industrial system for chemical inhibition of vapor cloud...

Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions Process Safety Conference Dordrecht (The Netherlands) May 2019 Prof. dr. ing. lic. P. Hoorelbeke Prof. dr. ir. D. Roosendans TOTAL S.A., Paris, France

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Page 1: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Process Safety ConferenceDordrecht (The Netherlands)May 2019

Prof. dr. ing. lic. P. HoorelbekeProf. dr. ir. D. RoosendansTOTAL S.A., Paris, France

Page 2: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Project Characteristics

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions 2

o Start of project in 2004

o > 2 M€ of research (2005 – 2018)

o International collaboration with institutes & specialized organizations

o So far 3 PhD thesis dedicated to the project

o P. Hoorelbeke (2011)oO. Dounia (2017)o D. Roosendans (2018)

o Internal and external awards

Page 3: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Outline of Presentation

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions 3

4. Industrial Application of Flame Inhibition Technology by Dry Powders of Alkali Metal Compounds

1. Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions

3. Experimental Study on Flame Inhibition by dry inhibitor powders

2. Principles of Combustion and Flame Inhibition

Page 4: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions 4

4. Industrial Application of Flame Inhibition Technology by Dry Powders of Alkali Metal Compounds

1. Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions

3. Experimental Study on Flame Inhibition by dry inhibitor powders

2. Principles of Combustion and Flame Inhibition

Page 5: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions 6 kg of natural gas

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Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions 6


Page 7: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Refinery Units and Petrochemical Units in the World

NAMRefinery units: 1707Petrochemical units: 1693

SAMRefinery units: 634Petrochemical units: 619

EUROPERefinery units: 1869Petrochemical units: 2382

AFRICARefinery units: 460Petrochemical units: 219

FSURefinery units: 926Petrochemical units: 571

NE ASIARefinery units: 2065Petrochemical units: 5380

ASIA PACIFICRefinery units: 808Petrochemical units: 1732

MERefinery units: 450Petrochemical units: 737

Refinery units 8919Petrochemical units 13333TOTAL 22352


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

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Exxon Valdez




Piper Alpha


Mexico City














Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions



Umm Said








Los Alfaques






Big Spring


Texas City


P36 platform








La Mède




Milford Haven




Deer Park, TX






Are Vapor Cloud Explosions a problem of the past ?

Major VCE

Page 9: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

BayernOil (Vohburg, Germany), 1 September 2018

o Pressure drop reactor D-3401A gasoline desulfurization (140°C, 25 bar)

o Crack of approx. 1.5 m in length, starting directly at the support claw suspension (80 m³ reactor

o Gas alarm: in a few seconds increase to 20/40% LEL and beyond....44 seconds afterwards …vapor cloud explosion…

o CAT Cracker/gas plant, De-hexanizer , DIP , ETBE, gasoline desulfurization plant (OATS) field completely destroyed

o Proximity blast proof container for employees (nothing happened!) max 30-50 m

o Neighboring old control room destroyed (moved to BP Texas in new control room, but cable/junction over old control room)-> process control system completely lost

Vapor Cloud Explosions are not a problem of the past !

Page 10: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Vapor Cloud Explosion Probabilities

Average probability of VCE +/- 5.10-4/yrNumber of process units in TOTAL RC +/- 200Probability of major VCE in TOTAL RC Once every 10 years La Mède, 1992

Buncefield, 2005


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Low probabilities ?

(once every10.000 years

per unit)

Page 11: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Barriers against Vapor Cloud Explosions

System Drawbacks

Isolation systemsDepressurization systems

Take time to be effectiveResidual vapor cloud to be considered

Water curtainsWater deluge

Limited efficiencyTime needed for full deployment

Blast wallsNot always practicalLimited efficiency

Blast designExpensiveSometimes difficult to achieve

Reinforced buildingsExpensiveSometimes difficult to achieve


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Today, there are no effective active mitigating barriers to protect against the occurrence and

consequences of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 12: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Principles of Combustion and Flame Inhibition

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions 12

4. Industrial Application of Flame Inhibition Technology by Dry Powders of Alkali Metal Compounds

1. Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions

3. Experimental Study on Flame Inhibition by dry inhibitor powders

2. Principles of Combustion and Flame Inhibition

Page 13: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Combustion Principles


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Moses Gomberg, a chemistry professor at the University of Michigan, discovered organic free radicals in 1900

Page 14: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Radicals and Combustion Reactions


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

o Combustion reactions are radicular chain reactions . These chain reactions depend on the presence of flame radicals in sufficient amounts. Without these radicals, the chains are broken and combustion reactions cannot continue.

o Consider the combustion of hydrogen (H2) in oxygen (O2): 2H2 + 02 → 2H2O








H2 + M → 2H• + M

H2 + O2 → HO2• + H• + M

HO2• + H2 → H2O2 + H•

H• + O2 → O• + OH•

O• + H2 → O• + OH•

O• + H2O → OH• + OH•

OH• + H2 → H2O + H•

H• + H• + M → H2 + M

H• + OH• + M → H2O + M

Initiation(= creation of radicals)

Propagation & Branching(= multiplication of radicals)

Termination(= elimination of radicals)

Examples of reactions intervening in the combustion of H2

Page 15: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions ? How ?


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Vapor Cloud Explosion

But…oxygen available in ambient air

But…difficult to eliminate all hot

surfaces and ignition sources

But…large quantities of fuel in case of major leakage

Page 16: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Perturbation of Radicalar Reactions involved in Combustion


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

o Disturb chemical chain reaction ! But how ?

o Promotion of radical termination reactions !

→ Cooling of flames (but a lot of thermal agent needed)

→ Adding radical scavenging species (inhibitors)

→ Both (cooling + radical scavenging)

Page 17: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Experimental Study on Flame Inhibition by Dry Powders

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions 17

4. Industrial Application of Flame Inhibition Technology by Dry Powders of Alkali Metal Compounds

1. Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions

3. Experimental Study on Flame Inhibition by dry inhibitor powders

2. Principles of Combustion and Flame Inhibition

Page 18: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Experimental Program 2008 - 2010

o Purpose:

To determine the relationship between inhibitor characteristics (concentration, type, etc.) and flame combustion velocity of a fuel-air mixture (20 l vessel)

To verify the effectiveness of inhibitors in medium scale conditions (50 m³)

o Number of tests:

316 experiments in a 20 l vessel

103 experiments in a 50 m³ modules

20 l vessel

50 m3 module


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 19: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Inhibition Efficiencies


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

0.01 0.1 1 10










































K2SO4 (+Cab-O-Sil)






Relative efficiencies of flame inhibitorsBabushok & Tsang, 2000

Page 20: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Influence of Particle Size


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Particle material Flame TypeParticle diameter


water Laminar stoechiometric premixed methane/air flame 10

Yang and Kee (2002)

Fuss et al (2002)

Fleming et al (2002)

water Laminar non premixed counter flow methane/air flame 15 - 20 Seshadri (1978)

water Laminar non-premixed counter flow propane/air flames 14Chin and Lefebvre (1983)

Fleming et al (2002)

water Turbulent flames 10 Van Wingerden (2000)

water Turbulent flames 30 Acton et al (1990)

water Turbulent flames 18 Sapko et al (1977)

water Counter diffusion methane flame ~ 20 Lentati and Chelliah (1998)



Laminar propane/air counter flow non-premixed flame < 38 Fleming et al (1998)

NaHCO3 Heptane pool fire < 16Ewing et al (1984)

Ewing et al (1989)

NaHCO3 Laminar non-premixed counter flow methane/air-flame 0 – 10 Chelliah et al (2002)

Turbulent flame inhibited by NaHCO3, KHCO3, Na2CO3, K2CO3 < 20 Hoorelbeke (2011)

NaHCO3 Counter flow diffusion methane flame < 20Linteris et al (2001)

Wanigarathne et al (2000)

NaHCO3 Counter flow diffusion flame, liquid heptane 0 – 10Hamins et al (1994)

Trees et al (1997)

NaHCO3Simulation of hydrogen/air flame at φ = 0.5 (burning velocity of 50 cm/s) and φ = 1.4

(burning velocity of 300 cm/s)

< 17 µm

< 3 µm Mitani (1983)

NaHCO3 Premixed methane/air flame (φ=1.2) 12 - 28 µm Iya et al. (1975)

NaOH solution Laminar non-premixed methane/air flame 10 – 20 Lazzarini et al. (2000)

NaOH solution Laminar premixed and non-premixed opposed flow flames 10 – 20Wanigarathne et al. (2001)

Chelliah et al. (2002)

NaOH solution Counter diffusion methane flame (modeling) 15 Lentati and Chelliah (1998)

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Flame Inhibition by Aqueous Solutions of K2CO3


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

For effective inhibition, the size of droplets must be very small (< 10 – 20 µm)

Human hair 10 µm droplet

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Experimental Program: tests in 50 m³ module


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 23: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Industrial Application of Inhibition Technology

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions 23

4. Industrial Application of Flame Inhibition Technology by Dry Powders of Alkali Metal Compounds

1. Context of Vapor Cloud Explosions

3. Experimental Study on Flame Inhibition by dry inhibitor powders

2. Principles of Combustion and Flame Inhibition

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Development of Inhibition Technology


• First powder dispersion tests

• Desktop study of existing technologies


• Large scale powder dispersion tests

• Desktop study of existing technologies





• Development of industrial implementation in the context of projects

• Preparation and execution of large scale explosion tests (California, US)

• Further development of engineering solution

Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 25: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Development of Inhibition Technology: Technology Selection


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 26: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Development of Inhibition Technology: Dispersion Testing


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Power jet

3 test campaigns in 2012

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Development of Inhibition Technology: Dispersion Testing


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

30 m

40 m

4 meters high

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Development of Inhibition Technology: Final Solution

o Inhibitor: KHCO3 or K2CO3, D50 = 20 - 30 µm

o Volume protected per skid : ~ 1250 m³

o Storage pressure: 16 barg

o Nitrogen volume : 15 Nm³ @ 300 barg

o Surface plot: ~1 m²

o Continuous injection of inhibitor (2 kg/s)

o Pre-ignition strategy

o Dispersion of the cloud of inhibitor : 20 s after the start of the leak

o Concentration of the inhibitor in the volume to be protected: 100 g/m³

o Sustained cloud of inhibitor during at least 5 minutes


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 29: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Large Scale Testing (Livermore, US)


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 30: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Large Scale Testing (Livermore, US)


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Slow deflagration, no inhibition

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Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 32: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Large Scale Testing (Livermore, US)


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Detonation, inhibition with KHCO3

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Large Scale Testing (Livermore, US)


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Deflagration, inhibition with KHCO3

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Large Scale Testing (Livermore, US)


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

50 mbar


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Industrial Application of the Technology


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

Page 36: Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud CF3Br Br2 SiCl4 GeCl4 CHBr3

Industrial Application of the Technology

o 2 confirmed projects:

Steam cracker project in South Korea

Steam cracker project in United States

o Several potential other projects


Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

powder skid

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Process Safety Conference, Dordrecht (Nl), May 2019Industrial System for Chemical Inhibition of Vapor Cloud Explosions

For more information, please contact:

o Pol Hoorelbeke ([email protected])o Dirk Roosendans ([email protected])