inhibition riboflavin metabolism in rat tissues

Inhibition of Riboflavin Metabolism in Rat Tissues by Chlorpromazine, Imipramine, and Amitriptyline JOHN PINTO, YEE PING HUANG, and RICHARD S. RIVLIN, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York Hospital- Cornell Medical Center, New York 10021 A B S TR A C T Prompted by recognition of the similar structures of riboflavin (vitamin B2), pheno- thiazine drugs, and tricyclic antidepressants, our studies sought to determine effects of drugs of these two types upon the conversion of riboflavin into its active coenzyme derivative, flavin adenine dinucleo- tide (FAD) in rat tissues. Chlorpromazine, a pheno- thiazine derivative, and imipramine and amitriptyline, both tricyclic antidepressants, each inhibited the in- corporation of [14C]riboflavin into [14C]FAD in liver, cerebrum, cerebellum, and heart. A variety of psycho- active drugs structurally unrelated to riboflavin were ineffective. Chlorpromazine, imipramine, and amitrip- tyline in vitro inhibited hepatic flavokinase, the first of two enzymes in the conversion of riboflavin to FAD. Evidence was obtained that chlorpromazine ad- ministration for a 3- or 7-wk period at doses comparable on a weight basis to those used clinically has signifi- cant effects upon riboflavin metabolism in the animal as a whole: (a) the activity coefficient of erythrocyte glutathione reductase, an FAD-containing enzyme used as an index of riboflavin status physiologically, was elevated, a finding compatible with a deficiency state, (b) the urinary excretion of riboflavin was more than twice that of age- and sex-matched pair-fed con- trol rats, and (c) after administration of chlorpromazine for a 7-wk period, tissue levels of flavin mononucleo- tide and FAD were significantly lower than those of pair-fed littermates, despite consumption of a diet estimated to contain 30 times the recommended dietary allowance. The present study suggests that certain psychotropic drugs interfere with riboflavin metabolism at least in part by inhibiting the conversion of ribo- flavin to its coenzyme derivatives, and that as a con- sequence of such inhibition, the overall utilization of the vitamin is impaired. Dr. Pinto is a recipient of a Future Leaders Award of The Nutrition Foundation. Receivedfor publication 24 November 1978 and in revised form 19 January 1981. 1500 INTRODUCTION It has not been widely appreciated that vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is similar in structure to the phenothiazine derivatives that are clinically used as psychotropic drugs (Fig. 1). In a series of reports, Gabay and Harris (1-5) called attention to the structural analogies, and showed that phenothiazine drugs in vitro inhibit D- amino acid oxidase and NADPH-cytochrome c reduc- tase, both of which contain flavin adenine dinucleo- tide (FAD),1 the coenzyme derived from riboflavin. The biological activity of a series of phenothiazine derivatives in vivo could be correlated with their ability to inhibit these FAD-containing enyzmes in vitro (6) perhaps because phenothiazine and the iso- alloxazine ring of FAD form an electron donor- acceptor complex (7). Prompted by these observations, we sought to deter- mine whether chlorpromazine in doses comparable to those used clinically is a riboflavin antagonist and in- hibits the formation of its active derivatives, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and FAD. Initial studies from this laboratory revealed that large doses (20-25 mg/kg) of chlorpromazine markedly inhibit riboflavin metabo- lism both in vitro and in vivo, and impair thyroxine stimulation of riboflavin incorporation into FAD (8). The present studies were designed to determine whether chlorpromazine inhibits riboflavin metabo- lism in the rat at doses comparable to those in clinical use, and whether such inhibition may be of physio- logical significance in terms of the riboflavin status of the animal as a whole. In addition, investigations were performed with two tricyclic antidepressants, imipramine and amitriptyline, to determine whether these compounds inhibit riboflavin metabolism, inas- much as their structures also have a number of features in common with that of riboflavin (Fig. 1). To deter- mine whether inhibition of flavin metabolism is 'Abbreviations used in this paper: FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; FMN, flavin mononucleotide. J. Clin. Invest. ©3 The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. * 0021-9738/81/05/1500/07 $1.00 Volume 67 May 1981 1500-1506

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Page 1: Inhibition Riboflavin Metabolism in Rat Tissues

Inhibition of Riboflavin Metabolism in Rat Tissues

by Chlorpromazine, Imipramine, and Amitriptyline

JOHN PINTO, YEE PING HUANG, and RICHARD S. RIVLIN, Department ofMedicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, New York 10021

A B S T RA C T Prompted by recognition of thesimilar structures of riboflavin (vitamin B2), pheno-thiazine drugs, and tricyclic antidepressants, ourstudies sought to determine effects of drugs of thesetwo types upon the conversion of riboflavin into itsactive coenzyme derivative, flavin adenine dinucleo-tide (FAD) in rat tissues. Chlorpromazine, a pheno-thiazine derivative, and imipramine and amitriptyline,both tricyclic antidepressants, each inhibited the in-corporation of [14C]riboflavin into [14C]FAD in liver,cerebrum, cerebellum, and heart. A variety of psycho-active drugs structurally unrelated to riboflavin wereineffective. Chlorpromazine, imipramine, and amitrip-tyline in vitro inhibited hepatic flavokinase, the firstof two enzymes in the conversion of riboflavin to FAD.

Evidence was obtained that chlorpromazine ad-ministration for a 3- or 7-wk period at doses comparableon a weight basis to those used clinically has signifi-cant effects upon riboflavin metabolism in the animalas a whole: (a) the activity coefficient of erythrocyteglutathione reductase, an FAD-containing enzymeused as an index of riboflavin status physiologically,was elevated, a finding compatible with a deficiencystate, (b) the urinary excretion of riboflavin was morethan twice that of age- and sex-matched pair-fed con-trol rats, and (c) after administration of chlorpromazinefor a 7-wk period, tissue levels of flavin mononucleo-tide and FAD were significantly lower than those ofpair-fed littermates, despite consumption of a dietestimated to contain 30 times the recommended dietaryallowance. The present study suggests that certainpsychotropic drugs interfere with riboflavin metabolismat least in part by inhibiting the conversion of ribo-flavin to its coenzyme derivatives, and that as a con-sequence of such inhibition, the overall utilization ofthe vitamin is impaired.

Dr. Pinto is a recipient of a Future Leaders Award of TheNutrition Foundation.

Receivedfor publication 24 November 1978 and in revisedform 19 January 1981.



It has not been widely appreciated that vitamin B2(riboflavin) is similar in structure to the phenothiazinederivatives that are clinically used as psychotropicdrugs (Fig. 1). In a series of reports, Gabay and Harris(1-5) called attention to the structural analogies, andshowed that phenothiazine drugs in vitro inhibit D-amino acid oxidase and NADPH-cytochrome c reduc-tase, both of which contain flavin adenine dinucleo-tide (FAD),1 the coenzyme derived from riboflavin.The biological activity of a series of phenothiazinederivatives in vivo could be correlated with theirability to inhibit these FAD-containing enyzmes invitro (6) perhaps because phenothiazine and the iso-alloxazine ring of FAD form an electron donor-acceptor complex (7).

Prompted by these observations, we sought to deter-mine whether chlorpromazine in doses comparable tothose used clinically is a riboflavin antagonist and in-hibits the formation of its active derivatives, flavinmononucleotide (FMN) and FAD. Initial studies fromthis laboratory revealed that large doses (20-25 mg/kg)of chlorpromazine markedly inhibit riboflavin metabo-lism both in vitro and in vivo, and impair thyroxinestimulation of riboflavin incorporation into FAD (8).

The present studies were designed to determinewhether chlorpromazine inhibits riboflavin metabo-lism in the rat at doses comparable to those in clinicaluse, and whether such inhibition may be of physio-logical significance in terms of the riboflavin statusof the animal as a whole. In addition, investigationswere performed with two tricyclic antidepressants,imipramine and amitriptyline, to determine whetherthese compounds inhibit riboflavin metabolism, inas-much as their structures also have a number of featuresin common with that of riboflavin (Fig. 1). To deter-mine whether inhibition of flavin metabolism is

'Abbreviations used in this paper: FAD, flavin adeninedinucleotide; FMN, flavin mononucleotide.

J. Clin. Invest. ©3 The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. * 0021-9738/81/05/1500/07 $1.00Volume 67 May 1981 1500-1506

Page 2: Inhibition Riboflavin Metabolism in Rat Tissues





CH2-(CH,)2-N(CH3)2 CH-(CH2)2-N(CH3)2


FIGURE 1 Formulae of riboflavin (vitamin B2), chlorpro-mazine, a phenothiazine derivative, and imipramine andamitriptyline, both of which are tricyclic antidepressantdrugs, illustrating the marked similarities among thesecompounds.

characteristic of this class of compounds, studies wereperformed using various psychoactive drugs struc-turally unrelated to riboflavin. Evidence has beenobtained that both phenothiazine derivatives and tri-cyclic antidepressants impair riboflavin metabolism.


Isotopes, chemicals, and diet. ['4C]riboflavin, 28 mCi/mmol, was purchased from Amersham Corp., ArlingtonHeights, Ill. and the specific activity assayed in our laboratorybefore use. Nonradiolabeled riboflavin, riboflavin-5'-phos-phate (flavin mononucleotide, FMN), FAD, and NADPHwere purchased from Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.Chlorpromazine * HCI, imipramine * HCI and amitriptylineHCI were gifts from Smith Kline & French Laboratories,Division of Smith Kline Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.; Pharma-ceuticals Division, Ciba-Geigy Corp., Summit, N. J., andMerck & Co., Rahway, N. J., respectively. Phenytoin sodiuminjection was purchased from Parke-Davis & Co., Detroit,Mich.; haloperidol injection was purchased from McNeilLaboratories, Fort Washington, Pa; phenobarbital sodiuminjection was purchased from Winthrop Laboratories, NewYork; diazepam and chlordiazepoxide HCl injectable fromHoffman-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, N. J. All other chemicalswere of the highest grade commercially available. Animalswere maintained on standard Purina Rat Chow (RalstonPurina Co., St. Louis, Mo.) determined in this laboratory tocontain riboflavin at a concentration of 7.9 g.g/g.

Animals. All experiments were performed on adult malerats, Holtzman Co., Madison, Wis., weighing 200-220 g.Unless otherwise stated, animals were maintained on an adlib. regimen of tap water and pelleted food.

Drug treatments. In the first study, rats were distributedinto four groups (seven to nine animals per group) designatedas control, chlorpromazine-, imipramine-, and amitriptyline-treated, and were treated for 3 d with high doses (25 mg/kgbody wt, i.p. twice daily) of the appropriate psychotropicagent dissolved in saline. Controls received an identicalvolume of isotonic saline. In the next experiment, a varietyof psychoactive drugs were administered intraperitoneallytwice daily for 3 d in the following dosages per kilogram:phenytoin (14 mg), haloperidol (0.17 mg), phenobarbital (9mg), diazepam (0.6 mg), and chlordiazepoxide (1.7 mg). These

doses were arbitrarily selected as representing approximatelyfour times the upper limit of the usual therapeutic range usedclinically (9). In each experiment, food was removed from allcages 16 h before death; 1 h before death, each animal re-ceived an injection of ['4C]riboflavin, 25 ,uCi/kg body wt, s.c.,and was killed by decapitation. The liver, heart, cerebrum,and cerebellum were excised from each animal and storedat -20°C until assay for [14C]riboflavin incorporation into['4C]FAD. Samples could be stored for up to 30 d withoutdetectable loss of activity.

To study the effects of chronic administration of psycho-tropic drugs upon flavin metabolism, investigations wereconducted on animals treated for 3- and 7-wk periods withchlorpromazine (2 mg/kg body wt, i.p.). Chlorpromazinesolutions were prepared fresh daily by reconstituting pre-weighed vials with normal saline at the time of injection(10, 11). Age- and sex-matched animals were housed in meta-bolic cages so that periodic 24-h urine specimens could becollected. Because treatment with chlorpromazine may inducehyperphagia (12), controls were pair-fed to drug-treatedanimals. Each animal consumed - 30 g/d of Purina Rat Chow,which on a weight basis, corresponds to a daily riboflavin in-take of 790 /.g/kg, or 30 times the recommended dietary al-lowance for the rat (13). At the end of 3 and 7 wk, animalswere killed by decapitation and blood was collected fordetermination of glutathione reductase activity in erythro-cyte hemolysates. Urine samples collected during metabolicstudies were centrifuged at 800g for 10 min and stored at-20°C until analysis for riboflavin and creatinine. In addition,liver, heart, and brain were excised and assayed for FAD,FMN, and riboflavin concentrations.

Anlalysis of [14C]FADformation itl tisstues. Tissue analysesfor ['4C]FAD formation were performed using the reverseisotope dilution technique previously established in thislaboratory (14).

Analysis of tissue FAD, FMN, and riboflavin concentra-tions. Concentrations of FAD, FMN, and riboflavin in liver,brain, and heart were determined by fluorometric methods aspreviously shown (15). Data were expressed as microgramsper gram tissue.

Analysis of urinary riboflavin. Riboflavin was measuredin urine using internal flavin standards and measured inthe absence and presence of sodium dithionite (16). Measure-ments were made with an Aminco-Bowman spectrophoto-fluorometer (American Instrument Co., Inc., Silver Spring,Md.) equipped with a high pressure mercury-xenon lamp.Flavin excitation and emission were monitored at 450 and525 nm, respectively, using 5-mm slit widths. The additionof chlorpromazine in concentrations of 0 to 200 mMhad noeffect upon urinary riboflavin fluorescence. This finding doesnot eliminate the possibility that metabolites of chlorprom-azine in vivo may interfere with the riboflavin assay. Theexcretion of riboflavin was expressed as micrograms permilligram creatinine (17).

Flavokinase activity. Flavokinase (ATP: riboflavin-5'-phosphotransferase, EC was isolated from rat liverby the method of McCormick (18, 19). Measurements ofenzymic activity in vitro in the absence and presence ofvarying concentrations of each psychotropic agent were madeboth by a spectrophotometric method (18) and by a radio-isotopic procedure (19). Both methodologies depend uponthe differential solubility of the generated FMNin benzylalcohol and water and were performed using reaction con-ditions similar to those described previously (18). Flavokinaseactivity was expressed as disintegrations per minute ([14C]-FMNformed) per hour.

Erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity. The prepara-tion of the erythrocyte samples and determination of gluta-

Inhibition of Riboflavin Metabolism by Psychotropic Drugs 1501

Page 3: Inhibition Riboflavin Metabolism in Rat Tissues

thione reductase activity were carried out by slight modifica-tion of the method of Beutler (20).

Hemoglobin concentration of the hemolysate was deter-mined by following the extent of oxidation of strontiumperoxide-orthotolidine complex in the presence of hemo-globin (21). Enzyme activity was ultimately expressed asmicromoles of NADPHoxidized per gram hemoglobin perminute. Activity coefficients were determined by expressingthe ratio of the enzyme activity in the presence of exogenousFAD to that in the absence of FAD in vitro.

The addition of chlorpromazine in concentrations of 0 to 200mMin vitro had no effect upon the activity of glutathionereductase in erythrocyte hemolysates.


Inhibition offormation of [14CIFAD in vivo. In ani-mals treated for 3 d with twice daily injections of eitherchlorpromazine, imipramine, or amitriptyline (25 mg/kg body wt, i.p.), the incorporation of [14Cjriboflavininto [14C]FAD was significantly diminished in all theorgans studied (Table I). In control rats, the magnitudeof incorporation in liver was the greatest of any of theorgans studied, and very low levels were recorded incerebrum and cerebellum, as in previous reports from

this laboratory (22). In each organ from drug-treatedrats, the magnitude of incorporation into [14C]FADwas reduced approximately one-third below that ofcontrols. At this dose level, the drugs were all aboutequally effective, and each of the differences fromcontrols was statistically significant.

To obtain some indication of the specificity of theinhibition of FADformation by psychoactive drugs thatare structurally unrelated to riboflavin, a series ofagents used for antipsychotic, antiemetic, or anticonvul-sant therapy were investigated (9). Under the conditionsutilized, phenytoin, haloperidol, phenobarbital, diaze-pam, and chlordiazepoxide were each ineffective ininhibiting FAD formation in liver or heart.

In vitro studies of hepatic flavokinase. To gaininsight into possible mechanisms of inhibition of[14C]FAD formation, experiments were performed inwhich increasing concentrations of chlorpromazine,imipramine, and amitriptyline were incubated withhepatic flavokinase in the assay mixture, and [14C]FMN,the precursor of [14C]FAD, determined.

As indicated in Fig. 2, chlorpromazine inhibitedflavokinase activity in vitro. Imipramine and amitrip-

TABLE IInhibition of Incorporation of [14C]Riboflavin into [14C]FAD 1 h after a

Subcutaneous Injection* in Liver, Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Heartof Adult Male Rats Treated with Chlorpromazine, Imipramine,

or Amitriptyline (25 mg/kg body wt i.p.) Twice Daily for 3 d

Significanceof difference

Organ Treatment group [14C]FAD from control

dpm/100 mg P

Liver Control 12,769±7874Chlorpromazine§ 9,994±499 <0.02Imipramine 10,389±632 <0.05Amitriptyline 10,022±683 <0.02

Cerebrum Control 774±37Chlorpromazine 499±43 <0.001Imipramine 503±24 <0.001Amitriptyline 510±32 <0.001

Cerebellum Control 941±26Chlorpromazine 608±36 <0.001Imipramine 676±38 <0.001Amitriptyline 698±52 <0.001

Heart Control 4,932±362Chlorpromazine 3,227±214 <0.01Imipramine 3,295±128 <0.01Amitriptyline 3,340±172 <0.01

* 25 ,Ci/kg body wt.4 Data are shown as mean±SEMwith seven to nine animals per group.§ Groups of animals received intraperitoneal injections of each drug; controlswere age- and sex-matched and were injected with a similar volume of iso-tonic saline.

1502 J. Pinto, Y. P. Huang, and R. S. Rivlin

Page 4: Inhibition Riboflavin Metabolism in Rat Tissues


z:> o-1





10 _I0

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

mMFIGURE 2 Effect of chlorpromazine, imipramine and amitrip-tyline in increasing concentrations upon inhibiting the en-zymatic formation of [14C]FMN from ['4C]riboflavin in vitro.Conditions are the same as for the flavokinase assay, with eachdrug incubated for 5 min prior to the start of the reaction.

tyline also inhibited flavokinase actively in vitro but toa lesser degree than chlorpromazine, particularly atlower concentration. These data suggest that all threedrugs inhibit flavokinase, which is the first of two stepsin the formation of FAD from riboflavin.

Erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity andurinary riboflavin excretion. In order to gain some

understanding of the possible physiological conse-quences of the inhibition of FAD formation bypsychotropic drugs, experiments were performed inwhich rats received a relatively low dose of chlorprom-azine, 2 mg/kg body wt, for a 3- and 7-wk period. Atthe end of each period, the animals were killed andmeasurements were made of glutathione reductaseactivity in erythrocyte hemolysates.

Results of the measurements of glutathione reductaseat the end of each study period are shown in Table II.The basal activity of glutathione reductase differedslightly between both groups at both the 3- and the 7-wk period. A significant difference was noted betweencontrol and chlorpromazine-treated groups at both timeperiods in the activity determined after incubation withcofactor FAD in vitro, and in the activity coefficient,i.e., ratio of enzyme activity with to that without addi-tion of FADin vitro. The significant increase in the ac-tivity coefficient of glutathione reductase in thechlorpromazine-treated animals is in the same direc-tion as that observed with dietary riboflavin deficiency(23,24). Thus, the chronic administration of a relativelylow dose of chlorpromazine produces changes in ribo-flavin homeostasis that are detectable by assays thatare utilized to assess riboflavin deficiency clinically.

During the 3- and 7-wk experimental periods, meas-urements were made at intervals of the urinary ribo-flavin excretion, after the animals had been placed inmetabolic cages. As shown in Table II, after 3 and 7 wkof treatment with chlorpromazine, the urinary ribo-flavin excretion was more than twice that of pair-fedcontrols.

Hepatic concentrations of FAD, FMN, and riboflavin.

TABLE IIErythrocyte Glutathione Reductase Activity and Urinary Riboflavin Excretion in Adult Male Rats Treated

with Chlorpromazine, 2.0 mg/kg body wt, by Daily Intraperitoneal Injection for 3- and 7-wk Periods,and in Age- and Sex-matched Pair-fed Control Rats Treated with Saline*

Erythrocyte glutathione reductase activitytUrinary

Study Treatment Without FAD Activity riboflavinperiod group FAD added coefficient excretion t

tvk 1unolNADPH pnol NADPHoxidizedig oxidizedig mgImg

Hb per min Hb per min creatinine

3 Control 7.06±0.92 7.88± 1.03 1.13+0.02 3.92±0.35Chlorpromazine 9.73±1.00 12.24±1.07 1.28±0.04 9.13±0.48Significance of difference NS P < 0.02 P < 0.005 P < 0.001

7 Control 5.49±0.26 5.48±0.26 1.00±0.03 3.80±0.35Chlorpromazine 7.03±0.33 9.25±0.53 1.33±0.08 8.57±0.97Significance of difference P < 0.005 P < 0.001 P < 0.005 P < 0.001

* Data are shown as mean±SEMwith 8-13 animals per group.4 Urinary riboflavin excretions were obtained on the last day of the treatment period; erythrocyte glutathionereductase activities were measured in samples obtained at death.

Inhibition of Riboflavin Metabolism by Psychotropic Drugs 1503

Page 5: Inhibition Riboflavin Metabolism in Rat Tissues

To determine whether the inhibition of FAD forma-tion demonstrated above leads to actual tissue deple-tion, the concentrations of FAD, FMN, and riboflavinwere measured in liver at the end of the 7-wk period.Liver was selected for assay because this organ is themost sensitive one to dietary riboflavin deficiency (20).As shown in Table III, chlorpromazine treatment led tosignificant reductions in FADand FMNconcentrationscompared to pair-fed controls. This depletion of FADand FMN levels occurred despite a diet that wasabundant in riboflavin.


Despite widespread usage of phenothiazine deriva-tives and tricyclic antidepressants, the mechanismsunderlying the clinical actions of these drugs are com-plex and incompletely understood. With regard to thetoxicities of psychotropic agents that have been re-viewed elsewhere (25, 26), little attention has beenpaid to possible nutritional complications associatedwith their use. This series of investigations demon-strates that chlorpromazine, imipramine, and amitrip-tyline impair the incorporation of riboflavin into itsactive coenzyme form, flavin adenine dinucleotide.Diminished FAD formation is demonstrable in eachof the organs studied, i.e., liver, cerebrum, cerebellum,and heart. A likely underlying mechanism is inhibitionof the enzyme flavokinase, which catalyses the initialphosphorylation of riboflavin to form the coenzymeFMN, which then combines with a second molecule ofATP to yield FAD, the major biologically active flavincoenzyme, in a reaction catalyzed by FAD pyrophos-phorylase. It is not known whether these psycho-active drugs also inhibit FAD pyrophosphorylase, oralter the activities of the enzymes that are involvedin the degradation of FAD to riboflavin, namely FADpyrophosphatase and FMNphosphatase. Such modula-tions of phosphatase activities have been demon-strated in thiamine metabolism. Chlorpromazine de-creases thiamine triphosphatase activity and markedlyincreases thiamine diphosphatase activity (27).

TABLE IIIHepatic Concentrations of FAD, FMN, and Riboflavin in Liversof Rats Treated with Chlorpromazine (2.0 mg/kg) Daily for

7 wk and in Pair-fed Controls Treated with Saline*

Treatment group FAD FMN Riboflavin

lAglg pglg mglg

Pair-fed control 63.7±+1.2 10.7±0.6 1.6+0.1Chlorpromazine 58.2+1.0 8.9±0.3 1.7+0.1Significance of difference P < 0.005 P < 0.01 NS

* Data shown as mean+SEMwith eight animals per group.

The findings in the present report may be clinicallyrelevant because the dose of chlorpromazine that in-hibits FAD biosynthesis (2 mg/kg body wt) is wellwithin the ordinary therapeutic range for psychiatricpatients. In addition, it is of interest that riboflavinmetabolism in the animal as a whole appears to bedisturbed in animals treated with a low dose of chlor-promazine for a 3- or 7-wk period. The ratio of the ac-tivity of erythrocyte glutathione reductase after in-cubation with its cofactor FAD in vitro to the activityprior to incubation (activity coefficient) has been widelyused as an index of riboflavin deficiency (20, 23, 24).Greater than normal augmentation of activity after in-cubation with FADin vitro is thought to reflect under-saturation of the apoenzyme with its cofactor due todecreased riboflavin intake (20). In the present report,chlorpromazine-treated animals had significantly in-creased activity coefficients of glutathione reductaseeven though their dietary riboflavin intake was thesame as in pair-fed control rats and was -30 times therecommended dietary allowance (13). This finding cer-tainly suggests that chlorpromazine produces an en-dogenous form of riboflavin deficiency, resulting fromimpaired formation of FADfrom riboflavin, as we havepreviously observed in hypothyroidism (15). The pres-ent data do not exclude the possibility that chlorpro-mazine, which produces changes in the surface prop-erties of membranes (28), may impede the transport ofcirculating riboflavin into the erythrocyte or alter thebinding of FAD to erythrocyte glutathione reductase,as has been proposed for glucose-6-phosphate de-hydrogenase deficiency (29).

In chlorpromazine-treated rats the basal activity ofglutathione reductase was increased slightly com-pared to controls. Elevated glutathione reductaseactivity has been observed in a variety of diverseconditions, including iron deficiency (30), cobalt de-ficiency (31), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase de-ficiency (29), cancer (32), uremia (23), and cirrhosis ofthe liver (33). It is the elevated activity coefficient, notthe basal level, that appears to be the most reliableindex of riboflavin deficiency (20, 24).

The observation that chlorpromazine treatmentleads to a marked increase of urinary riboflavin ex-cretion to more than twice that of pair-fed controlsclearly indicates that riboflavin loss is a consequenceof drug treatment. Continued over a prolonged periodof time, drug treatment could result in significantdepletion of vitamin stores. Evidence that vitaminstores are in fact depleted by chlorpromazine at lowdoses has been provided here. Tissue concentrationsof FAD and FMNwere reduced significantly belowlevels in pair-fed controls after 7 wk of treatment withchlorpromazine despite a diet abundant in riboflavin.It is of interest that under these conditions free ribo-

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flavin concentrations in liver are not depleted. Sincethe block in riboflavin metabolism caused by the drugis presumably at the riboflavin to FMNstep, or possiblyalso at the FMNto FAD step, the levels of the initialsubstrate, i.e., riboflavin, would not be expected todecrease. By contrast, in dietary riboflavin deficiency,concentrations of FAD, FMN, and particularly ribo-flavin are all depleted (22). The increased urinaryexcretion of riboflavin is postulated to be an overflowphenomenon, resulting directly from tissue blockadeof utilization of riboflavin to form FAD.

The experiments in their entirety highlight pre-viously unrecognized nutritional consequences oftreatment with psychoactive drugs. The doses of chlor-promazine used in the rat are clearly comparable on aweight basis to those used clinically; doses of the tri-cyclic antidepressants appear to be generally higherthan those which are clinically relevant, but this pointneeds to be pursued in more detail. Some psychiatricpatients eat poorly and many are in a marginal nutri-tional state generally (34) that could be compounded bytreatment with drugs that cause increased vitaminexcretion. The present studies raise the possibilitythat drug-induced nutritional deficiency may be an un-recognized and undesirable result of antipsychoticdrug therapy in patients, particularly when treatment isprolonged. It must be emphasized that riboflavindeficiency, even when marginal and subclinical, willresult in significant deterioration of personality (35).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Roy

N. Barnett, Director of Laboratories at Norwalk Hospital,Norwalk, Conn., in providing access to laboratory facilities forcreatinine determinations.

This investigation was supported by research grants IP30CA-29502, AM-15265, and CA-12126 from the NationalInstitutes of Health, and by grants from the Stella and CharlesGuttman Foundation, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., the NationalDairy Council, the National Live Stock and Meat Board, theUnited States Brewers Association, and the FairchildFoundation.

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1506 J. Pinto, Y. P. Huang, and R. S. Rivlin