immunostimulation of immunoactive peptide to fish leucocytes: ∗t. kitao & t. yoshida....

C4 The Scientific & Social Program: Vth ISDCI Congress POTENTIATION OF THE TROUT PHAGOCYTE RESPIRATORY BURST. *I.S. Galvan & C.J. Bayne. Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. When rainbow trout pronephric leukocytes are explanted into culture, their ability to produce phorbol ester-stimulated superoxide anions increases over time. This change occurs in a subpopulation strongly enriched for neutrophils and macrophages by density gradient centrifugation. When this population is incubated for 24 hours in the presence of 100ug/ml LPS, the number of esterase-positive, plastic-adherent cells increases significantly over controls. The non-adherent cells from such LPS- treated cultures yield an enhanced respiratory burst. This priming effect of LPS on the non-adherent population requires the presence of the adherent population. We infer an interaction between the LPS-stimulated trout macrophages and neutrophils which potentiates the respiratory burst of the latter cells. $53 C5 II~UNOSTJ~FdLATIONOF I~R~OACTIVEPEFTIDETOFISH LEUCOCYTES. *T. Kitao & T. Yoshida. Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agricultuere, Miyazaki University, Miyazaki 889-21, JAPAN. An immunoactive peptide, FK-565, has been demonstrated by Kltao et al. (1986 and 1987) to stimulate phagocytic activity, humoral antibody production and protection when given to rainbow trout one day before challenge with heromonas salmonlclda. In this experiments we investigate the effect of FK-565 on chemiluminescence (CL) and spreading activity of rainbow trout leucocytes under the in vitro condition. Furthermore, we report the immunostimulatlon of FK-565 to antibody producing cells and humoral antibody release when administrated with a bacterin to yellowtail. Peripheral and spleen leucocytes obtained from rainbow trout were cultured with FK-565 in different concentrations (0; 20 and 40 ug/ml) for 20 hr at 11"c. After cultivation, the cells were harvested and the CL assays were carried out by using zymosan as a stimulant. Spreading assays were performed by using glass adherent leucocytes cultures with FK-565. Furthermore, the immnostlmulation of FK-565 to antibody producing cells and humoral antibody tlters were checked during immunization regimes in yellowtail when the bacterln was mixed with the FK-565. We found that FK-565 as immunoactlve peptide successfuly activated CL response of both peripheral and spleen leucocytes. Furthermore it increased the spreading activity of spleen glass adherent leucocytes. The numbers of antibody producing cells and tlters of humoral antibody in yellowtail were elevated.

Post on 19-Nov-2016




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The Scientific & Social Program: Vth ISDCI Congress

POTENTIATION OF THE TROUT PHAGOCYTE RESPIRATORY BURST. *I.S. Galvan & C.J. Bayne. Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.

When rainbow trout pronephric leukocytes are explanted into culture, their ability to produce phorbol ester-stimulated superoxide anions increases over time. This change occurs in a subpopulation strongly enriched for neutrophils and macrophages by density gradient centrifugation. When this population is incubated for 24 hours in the presence of 100ug/ml LPS, the number of esterase-positive, plastic-adherent cells increases significantly over controls. The non-adherent cells from such LPS- treated cultures yield an enhanced respiratory burst. This priming effect of LPS on the non-adherent population requires the presence of the adherent population. We infer an interaction between the LPS-stimulated trout macrophages and neutrophils which potentiates the respiratory burst of the latter cells.



II~UNOSTJ~FdLATIONOF I~R~OACTIVEPEFTIDETOFISH LEUCOCYTES. *T. Kitao & T. Yoshida. Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agricultuere, Miyazaki University, Miyazaki 889-21, JAPAN.

An immunoactive peptide, FK-565, has been demonstrated by Kltao et al . (1986 and 1987) to st imulate phagocytic a c t i v i t y , humoral antibody production and protec t ion when given to rainbow t rout one day before challenge with heromonas salmonlclda. In th is experiments we inves t iga te the e f fec t of FK-565 on chemiluminescence (CL) and spreading a c t i v i t y of rainbow t rout leucocytes under the in v i t ro condit ion. Furthermore, we report the immunostimulatlon of FK-565 to antibody producing ce l l s and humoral antibody release when administrated with a bacter in to ye l lowta i l .

Peripheral and spleen leucocytes obtained from rainbow t rout were cul tured with FK-565 in d i f f e ren t concentrat ions (0; 20 and 40 ug/ml) for 20 hr at 11"c. After cu l t iva t ion , the ce l l s were harvested and the CL assays were car r ied out by using zymosan as a st imulant. Spreading assays were performed by using glass adherent leucocytes cul tures with FK-565. Furthermore, the immnostlmulation of FK-565 to antibody producing ce l l s and humoral antibody t l t e r s were checked during immunization regimes in ye l lowta i l when the bacter ln was mixed with the FK-565.

We found that FK-565 as immunoactlve peptide successfuly ac t iva ted CL response of both peripheral and spleen leucocytes. Furthermore i t increased the spreading a c t i v i t y of spleen glass adherent leucocytes. The numbers of antibody producing ce l l s and t l t e r s of humoral antibody in ye l lowta i l were elevated.