implementation of 4th tranche

Republjr o1'the Philippines Depannrcnt ot'Eddcatiou Nationill CaDitel Regicrn Drv[sroN oF clTY scHOOt S Queznn Ciry, 2"r District. Mefio Manila mefimm June 6, 2012 ME\IORA\DUM TO Asst. Schools Division S f\erintendenrs DivisiorVDislrict Supervisortcoo'dinators Elemeotary/Secondary Schooi I,dncipals Officr:rs ln-('harge lleads of Adrniqistrative tJn;ts SUBJECT: nTPLEMENTATION OF Tllti FOUR'I H I RANCHE MONTIiLY SAI,ARY SCREDULE FOR CIVILIAN PERSONNEL AND BASE PAY SCHEDUI,f, FOR MII,ITA.RY AND UNTFORMED PERSONNF]{, IN THE NATTONAL GOVERN]\'ENT I For the information and guiilance ofthe fleld, enctosed is a iopv ofNational Budget Circular No 540 ofthe Department ofBudget and it{anagement dated Nlay 10. 2012 relative to the Impl€n€ntarion ofibe Fourth Traache Monthly Salary Schedule ibr Civilian Personnel and Base Pay Schedule fcr Nlilitary and Persornei in the National Government elTective iune 1, 2012, as authorizcd utrder F.xecutive Order (EO) No. 76 dated Aprii30.2Cl2, which is seii-exp1aoato.y. 2 AII school adn_inistrgtor. aie rcqrrrred Lo suhmit lo Personnel Section \c,trce of Salary Adjustment (N0SA; ofall permanent tesching atd non-teachilg personnel in their reJpectiv€ schools foliowiflg the tbrmat mark as Annex "C" and Planiilla of Personnel and Salary Adjustment. 3. Imrne.diaie and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired. coRMoN c. RUBIO, CESO vl Schools Division Superintendent

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Republjr o1'the PhilippinesDepannrcnt ot'EddcatiouNationill CaDitel Regicrn

Drv[sroN oF clTY scHOOt S

Queznn Ciry, 2"r District. Mefio Manilamefimm

June 6, 2012


Asst. Schools Division S f\erintendenrsDivisiorVDislrict Supervisortcoo'dinatorsElemeotary/Secondary Schooi I,dncipalsOfficr:rs ln-('hargelleads of Adrniqistrative tJn;ts



I For the information and guiilance ofthe fleld, enctosed is a iopv ofNationalBudget Circular No 540 ofthe Department ofBudget and it{anagement dated Nlay10. 2012 relative to the Impl€n€ntarion ofibe Fourth Traache Monthly SalarySchedule ibr Civilian Personnel and Base Pay Schedule fcr Nlilitary and Ltnifo.medPersornei in the National Government elTective iune 1, 2012, as authorizcd utrderF.xecutive Order (EO) No. 76 dated Aprii30.2Cl2, which is seii-exp1aoato.y.

2 AII school adn_inistrgtor. aie rcqrrrred Lo suhmit lo Personnel Section \c,trce ofSalary Adjustment (N0SA; ofall permanent tesching atd non-teachilg personnelin their reJpectiv€ schools foliowiflg the tbrmat mark as Annex "C" and Planiillaof Personnel and Salary Adjustment.

3. Imrne.diaie and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired.

coRMoN c. RUBIO, CESO vlSchools Division Superintendent



Notice of Salary Adlustment


Pursuant to Natjonal Budget Grcular No. 540 dated May 10, 2012, implementingExecutive Ord€r No.76 dated Apdl 30,2012, your salary is hereby adiusled effectiveJune 1, 2012, as tollows:

t. Adjusted monthly basic salary etfective .lune 1, 2012, under thenew SElary Schedule; SG-.- Step _- P

2. Actual mond]ly basie sabry €s oiNlay 31, 2012; SG


Step *3. Monthly salary adjustment effective lune 1, 2012 (1-2) P

It is underdpod that this salary adjustnent is subject to review and post-auditand to appropriate re.adjustanent and refund iffound not in ordef.

Very truly yours,

Head of Agency

Poslton 'Iide:

Salary Grade: -----,----:Itern No,/Unique Item No., FY _- Personal SeMces ltemization

and/or Pjantilla of Personneli ._.-

Copy Furnished: GSIS



3"O Exclusions

The folto\,ying are excluded from the coverage of this Circdlar:

3.1 Positions for clvifan peconnel in qovemnent entNes which areexempted from R.A. No. 6758, as amended, and arc authonzed by law toadopt, and are actually implementing thei!' respedive compefisation andpo6ition classification systems approved by the Office of the pr€sident;

3.2 Those hired without employee-employer relationships and funded fton. non-PersonalS€rvicesappropriabbns/budgets,asfollows:

3.2.1 Consurtanb and experts hired for a limited period to perfo.mspecific adivities or services wlth expected ouFuls;

. 3,2.2 Laborers hirp.d through rob cmbacts (pakyaw) and hore paid forFiecewort;

3.2.3 S'tudent wcrkers and apprentices; aM

3.2.4 Individuals and groops of peop{€ wh,r6e services are enqagedthrough job oders, contrdcts of service, or oflers similadysituated,

Fo(tt{r francfiE Montfily Salary Sciedule br Clvllidn Psrsonn€t

The neyr salary rates shall be in accordanc€ with the 'Fourdr Tranche MonhlySalary Schedule for Cvilian Personnel of the Natioflal Government Effectv€ lune1,2012," attached as Annex "A."

4.1 Rules fo. Adjusting Salaries

4.1.1 The salari€s of irEumbent civiltan personrxil iirall be adjusted totie ra&s ln the Salary Schedule in Annex'A" which conespondto the designated salary step6 of the salary grade alloGtions oftheir poitjons as oi May 31, 2C12, provided their positions and

' salary grades are in accordahce wili the Index of OccupatlonaiServices, Occupatloial Gqups, Classes, and salary Grades issuedunder Bqdget Circular No. 2006-3 dated May 17, 2006, and theInda( of Ocrupational S€rvices attach€d to C6rporateCornpensation Circular No. 10 dated Febtuary f5 1999, andaddltions/rfl odif rcatiom $ereto.

4.1.2 tfthe actual nonth.y oasic salary ofan incumbent as of t'4dy 3l;- 2Al2 falls betw€€o steps of tie salary grade allocation of his/her

posltjon dle to the grant of service award or as a result ofdemotion or trdnsfer due to he exige'n€y of dB service, hislhersalary shall be adjust€d to the rdte for the highe. step in thesalary Schedule ln Annex "A."


Annex "A"

Fourth Trandte !,lootbly Salary Sd|edul€ fe. Ovflbr pertonndof lrre afi.$al cc^.qwEitt

Effectivs Jun€ l,2012 -


GradeStep ! Step 2 $tep 3 Step 4 gtep 5 Step 6 $lep t Stop I

,| 9,000 9,090 9.181 9.273 d IIAE 9,459 9,554 9,6492 9,675 I,712 9,869 9,968 10,068 10.169 10274 IU.J{ J

10,40'1 10,505 10,610 10.716 10.823 10.931 11,040 11_1514 1't,181 11.292 11.405 11,5't9 tthJ5 11,751 '11.869 11,9875 12.019 12,139 12.261 12.383 12.5W 12.632 12.755 12.8866 12,921 13,050 13,180 13,312 13,445 13,580 13,716 ll aa1

7 13.890 14.029 '14.169 14.311 14,454 14,598 14,744 14.8928 14.931 15,081 tc.tJa 15,384 J5,538 15.693 15.850 '16.009

I 16,051 16,212 18,374 16.538 16.703 16,870 17,039 17 ,205't0 17 ,255 11.428 17 ,602 17,778 17 956 '18,135 18.317 18,s00I 18,54S 18,735 19,111 19,495 19,690 19,887t2 19.s40 20,140 20.545 20.750 20,95B 21,167 21.37913 21,436 2r,650 21.67 22,086 22,306 t') 22,98214 23,044 23,274 23,5W 23J42 23.979 24.219 ?4,461 24i0615 24.887 25,'161 26,4ir8 25,718 26.000 26,286 26.576 26,86816 26.878 27,171 27 .473 27 ,77 5 28.080 28.389 28,702 29,017'17 29,028 29.348 29.671 29,997 30,327 30,661 30.936 31,33918 3't.351 31.696 32,044 32,397 32.753 33.1 t3 33.dJ8 33.84619 33_859 34.231 34,608 34,988 35,762 36,156 36.55420 36.567 38,970 37 .376 37.7M 38,203 38,623 39.048 39,4782t 39,493 39.927 40,367 40.811 4 t.259 41;? 13 42.172 42.63622 42.652 43.121 43.596 44.075 44,560 45,050 45 546 46,0472r 46,064 46,571 47.083 47 ,601 48,125 48,654 49.190 49,731

24 4S,750 s0.291 50.850 51.410 51,975 52,547 53,125 53.7C925 53,730 u,321 54,918 56.133 JO, /)U 57.375 58,006tb Jq,0?q 56.666 59.312 59,964 60.624 61.291 6'i.965 62,646

bz h/u 63,360 64,057 64,761 65.474 66,194 67.65828 67.684 68.428 69,181 69,942 70.11',| 71.489 73,07129 73,099 73,903 74,716 76.368 77.208 78.058 78,91630 78.946 79,815 80.693 81,580 82,478 83.385 84.302 85,230

90,000 90,990 91 991 93,003 94.026 95.060 96,106 97,16332 103,000 104 133 105,278 106,437 107 ,607 f08,791 109,988 11r 198

33 120,000

implement thejr respective salary schedules at lower rates than, but atuniform percentages of the salaries in Annex "A."

In the formuiation of such salary s€hedules, GOCG arts GFIS shall ensurethat they can fund 01 a sustainab,e ba3is the increased sal.des, includhgthe govemment counteroan to the Retirement and IIfe InsurancePremlums (RLIP), PAG{.B.I.G. Contributions, PHILHEALTH Conbibutiofl s,and tmployees Compensation Insurance Premiums.

In the adjustment of the salaries of incunibent personnel effective June1, 2012, the pertinent rules under item 4.1 o,' th6 Circular shall beapdied.



Fourth Tranche Monthly Base Pay Schedule fqr liilitary ahd Unlforln€dFeisonnel

6.1 The new base pay rates shall be iri accordance with the "Fourth TrancheMonthly 8a5e Pay Schedule for Military and Uniformed Personnel EffectiveJ{rne 1, 2012," attached as Annex "B."

6.2 The monthly base pay as of play.31, 2012 of incumbent military aMuniformed personnel shall be adjusted to the rates in the Ease PaySchedule in Annex "8" effedive June 1, 2012,

Cdldltonal Applicability to Gntities Exempted From R.A, o. 675& asAnEltdcd

7.1 Pursuant to item (9) of ttle Senate and Hous€ of Representatives lointResolution No, 4, s. 2009, entities which are €xemded fiom R,A. No.6758, as amended, but are still following tie Compensation and Podfonclassification System and salary rntes for positjons covered by said Act,may be enti'tled to the salary increases authorized under E,O. No. 76 untilsuch time that they have implemented their respectvd comp€nsation andposltion classification systerns approved by the Ofice of the Piesident"

7.2 Accordingly, the payment ofsalary ldjustrnents to the personnel in these€nbties shall be subJect to the pertitt€nt provisioE of this Crcular.

Proccdurrl Gukl€lines

8.1 Preparation of ltotjces of Salary Adiusbnent (NOSA5)

8.1.1 The Human Resource Manage;ent Ofhcer (HRt"lo)/MministrativeOfficer (AO) of a natonal governm€nt aqency (NGA), GOCC, or

. GFI shall prepare NOSAe for lncumbent civilian personnel Wfolowirig the format marked as Annex "c," for approval by theHead of &ency.


of casual and contractual personnel in NGA5, shall be sourced ttrerespective agercy FY 2012 lump sum appropriatlons/b.,.ld9ets_

9.3 For GOCC5 and GFI5, the amounts shall be charyed against theirrespectjve corporate tunds in the approved corporate opera ng budgets(COBS), provided that the national government shall not release funds forsalary adjustments or for any compensation-related expenditures;provifled, further, that lhe GOCG and GEls shall not resod to boe.owings

- for the purpose; and provided, furthermore, that the performance targetsin their DBlil-approved COBS are met and tieir programs/projects for th€year are not adversely affected.

rO.O Release of Frn&

10.r 'Initially, agencies may charge the requirements of the salary adjustmentincluding sucil related tompensation and nxed expenditure adiustmentsof their persoDnel agdinst their allotrnents for Personal Services (PS)

' cofirprehensivev reieased through their Agenry Eudget l4abices.

10.2 The release of the specific Special Allotrnent Reieas€ Order (SARO) forthis salary adjustmert Ond relaM cornpensatbn and fixed expendituresshall be contingent on agency submission of the second quarter BudgetAccountability Reports, i,e,, as of lune 30, 2012, consistect w-rth item4.4.2 of NBC o. 535 (Guidelines on the Rele6e of Funds for C.Y 2012).Thls shall be released by the DBM directly to tie operating units of NGAS(i.e., units receiving Notice of Cash Ajlocation, or NC4, direcdy DBM)based on the number ot filled po5itions as of lvay 3t,2012,

10,3 Additional release offunds for this purpose shallcoosider tlte following:

10.3.1 Requirements of nelvly filled regular positiofls after tlle Mat 31,2012 cut-off date cited above

The agenc1 report for 0le purpose shall irclude lnfwmation onthe item numbers, posilons and salary grades, names ofincumbest, sala{les and dates of assumption to duty.

10.3.2 Retired personnel of the agency from June 1, 2012 up to theda'le of is-uance of the SARO, usinq as refurence tfie requestsfor payrnent of terminal leove ard retirefiEnt gratuity benefitspro(essed by DBM; and

10.3,3 Latest Statement of Allotsnents, Obligations, and Balances,highlighting the amount of allotnenb received andconesponding obligatiors incuned for salary adjusiments.

10.4 DSM shail issre addlional NCAS to cover the seven (7) monthsrequirement for this salary adjustment and related compensation and

fixed expenditures of agency personnel, consistent wis) the proceduclguidelihes under OBM Circular Lenets No m6-11 and No. 2011-15


Annex "E

odce of lese Pay Adluslment



tursJant to l,laiorEl B{dget Crcular No. gO dated t{ay 10, 2O1a impleme[dngb(ecutive Oder No. 76 &bd April 30; 2012, tou. base pay as (ndkl ls :

herebi adjusted efrectiw June 1, 201.2, as tollo\as:

1, AdtusH mon$t b6se pay effectiw lune 1,2012 p ---2. Adual monthly ba6e pay as of May 31, 2012

3. l',hnthly base pay adjusfinent effedivc June 1,2012 (1-2) P .__..-_' It ii undelsbod that thb base pay adushent is subJed b r€'vr'elr and post-

audri and b 4Fropriate re-adJustmert and retrfid if,found not in oder.

VerY tulY Yours,

H€nd ofAgency


re .;. ! ?Fr"rir, S.fln L4r i"rr.:r Sflne lll!, tia ;\.t(l,!!l ,eigiliri€vilfr' : \.'\r 'r-dl ije r'+5lh -!el*

(ri rt ir4 r'1. i " rlll! !a


I J i _1 .. ..r-_-...t nTt l

_ - - _---:;---i_

) ,t.)i | \,,,,t,t- | 'l ,_"r, I t,jJ.

_-____ _ _ 1_-_::

Plantilla of Personnol and salary Adlustmsnt Annex

As Requir€d. U.der ltem 4.2 of t{ttional BudgEt Cltq ar No. 54O dated l.lay 1Or 2012


tlsn t{c,/ldlsrrrd'lllond{y

&nc & 2012

Pr€pared/Certlfl ed Conect by:

Hum-n R€sosrce t{amgqneot Offic€r/

{yminbtratiYa officer

Head ofAden y

Anno( "9"

Fourth Tranche l,lor hly Base pay Schedulefor a,lllitary and unlfonn€d Persohnel

Effective lu,l€ 1. 2012(In Pesos)



PCGand AI'RIAHonthly

Ease PayBtl'lP.nd aFP PI|P and PP9CC€ndidite sMier 1i,265

Private Fire/.lail Officer I Police I Apprenttre SeamadSeaman Third Oass


Private First Class Seaman Second chss 15,952

Corponl Flrerail Ofiicer U Police Ofiicer II Seama! Fird Oass t6,934

SergEant P€*ty Officer m 77,714

Stafr Sergeant HrelJail Oncer UI Police Officer III Petry otrcer U 1&66s

Tedrnbal Seq€ant Petty I 20,159

Master Sergeant S€nior FidJail OffceI I Senior Pdice Offo:r I Chief Petty Officet 2t,771

S€nlor Master Sergeant Senlor FireAail Ofiicer Il senior Police Offtcer II Senior Chief PettyOfficer


Chief l4astr Sergeant Senio. Fl.e/Jail OficerNI

Senlor Police Ofilcer IlI Master Chief Pettyofrrcer


Fkst Chlef Masbr S€rgoant Senbr Fireljail Offlcerry' Senbt Police Ctfficer IV First f4aster Chief PettOficer


Cadd Cad€t 27,425

Probationilry S,econdUeut€rant


Secord ,lleutenant Ensign n,945

First tieutenant Inspeator lnspector Lbutenant Junbr Gbde 32,34r

Captain Senid Inspector Senior Inspedoa Lbutenant senbrGlade


i,lajor Chief lffpector Chief lnsp€cbr Ll tenant Cornmander 37,313

Li€utenant Colon€l Sup€.htendent Superintendent Cnfnlnander 40,298

colcrEl Senior Superinbrdent Senior Superintendent Gptain 43,521

Brbader @Erai Chief Superlntendent Chhf Superintendeot , Co.nmodore 47,N2

!1ajor Generbl Dllector Oirector Rear Admlrai 50,763

Mce Admiral 54,824

Lhutenant General Deputy Dirc{tor-General

Admiral 59,210

G€neral Dir€ctor Generdl 67,50A .

11.0 ResFonslblliti$ of Heads ol Aggncies

Heads of Aqencles shall be responsible for the proper implernentadon of theprpvisions of Sts Cirolar. They shall be held liaue for any payment of salary orbase pay nc{ in accordance wlth the provisions of this Clrclilar.

lZ0 Savlng Cl.use

. ' . Ca6es not covered by the provisions of this Circular shall be rcfered to the DBl,lfor resolutJon.

13.0 Eff..tdlriry

This Ororlar shall take effect immediately.




8.1.2 For personnel whose acrLat mon[rly sdlaries as of Mav 31, 2012.erceed the rdtes correjponding. io Step g of ire ,if, o.a-Ja ocauon or Uteir positions in Annex "A,,,the FIR 4O/AO sh;ll nolonger Drepare NOSA5.

Ll.3 The NOSAs snai be issued to the persocnel co:lcerned. coovturnished the covefnnent serurce Insuraqce system fcssj iiif,ipersonnel are nembers thereof.

8,2 Preparaflon of plantill;s of personnel and Salary Adjustment (ppsAs)

8,2.1 'fhe HRMO/AO of a GOCC or cFI shalt prepa.e the ppSA forregular posit;ons by fottowing the Formar .lla;ked as nnnei;O.;for approval by the Head of Agency.

8.2,2 The ppSA snall be submited to the Department of Buddet anrJManagemenr (DBM) Budget dnd MaFaqement gureau fdivsi oiReg;onat Omce (RO).oncemed, tcgether with a copv oi the dutuappro\red salary schedute (under tem S.t of this iiicularl. movturnished the Civil Service Conmissjon (CSC) RO/Fietd Oft6 (6i€oncemed.

8.2.3 Separare ppSAs ior cazuat and corbactxat personnel of NGAS.@CG, a,ld GFIS shatt be s;milarly preparcd ond submrhed to theDBM 8Ma/RO and CSC RO/FO concerned.

8,3 Preparation of Notjces of ga5e pay Adjustment (NOBpAs)

. 8.3.1 The iIRMO/AO of an NGA shal prepare NOBpAs for inormbentmilitary/uniformed p€rsonnel following th€ format marked isAnnex "8," fo. approvat by the Head of Agency.

8.3,2 The NOBPA5 shall he issued to the persolnel concemed.

8.4 The salary/base p6y adiustment under dris Circular shall be subject to, review and post audit, and to appropriate re-adjustment if found not inorder, The personnel cotcemed shall refund any overpayme,tts recelv€d,

Fund Sources

The amounb required tO implement the salary/base pay adlustments.induding such related mmpensation ana nxed expendinrie aftustmensof regular personnel in NGAS, shall be charged against the N4iscefianeousP€rsonnei Benefits Fund authotiz€d unde. R.A. No, 1015t the Fy 2012Geri€ral Apffopriations Act, and ho,n any avatlable s3vings in the Fy2012 budget.

The amounts iequired to implement the salary/wage adjWbnents,including such related tornpensation and fixed €xpendiiure adju$ments


4.1.3 If the actual montily basic salary of an incumbeirt exce€ds thattor Step 8 oF the salary grade allocaEon of his/her position as ofMay 31, 2012: His/Her salary shall be adjusted to the rate for Step 8 ofthe salary grade allocation of his/her position in theSalary Schedule in Annex "A"; or He/She shall not be entitled to salary increase if $eadual salary as of May 31, 2012 exce€ds the rate forStep 8 of the salary grade allocation of his/her posiuon inthe Salary Schedule in Annex'A."

4.1.4 If supported by sufficient funds, the salaries/wages of incumbentcontraclual/casual personnel as of Mat 31, 2012 may be adjustedto the rates cooesponding to Step 1 of the sabry gradeallocations of their positions effectve June 1, 2012. The adjusteddaily wag€ rates of casual personn€l shall b€ computed by

, dividlng the montl y rates by 22 work days per monlh:

4.1.5 Compulsory retirees whose seNkes have been extended beyondMay 31, 2012 shall be enutled to salary increases effective June l,2014 blbwing iterns 4.1,1 to 4.1.3 of this Circlrlar, whicherer isapplicable. Hot{ever; their reurement benefits, including Terninalt€ave 8enetrE, shall be compuH based on thelr monthly salaries

. a6 of $e dai prior to the etreciivity of their retirement, cone-ste{twith existing laws, rules, and reguladons.

Efrectivlty of the salary Adjustment for the President of fie Philipplnes,Vice President of tlle Philippines, and Cabin€t Secretarjes

The implenentaton ot the iourth tra-che of t'|e Salary Schedule ii thecase of dre Presldent of the Philippir€s, the Viae ?resident, and theCabinet Secretaries shall be effective July 1, 2012-

4.3 Inapplicability to Certain Offidab

In accordance widr Section 10, Artid€ VI of tie Philipplne Ccnstitution, noincrease in compeosahbn of Senators and Members of fte House.ofRepresenEdves shall take effect until aftei' the expiration of the full termof all th€ Members of the Senate and the House of Representativesapproving such increase.

Implsmentatirro qf Ul€ Sab.y Sdredele in GOCCT and GFI5

Th€ implementauon of the fourth trdndE of the salary Schedule inGOCCS and GFIS shall be as determined by their resirective governingboards, GOCcs and GFI5 which do not have adequate or sufficient tundsto implemdnt fully the salary Sahedule in Ann€x "A" may formulate and




ffi REpUAUC OFTHE nntltpPr €sDEPARTMEIIT OF 6UDGET AND MANAGEMEIITEonccdln Hall, 6eneral Solano street. San l4iguej, tvtanija




: Heads oI beganments, Bureaus. bfftces, and Agencies ofthe ltational cov€rnHenq Indu{ling State Unive;fties 6ndcdleo€s {SUCs), Govemrnqit-olvned or -ContolledCorporations (GOCCS) and covemment Financial Institutk ns{cFIs); and All Others Con€erned

I lmplementation of the Fourth Tranche Monthly SalarySchedule for Clvilian personnel and Base Fay $eheOule forMilitary and Uniformed persollnel in the NationalGovernment

No. 540

May 10, 2012




This Orcular is issued to prescribe the guidelines, rules, ard reguljtions togovern the ifiplementation in the National Government ot the four$. tranche ofdle nodified Salary Schedule for civil;dn persoq4el a1d Base pay Schedule formilitary and unlformed peisonnel, both provjded under the Senate and i.{ouse ofRepresenedtives loitt Resolutron No, 4, s. 2009, approved on Juoe 17, 2009, andas mandated under Executive Order (e.O.) No. 76, issued on April 30, 2012.


The following are covered by this Ctrcular:

2.1 All positions for civilian pe.sonlel, wl".etirer regular, casual, orcon&actual !n nature, appointive or elective, full-time or part !-me. nowexisting or hereafter created in the Executive/ Leliislative, and ludicialEranches, the Constitutional Commissions/Officet 5UG, GOCG, andGFIS covered by the Cornpensation and position Classncahon Sys'temunder Republjc Act (R.A.) No. 6758, 'Y;ompensation and positicnClassification Aai of 1989," as arneflded; and

2.2 l'lilitary personnel under the Arined Forces of tire philipphes, Deparifltentof National Defense (DND); and uniformed pei.sonnel under tie FhilippineNational Police (PNP), Philjppine public Safety College (ppSC), Blrreau ofFire Protection (BFP), and Bureau of Jail Management and penology

- {BJMP) under the Department of the Intentor anC Locat Government(DILG); Philippine Coast Guard (PCG); and National lvlapping andResource Infomlation Authority (NAMRIA).