implementing workflow patterns with business process ...€¦ · implementing workflow patterns...

® IBM Software Group © 2003 IBM Corporation Implementing Workflow Patterns with Business Process Choreography

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© 2003 IBM Corporation

Implementing Workflow Patternswith Business Process Choreography

Page 2: Implementing Workflow Patterns with Business Process ...€¦ · Implementing Workflow Patterns with Business Process Choreography. IBM Software Group | WebSphere software Workflow

IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns – Objectives

Describe workflow patterns implementationThe patterns themselves (conceptual)Implementation of these patterns in BPEL4WS & BPC v5.1

Equivalent implementations/options in BPEL4WS & BPC v5.1Differences between Long-running & Non-interruptible processes

After this presentation you should...Be able to recognize simple patterns in business processesBe able to use this presentation and its samples as a jump-start to implement specific business processes

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns – Agenda


Workflow PatternsBasic Control Flow Patterns (5)Structural Patterns (2)Cancellation Patterns (2)Communication Patterns (2)State based Patterns (3)Advanced Branching and Synchronization Patterns (5)Patterns with multiple instances (4)


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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns – TermsSynonyms, Abbreviations & Similar meanings

BranchPath or Execution PathThread of Control

Long-Running Process (LR)

Non-Interruptible (NI)

Synchronous interfaceRequest - ResponseInput - Output

Asynchronous interfaceCall – CallbackFire and Forget

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns

Basic Control Flow Patterns (5)SequenceParallel SplitSynchronizationExclusive ChoiceSimple Merge

Structural Patterns (2)Cancellation Patterns (2)Communication Patterns (2)State based Patterns (3)

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ContextActivities may depend on other activities

ProblemSome activities may have to wait until other activities complete

SolutionUse sequenceOr flow

plus links or joinConditions that evaluate to true

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Sequence Example



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Parallel Split

ContextActivities have no direct dependencies and parallel execution is required (LR)

ProblemA single thread of control has to split into 2 or more different execution paths (branches)

SolutionUse links

Or flow

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Parallel Split

see next slide...

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ContextMultiple branches need to converge into a single execution path (LR)

ProblemSynchronize parallel execution paths

SolutionUse links in flows

Or continue after flow

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Exclusive Choice

ContextDifferent paths need to be chosen based on a condition

ProblemDecide which path to go and trigger one path only

SolutionUse switch

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Simple Merge (1)

ContextThere are multiple execution paths, only one is executed

ProblemWe need a merge point

SolutionUse switch within a sequenceOr, use switch within a flow and continue with link

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Simple Merge (2)

If modeled with exclusive conditions this flow results in the same behavior as the previous one

Note: there are several options to model a specific pattern

choose the simplest oneto designto understand

JoinBehaviour/JoinConditionor Links evaluated

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns

Basic Control Flow Patterns (5)

Structural Patterns (2)Arbitrary CyclesImplicit Termination

Cancellation Patterns (2)

Communication Patterns (2)

State based Patterns (3)

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Arbitrary Cycles

ContextA set of activities needs to be executed multiple times

ProblemSpecific entry points are necessary as starting points for the execution of a pathExiting the path requires additional activities or information

SolutionYou cannot realize this pattern with BPEL4WS; however, structured cycles are possible with while activities

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Implicit Termination

ContextThe workflow engine (BP Engine) must determine when a process has ended

ProblemThere may be processes that have no reply or terminate activity

SolutionImplicit termination is provided with BPEL4WS, terminate is not required to end a process

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns

Basic Control Flow Patterns (5)

Structural Patterns (2)

Cancellation Patterns (2)Cancel ActivityCancel Case

Communication Patterns (2)

State based Patterns (3)

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Cancel Activity

ContextSome scenarios require that activities are disabled for some reason

ProblemSkip activities based on conditions

SolutionUse flow and

Decide with links & its conditionsLet the join condition decide

Use switch

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Cancel Case

ContextThe execution of a process be must stopped. Running activities will be stopped immediately as well.

ProblemThere may be sub-processes running that may need to be stopped as wellOnly child sub-processes will be stopped

SolutionUse terminate

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns – Agenda

Basic Control Flow Patterns (5)

Structural Patterns (2)

Cancellation Patterns (2)

Communication Patterns (2)Request/ReplyOne-Way

State based Patterns (3)

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Request / Response & One-Way

ContextCommunication between processes, talking to web services

ProblemUse of input/output and input-only operations with BPEL4WS

SolutionSee picture




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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns

Basic Control Flow Patterns (5)

Structural Patterns (2)

Cancellation Patterns (2)

Communication Patterns (2)

State based Patterns (3)Deferred ChoiceInterleaved Parallel RoutingMilestone

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Deferred Choice (LR)

ContextThe modeler cannot model the process such that a particular branch can be chosen based on the data available to the process

ProblemA particular branch must be chosen (compare choice pattern) based on a decision not influenced by the process model

SolutionUse pick

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Interleaved Parallel Routing (NI)

ContextA set of activities needs to be executed – no concurrent active activities are allowed

ProblemThe activities should be executed in an arbitrary order that will be determined at runtime

SolutionUse non-interruptible processes and the flowOr non-interruptible processes and links

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ContextAn Activity is enabled after a FirstActivitycompleted as long as it completes is a certain amount of time

ProblemDisable Activity after time has expired with Invoke

SolutionUse pick (LR) and send end event in Invokeafter the timer.

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns

Advanced Branching and Synchronization (5)Multi ChoiceSynchronizing MergeMulti-MergeDiscriminatorN-out-of-M Join

Patterns with multiple instances (4)

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Multi Choice

ContextThere are a number of branches that may need to be executed based upon a condition that isn’t determined until run time

ProblemDecide which branches to execute, possibly fork (LR)

SolutionUse links and apply conditions




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Synchronizing Merge

ContextParallel path synchronization, not all paths are not necessarily executed

ProblemSynchronize parallel execution (LR) paths and ignore skipped execution paths

SolutionUse links in flow

Or continue after flow

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Multi Merge (1)

possibly another process

order add CD

ContextFor a set of different branches the same service must be called

ProblemMultiple alternatives must be executed based upon a condition. After executing the alternatives a special service must be called

SolutionThere is no special activity for that; call the specific service after each path

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Multi Merge (2)

asynchronous activationof service

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Discriminator without Sync (LR)

ContextA set of concurrent branches is executed –continue as soon as the fastest branch is complete

ProblemGuarantee that the succeeding activity is executed only once; continue without waiting for other branches

SolutionUse receive or pick

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Discriminator with Sync (LR)

ContextA set of concurrent branches is executed – next activity must be started as soon as possible and only once (after first branch is completed)

ProblemIn addition to “Discriminator without Sync”, synchronization needs to be done after all branches have been executed

SolutionUse receive in a loop

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

N-out-of-M Join (LR)

ContextMultiple alternatives must be executed based upon a condition and must synchronize again

ProblemExecution of an activity in the workflow must happen as soon as N out of M paths are completed

SolutionUse receive in a loop

COUNT = 1,next one will

execute !

Event Event

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Workflow Patterns

Advanced Branching and Synchronization Patterns (5)

Patterns with multiple instances (4)without synchronizationwith a priori design time knowledgewith a priori runtime knowledgewithout a priori runtime knowledge

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Multiple Instances without Synchronization

ContextAn activity must be started multiple times; however, control over the execution of the activity is not necessary

ProblemFor each instance of an activity an additional thread of control must be started (LR)

SolutionUse while activity and call another process asynchronously

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Multiple Instances with design time knowledge

ContextThe number of instances of an activity are known at design time; synchronization after execution is needed

ProblemMultiple threads of control need to be started (LR) and synchronized after execution

Solutionuse flow and model the number of activities

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Multiple Instances with runtime knowledge

ContextThe number of instances of an activity is known at runtime

ProblemMultiple instances must be started in parallel (LR) –asynchronously, then synchronized again

SolutionSee picture

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IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Multiple Instances without runtime knowledge

ContextSee pattern on previous page; the number of instances is not known at runtime

ProblemConcurrently start an unknown number of activities and gain control again (LR) for synchronization

SolutionSee picture

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Reviewed simple workflow patternsThe patterns themselves (conceptual)Implementation of these patterns in BPEL4WS & WPC v5.1

Discussed several equivalent implementations of certain patterns in BPEL4WS & WPC v5.1

Pointed out differences between Long-running & Non-interruptible processes and how they effect the patterns

Built a foundation to discuss more advanced workflow patterns