imperial wars and colonial protest, 1754-1774 unit 3

Imperial Wars and Colonial Protest, 1754-1774 Unit 3

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Imperial Wars and Colonial Protest, 1754-

1774Unit 3

Empires at War

● The First 3 Wars○ fought between Great Britain, France and Spain over a 74

year period

● The French and Indian War○ began in the colonies

■ France built a chain of forts along the Ohio River○ Albany Plan of Union

■ plan for intercolonial government, plus troop recruitment and tax collection

○ Effects■ unchallenged British supremacy in North America

Empires at War

● British view○ felt colonists were unable and unwilling to defend their


● Colonial view○ proud of their military performance and convinced they could

provide their own defense

● Reorganization of the British Empire○ Pontiac’s Rebellion

■ destroyed forts and settlements from New York to Virginia along frontier

○ Proclamation of 1763■ colonist can’t move west of Appalachian mtns.

British Actions and Colonial Reactions

● New Revenues and Regulations○ Sugar Act (1764)-passed to raise money for the crown○ Quartering Act (1765)-required colonists to provide food

and living quaters for British soldiers stationed in the colonies

○ Stamp Act (1765)-raise funds for British military forces in the colonies

British Actions and Colonial Reactions● Protesting the Stamp Act

○ Boycotts, Sons and Daughters of Liberty○ Stamp Act repealed 1766 primarily due to financial reasons○ Declaratory Act (1766)-asserted parliament’s right to make

laws and tax the colonies

● Second Phase of the Crisis 1767-1773○ The Townshend Acts (1767)

○ Taxes on tea, glass and paper to pay salaries of crown officials in the colonies

British Actions and Colonial Reactions

○ Colonial reaction○ John Dickinson’s Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania○ Boycotts○ Increased smuggling activities

○ Repealing the Townshend Acts (1770)○ Trade was damamged○ Little revenue

○ Boston Massacre (1770)○ Boston Customs House protest○ Crispus Attucks and four others killed

British Actions and Colonial Reactions

● Renewal of the Conflict○ The Gaspee (1772)- British customs ship set alight by Rhode

Island colonists○ Boston Tea Party (1773)- protest against special treatment of

British East India Company

● Intolerable Acts○ The Coercive Acts (1774)

○ Enacted to punish Bostonians for the tea party○ Quebec Act (1774)

■ Provisions-Roman Catholic Church; no rep.assembly■ American Anger

Philosophical Foundations of the American Revolution

● The Enlightenment ○ The Age of Reason

● John Locke○ Two Treatises of Government

■ natural rights■ sovereignty■ duty of government