influence of mhc in aging mice

Absu'acts 393 RECIPIENT PRETREATMENTWITH DONOR BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS (BT) IN HALF MATCH LRD. T_.M. Vyvial, T. Williams~.and B.A. VanderWerf~.Pboentx Renal Trarsplan_~ Center at Good ,Samaritan Hospttal~ Phoentx~ Artzona. The use of half matched LRD's with high Relative Respo~ses (RR) was aban- doned in many centers v hen random BT improved the results of cadaver donor transplants (Tx) to a similar level. This study is a ~,econd attempt to se- lect "non-responders" in half matched LKD recipients w,tth RR 65~. Three units of PRBC or whole blood (200cc) from the prospective donors~ere given to the recipients at 2 week intervals. Cross matches ~erc performed with donor 8 & T cells at 4o 23o & 37oc three weeks after BT and immediately prior to the Tx 6-10 weeks after the BT*s. 13/18 Pts ~ever developed warm antibodies (ab*s). 12/13 of these Pts have been transplanted (I Pt waiting Tx), 9/12 Pts never had any signs of rejection up to 1 yr. post Tx. 1/12 Pts developed acute irreversible reject.on starting & days after Tx. In this recipient no ab'svere found directed against the donor 1 & & weeks post Tx nephrectomy. 1/18 Pts had warm B-ab's following the 1st BT but was transplanted because the B-ab disappeared 4 weeks post BT-s. Thls PC has a stable creatininc of 2.0 mg~ 16 months post Txbut on]y after 3 re3ectton episodes. 2/18 Pts formed a cold B-ab, 1 was successfully transplanted, 1 Is waiting Tx. 5/18 Pts (28I) who developed ab's at all temp's. (6 against donor B & T cells and 1 only agatn;t B cells) could not be transplanted with their LRD. Pts with T a B*abts did not receive previous random BT, while Pts with only 8-ab's had multiple random BT's, No cmrelatlon was found between pre-existing ab and the response to BT. All Pts who were confirmed homozygous for HLA-DRmade ab (B or T), while only I/)~ Pts~ho were hetero- zygous for HLA-DR made ab's against their donor. INFLUENCE OF )s4~CIN AGING MICE. A.L.M. Watson, J. Granados, L K. Oerr, S. D'Amlco. t. Coy!ella, R.J. Mahoney and E J~s, S1dne~Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, ~U& $(o~wlth congenlc strains of mice had suggested that H-2 influences survival Ir mice. To study the role of MHC and aging we have typed,more than 232 backcross (E6D2FIXDBA/2J) mice with antl-H.2 o ao~antI-H-2" sea,s(gifts of 9~. B. A~S and L. rlahertv} ~nd ~ou-d !2n ,.~u,u e-d !!2 "-2 °/u. Ue have used a mlcrocytotoxlclty assay for H-2 typing murlne PBL with the NIH stand- ard HLA typing technique. This assay is reproducible and utilizes small volumes of blood and antlsera. Tall blood (8-I0 drops) was collected into a heparanized tube and then diluted 1:3 with RPHI 1640. The l~,nphocytes were separated over flcoll-paque and centrifuged at 800 rpm for 45 minutes. Lym- phocyt~s were removed from the interface, washed, counted and adjusted to 3-4xi0 /ml. The assay consisted of mixing I~ cell suspension with Ik anti- serum in oiled mlcrocytotoxlclty trays, incubating them for 30 minutes at room temperature, followed by the addition of 5x of complement and I hour incubation. Cytotoxlclty scores were determined using dye (eosln) exclusion The assay was developed using mice of known H-2 type to determine the optimum C' source and H-2 antlsera tltre. Guinea pig (1"16) and rabbit (I 32) sera gave less than I0) background but the guinea plg sere gave stronger and more reprod~Ible results. This technique can also be utilized fo~ n~n,torlng changes in Ly subsets in an aging animal. The preliminary analysis of our ongoing backcross experiments, at 1~ months of age, showe~ higher mortality of 15.2~ among the homozygousHo2 . than among the Ho2 " heteroz~Ygotes (9.Z~) which favors the view that H-2~ is more important than H-2Uln long su~lval of mice and further supports the role of ! e t0 in aging. IN VITROA~TIBODY RESPONSE TO SYNTHETIC GAT IN H~,~NS. E.K. Wllro~1M.M. Chan I S.H. Hsu t and WoBo Bias. Dept. of Med.. The Johns Hopkzns Unlverslty School of Med~clne. In vitro induction of anti~en-speelfle antibody responses of PBL tense casl, ~ob"~ncd with cells tram primed and unprlmed animals. The posslblht¥ of extendlni~ this approach to human cells would be important for studies on the ~echanllue~and the 6unetxc control o~ the Immune responses in man. We have recently succeeded in generating specific PFC (plaque-formzng cells) by i_~n

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Page 1: Influence of MHC in aging mice

Absu'acts 393

RECIPIENT PRETREATMENTWITH DONOR BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS (BT) IN HALF MATCH LRD. T_.M. Vyvial , T. Williams~.and B.A. VanderWerf~.Pboentx Renal Trarsplan_~ Center a t Good ,Samaritan Hospttal~ Phoentx~ Artzona.

The use of h a l f matched LRD's wi th h igh Re la t ive Respo~ses (RR) was aban- doned in many c e n t e r s v hen random BT improved the r e s u l t s o f cadaver donor t r a n s p l a n t s (Tx) to a s i m i l a r l e v e l . This study i s a ~,econd at tempt to s e - l e c t "non-responders" in h a l f matched LKD r e c i p i e n t s w,tth RR 65~. Three u n i t s o f PRBC or whole blood (200cc) from the p rospec t ive d o n o r s ~ e r e given to t he r e c i p i e n t s a t 2 week i n t e r v a l s . Cross matches ~erc performed with donor 8 & T c e l l s a t 4 o 2 3 o & 37oc th ree weeks a f t e r BT and immediately p r i o r to the Tx 6-10 weeks a f t e r the BT*s. 13/18 P t s ~ever developed warm an t i bod i e s (ab*s) . 12/13 o f these P t s have been t r ansp l an t ed (I Pt wa i t ing Tx), 9/12 P t s never had any s igns of r e j e c t i o n up to 1 yr . post Tx. 1/12 P t s developed acu te i r r e v e r s i b l e r e j e c t . o n s t a r t i n g & days a f t e r Tx. In t h i s r e c i p i e n t no a b ' s v e r e found d i r e c t e d aga in s t the donor 1 & & weeks post Tx nephrectomy. 1/18 P t s had warm B-ab ' s fo l lowing the 1st BT but was transplanted because the B-ab disappeared 4 weeks post BT-s. Thls PC has a stable creatininc of 2.0 mg~ 16 months post Txbut on]y after 3 re3ectton episodes. 2/18 Pts formed a cold B-ab, 1 was successfully transplanted, 1 Is wait ing Tx. 5/18 Pts (28I) who developed ab's at a l l temp's. (6 against donor B & T c e l l s and 1 only a g a t n ; t B c e l l s ) could not be t r a n s p l a n t e d with t h e i r LRD. P t s wi th T a B*abts did not r ece ive previous random BT, while P t s wi th only 8 - a b ' s had mul t ip l e random BT's, No c m r e l a t l o n was found between p r e - e x i s t i n g ab and the response to BT. All P t s who were confirmed homozygous fo r HLA-DRmade ab (B or T), while only I / )~ P t s ~ h o were h e t e r o - zygous fo r HLA-DR made a b ' s aga ins t t h e i r donor.

INFLUENCE OF )s4~C IN AGING MICE. A.L.M. Watson, J. Granados, L K. Oerr, S. D'Amlco. t. Coy!ella, R.J. Mahoney and E J~s, S1dne~Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, ~U&

$(o~wlth congenlc strains of mice had suggested that H-2 influences survival Ir mice. To study the role of MHC and aging we have typed,more than 232 backcross (E6D2FIXDBA/2J) mice with antl-H.2 o ao~antI-H-2" sea,s(gifts of 9~. B. A~S and L. rlahertv} ~nd ~ou-d !2n ,.~u,u e-d !!2 "-2 °/u. Ue have used a mlcrocytotoxlclty assay for H-2 typing murlne PBL with the NIH stand- ard HLA typing technique. This assay is reproducible and utilizes small volumes of blood and antlsera. Tall blood (8-I0 drops) was collected into a heparanized tube and then diluted 1:3 with RPHI 1640. The l~,nphocytes were separated over flcoll-paque and centrifuged at 800 rpm for 45 minutes. Lym- phocyt~s were removed from the interface, washed, counted and adjusted to 3-4xi0 /ml. The assay consisted of mixing I~ cell suspension with Ik anti- serum in oiled mlcrocytotoxlclty trays, incubating them for 30 minutes at room temperature, followed by the addition of 5x of complement and I hour incubation. Cytotoxlclty scores were determined using dye (eosln) exclusion The assay was developed using mice of known H-2 type to determine the optimum C' source and H-2 antlsera tltre. Guinea pig (1"16) and rabbit (I 32) sera gave less than I0) background but the guinea plg sere gave stronger and more reprod~Ible results. This technique can also be utilized fo~ n~n,torlng changes in Ly subsets in an aging animal. The preliminary analysis of our ongoing backcross experiments, at 1~ months o f age, showe~ higher mortality of 15.2~ among the homozygous Ho2 . than among the Ho2 " heteroz~Ygotes (9.Z~) which favors the view that H-2 ~ is more important than H-2Uln long su~ lva l of mice and further supports the role of ! e t0 in aging.

IN VITROA~TIBODY RESPONSE TO SYNTHETIC GAT IN H~,~NS. E.K. Wllro~1M.M. Chan I S.H. Hsu t and WoBo Bias. Dept. of Med.. The Johns Hopkzns Unlverslty School of Med~clne.

In vitro induction of anti~en-speelfle antibody responses of PBL tense casl, ~ob"~ncd with cells tram primed and unprlmed animals. The posslblht¥ of extendlni~ this approach to human cells would be important for studies on the ~echanllue~and the 6unetxc control o~ the Immune responses in man. We have r e c e n t l y succeeded in g e n e r a t i n g s p e c i f i c PFC (plaque-formzng c e l l s ) by i_~n