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737 INDEX Volume 21 4, July-September 1980 Abe, Y., Miura, K., Imanishi, M., Yukimura, T., Komori, T., Okahara, T. and Yamamoto, K.: Effects of an orally active converting enzyme inhibitor (YS-980) on renal function in dogs, 166 Abelmann, W. H., see Sakurai, T., 219 Abrains, G. D., see Lau, S. S., 703 Acetaldehyde, effects upon me- chanical properties of iso- lated papillary muscle (rat), 219 Acetyicholine age-related alterations in re- sponse of tracheal smooth muscle to (rabbits), 675 effects on calcium channels in intestinal smooth muscle (guinea pig), 581 interaction with adrenaline on cardiac pacemaker function (rabbit), 417 receptor-mediated responses to, role of phospholipase C (chicks), 291 1-a-Acetylmethadol (LAAM), role of pharmacokinetics and me- tabolism of [3H]nor-LAAM in toxicity of (monkeys), 599 1-a-[O,O’-3H]Acetylnormethadol ([3H]nor-LAAM), pharma- cokinetics and metabolism, role in toxicity of LAAM, 599 N-acetylpalytoxin, mechanism of action in isolated as defer- ens (guinea pig), 209 Aconitine,-induced arrhythmias after propranolol withdrawal (rat), 664 Adenosine, binding to plasma membrane fraction isolated from coronary and carotid ar- tories (dog), 496 Adenosine triphosphatase, activi- ties of heart microsomes, ef- fects of adrenochrome (rats), 688 Na,K -adenosine triphospha- tans, lack of involvement in isotropic actions of doxoru- bicin in isolated atria (guinea pig), 368 Adenylate cyclase in skeletal muscle sarcolemma, [3H]dihydroalprenolol bind- ing sites and beta-2 adrener- gic receptors coupled with (guinea pig), 186 regulation by beta adrenergic catecholamine in lympho- cytes (man), 554 Adrenaline, interaction with ace- tylcholine on cardiac pace- maker function (rabbit), 417 Adrenergic receptors (see also Adrenoreceptors agonists and antagonists, re- sponse of collateral arteries to (dog), 239 beta, inhibition of antigen-in- duced histamine release from heart and lung (guinea pigs), 152 beta-2, coupled with adenylate cyclase in skeletal muscle sar- colemma, identity of [3H]di- hydroalprenolol binding sites (guinea pig), 186 Adrenoceptor cardiac beta, blockade in vitro after propranolol withdrawal (rats), 664 -mediated presser responses differential inhibition of al- pha-1 and alpha-2 receptors (rats), 275 stimulation, central alpha, role ofopiate in cardiovascular ef- fects of (rats), 203 Adrenochrome, effects on calcium accumulating and adenosine triphosphatase activities of heart microsomes (rats), 688 AHR-1900, dose-related prolactin response to (rats), 362 Akera, T., see Kim, D.-H., 368 Albuterol-induced erythropoietin production in isolated per- fused kidney, effects of pros- taglandins release (dogs), 467 Aldosterone effects on stimulation of metab- olism and sodium transport of bladders (toads), 507 enhancement of guanylate cy- clase, role of manganese (rat), 561 Ali, F. M., Ansley, J. and Faraj, B. A.: Studies ofthe influence of portacaval shunt on the me- tabolism of tyrosine, 546 Alkaloid, selective binding sites, comparison with enkephalin selective binding sites (cow, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, mouse), 395 Allan, G. and Levi, R: The car- diac effects of prostaglandins and their modification by the prostaglandin antagonist N- 0164, 45 Allen, J., see Hursh, J. B., 520 Almeida, A. P., Bayer, B. M., Hor- akova, Z. and Beaven, M. A.: Influence of indomethacin and other anti-inflammatory drugs on mobilization and production of neutrophils: Studies with carrageenan-in- duced inflammation in rats, 74 Alvares, A. P., see Eiseman, J. L, 250 Aminophylline, effects on adeno- sine binding to plasma mem- brane fraction isolated from coronary and carotid arteries (dog), 496 Ammonium chloride, inhibition of propranolol (rabbit), 106 Amphetamine-induced circling behavior, effect of dopamine uptake blocking agents on (mice), 651 d-Amphetamine-induced tachy- phylaxis, model for (rats), 410 Analgesia effects of $-endorphin on (rat), 328 morphine, effects of naloxazone on (mice, rats), 455 Analgesic new non-narcotic (suprofen) (rats, mice, dogs, rabbits, cows, chickens), 16 intragastric self-administration of (monkeys), 213 Angiotensin II, receptor-mediated responses to, role of phospho- lipase C (chicks), 291 Anlezark, G., see Horton, R., 437 Ansley, J., see Ali, F. M., 546 Antiarrhythmic agents new, CI-845 (dogs), 50 use of histamine antagonists in ouabain cardiotoxicity (cat), 375 Antidiuretic hormone, effects on stimulation of metabolism and sodium transport of blad- ders (toads), 507 Antidopaminergic effect, of estro- gens at striatal level (rats), 179 Antihypertensive effect, of guan- abenz, relationship to con- centrations in brain and plasma (rat), 594 Anti-inflammatory and ulcero- genic effects, of dexametha- sone in dietary protein deli- ciency (rats), 197 Antinociception, morphine and dibutyryl guanosine 3’:S- cyclic monophosphate, ef- fects of divalent cations, cat- ion chelators and an iono- phore (A23187) (mice), 463 Antitumor drug, localized action of liposome encapsulated cy- tosine arabinoside adminis- tered to lung (rats), 381 Anthopleurin-B, effects on spinal cord, comparison with neu- rotoxin II (frog), 443 Aorta contraction and relaxation, ef- fects of aortic coarctation hy- pertension on (rats), 388 effects of xylamine on [3Hlnor- epinephrine accumulation in (rabbit), 324 Apomorphine effect on epinephrine-induced bradycardia (rats), 427 interactions with moxestrol (rats), 179 Arene oxides, pulmonary clear- ance, pharmacokinetic anal- ysis of epoxide-metabolizing enzymes (rabbits), 478 Arnold, M., see Spindel, E., 58 Arrhythmia aconitine-induced, after pro- pranolol withdrawal (rats), 664 ouabain-induced, effect of oral UM-272 on (dogs), 449 reentrant ventricular, in postin- farction myocardium, elec- trophysiological actions of UM-272 on (dogs), 347 Artery collateral, response to adrener- gic agonists and antagonists (dog), 239 coronary and carotid, isOlated binding of adenosine to plasma membrane fraction from (dog), 496 coronary, smooth muscle, relax- ation by cigarette smoke, N’- nitrosonornicotine and nitric acid (cow), 9 Atria, isolated, inotropic actions of doxorubicin, lack of in- volvement of Na,K-adeno- sine triphosphatase (guinea pig), 368 Atropine-resistant central respi- ratory stimulation by bethan- echol (cats), 297 Audiogenic seizures, noradrener- gic influences (mice), 437 Azzaro, A. J., see Wince, L. C., 642 Barbieri, C., Ferrari, C., Caldara, R., Testori, G., Dal Bo, G. A. and Bertazzoni, A.: Cloni- dine-induced hyperglycemia: Evidence against a growth hormone-mediated effect, 433 Barbiturates effect on nerve (squid), 657 postsynaptic effects on inhibi-

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Page 1: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see



Volume 21 4, July-September 1980

Abe, Y., Miura, K., Imanishi, M.,Yukimura, T., Komori, T.,Okahara, T. and Yamamoto,

K.: Effects of an orally activeconverting enzyme inhibitor(YS-980) on renal function indogs, 166

Abelmann, W. H., see Sakurai, T.,219

Abrains, G. D., see Lau, S. S., 703Acetaldehyde, effects upon me-

chanical properties of iso-lated papillary muscle (rat),219


age-related alterations in re-sponse of tracheal smoothmuscle to (rabbits), 675

effects on calcium channels inintestinal smooth muscle(guinea pig), 581

interaction with adrenaline oncardiac pacemaker function

(rabbit), 417receptor-mediated responses

to, role of phospholipase C(chicks), 291

1-a-Acetylmethadol (LAAM), roleof pharmacokinetics and me-tabolism of [3H]nor-LAAMin toxicity of (monkeys), 599


([3H]nor-LAAM), pharma-cokinetics and metabolism,role in toxicity of LAAM, 599

N-acetylpalytoxin, mechanism ofaction in isolated �as defer-

ens (guinea pig), 209Aconitine,-induced arrhythmias

after propranolol withdrawal

(rat), 664Adenosine, binding to plasma

membrane fraction isolated

from coronary and carotid ar-tories (dog), 496

Adenosine triphosphatase, activi-

ties of heart microsomes, ef-fects of adrenochrome (rats),688

Na�,K� -adenosine triphospha-tans, lack of involvement in

isotropic actions of doxoru-bicin in isolated atria (guineapig), 368

Adenylate cyclasein skeletal muscle sarcolemma,

[3H]dihydroalprenolol bind-ing sites and beta-2 adrener-

gic receptors coupled with(guinea pig), 186

regulation by beta adrenergic

catecholamine in lympho-cytes (man), 554

Adrenaline, interaction with ace-tylcholine on cardiac pace-

maker function (rabbit), 417

Adrenergic receptors (see alsoAdrenoreceptors

agonists and antagonists, re-sponse of collateral arteries

to (dog), 239

beta, inhibition of antigen-in-duced histamine release fromheart and lung (guinea pigs),152

beta-2, coupled with adenylate

cyclase in skeletal muscle sar-

colemma, identity of [3H]di-hydroalprenolol binding sites(guinea pig), 186


cardiac beta, blockade in vitroafter propranolol withdrawal(rats), 664

-mediated presser responses

differential inhibition of al-pha-1 and alpha-2 receptors(rats), 275�

stimulation, central alpha, roleofopiate in cardiovascular ef-fects of (rats), 203

Adrenochrome, effects on calciumaccumulating and adenosine

triphosphatase activities of

heart microsomes (rats), 688

AHR-1900, dose-related prolactin

response to (rats), 362Akera, T., see Kim, D.-H., 368Albuterol-induced erythropoietin

production in isolated per-

fused kidney, effects of pros-taglandins release (dogs), 467


effects on stimulation of metab-olism and sodium transportof bladders (toads), 507

enhancement of guanylate cy-clase, role of manganese (rat),561

Ali, F. M., Ansley, J. and Faraj, B.A.: Studies ofthe influence ofportacaval shunt on the me-tabolism of tyrosine, 546

Alkaloid, selective binding sites,comparison with enkephalinselective binding sites (cow,

guinea pig, rabbit, rat,mouse), 395

Allan, G. and Levi, R: The car-diac effects of prostaglandinsand their modification by theprostaglandin antagonist N-

0164, 45Allen, J., see Hursh, J. B., 520Almeida, A. P., Bayer, B. M., Hor-

akova, Z. and Beaven, M. A.:Influence of indomethacinand other anti-inflammatorydrugs on mobilization andproduction of neutrophils:

Studies with carrageenan-in-duced inflammation in rats,74

Alvares, A. P., see Eiseman, J. L,250

Aminophylline, effects on adeno-sine binding to plasma mem-

brane fraction isolated fromcoronary and carotid arteries(dog), 496

Ammonium chloride, inhibition ofpropranolol (rabbit), 106

Amphetamine-induced circlingbehavior, effect of dopamine

uptake blocking agents on(mice), 651

d-Amphetamine-induced tachy-phylaxis, model for (rats), 410

Analgesiaeffects of $-endorphin on (rat),

328morphine, effects of naloxazone

on (mice, rats), 455


new non-narcotic (suprofen)(rats, mice, dogs, rabbits,cows, chickens), 16

intragastric self-administrationof (monkeys), 213

Angiotensin II, receptor-mediatedresponses to, role of phospho-lipase C (chicks), 291

Anlezark, G., see Horton, R., 437Ansley, J., see Ali, F. M., 546Antiarrhythmic agents

new, CI-845 (dogs), 50use of histamine antagonists in

ouabain cardiotoxicity (cat),

375Antidiuretic hormone, effects on

stimulation of metabolismand sodium transport of blad-ders (toads), 507

Antidopaminergic effect, of estro-gens at striatal level (rats),179

Antihypertensive effect, of guan-abenz, relationship to con-

centrations in brain and

plasma (rat), 594

Anti-inflammatory and ulcero-genic effects, of dexametha-sone in dietary protein deli-ciency (rats), 197

Antinociception, morphine anddibutyryl guanosine 3’:S-cyclic monophosphate, ef-fects of divalent cations, cat-ion chelators and an iono-

phore (A23187) (mice), 463

Antitumor drug, localized actionof liposome encapsulated cy-tosine arabinoside adminis-tered to lung (rats), 381

Anthopleurin-B, effects on spinal

cord, comparison with neu-rotoxin II (frog), 443

Aortacontraction and relaxation, ef-

fects of aortic coarctation hy-

pertension on (rats), 388effects of xylamine on [3Hlnor-

epinephrine accumulation in(rabbit), 324

Apomorphineeffect on epinephrine-induced

bradycardia (rats), 427interactions with moxestrol

(rats), 179

Arene oxides, pulmonary clear-ance, pharmacokinetic anal-ysis of epoxide-metabolizingenzymes (rabbits), 478

Arnold, M., see Spindel, E., 58Arrhythmia

aconitine-induced, after pro-

pranolol withdrawal (rats),664

ouabain-induced, effect of oral

UM-272 on (dogs), 449reentrant ventricular, in postin-

farction myocardium, elec-trophysiological actions ofUM-272 on (dogs), 347

Arterycollateral, response to adrener-

gic agonists and antagonists(dog), 239

coronary and carotid, isOlatedbinding of adenosine toplasma membrane fractionfrom (dog), 496

coronary, smooth muscle, relax-ation by cigarette smoke, N’-nitrosonornicotine and nitric

acid (cow), 9Atria, isolated, inotropic actions

of doxorubicin, lack of in-volvement of Na�,K�-adeno-sine triphosphatase (guineapig), 368

Atropine-resistant central respi-

ratory stimulation by bethan-echol (cats), 297

Audiogenic seizures, noradrener-gic influences (mice), 437

Azzaro, A. J., see Wince, L. C., 642

Barbieri, C., Ferrari, C., Caldara,R., Testori, G., Dal Bo, G. A.and Bertazzoni, A.: Cloni-dine-induced hyperglycemia:Evidence against a growthhormone-mediated effect,433

Barbiturateseffect on nerve (squid), 657postsynaptic effects on inhibi-

Page 2: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

738 Index Vol. 214

tory and excitatory responses

to neurotransmitters (sea

hare), 161Barry, B. K., see Gruetter, C. A.,

9Bartolomeo, J. G., see Misra, A.

L, 599Bates, T. R, see Misra, A. L, 599Bayer, B. M., see Almeida, A. P.,

74Beamish, R W., see Takes, S.,

688Beaven, M. A., see Almeida, A. P.,


amphetamine-induced circling,

effect of dopamine uptakeblocking agents on (mice),651

comparisons of cocaine- andfood-maintained respondingand effects of chiorpromazine(monkeys), 354

differential - reinforcement - of -

low-rates schedule, compari-sOn of effects of imipra.mine,desmethylimipramine andchiorimipramine (rats), 635

discriminative stimulus effectsof phencydidine and opioda(rats), 614

effects of cannabinoids (mice,rats, dogs, monkeys), 124

food-maintained, histamine asa punisher (monkey), 726

intragastric self-administration,comparison of reinforcing ef-fecta of codeine, phenacetinand paracetamol (monkeys),213

narcotic discrimination (p1-geona), 139

sehedule-controlled, effect offeeding conditions on oral

phencylcidine seif-adminis-tration (monkeys), 339

schedule of reinforcement,methylmercury-inducedchanges In performance (p1-geon), 620

serotonin syndrome, action oflysergic acid, indolealkyl-amine and phenethylaminehallucinogens (rats), 231

Bend, J. R, see Smith, B. R, 478Benztropine, effect on amphet-

amine-induced circling be-havior (mice), 651

BertazZOni, A., see Barbieri, C.,433

Besse, J. C., see Fedan, J. S., 472Bethanechol, atropine-resistant

central respiratory stimula-tion by (cats), 297

Bianchetti, G., Elghozi, J. L, Go-mciii, It, Meyer, P. and Mor-seUi, P. L: Kinetics of distri-bution of dl-propranolol invarious organs and discrete

brain areas of the rat, 682Bile, excretion, of prostacyclin

metabolites (rats), 24Bile flow, inhibition by estradiol-

17/3-D-glucuromde (rat), 87

Bing, 0. H. L, see Sakural, T., 219Bioactivation, of [3}j]� and [‘4C]

halothane in vifro (rat�), 721Bladder, urinary, effects of clofi-

brats on water permeabilityand short-circuit current in(toad), 5

Blasingham, M. C., Shade, It E.,Share, L and Nasjletti, A.:The effect of meclofenamateon renal blood flow in theunanesthetized dog: Relationto renal proat.aglandins andsodium balance, 1

Bleeker, W. K., see Mackaay, A.J. C., 417

Bloch, R, see Misra, A. L, 599

Blood flow, renal, relation of renalprostaglandins and sodium

balance to effect of meclofen-a.mate on (dog), 1

Blood pressureeffects of electrical stimulation

of raphe nuclei on (rats), 403effects of methyldopa and die-

tary protein (rats), 147histamine H-2 receptor-me-

diated effects on (dogs), 483responses to d-amphetamine

(rats), 410response to 5-hydroxytrypta-

mine, norepinepbrine andKC1 in perfused hindquarter

(rat), 488Blumberg, H., see HUrW1tZ, L, 574Bogusky, R T., see Simmons, C.

F. Jr., 709Boissier, J. R, see Euvraud, C.,


Borison, H. L, see Gons#{227}lves, S.F., 297

Bouman, L N., see Mackaay, A.J. C., 417

Bounous, H., see Somberg, J. C.,375

Boyer, J. L, see Tavoloni, N., 269

Bradycardia, reflex, induced byeplnephrine, effects of dopa-mine, apomorphine, -y-hy-droxybutyric acid, haloperi-do! and pimozide on (rats),427

Bradykinin, action on the effluxof sodium from lumen ofnephron (rat), 119

Braga Da Costa, M. J., see Suarez-

Kurtz, G., 171Brain

calcium pump, effects of tetra-caine, procaine andlidocaine

(rabbit), 670catecholamines, effects of can-

nabinoids (rats), 63concentrations of guanabenz,

relationship to antihyperten-

sive effect (rat), 594

kinetics of distribution of dl-propranolo! in (rats), 682

long-term effects of multipledoses of methamphetamineon tryptophan and tyrosine

hydroxylase activity in (rat),257

opioid binding properties, corn-parison of receptor selectivity(cow), 395

pentylenetetrazol levels, reIn-tionship with pentylenetet-

razol-induced seizures (mice),589

Branch, R. A., see Gerkens, J. F.,306

Brody, T. M., see Kim, D.-H., 368Bromobenzene, epoxidation and

toxicity (mice), 703Bronchoconstriction, inhibition

by aerosols of prostaglandinsE1 and E2 (dogs, guinea pigs),68

Brown, B. R Jr., see Sipes, I. G.,716

Buckner, C. K., see Wong, S. K.,152

Burks, T. F., see Weisbrodt, N.W.,333

� extracellular, role in regu-lating isoproterenol-stimu-

. lated phosphorylase a for-mation in skeletal muscle(mice), 37

Caffeine, effects on hormone so-cretion (rats), 58

Cagin, N., see Somberg, J. C., 375Calcium

accumulation in heart micro-somes, effects of adreno-

chrome (rats), 688ion concentration, effects on

calcium channels in intestinalsmooth muscle (guinea pig),

581ion, effects on morphine and

dibutyryl guanosine 3’:S’-

monophosphate antinocicep-tion (mice), 463

nonreceptor-mediated effect,role of phospholipase C(chick), 291

Calcium channels

in intestinal smooth muscle, ef-fects of acetylcholine andcalcium ion concentrations(guinea pig), 581

potassium-activated in intes-tinal smooth muscle, evi-dence for two types (guinea

pig), 574Caldara, R, see Barbieri, C., 433Canbisol

behavioral effects of, compari-

son with �9-ThC and chlor-diazepoxide (mice, rats, dogs,monkeys), 124

cardiovascular effects of, corn-parison with I�-THC andchiordiazepoxide (rabbits,dogs, rats, monkeys), 131

Cannabidiol, effects on brain cat-

echolamines (rats), 63Cannabinoids

behavioral effects (mice, rats,dogs, monkeys), 124

cardiovascular effects (rabbits,dogs, rats, monkeys), 131

effects on brain catecholamines(rats), 63

Cannabinol, effects on brain cat-echolamines (rats), 63

Capetola, R J., Shriver, D. A. andRosenthale, M. E.: Suprofen,a new peripheral analgesic, 16

Cardiac effectsof monensin (rabbits), 567

of prostag!andins, modificationby N-0164 (guinea pigs), 45

Cardiotoxicity, ouabain-induced,histamine antagonists as an-tiarrhythmic agents in (cats),375

Cardiovascular effectsof cannabinoida (rabbits, dogs,

rats, monkeys), 131of central alpha adrenoceptor

stimulation, role of opiate(rats), 203

Cardiovascular responses

effects on histamine as a pun-

isher (monkeys), 726induced by epinephrine, effects

of dopamine, apomorphine,-y-hydroxybutyric acid, halo-peridol and pimozide on(rats), 427

Carrageenan-induced inflamma-

tion used to study influence

of indomethacin on mobii-zation and production of neu-trophils (rat), 74

Carroll, M. E. and Melsch, R. A.:Oral phencycidine (PCP)

self-administration in rhesusmonkeys: Effects of feedingconditions, 339

Castration, effects on vas deferensand muscle rhythmicity(guinea pig), 423

Catalepsy, effects of /3-endorphinon (rat), 328

Catecholamines (see also specificnames)

beta adrenergic, sensitivity inlymphocytes (man), 554

effect of phospholipase C on re-sponses of heart to (chick),282

Cerami, A., see Tabachnik, N. F.,

246Cervoni, P., see Lai, F. M., 388Chan, P. 5., see Lai, F. M., 388Chapnick, B. M., see Feigen, L

P., 528

Chavkin, C., see Leslie, F. M., 395Chen, F. F. and Lin, M. T.: Effects

of dopamine, apomorphine,-y-hydroxybutryic acid, halo-peridot and pimozide on re-flex bradycardia in rats, 427

Cheng, J. B. and Shibata, S.: Pros-sor response to 5-hydroxy-

tryptamine, norepinephrine

and KCI in the perfused hind-quarter preparation from thespontaneously hypertensiverat, 488

Childers, S. see Pasternak, G.

W., 455Chiordiazepoxide, effects on his-

tamine as a punisher (mon-keys), 726

Chloride, subotitution, effects onquinine-induced contracturesof skeletal muscle (toad), 171

Chlorimipramine, comparison ofeffects with imipramine anddesmethylimipramine onperformance under differ-entia!-reinforcement-of-low-

Page 3: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

1980 Index 739

rates schedule (rats), 635

Chloroethylnitrosourea, reactionrates in serum, effects of li-pophilic drugs and lipopro-teins on (man), 318

Chiorpromazinedose-related prolactin response

to (rats), 362

effects on cocaine-reinforced re-spending (monkeys), 354

hepatic metabolism of, relation-ship to cholestatic effects in

isolated perfused liver (rats),269

potency at pre- and postsyn-aptic receptors (rats), 275

Cho, A. K., Ransom, R. W.,Fischer, J. B. and Kammerer,R C.: The effects of xylam-ine, a nitrogen mustard on[3H]norepinephrine accumu-lation in rabbit aorta, 324

Cholestasis, induced by estadiol-1746-D-glucuromide (rat), 87

Cholestatic effects, of chlorpro-maxine, related to metabo-lism in isolated perfused liver

(rat), 269Churchill, M. C., see Churchill, P.

C., 541

Churchill, P. C. and Churchill, M.C.: Biphasic effect of extra-cellular [K] on isoproterenol-stimulated renin secretionfrom rat kidney slices, 541

CI-845, (pirrnenol hydrochloride)new long-acting antiarrhyth-mic agent (dogs), 50

Cigarette smoke, coronary site-rial relaxation and guanylatecyclase activation by (cow), 9

Cimetidine, effects on histamineas a punisher (monkeys), 726

Cell, alveolar macrophage, uptakeof propranolol (rabbit), 106

Clarkson, T. W., see Hursh, J. B.,520

Clearance, pulmonary, of areneoxides, pharmacokinetic

analysis of epoxide-metabo-lizing enzymes (rabbits), 478

Clofibrate, effects on waterpermeability and short-cir-cuit current of urinary bInd-der (toad), 5


effects on sinus node (dogs), 223

effects on sound-induced sei-zures (mice), 43

hypotensive action, effects of

naloxone (rats), 203-induced diuresis (rats), 608-induced hyperglycemia, evi-

dence against growth hor-mone-mediated effect (man),433

withdrawal syndrome, charac-terization of (rat), 263

Clozapine, dose-related prolactin

response to (rats), 362Coale, E. H., Jr., see Herling, S.,


effect on amphetamine-inducedcircling behavior (mice), 651

-reinforced responding, effects

of ch!orpromazine (mon.keys), 354

Codeine, reinforcing effects, corn-

parison with phenacetin andparacetamol in intragastric

self-administration (mon-keys), 213

Connelly, M., see Krall, J. F., 554Connor, J. D., see Sloviter, R. S.,


Cortisol, enhancement of guany-late cyclase, role of man-

ganese (rat), 561

Cote, I. L and Wilson, W. A.: Ef-fects ofbarbiturates on inhib-itory and excitatory re-spouses to applied neuro-transmitters in Aplysia, 161

Coutinho, S., see Suarez-Kurtz,

G., 171

Covalent binding, of [3H]- and[‘4C]halothane in vitro (rats),


Cox, B. M., see Leslie, F. M., 395Coyle, J. T., see Nelson, M. F.,


Cusack, B., see Spindel, E., 58Cyclic AMP, effects on stimula-

tion of metabolism and so-

dium transport of bladders(toads), 507

Cystic fibrosis, reduction of spu-turn viscosity in, use of oralthiol prodrug (mice), 246

Cytochrome P450, inhibitory

complex formed with hydra-zone metabolites (rat), 80

Cytosine arabinoside, liposomeencapsulated form, adminis-tered via the respiratory sys-tern, localized action of (rats),381

Cytoxicity, activation and detoxi-fication of bromobenzeneleading to (mice), 703

Dal Bo, G. A., see Barbieri, C., 433Damiano, B. P., see Sloviter, R.

S., 231Davis, B. B., see Zenser, T. V., 312

Davis, L D. and Helmer, P. R.:Electrophysiological effects

of norepinephrine on slow re-sponses induced in isolated

canine cardiac Purkinje fi-

bers by reduced extracellularpH, 94

Demuth, S., see Hursh, J. B., 520Desmethylimipramine, compari-

son of effects with imipra-mine and chiorimipramine onperformance under differen-tial-reinforcement-of-low-

rates schedule (rats), 635Dewey, W. L, see Poddar, M. K.,

63Dewey, W. L., see Vocci, F. J. Jr.,


Dews,P.B.,seeStark,P., 124,131

Dexamethasone, in dietary pro-tein deficiency, anti-inflam-matory and ulcerogemc ef-fects and pharmacokineticsof (rats), 197

Dhalla, N. S., see Takes, S., 688

Dibenamine, potency at pre- andpostsynaptic receptors (rats),275

Dibutyryl guanosine 3’:5’-mono-phosphate, antinociception,comparison with morphine(mice), 463

Diethylstilbestrol, effects on cas-

trated guinea-pig vas defer-ens, 423

[3H]Dihydroalprenolol, binding

sites and beta-2 adrenergicreceptors coupled with aden-ylate cyclase in skeletal mus-cle sarcolemma (guinea pig),186

Dullard, R D., see Ruffolo, R R.Jr., 535

2,4-Dinitrophenol, stimulation ofmetabolism and sodiumtransport of bladders by(toads), 507

Diphenhydramine, effects on his-tamine as a punisher (mon-keys), 726

Disopyramide, comparison withCI-845 (dogs), 50

Disposition, drugs, myocardial,

model for (dog), 31DiStefano, P., Fox, G. and John-

son, E. M., Jr.: Characteriza-

tion of the clonidine with-drawal syndrome in the nor-motensive rat, 263

Diuresis, clonidine-induced (rats),608

Donovan, C. A., see Wince, L. C.,642

Dopaminebrain, effects of cannabinoids

(rats), 63effect on epinephrine-induced

bradycardia (rats), 427inhibition ofburst-firing of neu-

rosecretory cell R 15 (seahare), 112

metabolism, alterations in-duced by PbCO3 (rats), 642

uptake blocking agents, effecton amphetamine-induced cir-cling behavior (mice), 651

Doxorubicin, inotropic actions inIsOlated atria, lack of involve-ment of Na�,K�-adenosinetriphosphatase (guinea pig),368

Drust, E. G., see Sloviter, R. S.,231

Dutta, P. and Mustafa, S. J.:Binding of adenosine to thecrude plasma membranefraction isolated from dogcoronary and carotid arteries,496

Dycka, J., see Hoffmeister, F., 213

EDTA, effects on morphine anddibutyryl guanosine 3’:5’-monophosphate antinocicep-

tion (mice), 463Eiseman, J. L and Alvares, A. P.:

Heme metabolism in the fe-toplacental unit and neonatal

livers during lactation: Effectof gold sodium thiomalate,


Electrical stimulation, of dorsaland median raphe nuclei,pressor effects of (rats), 403

Electrophysiological actions, ofUM-272 on reentrant ventric-ular arrhythmias in postin-farction myocardium (dog),347

Electrophysiological effects, ofnorepinephrine on slow re-spouses induced in cardiac

Purkinje fibers by reduced

pH (dogs), 94E!ghozi, J. L, see Bianchetti, G.,

682Eliingboe, J., see Mendelson, J.

H., 503/3-Endorphin, effects on analgesia,

catalep8y and body tempera-ture (rat), 328

Enkephalin, selective bindingsites, comparison with alka-bid selective binding sites(cow, guinea pig, rabbit, rat,mouse), 395


converting inhibitor (YS-980),effects on renal function(dogs), 166

epoxide-metabolizing in lung,pharmacokinetic analysis(rabbits), 478

Epinephrinecomparison with CI-845 (dogs),

50response of collateral artery to

(dog), 239Erythropoietin, production in iso-

lated perfused kidney in-duced by albuterol, effect ofprostaglandins release (dogs),467

Estradiol- 1 7-$-D-glucuronide-induced cholestasis (rat), 87

Estrogens, striate.! level, antido-

paminergic effect (rats), 179Ethanol, effect on inhalation of

mercury vapor (man, rats,mice), 520

Ethylene glycol bis(fl-aminoethylether)N,N-tetraacetic acid,effects on morphine and di-butyryl guanosine 3’:5’-monophosphate antinocicep-

tion (mice), 463[3H]Ethylketocyclazocine, bind-

ing in central nervous system(rats), 516

Euvraud, C., Oberlander, C. andBoissier, J. R.: Antidopami-nergic effect of estrogens atthe striatsi level, 179

Evans, H. L, see Laties, V. G., 620

FANFT (N-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl]formamide), cooxi-

dation by prostaglandin en-doperoxide synthetase (rab-bits), 312

Faraj, B. A., see All, F. M., 546Farsang, C., Ramirez-Gonzalez,

M. D., Mucci, L and Kunos,G.: Possible role of an endog-

% enous opiate in the cardiovas-

Page 4: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

740 Index Vol. 214

cular effects of central alphaadrenoceptor stimulation in

spontaneously hypertensiverats, 203

Fedan, J. S. and Reese, J. C.: Dis-

tensibility and responsive-ness of the rat seminal vesi-

cle: Effects of denervationand pretreatment of animalswith 6-hydroxydopamine andreserpine, 472

Feigen, L P., Chapnick, B. M.,Hyman, A. L, King, L, Mar-ascalco, B. and Kadowitz, P.J.: Peripheral vasodilator ef-fects of prostaglandins: Corn-parison of 6-keto-prostaglan-din E1 with prostacyclin andescape from prostaglandin Ezin the mesenteric vascularbed, 528

Fernstrom, J. D., see Sved, A. F.,147

Ferrari, C., see Barbieri, C., 433

Fetus, effect of gold salts on hememetabolism in (rats), 250

Finn, A., see Weinkam, R. J., 318Fischer, J. B., see Cho, A. K., 324Fisher, J. W., see Radtke, H. W.,


Food, deprivation, effect on oralphencycidine seif-adminis-

tration (monkeys), 339Fox, G., see DiStefano, P., 263Freire, G. L., see Trotta, E. E., 670Fung, Y. K. and Uretsky, N. J.:

The effect of dopamine up-take blocking agents on theamphetamine-induced cir-cling behavior in mice withunilateral mgro-striatal le-sions, 651

Furosemide, influence on ampho-tericin B nephrotoxicity(dogs), 306

Gandolfi, A. J., see Sipes, I. G.,716

Gandolfi, A. J., White, R D.,Sipes, I. G. and Pohi, L R.:Bioactivation and covalent

binding of halothane in vitro:Studies with [3H]- and [‘4C]halothane, 721

Gastric secretion, histamine H-2receptor-mediated effects on

(dogs), 483Gentamicin, effects on renal mi-

tochondrial oxidative phos-phorylation (rats), 709

Gerkens, J. F. and Branch, R A.:The influence of sodium sta-

tus and furosemide on canineacute amphotericin B neph-rotoxicity, 306

Gestation, heme metabolism in fe-toplacental unit and neonatal

livers during, effect of goldsalts (rats), 250

Gibb, J. W., see Hotchkiss, A. J.,257

Gibson, J. K. and Lucchesi, B. R.:Electrophysiologic actions of

UM-272 (Pranolium) onreentrant ventricular ax-rhythmias in postinfarction

canine myocardium, 347

Glucose, absorption in jejunal tis-sue, HgCl2 inhibition of(chicks), 101

Godinho, C. S., see Trotta, E. E.,670

Goldberg, I. M., see Sved, A. F.,147

Goldberg, S. R: Histamine as a

punisher in squirrel monkeys:Effects of pentobarbital,chlordiazepoxide and H1- andH2-receptor antagonists be-havior and cardiovascular re-spouses, 726

Gomem, R., see Bianchetti, G.,


Gonsalves, S. F. and Borison, H.L: Atropine-resistant centralrespiratory stimulation bybethanechol in cats, 297

Gospe, S. M., Jr. and Wilson, W.A., Jr.: Dopamine inhibitsburst-firing neurosecretorycell R 15 in Aplysia ca#{252}for-nica: Establishment of adose-response relationship,112

Greenwood, M. R., see Hursh, J.B., 520

Griffin, R. L, see Wasserman, M.A., 68

Gross, S. R. and Johnson, R. M.:Role of extracellular Ca� inregulating isoproterenol-

stimulated phosphorylase aformation in murine skeletalmuscle, 37

Growth hormone, correlationwith clonidine-induced hy-perglycemia (man), 433

Gruetter, C. A., Barry, B. K.,McNamara, D. B., Kadowitz,P. J. and Ignarro, L. J.: Cor-onary arterial relaxation andguanylate cyclase activation

by cigarette smoke, N’-nitro-sonornicotine and nitric ox-ide, 9

Guanabenz, concentrations in

brain and plasma, relation-ship to antihypertensive ef-

fect (rat), 594

Guanylate cyclaseactivation by cigarette smoke,

N’-thtrosonornicotine and m-tric acid (cow), 9

enhancement by cortisol andaldosterone, role of man-ganese (rat), 561

Haloperidoldose-related prolactin response

to (rats), 362

effect on epinephrine-inducedbradycardia (rats), 427

reduced, dose-related prolactinresponse (rats), 362

Halothaneand d-halothane, comparison of

biotransformation and hepa-totoxicity (rats), 716

[3H] and [‘4C], bioactivationand covalent binding in vitro(rats), 721

Hastings, S. G., see Steffe, T. J.,

50Hayashi, S. and Toda, N.: Age-

related alterations in the re-sponse of rabbit tracheal

smooth muscle to agents, 675Hays, S. E., Poland, R. E. and

Rubin, R. T.: Prolactin re-leasing potencies of antipsy-chotic and related nonanti-psychotic compounds in fe-male rats: Relation to clinicalpotencies, 362

Heartbeta adrenergic receptors me-

diating inhibition of antigen-induced histamine releasefrom (guinea pigs), 152

effects of acetaldehyde (rats),219

isolated, actions of prostaglan-

ditis and N-0164 in (guineapigs), 45

isolated, beta adrenoceptorblockade in vitro after pro-

pranolol withdrawal (rats),664

isolated coronary and carotidarteries, adenosine bindingsites in (dog), 496

isOlated, effect of tiotidine oncardiac H2 responses to his-tamine (guinea pig), 629

model for study of myocardialdrug disposition (dogs), 31

perfused microsomes, effects ofadrenochrome on calcium ac-

cumulating and adenosinetriphosphatase activities in(rats), 688

Purkinje fibers, electrophysio-logical effects of norepineph-rime on slow responses in-duced by reduced pH (dogs),94

response to catecholamines, ef-

fect of phospholipase C(chick), 282

Heart rateaction of clonidine (dogs), 223histamine H-2 receptor-me-

diated effects on (dogs), 483

Hedberg, A., Isaksson, 0. andLundgren, B.: Sustained car-diac beta adrenoceptorblockade in vitro and in-creased vulnerability to acon-itine-induced arrhythmias invivo after propranolol with-drawal in rats, 664

Hein, D. W., see Herling, S., 139Helmer, P. R., see Davis, L. D., 94Hepatotoxicity, comparison of

halothane and d-halothane(rats), 716

Herling, S., Coale, E. H., Jr., Val-entino, R J., Hein, D. W. andWoods, J. H.: Narcotic dis-crimination in pigeons, 139

Herling, S. and Woods, J. H.:Chlorpromazine effects oncocaine-reinforced respond-ing in rhesus monkeys: Re-ciprocal modification of rate-altering effects of the drugs,354

Heroin, effects on pituitary-go-

nadal hormones (man), 503

Huller, J. M. and Simon, E. J.:Specific, high affinity [3H]ethylketocyclazocine bindingin rat central nervous system:Lack of evidence for .c recep-

tors, 516Hines, R. N. and Prough, R. A.:

The characterization ofan in-hibitory complex formedwith cytochrome P-450 and ametabolite of 1,1-disubsti-tuted hydrazines, 80

Hirschowitz, B. I., see Molina, E.,483


age-related alterations in re-sponse of tracheal smooth

muscle to (rabbits), 675antigen-induced release from

heart and lung, inhibition bybeta adrenergic receptors(guinea pig), 152

effect oftiotidine on cardiac H2-responses to (guinea pig), 629

punishing effects (monkeys),


Histamine antagonists, as antiar-rhythmic agents in ouabaincardiotoxicity (cats), 375

Hof, T. 0., see Mackaay, A. J. C.,417

Hoffmeister, F., Dycka, J. andRthnsch, K.: Intragastric self-

administration in the rhesusmonkey: A comparison of thereinforcing effects of codeine,

phenacetin and paracetamol,213

Holtzman, S. G.: Phencycidine-like discriminative effects ofopioids in the rat, 614

Horakova, Z., see Almeida, A. P.,74

Hormones (see also specific

name)pituitary-gonadal, effects of

heroin and maltrexone(man), 503

Horton, R, Anlezark, G. andMeldrum, B.: Noradrenergic

influences on sound-inducedseizures, 437

Hotchkiss, A. J. and Gibb, J. W.:Long-term effects of multiple

doses of methamphetamine

on tryptophan hydroxylaseand tyrosine hydroxylase ac-tivity in rat brain, 257

Huber, G., see Sakurai, T., 219Humes, H. D., see Simmons, C. F.

Jr., 709

Hursh, J. B., Greenwood, M. R,Clarkson, T. W., Allen, J. andDemuth, S.: The effect ofethanol on the fate of mer-cury vapor inhaled by man,520

HUrWitZ, L, McGuffee, L J., Lit-tle, S. A. and Blumberg, H.:Evidence for two distinct

types of potassium-activatedcalcium channels in an intes-tins! smooth muscle, 574

HUrWitZ, L and Wessinger, J.: Ef-fects of variations in extracel-

Page 5: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

Index 7411980

lular acetylcholine and cal-cium ion concentration onthe operational level of cal-cium channels in intestinalsmooth muscle, 581

Hydrazine, metaboites, inhibi-

tory complex formed with cy-tochrome P-450 (rat), 80

‘y-Hydroxybutyric acid, effect onepinephrine-induced brady-cardia (rats), 427

5-Hydroxytryptamine (see Sero-tonin)

presser response in perfusedhindquarter to (rat), 488

6-Hydroxydopamine, effect ondistensibility and responsive-ness of seminal vesicle (rats),472

Hyman, A. L., see Feigen, L P.,528

Hyperglycemia, clonidine-in-duced, evidence againstgrowth hormone-mediated

effect (man), 433Hypertension

aortic coarctation, effects on

vascular reactivity (rats), 388effects of methyldopa and die-

tary protein (rats), 147model, pressor response to 5-

hydroxytryptamine, norepi-

nephrine and KC1 in (rat),488

model, relationship of guana-benz concentrations in brain

and plasma to antihyperten-

sive effect (rat), 594

Ignarro, L. J., see Gruetter, C. A.,9

Imanishi, M., see Abe, Y., 166

Imidazolines, receptor interac-tions, significance of carbon

bridge separating phenyl andixnidazoline rings of tolazo-line-like alpha adrenergic

imidazolines (rats), 535Imipramine, comparison of effects

with desmethylimipramine

and chlorimipramine on per-

formance under differential-reinforcement-of-low-ratesschedule (rats), 635

Impromidine, use to define effects

ofhistamine H-2 receptors ongastric secretion, heart rateand systolic blood pressure

(dogs), 483Indolealkylamine, hallucinogens,

action on serotonin behav-ioral syndrome (rats), 231

Indomethacin, influence on mo-

bilization and production of

neutrophils, studies with car-rageenan-induced inflamma-tion (rat), 74

Intestinesmooth muscle, effects of ace-

tylcholine and calcium ionconcentrations on calciumchannels in (guinea pig), 581

smooth muscle, evidence fortwo types of potassium-acti-

vated calcium channels in(guinea pig), 574

lonophore, (A23187), effects onmorphine and dibutyryl gua-

nosine 3’:5’-monophosphateantinociception (mice), 463

Isaksson, 0., see Hedberg, A., 664Isoproterenol

age-related alterations in re-sponse of tracheal smoothmuscle to (rabbits), 675

effect of aortic coarctation hy-pertension on aortic re-sponses to (rats), 388

response of collateral artery to

(dog), 239-stimulated phosphorylase a

formation in skeletal muscle,role of Ca� in regulating

(mice), 37

-stimulated renin from kidney,effect of potassium (rat), 541

Jaillon, P., see Kates, R. E., 31

James, T. N., see Primm, R. K.,223

Jejunum, HgC12 inhibition of glu-

cose absorption in (chicks),101

Johnson, E. M., Jr., see Di-Stefano, P., 236

Johnson, R. M., see Gross, S. R.,37

Jongsma, H. J., see Mackaay, A.J. C., 417

Jubiz, W., see Radtke, H. W., 467

Juliano, R L and McCullough,H. N.: Controlled delivery of

an antitumor drug: Localized

action of iposome encapsu-lated cytosine arabinosideadministered via the respira-tory system, 381

Kadowitz, P. J., see Feigen, L. P.,528

Kadowitz, P. J., see Gruetter, C.A., 9

Kainic acid-induced seizures, ef-fects on noradrenergic neu-

rons (rats), 694

Kammerer, H. C., see Cho, A. K.,324

Kane, J. P., see Weinkam, R. J.,318

Kane, P., see Shinier, M., 567

Kaplan, H. R, see Steffe, T. J., 50

Kates, R. E. and Jaillon, P.: Amodel to describe myocardial

drug disposition in the dog,31

Kauker, M. L.: Bradykinin actionon the efflux of luminal �Nain the rat nephron, 119

Kick, C. J., see Meacham, R. H.,594


clomdine-induced diuresis

(rats), 608

effects of meclofenamate (dog),

effect of potassium on isopro-

terenol-stimulated renin se-cretion from (rat), 541

function, effects of convertingenzyme inhibitor (YS-980) on(dogs), 166

isolated perfused, effects of al-

buterol on erythropoietinproduction, role of prosta-glandins release (dogs), 467

lumen of nephron, bradykininaction on efflux of sodiumfrom (rat), 119

mitochondria, effects of genta-

micin oxidative phosphory-lation (rats), 709

Kim, D.-H., Akera, T. and Brody,T. M.: Inotropic actions ofdoxorubicin in isolatedguinea-pig atria: Evidence forlack of involvement ofNa�K�-adenosine triphos-phatase, 368

Kinetics (see also Pharmacoki-netics)

ofdistribution of dl-propranololin organs and brain (rats), 682

lUng, L., see Feigen, L. P., 528

Kocmund, S. M., see Meacham,

R. H., 594Komori, T., see Abe, Y., 166

Kopin, I. J., see Yamaguchi, I.,275

Kornhauser, D. M., see Vestal, R.E., 106

Krall, J. F., Connelly, M. andTuck, M. L.: Acute regulation

of beta adrenergic catechola-

mine sensitivity in humanlymphocytes, 554

Krishna, G., see Sipes, I. G., 716Kudo, Y. and Shibata, S.: The

potent excitatory effect of anovel polypeptide, antho-pleurin-B, isolated from a seaanemone (Anthopleura xan-thogrammica) on the frogspinal cord, 443

Kuehnle, J. C., see Mendleson, J.H., 503

Kuhn, D. M., Wolf, W. A. andLovenberg, W.: Pressor ef-

fects of electrical stimulationof the dorsal and medianraphe nuclei in anesthetizedrats, 403

Kunos, G., see Farsang, C., 203

Kupferberg, H. J., see Yonekawa,W. D., 589

Lactation, heme metabolism in fe-toplacental unit and neonatallivers during, effect of goalsalts (rats), 250

Lai, F. M., Tanikella, T., Thibault,L, Chan, P. 5. and Cervom,P.: Effects of different stagesof aortic coarctation hyper-tension on aortic contractionand relaxation in rats, 388

Lapa, A. J., see Markus, R P., 423Laties, V. G. and Evans, H. L:

Methylmercury-inducedchanges in operant discrimi-nation by the pigeon, 620

Lau, S. S., Abrams, G. D. andZannom, V. G.: Metabolic ac-tivation and detoxification ofbromobenzene leading to cy-totoxicity, 703

Lead-induced alterations in bio-

chemical properties of dopa-mine (rats), 642

Lenperone, dose-related prolactinresponse to (rats), 362

Lerner, J., see Miller, D. S., 101

Leslie, F. M., Chavkin, C. andCox, B. M.: Opioid bindingproperties of brain and pe-ripheral tissues: Evidence forheterogeneity in opioid li-gand binding sites, 395

Levi, R., see Allan, G., 45Levi, R., see Trzeciakowski, J. P.,


Levin, V. A., see Weinkam, R.J.,318

Levitt, B., see Somberg, J. C., 375Li, C. H., see Tseng, L.-F., 328


comparison with Cl-MS (dogs),50

effects on calcium pump ofbrain (rabbit), 670

inhibition of propranolol (rab-bits), 106

IAn, M. T., see Chen, F. F., 427Lipophilic drugs, effects on chlo-

roethyl-mtrosourea reaction

rates in serum (man), 318Lipoproteins, effects on chloro-

ethylnitrosourea reaction

rates in serum (man), 318

Liposomal drug delivery system,of cytosine arabinoside inlung, localized action (rats),381

Little, S. A., see Hurwitz, L., 642

Liverisolated perfused, relationship

between hepatic metabolism

of chlorpromazine and cho-lestatic effects in (rats), 269

metabolism of tyrosine (dog),546

mitochondria, respiratory pa-

rameters, effects of gentami-cin (rats), 709

neonatal, effect of gold salts onheme metabolism in (rats),250

role in metabolic disposition of

prostacydin metabolites

(rats), 24toxicity, halothane-induced

(rats), 716

Local anesthetics (see specificdrug name)

Locomotor activity, alterationsinduced by PbCO3 (rats), 642

Loh, H. H., see Tseng, L-F., 328

Lovenberg, W, see Kuhn, D.M.,403

Lucchesi, B. R., see Gibson, J. K.,347

Lucchesi, B. R., see Patterson, E.,


Lundgren, B., see Hedberg, A.,664


alveolar macrophage, uptake ofpropranolol (rabbit), 106

beta adrenergic receptors me-

dating inhibition of antigen-

induced histamine releasefrom (guinea pigs), 152

clearance of arene oxides, phar-macokinetic analysis of epox-ide-metabolizing enzymes

Page 6: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

742 Index Vol. 214

(rabbits), 478localized action of liposome en-

capsulated cytosine arabino-

side administered in (rats),381

prostaglandin E, and E�aerosal-induced irritation in(dogs, guinea pigs), 68

Luteinizing hormone, tolerance toheroin-induced suppression(man), 503

Lymphocytes, regulation of beta

adrenergic catecholaminesensitivity in (man), 554

Lysergic acid diethylamide, action

on serotinin behavioral syn-drome (rats), 231

Mackaay, A. J. C., Hof, T. 0.,Bleeker, W. K., Jongsma, H.

J. and Bouman, L N.: Inter-action of adrenaline and ace-tylcholine on cardiac pace-

maker function. Functional

inhomogeneity of the rabbitsinus node, 417

Manganese, role in enhancementof guanylate cyclase by cor-tisol or aldosterone (rat), 561

Marascalco, B., see Feigen, L. P.,528

Markus, R P., Lapa, A. J. andValle, J. R.: Spontaneouscontractions and membraneactivity of castrated guinea-pig vas deferens, 423

Marsalisi, F. B., see Wasserman,

M. A., 68Mattammal, M. B., see Zenser, T.

V., 312Mazindol, effect on amphet-

amine-induced circling be-

havior (mice), 651

McCullough, H.N., see Juliano, RL, 381

McGuffee, L J., see HUrWitZ, L.,

574McGuire, P. S. and Seiden, L. S.:

The effects of tricycic anti-depressants on performanceunder a differential-rein-forcement-of-low-rates ached-ule in rats, 635

McNamara, D. B., see Gruetter,C. A., 9

Meacham, R H., Ruelius, H. W.,Kick, C. J., Peters, J. R, Koc-mund, S. M., Sisenwine, S. F.and Wendt, R. L.: Relation-ship of guanabenz concentra-tions in brain and plasma to

antihypertensive effect in thespontaneously hypertensiverat, 594

Meclofenamate, effect on renal

blood flow, relation to renal

prostaglandins and sodiumbalance (dog), 1

Meisch, R A., see Carroll, M. E.,339

Meldrum, B., see Horton, R., 437Mello, N. K., see Mendelson, J.

H., 503Mendelson, J. H., Ellingboe, J.,

Kuehnle, J. C. and Mello, N.K.: Heroin and naltrexone ef-

fects on pituitary-gonadalhormones in man: Interac-tion of steroid feedback ef-

fects, tolerance and supersen-sitivity, 503

Mendoza, S. A., see Tarpey, M.M., 5

Mercuric chloride, inhibition ofglucose absorption in jejunaltissue (chicks), 101

Mercury vapor, inhalation, effectof ethanol (man, rats, mice),520

Mertz, T. E., see Steffe, T. J., 50Metabolism

bladder, stimulation by 2,4-di-nitrophenol, aldosterone,cyclic AMP and antidiuretichormones (toads), 507

comparison ofhalothane and d-halothane (rats),716

cytosine arabinoside, effect ofliposomal encapsulation

(rats), 381

dopamine, alterations inducedby PbCO3 (rats), 642

FANFT cooxidation by prosta-glandin endoperoxide synthe-tase (rabbits), 312

heme, in fetoplacental unit andneonatal livers during lacta-tion, inhibition by gold salts

(rats), 250hepatic, of chlorpromazine, re-

lationship to cholestatic ef-

fects in isolated perfused liver(rats), 269

of bromabenzene leading to cy-

totoxicity (mice), 703

of [3H]nor-LAAM, role in tox-icity of LAAM (monkeys),599

tyrosine, influence of portaca-

val shunt on (dog), 546Metabolites

hydrazine, inhibitory complexformed with cytochrome P-450 (rat), 80

prostacydlin, tissue distributionand biliary excretion of (rats),24

Methamphetamine, long-term ef-

fects of multiple doses ontryptophan and tyrosine hy-droxylase activity in brain(rat), 257

Methyldopa, reduction of bloodpressure by effect of dietaryprotein (rats), 147

4-Methylhistamine, receptor-me-dated responses to, role ofphospholipase C (chicks), 291

Methylmercury-induced changesin operant discrimination (pi-geon), 620

Meyer, P., see Bianchetti, G., 682

Meyers, M., Slikker, W., Pascoe,

G. and Vore, M.: Characteri-zation of cholestasis inducedby estradiol-1718-D-glucuro-side in the rat, 87

Miller, D. S., Shehata, A. T. andLerner, J.: HgCL� inhibition ofD-glucoee transport injejunal

tissue from 2 day and 21 day

chicks, 101

Miller, M.: Clonidine-induced di-uresis in the rat: Evidence fora renal site of action, 608

Minanserin, potency at pre- andpostsynaptic receptors (rats),


Misra, A. L., Bartolomeo, J. G.,Bloch, R., Mule, S. J. andBates, T. RJ Pharmacoki-netics and metabolism of 1-

a-[0,0’-3H2]-acetyl norme-thadol (Nor-LAAM), the ac-tive metabolite of LAAM, inacutely and chronically

treated rhesus monkeys, 599Mitochondria, renal, effects of

gentamicin on oxidativephosphorylation (rats), 709

Miura, K., see Abe, Y., 166

Molina, E., Rentz, J. and Hir-schowitz, B. I.: Use of im-

. promidine to define specific

histamine H-2 effects on gas-tic secretion, heart rate andblood pressure in consciousdogs, 483

Monensin, cardiac effects, inter-actions with ouabain (rab-bits), 567


analgesia, effects of naloxazoneon (mice, rats), 455

antinociception, comparisonwith dibutyryl guanosine 3’:5’-monophosphate (mice),463

discriminative effects (pigeons),139

Morseffi, P. L, see Bianchetti, G.,682

Moxestrol, synthetic estrogen, an-

tidopaminergic effect (rats),179

Mucci, L., see Farsang, C., 203Malay, S., see Varma, D. R, 197Mule, S. J., see Misra, A. L, 599Muscle

isolated papillary, effects of ac-etaldehyde upon mechanicalproperties of (rat), 219

rhythmicity, vas deferens, ef-fect of castration (guineapig), 423

skeletal, effects of high potas-sium and chloride substitu-tion on quinine-induced con-tractures of (frog), 171

skeletal, role ofCa� in regulat-ing isoproterenol-stimulatedphosphorylase a formation in

(mice), 37skeletal, sarcolemma [3H]dihy-

droalprenolol binding sitesand beta-2 adrenergic recep-

tors coupled with adenylatecyclase in (guinea pig), 186

smooth, intestinal, effects ofacetylcholine and calcium ion

concentration on calciumchannels in (guinea pig), 581

smooth, intestinal, evidence fortwo types of potassium-acti-vated calcium channels in(guinea pig), 574

smooth, tracheal, response to

agents, age-related altera-

tions in (rabbits), 675

Mustafa, S. J., see Dutta, P., 496Myocardium

concentrations of UM-272 after

oral administration (dogs),449

drug disposition, model forstudy of (dogs), 31

effects of monensin (rabbits),567

postinfarction, electrophysio-

logical actions of UM-272 onreentrant ventricular ax-rhythmias in (dogs), 347

N-0164, prostaglandin antagonist,modification of cardiac ef-fects of prostaglandins by

(guinea pigs), 45Nabione

behavioral effects of, compari-son with i�9-THC and chlor-diazepoxide (mice, rats, dogs,monkeys), 124

cardiovascular effects of, com-parison with A9-THC andchlordiazepoxide (rabbits,dogs, rats, monkeys), 131

Naloxone, effects on hypotensiveaction of clomdine (rats), 203

Naloxazone, effects on morphineanalgesia and opiate receptorbinding in vitro (mice, rats),455

Naltrexone, effects on plasmalevels of pituitary-gonads!hormones (man), 503

Narcotics, discrimination (pi-

geons), 139Nasjletti, A., see Glasingham, M.

C.,!Nelson, M. F., Zaczek, R. and

Coyle, J. T.: Effects of sus-tamed seizures produced byintrahippocampal injection

of kainic acid on noradrener-gic neurons: Evidence for lo-cal control of norepinephrinerelease, 694

Nephrotoxicity, amphotericin B,influence of sodium balanceand furosemide (dogs), 306

Nerve, giant axon, comparison ofeffects ofthiopental and pen-tobarbital (squid), 657

Nervous systemcentral, [3H]ethylketocyclazo-

cine binding in, lack of evi-dence for K receptors (rats),516

central, relationship to norepi-nephrine depletion caused byseizures (rats), 694

Neuronneurosecretory cell R 15, inhi-

bition by dopamine of burst-firing of (sea hare), 112

noradrenergic, effects of kainic

acid-induced seizures on

(rats), 694Neurotoxin II, effect on spinal

cord, comparison with antho-pleurin-B (frog), 443

Neurotranamitters, effects of bar-biturates on inhibitory andexcitatory responses to (sea

Page 7: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

1980 Index 743

hare), 161

Neutrophils, mobilization and

production, influence of in-domethacin studied with car-

rageenan-induced inflamma-

tion (rat), 74

Nicotineage-related alterations in re-

sponse of tracheal smooth

muscle to (rabbits), 675

inhibition of propranolol (rab-bit), 106

Nitric oxide, coronary arterial re-

laxation and guanylate cy-

clam activation by (cow), 9

N’-nitrosonornicotine, coronary

arterial relaxation and guan-

ylate cyclase activation by

(cow), 9Nomifensine, effect on amphet-

amine-induced circling be-havior (mice), 651

Norepinephrinebrain, effects of cannabinoids

(rats), 63depletion by kainic acid-in-

duced seizures (rats), 694effect of aortic coarctation hy-

pertension on aortic re-spouses to (rats), 388

effect on distensibility and re-sponsiveness of seminal vesi-cle (rats), 472

electrophysiological effects on

slow responses induced in

cardiac Purkinje fibers by re-duced pH (dogs), 94

pressor response in perfusedhindquarter to (rat), 488

release from adrenergic nerve

endings, effect of palytaxin

(guinea pig), 209response of collateral artery to

(dog), 239subcellular pools, storage in

sympathetic nerves (rats),

410[3H]Norepinephrine, accumula-

tion in aorta, actions of xy-lamine on (rabbit), 324

Oberlander, C., see Euvraud, C.,179

Ohizumi, Y. and Shibata, S.:

Mechanism of the excitatory

action of palytoxin and N-acetylpalytoxin in the iso-

lated guinea-pig vas deferens,209

Okahara, T., see Abe, Y., 166

Opiatereceptor binding in vitro, ef-

fects of naloxazone (mice,

rats), 455role in cardiovascular effects of

central alpha adrenoceptor

stimulation (rats), 203

Opioidbinding properties of brain and

peripheral tissues, compari-son of receptor selectivity(cow, guinea pig, rabbit, rat,mouse), 395

phencycidine-like discrimina-tive effects (rats), 614

Organs (see also specific name)

kinetics of distribution of dl-propranolol in (rats), 682


cardiac effects, interactionswith monensin (rabbits), 567

cardiotoxicity, histamine antag-onists as antiarrhythmicagents in (cats), 375

comparison with CI-845 (dogs),50

-induced ventricular tachycar-dia, effect of oral UM-272 on

(dogs), 449

Oxidative phosphorylation, renal

mitochondrial, effects of gen-tamicin (rats), 709

Oxygen, molecular, role inFANFT cooxidation (rab-bits), 312

Oxymetazoline, effects on sound-induced seizures (mice), 437

Palytoxin, action in isolated vasdeferens (guinea pig), 209

Papaverine, effect of aortic coarc-tation hypertension on aorticresponses to (rats), 388

Paracetamol, reinforcing effects,

comparison with codeine andphenacetin of reinforcing ef-fects in intragastric self-ad-ministration (monkeys), 213

Pascoe, G., see Meyers, M., 87Pasternak, G. W., Childers, S. R.,

and Snyder, S. H.: Naloxa-zone, a long-acting opiate an-tagonist: Effects on analgesiain intact animals and on opi-ate receptor binding in vitro,


Patterson, E., Stetson, P. and

Lucchesi, B. R.: Plasma andmyocardial tissue concentra-tions of UM-272 (N,N-di-methylpropranolol) after oraladministration in dogs; 449


effects on histamine as a pun-isher (monkeys), 726

effect on nerve, comparison

with thiopental (squid), 657

postsynaptic effects on inhibi-

tory and excitatory responses

to neurotransmitters (sea

hare), 161

Pentylenetetrazol-induced sei-

zures, relationship with brainpentylenetetrazol levels(mice), 589

Peters, J. R, see Meacham, R H.,594

Peterson, C. M., see Tabachnik,

N. F., 246pH, reduced, electrophysiological

effects of norepinephrine onslow responses in cardiac

Purkinje fibers by (dogs), 94Pharmacokinetics (see also kinet-


analysis of epoxide-metaboliz-ing enzymes in lung (rabbits),478

of dexamethasone in dietaryprotein deficiency (rats), 197

of lipophuic drugs (man), 318

of [3H]nor-LAMM, role in tox-

icity of LAAM (monkeys),599

Phenacetin, reinforcing effects,comparison with codeine andparacetamol in intragastricself-administration (mon-keys), 213


-like discriminative effects ofopioids (rats), 614

oral, self-administration, effectsof feeding conditions (mon-keys), 339

Phenethylamine, hallucinogens,action on serotonin behav-ioral syndrome (rats), 231

Phenobarbital, postsynaptic ef-fects on inhibitory and excit-atory responses to neuro-

transmitters (sea hare), 161Phenoxybenzamine, potency at

pre- and postsynaptic recep-tors (rats), 275

Phentolamine, potency at pre-and postsynaptic receptors(rats), 275

Phospholipase C, effect on cardiacreceptor response (chick),282, 291

Phosphorylase a, formation stim-ulated by isoproterenol inskeletal muscle, role of Ca��in regulating (mice), 37

Pimozide, effect on epinephrine-induced bradycardia (rats),427

Piperoxan, potency at pre- andpostsynaptic receptors (rats),


Pituitary gland, anterior, effectsof caffeine on (rats), 58

Plasmaconcentrations of guanabenz,

relationship to antihyperten-

sive effect (rat), 594concentrations of UM-272 after

oral administration (dogs),449

Poddar, M. K. and Dewey, W. L:Effects of cannabinoids oncatecholamine uptake andrelease in hypothalamic andstriatal synaptosomes, 63

Pohl, L. R., see Gandolfi, A. J.,721

Pohl, L. R., see Sipes, I. G., 716

Poland, B. E., see Hays, S. E., 362Portacaval shunt, influence on ty-

rosine metabolism (dog), 546


-activated calcium channels inintestinal smooth muscle, ev-

idence for two types (guineapig), 574

effect of aortic coarctation hy-pertension on aortic re-spouses to (rats), 388

effect on isoproterenol-stimu-lated resin secretion fromkidney (rat), 541

high, effects on quinine-inducedcontractures of skeletal mus-

cle (toad), 171Potassium chloride

pressor response in perfusedhindquarter to (rat), 488

response of collateral artery to(dog), 239

Potoezak, R E., see Steffe, T. J.,

50Primm, R. K., Urthaler, F. and

James, T. N.: Selective ef-fects of clonidine on the ca-mae sinus node, 223

Procaineeffects on calcium pump of

brain (rabbit), 670inhibition of propranolol (rab-

bit), 106Prolactin, releasing potencies of

antipsychotic and related

nonantipsychotic compounds

(rats), 362Propranolol

as model for study of myocar-

dial drug disposition (dogs),31

uptake by alveolar macrophage,inhibition by procaine, lido-caine, ammonium chlorideand nicotine (rabbit), 106

withdrawal, cardiac beta adre-noceptor blockade in vitroand vulnerability to aconi-tine-induced arrhythmias invivo after (rats), 664

dl-Propranolol, in organs andbrain, kinetics of distribution(rats), 682

Prostacyclin, metabolites, tissuedistribution and biliary ex-cretion (rat), 24

Prostaglandin (PG)cardiac effects, modification by

N-0164 (guinea pigs), 45E1, age-related alterations in re-

sponse of tracheal smoothmuscle to (rabbits), 675

E1 and E2 aerosols, inhibition ofbroncoconstriction by (dogs,guinea pigs), 68

peripheral vasodilator effects,

comparison of 6-keto-PGE1,

PGI2, PGE1 and PGE2 inmesenteric vascular bed(dogs), 528

release in isolated perfused kid-ney, effect on albuterol-in-

duced erythropoietin produc-tion (dogs), 467

renal, relation to effect of me-clofenamate on renal bloodflow (dog), 1

Prostaglandin endoperoxide syn-thetase, mechanism ofFANFT cooxidation by (rab-bits), 312

Proteindeficiency, dietary, anti-inflam-

matory and ulcerogenic ef-

fects and pharmacokineticsof dexamethasone in (rats),197

dietary intake, effect on meth-yldopa and blood pressure(rats), 147

Prough, R. A., see Hines, R. N., 80Purkinje fibers, cardiac, electro-

physiological effects of nor-

epinephrine on slow re-sponses induced by reduced

pH (dogs), 94

Page 8: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

744 Index Vol. 214

Qu mine-induced contractures ofskeletal muscle, effects ofhigh potassium and chloridesubstitution (frog), 171

Radtke, H. W., Jubiz, W., Smith,J. B. and Fisher, J. W.: Al-buterol-induced erythropoi-etin production and prosta-glandins release in the iso-lated perfused dog kidney,467

Ramirez-Gonzalez, M. D., see Far-sang, C., 203

R#{228}msch, K., see Hoffmeister, F.,213

Ransom, R W., see Cho, A. K.,324

Raphe nucleus, dorsal or median,effects of electrical stimula-tion (rats), 403

Receptoralpha adrenergic, significance

of carbon bridge, separatingphenyl and imidazoline rings

oftolazoline-like imidazolines(rats), 535

beta adrenergic, relationship to

catecholamine sensitivity inlymphocytes (man), 554

cardiac H2, effect oftiotidine onresponses to histamine of(guinea pig), 629

cardiac, response, effect ofphospholipase C (chick), 282,291

H1 and H2, antagonists, effectson histamine as punisher(monkeys), 726

histamine H-2, effects on gas-tric secretion, heart rate andsystolic blood pressure me-diated by (dogs), 483

K, studies on binding in centralnervous system (rats), 516

noradrenergic, influences onsound-induced seizures(mice), 437

muscarinic, Ml and M2, dualaction on atropine-resistantrespiratory stimulation(cats), 297

Regal, J. F. and Shideman, F. E.:The effect of phospholipaseC on the responsiveness ofcardiac receptors. I. Inhibi-

tion of the adrenergic ino-tropic response, 282

Regal, J. F. and Shideman, F. E.:The effect of phospholipaseC on the responsiveness ofcardiac receptors. II. Thespecificity ofphospholipase Cinhibition of receptor-me-diated responses, 291

Resin, secretion from kidney,stimulated by isoproterenol,effect of potassium (rat), 541

Rents, J., see Molina, E., 483Reserpine, effect on distensibility

and responsiveness of sem-ins! vesicle (rats), 472

Respiratory stimulation, central,atropine-resistant, effect ofbethanechol (cats), 297

Hosenthale, M. E., see Capetola,R. J., 16

Rubin, R T., see Hays, S. E., 362

Ruelius, H. W., see Meacham, R.H., 594

Ruffolo, R. R. Jr., Yaden, E. L.,Waddell, J. E. and Difiard, R.D.: Receptor interactions ofimidazolines. VI. Significanceof carbon bridge separatingphenyl and imidazoline ringsof tolazoline-like alpha adre-nergic imidazolines, 535

Sakurai, T., Bing, 0. H. L, Huber,G. and Abelmann, W. H.: Ef-fects of acetaldehyde uponmechanical properties of iso-lated rat papillary muscle,219

SCH-12,679, dose-related prolac-tin response to (rats), 362

Seiden, L S., see McGuire, P. S.,635


pentylenetetrazol-induced, re-lationship to brain pentyle-

netetrazol levels (mice), 589produced by kainic acid, effect

on noradrenergic neurons(rats), 694

Seminal vesicle, distensibility andresponsiveness, effects of de-nervation, 6-hydroxydopa-mine and reserpine (rats), 472

Serotoninaction in pressor effects by elec-

trical stimulation of dorsaland median raphe nuclei(rats), 403

age-related alterations in re-sponse of tracheal smoothmuscle to (rabbits), 675

behavioral syndrome, action oflysergic acid, indolealkyl-amine and phenethylaminehallucinogens (rats), 231

effect of aortic coarctation hy-pertension on aortic re-sponses to (rats), 388

Sevcik, C.: Differences betweenthe actions of thiopental andpentobarbital in squid giant

axons, 657

Shade, R. E., see Blasingham, M.C., 1

Shand, D. G., see Vestal, R. E.,106

Share, L, see Blasingham, M. C.,

Shehata, A. T., see Miller, D. S.,101

Shibata, S., see Cheng, J. B., 488Shibata, S., see Kudo, Y., 443

Shibata, S., see Ohizumi, Y., 209

Shideman, F. E., see Regal, J. F.,282, 291

Shlafer, M. and Kane, P.: Subcel-lular actions and potentialadverse cardiac effects of thecardiotonic ionophore mo-nensin, 567

Short-circuit current, of urinarybladder, effects of clofibrate(toad), 5

Shriver, D. A., see Capetola, R J.,16

Simmons, C. F. Jr., Bogusky, R

T. and Humes, H. D.: Inhib-

itory effects of gentamicin onrenal mitochondrial oxidative

phosphorylation, 709

Simon, E. J., see Hiller, J. M., 516

Simpson, L. L.: Evidence thatthere are subcellular pools of

norepinephrine, and thatthere is flux of norepineph-rine between these pools, 410

Sinus node

effects of clomdine on (dogs),223

inhomogeneity (rabbit), 417

Sipes, I. G., Gandolfi, A. J., Pohl,L R., Krishna, G. and Brown,B. R. Jr.: Comparison of thebiotransformation and hepa-totoxicity of halothane anddeuterated halothane, 716

Sipes, I. G., see Gandolfi, A. J.,721

Sisenwine, S. F., see Meacham, R.H., 594

Slikker, W., see Meyers, M., 87Sloviter, R. S., Drust, E. G., Dam-

iano, B. P. and Connor, J. D.:A common mechanism forlysergic acid, indolealkyl-amine and phenethylaminehallucinogens: Serotonergic

mediation of behavioral ef-fects in rats, 231

Smith, J. B., see Radtke, H. W.,

467Smith, B. R. and Bend, J. R.: Pre-

diction of a pulmonarybenzo(a)pyrene 4,5-oxide

clearance: A pharmacoki-netic analysis of epoxide-me-tabolizing enzymes in rabbitlung, 478

Smooth muscle ( see Muscle,smooth)

Snyder, S. H., see Pasternak, G.W., 455

Sodiumefflux from lumen of nephron,

bradykinin action on (rat),119

transport, bladder, stimulation

by 2,4-dinitrophenol, aldos-terone, cyclic AMP and anti-diuretic hormones (toads),


Sodium balanceinfluence on amphotericin B

nephrotoxicity (dogs), 306relation to effect of meclofena-

mate on renal blood flow(dog), 1

Somberg, J. C., Bounous, H., Ca-gin, N. and Levitt, B: Hista-mine antagonists as antiar-rhythmic agents in ouabaincardiotoxicity in the cat, 375

Spinal cord, effects of anthopleu-rin-B, comparison with neu-rotoxin II (frog), 443

Spindel, E., Arnold, M., Cusack,B. and Wurtman, R. J.: Ef-fects of caffeine on anteriorpituitary and thyroid func-tion in the rat, 58

Spires, D. A. and Weiner, M. W.:Use of an uncoupling agentto distinguish between direct

stimulation of metabolism

and direct stimulation oftransport: Investigation of

antidiuretic hormone and al-dosterone, 507

Sputum, viscosity in cystic fibro-sis, use of oral thiol prodrugfor reduction of (mice), 246

Stark, P. and Dews, P. B.: Can-nabinoids. I. Behavioral ef-fects, 124

Stark P. and Dews, P. B.: Canna-

binoids. II. Cardiovascular ef-fects, 131

Steffe, T. J., Mertz, T. E., Hast-

ings, S. G., Potoczak, R. E.

and Kaplan, H. R.: CI-845

(pirmenol hydrochloride): Anew orally effective long-act-

ing antiarrhythmic agent, 50Steroids, adrenocortical, mecha-

nism of action (rat), 561Stetson, P., see Patterson, E., 449

Stewart, J. J., see Weisbrodt, N.W., 333

Suarez-Kurtz, G., Braga DaCosta, M. J. and Coutinho,S.: Effects of high potassium

concentrations and of chlo-ride substitution on the qui-nine-induced contractures offrog skeletal muscle, 171

Sulakhe, P. V., see Wei, J.-W., 186

Sun, F. F., see Taylor, B. M., 24Suprofen, new peripheral analge-

sic (rats, mice, dogs, rabbits,

cows, chickens), 16Sussman, S. E., see Weisbrodt, N.

W., 33Sved, A. F., Goldberg, I. M. and

Fernstrom, J. D.: Dietaryprotein intake influences theantihypertensive potency ofmethyldopa in spontaneouslyhypertensive rats, 147

Taam, G. M. L., see Takeo, S., 688Tabachnik, N. F., Peterson, C. M.

and Cerami, A.: Studies onthe reduction of sputum via-cosity in cystic fibrosis using

an orally absorbed protectedthiol, 246

Tachyphylaxis, d-amphetamineinduced, model for (rats), 410

Takeo, S., Taam, G. M. L., Beam-

ish, R. E. and Dhalla, N. S.:Effects of adrenochrome oncalcium accumulating andadenosine triphosphatase ac-tivities ofthe rat heart micro-

somes, 688Tanikella, T., see Lai, F. M., 388Tarpey, M. M. and Mendoza, S.

A.: Effects of clofibrate onwater permeability andshort-circuit current of toad

urinary bladder, 5Tavolom, N. and Boyer, J. L.: Re-

lationship between hepatic

metabolism of chlorproma-

zine and cholestatic effects inthe isolated perfused ratliver, 269

Taylor, B. M. and Sun, F. F.: Tis-sue distribution and biiary

Page 9: INDEX [] Index Vol.214 tory andexcitatory responses to neurotransmitters (sea hare), 161 Barry, B.K.,see

1980 Index 745

excretion of prostacyclin me-

tabolites in the rat, 24Temperature, body, effects of fi-

endorphin on (rat), 328

Testori, G., see Barbieri, C., 433

Testosterone, tolerance to heroin-induced suppression of

(man), 503

Testosterone acetate, effects on

castrated guinea-pig vas def-

erens, 423Tetracaine, effects on calcium

pump of brain (rabbit), 670�8-Tetrahydrocannabinol, effects

on brain catecholamines(rats), 63

�9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, effects

on brain catecholamines(rats), 63

Theophylline, effects on adeno-sine binding to plasma mem-

brane fraction isolated fromcoronary and carotid arteries(dog), 496

Thibault, L, see Lai, F. M., 388Thiol prodrug, oral, use in reduc-

tion of sputum viscosity incystic fibrosis (mice), 246

Thiopental, effect on nerve, com-parison with pentobarbital(squid), 657

Thioridazine, dose-related prolac-tin response to (rats), 362

Thyroid, function, effects of caf-feine on (rats), 58

Tiotidine, effect on cardiac H2-re-

spouses to histamine (guineapig), 629

Tissue (see also specific site)

distribution, of prostacyclinmetabolites (rats), 24

peripheral, opioid binding prop-erties, comparison of receptorselectivity (cow, guinea pig,rabbit, rat, mouse), 395

Toda, N., see Hayashi, S., 675Tolazoline

-like alpha adrenergic imidazo-

lines, significance of carbonbridge separating phenyl andimidazoline rings of (rats),535

potency at pre- and postsyn-aptic receptors (rats), 275

Toxicity (see also Cytotoxicity

and Hepatotoxicity)Trachea, smooth muscle, re-

sponse to agents, age-relatedalterations in (rabbit), 675

Tricycic antidepressants (seespecific drug name)

Trotta, E. E., Freire, G. L. andGodinho, C. S.: The mode ofaction of local anesthetics onthe calcium pump of brain,670

Tryptophan, hydroxylase activ-ity, brain, long-term effects of

multiple doses of metham-phetamine (rat), 257

Trzeciakowski, J. P. and Levi, R:The cardiac pharmacology oftiotidine (IC! 125,211): A newhistamine H2-receptor antag-onist, 629

Tseng, L-F., Wei, E. T., Loh, H.H. and Li, C. H.: fI-Endor-phin: Central sites of analge-sia, catalepsy and body tern-perature changes in rats, 328

Tuck, M. L, see Krall, J. F., 554

Tyrosinehydroxylase activity, brain,

long-term effects of multipledose of methamphetamine(rat), 257

metabolism, influence of ports-caval shunt (dog), 546

U-25,927, dose-related prolactinresponse to (rats), 362

UK 14,304, effects on sound-in-duced seizures (mice), 437


electrophysiological actions onreentrant ventricular ar-rhythmias in postinfarctionmyocardium (dogs), 347

(N,N-dimethylpropranolol),oral, plasma and myocardialtissue concentrations (dogs),449

Uretsky, N. J., see Fung, Y. K.,651

Urthaler, F., see Primm, R. K.,223

Valentino, R. J., see Herling, S.,


Valle, J. R., see Markus, R. P., 423Varma, D. R and Mulay, S.: Anti-

inflammatory and ulcero-

genic effects and pharmaco-kinetics of dexamethasone inprotein-deficient rats, 197

Vascular bed, mesenteric, effectsof PGE�, PGI2, PGE� and 6-keto-PGE1 (dogs), 528

Vas deferenseffect ofcastration (guinea pig),

423isolated, action ofpalytoxin and

N-acetylpalytoxin in (guineapig), 209

Vasodilator effects, peripheral, ofPGE�, PGE1, 6-keto-PGE1

and PGI2 in mesenteric vas-cular bed (dogs), 528

Verapamil, effect on castratedguinea-pig vas deferens, 423

Vesely, D. L: On the mechanismof action of adrenocorticalsteroids: Cortisol and aldos-terone enhance guanylate cy-clase activity, 561

Vestal, R. E., Kornhauser, D. M.and Shand, D. G.: Active up-take of propranolol by iso-lated rabbit alveolar macro-phages and its inhibition byother basic amines, 106

Vocci, F. J. Jr., Welch, S. P. andDewey, W. L.: Differential ef-fects of divalent cations, cat-

ion chelators and an iono-

phore (A23187) on morphineand dibutyryl guanosine 3’:5’-cyclic monophosphate anti-nociception, 463

Vore, M., see Meyers, M., 87

Waddell, J. E., see Ruffolo, R. R.Jr, 535

Wasserman, M. A., Griffin, R. Land Marsalisi, F. B.: Inhibi-tion of bronchoconstrictionby aerosols of prostaglandinsE1 and E2, 68

Water permeability, of urinarybladder, effects of clofibrate(toad), 5

Wei, E. T., see Tseng, L.-F., 328

Wei, J.-W. and Sulakhe, P. V.:Identity of [3H]dihydroal-prenolol binding sites andbeta-2 adrenergic receptorscoupled with adenylate cy-clase in guinea-pig skeletalmuscle sarcolemma: Generalproperties and structure-ac-tivity relationships, 186

Weiner, M. W., see Spires, D. A.,507

Weinkam, R. J., Finn, A., Levin,V. A. and Kane, J. P.: Lipo-

philic drugs and lipoproteins:Partitioning effects on chlo-roethylnitrosourea reactionrates in serum, 318

Weisbrodt, N. W., Sussman, S. E.,Stewart, J. J. and Burks, T.

F.: Effect of morphine sulfateon intestinal transit and my-oelectric activity of the small

intestine of the rat, 333Weissinger, J., see Hurwitz, L.,

581Welch, S. P., see Vocci, F. J. Jr.,

463Wendt, R. L, see Meacham, R.

H., 594White, R. D., see Gandolfi, A. J.,


Williams, P. B.: Response to ad-

renergic agonists and antag-omits by collateral arteries

from the hind limb ofthe dog,239

Wilson, W. A., see Cots, I. L., 161Wilson, W. A., Jr., see Gospe, S.

M.,Jr., 112

Wince, L C., Donovan, C. A. andAzzaro, A. J.: Alterations inthe biochemical properties ofcentral dopamine synapsesfollowing chronic postnatalPbCO3 exposure, 642

Withdrawal syndrome, clonidine,characterization of (rat), 263

Wolf, W. A., see Kuhn, D. M., 403Wong, S. K. and Buckner, C. K.:

Studies on the beta adrener-gic receptors mediating inhi-bition of antigen-induced his-tamine release from the lungand heart isolated from theactively sensitized guinea pig,

152Woodbury, D. M., see Yonekawa,

W. D., 589Woods, J. H., see Herling, S., 139,

354WR 2721, new mucolytic agent,

use in reduction of sputumviscosity in cystic fibrosis(mice), 246

Wurtman, R. J., see Spindel, E.,58

Xylamine, effects on [3H]norepi-nephrine accumulation inaorta (rabbit), 324

Yaden, E. L., see Ruffolo, R. R.Jr., 535

Yamaguchi, I. and Kopin, I. J.:Differential inhibition of al-

pha-1 and alpha-2 adreno-ceptor-mediated pressor re-

sponses in pithed rats, 275Yamamoto, K., see Abe, Y., 166Yonekawa, W. D., Kupferberg, H.

J. and Woodbury, D. M.: Re-lationship between pentyl-enetetrazol-induced seizures

and brain pentylenetetrazollevels in mice, 589

YS-980, (orally active convertingenzyme inhibitor) effects onrenal function (dogs), 166

Yukimura, T., see Abe, Y., 166

Zaczek, R, see Nelson, M. F., 694Zannoni, V. G., see Lau, S. S., 703

Zenser, T. V., Mattammal, M. B.and Davis, B. B.: Mechanismof FANFT cooxidation byprostaglandin endoperoxidesynthetase, 312