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  • 8/14/2019 Immortal Love Full Story


    Immortal Love

    Two immortal pieces find each other, but will they survive eternity?

    By: Jane C.

    Colors in the Pages

    The Chapter Headings are Highlighted in Pink

    The Authors Name, and Notes in Blue

    The Date the Chapters are Finished in Yellow

    The Title in Red

  • 8/14/2019 Immortal Love Full Story


    Chapter 1-5 Done on January 21, 2010

    Chapter 1: The Vision

    Here I am once again walking alone through the woods surrounding my home. I

    am walking through the cool night air as I always do when I need to think. It is

    around midnight; I was awoken by the same vision again. This vision is the same

    one I have had for a few months now each time it becomes clearer. The vision

    consists of a strange family coming to town, I see myself with them, but they are

    not normal, they are not human, they are something else but I am not sure what.

    They are gifted as well, although I do not know what gifts they hold. I see them

    arriving in town. Then the vision jumps forward, I see myself standing with them

    as part of their family. That is where the vision ends; the strange family and myself

    standing happily together the surrounding are fuzzy still, as if they keep changing.

    I wander through my normal path for a few more minuets pondering the new

    information for I never saw myself as part of their family. I suddenly grew tired

    and returned home to get some rest, which I thought was odd, but I shrugged it off

    and continued home.

    Chapter 2: They Have Arrived

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    It has been a little over a week since I had the vision, it seemed odd but I thought

    maybe the family decided not to come to this town. For if they have changed their

    decision then the future changes with it. I ponder about this as I drift off to sleep.I

    stand here in the woods and at first I feel fear, until I notice I am on the familiar

    path I walk so often when deep in thought. Thats when I hear it Come to us

    Jane it is a young woman from the strange family. I can see her now; she is a

    small petite girl with short blond hair her name is Eliza. Jane come to us we will

    not harm you she speaks to me again. I begin to run, I dont know why but I trust

    her completely. I hear her again Yes come on we have been waiting for you. I

    run faster than ever before. I can hear other thoughts now; She is truly

    amazing. comes from a man called Carlos, I cant hear her strange. from a

    young man named Jackson, She seems so sweet and trusting, I think shell be a

    wonderful edition to our family, if she decides to join us. Hmm I wonder how she

    will react? from a woman named Ella, I can feel immense strength and emotion;

    I cant wait to get to know her better, if she will permit of course. from another

    young man named Dustin. Shes almost here they thought together. Suddenly I

    am in my bed at home, it was just a dream. I tried to go back to sleep but failed. I

    got dressed and headed to my familiar path to think. I have been wandering for

    about twenty minuets. I stopped suddenly; feeling like I had been her before, but I

    know I havent been this way for months. I realized with a start where I was it was

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    the place from the dream, was that dream a vision? My thought were interrupted,

    by her, Eliza, Come to us Jane and as in my dream- which I think may have been

    somewhat a vision- she called again Jane come to us we will not harm you. I did

    as in the dream I began to follow her voice, but slower this time. Then I heard her

    again Yes Jane come to us we have been waiting for you. My speed began to

    quicken, I began to hear the others thoughts as I dreamed. She is truly amazing.

    from Carlos, I can hear her strange. from Jackson, She seems so sweet and

    trusting, I think shell be a wonderful edition to our family, if she decides to join

    us. Hmm I wonder how she will react? from Ella, I can feel immense strength

    and emotion; I cant wait to get to know her better, if she will permit of course.

    from Dustin, of course these were their thoughts not spoken for me. Shes almost

    here. they thought together. I was, I could sense them, and then I stopped. I

    realized it now, I could feel it, I was close enough, I had gained their gifts. They

    began to worry and thought about coming to me, but decide to wait. I took this

    moment to explore their new gifts; I could feel their gifts and understand them,

    along with their emotions. I realized that three were gifted, but I only gained the

    gifts from one. Because two had gifts I already possessed, telepathy for Jackson,

    and psychic abilities for Eliza, The ones I gained were from Dustin who had two.

    He possessed empathy and the ability to feel others gifts. I only took about thirty

    seconds then I started to walk to them, I could feel they were a mix of emotions,

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    and their thoughts were too jumbled to decipher. But I could see them now they

    stood in a clearing; I stopped for a moment before walking through the last wall of

    vegetation separating me from the strange, well now not so strange family.

    Chapter 3: They Finally Meet

    Finally after months of the same vision I finally meet them. Hello Jane Eliza

    chirps. She is followed by the rest with hellos. You probably wonder who we are,

    how we found you, and how we know your name, and what we want. I feel

    tenseness around her and her family; she waits for me to say something. Actually

    no, well at least to part of those. She stared at me openmouthed along with the

    rest of them. Can you clarify that for us please? this time it was Carlos who

    spoke. Well you see, I knew you were coming, and I know your names, and your

    gifts. You are Carlos, and your partner is Ella. You Eliza are physic, and your

    partner Jackson is telepathic but can not read my mind. Finally you Dustin, you

    have a rare quality you have two gifts, empathy, and you can feel gifts of others.

    As for you purpose yes I would like to know if that isnt too rude. Now I am sure

    you probably have questions of your own. Please dont be shy. Again they all

    stood a little dumbstruck, and for a second I felt a bit of fear from them but I

    passed. Then Carlos spoke again Well as you pointed out Eliza can see the future,

    so we came to find you when she saw you in a vision as part of our family. Well

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    the offer is there for you but I think we may want to get to know each other before

    the decision is final. I waited a moment to make sure he was finished speaking

    Yes that seems fair will you and your family accompany me to my home, where

    we can sit and get to know each other. He looked to his family they smiled and

    nodded. Well Jane I think we will take your offer. Please lead the way as he

    gestures in the general direction of my home.

    Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed

    We were still walking and finally reached my house. I hadnt realized how far we

    were, it seemed so fast getting there but the walk back was extremely slow. Then I

    hear a small gasp as they see my large home. Such a large home, dose someone

    else live with you? Carlos spoke and I felt a weird emotion I couldnt place. No I

    live alone; actually you are the first people to see this house. I never bring guests

    here. The feeling lessened, but they had another to replace it, strange. You wont

    have to worry about interruptions, as you may have noticed we are quite far from

    town. I dont know why I said this but it was sort of involuntary, my mouth spoke

    on its own. Thats interesting, why do you live so far from town my dear? this

    came from Ella, Well I like my privacy, and the sound of nature surrounding me

    is intoxicating, and the wildlife is exquisite, everything from deer and elk, to bears

    and mountain lions but to see those you have to hike into the mountain a bit further

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    than we were. This got an excited feeling from the whole family, I was happy the

    shared my views, at least thats what I thought this was at the time. Well

    everyone, would you like a tour, or would you like to get acquainted first? They

    all ponder this for a moment. I think if it is alright with you we will take the tour

    later, I would like to get to know you and you us before we get to know your

    home. Carlos chuckled. Well I guess, if thats what they want, I was hoping to let

    them know the normal me. Oh well here goes nothing. Well everyone, first I dont

    know why but I feel as if I can trust you, so I will let you in on my closest kept

    secret. Once I explain you will understand why I know so much about you. First I

    am human, but I am gifted, I can see the future and thats why I knew you before

    we met. I am telepathic, and I can project thoughts into someones mind. I have

    what one would call super human abilities, I heal quickly, I dont need much food,

    or need much sleep, and I dont age. I absorb others gift, which is how I gained

    empathy and the feel for other gifts, which I gained from you son. I can also

    levitate objects which I gained a few years back. I know you probably want to

    withdraw your offer of me joining your family I understand, however I hope we

    may stay friends. Oh and since I didnt see you in a house here, I will offer mine

    while you get settled in here, that is if you dont mind staying with a freak. I

    chuckled out the last sentence. They looked abashed, at my conclusion. When

    Carlos spoke he said something I didnt expect. Oh well my dear, the offer still

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    stands, and thank you for your hospitality. Also my dear you are not a freak.

    Before you decide your answer to becoming part of my family, you should know

    what we are. We are vampires, I am two-hundred years old, Ella is about one-

    hundred and seventy-five, Dustin is one-hundred and fifty, and Eliza and Jackson

    are around the same as Dustin. We are not traditional vampires though, we survive

    on animal blood. I hope you will not shy away from us but we would understand.

    So this was why they were excited about my home and the privacy, as well as the

    abundant animals. Well that explains quite a bit. Of course I will join you. I must

    tell you though, I have met one other like yourself, although he was a traditional

    vamp, I forbid him from my home and town and havent seen him since. However

    let me assure you, this was because he tried to bite me in one of my nightly walks

    around my home, and change me. Otherwise I would have acted differently. I hope

    you wont think of me badly. They looked surprised and appalled; I thought this

    was because of me. However I was wrong, Carlos spoke with anger and

    understanding in his tone. No of course not Jane, you did it solely to protect

    yourself and you town. We will not hold that against you, and if he ever returns we

    will stand with you. You are now part of our family I was glad. Oh but wait, I

    dont have to become a vampire do I? They simply laughed. And it was Carlos

    again who spoke. Of course not, silly girl, we are strongly against taking a human

    life, only if you truly wanted this life would we even consider it, but from what

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    you told us you are very like us, only you are alive, and dont drink blood. So the

    answer is no. I was extremely relived. Well everyone, now that you know me

    and I you, would you like a tour? I was answered with five dazzling smiles. They

    all said Yes that would be wonderful.

    Chapter 5: The Accident

    I took them through my house explaining each room, and showing them the guest

    rooms where they could stay. We had reached the grand room, where I had a huge

    crystal chandelier that was currently my favorite room. I was explaining the history

    of it when I heard a piercing scream from Eliza, then I saw it. I had a vision of the

    chandelier falling where I now stood. Then I was suddenly across the room, Dustin

    had seen it begin to fall and pushed me out of the way. We flew out a window and

    landed the hillside. I heard and felt the bones crack. Suddenly I was surrounded by

    five worried faces. They were talking to me but I couldnt hear them. Then I could

    see the blackness close in, the last thing I saw was Dustins face before the

    blackness covered me.

    Chapter 6-7 Done on January 27, 2010

    Chapter 6: Finally awake

    I awoke in my room, I was tired and groggy still, my throat was dry so I began to

    reach for my water I kept by the bed. I took me only a moment to realize that I

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    couldnt move. I was suddenly very afraid until Ellas face appeared above me.

    Oh thank goodness, you finally awake. Hello dear, do you remember who I am?

    Yes, you are Ella. She smiled yes dear, Im glad to hear that. You my dear had

    us all very worried. Now how do you feel? I thought for a moment, focusing now

    on my body. I feel okay, just uncomfortable not being able to move. She

    chuckled Well let me fix that for you. One by one she began to remove the

    braces. When she finished she gave me some water. There you go, is that better?

    Yes, thank you Ella, can I ask why I had so many braces. She simply smiled and

    said, Oh I wasnt entirely sure what all you broke besides your leg, arm, and

    collar bone. So I covered all the major bones. I didnt want to have to rebrake

    anything She said, she cringed at the thought. Um where is everyone? There

    out hunting, they tried to wait for you to wake, but their needs grew too great. They

    will be back shortly, Im sure Eliza has seen you wake. As if on queue they all

    walked in. With a simple Hi, how do you feel. from them. Im fine umm how

    long was I out? Their smiles faltered a bit. Youve been out for two days dear

    Ella looked like she was telling me something horrible. Two days thats all? Huh

    last time I was out for almost a week. They all stared at me opened mouthed.

    Dustin was the first to speak. This has happened before? How? Yes, I was

    repairing my roof after a big storm. I slipped and fell. It wasnt so bad except when

    I had to rebrake my leg. They all cringed at the thought. Well Im glad that was

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    not the case this time my brother was driving me mad. He had me checking for you

    to wake every half hour. She looked at Dustin giggled. Hey if you had pushed

    her through a second story window you would be anxious too. Oh Dustin It

    wasnt your fault, I would have been hurt worse if you hadnt Im fine, and

    grateful. Now Im I was cut short by a vision. Jane what is it? Jane are you ok?

    It was Dustin again. Im fine, just had a vision of me installing my new HD TV. I

    just thought about it since I now have company, and it would be a shame for them

    to miss the big game on it. The boys smiled. Well before the interruption, I was

    going to say Im going for a walk. Im feeling a bit stiff, I will see you all in a bit.

    Chapter 7: The Real Vision

    I left before they said anything else. Because feeling stiff wasnt my real reason for

    a walk. I needed to walk to think about the vision. I also had to do it alone, for the

    vision wasnt about my TV which I did need to install, but about Victor, why was

    he talking to me now. I hadnt seen him in over twenty years. Not since he tried to

    use me for his sadistic plans. I shook my head trying to shake the images. I was

    glad it worked, I didnt want to think about the past. I was thinking about the letter

    I saw, I dont know where I got it I just saw myself holding the envelope in my

    study, The name clearly visible, in Victors own hand To Jane, Your old friend V.

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    Gah old friend, yeah he used to be before, no I refuse to think about what

    happened. I was glad when Eliza interrupted my thoughts. Hi Jane, I came to ask

    if you wanted to go shopping tomorrow, I need to go to Seattle to get some things.

    So you up for it? She was visibly bouncing, she probably knew my answer

    already but still. Yeah Id love to go, I love shopping She smiled ear to ear.

    Great I cant wait, oh and you had some mail on you porch, I put it in your study.

    I kept my smile on with a lot of effort, my mail never gets left on the porch. This

    must be from Victor.

    Chapter 8-9 Done January 30, 2010

    Chapter 8: The Letter of the Past

    I walked back to the house with Eliza. I was happy to listen to her buzzing away

    about our shopping trip. I kept me smile in place, although inside I was chaotic. I

    hated lying to her and the rest of the family, but I didnt want them knowing my

    past, not yet. Without any notice Eliza stopped and put her hand on my arm, Jane,

    I know your hiding something and it has to do with your vision, I wont pry, and I

    will not think about this around Jackson. However I know how you feel and hope

    you trust us enough to tell the truth. We will be here for you, and if you see danger

    we will stand with you no matter the cost. Eliza, its not that I dont trust you or

    the family, but I just need to know more before I have you all worrying needlessly.

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    I see no immediate danger so dont worry, but I need to read the mail from the

    porch. I will know more then, I promise to speak to you all, but please let me find

    out all I can first ok? Just trust me that is all I ask and in return I will give you the

    entire truth. Ok Jane, I trust you. We walked back to the house, Eliza picked

    back up the previous conversation about our shopping trip. As if the conversation

    about my vision hadnt even happened. We came to the house and I immediately

    went to my study. I found the mail on my desk there was a letter and a parcel. I

    didnt see a parcel from him so I looked at it first, it wasnt from Victor, but it was

    from my family, I decided to open it after the letter. Then I picked up the envelope,

    it was made of expensive paper, on it the addressing line in Victors own hand, To

    Jane, Your old friend V. I held in the profanities I wanted to shout at the envelope,

    I didnt want to alert my family. I turned it over and opened it up slowly, I pulled

    out the heavy parchment, on it were a few lines, again in Victors own hand.

    Dear Jane,

    I hope you are well, I just wanted to remind you todays date. It has been exactly

    twenty-five years to the day. I didnt want it to pass without a gift to you. Hope you

    like it.

    P.s. Do you miss her still?

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    Just as I finished reading a lock of light brown hair fell out tied with a piece of

    twine. I felt my guard crumble, the feelings I had locked up in the deepest part of

    my mind came rushing out of their vault. The first of which was a growl that the

    devil himself would cower from. You stupid piece of shit, I will hunt you down

    and burn your miserable ass, and dance around the fire laughing while doing so! I

    will get my revenge, Missy I swear to you I will torture him for what he did! I will

    not stop until he is dead if it is the last thing I ever do! He will get away no

    longer! I was too angry now I threw the letter across the room. I was so angry that

    I didnt notice my family come in. They stood there wide eyed not saying

    anything, Dustin looked fearful they all did, just then I remembered his gift and

    used it to calm everyone including my self. Im sorry everyone, I really am, but I

    will explain this moment later. However I need to tell you my entire past. I was

    hoping you wouldnt have to learn this just yet, but now I must because it may be a

    danger to you. Carlos was the first to speak, Jane, please tell us whats going on

    so we can help you. I thought for a moment, Alright, but please lets go into the

    dining room, you see it is where all my family discussions were held, and if you

    dont mind I wish to continue this tradition. They looked puzzled but followed.

    Chapter 9: The Full Past Revealed

    A/N: this chapter is a bit longer than usual, just a heads up.

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    Everyone was seated around the table, so I began. Alright everyone, first off I

    must tell you. I was born August thirtieth nineteen-sixty, meaning I am nearly fifty

    years old. I lived a semi normal life, until I turned seventeen. My mother died, in

    what I was told at the time was a horrible animal attack. I had no other family, my

    father died when I was five. They were both only children. So I was left supporting

    myself and my little sister. Missy, she was eight at the time. I was working two

    jobs, just to get by. About six months after her death, I received a letter stating that

    I inherited my mothers estate. I found that she had land and oil stocks from her

    parents. I still dont know to this day why she never used it. However it was worth

    two hundred thousand dollars. I was so thrilled, I used it to build this house, and I

    set up a college fund for Missy and myself. I still worked but not as much as

    before. I spent most of my time with Missy, I watched her as if she were my

    daughter rather than sister. She was brilliant, and beautiful. I loved her so much,

    she became my pride and joy. I sent her to the best school I could find. She loved

    to learn and was thrilled. I spent my spare time studying architecture. Our house

    was finished on Missys tenth birth-day, we moved in a short time after. We spent

    the next two years living life without many worries. On my twenty-first birthday, a

    letter was left on my porch. It was from my mother. At this I stood and walked to

    the drawer in the china cabinet and pulled out a worn envelope with the letter I

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    received all those years ago. This is the very letter, allow me to show you. I laid

    it in front of them and they began to read.

    Dearest Jane My lovely Daughter,

    If you are reading this I am no longer with you. If my instructions were followed,

    today is your twenty-first birthday. First let me say I love you with all my heart,

    and happy birthday. You will begin to notice changes, you are a gifted one, and

    you will not age. There is magic in your blood, and your younger sisters, so take

    care of her. I am sorry to say that this is all I can explain for it is all I know.

    However do not be afraid it is who you are. I wish I were there with you, but fate

    has made the decision against that. I love you with all my heart. I know you have

    received my estate by now, I have enclosed a map for you to follow. There you will

    find a treasure for you that is too precious to trust in any bank. I trust you and only

    you, there is a gift for your sister as well. I love you both more than you will ever


    With Love

    Your mother

    Now I followed the map and found a box buried under a large hemlock, in it was

    a letter for my sister as well as a gold locket with a rose and single diamond, and

    a silver pendant of a rose with a single diamond at the center. I took the pendent

    from behind my shirt, they all let a small gasp. This is the pendent. I havent got

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    my sisters locket. Now let me continue my story. After I received this and had

    found the box containing the letter and necklaces. I talked with my sister and we

    decide to keep this a secret. I began to notice my powers. First cam the telepathy,

    then the visions, then I notice my increased strength, and speed and how I hardly

    grew hungry or tired. I also noticed I could sense the world around me. It was all

    very strange but I took comfort in my mothers last words. I was glad that I could

    control them fairly well. We continued to live in peace until nineteen eighty-five. I

    came home one day to find the house empty. I just thought Missy was out

    shopping for more books, she went through books faster than you would believe,

    and thats why the library is so huge. She had been talking about a new author. So

    again I thought nothing of it. That is until I walked outside to visit my garden.

    Thats when I saw a man lying out back near the fringes of the forest, he was

    beaten badly. I felt my heart rip I was afraid that whatever hurt him may have

    gotten to my Missy. As I approached him slowly his sent hit me I knew who he

    was, he was an old friend I had since I was eight years old. I hadnt seen him since

    he left with his family the day after my fifteenth birthday. I was afraid now more

    than ever he was not only a friend he was my first love, his name was Victor. I ran

    to him I thought he might me dead, but as I neared him I heard his heart I was

    relived a bit at that. It seemed like I took me forever to reach him but it took mere

    seconds. He wasnt as badly hurt as I thought, but still bad enough to knock him

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    out. I was getting ready to pick him up and carry him in to tend his wounds. When

    I noticed he had a note pinned to what was left of his shirt. It read hello Jane, I

    know what you can do, and if you ever want to see Missy again you will use them

    for my bidding. When your ready to talk shoot the flare I left you in the sky and I

    will contact you with further instructions. I was furious, my vision took on a red

    tint and made everything look as if it would burst into flame. I remembered the

    man in front of me and quickly took him in to my house to make sure he was safe

    before I tracked down whoever had my Missy. I cleaned him up and checked for

    anything broken. I was glad because I didnt want to give him blood unless

    absolutely necessary. I was interrupted by Ella Jane why would you give him

    blood? Oh I forgot to mention how I found that giving my blood to someone

    gave them my gift of rapid healing, and it may also pass my other gifts. Thats why

    I didnt want to unless absolutely necessary. You mean to say by drinking your

    blood someone possesses your gifts? May I ask how you discovered this? Yes I

    can pass my gifts through blood but only if I willingly pass them, but if say I try to

    pass a healing gift some other may be passed as well. I found this out when Missy

    broke her ankle playing soccer with me. She suggested it because she had read a

    book that had a character like me and she thought it may be based on a true story. I

    was willing to try anything, because I had caused it to happen so she took a bit of

    my blood and her ankle was healed in minuets. However she also gained my super

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    speed and psychic abilities. Although her vision were a lot sketchier than mine, she

    show me through thought projection which she also gained from me but this

    happened when she broke her arm trying to put up a picture in the library. After the

    soccer incident I would take a vial of blood every month and put in the fridge just

    incase she would get hurt in my absence. One day she did but the blood didnt

    work so I tried again and eventually found that if I opened my gift to my blood she

    would receive it. I stopped putting blood up for her and just gave when she did

    need it I didnt want to risk it falling into the wrong hands, the other powers I

    mean. So as I was saying I didnt want to give this man blood, even though we

    were close long ago I didnt know who he had become. So took some clothes for

    him that I bought to donate to a shelter. And did a brief exam, I was pleased to find

    that he just suffered some light cuts and bruising nothing serious. I was going to

    write him a note when I saw him waking in about thirty second so I decided to wait

    so I could explain. He came to and looked too calm but I ignored it. He stared at

    me before he spoke with a quiet whisper. Oh Jane wheres Missy? Oh god he got

    her didnt he. So I asked the obvious follow up question Yes he did, who is he

    Victor who did this to you and took Missy? He took a moment like he was

    gathering his memory and told me I dont know, I came here to visit, I was

    passing through and wanted to say hi. When I got here I heard Missy out back

    arguing with a man so I followed to see if I could help. I got back there to see her

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    fly at him but he caught her in mid air. She was screaming at him so fast I couldnt

    understand her she was beating him as hard as she could. But he hit her in the head

    and she fell limp. I tried to back up so I could call the police but I stepped on a

    branch and he heard. Then next thing I know Im lying on the ground with him

    leaning over me pining something to my shirt, he leaned down and said You tell

    Jane that I will know if she tries anything funny and he knocked me out again and

    I woke up with you staring at me. Thats all I know. I didnt know what that

    meant but I decide to contact him and negotiate Missys safe return. I shot the

    flare, and later that night a note was left in my porch telling me I was to give him

    my gifts and he would release Missy the thought crossed my mind, but I had a

    vision of the world falling apart. I thought it was odd I didnt hear or sense him

    when he came, but thought it was a gift he had. Anyways I decide I would try

    saving her without that. Later that day I posted a sign saying I agreed. When a man

    showed up with Missy it took every ounce of strength I had not to rip his arms off

    Missy was unconscious over his shoulder. I allowed him into my back yard. I

    walked out to see Victor standing there with a smile plastered on his face. I

    thoughts he was happy Missy was here safe, but oh I was wrong. The man holding

    Missy walked up to Victor and bowed and laid her at his feet. I didnt understand,

    until my guard dropped and let his thoughts in. It was him he hurt Missy and he

    had his man beat him to make his story play out. I should have listened in his

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    thought earlier, but it was too late. He looked at me and I realized he wasnt the

    Victor I knew those years ago. I could see he was a monster. He spoke all the light

    in him disappeared. Jane, you know what I want give it to me and you will live

    along with this pathetic excuse of a human. He turned Missy with his boot. I was

    furious and told him never. He looked sad and said as you wish, her blood is on

    your hands. He pulled out a silver dagger and plunged it into her heart. I lost it and

    flew at him, the man at his side caught me and I felt the pain as he stuck me with a

    syringe and drew a vile of my blood. Then he dropped me there on the ground and

    disappeared. Victor leaned down and whispered in my ear, this didnt have to

    happen this way. Then he was gone, vanished in thin air there was no trail of his

    scent. I leaned over Missy, she was still alive, barely. She looked me in the eye and

    smiled one last time, she smiled while I watched her life leave her. A single tear

    slid down her cheek, and then she was gone. Victor had killed her, and a part of

    me, you see when she took my blood a one-way connection was formed, I could

    feel her as part of me. That was now forever gone, I felt it be replaced by Victor,

    the only reassurance was that he didnt have any of my gifts. I hadnt willingly

    given blood so the gift didnt follow. So the world was safe, at the price of my

    sisters life. Do you see that rose bush? I pointed out the dining room window to a

    six foot tall rose bush surrounded by a white fence. That is where she died and

    where she rests. When her blood reached the soil, something happened that even

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    you might not believe. Im not sure I would have if I hadnt seen it with my own

    two eyes. When her blood reached the soil, that very rose bush grew and consumed

    her body. It grew to its full height in minuets, and stays in bloom and perfect

    condition all year round, even in deep snow, it never grow any larger or smaller.

    Like my mother said there is magic in our blood. Now after this I have lived as

    normal as I can possibly manage. I hadnt heard from Victor since. That is until

    today, that letter you found on my front porch was from him. You see twenty-five

    years ago today on the tenth of April, that dagger in that tree over there was

    plunged into my sisters beating heart, taking away her life. You may wonder why

    it looks like death, well when the dagger was left at the base of the rose bush I

    picked it up, and when I did I plunged it into that tree. When I did the tree began to

    bleed, you can still see the bloods trail, and when it reached the roots the tree

    turned like that and poisonous vines grew the entire length. It was bleeding my

    sister blood, I could smell it. That is the story of my past now let me explain the


    Chapter 10-11 Done February 05, 2010

    Chapter 10: The Danger Passes for Now

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    They all looked deep in thought, Dustin was again the first to speak. Jane, I can

    not speak for the rest, but if this Victorhe said his name with a poisonous tone-

    should ever near here again, I will stand with you and fight. If it is the last thing I

    do, I will help you avenge Missy. Then Eliza Piped in serious tone and look that

    contrasted oddly with her, As will I, you are now my sister. She was followed by

    Jackson, I also will stand and fight with you, my sister. Carlos followed him,

    Jane you are now my daughter and since this man has hurt you he has hurt me

    also. I will stand with you and I will fight with you. Ella was the last to speak,

    Jane dear I hope it will not come to this, but I will stand with you my child. You

    are my daughter now and your enemies are mine as well. So I shall stand and fight

    with you. Thank you everyone, but I will not risk your lives, I have already lost

    one sister to that monster. I dont want to loose another or add a parent or brother

    to that list. Yet I am grateful for your support. Now Eliza will you go and retrieve

    the parcel I hadnt had a chance to open earlier, as well as the lock of my sisters

    hair please? Of course Jane, be back in two seconds. She flew through the door

    and was back in one point five. I took the parcel and set it on the table, and took

    my sisters hair and placed it in the drawer along with my mothers letter. Now I

    turned to see them all smiling expectantly, I opened the parcel and inside was black

    velvet covered box, inside of which lay a white gold pendant of a Lion with a

    single black diamond, and dark blue sapphire. Oh everyone thank you I love it is

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    this you family symbol? Yes Jane all of my children wear them as do I Carlos

    gestured to everyone else, as he did he held his arm out revealing a leather band

    with the same pendant, Ella and Eliza had a necklace with it as me only different

    styles and metals, and Jackson and Dustins were similar to Carlos all silver with

    different bands. I took the necklace and placed it around my neck it fell just above

    my mothers pendant. Thank you so much I will wear it always. I feel bad, I

    havent got anything for you. I must go shopping and get thank you gifts Carlos

    smiled and walked over and took my hand. Jane, you have already given so much

    and your wearing it next to what I presume to be one of your most prized

    possessions is thanks enough. As well you are my daughter now and I am honored

    you will wear it. Of course I will but I will still get you a gift. Also you are off a

    bit, this necklace is a prized possession but it isnt the most.-I said this as I walked

    over to the window to look out at my sisters eternal resting place, he followed and

    the family came behind him-My sister is and always will be most prized to me,

    although the necklace is most prized as possessions go as well as your gift is now.

    Nothing will ever mean more than her. Of course Jane, I understand. I felt a

    hand on my shoulder and thought it was Carlos, but when I turned it was Dustin he

    was standing with his eyes on me he was smiling. I realized he was feeling my

    emotions, my guard fell and I saw my self in his thoughts, I was glowing as I

    remembered my Missy. Dustin, I am sorry to break this moment however I need

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    to speak about some rather unpleasant things, and I know if you are focused on me

    too hard you will lose control. I promise I will spend some time with you so you

    can enjoy the feeling, however now isnt the time. I didnt say it of course I

    projected it. He nodded and reluctantly dropped his hand and stepped back. The

    family was still looking at my sisters resting place and didnt notice our silent

    exchange, well everyone except Eliza, she knew but didnt openly acknowledge it.

    Alright as I said I need to explain the present, however I will need to focus for a

    moment and search the future. So will you all please come and sit back down, once

    were done her I have a date with Eliza, we are heading to Seattle for some

    shopping, when we return we can have some fun. I began searching the future, I

    saw the NEWT stocks go up, excellent I bought some a few months back. There

    will be a thunder storm latter in the week. I see me spending time with Dustin,

    Jackson, and Eliza practicing our gifts. As well as a moving truck and five cars

    arriving, now I see my garage being expanded. Relived to see no more contact

    from Victor, the danger to my family was nonexistent for now. Well everyone I

    see no immediate danger from Victor-my family flinched as I layered his name

    with so much hate-so there is no worry, I will know if he decides to act. Now Eliza

    I believe we have a date. She stood and skipped around the table to grab my hand.

    Of course, lets get going I see we will have loads of fun. Alright well take one

    of my favorite cars, since I dont see your cars arriving for about three days. I think

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    youll like it. Jackson, and Dustin will you come have a look I know you like your

    cars, Carlos you and Ella are welcome too although I know you arent car fanatics

    like these three. I smiled and pointed to the bouncing three beside me. We walked

    out to my garage, they hadnt seen my cars yet, due to the tour getting cut short by

    my two story fall. Only three of my cars were here I had one in the shop around

    back, I was replacing a few things. They had no idea what the three in here were

    even though the garage was well lit. I kept them under covers. Well everyone

    before I go I want to show you my cars, well three of them my Jetta is out back in

    my shop. First up my truck-I pulled the cover off revealing the Red truck

    underneath-this is my Ford F-150 Super Duty King Cab fully loaded. They looked

    at it approvingly. Nice choice Jane, unexpected though Jackson said teasing.

    Its ok but Im not a truck fan. Eliza seemed very uninterested, she liked fast cars

    she had a black Porsche that I knew she missed it. Both Ella and Carlos gave an

    approving nod, not car enthusiasts. I like it, actually its my favorite model.

    Dustin said as he walked around looking at it from all angles. Ok now next one

    is my Jeep Wrangler. I pulled the cover revealing my black jeep. Its wonderful I

    love it, you will have to let me take it off-road sometime. Well I guess I know

    what Jackson likes. Sure, just make sure you wash the mud off when youre

    done. He smiled wide. Its a great for off-road, but Im more of a fast car fan

    Eliza seemed even more uninterested than with the truck. I like it, great car when

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    you go surfing. Dustin said as he nodded to my board in the back. Carlos and Ella

    again nodded approval. Alright time for me to stop playing around and show off

    my baby, I know you will all like this one-I laid my hand on the last cover-this is

    my favorite car. I grabbed the cover and gently pulled it back revealing my orange

    Lamborghini LP 550-2 Valentino Balboni. They all stared open mouthed at my

    baby, even Carlos and Ella came forward to see it better. That is amazing Jane, I

    love it. Oh is this what we are driving? Oh I totally love you. Alice was bouncing

    again. Jane, oh this one takes the cake. Ive always wanted one but never got one.

    May I have a closer look? Dustin said, Of course just dont scratch it. I teased.

    You know what, I think I want to drive this instead. Jackson was practically

    drooling. Jane, this is a great car very good choice Ella smiled as she walked

    over to take a closer look. I agree, this is a great model. Carlos said as he to went

    in for a closer look as well. They all walked around the car looking at every detail.

    I grabbed my keys and opened the doors so they could see inside. Alright

    everyone you are welcome to any car I have. However at the moment I will need

    my Lamborghini, I have a shopping date with my sister. I turned and smiled at

    Eliza. Alice you ready? Yep lets go I cant wait to see this baby in action. She

    hopped into the passenger seat and pulled her door down. Ok everyone we will

    see you in a bit I waved and got in. Oh and Dustin, could you cover my others

    back up please. Already done. I looked at them, the covers still moving from

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    him placing them moments ago. I pulled my door down and started my baby up.

    Oh listen to her purr. Alice had her hand on the console and her eyes closed

    listening to my baby. You ready to see what she can do? I said with a devilish

    grin. I didnt even wait for her response I gunned it and flew out of the garage and

    down the drive.

    Chapter 11: The Shopping Trip

    We hit my private five mile road, which I had gated off for this purpose. We were

    flying, Elizas laugh was pure music. I came to a sudden stop and she looked a

    little sad. Jane why did you stop is something wrong? No, I stopped for two

    reasons, first I have to open my gate-I pointed to the large gate blocking the exit-

    second would you like to drive, I know you can drive her faster than me because

    you vision wont get blurred. Really-her eyes grew huge-I can drive. Oh I love

    you even more I got out and walked up to the gate and put in my code, while

    Eliza got settled in the driver seat. I jogged back to the car and waited while the

    gate opened. Eliza took off on to the interstate, it was amazing. She could take my

    baby to the limit. The world flew past our windows. We arrived to Seattle in record

    time, I mean I drive vast but this was amazing. Eliza found a space on the top floor

    of the garage, and right in front of the entrance. I guess being physic has its

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    perks. She just laughed as we entered the mass amount of people. We spent hours

    going to every shop there, she bought almost as many clothes as me. Finally

    someone who loves shopping as much as I do, she has excellent taste too. We

    stopped at the food court, where I grabbed a pretzel with cream cheese. Oh your

    so lucky Jane, you can enjoy food. We were setting on the patio enjoying the sun.

    Apparently the whole sun is harmful to vampires is a myth. They can enjoy the sun

    although they sort of glow and sparkle when they do, well except for vegetarians

    as they call themselves. Something about animal blood dulls the shine, no really

    noticeable by humans. So that means vegetarian vampires can enjoy the sun in

    public. What, you mean you can eat human food? Yep, it doesnt do anything

    for us, but we eat small amounts in public to appear human. The one thing that

    sucks is all human food tastes bland. Oh, that must suck. I sat there chewing my

    pretzel savoring the flavor, I wish I could share it with her. Wait a second, maybe I

    can Eliza? Yes Jane I would like to try something. Ok Jane, can we do it

    here or do we need to leave first? Here will be fine, could you eat some of my

    pretzel please, and give me you hand. Alright here you go. I took her hand and

    waited for her to begin eating, I focused on the flavor of it and gave it to her, I

    watched as she smiled and swallowed her bite. Jane I can taste it, it is wonderful.

    How did you do that? Well, I remembered the taste and the feeling in my mouth

    and use my gift to give it to you. She smiled even bigger. Do you think you

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    could do it again? Ill try. Here give me your hand again. She gave me her hand

    and began eating again, and again I remembered the flavor and pushed it to her.

    Oh that is wonderful Jane. Could we do something? Yes, what is it. Well I

    think maybe we might stop in the local food store and pick up some things for a

    dinner, and if you would you could give us the flavor. Thats a great Idea, but

    we need to go rent a truck, we kind of went overboard, we cant fit all our stuff

    plus groceries in my Lamborghini. Let go, and well make it a surprise dinner, how

    that sound. Perfect, lets get going, is one of us driving the truck or are you

    getting a human? I think we better drive, a human would take hours to get there.

    Alright, I flip a coin on who gets what. She flipped a coin and I won, I get the


    Chapter 12-13 Done February 14. 2010

    Chapter 12: Dinner Surprise

    We got our stuff loaded, and took off I drove ahead of Eliza; I stopped and got the

    stuff for dinner, and still beat her home. This was perfect, now I could get

    everyone out of the house, including Jackson so the dinner would stay a surprise.

    Jackson, Dustin could you come help me please. Dustin came first, Hello Jane.

    Jackson was there about thirty seconds later, Hi Jane, wheres Eliza? She is

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    behind me, she has the truck, we went a bit over board with the shopping. He

    chuckled, I kind of figured that would happen. Anyway could you two take

    these bags into the kitchen please? Sure No problem Thanks I walked into

    my living room to find Carlos and Ella. Hello Carlos, Ella, Dustin Jackson could

    you come here please. Just as they appeared my phone rang. Hello Jane I

    wanted to say your thought will work It was Eliza. Thanks, hey how long till you

    get here? About another hour, this truck is really slow even when Im going full

    speed. I am buying a truck and fixing it up to drive fast for next time. She hung up

    at that. Ok that was Eliza, she will be here in about an hour. Anyways I wanted

    ask if you all would mind leaving the house for a while. I need to set some things

    up and want it to be a surprise. So if you dont mind, would you take a hike north

    into the mountains for a bit until I call? Sure Jane anything you need. Carlos rose

    kissed me on the forehead and left with Ella. Jackson Smiled and waved and

    followed them out. Dustin looked at me odd for a moment then he smiled and ran

    out the door after the others. Ok, after five minutes Eliza walked in. Hey Jane, I

    was serious about the truck thing. Time to get to work We walked into the

    kitchen. Eliza watched as I made a quick dinner. Simple Pasta with red sauce,

    garlic bread, green beans, and cheese cake for desert. While I was waiting between

    the foods I set up the gifts with Elizas help for everyone, well except hers, I did

    that one solo. When everything was ready she helped me set up the table. I fixed

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    everyones plates. As I did I thought about how Eliza had told me she could eat a

    pretzel and taste it for about an hour after I left. So that was good then I just had to

    pass the gift to them, not keep in contact. Eliza come here test the food and tell

    me what you think. I touched her temple and passed the flavor of the pretzel to

    her, I wanted to try something. Eat a bite of the pasta and tell me what you think.

    She took a bite, her face lit up. Its wonderful I can taste it. I was smiling now.

    What is it Jane? I didnt pass the pastas taste to you. You know what this

    means. I can pass the ability to taste food, and I dont have to stay in physical

    contact to do so. Thats wonderful. Ok I have a few things more to do in the

    kitchen, and then I will call the family. I placed the wine for the meal and some

    fresh fruit on the table. I went back into the kitchen and retrieved the bag I kept

    hidden in a secret compartment in the pantry. I took the bag to my jeep, and

    grabbed my phone to call the family. Carlos picked up on the first ring. Hello

    Hello Carlos, will you all please come home Im ready now. Alright be there in

    five. He hung up I went to wait with Eliza. Their on their way. So try to keep

    your thought a surprise ok. Alright. They showed up about two minuets later.

    Hello everyone please come here, I have something for you. I touched each of

    their temples and passed the taste of food. Alright now each of you, please take a

    bite of something on the table. They seemed to hesitate for a moment, but I

    watched as each took a bite, I watched as their faces lit up. Jane this is amazing,

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    but how? Well I found out that I can pass the ability to taste to you, Eliza told me

    about the food issue, and I thought maybe I could pass a memory to you, but found

    that I can simple pass the ability to taste food. Carlos took another bite and closed

    his eyes to savor the flavor. I thought I had lost this long ago. Well now you

    have it back, I am sorry to say that it will only last about an hour, but I can pass it

    again anytime. Now shall we enjoy the meal? They all smiled as we sat to eat.

    The meal was quiet. After we were finished, I cleaned up and went to speak with

    them. It was getting dark so almost time for me to go. I found my family in the

    living room quietly talking, and some were even enjoying a drink. Hello

    everyone, first off Jackson, Dustin I know you to like sports and video games, I

    wont be able to help set up. However I have the large flat screen in the grand

    room and a large assortment of games, and extra controller waiting on you. I

    winked at Jackson when I said extra controllers, I had had a vision of him braking

    a few while purchasing the games so I got a box of extras. You can set up

    wherever you wish, beside besides my room, and the rest of the familys room

    besides your own. Now Ella I have some things I have for you in an office upstairs,

    you will have to arrange it to your liking though. Carlos, I know you love history

    so I have set you an office up as well, I have equip it as well I can for you to do

    your research, you may have to add on as you see fit. Elisa you also have a gift

    upstairs, you have a dressing room for you there. I hope you like it. Now everyone

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    I have to go out for a while, I will see you soon. I turned and went to the garage I

    grabbed a few bags in one of the cabinets there put them in the jeep. I hopped in

    and sped off. I was off to The Circle of Magic as I called it.

    Chapter 13: The Circle of Magic.

    (A/N I am going to add Dustins POV to this chapter.)

    I sped down the highway, I finally turned of on that old dirt road. I found the trail

    that I had traveled so often. I reached the cave, hopped out and retrieved my bags. I

    stopped at the entrance and lit a torch. I walked to the back. Only about seventy

    feet or so, when I found the rock formation that hid the entrance to the hidden

    cavern. I tossed my bags gently through the squeezed by into the tunnel. I walked

    halve way then stoped to unset the trap, or well trapdoor. I had a large boulder that

    would fall and seal the tunnel from the cavern if anyone tries to enter when Im not

    here. I know that humans would most likely destroy this place. I walked the

    remainder of the way and emerged into the cavern that was hidden deep in the

    mountain. I think it was carved out by water, the only remains the ten foot pool in

    the center, and the falls on one wall leading from the river running through the

    mountains. I walked to the edge of the water where I set my bags. I touched my

    torch to the halve foot trench circling the pool of water. It instantly lit, illuminating

    the whole cavern. Of course I dug it, and refill it with dry timber and oil every time

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    I leave. I begin to place my items that I shall need. The white satin halter dress,

    white rose pendant, silver dagger, and twenty five floating candles. I remove my

    pendants I now wear and place them on my bag, the I let my hair fall down my

    back. I begin undressing with my back to the entrance, and place my clothes on my

    bag as well, I then replace them with the whit dress, and pendant. I light and put

    the candles in the water, and grab the dagger to begin. I step into the charred circle

    and begin.

    Dustins POV

    I feel the strong feeling that I was supposed to follow Jane, so I am now watching

    as she walks into a cave, she stops to light a torch. I stand outside near the edge to

    watch as she approaches a large rock and reaches behind and drops the bags she

    was carrying, I then watch her squeeze into what I am guessing to be a tunnel. I

    wait till I see and hear her footsteps and glow of the torch move farther into now

    what I am sure is a tunnel, before investigating the place she disappeared. I find

    that the cave walls overlap hiding a long tunnel, behind the large rock formation. I

    quietly squeeze through and watch as she is stopped undoing some sort of trap.

    Then she walks into an opening, I wait till I can not see her then approach the

    opening, I see her touching her torch to what seems to be a ditch that circles the

    pool of water in the center of the cavern she is in. Suddenly a ring of fire is

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    blazing. She then turns and did I see her glance at the entrance? No just the light,

    she turns and pulls out a white dress and some sort of necklace, then a silver

    dagger, and some candles. She removes the pendants she wore, and let her hair fall

    down her back. Then she turns and begins to undress, her back to me, and puts on

    the dress and necklace. She then lit the candles and placed them into the water, she

    picks up the dagger and steps into a circle of charred ground. Facing the pool she

    speaks. I ask for forgiveness for failing you, and for not avenging you. She takes

    the dagger and places it at the base of her throat, and then pulls it across her chest,

    then again forming a X. the drops the dagger point down in front of her where it

    sticks in the earth. I watch the line of blood travel down the front of her, I can see it

    as it causes a deep red line down the front of her dress, it reaches the soil, her eyes

    close. She jumps forward and spins to face where she stood, she rips the necklace

    from her throat, that I now see is a white rose, and drops it in the charred circle. I

    couldnt believe what I saw, the necklace began to grow into a rose bush, on which

    white roses bloomed. I then watch as she raises her hands and brings a ball of

    flames to the roses, her eyes now opened. She puts the flame in the center and the

    bush is now blazing, I watch as she falls back into the water. Her eyes closed and

    the cuts, now healing, begin to glow white. For the first time since I stood here, I

    can feel her emotions, which I had to be closed to someone normally to do so, but

    these were strong enough to reach me so far. She was feeling so many, dread, hate,

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    even happiness, but the strongest was pain. I watched in utter horror as she began

    to convulse in her pain. I find that I can not move, even as I tried it is as if I am

    covered in weights. She suddenly stops, and rises up and stands in the water edge,

    she is glowing. Her cuts gone, the blood gone, the only evidence left the dagger

    and the red ground where the roses were. I feel as if there were a thousand weights

    lifted off me, I could now move. I see her turn and smile. Dustin you can come

    out now, I know your there, I have know since you entered. I walked out into the

    glow of the fire ring still burning, if I could have blushed I would have been beet


    Janes POV

    I watched as he slowly walked out, he looked as if he had committed a horrible

    crime. Dustin, dont worry, Im not going to yell or be mad. You have just

    witnessed a great joy for me. He looked at me and his face turned odd. You call

    that joy, what was that, I could feel your pain from there-he pointed to where he

    stood moments before-which means they were strong, I can only feel emotions if I

    am close to someone. I cant understand how that could be joyful for you, I saw

    you convulse from the pain, it killed me, I couldnt even move. Is voice was

    bordering yelling. Well, first off I apologize for that, you see I am connected with

    this cave, and I didnt want you to stop the ceremony. Second that was a ceremony

    of forgiveness, that was the pain leaving me, when I shed blood and burn it, it dose

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    hurt yes. However what I just did was a ceremony, I do it ever tenth of April. That

    is a way to ask forgiveness for failing Missy, and also the pain lessens, I pass my

    pain into my blood, when I burn the flowers. The pain I pass is pulled from my

    body. If I didnt do this, I would be consumed with it, and eventually die from it. I

    am sorry that I didnt tell you, but I thought you would have tried to stop it. Now I

    must ask for forgiveness from you. Will you forgive me? He looked at me and

    smiled. Yeah I forgive you, I cant stay mad at you. Now are you going home or

    are you planning on staying a while? He came up and took a look at my chest

    where I had pulled the dagger, he traced the now fading scars. I am going to stay a

    while, would you like to as well? He looked up at me, I looked into his eyes for

    the very first time, they were hazel. I felt something tie me to him, I could feel him,

    not just his emotions, but him. His face turned to one of shock. Impossible. He

    dropped his hand and took a step back. Impossible, whats impossible? He

    looked at me. Did you feel it, the connection? You mean when I looked at

    you? Yes did you? If it is where I feel you, and feel like I am tied to you then

    yes. His shock seemed to grow. Impossible, but it just happened He stepped

    forward and grabbed both my hands and looked me in the eye. Dustin what,

    please tell me, your freaking me out. His shock turned to smile. We have

    connected. What dose that mean? It means we are meant to be, you know

    destined soul mates. Soul mates? Oh wait no it is impossible, your talking about,

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    no it cant be, impossible, a vampire, impossible, but it is true I feel it. I, I, I love

    you. He smiled even more. I love you to. I dont understand, but I love you. He

    leaned in and kissed me, wow, the world disappeared, all I could see, hear, feel,

    and sense was him. He broke the kiss and kneeled before me. Jane I know it is

    fast, and I dont have a ring, but will you marry me? My heart stopped. Yes! I

    nearly screamed loud enough for china to hear. He stood and kissed me and lifted

    me and spun me around. I know it sounds odd, but I loved him, and there was no

    other person than him that I wanted, I would marry him, and spend the rest of my

    existence with him I was filled with joy. I laughed as we ended up on the ground.

    We better go deliver the news, although I have a feeling they already know. He

    smiled I packed my bags extinguished the fire, and we headed back to the car.

    Dustins POV

    I kept sneaking peeks at my fianc, I still could not believe I had connected with

    her, a human, well mortal, no immortal mortal. Still I could not understand, but I

    really didnt care, I loved her and that was all that mattered. We were driving

    home, she was simply glowing, she stiffened in her seat. Whats wrong? I

    touched her shoulder. Nothing, but act surprised, Eliza has seen the news, the

    house is decked out for an engagement party. She hasnt told anyone, she even

    kept if from Jackson. However I still saw, she even found that she could

    communicate with me, she told me not to tell you and act surprised. She smiled

  • 8/14/2019 Immortal Love Full Story


    and chuckled. I turned my attention back to the road, even though we would

    survive a crash I didnt want to ruin her jeep. She leaned her head against my

    shoulder and dozed off, or so I thought, I began to think about how I wished I

    could sleep sometimes. Maybe you can. She said. I thought you were asleep.

    Wait what do you mean? I wasnt sleeping just thinking, my guard dropped and I

    heard you, and like I said maybe, just maybe I can pass you sleep like I can with

    the tasting thing. I thought for a moment. Maybe, that would be nice, but come

    to think about it, I dont know if I want to and miss you. She leaned up and kissed

    me. Well we can try, I will always be here for you when you wake. We were

    pulling up the private road to the house now. Like she said the house was decked

    out, Eliza was always so into things like this, I must say she dose do a good job.

    We pulled into the garage and walked into the grand room to fine a smiling and

    shocked family, well al except Eliza who was beaming and already knew.