informazioni personali cognome stroppa nome … 2017.pdfaugust 27th- sept 1st,2016- tartu (estonia),...

Curriculum Vitae © Unione europea, 2002-2017 | Pagina 1 / 15 INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Cognome STROPPA Nome ALESSANDRO ESPERIENZA PROFESSIONALE Da 30.10.2012 a oggi Tecnologo CNR (Tempo indeterminato) CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Attività di ricerca teorico-computazionale in Fisica dei Materiali. da 21.5.2012 a 30.10.2012 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.) CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studio teorico computazionale di composti ferroelettrici e magnetici (progetto FIRB). da 2.5.2011 a 1.5.2012 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.) CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studio teorico computazionale di composti multiferroici (progetto BISMUTH). da 2.11.2010 a 1.5.2011 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.) CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studio teorico computazionale di composti multiferroici (progetto BISMUTH). da 1.1.2010 a 31.10.2010 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.) CNISM-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studio teorico computazionale sui superconduttori. da 1.10.2009 a 31.12.2009 Assegnista di Ricerca CNR-INFM c/o CASTI Regional Laboratory. Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studi teorici sui multiferroici (BISMUTH). Da 01.10.2008 a 30.09.2009 Assegnista di Ricerca CNR-INFM c/o CASTI Regional Laboratory. Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studi teorici sui multiferroici (BISMUTH). Da 03.04.2006 a 30.09.2008 Post Doc CMS-University of Vienna. Sede di lavoro: Università di Vienna-Austria. Studi a principi primi su catalisi eterogenea e materiali multifunzionali con metodi avanzati in teoria del funzionale densità. Da 01.01.2006 a 31.03.2006 Post Doc Dipartimento Fisica Teorica-Università di Trieste. Sede di lavoro: Università di Trieste Studi a principi primi su localizzazione elettronica in eterostrutture a semiconduttore. OCCUPAZIONE PER LA QUALE SI CONCORRE Docenza a contratto

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Page 1: INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Cognome STROPPA Nome … 2017.pdfAugust 27th- Sept 1st,2016- Tartu (Estonia), “Vibronic Coupling and Electron- Phonon Interactions in Molecules and Crystals:

Curriculum Vitae

© Unione europea, 2002-2017 | Pagina 1 / 15




Da 30.10.2012 a oggi Tecnologo CNR (Tempo indeterminato)

CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila.

Attività di ricerca teorico-computazionale in Fisica dei Materiali.

da 21.5.2012 a 30.10.2012 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.)

CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila.

Studio teorico computazionale di composti ferroelettrici e magnetici (progetto FIRB).

da 2.5.2011 a 1.5.2012 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.)

CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila.

Studio teorico computazionale di composti multiferroici (progetto BISMUTH).

da 2.11.2010 a 1.5.2011 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.)

CNR-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila.

Studio teorico computazionale di composti multiferroici (progetto BISMUTH).

da 1.1.2010 a 31.10.2010 Ricercatore (Tempo determinato-III Liv.)

CNISM-Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila.

Studio teorico computazionale sui superconduttori.

da 1.10.2009 a 31.12.2009 Assegnista di Ricerca CNR-INFM c/o CASTI Regional Laboratory. Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip.

Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studi teorici sui multiferroici (BISMUTH). Da 01.10.2008 a 30.09.2009 Assegnista di Ricerca CNR-INFM c/o CASTI Regional Laboratory. Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila c/o Dip.

Scienze Fisiche e Chimiche-Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Studi teorici sui multiferroici (BISMUTH). Da 03.04.2006 a 30.09.2008 Post Doc CMS-University of Vienna. Sede di lavoro: Università di Vienna-Austria. Studi a principi primi su catalisi eterogenea e materiali multifunzionali con

metodi avanzati in teoria del funzionale densità. Da 01.01.2006 a 31.03.2006 Post Doc Dipartimento Fisica Teorica-Università di Trieste.

Sede di lavoro: Università di Trieste Studi a principi primi su localizzazione elettronica in eterostrutture a



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Da 01.01.2003 a 31.12.2005 Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica Dipartimento Fisica Teorica-Università di Trieste.

Sede di lavoro: Università di Trieste Studi a principi primi su interfaccie a semiconduttore e nuovi materiali. Da 01.08.2002 a 30.09.2002 Borsa di studio post-laurea Dipartimento Fisica Università degli Studi dell’Aquila.

Sede di lavoro: L’Aquila Studi a principi primi su semiconduttori magnetici. ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE

da 6.11.1995 a 19.6.2002

Laurea in Fisica (110/110 e Lode). Università degli studi dell’Aquila. Titolo della tesi: “Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of magnetic semiconductor” Relatori: Prof. A. Continenza; Dr. S. Picozzi

da 09.1990 a 07.1995 Diploma Liceo Scientifico (57/60). “G. Galilei”, Pescara.


• Spirito di gruppo; • Ottima capacità di adeguarsi ad ambienti multiculturali, comprovata dalle numerose esperienze lavorative

all’estero (convegni, visiting professor, etc). • Ottima capacità di comunicazione ottenuta dai numerosi seminari, relazioni su invito, insegnamenti in

Italia e all’estero. • Ottima capacità organizzativa nel campo della ricerca scientifica e gestione dei progetti di ricerca; • Ottima esperienza nella gestione di progetti e gruppi di collaboratori.



Ascolto Lettura Interazione Produzione orale

Inglese C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 Francese B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 Tedesco A1 A1 A1 A1 A1



My scientific field of interest is mainly solid-state physics and material science. I have a great experience in Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods for the study of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties using all-electrons as well as pseudopotential approaches implemented in numerical codes as VASP,FLAPW,EXCITING,YAMBO,ESPRESSO,ABINIT, etc. My research experiences deal with: dilute magnetic semiconductors, semiconductor heterostructures, magnetooptical properties, non-collinear magnetism, heterogeneous catalysis, application of methods beyond DFT in material science, such as hybrid-

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Curriculum Vitae

© Unione europea, 2002-2017 | Pagina 3 / 15

Awards, Fellowships • “Lodevole servizio presso CNR/SPIN” Rif. : CNR-CNR-SPIN Prot. 0000881 • Shanghai Eastern Scholar Chair Professor (Distinguished Visiting professor): 2017-2020; • China High End Foreign Expert 2017; • Shanghai High End foreign expert (Shanghai University) 2016; • Plenary Lecture, ROMPHYSCHEM 16, September 21-24, 2016, Galati, Romania. • Keynote Speaker, SPSSM-5, June 22nd to 27th 2014, Qingdao, China.; • Appointment as Visiting Research Scholar (North Carolina State University, Dep. Chemistry, USA): 2013-

2016; Extended till 2019. • National Scientific Abilitation as Associate Professor: Theoretical Condensed Matter, 02/B2 - II Fascia

(Tornata 2012); • Research Highlight talk at FEMS EUROMAT 2013, September 8-13 2013, Sevilla, Spain; • “Idoneità ” di ricercatore a Terzo-livello professionale ricercatore (“Qualified” as reasercher); Rif. : Bando

CNR N. 364.13, CNR N. 364.98, CNR N. 364.93, CNR N. 364.96 ; Prot.: AOO CNR-SPIN 0000957 2017-03-01

• “Best 2008 NJP Collection”: the article by A. Stroppa and G. Kresse 2008 New J. Phys. 10 063020 has been selected by the editors for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Best of 2008’ collection. Articles in this collection have been nominated on the basis of a range of criteria including referee endorsement, novelty, scientific impact and broad appeal";

• Sept 26-Oct 1 2005: 2nd best oral presentation in Condensed Matter Physics XCI Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica , Catania, Italy.;

• Sept 26-30 2011: 1st best oral presentation in Condensed Matter Physics XCVII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica , L'Aquila, Italy;

Research Projects Approved

1. Shangahi Eastern Chair Professor (2017-2020) , Shanghai Distinguished Visiting professor. (100.000 RMB). Status: started. Rif.: Yaru Zhao E113, ICQMS Office International Centre for Quantum and Molecular Structures, Shanghai University 99 Shangda Road, Shanghai 200444 China Ph.: 0086 21 66136132; e-mail: [email protected]

2. “Magnetic information storage in antiferromagnet spintronic devices (MAGISTER)”, 97 Keuro, PI: Matteo Cantoni (Politecnico di Milano) e Alessandro Stroppa (CNR-SPIN). Status: in progress. Rif.: Cariplo Foundation- MAGISTER Project 2013-0726

3. SEED project within the CNR-Italy:”Metal-Organic Frameworks: new routes to multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity. A joint theoretical and experimental study ”, in collaboration (experimental part) with Dr. D. Paparo (CNR-SPIN-Napoli). Budget: 3500 euro. Status: closed. Rif.: SPIN-CNR SEED project PAQSE001 “Metalorganic frameworks, new routes to multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity”.

4. ''Hard Resonant X-ray Diffraction investigation on multiferroic MOFs'', C. Mazzoli (PI), C. Vecchini, G. Ghiringhelli, A. Stroppa, M. Sanchez Andujar, J.M. Pérez, P. Barone, S. Rif. : MT8350). Status: Closed

functional and GW; multiferroics, organic ferroelectrics, metal-organic framework, non-linear optics (Second Harmonic Generation), perovskite halides, EMOKE (Electric-Magneto-Optical-Kerr Effect).



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Bilater Agreements

1. Density Functional Theory calculations for lanthanide complexes, Joint Project (2014-2016) with Romanian Academy of Science. PI: A. Stroppa and F. Cimpoesu. (11.4 Keuro). Status: closed. Rif. AMMCNT-CNR N.0006436 27/01/2014.

2. Density Functional Study of multifunctional materials- Joint Project (2014-2015) with Fudan University (China). Status: closed. Rif. : SVS_2013028

Short Term Mobility programs

1. Leibniz Institute IFW Dresden (Germany), Prof. J. van den Brink 13.7.2014-3.8.2014. Rif. : CNR N.26336 del 3.4.2014. Status: closed.

HPC Grants Principal investigator (PI):

1. “Tunability and enhancement of second-harmonic generation in non-centrosymmetric two-dimensional materials “,2D-SHG , 70.000 hours (h). Rif.: Class C: 2D-SHG - HP10C78VL8

2. “Ab-initio study of new Multiferroic Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)” (MultiMOF ); 9.500.000 h on FERMI Blue Gene/Q supercomputer at Cineca Rif.: Class A: MultiMOF - HP10AKMXSH

3. “MEMOIR- Multiferroic and magnetoElectric Metal OrganIc framewoRks”, 15.000.000 SPTE. 3 000 000 h . Rif.: Class A: Memoir - HP10ASWI27

4. Standard HPC Grant 2011 at Consorzio Caspur (Roma-Italy) “Ab-initio study of new multiferroic materials”, Total CPU time: 100.000 h; Rif. :Not available

5. Standard HPC Grant 2010 at Consorzio Caspur (Roma-Italy) “Ab-initio study of multiferroic compounds by DFT and hybrid DFT/HF methods”, Total CPU time: 90.000 h; Rif.: Prot. 240/10-Roma, 12.2.2010.

Conferences/School organizer

• Ab-initio Spin-Orbitronics, 25-29 Sept, 2018 (Local Supporting Organizer) • Shanghai International Crystallographic School, 11-17 June 2017-Shanghai (China); • Sept 07-11 2010 “European School for Multiferroics 2010”, L’Aquila, Italy (Local Organizer); • Sept 19-Oct 22 2010 “Aquifer: AQUila Initiatives for FERroics” , L’Aquila, Italy (Local Organizer);

Talks@conferences (33 talks; 15 invited whereof 1 Plenary, 1 Keynote speaker) 1. Sept 21st-23rd 2016, Galati (Romania), ROMPHYSCHEM 16, “Dipole ordering and its interplay with spin-orbit coupling

in perosvkite halide solar cells”, Plenary Lecture,Invited 2. August 27th- Sept 1st,2016- Tartu (Estonia), “Vibronic Coupling and Electron- Phonon Interactions in Molecules and

Crystals: XXIII International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect”, talk:”Analogies between Jahn-Teller and Rashba Spin Physics”, talk: “Analogies between Jahn-Teller and Rashba Spin Physics”, Invited.

3. June 22-26, 2016, Shanghai (China), CNNEM-2016, “Dipole ordering and its interplay with spin-orbit coupling in perosvkite halide solar cells”, Invited.

4. May, 1-6, 2016, Lille (France), EMRS, “High-temperature ferroelectricity and strong magnetoelectric effects in a hybrid organic/inorganic perovskite framework”.

5. Sept, 6-10, 2015, San Sebastian (Spain), “First Principle Approach to M-nitronyl nitroxide (M=Co,Mn) spin helices. 6. July, 7-10, 2014, ROCAM 2015, Bucharest, “Highly tunable ferroelectric polarization and its interplay with spin-orbit

coupling in tin iodide perovskites”, Invited. 7. July, 7-10, 2014, ROCAM 2015, Bucharest, “Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Metal-Organic Frameworks” 8. July 2-4, 2015, IBWAP 2015, Constanta, Romania, “Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Metal-Organic Frameworks”,

Invited. 9. Oct 24-29, 2014, IUMRS-ICYRAM2014, Haikou, China, “Highly tunable ferroelectric polarization and its interplay with

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spin-orbit coupling in tin iodide perovskites”, Invited. 10. June 29-July 3rd,2014, MISM, Moscow, Russia, “Multiferroic MOFs”, Invited. (Trip Cancelled) 11. June, 22nd-27th ,2014, SPSSM-5, Qingdao, China.” Ferroelectricity and magnetism in MOFs” Key Note speaker.

Invited 12. May 28th 2013, Symposium on Coordination Networks and Molecular Nano Magnets ”Multiferroic metal-organic

frameworks”, Université Paris Sud, Invited by Prof. T. Mallah; 13. March 10 - 15 2013, DPG Conference, “ Ferroelectricity in organic and hybrid organic-inorganic compounds”,

Regensburg-Germany.-Invited. 14. October 22-24 2012, “MAMA hybrids: Multifunctional hybrids and organics”, ”Multiferroicity and Magnetoelectricity

in a Metal-Organic Framework ”, Ischia (Naples), Italy; 15. October 2-4 2012, “Functional Molecules on Surfaces: New Building Blocks for Nano-Spintronics”, ”Polar and

Magneto-Electric Properties of Anti-Ferrodistortive Ordered Jahn-Teller Distortions in a metal-organic multiferroic ”,Bonn, Germany;

16. September 20-21 2012, “Advances in Structure-Property Correlations, the Gate for Special Properties at Molecular and Nano-Scale Levels”, ”Interplay between hydrogen bondings, ferroelectricity and magnetism in multiferroic and magnetoelectric metal-organic frameworks ” (invited) , Bucharest, Romania;

17. August 26-31 2012, “XXIst International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect”, ”Polar and Magneto-Electric Properties of Anti-Ferrodistortive Ordered Jahn-Teller Distortions in a metal-organic multiferroic ” (invited) ,Tsukuba, Japan;

18. April 23-25 2012, “New routes to single phase multiferroics”,” Multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in a metal-organic framework” (invited), Wilhelm und Else Heraeus- Seminar, Physik-Zentrum Bad Honnef, Germany;

19. March 23 2012, Electronic Ferroelectricity – ELF2012, “New routes to multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity”, Salerno, Italy.

20. March 25 - 30 2012, DPG Conference, “Guest molecules in ABX3 metal-organic frameworks: multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity”, Berlin-Germany.

21. Sept 26-30, 2011 “SIF Conference: Italian Physical Society”, “Interplay between ferroelectricity and orbital ordering and electric control of magnetization in a metal-organic framework, L'Aquila, Italy.

22. Sept 12-16, 2010 “Psi-k Conference 2010”, “Hybrid functionals applied to multiferroics”, Berlin (Germany) ; 23. June 7, 2010 “Universities meet industries in L’Aquila (Material science)”, University of L’Aquila “Hybrid functionals

applied to functional materials”,(invited) 24. May 26-28, 2010 ‘Theory of Magnetoelectrics: Fundamentals and Applications”, CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne,

Switzerland “Hybrid functional study of proper and improper multiferroics” (invited) 25. Sept 27-30, 2009 Joint Conference on Advanced Materials, FNMA09-IMIM09, Sulmona-L’Aquila, Italy “Hybrid

functional study of prototypical multiferroics”, 26. July 26-31 2009 International Conference on Magnetism ICM09 Karlsruhe, Germany “Hybrid functional study of

prototypical multiferroics”, 27. Dec 12-15 2007 6th International Workshop NSoS ’Nanoscience on Surfaces’ Bildungszentrum St. Magdalena,A-

4040 Linz, Schatzweg 177 “CO dissociation on modified Rh steps”, 28. Apr 25-27 2007 NSoS ’Nanoscience on Surfaces’ Barbiano (BZ), Italy “CO adsorption on metal surfaces: a hybrid

density functional study”, 29. Sept 4-8 2006 2006 E-MRS Fall Meeting Warsaw, Poland “Non-collinear Instability of Ferromagnetic Mn5Ge3

compound”, 30. March 13-17 2006 APS March Meeting 2006 , Baltimore (Maryland), USA “Structural, electronic and magnetic

properties of Mn-doped GaAs(110) surface”, 31. Sept 26-Oct 1 2005 XCI Congresso Nazionale Societ` Italiana di Fisica a Catania, Italy “Structural, electronic and

magnetic properties of (110) cross-sectional surface of Mn delta-doped GaAs.”, 32. Sept 17-21 2005 Psi-K 2005 Conference, Schwäbish Gmünd, Germany “Structural, electronic and magnetic

properties of Mn doped GaAs(110) surface”, 33. May 24-28 2004 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2004 Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France

“Stability, electronic and structural properties of defected ZnSe/GaAs(001) heterostructures”, Seminar Talks (26) 1. 30.3.2017, “Analogies between Jahn-Teller and Rasbha spin physics”, Fudan university, Shanghai, China. 2. 16.3.2017, “Hybrid inorganic-organic perovskites”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,

Huazhong, China 3. 27.6.2016, “Dipole ordering and spin-textures in halide perovskites”, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 4. 20.6.2016, “ Hybrid organic-inorganic materials: multiferroic and magnetoelectric MOFs”, Institute of Physics

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

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5. 18.6.2016, “Dipole ordering and spin-orbit properties in perovskite solar cells”, Ordered Matter Science Research Center, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

6. 10.3.2016, “Multifunctional hybrid frameworks”, ICQMS, Shanghai University; 7. 7.3.2016, “Multiferroic metal-organic frameworks”, Ordered Matter Science Research Center, Southeast

University, Nanjing, China 8. 17.12.2015, “Functional hybrid materials”, Universidade da Coruña,Campus de Elviña 15071 A Coruña

(Spain) 9. 14.9.2015, “Multifunctional hybrid organic-inorganic materials”, Universidad del Pais Vasco (Bilbao, Spain). 10. 6.5.2015, “Ferroelectricity and magnetism in hybrid organic-inorganic compounds”, Institute of Physical

Chemistry of the Romanian Academy of Science (Invited by Dr. F. Cimpoesu). 11. 27.10.2013, “Ferroelectricity and magnetism in hybrid organic-inorganic compounds” Cambridge University

(UK), invited by Prof. A.K. Cheetham. 12. 19.6.2014, Fudan University, “Ferroelectricity and magnetism in hybrid-inorganic compounds”,invited by

Prof. Hua Wu. 13. 7.5.2013, ”Multiferroic metal-organic frameworks”, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos, USA),

invited by Dr. V. Zapf and P. Jain; 14. 2.5.2013, ”Multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in a metal-organic frameworks”, Cornell University (Ithaca,

USA), invited by Prof. C.J. Fennie; 15. 28.4.2013, ”Multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in a metal-organic frameworks”, Drexel University,

(Philadelphia, USA), 28.4.2013, invited by Prof. J.M. Rondinelli; 16. 19.4.2013, ”Multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in a metal-organic frameworks”, Argonne National

Laboratory (USA), invited by Prof. S. W. Hla; 17. 16.4.2013, ”Multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in a metal-organic frameworks”, North Carolina State

University (USA), invited by Prof. M. Whangbo (Distinguished Prof. of Chemistry); 18. 23.11.2012, ”Multiferroic MOFs”, 23,11,2012, Institute of Nanoscience, Paris, France, invited by Dr. S.

Stankic. 19. 22.11.2012, ”Multiferroic MOFs”, Université d'Artois, invitated by Prof. R. Desfeux. 20. 3.9.2012,”Multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in a metal-organic frameworks”, The University of Tokyo,

Department of Chemical System Engineering, upon invitation of Prof. K. Yamashita 21. 3.9.2012, ”Hybrid Functionals in a nutshell: theory and applications”, The University of Tokyo, Department of

Chemical System Engineering, upon invitation of Prof. K. Yamashita 22. 4.2.2011, ”Hybrid Functionals in a nutshell: theory and applications” at Department of Physics and

Astronomy Rutgers University, NJ (USA), invitation Prof. D. Vanderbilt; 23. 14.7.2010, ”Hybrid Functionals in a nutshell: theory and applications” at University of Cologne, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Dep. of Physics, upon invitation of Dr. Hua Wu; 24. 7.7.2010 , “Hybrid functionals applied to functional materials”, at Departamento de Fisica de la Materia

Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Pas Vasco, Apartado Postal 644, Bilbao, (Spain), upon invitation of Prof. J.M. Pérez-Mato;

25. 7.6.2010 , “Hybrid functionals applied to functional materials”, at “Universities meet industries in L’Aquila, (Material science)”, (Workshop), invited by M. Aschi, Department of Chemistry and Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of L’Aquila;

26. 21.5.2010, ”Hybrid Functionals in a nutshell: theory and applications” at Computational Materials Theory Group- Trinity College Dublin- School of Physics-Dublin (Ireland) invited by Dr. C. Ederer.

27. 3.3.2010, ”Hybrid Functionals in a nutshell: theory and applications” at Institute of Solid State Research (IFF)-Ger many invited by Prof. S. Bluegel (1.3.2010- 6.3.2010);

Book Chapters 1. A. Stroppa, et al. “The How-To Guide to Computational Crystallography”, in “Quantum Nanosystems

Structure, Properties, and Interactions”, (CRC Press, Taylor&Francis group),Editor: Prof. Mihai V. Putz. Rif. : ISBN: 978-1-926895-90-1;URL:

2. A. Stroppa et al. “Ferroelectricity and Spin-Orbit coupling in Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Halides”, in “Theoretical Modeling of Mixed Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications”, (CRC Press, Taylor&Francis group). Editors: Prof. G. Giorgi and Prof. K. Yamashita. Rif. ISBN 9781498750783 - CAT# K27217

Posters (32) 1. A.Stroppa, “Interplay between dipole moments and spin-orbit coupling in perovskite solar-cells”, May, 1-6, 2016, Lille

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(France), EMRS; 2. A. Stroppa et al. “Ferroelectric control of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Mn2Au/BaTiO3 interface”,Sept., 6-10 2015,

San Sebastian, Spain. 3. A.Stroppa et al. “Highly tunable ferroelectric polarization and its interplay with spin-orbit coupling in perovskite

halides”, Sept., 6-10 2015, San Sebastian, Spain. 4. A. Stroppa et al, “Ferroelectricity and Magnetism in hybrid organic-inorganic compounds”, Sept., 6-10 2015, San

Sebastian, Spain. 5. M. Cantoni, A. Stroppa, D. Petti, C. Rinaldi, L. Baldati, “Magnetic Information Storage in AFM spintronic devices”, Oct

24-29, 2014, IUMRS-ICYRAM2014, Haikou, China, 6. M. Cantoni, A. Stroppa, D. Petti, C. Rinaldi, L. Baldati, “Magnetic Information Storage in AFM spintronic devices”,

22.-27.06.2014, 5th International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationships in Solid State Materials, Qingdao, China

7. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid improper ferroelectricity and magnetoelectricity in a Multiferroic Metal-Organic Framework”, May 20-23 2013, “Mama Trend”, Sorrento (Italy).

8. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Ab–initio study of organic multiferroics”, Sept 12-16 2010, “Psi-k Conference 2010”, Berlin (Germany).

9. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, Sept 12-16 2010, “Psi-k Conference 2010”, Berlin (Germany).

10. A. Stroppa and G. Kresse, “The shortcomings of semi-local and hybrid functionals: what we can learn from surface science studies”, Sept 12-16 2010, “Psi-k Conference 2010”, Berlin (Germany).

11. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, March 25-27, 2009 FOXE:Functional Oxides for Electronics Villa Angelina, Massa Lubrense, Sorrento (NA)

12. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, Sept 27-30, 2009, Joint Conference on Advanced Materials, FNMA09-IMIM09, Sulmona-L’Aquila, Italy

13. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, Sept 7-11,2009, “European School for Multiferroics 2009” Groningen, The Netherlands

14. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, June 10-11 2010, “SPIN Kick-off Meeting”, Genova, Italy;

15. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, June 28-July 3 2010, “Summer School on Computational Materials Sciences”, Miramar Palace, San Sebastian, Spain.

16. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, July 26-31 July 2019, “Simulating Spectroscopy using Quantum-ESPRESSO”,Trieste,Italy.

17. A. Stroppa and S. Picozzi, “Hybrid functional study of multiferroics”, Sept 12-16 2010, “Psi-k Conference 2010”, Berlin (Germany).

18. A. Stroppa and G. Kresse, “Unraveling the Jahn-Teller effect in Mn doped GaN”, EPS-CMD22 2008 August 25-29, 2008, Università degli Studi, La Sapienza ROMA (Italy);

19. A. Stroppa and G. Kresse, “Unraveling the Jahn-Teller effect in Mn doped GaN”, Summer School, ”Nanomagnetism and Spintronics, Prague, September 5-13, 2008

20. A. Stroppa and F. Mittendorfer, “CO dissociation on stepped Rh(553) surfaces”, in: IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T2007, July 2-7,2007, Stockholm. Sweden.

21. A. Stroppa, K. Termentzidis, J. Paier, G. Kresse, J. Hafner, “CO adsorption on metal surfaces: a hybrid density functional study with plane wave basis set”,13th International Workshop on Computational Physics and Material Science: Total Energy and Force Methods (2007),ICTP, Trieste, Italy;

22. A. Stroppa, K. Termentzidis, J. Paier, G. Kresse, J. Hafner, “CO adsorption on metal surfaces: a hybrid density functional study with plane wave basis set”, NSoS ’Nanoscience on Surfaces’, Barbiano (BZ), Italy;

23. A. Stroppa, K. Termentzidis, J. Paier, G. Kresse, J. Hafner, “CO adsorption on metal surfaces: a hybrid density functional study with plane wave basis set”, 71st Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, March 27-29, 2007, Regensburg, Germany;

24. A. Stroppa, K. Termentzidis, J. Paier, G. Kresse, J. Hafner, “CO adsorption on metal surfaces: a hybrid density functional study with plane wave basis set”, ”Theory meets industry”, June 12-14, 2007, Wien, Austria;

25. A. Stroppa, K. Termentzidis, J. Paier, G. Kresse, J. Hafner, “CO adsorption on metal surfaces: a hybrid density functional study with plane wave basis set”, IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T2007, July 2-7,2007, Stockholm. Sweden.

26. A. Stroppa, M. Peressi, and X. Duan, “Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Mn doped GaAs(110) surface”, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2005 Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France.

27. A. Stroppa, M. Peressi, and X. Duan, “Structural,electronic and magnetic properties of Mn doped GaAs(110) surface”, Matter, Materials and Modelling Meeting (MMDMeeting) (2005), Genova (Italy).

28. A. Stroppa and M. Peressi, “ZnSe/GaAs(001) heterostructures with defected interfaces: stability,structural and electronic properties”, in: 12th International Workshop on Computational Physics and Material Science: Total Energy and Force Methods (2005),ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

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29. S. Picozzi, A. Continenza, A. Stroppa, M. Kim, and A.J. Freeman, “Magneto-optical properties in diluted magnetic semiconductors: a first-principles approach”, 12th International Workshop on Computational Physics and Material Science: Total Energy and Force Methods (2005),ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

30. A. Stroppa and M. Peressi, “Local interface composition and electronic structures of defected ZnSe/GaAs(001) heterostructures”, INFMeeting (2004), Genova, Italy

31. A. Stroppa and M. Peressi, “Composition fluctuations in semiconductor alloys heterostructures: local strain ad electronic structure effects”, INFMeeting (2003), Genova, Italy;

32. A. Stroppa and M. Peressi, “Composition fluctuations in semiconductor alloys heterostructures: local strain ad electronic structure effects”, “Scuola Nazionale di Fisica della Materia 2003”, Villa Gualino (Torino), Italy.

Workshops and Conferences (56) 1. Sept 21st-23rd 2016, Galati (Romania), ROMPHYSCHEM 16; 2. August 27th- Sept 1st,2016- Tartu (Estonia), XXIII International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect; 3. June 22-26-2016, CNNEM-2016, Shanghai (China); 4. May, 1-6, 2016, Lille (France), EMRS; 5. Sept., 6-10, 2015, Psi-K 2015, San Sebastian, Spain; 6. July, 7-10, 2015, ROCAM 2015, Bucharest; 7. July 2-4, 2015, IBWAP 2015, Constanta, Romania; 8. Oct 24-29, 2014, IUMRS-ICYRAM2014, Haikou, China; 9. Oct 20-21, 2014, “Workshop on novel properties of spin-orbit coupling in condensed matter”, Haikou, China; 10. June 29-July 3rd, 2014, MISM, Moscow, Russia (trip cancelled); 11. June, 22nd-27th, 2014, SPSSM-5, Qingdao, China; 12. May 20-23 2013, “Mama Trend”, Sorrento, Italy; 13. March 10-15 2013, “DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section”, Regensburg, Germany; 14. October 22-24 2012, “MAMA hybrids: Multifunctional hybrids and organics”,Ischia (Naples), Italy; 15. October 2-4 2012, “Functional Molecules on Surfaces: New Building Blocks for NanoSpintronics”,Bonn, Germany; 16. September 20-21 2012, “Advances in Structure-Property Correlations, the Gate for Special Properties at Molecular

and Nano-Scale Levels”, Bucharest, Romania; 17. August 26-31 2012, “XXIst International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect”,Tsukuba, Japan; 18. April 23-25 2012, “New routes to single phase multiferroics”, Wilhelm und Else Heraeus- Seminar, Physik-Zentrum Bad

Honnef, Germany; 19. March 20-23, MAMA-ProTheo - Multifunctional Advanced Materials: Probe and Theory, Salerno, Italy; 20. March 23 2012, Electronic Ferroelectricity - ELF2012, Salerno, Italy; 21. April, 23-25 2012, 505. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus- Seminar, Physik-Zentrum Bad Honnef, Germany; 22. March 25 - 30 2012, DPG Conference, Berlin-Germany; 23. Oct 17-21 2011 Workshop on “New Materials for Renewable Energy”,Trieste-Italy; 24. Sept 12-16 2010 “Psi-k Conference 2010”, Berlin, Germany; 25. June 10-11 2010 “SPIN Kick-off Meeting”, Genova, Italy; 26. June 7 2010 “Universities meet industries in L’Aquila (Material science)”, University of L’Aquila; 27. May 26-28 2010 Workshop “Theory of Magnetoelectrics: Fundamentals and Applications”; 28. CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland; 29. Sept 27-30, 2009 Joint Conference on Advanced Materials, FNMA09-IMIM09, Sulmona-L’Aquila, Italy; 30. July 26-31, 2009 Internation Conference on Magnetism, Karlsruhe, Germany; 31. April 16-19, 2009 Ψ − k Workshop on Magnetism in Complex Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna,

Austria; 32. March 25-27, 2009 FOXE:Functional Oxides for Electronics Villa Angelina, Massa Lubrense, Sorrento (NA); 33. Nov 03-06, 2008 7th International Workshop NSoS ’Nanoscience on Surfaces’, Burg Schlaining, Austria; 34. Aug 25-28, 2008 EPS-CMD22, The 22nd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European

Physical Society, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy; 35. Dec 12-15, 2007 6th International Workshop NSoS ’Nanoscience on Surfaces’, Linz, Austria; 36. July 2-7, 2007 IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T2007, Stockholm, Sweden; 37. June 12-14, 2007 ”Theory meets industry”, Wien, Austria; 38. Apr 25-27 2007 NSoS ’Nanoscience on Surfaces’ Barbiano (BZ), Italy; 39. March 27-29, 2007 71stAnnual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Regensburg, Germany; 40. Jan 11-13 2007 “Thirteenth International Workshop on Computational Physics and Material Science: Total Energy and

Force Methods”, ICTP,Trieste, Italy; 41. Sept 5-6 2006 2006 Workshop on “Modeling real materials from first-principles” Warsaw, Poland; 42. Sept 4-8 2006 2006 E-MRS Fall Meeting Warsaw, Poland;

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43. May 29-31 2006 JRP Workshop “NanoScience on Surfaces” Stadtschlaining, Austria 44. March 13-17 2006 APS March Meeting 2006 , Baltimore (Maryland), USA; 45. Oct 17-29 2005 Workshop on Physics for Renewable Energy Miramare-Trieste, Italy; 46. Sept 26-Oct 1 2005 XCI Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica Catania, Italy; 47. Sept 17-21 2005 Psi-k 2005 Conference, Schwäbish Gmünd, Germany; 48. June 27 - July 1 2005 “Conference on Single Molecule Magnets and Hybrid Magnetic Nanostructures”, ICTP, Trieste,

Italy; 49. June 22-25 2005 MMDMeeting 2005, Genova, Italy; 50. May 31-June 3 2005 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France; 51. Jan 13-15 2005 “Twelfth International Workshop on Computational Physics and Material Science: Total Energy and

Force Methods”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 52. June 8-10 2004 INFMeeting 2004, Genova, Italy; 53. May 24-28 2004 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2004 Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France; 54. Dec 9-12 2003 “Euronanoforum2003”, Trieste, Italy; 55. June 23-25 2003 INFMeeting 2003, Genova, Italy; 56. Jan 16-18 2003 “Eleventh International Workshop on Computational Physics and Material Science: Total Energy and

Force Methods”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; Schools (21) 1. June 7th-9th, 2014, “Hands-on Tutorial on Excited State Spectroscopy: GW and BSE using the Yambo code”, Roma, Italy 2. August 2-8, 2012, “How Exciting! Hands-on Workshop on Excitations in Solids 2012”, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin,

Germany ; 3. May 17-19 2011 “Introduzione al calcolo parallelo con MPI e OpenMP” Roma, Italy 4. April 19-21 2011 “Introduzione all’amministrazione di sistemi Linux -Workstation”, Roma, Italy 5. Sept 26-Oct 1 2010 “European School for Multiferroics 2010” L’Aquila, Italy 6. Oct 1-Oct 22 2010 Aquifer: AQUila Initiatives for FERroics, A five week research program on ferroic materials, L’Aquila,

Italy ; 7. July 26-31 July 2010 Simulating Spectroscopy using Quantum-ESPRESSO, Trieste, Italy. 8. June 28-July 3 2010 Summer School on Computational Materials Sciences, Miramar Palace, San Sebastian, Spain 9. March 8-19 2010 “41st IFF Spring School: Electronic Oxides: Correlation Phenomena, Exotic Phases, and Novel

Functionalities. Juelich-Germany 10. Sept 7-11 2009 “European School for Multiferroics 2009” Groningen, The Netherlands 11. June 21-27 2009 “International school on the use and applications of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server” , Lekitio (Bilbao),

Spain 12. September 5-13 2008 “Summer School Nanomagnetism and Spintronics” ,Prague, Czech Republic 13. July 22-28 2007 “Ab-initio Many-Body Theory” , San Sebastian, Spain. 14. July 4-15 2005 “14th Scuola Estiva di Calcolo Parallelo (14th summer school on Parallel Computing)”,CINECA, Bologna,

Italy. 15. Feb 7-18 2005 “Winter College on Optics and Photonics in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. 16. Feb 3-24 2005 DEMOCRITOS “Course on Tools for Computational Physics”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. 17. Jan 17-21 2005 ESPRESSO Tutorial: Tutorial on the ab–initio simulation of the electronic,structural and dynamical

properties of materials: a hands-on introduction to the ESPRESSO package (PWscf-FPMD-CP), ICTP, Trieste, Italy. 18. May 24 - June 11 2004 “Spring College on Science at the Nanoscale”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. 19. Sep 15-19 2003 “Scuola Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (National school on Physics of Matter)”, course “Scienza delle

superfici (Surface Science)”, Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy. 20. Mar 26-27 2003 “Introduzione al Fortran 90 (Introduction to Fortran 90)” Cineca, Bologna, Italy 21. Jan 16 - Feb 4 2003 “Winter College on Numerical Methods in Electronic Structure Theory”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy Scientific collaborations (Present) 1. Prof. W. Ren, Shanghai University, ICQMS, Shanghai (China); 2. Prof. Hua Wu, Fudan University, Shanghai (China); 3. Prof. C. Draxl, Humboldt University, Berlin- Germany 4. Prof. J. M. Pérez-Mato Departamento de Fsica de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Pas

Vasco, Apartado Postal 644, Bilbao, Spain 5. Dr. S. Picozzi, CNR-SPIN, L'Aquila, Italy; 6. Prof. M. Whangbo, NCSU, USA. 7. Prof. C. Franchini and Prof. G. Kresse (University of Vienna).

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Short term visits • 21.5.2017-24.6.2017, Shanghai University, ICQMS, (China) (Prof. W. Ren). • 11.3.2017-13.4.2018, Shanghai University, ICQMS, (China) (Prof. W. Ren). • 16-17 March 2017, Huanzong University Science and Technology, (China), (Prof. W. Li). • 9.6.2016-30.6.2016, Shanghai University, ICQMS, (China) (Prof. W. Ren). • 31.5.2016-3.6.2016, Romanian Academy of Science, Bucharest (Romania). (Dr. Fanica Cimpoesu). • 28.2.2016-15.3.2016, Shanghai University, ICQMS, (China) (Prof. W. Ren). • 17-19.12.2015, Universidade da Coruña, Campus de Elviña 15071 A Coruña (Spain) • 13-17.12.2015, Universidad del Pais Vasco (Bilbao, Spain). • 7.6.2015-19.6.2015, University of Vienna (Austria), invitation by Prof. C. Franchini • 18.10.2014-24.10.2014, Fudan University (China), invitation by Prof. Hua Wu. • 16.6.2014-21.6.2014, Fudan University (China), invitation by Prof. Hua Wu. • 23.3.2014-4.4.2014, Vienna University, VASP group, invitation by Prof. C. Franchini and Prof. G. Kresse • 17-24.6.2013 Université d'Artois, Faculté des Sciences Jean Perrin, Lens (France), invitation by Prof. A. Sayede; • 27-29.5.2013 ICMMO - UMR 8182 - Université Paris-Sud 11 Paris (France), invitation by Prof. T. Mallah; • 5-10.5.2013 Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos, USA), 7.5.2013, invitation by Prof. V. Zapf; • 1-4.5.2013 Cornell University (Ithaca, USA), invitation by Prof. C.J. Fennie; • 28.4-1.5.2013 Drexel University (Philadelphia, USA), invitation by Prof. J.M. Rondinelli; • 18-21.4.2013 Argonne National Laboratory (USA), invitation by Prof. S. W. Hla; • Apr. 3rd – April 28st 2013, North Carolina State University, upon invitation of Prof. M. Whangbo (Distinguished Prof. of

Chemistry). • Aug. 1-11 2012, Humbdolt University, Berlin-Germany, upon invitation of Prof. C.Draxl. • Dec 15-17 2011, University of Aveiro, Portugal, upon invitation of Prof. V. Amaral. • Oct 16-26 2011, ICTP Trieste, upon invitation of Dr. R. Gebauer. • Jan 18-March 5 2011 Rutgers University, upon invitation of Proof. D. Vanderbilt • July 13-15 2010 University of Cologne, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Dep. of Physics, upon invitation of

Dr. Hua Wu • July 5-10 2010 Departamento de Fsica de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Pas Vasco,

Apartado Postal 644, Bilbao (Spain) upon invitation by Prof. J.M. Pé́rez-Mato • May 19-23 2010 Computational Materials Theory Group- Trinity College Dublin School of Physics-Dublin (Ireland) upon

invitation by Dr. C. Ederer • March 1-20 2010 Institute of Solid State Research (IFF) upon invitation by Prof. S. Bluegel (Head at IFF-Institute) • Aug 1-10 2009 University of Vienna and Center for Computational Material Science (CMS) in collaboration with Prof. G.

Kresse; • Apr 16-24 2009 University of Vienna and Center for Computational Material Science (CMS) in collaboration with Prof. G.


Teaching A.A. 2016-2017 *) Inorganic Chemistry (30 hours) for Medical Science (1st semester); Rif.: prot. N. 2043 L’Aquila 14.6.2016 *) Geometry (48 hours, 8 CFU), for Scienze della Formazione Primaria (Learning Science) (1st semester); Rif. Prot. N. 988, L’Aquila- 18/7/2016 *) Social statistics (36 hours, 6 CFU), for Human Science (1st semester); Rif. : Prot. N 988, L’Aquila- 18/7/2016. A.A. 2015-2016 *) Inorganic Chemistry (30 hours) for Medical Science (1st semester); Rif. : Prot. N 2406-L’Aquila 13.7.2015; *) Geometry (48 hours, 8 CFU), for Scienze della Formazione Primaria (Learning Science) (1st semester); Rif. : bando n. 13/2015 del 2.7.2015 - prot. n. 515 *) Social statistics (36 hours; 6 CFU), for Human Science (1st semester); Rif. : bando n. 13/2015 del 2.7.2015 - prot. n. 515 *) Students tutor (15 hours), Physics 1, for Physics (2nd semester); Rif.: Antonella Giuliani; +39 0862433010; [email protected]. *) Students tutor (20 hours), Probability calculus, for Information Science (2nd semester); Rif.: Annamaria Ciccone, +39 0862434013 ; email: [email protected].

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A.A. 2014-2015 *)Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics for Biotecnology, (54 hours); Rif. : Prot. 3836/111/4; L’Aquila, 31/7/2914. *)Inorganic Chemistry (30 hours) for Medical Science; Rif. : Prot.: 3079/111/4 L’Aquila 30/11/2014. A.A. 2013-2014 *) Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics for Biotecnology, (54 hours); Rif. Prot.: 4030/2013; L’Aquila 04/09/2013. *)Inorganic Chemistry (30 hours) for Medical Science; Rif. : Prot.: 4027/111/2013 L’Aquila 4/10/2013.

A.A. 2012-2013 *) Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics for Biotecnology, (72 hours); Rif.: Prot. N. 1161/2012 L’Aquila, 26/11/2012. *) Inorganic Chemistry (30 hours) for Medical Science; Rif. : Prot. 1180/2012.

AA. 2010-2011 *) Group theory applied to solid state physics , Lectures for PhD students (12 hours); Rif.: Not available. *)Applied Physics in Medical Science, for Medical Science (30 hours); Rif.: Lorena Di Marzio, +39 0862433305, [email protected] International Teaching *) “Symmetry in Physics: an introduction to Group Theory”, International Course, Shanghai University, (China),19-23 June 2017-10 hours. Rif. : Contact Person: Prof. Ren Wei: [email protected] *) “Basic Density Functional Theory and beyond: applications to materials science” (45 ‘)-6.4.2017-Shanghai University-Physics Department *)”Analogies in Physics: Jahn-Teller and Rasbha problems”, (45’)- 6.4.2017-Shanghai University- Physics Department. Graduate, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers 1. Feng-Ren Fan (PhD, Fudan University) 2. Shunbo Hu (PhD, Shanghai University) 3. Domenico Di Sante (Physics Laurea, University of L'Aquila); 4. Marcello Balestrieri (Physics Laurea, University of Roma, La Sapienza)

The following students have been supervised by me during Aquifer program:

1. Dr. Jia Liu (North Carolina State University, USA); 2. Dr. Hena Das (Bose National Centre, India) 3. Dr. Joao Goncalves (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal); 4. Dr. Emilie Bruyer (Univ. Lille, France) Board Member of PhD Thesis Jury 1. Dr. C.L. Gomez-Aguirre, (18.12.2015, upon invitation by Prof. Socorro Castro García, University of Coruna). 2. Dr. Emilie Bruyer, (21 November, 2012, upon invitation by Prof. R. Desfeux) 3. Dr. F. Virot, (13 July 2012, upon invitation by Prof. H. Roland) 4. Dr. Joao Goncalves (15-16 December 2011; upon invitation by Prof. V. Amaral, Portugal)

Job experiences 1. Sep 2003 - Mar 2006 Special Library Assistant at ICTP (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics)

Library, Trieste, Italy; working days: mainly on week-ends. Refereeing activity • Referee for Phys. Rev. B; Phys. Rev. Lett.; Phys. Status Solidi; J. Mater. Sci.; J. Appl. Phys.; J. Magn. Magn. Mater.; Appl.

Phys. Lett.; Sci. Rep.; Nat. Chem.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Chem. Phys. Lett., Nat. Commun., Nat. Rev. Mater.; Chem. Mat.; Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.; Angew. Chem.; J. Chem. Phys., Comput. Mater. Sci.; etc.

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• Referee for the ANCS (National Authority for Scientific Research-Romania) for young research proposal. • Referee for International Fellowship Mobility Programme for Experienced Researchers in Croatia (NEWFELPRO). • Referee for Basic Energy Sciences-U.S. Department of Energy- SW Washington, DC (USA). Collaboration network I have recently won the prestigious Shanghai High End foreign expert program (2016) promoted to China High End Foreign Expert Program (2017) and the Shanghai Distinguished Visiting Professor (Eastern Scholar) for the period 2017-2020. These awards recognize world first class research level as shown by critical influential academic papers published on significant journals within 5 years, and demonstrate outstanding capabilities in scientific research, whose achievements are recognized by peers as at leading level. They allow me to establish a close collaboration with Shanghai University and in particular with the International Center of Quantum and Molecular Structure. Furthermore, I have established a high-level collaborative network as highlighted in the figure below (see Letter of Intent).

Theoretical groups: • Prof. G. Kresse (University of Vienna); • Prof. C. Draxl (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin); • Prof. M. Aroyo (Bilbao Crystallographic sever); • Prof. H. Wu (Fudan University); • Prof. W. Ren (Shanghai University and ICQMS); • Prof. M.-H. Whangbo (NCSU)

Experimental groups supporting this project: • Prof. Y. Sun (Chinese Academy of Science); • Prof. V. Zapf (Los Alamos National Laboratory); • Prof. M. Fiebig (ETH Zurich Multifunctional Ferroic Materials); • Prof. S. Cheong (Rutgers University); • Prof. N. Dalal (Florida State University); • Prof. W. Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); • Prof. M. Sanchez-Andujar (Coruna University);

Technical, Computing & Numerical Skills Operating systems: VMS, DOS\Windows, Unix,Linux, Macintosh Web Engeneering : good knowledge of PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Programming,scripting: Fortran 77 and 95, Unix and Linux shell (bash,tcsh,csh), Tcl Parallel computing: Mpi, OpenMP General applications: MS Office, OpenOffice, Latex Graphical applications: XMGRACE,XCRYSDEN,XBS,HPLOT,p4v,Xfig,Gimp,G3data

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Scientific applications: HBOOK(Statistical Analysis and Histogramming),MINUIT(Function Minimization and Error Analysis),PAW(Physics Analysis Workstation), Mathematica,Gnuplot Simulation tools: Full Potential Linearized Augumented Plane Wave (FLAPW) Plane Wave Self Consistent Field (PWSCF) ; Vienna Ab–initio Simulation Package (VASP) ; Exciting software; ABINIT (DFT based code); GEANT (toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter) Detailed Experience of usage and administration of computer architectures, Unix/Linux. Detailed Experience of Blue Gene and massively parallel US/European HPC systems. Detailed knowledge of commercial parallel scientific programming using OpenMP/MPI in Fortran-95; C/C++

Languages Italian: mother tongue English: high level, both written and oral French: good level, both written and oral German: basic knowledge, both written and oral Interests Reading, cinema, listening to music, sports (gym, tennis, skiing, swimming, jogging).

What they say about me ü Prof. Perez Mato (Head of the Bilbao Cristallographic Server, the most used served for symmetry analysis applied to

materials science) in 2010: “He has become a regular user of our Bilbao server, and has pionnered with much success its application in the realm of ab-initio studies. I got the impression of meeting an excellent scientist who masters first-principles calculations with great efficiency. …I am convinced that he will conduct in the future a brilliant academic and research career…”

ü Prof. Ren-Gen Xiong, Southeast University (China), 2016:”..a very brilliant young researcher. I knew Dr A.S. through his

important works in multiferroic especially those in the rapidly developing field of multiferroic MOFs…..His theoretical predictions in 2011 about multiferroicity and magnetoelectric coupling in perovskite hybrid organic-inorganic materials were later confirmed by experiments. ..he won the important and very competitive award High-end foreign expert in Shanghai University…this further highlights the high-level of his scientific activity. He is one of my best collaborators…I had a very good impression of him, not only from his solid understanding on the system of molecular ferroelectrics, but also his enthusiasm and curiosity to the unknown scientific problem, and,…,his team spirit. …Dr. Stroppa has contributed a lot to the scientific community and winds a well-recognized reputation, especially for his recent works about multiferroic MOFs….I believe he will continue to make distinctive contributions in the field of multifunctional hybrid materials. I am confident that he will become a top-notch scientist in this field.”

ü Prof. G. Kresse, University of Vienna, Austria, after post-doc in his group (2006-2008):” I am pleased to provide this letter

of support for Alessandro Stroppa. A. Stroppa has worked for two and a half year in our group under my own and the supervision of F. Mittendorfer. Before joining our group, A. Stroppa has mainly concentrated on magnetic impurities in semiconductors using standard DFT techniques, and when he started in our group, he had to reorient his research focus significantly, mainly towards surface science related work. In our group he very quickly picked up the new subjects and made himself acquainted with the field without significant guidance. This was certainly not easy, since the amount of literature in the field of surface science is vast. His exceedingly solid background in theoretical physics and chemistry certainly helped him in this endeavour. In fact, Alessandro's knowledge of literature is very impressive, and makes him one of the strongest Post Docs that I ever had. A. Stroppa worked largely independently during his time in Vienna. Among other things he continued his work on magnetic impurities (dilute magnetic semiconductors), a subject, I was not familiar with. He did this work alongside the other projects that he was assigned to work on, and he covered both fields with great virtue.”


1. Title: Tunable ferroelectric polarization and its interplay with spin-orbit coupling in tin iodide perovskites Author(s): Stroppa, Alessandro; Di Sante, Domenico; Barone, Paolo; et al. Source: Nature Communications Volume: 5 Published: DEC 2014 Times Cited: 62

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Statistics over all publication list (Source Web Of Science-All databases- Search criteria: (Author: Stroppa A.) AND (Address: LAQUILA OR VIENNA OR WIEN OR L'AQUILA OR AUSTRIA OR TRIESTE) Last update: 3.7.2017 (12:00 RM Local time)

DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6900

2. Title: Accurate surface and adsorption energies from many-body perturbation theory

Author(s): Schimka, L; Harl, J; Stroppa, A; et al. Source: Nature Materials Volume: 9 Issue: 9 Pages: 741-744 Published: 2010 Times Cited: 233 DOI: 10.1038/NMAT2806

3. Title: Tuning the Ferroelectric Polarization in a Multiferroic Metal-Organic Framework Author(s): Di Sante, Domenico; Stroppa, Alessandro; Jain, Prashant; et al. Source: Journal of the American Chemical Society Volume: 135 Issue: 48 Pages: 18126-18130 Published: DEC 4 2013 Times Cited: 92 DOI: 10.1021/ja408283a

4. Title: Electric Control of Magnetization and Interplay between Orbital Ordering and Ferroelectricity in a Multiferroic Metal-Organic Framework Author(s): Stroppa, A; Jain, P; Barone, P; et al. Source: Angewandte Chemie-International Edition Volume: 50 Issue: 26 Pages: 5847-5850 Published: 2011 Times Cited: 125 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201101405

5. Title: Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity in a Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Metal-Organic Framework Author(s): Stroppa, A.; Barone, P.; Jain, P.; et al. Source: Advanced Materials Volume: 25 Issue: 16 Pages: 2284-2290 Published: APR 24 2013 Times Cited: 125 DOI: 10.1002/adma.201204738

Page 15: INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Cognome STROPPA Nome … 2017.pdfAugust 27th- Sept 1st,2016- Tartu (Estonia), “Vibronic Coupling and Electron- Phonon Interactions in Molecules and Crystals:

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