ubuntu


    7o enable local rules go to line 33% and uncomment following line

    ##include +02_456/local!rules

  • 8/18/2019 Instalar Snort en Ubuntu


    a!e and 'uit

    Now Download )ommunity rules from following lin($

    +6tract these rules and copy to /etc/snort/rules.

    *un following )ommand 78his time i am logged in directly to the Ubuntu 9:, only to ma(e sure that every

    hing is wor(ing properly;

    # snort -5 -c /etc/snort/snort!conf

    Sample #ut put

  • 8/18/2019 Instalar Snort en Ubuntu


    8a!e Fun99

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