innovation space sig general meeting november, 2016

Innovation Space SIG General Meeting November, 2016

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Space SIG General MeetingNovember, 2016

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Upcoming Space SIG Activities2016 Space Legislative Blitz

• Washington, DC (hotel and travel on your own)• February 21-23 (Sun-Tues)• Annual visit to Congress to promote space exploration• Hosted by the Space Exploration Alliance• Goal for strong NSBE representation, both Professional and

Collegiate• Minors must EACH be accompanied by chaperone• Early bird registration (deadline December 31)

– $25 Adult, $15 Student (increases to $40 and $25 Jan 1)– Registration link:

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Upcoming Space SIG Activities2016 Space Leadership Conference

• April 14-17, 2016• Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL• Annual planning for upcoming Space SIG technical projects,

outreach, and conferences– Near-term and Mid-range goals– Schedule/Deliverables– Recruiting– Publicity– Government, Industry, and Academia partnerships

• Conference website: – Registration open now ($65 Early Bird through December 31)

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Upcoming Space SIG Activities2016 Aerospace Systems Conference

• August 24-27, 2016• Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel (next to DCA)• Awards Nominations

– Now open -• Celestial Torch Awards• 21st Century Trailblazers in Aerospace• Technical Paper Awards

• Call for Papers– Full paper drafts due January 28–

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Primary Meeting Topic


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What does Innovation actually mean?• The introduction of something new • A new idea, method, or device • The act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or


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Perceptions about Innovation

• Viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs, or existing market needs

• Accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments and society

• Can be defined as something original and more effective and, as a consequence, new, that "breaks into" the market or society

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Perceptions about Innovation

• Generally considered to be a process that brings together various novel ideas in a way that they have an impact on society

• Does this sound like the NSBE mission?

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The NSBE Mission

NSBE as an Innovation EngineThe true value of NSBE Professionals



Positively Impact the Community


Increase the Number


Culturally Responsible

Black Engineers

Invest in / Enable:Invest in / Enable:

Excel Academically

Succeed Professionally

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Space SIG Novel Ideas

• Arusha Maintenance – Suit Port Maintenance Glovebox

• Arusha Medical – Robotic Surgical Table• Arusha Exercise – Crew Exercise

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Arusha Innovation

• Premise of Arusha: Humanity should one day colonize the Moon

• Phases to Colonize:– Phase 1: Outposts (Apollo, Constellation)– Phase 2: Utilization (Arusha, pilot plants)– Phase 3: Industrialization (manufacturing, businesses)– Phase 4: Colonies (cities)

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How Do We Go From Outposts…

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To Colonies?

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Arusha: Colonization Phase 2

• Arusha is Swahili for “He makes fly (into the skies)”• Innovative design project of NSBE Space SIG

– Commercial/international lunar expansion beyond an initial return to the Moon (next step after Cx/FLO/etc.)

– 48 people living and working on the Moon• Staggered 2-year crew rotations

– Rover transportation required between a primary base at the South Pole and additional facilities across Moon

• Six person crew, lunar circumnavigation capability• 30-day rover excursion mission duration

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Arusha Innovation

• Phase 2 introduces the need (new requirement) for global transportation

Example distribution of sites

Lunar Near Side Lunar Far Side

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What Does This Mean?Size of the Moon

• Circumference of the Moon: 6,784 miles (10,917 km) –distance to circumnavigate

• Surface area of the Moon: 14,600,000 square miles (38,000,000 km2)– The Moon is:

• 4.68 times the size of the continental United States– 3,119,885 square miles (8,080,470 km2)

• 1.53 times the size of North America– 9,540,000 square miles (24,710,000 km2)

• 1.25 times the size of Africa– 11,670,000 square miles (30,200,000 km2)

• Phase 2 Lunar facilities separated by vast, empty distances

Imagine the continental United States completely

undeveloped except 5 randomly

scattered outposts

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Arusha Innovation

• How do we solve this new requirement?– How do humans move on Earth?

• Fly – would require too much rocket fuel• Walk – too far• Ride on animals – animals can’t breathe vacuum• Train – no lunar infrastructure yet• Sail – no oceans or rivers• Drive – only remaining solution

– We need a “car” that can drive all the way around the Moon

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Arusha Innovation

• Arusha Long Range Rover– Response to global transportation requirement– New requirements affecting rover

• Circumnavigate Moon within 28-day period– Minimizes the time the crew is in transit and unable to do useful work

• Support 6-person crew for 30 days– Six people allows for enough expertise and personnel to be deployed

to remote facilities

• Operate without support from other lunar assets– Undeveloped lunar infrastructure means no supporting assets will be


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Arusha Innovation

Arusha Long Range Rover Crew Cabin• 10.01 meter (32.85 ft) length• 3 meter (9.84 ft) diameter• Sole living environment for 6 crew for 30 days

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Arusha Innovation

• Long Range Rover Requirements give rise to inarticulated needs (later to be documented as requirements)– Rover must be able to self-repair if damaged during an

excursion– Rover must be able to provide medical care for any sick

or injured crew– Rover must be able to counteract the physiological

deconditioning the crew experience on the Moon

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Arusha Innovation

– Requires on-board maintenance capability

– Limited available volume in rover

– Starboard side of aft cabin allocated for repair capability

– Includes all stowage for tools and work space for repairs

• Rover must be able to self-repair if damaged during an excursion

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Arusha Innovation

• New requirements:– Identified 53 types of failures

that could disable rover and kill the crew if not repaired

– Identified 14 generic maintenance functions required to repair these failures (soldering, etc.)

– Workstation design must accommodates these functions

– BUT…

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Arusha Innovation

• Some failed components may be hazardous– Contaminated with toxic chemicals

• Thermal fluid loops and pumps may contain ammonia• Waste Containment System may contain urine and other

biologically active products• Rover or other equipment in proximity to landers may be

exposed to hydrazine– Contaminated with hazardous materials

• Exterior equipment could be coated with lunar regolith– Must not expose cabin interior to these hazards

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Arusha Innovation

New solution to address these new requirements

• Suit Port Maintenance Glovebox– Installed on suit port nearest to

Maintenance workstation– Failed component loaded into

glovebox from outside– Crew member repairs

component through glove ports– Component never introduced to cabin interior

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Arusha Innovation

• Low fidelity mockup of Suit Port Maintenance Glovebox installed in NASA Multi-Mission Space Exploration Vehicle’s suit port

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Arusha Innovation

• Fit check demonstrated basic concept

• Also demonstrated NSBE innovation can be used in NASA rover– If adopted by NASA may

increase survivability of MMSEV on Mars

• Medium fidelity mockup under construction for actual repair tests

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Arusha Innovation

• Rover must be able to provide medical care for any sick or injured crew– Evacuation of injured crew

not an option – must treat any condition onboard

– Limited available volume in rover

– Port side of aft cabin allocated for medical capability – Includes patient

treatment and all stowage

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Arusha Innovation

• Must be able to provide both medical care and maintenance repairs simultaneously

• Any portion of a crew member’s body (or multiple portions) may require medical treatment– Requires caregiver to have access to all parts of the

patient’s body• In prior NASA studies has resulted in requirement for caregiver

to be able to walk around all sides of the surgical table• Not possible in Arusha rover due to small size of vehicle (would

intrude in maintenance work volume)

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Arusha Innovation

New idea – since cannot bring caregiver to patient, must bring patient to caregiver: Robotic Surgical Table

• Patient treatment table nominally stowed beneath floor and raised for use

• Table is a robot that is articulated to reposition patient as needed to present area of injury to caregiver– Table is subdivided into articulating secetions

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Arusha Innovation

Robotic Surgical Table1. Eye Display / Caregiver Display2. Ear Sensor and EDCD Mounting3. Headrest4. Upper Arm Rest5. Torso Rest6. Lower Arm Rest7. Hand Rest8. Thigh Rest9. Tool Mounting10. Lower Leg Rest11. Foot Rest

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Arusha Innovation

• Robotic Surgical Table must accommodate 1st percentile Japanese female to 99th percentile American male in all relevant anthropometric dimensions– Significant range in dimension – will move relative

positioning of joints• Each element must be capable of expanding

or contracting in length and width to meet anthropometry requirement– Surgical table will literally be a different size when

different crew members use it

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Arusha Innovation

• Each element to element interface is either static or a joint

• Actuators reposition elements at joints to transform surgical table for different body postures

• Each actuator must be capable of fine positioning and lock to support weight when stopped

• Elements not connected by actuators (static interfaces) should physically support one another when adjacent and mitigate flopping / cantilever effects

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Arusha Innovation

• Rover must be able to counteract the physiological deconditioning the crew experience on the Moon– Each crew member

requires ~2.5 hours scheduled exercise per day

– Limited volumes allocated for crew exercise capability

– Devices must stow when not in use

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Arusha Innovation

• NASA currently flies exercise equipment on ISS to address: aerobic conditioning, muscular conditioning, bone loss, sensorimotor, psychological, and decompression sickness– Met by 3 devices: ARED (universal gym), T2 (treadmill),

and CEVIS (cycle ergometer)– Dedicated volumes provided on ISS

• Arusha innovation challenge is to replicate this capability for 6 crew in a smaller volume

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Arusha Innovation

• Solution to address aerobic, sensorimotor, psychological, and DCS is a COTS-derived treadmill– Must mount under the floor in the mid section

between the body hygiene system and waste containment system

– Requires modification to COTS device• Mount so top of belt is flush to surface• Remove control panel/devices and integrate in walls• Provide user stabilization to allow use during vehicle


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Arusha Innovation

• Solution to address muscular and bone loss is a custom resistive exercise device– Must mount in aft section, aft of medical

and maintenance work envelopes– Load paths must be negotiated with Cabin

Structures– Must assemble/disassemble in less than

30 minutes– Must also allow use during vehicle motion

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Arusha Innovation

• Open questions– Is there room for more than one aerobic or resistive

device?– Does the rover also need a cycle ergometer?– Can a custom resistive device provide high enough

loads?– Can a COTS treadmill that fits in the rover provide a fast

enough speed?

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Arusha Innovation

• Be part of the innovation!

• NSBE Space needs you to join these and other projects!

• Email [email protected] for next steps to get involved.

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Next MeetingMonday, December 14, 2015

8:00 pm Eastern

[email protected]