in the end all you really have is 23/staunton il star...mrs....

STAUNTON STAB-TIMES, TIUKM.M. AUGUST 5, IWo. PAfiC SKV9M =»*• r ~ GSTON Wm. Healey and Miss Leona Benar din were St. Lonis visitors Friday. Andy Moaier of Chicago is visiting friends here at ©resent. Mr. and Mrs. H. Becker and daugh- i ter Endora and Mr. Ortwright and sons were St. Louis visitors Sunday. Louis Chas. Bread Country G,ub Vh lb. Double Loaf 10c Fruit Jars Sugar MASON, PINTS, per dozen MASON, QUARTS, per dozen 68c 80c Pure Cane 25 lb. pki. $1.62 CORN FLAKES, Country Club Miss Antonia Loepke of St is visiting ( her aunt, Mrs. Mary Schwartz. V. Misses Florabell and Alberta Ridgie of Akron, Ohio, arrived Sunday to visit their grandmother. Mrs. Mary Best. .. Ed. Brooke and Elmer Lovejoy visi- ted in Alhambra Saturday. Thomas Dzurus returned from Wis eonsin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cushing of Alton visited Mrs. Chas. Quade Saturday and Sunday. \ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson are visit- ing Mrs. Anna Sack after several weeks visit in Dupo. Mrs. Beulah Collins and son Jackie, Miss Lucille Reeves and Lloyd Harvey of Alton visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reeves Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wray and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ballestine left for a week's visit in the Ozarks. Miss Estella Neal left Saturday for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wall and Miss The- resa Thiel and John Renish spent Sat- urda evening in Gillespie. Quite a number of people from Liv- ingston enjoyed outings at Brown's Mill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stroud and daughter Naomi of Dupo and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stroud of Granite City visi- ted Mrs< Sack Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunlap and daughter Anjna spent Sunday in Clin- ton, Ind. Miss Rena Soens spent Sunday in Staunton visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beyer. The ice cream social held by the Ladies' Aid of the Sacred Heart church was well attended. A cushion, donated by Miss Rena Soens, was won by Miss Helen Polinsky. A pair of hand em- broidered pillow cases were donated by Mrs. Eva Yanzo of Edwardsville and were awarded to Miss Mary Bello- vich. The ladies wish to thank all who helped to make the -«oelal a •suc- cess. Mrs. Edith Richison and daughter of Assumption, 111., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Prosser at present. Lost to Mt. Olive /The Livingston 3-M team were de- feated Sunday by the Mt. Olive team by a score of 6-3. Following is the box score of the game: Livingston AB R H PO A E Barna, 2b 5 13 14 1 1 1 0 l! % 3 1 5 Windiscfc, 3b 4 0 Micas, 88 „*. 3 0 Hriberni«k, cf -...4 0 SandrinJe _ 4 2 Dzurus, jib 14 0 WhitehoSse, If ,...4 0 Heinz, rf ...4 0 Diehl, pj 1 0 Sakaloskf, P — 2 0 Otzwirk Ifor Diehl ....1 0 Total 36 3 10 27 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 o 3 0 0 5 AB R H PO A E 1 11 2 * 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 1 0 Over a Million Satisfied One Minute User* Today's Finest Electric Washer Demonstration andS of the Wonder Washer One Minute Fifty-Two Mt. Olive Haller, ss .'.,....3 2 10 0 1 Fedor, 2b .4 0 0 0 6 0 Bennett, p 3 10 0 10 Hresco, lb 3 1 115 1 0 Erbe, c L ,., 4 0 1 7 0 0 Kalvin, 8b .4 0 10 3 1 Gerbis, ff 4~ 0 12 0 0 Kertis, If 3 1 0 2 ^ 3 1 Jacobs, cf 4 1 111) 0 Totals .32 6 6 27 14 3 Mt. Olhte 200 310 000—6 Livingston 010 011 000—3 Two base hits: Sandrin, Dzurus, Ger- bis ; thr«e base hits: Barna home run: Haller; sacrifice hits: Fedor, Hresco, Windiscfci; double plays :Hresco to Ker- tis to Hresco, Windisch to Barna to Dzurus; stolen bases: Whitehouse; wild pitches: Diehl 2, Barna, White- house, Kertis; bases on balls—off Diehl 3, off Sakalosky 1, off Bennett 1; struck Out—by Diehl 1, by Sakalosky 4, by Bennett 7; pitchinp record—off Diehl 6 hits, 6 runs in 5 innings; off Sakalosky 0 hits, 0 runs in 4 innings; off Bennett 10 hits, 3 runs in 9 innings. FOR SALE: fene six room house, garage other outbuildings and grape arbor. South of post office, along Liv- hard road. Apply to Henry L+roy Lannae, returned Saturday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heinz at West Frankfort. The members of the Christian church will give an ice cream social this, Thursday, evening. Quite a number from here attended the Piper family re-union at Staunton Sunday, August 1. -4 NEW DOUGLAS ingston Tanel, $r., Livingston, 111. It WORDEN. Miss! Olga Emrich of St. Louis is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Emrich. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Blase and daugh- ter Erras of Edwardsville visited rela- tives here Sunday. Mrs. H. C. Kinnikin of Greenville visited relatives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keiner and daughter Miss Bernice spent Sunday with relatives at Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sandbach, Sr., were $t. Louis visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wolf and child- ren vij|ited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brun- nik a^ Staunton Sunday. Miss Sylvia Miners of Macoupin Sta- tion spent a few days here last week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quade and daugh- to Normal. Lemoine Foulke has gone where he is attending school. Kate Bilyeau of Chicagol is visiting home folks at present. [Mrs. Clara Earleywine spent several days in St. Louis last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coals|on and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bratton of Livingston called on relatives here Thursday eve- ning. i Mr. and Mrs. Percy Peterson of Gil- lespie were visitors here Sunday. Miss Estella Basset spent the week end with relatives in Donnellson. Norwood Knowlson rettjrned home from the Litchfield hospital, where he had been a patient for the past three weeks. Miss Verlie Plowman of Charleston spent the week end with home folks. | Lawrence Wall was a St Louis visi- t|or Sunday. I - Miss Violet Foulke and Robert Bil- yeau were St. Louis visitors Sunday. Charles Graham was a Litchfield visitor Friday. Members of the Evangelical church gave an ice cream social Thursday eve- ning at the City Park. , The New Douglas base ball team de- feated- the Highland team Sunday by the score of 6 to 4. Mrs. Nannie Deck spent several days last week with her sori, Harry, at Grantfork. John Foulke was a St. Louis visitor recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bunn of Marine spent Monday here with relatives. Clarence Grosenheider was a Litch- field visitor Saturday. Edward McMullen of Sjt. Louis spent Sunday with his mothek Mrs. Tillie McMullen. Word was received here Monday of the death of H. B. McKinney, which occurred Monday morning in Califor- nia. Dr. McKinney formerly practiced medicine at New DougLeis and the re- mains will be brought here for burial, the funeral being Saturday morning at the Christian church, of which he was a member since many years. Dr. Mo , WANT ADS. •. * i ••••••••••#••••• V FOR RENT: 2 light housekeeping rooms. Newly decorated; oath. 212 E. Main St. 4- years ago, residing for several years in Florida and then removing to Cali- fornia. His wife preceded him in ter Atldrey of• *fc*Lours were ««e»«j KWB e y left New Douglas about 14 of relatives here Sunday. Mr;|and Mrs. W. H. Zwilling and daughter Alice of Union City, Tenn., spent Thursday and Friday visiting! death a few g &g ^ e , g survived j \ by two sons, Will McKfnney of Cali- fornia, and Dr. Guy McJKinney of Al- ton, also one granddaughter, Irene Mc- Kinney. Burial will b^ at the New Douglas cemetery. This is the now Famous One Minute Washer. Money can't buy a finer washer than this* \ •«4 • -- "- . * During this month—an Qpporttjnity is afforded every woman to try this One Minute in her own home. Without obligation or expense, without even asl|jng you to buy, we will deliver a brand new washer to your home and leave it there for a trial washing. Phone or come in and arrange for thisJhome dem- onstration. You'll be interested in seeing how much has been accomplished in improving the domestic washing machine. Special easy time payment terms this month. We'll tell you about them. FRITZ BROTHERS 211 W. Main St Phone No. 6* •e" with Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Lannae, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Abel Olive visited New Douglas relatives Sunday. Misi lone Denton of West Frankfort spent last week here visiting relatives and ffiends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klunk and daugh- ter Dolores spent Sunday visiting in St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Birmingham and children are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Hoxsey at Mexico, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McManus anc* children of Edwardsville spent Sunday With his mother, Mrs. Katie McManus Mrs. Oliver Bishop and daughte^ Ruth of Zeigler returned home Thurs- day after a visit here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dubr'ee and son Claude returned home Monday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dubree at Gillespie. Miss Bessie Olive of Urbana spent the week end with home folks. Miis Ruby E. Handshy spent a few days last week visiting with Miss Jen- nie Alton. Misses Emma an* Edna Schuette of St. Louis are visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Neuhaus and sons Gene and Forrest of Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart of St. Louis left Sunday for a visit in Wis- consin. Mrs. Henry Klunk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Haldeu Schnaare at Nameoki. Ethleen Handshy returned home Fri- day after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown at Staunton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Best*were Edwardsville visitors Satur- day. Mr. and^ Mrs. Albert Dornseif and children Eileen and Ray of St. Louis returned to their home Sunday after a visit here with relatives. Caroline Schulze is visiting relatives at Springfield and ^ncoln. Mrs. Fred Croess spent a few days last week visiting relatives at Bloom- ington. Robert Phillips of Alton visited friends here Sunday. Homer Stroud and daughter Naomi of- Dupo spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here John Young of West Frankfort was a visitor here Saturday. A. J. Meyer was a'St. Louis visitor Saturday. John Henry and daughter Miss Jen of Alton were guests at jthelhom^ and Mrs. E. M. 'tttive Monday. rs. Helen Wiekmann and grandson, NOTICE, CITY WATER USERS On account of water conditions maiiy people are compelled to use city wat«r for washing aiid are inconvenienced because of its hardness. To overcome this add one teaspoou- ful of Rub-No-More Washing Powder (the Original 5c Water Saftener) to each gallon of city water. IT SAVES SOAP. Besides its household usages it is the only cleanser that will clean sinks and tubs and dissolves upon rinsing. No sand left to clog drain pipes. adv. FOR SALE: 2 new show eases, shelves and several sections. 210 E. Main Street. 4- FOR SALE: Apex electric vacuum cleaner. Mrs Robert Gray, phone 28x4. 4-2 PROPERTY FOR SALS:, Apply to Hugh Gray, 121,S. Edwartfafcille S t 4-2 FOR RENT: 8 room house oil Pennsylvania St. Apply to Henry Mull. 3t£ i i * WANTED—Middle-aged woman as' housekeeper. Two children in family. Paul Hannig, Jr., Box 347, Staunton, Illinois. it* WANTED—Hard working man who would like to get into business for him- self with famous Watkins line of Food Products, etc. We have an opening In Staunton that wifl not last long. Excel- lent opportunity for larger earnings. Write J. R. Watkins Co., , Dept A-3> Winona, Minn. FOR RENT: 2 unfurnished rooms. Mrs. Rosa Wehr, in Wall addition. 4-2 FOR SALE: 5 room house, Call phone 162r. FOR RENT: Two rooms with bath, furnished or unfurnished.. Modern im- provements. 212 E. Main St. 2- MAN WANTED with ear to drive country. No experience necessary. Social training given free. Good pay, $40.00 to $90.00 a week, for steady work. Write to-day. Box 1632, Dept. E, Philadelphia, Pa. 2-8 I % FOR SALE: House at 965 N. Union Street, also lots. Inquire at 127 Prairie Street. •»••*' 2-3* •— I •' "'— l ll l I.I II II i - i . I M i l III ^ FOR RENT: .5 room house north of the bakery. A. W. Maxe. 2-tt FOR SALE: 4 room inngnlow and garage, 608 Hfbbartl StJ £ FOR SALE: Used titep, all slaes. Staunton Tire & Battery:Ctf., ltf FOR SALE: 6-rootn house with hall. 52-6* Garage. 911 Page St. •¥• 4l FOR SALE: 9-room house at 225 8. Hackman St. Apply io cj. W. Weto at Staunton National Bank. 1 48- FOR SALE: Sawed white;Aak fence posts. C. A. Lambert, Phone 318wl, 404 Spring Street. 26- 1 : DR. A. E. PRINCE If Springfield, will see Bye, Bar. Rose and Throat Patients on the fhird Sunday of each month at Dr. Bley's office. He is prepared to ad- Just glasses: and tor. operations of tonsils and adenoids. Hours, 0:30 a. j KL to 1 p. m. $Arr. 666 is a Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA. It kills the germs. 40-26 Cons h»«Mit,»i •^Pep-EIixo" Sold by C . C . W . U . J I S S t a w t M . IB». ASM. V ^ I Used Cars /- 1 1924 Overland Red Bird 1 1921 Dodge "Touring Car i 1 Model T Reo Six-cylinder 4-passengerxCoupe, just like new 1 1924 S^udebaker Touring Car, good rubber 1 lV2-ton Road King Chassis and Cab, in A-l condition 1 1-ton Ford Truck with cab and full top body. Rucksteel axle. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is 23/Staunton IL Star...Mrs. Carl Stroud of Granite City visi ted Mrs< Sack Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunlap and


GSTON Wm. Healey and Miss Leona Benar

din were St. Lonis visitors Friday.

Andy Moaier of Chicago is visiting friends here at ©resent.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Becker and daugh-i ter Endora and Mr.

O r t w r i g h t and sons were St. Louis visitors Sunday.



Bread Country G,ub Vh lb. Double Loaf 10c

Fruit Jars Sugar

MASON, PINTS, per dozen

MASON, QUARTS, per dozen —

68c 80c

Pure Cane 25 lb. pki. $1.62

CORN FLAKES, Country Club

Miss Antonia Loepke of St is visiting ( her aunt, Mrs. Mary Schwartz. V .

Misses Florabell and Alberta Ridgie of Akron, Ohio, arrived Sunday to visit their grandmother. Mrs. Mary Best. ..

Ed. Brooke and Elmer Lovejoy visi­ted in Alhambra Saturday.

Thomas Dzurus returned from Wis eonsin Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cushing of Alton visited Mrs. Chas. Quade Saturday and Sunday. \

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson are visit­ing Mrs. Anna Sack after several weeks visit in Dupo.

Mrs. Beulah Collins and son Jackie, Miss Lucille Reeves and Lloyd Harvey of Alton visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reeves Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wray and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ballestine left for a week's visit in the Ozarks.

Miss Estella Neal left Saturday for Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Wall and Miss The­resa Thiel and John Renish spent Sat-urda evening in Gillespie.

Quite a number of people from Liv­ingston enjoyed outings a t Brown's Mill Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stroud and daughter Naomi of Dupo and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stroud of Granite City visi­ted Mrs< Sack Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunlap and daughter Anjna spent Sunday in Clin­ton, Ind.

Miss Rena Soens spent Sunday in Staunton visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beyer.

The ice cream social held by the Ladies' Aid of the Sacred Heart church was well attended. A cushion, donated by Miss Rena Soens, was won by Miss Helen Polinsky. A pair of hand em­broidered pillow cases were donated by Mrs. Eva Yanzo of Edwardsville and were awarded to Miss Mary Bello-vich. The ladies wish to thank all who helped to make the -«oelal a •suc­cess.

Mrs. Edith Richison and daughter of Assumption, 111., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Prosser at present.

Lost to Mt. Olive / T h e Livingston 3-M team were de­feated Sunday by the Mt. Olive team by a score of 6-3. Following is the box score of the game:

Livingston AB R H PO A E Barna, 2b 5 1 3 1 4 1

1 1 0 l !

% 3 1 5

Windiscfc, 3b 4 0 Micas, 88 „*. 3 0 Hriberni«k, cf - . . .4 0 SandrinJe _ 4 2 Dzurus, jib 14 0 WhitehoSse, If ,...4 0 Heinz, rf ...4 0 Diehl, pj 1 0 Sakaloskf, P — 2 0 Otzwirk If or Diehl ....1 0

Total 36 3 10 27 12

0 0 0 0 0 1 o 3 0 0 5


1 11 2 * 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 1 0

Over a Million Satisfied One Minute User*

Today's Finest Electric Washer

Demonstration andS

of t h e Wonder Washer

One Minute F i f t y - T w o

Mt. Olive Haller, ss .'.,....3 2 1 0 0 1 Fedor, 2b .4 0 0 0 6 0 Bennett, p 3 1 0 0 1 0 Hresco, l b 3 1 1 1 5 1 0 Erbe, c L ,., 4 0 1 7 0 0 Kalvin, 8b .4 0 1 0 3 1 Gerbis, ff 4~ 0 1 2 0 0 Kertis, If 3 1 0 2 ^ 3 1 Jacobs, cf 4 1 1 1 1 ) 0

Totals .32 6 6 27 14 3 Mt. Olhte 200 310 000—6 Livingston 010 011 000—3

Two base h i t s : Sandrin, Dzurus, Ger­bis ; thr«e base h i t s : Barna home r u n : Haller; sacrifice h i t s : Fedor, Hresco, Windiscfci; double plays :Hresco to Ker-tis to Hresco, Windisch to Barna to Dzurus; stolen bases: Whitehouse; wild pitches: Diehl 2, Barna, White-house, Ker t is ; bases on balls—off Diehl 3, off Sakalosky 1, off Bennett 1; struck Out—by Diehl 1, by Sakalosky 4, by Bennett 7; pitchinp record—off Diehl 6 hits, 6 runs in 5 innings; off Sakalosky 0 hits, 0 runs in 4 innings; off Bennett 10 hits, 3 runs in 9 innings.

FOR SALE: fene six room house, garage other outbuildings and grape arbor. South of post office, along Liv-

hard road. Apply to Henry

L+roy Lannae, returned Saturday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heinz at West Frankfort.

The members of the Christian church will give an ice cream social this, Thursday, evening.

Quite a number from here attended the Piper family re-union at Staunton Sunday, August 1.


ingston Tanel, $r., Livingston, 111. It


Miss! Olga Emrich of St. Louis is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Emrich.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Blase and daugh­ter Erras of Edwardsville visited rela­tives here Sunday.

Mrs. H. C. Kinnikin of Greenville visited relatives here recently.

Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Keiner and daughter Miss Bernice spent Sunday with relatives at Belleville.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sandbach, Sr., were $t. Louis visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wolf and child­ren vij|ited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brun-nik a^ Staunton Sunday.

Miss Sylvia Miners of Macoupin Sta­tion spent a few days here last week with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quade and daugh-

to Normal. Lemoine Foulke has gone where he is attending school.

Kate Bilyeau of Chicagol is visiting home folks at present.

[Mrs. Clara Earleywine spent several days in St. Louis last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coals|on and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bratton of Livingston called on relatives here Thursday eve­ning.

i Mr. and Mrs. Percy Peterson of Gil­lespie were visitors here Sunday.

Miss Estella Basset spent the week end with relatives in Donnellson.

Norwood Knowlson rettjrned home from the Litchfield hospital, where he had been a patient for the past three weeks.

Miss Verlie Plowman of Charleston spent the week end with home folks.

| Lawrence Wall was a S t Louis visi-t|or Sunday.

I -Miss Violet Foulke and Robert Bil­

yeau were St. Louis visitors Sunday. Charles Graham was a Litchfield

visitor Friday. Members of the Evangelical church

gave an ice cream social Thursday eve­ning a t the City Park. ,

The New Douglas base ball team de­feated- the Highland team Sunday by the score of 6 to 4.

Mrs. Nannie Deck spent several days last week with her sori, Harry, a t Grantfork.

John Foulke was a St. Louis visitor recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bunn of Marine spent Monday here with relatives.

Clarence Grosenheider was a Litch­field visitor Saturday.

Edward McMullen of Sjt. Louis spent Sunday with his mothek Mrs. Tillie McMullen.

Word was received here Monday of the death of H. B. McKinney, which occurred Monday morning in Califor­nia. Dr. McKinney formerly practiced medicine at New DougLeis and the re­mains will be brought here for burial, the funeral being Saturday morning at the Christian church, of which he was a member since many years. Dr. M o

• • • , WANT ADS. • •. * i • • • • • • • • • • • # • • • • •

V FOR RENT: 2 light housekeeping

rooms. Newly decorated; oath. 212 E. Main St. 4-

years ago, residing for several years in Florida and then removing to Cali­fornia. His wife preceded him in

t e r Atldrey of• *fc*Lours were « « e » « j K W B e y left New Douglas about 14 of relatives here Sunday.

Mr ; | and Mrs. W. H. Zwilling and daughter Alice of Union City, Tenn., spent Thursday and Friday visiting! d e a t h a f e w g &g ^e ,g s u r v i v e d

j \

by two sons, Will McKfnney of Cali­fornia, and Dr. Guy McJKinney of Al­ton, also one granddaughter, Irene Mc­Kinney. Burial will b^ at the New Douglas cemetery.

This is the now Famous One M i n u t e Washer. Money can't buy a f i n e r washer t h a n this*



• --"-



During this month—an Qpporttjnity is afforded every woman to try this One Minute in her own home. Without obligation or expense, without even asl|jng you to buy, we will deliver a brand new washer to your home and leave it there for a trial washing. P h o n e o r c o m e i n a n d a r r a n g e for t h i s J h o m e d e m ­onstration. You'll be interested in seeing how much has been accomplished in improving the domestic washing machine. Special easy time payment terms this month. We'll tell you about them.

FRITZ BROTHERS 2 1 1 W. Main S t Phone No. 6 *


with Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Lannae, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Abel Olive visited New

Douglas relatives Sunday. Misi lone Denton of West Frankfort

spent last week here visiting relatives and ffiends.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klunk and daugh­ter Dolores spent Sunday visiting in St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Birmingham and children are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Hoxsey at Mexico, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles McManus anc* children of Edwardsville spent Sunday With his mother, Mrs. Katie McManus

Mrs. Oliver Bishop and daughte^ Ruth of Zeigler returned home Thurs­day after a visit here with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dubr'ee and son Claude returned home Monday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dubree at Gillespie.

Miss Bessie Olive of Urbana spent the week end with home folks.

Miis Ruby E. Handshy spent a few days last week visiting with Miss Jen­nie Henry .a t Alton.

Misses Emma a n * Edna Schuette of St. Louis are visiting home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Neuhaus and sons Gene and Forrest of Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart of St. Louis left Sunday for a visit in Wis­consin.

Mrs. Henry Klunk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Haldeu Schnaare at Nameoki.

Ethleen Handshy returned home Fri­day after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown at Staunton.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Best*were Edwardsville visitors Satur­day.

Mr. and^ Mrs. Albert Dornseif and children Eileen and Ray of St. Louis returned to their home Sunday after a visit here with relatives.

Caroline Schulze is visiting relatives a t Springfield and ^ n c o l n .

Mrs. Fred Croess spent a few days last week visiting relatives a t Bloom-ington.

Robert Phillips of Alton visited friends here Sunday.

Homer Stroud and daughter Naomi of- Dupo spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here

John Young of West Frankfort was a visitor here Saturday.

A. J . Meyer was a 'S t . Louis visitor Saturday.

John Henry and daughter Miss Jen of Alton were guests a t jthelhom^

and Mrs. E. M. 'tttive Monday. rs. Helen Wiekmann and grandson,


On account of water conditions maiiy people are compelled to use city wat«r for washing aiid are inconvenienced because of its hardness.

To overcome this add one teaspoou-ful of Rub-No-More Washing Powder (the Original 5c Water Saftener) to each gallon of city water. IT SAVES SOAP.

Besides its household usages it is the only cleanser that will clean sinks and tubs and dissolves upon rinsing. No sand left to clog drain pipes. adv.

FOR SALE: 2 new show eases, shelves and several sections. 210 E. Main Street. 4-

FOR SALE: Apex electric vacuum cleaner. Mrs Robert Gray, phone 28x4.


PROPERTY FOR SALS:, Apply to Hugh Gray, 121,S. Edwartfafcille S t


FOR RENT: 8 room house oil Pennsylvania St. Apply to Henry Mull. 3t£

• — — — i i *

WANTED—Middle-aged woman a s ' housekeeper. Two children in family. Paul Hannig, Jr., Box 347, Staunton, Illinois. i t *

WANTED—Hard working man who would like to get into business for him-self with famous Watkins line of Food Products, etc. We have an opening In Staunton that wifl not last long. Excel­lent opportunity for larger earnings. Write J . R. Watkins Co., , Dept A-3> Winona, Minn.

FOR RENT: 2 unfurnished rooms. Mrs. Rosa Wehr, in Wall addition. 4-2

FOR SALE: 5 room house, Call phone 162r.

FOR RENT: Two rooms with bath, furnished or unfurnished.. Modern im­provements. 212 E. Main St. 2-

MAN WANTED with ear to drive country. No experience necessary. S o c i a l training given free. Good pay, $40.00 to $90.00 a week, for steady work. Write to-day. Box 1632, Dept. E, Philadelphia, Pa. 2-8

I %

FOR SALE: House a t 965 N. Union Street, also lots. Inquire a t 127 Prairie Street. •» • •* ' 2-3* • — • I • • ' " ' — l l l l I . I II II i - i . I M i l III — — — ^ —

FOR RENT: . 5 room house north of the bakery. A. W. Maxe. 2-tt

FOR SALE: 4 room inngnlow and garage, 608 Hfbbartl S t J £

FOR SALE: Used titep, all slaes. Staunton Tire & Battery:Ctf., l t f

FOR SALE: 6-rootn house with hall. 52-6* Garage. 911 Page St.

•¥• 4 l FOR SALE: 9-room house at 225 8.

Hackman St. Apply i o cj. W. Weto at Staunton National Bank.1 48-

FOR SALE: Sawed white;Aak fence posts. C. A. Lambert, Phone 318wl, 404 Spring Street. 26-1 :


If Springfield, will see Bye, Bar. Rose and Throat Patients on the fhird Sunday of each month a t Dr. Bley's office. He is prepared to ad-Just glasses: and tor. operations of tonsils and adenoids. Hours, 0:30 a.

j KL to 1 p. m. —$Arr.

666 is a Prescription for


I t kills the germs. 40-26

Cons h » « M i t , » i

•^Pep-EIixo" Sold by C . C . W . U . J I S

StawtM. IB». A S M .


^ I

Used Cars /-

1 1924 Overland Red Bird 1 1921 Dodge "Touring Car

i 1 Model T Reo Six-cylinder 4-passengerxCoupe, just like new

1 1924 S^udebaker Touring Car, good rubber

1 lV2-ton Road King Chassis and Cab, in A-l condition

1 1-ton Ford Truck with cab and full top body. Rucksteel axle.

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069