inglese: dieta mediterranea 9703

The M.d. can be represented graphically as a pyramid. On the lower level there are the foods that can be consumed Ancel keys the father of the mediterranean diet He discovered the Mediterranean diet following the fifth fleet, landed in Salerno in 1945 He discovered that in Cilento there was a law incidence of the “diseases of affluence” The basic elements are: •Cereals •Legumes •Vegetables • olive oil • fruit The food at the top should be eaten only a few times a month A few week a month A few week a week everyday Olive oil • is cholesterol free •it is a good source of antioxidant •It is also rich in vitamins Olive oil is a monosatured fatty acid The Mediterranean diet use Olive oil very much

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Mappa sulla dieta mediterranea e Ancel Keys


Page 1: Inglese: Dieta mediterranea 9703

The M.d. can be represented graphically as a pyramid.

On the lower level there are the foods that can be consumed everyday

Ancel keys the father of the mediterranean diet

He discovered the Mediterranean diet

following the fifth fleet, landed in Salerno in 1945

He discovered that in Cilento there was a law

incidence of the “diseases of affluence”

The basic elements are:•Cereals•Legumes•Vegetables• olive oil• fruit

The food at the top should be eaten only a few times a month

A few week a month

A few week a week


Olive oil • is cholesterol free

•it is a good source of antioxidant•It is also rich in vitamins

Olive oil is a monosatured fatty acid

The Mediterranean diet use Olive oil very much

Page 2: Inglese: Dieta mediterranea 9703

The M.d. can be represented graphically as a pyramid.

On the lower level there are the foods that can be consumed everyday

Ancel keys the father of the mediterranean diet

He discovered the Mediterranean diet

following the fifth fleet, landed in Salerno in 1945

He discovered that in Cilento there was a law

incidence of the “diseases of affluence”

The basic elements are:•Cereals•Legumes•Vegetables• olive oil• fruit

The food at the top should be eaten only a few times a month

A few week a month

A few week a week


Olive oil • is cholesterol free

•it is a good source of antioxidant•It is also rich in vitamins

Olive oil is a monosatured fatty acid

The Mediterranean diet use Olive oil very much

Ha scoperto la dieta mediterranea seguendo la quinta flotta, che è approdata a Salerno nel 1945

Scoprì che nel Cilento c’era una scarsa incidenza delle “malattie del


Gli elementi di base sono:Cereali, legumi, verdure, olio di oliva,


La dieta mediterranea usa molto l’olio d’oliva. L’olio d’oliva è un grasso acido insaturo. No ha il

colesterolo, è una buona risorsa di antiossidanti; è anche ricco di


Il padre della dieta mediterranea

La D.M. può essere rappresentata da una piramide

In basso ci sono i cibi da consumare ogni


I cibi in alto dovrebbero essere

mangiati solo un paio di volte al mese

Page 3: Inglese: Dieta mediterranea 9703

La D.M. può essere rappresentata da una piramide

In basso ci sono i cibi da consumare ogni giorno

Ancel keys Il padre della dieta mediterranea

I cibi in alto dovrebbero essere mangiati solo un paio di volte al mese

Un paio di volte al mese

Un paio di volte a settimana

Ogni giorno

Ha scoperto la dieta mediterranea seguendo la quinta flotta, che è approdata a Salerno

nel 1945

Scoprì che nel Cilento c’era una scarsa incidenza delle “malattie

del benessere”

Gli elementi di base sono:Cereali, legumi, verdure, olio di

oliva, frutta

La dieta mediterranea usa molto l’olio d’oliva.

L’olio d’oliva è un grasso acido insaturo.

No ha il colesterolo, è una buona risorsa di antiossidanti; è anche

ricco di vitamine.

Page 4: Inglese: Dieta mediterranea 9703

Ancel keys

Page 5: Inglese: Dieta mediterranea 9703

The M.d. can be represented graphically as a pyramid.

On the lower level there are the foods that can be consumed everyday

Ancel keys the father of the mediterranean diet

He discovered the Mediterranean diet

following the fifth fleet, landed in Salerno in 1945

He discovered that in Cilento there was a law

incidence of the “diseases of affluence”

The basic elements are:•Cereals•Legumes•Vegetables• olive oil• fruit

The food at the top should be eaten only a few times a month

A few week a month

A few week a week


Olive oil • is cholesterol free

•it is a good source of antioxidant•It is also rich in vitamins

Olive oil is a monosatured fatty acid

The Mediterranean diet use Olive oil very much

To discover, scoprireDiet (daiet), dietaTo follow (tu follou), seguireFifth (fift), quintaFleet (fliit), flottaTo land (tu lend), approdare

There was (der’ uos), c’eraLaw (lou), bassoIncidence (insidens), incidenzaDiseases (disi’si’s), malattieAffluence (effluens), benessere

Basic (besic), di baseElements(elemenz), elementiCereals (siriols)Vegetables (vegetabols), verdura

To use (tu ius), usareVery(veri), molto

Source (sourse), risorsaFree (frii), libero)Rich (ric), ricco

Pyramid (pairamid)As(es), comeRepresented, rappresentato

Lower(louer), più basso

To eat(tu it), mangiareEaten(iten), mangiatoShould(sciuld), dovrebberoMonth (mont), mese

Page 6: Inglese: Dieta mediterranea 9703

Affluence (effluens), benessere

As(es), come

Basic (besic), di base

Cereals (siriols)

Diet (daiet), dieta

Diseases (disi’si’s), malattie

Eaten(iten), mangiato

Elements(elemenz), elementi

Fifth (fift), quinta

Fleet (fliit), flotta

Free (frii), libero)

Incidence (insidens), incidenza

Law (lou), basso

Lower(louer), più basso

Month (mont), mese

Pyramid (pairamid)

Represented, rappresentato

Rich (ric), ricco

Should(sciuld), dovrebbero

Source (sourse), risorsa

There was (der’ uos), c’era

To discover, scoprire

To eat(tu it), mangiare

To follow (tu follou), seguire

To land (tu lend), approdare

To use (tu ius), usare

Vegetables (vegetabols), verdura

Very(veri), molto