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Departamento de Lenguas Inglés Materia: INTERMEDIO I Tutor de Materia: Prof. Fernanda Palmero Directora de Departamento: Prof. Marcela S. Rodríguez

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Departamento de Lenguas



Tutor de Materia: Prof. Fernanda Palmero

Directora de Departamento: Prof. Marcela S. Rodríguez



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• Profesora y Traductora Pública Nacional egresada de la Facultad de Lenguas, UNC • Docente del Departamento de Idiomas de la Universidad Siglo 21. • Docente de las materias de Lecto-Comprensión de Inglés en las carreras de Gestión Jurídica, Turismo,

Diseño Gráfico y Recursos Humanos en la Modalidad Presencial y Semipresencial del Colegio Universitario Siglo 21.

• Co-autora de libros de Lecto-Comprensón en Inglés y material de estudio multimedial. • Ayudante de cátedra en el departamento de Castellano de HUHS, Hartford, Wisconsin, USA



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Estimados Alumnos: ¡Bienvenidos a la materia Intermedio I! En este mundo moderno de interacciones constantes, donde predomina la tan mentada globalización, el idioma inglés se ha convertido en la herramienta indiscutida de la comunicación internacional. La comprensión y manejo del idioma inglés potenciará el desarrollo, en los distintos terrenos sociales o laborales en que uno deba desenvolverse. En esta época, se han incrementado tanto las exigencias de los empleadores como la competencia entre quienes pugnan por conseguir el trabajo; a iguales capacidades en alguna especialidad, el dominio del idioma inglés seguramente resultará una ventaja competitiva. Es por ello que debes ir consolidando y afianzando tus conocimientos para poder desenvolverte eficazmente en este nivel: Intermedio I, que es el primero de una serie de seis niveles de idioma para lograr así un buen desempeño en las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas (comprensión de textos escritos, comprensión auditiva, producción escrita y producción oral.) Aparte de que adquirirás un buen dominio de la lengua, tu recorrido por los seis niveles mencionados te brindarán la preparación adecuada para que cuando termines con los mismos estés listo para rendir un examen internacional de las características y exigencias del TOEFL. Para que puedas lograr los objetivos anteriormente planteados deberás dedicar tiempo y asiduidad en el estudio, utilizando esta guía y la ayuda de tu tutor. Es importante que no pierdas la motivación y des pasos pequeños pero firmes, que tengas constancia y realices toda la ejercitación sugerida. Cumpliendo este proceso de entrenamiento sistemático indudablemente alcanzarás la meta final. ¡Ahora comencemos a trabajar!

Tu Tutor



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En el transcurso de esta materia revisaremos y afianzaremos estructuras gramaticales básicas y vocabulario específico. También desarrollarás habilidades comunicativas, necesarias para desenvolverte en diversas situaciones. A través de material atractivo y real deberás trabajar con ejercicios de audición, de lectura, vocabulario y producción escrita.

La guía te presentará situaciones en las que interactuarás con otras personas en ámbitos cotidianos y

laborales, tendrás que describir procesos, referirte a eventos pasados, interrogar personas con diversos fines, describir viviendas, reportar lo que otra persona dijo y poder debatir acerca de un tema determinado. Abordaremos temas diversos como: relaciones familiares y laborales, el trabajo y el dinero, la tecnología, la ley y el orden y los medios masivos de comunicación.

El esquema conceptual general y los esquemas de cada unidad te permitirán acceder en forma anticipada a los contenidos esenciales. Además, dichos esquemas no solo se convertirán en un elemento clave para integrar una unidad temática con otra sino que, te guiarán en el repaso parcial o final de la materia. También cada unidad cuenta con una lista de puntos claves “checklist” que te servirán para enfatizar la importancia de los mencionados ítems. Para lograr nuestro objetivo, encontrarás a lo largo de la guía una serie de tareas planteadas “Tasks”, que generarán situaciones orales o escritas a resolver.

La guía cuenta además con actividades sugeridas (claves de aprendizaje y autoevaluación) que

reforzarán tu conocimiento y que facilitarán tu desempeño en la instancia de evaluación. Para el logro de los objetivos recomendamos respetar los tiempos de dedicación asignados para cada unidad. Es requisito indispensable la práctica de las cuatro habilidades mencionadas anteriormente (auditiva, oral, escrita y de lectura), la cual debe ser sistemática desde el comienzo.



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La materia INTERMEDIO I tiene como objetivo general:

o Que el alumno afiance los conocimientos elementales del idioma y adquiera nuevas herramientas que le permitan desenvolverse comunicativamente en un nivel intermedio básico, logrando el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades acorde al nivel antes mencionado.

o Los objetivos particulares son:

- Solicitar información - Describir relaciones de causa y efecto - Describir procesos - Narrar eventos pasados e historias de instituciones - Dar instrucciones - Expresar opiniones - Evaluar problemas y acordar soluciones - Discutir temas específicos aportando puntos de vista - Relatar el discurso de otro hablante - Realizar entrevistas - Organizar información en formato de párrafos - Redactar e-mails - Redactar artículos breves sobre datos recabados



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Human relations and attitudes toward work and money

Keeping pace with modern times

Social issues

Relationships and Communications (UNIT 1)

Keeping up with technology (UNIT 3)

Crime and law (UNIT 5)

Making a living (Unit 2)

House and home (UNIT 4)

Mass media (UNIT 6)



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6. ÍNDICE DE CONTENIDOS INTERMEDIATE 1 UNIT 1: RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNICATION 1.1 Communication skills 1.1.1 Making polite requests for information 1.1.2 Talking about causes and effects / situations and decisions 1.2 Language Focus 1.2.1 Review of past tenses and present perfect 1.2.2 Conditional sentences: zero, first and second 1.2.3 Review of polite requests for information: indirect questions 1.3 Vocabulary 1.3.1 Expressions related to home and family life 1.3.2 Adjectives to describe character 1.4 Reading 1.4.1 Reading activities related to the unit 1.5 Listening 1.5.1 Listening activities related to the unit 1.6 Writing 1.6.1 Writing a paragraph describing your best friend from high school and the qualities you value the most about him/her. 1.6.2 Extensive work: writing both business and personal e-mails UNIT 2: MAKING A LIVING 2.1 Communication skills 2.1.1 Describing and giving opinions about jobs 2.1.2 Describing the history of an institution or company 2.2 Language Focus 2.2.1 Review of passive constructions 2.2.2 Review of defining relative clauses 2.3 Vocabulary 2.3.1 Words and expressions related to jobs 2.3.2 Financial vocabulary 2.4 Reading 2.4.1 Reading activities related to the unit 2.5 Listening 2.5.1 Listening activities related to the unit 2.5.2 Word stress: jobs and occupations



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2.6 Writing 2.6.1 Becoming aware of paragraph structure: topic sentences, supporting sentences and concluding sentences UNIT 3: KEEPING UP WITH TECHNOLOGY 3.1 Communication skills 3.1.1 Giving opinions about technological changes and their effects 3.2 Language Focus 3.2.1 Gerunds used as nouns 3.3 Vocabulary 3.3.1 Home appliances 3.3.2 Words related to technology and cars 3.4 Reading 3.4.1 Reading activities related to the unit 3.5 Listening 3.5.1 Listening activities related to the unit 3.5.2 Intonation in question tags 3.6 Writing 3.6.1 Substituting nominal subjects with gerundial phrases 3.6.2 Writing topic sentences to introduce paragraphs 3.6.3 Writing a paragraph about the benefits of new technology. 3.6.4 Extensive work: Recognizing different types of paragraphs: process, descriptive, opinion, contrast. UNIT 4: HOUSE AND HOME 4.1 Communication skills 4.1.1 Discussing advantages and disadvantages of different types of accommodation 4.1.2 Carrying out projects: deciding how to redecorate a room or home 4.1.3 Talking about habits and states in the past; comparing past and present 4.2 Language Focus 4.2.1 Multi-word verbs 4.3 Vocabulary 4.3.1 Home interior decoration 4.4 Reading 4.4.1 Reading activities related to the unit 4.5 Listening 4.5.1 Listening activities related to the unit



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4.6 Writing 4.6.1 Using discourse devices to express comparison and contrast (although, both, as ... as, than, while, whereas, to be the same, to be different from) 4.6.2 Writing a descriptive paragraph about the place where you live: how things have changed in time UNIT 5: CRIME AND LAW 5.1 Communication skills 5.1.1 Talking about background facts and past circumstances 5.1.2 Talking about previous events 5.2 Language Focus 5.2.1 Past Perfect Tense 5.2.2 Review of past tenses: Simple Past / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / Past Progressive / USED TO 5.3 Vocabulary 5.3.1 Vocabulary related to crime and law 5.4 Reading 5.4.1 Reading activities related to the unit 5.5 Listening 5.5.1 Listening activities related to the unit 5.5.2 Pronunciation: past tense endings 5.6 Writing 5.6.1 Writing the ending of a narrative paragraph: a crime story UNIT 6: MASS MEDIA 6.1 Communication skills 6.1.1 Reporting what people have said and their opinions 6.1.2 Debating points 6.2 Language Focus 6.2.1 Past reported speech: statements and questions 6.3 Vocabulary 6.3.1 Mass Media and the press 6.3.2 Reporting verbs 6.3.3 Expressions used to give opinions and discuss topics 6.4 Reading 6.4.1 Reading activities related to the unit 6.5 Listening 6.5.1 Listening activities related to the unit 6.6 Writing 6.6.1 Writing short newspaper articles reporting on events 6.6.2 Planning and writing an article about the pros and cons of the Internet

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La bibliografía que necesitarás para poder seguir el desarrollo del curso es el libro: SKYLINE 4 Student’s book, (Units 1-6) by, Brewster, S., Davies, P. & Rogers, M y también SKYLINE 4 (Units 1-6) Workbook, Grammar and Writing MacMillan. Además necesitarás el cassette o CD que acompaña al libro. Es fundamental el uso del Student’s book y Workbook en forma conjunta. Una vez que has desarrollado los contenidos del libro de una unidad determinada deberás agregar la práctica de refuerzo que te ofrece el Workbook. Esto se deberá hacer con todas y cada una de las unidades del libro de texto. Del libro de Grammar sugiero que realices los ejercicios que te ayudarán a consolidar lo estudiado en el Student’s, y practicado en el Workbook y del Writing deberás realizar los ejercicios que se indiquen desde esta tutoría.. Es fundamental que trabajes con el cassette o CD correspondientes para completar las actividades del student’s book y para ir entrenando el oído y tomando como modelo las situaciones presentadas, tratando de imitar lo más cercanamente posible el ritmo y la pronunciación del modelo. Bibliografía Ampliatoria: Como bibliografía ampliatoria te puedo sugerir el uso de los siguientes diccionarios:

o Molinsky, S & Bliss, B. – Word by Word Basic Picture Dictionary English/Spanish Bilingual – Longman.- o Basic Dictonary of American English – Longman o Oxford Picture Dictionary of American English

Además contás con la posibilidad de entrar al sitio web de la editorial MacMillan: http://www.skyline-english.com/vocabulary.htm

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El objetivo fundamental de esta asignatura es desarrollar la comunicación a un nivel intermedio bajo, para ello es de suma importancia implementar una metodología de estudio eficiente y acorde a tus necesidades. Recuerda que somos individuos diferentes y por ende tenemos ritmos de estudio y tiempos de maduración y adquisición diferentes. La eficiencia de dicho método de estudio se verá reflejada en el desarrollo de las habilidades: de expresión oral, auditiva, de escritura y de lectura, que irás desarrollando a lo largo de la materia.El libro de texto y demás recursos mencionados en el ítem de bibliografía, junto con el programa y la guía de estudio te servirán como eje en la organización de tu estudio. En términos generales cada unidad del libro Skyline 4 (Unidades 1a 6 inclusive) esta estructurada de la siguiente manera:

• Unit 1

o Lesson 1 o Lesson 2 o Lesson 3 o Lesson 4

Lessons 1, 2 y 3 contienen una introducción al tema con preguntas, lectura o actividad con cassette. Además siempre encontrarás (generalmente en “lessons 2 & 3) una sección denominada “Word builder” vinculada con vocabulario y otra “Grammar builder” que grafica el tema gramatical que se presenta en la unidad. Lesson 4 generalmente es lectura extensiva que no siempre se incluye en el programa, por eso es fundamental que siempre tengas como referencia el programa. Además vas a encontrar en todo el desarrollo del libro de texto mucha práctica de “Listening” acompañada de ejercicios de pronunciación “Reading”, “Speaking” & “Writing”. También verás “Language assistant”, que son pequeños cometarios que pueden ir desde una característica cultural a un indicador gramatical. Todos y cada uno de ellos son muy importantes ya que a través de la repetición, imitación y ejercitación lograrás ir adquiriendo nuevos conocimientos de la lengua Inglesa. Cada dos unidades el libro presenta una sección llamada “Learning check” que es fundamental que realices ya que por medio de diversos ejercicios podrás ejercitar la síntesis gramatical y de vocabulario de las dos unidades previas. Esta estructura se repite a través del todo el texto.

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Este recurso le brinda una ponderación porcentual aproximada de los tiempos necesarios para realizar el aprendizaje de cada unidad y resolver las actividades propuestas en cada una de ellas.









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1. Introducción

En esta unidad comenzaremos a repasar, consolidar y desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción y producción a un nivel intermedio bajo.

2. Objetivo general Desarrollar actividades de comunicación y comprensión referidas a la interacción personal tanto en el ámbito familiar como laboral.

3. Objetivos particulares

Al terminar esta unidad serás capaz de:

Requerir información de manera formal utilizando las preguntas indirectas Hablar acerca de causas y efectos / situaciones y decisiones Expresarte utilizando los tiempos verbales en pasado y también en presente perfecto Utilizar las oraciones condicionales (condicional de tipo cero, uno y dos) Utilizar expresiones para referirte al hogar y la vida familiar Describir características de la personalidad Escribir un párrafo describiendo a un amigo Redactar mensajes de correo electrónico formales e informales

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4. Orientación del aprendizaje. Esquema conceptual de la UNIDAD 1: RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNICATION

El esquema a continuación te muestra el tema principal de la unidad 1 con las habilidades orales y escritas que debes desarrollar aplicando el vocabulario y estructura gramatical correspondiente.


E – mail Short dialogues on family matters Text on parenting Polite requests

Description of people




• Past and present perfect • Expressions related to home and family life

• Indirect questions • Adjectives to describe character • Conditional sentences: zero, first and second

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5 Claves de autoaprendizaje: Checklist

� Make polite requests for information: indirect questions � Talk about causes and effects / situations and decisions � Review of past tenses and present perfect � Use of Conditional sentences: zero, first and second � Refer to home and family life � Describe character � Write a paragraph describing a friend � Write formal and informal e-mail

6 Claves de auto evaluación LISTENING In order to do the following listening activity you will have to listen to the same audio used in unit 1 lesson 3 (page 10 from the student's book) Listen to five people talking about their best friend. Match speakers 1 to 5 the description of their friends in A to E. Speaker 1 (1) ____ A has friends interested in sports. Speaker 2 (2) ____ B has a friend who is a good musician. Speaker 3 (3) ____ C met this friend when they were much younger. Speaker 4 (4) ____ D has a friend who makes him/her feel better. Speaker 5 (5) ____ E has a friend with the same family situation.


For questions 6 to 11, complete the expression in italics to make a suitable compound noun. (6) The down_____ of the new job is that there is less vacation. (7) My new _________ computer means that I can work while I’m traveling. (8) She spends all day at the office and does the ______work when she gets home. (9) He gets angry so quickly. I wish he had more self ________ . (10) Call me on my cell phone. My new apartment doesn’t have a telephone ________ yet. (11) The government is introducing measures to improve safety in the work_____.

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Complete the paragraph below using either a suitable past form or the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses. Julia (12) _________ (go) to New York in 1993 and (13)____________ (live) there since then. She (14)____________ (start) writing when she (15)____________ (study) to be a teacher. After the big success of her third novel, she (16)________ (give up) her job and (17)____________ (become) a full-time writer. So far she (18)____________ (write) eight books. Complete the paragraph below by using the appropriate form of the verbs in parentheses. I always (19)____________ (go) swimming in the ocean on Sunday if the weather (20)___________ (be) nice. Unfortunately, today the weather doesn’t look very good. If it (21)____________ (rain), I (22)____________ (have) a swim in the local pool instead. Of course, if I (23)___________ (be) rich, I (24) __________ (build) my own pool! READING Read the text about cell phones. Mark sentences 25 to 30 T (TRUE), F (FALSE), or NS (NOT STATED). Everyone accepts that cell phones are incredibly convenient. You can be contacted anywhere at any time of the day, which is useful for business and social arrangements. More importantly, they are invaluable in an emergency and are particularly useful for parents who want to keep track of their children. And they are no longer just for making phone calls. As well as sending text messages, which is increasingly popular, especially among the young, you can now send e-mails, faxes and log onto to the Internet. It’s not surprising, therefore, that cell phones are everywhere. And that’s a big problem for those of us who hate them. For a start, there’s the ringing tone. It’s now almost impossible to have a quiet bus or train trip, or a meal in a restaurant without the constant interruption from a variety of annoying tunes. It’s particularly irritating in the movie theater or at a play, but now at least people are more likely to switch them off in these places rather than risk the anger of the rest of the audience. And it’s caused such a problem in schools and colleges that many institutions have banned them. Then there’s the phone conversation itself, which you have to listen to because it’s so loud. And what do you have to listen to? One half of a business call that is of no interest to you, or a completely pointless conversation of absolutely no importance (“I’m on the train” or “I’m going shopping”). But as well as the irritation factors there are real problems associated with cell phones. For a start there’s the health risk. Some scientists worry that electromagnetic radiation from the phone might cause health problems, particularly among the young. Not only do they use their cell phones very frequently but they also have less natural protection from the radiation. There are also indirect health risks. More and more traffic accidents have been caused by people using cell phones while they are driving, even when they are using hands-free units. And finally there’s the crime problem. There has been a huge growth in the number of thefts of cell phones, and sadly many of the cases involve young people stealing from other young people. (25) Cell phones can help parents to know where their children are. T/F/NS (26) Adults generally prefer not to use text messaging. T/F/NS (27) Cell phones are less of a problem in movie theaters than before. T/F/NS (28) The writer does not mind having to hear cell phone conversations. T/F/NS (29) Adults are less likely to suffer cell phone related health problems than children. T/F/NS (30) The biggest social problem associated with cell phones is theft. T/F/NS

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Answer Key 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 downside 7 laptop / notebook / portable 8 housework 9 self-control 10 line 11 workplace 12 went 13 has lived / has been living 14 started 15 was studying 16 gave up 17 became 18 has written 19 go 20 is 21 rains 22 will have 23 was / were 24 would build 25 T 26 NS 27 T 28 F 29 T 30 F ORAL TASK: You are 20 years old and still live with your family. Discuss with a friend the advantages and disadvantages of living with them. WRITTEN TASK: You got a new job at a fast food restaurant; send an email to a friend describing the characteristics of your place of work, also describe your boss and your relationship with your workmates. (SEND THIS PAPER TO YOUR TUTOR FOR CORRECTION PURPOSES)

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1. Introducción

En esta unidad consolidaremos y desarrollaremos las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción a un nivel intermedio bajo.

2. Objetivo general Desarrollar actividades de comunicación, comprensión y producción relacionadas con situaciones del ámbito laboral y el mundo empresarial y de las finanzas.

3. Objetivos particulares

Al terminar esta unidad serás capaz de:

Describir y dar información acerca de diversos empleos Describir la historia de una institución o empresa Utilizar oraciones pasivas y subordinadas Utilizar vocabulario y expresiones relacionadas a empleos y trabajos Utilizar algunas expresiones del ámbito de las finanzas Escribir un párrafo acerca de la historia de una compañía Identificar la estructura de un párrafo: Oración principal, oraciones secundarias, y conclusión

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4. Orientación del aprendizaje. Esquema conceptual de la UNIDAD 2: MAKING A LIVING

El esquema a continuación te muestra el tema principal de la unidad 2 con las habilidades orales y escritas que debes desarrollar aplicando el vocabulario y estructura gramatical correspondiente.


o Description and opinions on jobs o Company history / description




• Passive constructions • Words and expressions related to jobs

• Defining relative clauses • Financial vocabulary

- Writing the history of a company or institution

- Describing and giving opinions about jobs - Describing the history of an institution or company

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5 Claves de autoaprendizaje: Checklist

� Describe and give opinions about jobs � Describe the history of an institution or company � Use passive constructions and defining relative clauses � Use words and expressions related to jobs � Use some financial vocabulary � Write the history of an institution or company � Identify paragraph structure: Topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence

6 Claves de auto evaluación

LISTENING In order to do the following listening activity you will have to listen to the same audio used in unit 2 lesson 1 (page 14 from the student's book) Listen to a woman and a man talking about their jobs and mark sentences 1 to 6 T (True) or F (False). (1) She thinks the medical insurance isn’t very good. T/F (2) She thinks her job is too tiring. T/F (3) She expects to improve her position. T/F (4) He thinks the work is very interesting. T/F (5) He can choose when he takes a vacation. T/F (6) There aren’t many training opportunities in his job. T/F


Underline the word in each pair that completes the following conversation correctly. A: I like my job. It’s hard work but I enjoy it because it’s very (7) frustrating / challenging and the hours are

very (8) flexible / long. B: I’m afraid my job’s not very (9) rewarding / tiring. It’s the same routine day after day. It’s so (10) boring /

varied. And there’s so much work to do. A: It sounds quite (11) satisfying / demanding. B: It is. And that makes it so (12) stressful / interesting. Complete the paragraph below with the correct passive form of the verbs in parentheses. The old school house (13)___________(build) in 1847. The school closed in 1913 and the building (14)___________(convert) into a library. For the past six months, it (15)___________(close) for modernization. However, the architects have promised that the building exterior, which (16)___________(love) by everybody in the town, (17)___________(not change). The building work should (18)___________ (complete) by next spring. In the meantime, part of the art gallery (19)___________(use) as a temporary library. In the following paragraph, write each pair of sentences as one sentence using relative clauses, omitting which, who, that where possible. Stratford-upon-Avon attracts people from all over the world. They love theater. (20)___________________________________________________________

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It is small market town in the center of England. It is famous for being the birthplace of William Shakespeare. (21)____________________________________________________________ Shakespeare was a 16th century dramatist. He became the most influential figure in English literature. (22)____________________________________________________________ He is a writer. The whole world respects and admires him. (23)____________________________________________________________


Read the text about winning the lottery. Mark sentences 25 to 30 T (TRUE) F (FALSE), or NS (NOT STATED).

Many of us dream about buying the winning ticket in a lottery and being happy for the rest of our lives. Few people, however, really believe it will happen, which is why, when it does happen, they are totally unprepared for it and the stresses and strains that accompany it. For winning a huge amount of money not as wonderful as you might think.

Most jackpot winners are ordinary people from ordinary backgrounds with ordinary jobs. Typically, they give up their jobs and buy an expensive new house in a new area. This leaves them detached from their friends and living among very different kinds of people, traditionally wealthy people, who don’t always accept them.

Many winners declare that they intend to keep their old job but this is often unrealistic, since they no longer have the need to earn what is often a very low salary. They may also face hostility and jealousy in the workplace and often feel under pressure to be generous to their fellow workers.

Some decide to retire, invest their capital wisely and live off the interest. But many become bored now that there’s nothing left to do. Others decide to start their own business, often with disastrous results since most of them have little or no experience.

Finally, there are the begging letters. Winners are often overwhelmed by hundreds of letters from complete strangers asking for money, for example for educational purposes or for hospital treatment. For the most part, they ignore such requests, but it doesn’t stop them feeling guilty.

So next time you’re dreaming about your lottery numbers appearing on the TV screen, think again.

According to the text: (24) Most lottery winners win more than they expected to. T/F/NS (25) Lottery winners who move to new neighborhoods

may find it difficult to fit in. T/F/NS (26) Lottery winners are sometimes unpopular at work. T/F/NS (27) Those who give up work are generally happier. T/F/NS (28) The best thing for a lottery winner is to start his/her own business. T/F/NS (29) Winners receive most begging letters from distant relatives. T/F/NS (30) Winners usually feel obliged to give money when asked. T/F/NS

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Answer Key 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 challenging 8 flexible 9 rewarding 10 boring 11 demanding 12 stressful 13 was built 14 was converted 15 has been closed 16 is loved 17 will not / won’t be changed 18 be completed 19 is being used 20 Stratford-upon-Avon attracts people from all over the world who love theater / people who love theater

from all over the world. 21 It’s a small market town in the center of England that is famous for being the birthplace of William

Shakespeare. 22 Shakespeare was a 16th century dramatist who became the most influential figure in English literature. 23 He is a writer the whole world respects and admires. 24 NS 25 T 26 T 27 F 28 F 29 F 30 F

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LEARNING CHECK: (Student’s book: pages 22 and 23) Do all the suggested activities. These are quick revision exercises of units 1 and 2. ORAL TASK: You work as a personal assistant at a lawyer’s bureau. Discuss with a friend the advantages and disadvantages of your job. Consider the following items: salary, benefits, working hours, vacations, promotion opportunities, and any other piece of information you consider relevant. WRITTEN TASK: Surf the web in order to get information about the origins of any company you like. Select the most relevant information and write a paragraph of no more than ten lines about the history of that company. Here are some optional web sites you can surf: www.columbia.com , www.nivea.com, http://www.campbellsoupcompany.com/history.asp (SEND THIS PAPER TO YOUR TUTOR FOR CORRECTION PURPOSES)

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1. Introducción

En esta unidad desarrollaremos las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción a un nivel intermedio bajo.

2. Objetivo general

Desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción en relación al acceso y uso de la tecnología y a los sistemas de comunicación.

3. Objetivos particulares

Al terminar esta unidad serás capaz de:

Dar opiniones acerca de cambios tecnológicos y sus efectos Utilizar el gerundio y las preguntas de confirmación de información Utilizar vocabulario relacionado a artefactos eléctricos, automóviles y tecnología Reconocer distintos tipos de párrafos: Descriptivo, de opinión, de proceso, de contraste Escribir oraciones centrales que introduzcan un párrafo Escribir un párrafo acerca de los beneficios de nuevas tecnologías

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4. Orientación del aprendizaje. Esquema conceptual de la UNIDAD 3: KEEPING UP WITH TECHNOLOGY

El esquema a continuación te muestra el tema principal de la unidad 3 con las habilidades orales y escritas que debes desarrollar aplicando el vocabulario y estructura gramatical correspondiente.


o Article on cars engines o Interview about gasoline and ZEVs cars o Text on technology accesses o Discussion on technology’s pros and cons




• Gerunds used as nouns • Home appliances

• Words related to technology and cars

- Writing topic sentences to introduce paragraphs - Writing a paragraph about the benefits of

technology - Recognizing different types of paragraphs: process, descriptive ,opinion, contrast.

- Giving opinions about technological changes and their effects

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5 Claves de autoaprendizaje: Checklist

� Give opinions about technological changes and their effects � Use gerunds and questions tags � Use words related to technology and cars and home appliances � Recognize different types of paragraphs: process, descriptive, opinion, contrast � Write a topic sentences to introduce paragraphs � Write a paragraph about the benefits of new technology

6 Claves de auto evaluación

LISTENING In order to do the following listening activity you will have to listen to the same audio used in unit 3 lesson 1 (page 25 from the student's book) (1) ZEVs can travel at the same __________ as normal vehicles. (2) At the moment it is necessary to ______________ batteries. (3) Fuel cells can ________ electricity. (4) Fuel cells contain ________ and oxygen. (5) Gasoline and diesel engines produce __________ and air pollution.


Read this extract from the article in Lesson 1 on car technology. Complete the text with a suitable word from the box below. ecological conventional technology breakthroughs pollutants alternatives By the end of the 20th century, virtually any new car could cruise safely at 20 miles an hour faster, using less gasoline and producing 80% less pollution than a new 1970s car. This was the result of using new (6) ____________ such as fuel injection and microprocessors. But even today’s cars produce about 50,000 kilograms of (7) ____________annually, mostly carbon monoxide and ozone, and every day there are more motor vehicles. Most people think this is leading toward an (8) ____________ and human health disaster, and some governments have been pushing automobile manufacturers to produce clean (9) __________ to the internal-combustion engine. The first electric ZEVs were slow, limited in range, and very expensive compared with (10) __________ cars, but that will soon change. The automobile industry is exploring different technologies, and several (11) ___________ are close. Complete sentences 12 to 18 with the appropriate question tag. (12) You’re afraid of computers, ____________? (13) Most people have access to the Internet now, _______________ ? (14) You studied engineering, ______________ ? (15) Scientific advances have changed all our lives, _____________ ? (16) The world can’t exist without information technology, _______________ ? (17) Personal computers didn’t become popular until the 1980s, _____________ ? (18) Technology will give everybody more free time, __________ ?

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use no more than five words. (19) It is bad for your health to drink too much.

___________________ is bad for your health. (20) It is very refreshing to go for a swim in the morning.

___________________ is very refreshing. (21) He’s very big on wildlife photography. For him, _____________________ of wild animals is a great pleasure. (22) After the bank robbery, the gang were arrested. The gang were arrested ______________________ a bank. (23) Peter finds factory work dull.

_____________________ factory isn’t something that Peter likes.


Read the following extract about Internet TV and match paragraphs 1 to 7 with a suitable heading (a to h). There is one heading that you do not need to use. Question Paragraph Heading (24) ___ (25) ___ (26) ___ (27) ___ (28) ___ (29) ___ (30) ___

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a) What are the advantages over a computer? b) What if you want more than one e-mail

address? c) So how do you log on to the Net? d) Who’s going to buy it? e) But I don’t want to buy another TV. f) Why would you want Internet TV? g) Where can I buy it? h) Are there any disadvantages?


What exactly is it?

It’s a color television with it’s own built-in 34K modem that gives you easy access to the Internet without the need for a computer. It’s ‘the first set with the Net.’ 1 If at the moment you don’t have, can’t afford, or indeed if you don’t want a computer, but you’d still like to surf the net, you can buy this set for £199.99, which is a lot less than it costs to buy a computer. At the moment only about 25 percent of British homes have access to the Internet, and Bush, the set’s manufacturer, is hoping that the Internet TV will significantly increase that figure. 2 Bush says that it’s quicker, simply because you don’t have to wait through the lengthy start-up procedures you have when you switch on a computer. It’s also free from dreaded computer viruses. But perhaps the handiest thing is that everything is on one screen so you can read e-mails during a convenient break in a TV program. 3 The remote control opens sideways to reveal a standard ‘qwerty’ keyboard. This again is handy, but it’s small and writing e-mails is time consuming if you’re used to a bigger keyboard. But Bush, cleverly, have produced a full-sized cordless keyboard at £29.99, which you can buy as an extra. Also, the text is perhaps not as clear as on a conventional computer screen. 4 Don’t worry. You can have up to five, which should keep most families happy.

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5 Those who can’t afford to buy a PC, and those of us who are terrified of computers but feel at ease with a TV. Other possible buyers are those who would like a second Internet access point somewhere in the house, but don’t want the expense of another computer. 6 It’s very simple. Just connect the TV to a phone socket, press the Internet button on the remote control and click on the Web icon. 7 You don’t have to. Bush have also produced a handy set-top box (£99.99), which you can connect between the phone socket and whatever TV you happen to have in your house. Answer Key 1 speed 2 recharge 3 generate 4 hydrogen 5 noise 6 technology 7 pollutants 8 ecological 9 alternatives 10 conventional 11 breakthroughs 12 aren’t you? 13 don’t they? 14 didn’t you? 15 haven’t they? 16 can it? 17 did they? 18 won’t it? 19 Drinking too much; Having too much to drink 20 Swimming in the morning; Having / Going for a morning swim 21 taking photographs 22 for / after robbing 23 Working in a 24 f 25 a 26 h 27 b 28 d 29 c 30 e

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ORAL TASK: Choose the means of transport you consider more convenient to use: Public transportation or Private cars. Mention the reasons why you are in favor of that means of transport and not the other one.

WRITTEN TASK: Write a paragraph describing a mobile phone: mention its size, dimensions, functions and its advantages over the competitors’. (SEND THIS PAPER TO YOUR TUTOR FOR CORRECTION PURPOSES)

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1. Introducció En esta unidad desarrollaremos las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción a un nivel intermedio bajo.

2. Objetivo general

Desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción en relación a los distintos tipos viviendas, características exteriores e interiores de las mismas y escenas callejeras.

3. Objetivos particulares

Al terminar esta unidad serás capaz de:

Discutir ventajas y desventajas de los distintos tipos viviendas Llevar adelante proyectos: decidir como redecorar un cuarto o casa Hablar acerca de hábitos y estados en pasado, comparar pasado y presente Utilizar “multi word verbs” y ” used to” Utilizar vocabulario para referirte a distintos tipos de viviendas y decoración del hogar Utilizar elementos del discurso para expresar comparación y contraste Escribir un párrafo descriptivo acerca del lugar donde vives y los cambios que se han presentado

con el correr del tiempo.

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4. Orientación del aprendizaje. Esquema conceptual de la UNIDAD 4: HOUSE AND HOME El esquema a continuación te muestra el tema principal de la unidad 4 con las habilidades orales y escritas que debes desarrollar aplicando el vocabulario y estructura gramatical correspondiente.


o Friends talking about different types of accommodation o Text about UCLA apartments o Magazine article on interior decoration o Dialogue with suggestions on redecoration o Dialogue about neighborhood changes




• Multi-word verbs • Types of accommodation • USED TO • Home interior decoration • Connectors to express comparison and


- Writing a descriptive paragraph about the place

where you live: how things have changed in time

- Discussing advantages and disadvantages of different types of accommodation - Deciding how to redecorate a room or home - Talking about habits and states in the past

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5 Claves de autoaprendizaje: Checklist

� Discussing advantages and disadvantages of different types of accommodation

� Carry out projects: deciding how to redecorate a room or home � Talk about habits and states in the past � Use “Multi-word verbs” and the structures “USED TO � Use vocabulary related to types of accommodation and home interior decoration � Use discourse devices to express comparison and contrast � Write a descriptive paragraph about the place where you live: how things have changed in time

6 Claves de auto evaluación LISTENING Listen and complete sentences 1 to 6 with a word or short phrase. In order to do the following listening activity you will have to listen to the same audio used in unit 4 lesson 3 (page 36 from the student's book) (1) Sandra and Mr. Solano are outside because the ____________ isn’t working. (2) Sandra has met two people in __________ years. (3) The children didn’t play on the streets in the _____________. (4) There’s a lot of graffiti and ____________ in the play area. (5) The apartments are sometimes _______ for older people. (6) Sandra thinks apartments aren’t difficult to _____________. (7) Mr. Solano had an ___________ and flowers in his yard.


Complete sentences 8 to 14 with the correct form of a suitable multi-word verb from the box. give away go down look after put away take down turn down turn off

(8) He ________ all his money before he died. (9) The concert was canceled so they had to __________ all the posters they had put up. (10) He couldn’t find the contracts after his secretary ________ them _______. (11) My aunt ________ me when my mother was in the hospital. (12) The government hopes that the crime figures will ____________ next year. (13) After the soup has boiled, _____ it ____ to a lower temperature. (14) Don’t forget to _______ the light when you leave. In the following paragraphs, check both boxes where used to and would are correct and check the used to box where only used to is correct.

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When I was young, I (15) used to / would live in an old house near the center of town. My father (16) used to / would work as an electrician, and every Thursday, after he was paid, he (17) used to / would bring home ice cream and candy for us to eat. I (18) used to / would love Thursdays for that reason. My uncle (19) used to / would have a farm in the country, and every summer we (20) used to / would go and stay with him for two weeks. Because I didn’t have to go to school the next day, my mother (21) used to / would let me stay up and I (22) used to / would listen to the adults talking until late at night.


Read the text about timesharing vacations. Mark sentences 23 to 30 T (TRUE), F (FALSE), or NS (NOT STATED).

What is Timesharing?

Timesharing gives you the right to spend a vacation in your ‘own’ villa or apartment for a week each year for a given number of years. It basically means that you share the ownership of a property with a number of other people for a particular period of time. The period of ownership can be just a few years or it can be forever, depending on the law of the country. Almost all timeshares have cooking facilities so you can prepare your own meals.

Timesharing weeks can usually be sold, given away as gifts or passed on to your children, or anyone else. You may even be entitled to exchange vacation destinations and times with other people in other time-sharing resorts worldwide – there are over 4,400 to choose from.

Most timeshare owners join an exchange organization, for a fee, allowing them to go to another resort, anywhere in the world, in exchange for their week.

To maintain the apartment and facilities in ‘nearly new’ condition for the whole period of use, owners pay a management fee, ranging from under $200 to well over $500 a year per week of ownership. Owners of timeshares treat ‘their’ apartment with much greater care than a renter might – so the furniture and fittings are of a higher standard than is usually found in other “apartment style” accommodations.

For many, the purchase of a timeshare is the nearest that they will get to owning a country cottage or a Mediterranean villa – but without the attendant problems of security, cleaning, and high standing costs. Meeting the same friends each year, knowing that the leisure facilities and apartments are kept in good condition, not having to worry about finding your way there, etc. are just some of the benefits.

Others see it as a way of seeing the world – by using an exchange organization – in the certain knowledge that the foreign resort will be of a similar standard as their own resort. With over 4,400 resorts to choose from, few will be disappointed.

And some buy because the resort provides a local ‘Country Club’ where they can use the facilities all year. These facilities can include a swimming pool for the children and a bar and restaurant where the adults can meet their friends. There may even be tennis courts and racquetball courts for the more energetic.

(23) You normally cook for yourself in a timeshare apartment. T/F/NS (24) Timeshare owners usually take their vacation

in the same place every year. T/F/NS (25) Timeshare owners can easily change the time of their vacations. T/F/NS (26) Your can give your timeshare apartment to your friends. T/F/NS (27) Once you have bought your timeshare apartment,

there are no other costs. T/F/NS (28) Timeshare apartments are usually in good condition. T/F/NS (29) Timeshare apartments have fewer security problems. T/F/NS (30) Exchange organizations offer resorts of a very different quality. T/F/NS

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Answer Key 1 elevator 2 three 3 winter 4 garbage 5 lonely 6 clean 7 apple tree 8 gave away 9 take down 10 put them away 11 looked after 12 go down 13 turn it down 14 turn off 15 used to 16 used to 17 both 18 used to 19 used to 20 both 21 both 22 both 23 T 24 NS 25 NS 26 T 27 F 28 T 29 T 30 F LEARNING CHECK: (Student’s book: pages 40 and 41) Do all the suggested activities. These are quick revision exercises of units 3 and 4. ORAL TASK: Think about the neighborhood in which you lived when you were a child. Describe it and mention the things you used to do there. WRITTEN TASK: You want to set up a restaurant with a partner. Write a paragraph describing the place and the changes you plan to do there in order to redecorate it. (consider painting, furniture, lighting, walls decoration etc) (SEND THIS PAPER TO YOUR TUTOR FOR CORRECTION PURPOSES)

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1. Introducción

En esta unidad desarrollaremos las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción a un nivel intermedio bajo.

2. Objetivo general

Desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción en relación a problemas de delincuencia, crimenes y castigos,

3. Objetivos particulares

Al terminar esta unidad serás capaz de:

Hablar de hechos y circunstancias pasadas Discutir acerca de hechos delictivos Utilizar el pasado perfecto y revisar otras formas de pasado Escribir un párrafo narrativo: Una historia de algún hecho delictivo

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4. Orientación del aprendizaje. Esquema conceptual de la UNIDAD 5: CRIME AND LAW

El esquema a continuación te muestra el tema principal de la unidad 5 con las habilidades orales y escritas que debes desarrollar aplicando el vocabulario y estructura gramatical correspondiente. READING LISTENING

Text on JFK assassination Discussion on art theft Text about the beginnings of modern Australia Dialogue on international crime: Drug

trafficking and money laundry




• Past tenses/ used to

• Words related to crime and law

• Past perfect

- Writing the ending of a narrative paragraph: a crime story

- Talking about background facts and past

circumstances - Talking about previous events

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5 Claves de autoaprendizaje: Checklist

� Talk about background facts and past circumstances � Discuss about unsolved crimes and international crime � Use past perfect and past tenses � Write a narrative paragraph: a crime story

6 Claves de auto evaluación LISTENING Listen to the advice about visiting Australia and complete the notes below. In order to do the following listening activity you will have to listen to the same audio used in unit 5 lesson 4 (page 49 from the student's book) Road safety: Look right before crossing the road. Some visitors (1) __________ during the Olympics. Places to visit: Sydney – for (2) ________ , the Opera House, and Bondi Beach Snowy Mountains – for the (3) _____________ and scenery Ayers Rock – to see the (4)____________ Dress: Australians are usually (5)_________ (6)________ clothes in April – nights are often (7)_________ .


Complete the following paragraphs with an appropriate form of the words below.

steal rob assassinate The most famous crime in Britain in the early 1960s was the Great Train (8) _________. A gang of (9)__________ stopped a train carrying cash from Scotland to London and (10)_________ two and a half million pounds. Robert Kennedy, like his brother, President John F. Kennedy, was also the victim of an (11) ___________. He was shot in California in 1968 after winning that state’s Democratic primary election. His (12)___________ was Sirhan Sirhan. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the past perfect tense where possible. (13) People saw men with rifles and then the President’s motorcade arrived.

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Before the President’s motorcade ____________________________________ (14) The police interviewed Oswald for a number of hours and then they accused him of murder. After the police_______________________________________________________ (15) Oswald shot and killed a policeman and then he was arrested. Before he ___________________________________________________________ (16) The official report was published but people still believed that other people were involved in the assassination. After the official report _______________________________________________ Complete the paragraph below with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Eric Scott is a joyrider, or someone who steals cars for fun. He (17)___________(do) it for over three years now. During that time, he calculates that he (18)___________(steal) over thirty cars. Quite amazing, but even more so when you realize that Eric is just 16 years old. He remembers the day he (19)___________(take) his first car very clearly. “I (20)___________(walk) along a street feeling pretty unhappy because my parents (21)___________(not buy) me anything for my birthday. Suddenly I (22)___________(see) this car with the window open and the keys still in the ignition. I (23)___________(learn) how to drive from my brother so it was easy to drive it away.” But Eric realizes that the next time he is arrested they could send him to prison. So now, on the advice of the police, he (24)___________(decide) to change his ways and for the past two months he (25)___________(attend) an auto repair course that is designed to give joyriders a more responsible interest in cars. READING Read the following text about the murder of John Lennon and answer the questions below. At 10:50 p.m. on December 8, 1980, John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono pulled up in a car in front of The Dakota Building, New York City, where they had their apartment. They were returning from a recording studio, where they had been working most of the evening. Lennon stepped out of the car in front of his wife. As he was about to enter the building, a man stepped out of the shadow and called out his name. As Lennon was turning, the man raised a gun and shot him four times. Lennon struggled to the entrance of the building, where he collapsed. He was rushed to the hospital in a police car, but died almost immediately. Meanwhile, his killer had remained outside the building. Incredibly, he had calmly thrown the gun into some bushes, taken out a book and begun reading. He was arrested almost immediately after the police arrived. He made no attempt to resist arrest and freely admitted the killing. A photograph taken earlier that evening shows Lennon outside of the building signing a copy of his latest album for a fan. The fan was, in fact, the man who shot him six hours later. His name was Mark Chapman. He had traveled to New York from Honolulu that month and had been staying at a local hotel. There he had planned the murder. People found it hard to understand why an apparent fan of Lennon’s with no previous connections with him should want to kill him. A few people suggested a conspiracy involving the CIA or other government agencies to assassinate Lennon for his political views. The rest of us, however, saw it as a crazed act of a deeply disturbed and obsessive individual who had robbed the world of one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Chapman was sent to jail, where he remains today. (26) The Dakota was:

a) Lennon’s recording studio. b) Lennon’s home.

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c) Lennon’s hotel. (27) Lennon was shot:

a) in front of the building. b) inside the building. c) getting out of the car. (28) After the shooting, the man: a) tried to escape. b) behaved unusually. c) hid in the bushes. (29) In the earlier photograph Lennon: a) is posing for the camera. b) is talking to the fan. c) is doing something for the fan. (30) Most people think that Chapman: a) was working with others. b) disagreed with Lennon’s politics. c) acted alone.

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Answer Key 1 were killed 2 a little history 3 wildlife 4 aborigines 5 informal 6 warm 7 cool 8 Robbery 9 robbers 10 stole 11 assassination 12 assassin 13 … arrived, people had seen men with rifles. 14 … had interviewed Oswald for a number of hours, they accused him of murder. 15 … was arrested, Oswald had shot and killed a policeman. 16 … had been published, people still believed that others were involved in the assassination. 17 has been doing / has done 18 has stolen 19 took 20 was walking 21 hadn’t bought 22 saw 23 had learned 24 has decided 25 has been attending / has attended 26 b 27 a 28 b 29 c 30 c

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ORAL TASK: Celebrity crimes: Read the following piece of information about Winona Ryder and answer the following questions. Film star Winona Ryder was arrested in September 2001 for trying to steal $5500 worth of merchandise from a store in Beverly Hills. 1. What kind of punishment would you suggest for this person? What kind of punishment do you think she received? 2. Are there any celebrities from your country that have been accused of a crime? Who? What crime? 3. Do you think that rich and famous people are treated differently by the law in your country? 4. Do celebrities have a responsibility to act as role-models for society?

WRITTEN TASK: Do all the exercises and writing activity suggested in your writing book page 25. (SEND THIS PAPER TO YOUR TUTOR FOR CORRECTION PURPOSES)

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1. Introducción

En esta unidad desarrollaremos las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción a un nivel intermedio bajo.

2. Objetivo general

Desarrollar las habilidades lingüísticas de recepción, comunicación y producción en relación a los medios de comunicación: periodismo de investigación, la ética en los medios y el sensacionalismo.

3. Objetivos particulares

Al terminar esta unidad serás capaz de:

Reportar lo que otra persona ha dicho: Oraciones afirmativas e interrogativas Debatir acerca de temas relacionados a los medios de comunicación Utilizar los verbos específicos para reportar lo que alguien dijo Utilizar expresiones específicas para dar opiniones Escribir artículos para un periódico reportando algún hecho Escribir un artículo acerca de las ventajas y desventajas de Internet

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4. Orientación del aprendizaje. Esquema conceptual de la UNIDAD 6: MASS MEDIA

El esquema a continuación te muestra el tema principal de la unidad 6 con las habilidades orales y escritas que debes desarrollar aplicando el vocabulario y estructura gramatical correspondiente.


o Text on sensationalism o Text on investigative journalism: “The Watergate story” o Discussion on ethical issues o Article about censorship on the Internet




• Past reported speech: statements and


• Mass media and the press

• Reporting verbs

• Expressions used to give opinions and discuss topics

- Writing short newspaper articles reporting on

events - Writing an article about the pros and cons of the


- Reporting what people have said and their

opinions - Debating about the media

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5 Claves de autoaprendizaje: Checklist

� Report another person’s speech: statements and question � Use expressions to give opinions and discuss topics � Use reporting verbs � Use expressions to give opinions and discuss topics � Write a short newspaper articles reporting on events � Write an article about the pros and cons of the Internet

6 Claves de auto evaluación LISTENING In order to do the following listening activity you will have to listen to the same audio used in unit 6 lesson 3 (page 54 from the student's book) Listen to a man and a woman talking about privacy. Mark sentences 1 to 6 T (True) or F (False). (1) He thinks celebrities complain too much. T/F (2) She thinks everyone should have complete privacy. T/F (3) He thinks it’s possible to have both fame and privacy. T/F (4) She thinks you shouldn’t be able to photograph private houses. T/F (5) He thinks it’s hard to show that a photograph was taken without consent. T/F (6) He thinks there are no laws against the invasion of privacy. T/F


For questions 7 to 14, complete the expression in italics to make a suitable noun phrase. (7) The corruption s_ _ _ _ _ _ of the 1980s nearly destroyed the government. (8) The police searched the crime s_ _ _ _ thoroughly but found nothing. (9) Most large criminal gangs are now involved in drug t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (10) The Chicago gangster, Al Capone, was finally imprisoned for tax e_ _ _ _ _ _. (11) A gang stole $1 million an a daring bank r_ _ _ _ _ _ in Los Angeles yesterday. (12) The kidnap v_ _ _ _ _ was freed after $2 million was paid to the kidnappers. (13) People narrowly escaped death after a terrorist a_ _ _ _ _ in the downtown area. (14) A concert is being held today raise money for the recent earthquake v_ _ _ _ _ _. For questions 15 to 24, rewrite the statements and questions below using reported speech. (15) “ I haven’t been feeling well recently,” he told the doctor. He told the doctor_________________________________ well recently. (16) “I’m retiring from politics at the end of the year,” the senator announced. The senator announced that______________________ at the end of the year. (17) “Where did you spend your vacation?” he asked her. He asked her_____________________________________ vacation. (18) “I’m very happy to be back in the U.S.,” she told the press. She told the press _____________________________ be back in the U.S. (19) “Why don’t you like classical music?” she asked him. She asked him _______________________________ classical music. (20) “Will you return to work after having the baby?” her colleague asked her. Her colleague asked her__________________________ after having the baby.

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(21) “Have you decided to run for president?” the reporter asked the senator. “The reporter asked the senator _______________________ run for president. (22) “Who are your favorite movie actors?” she asked him. She asked him ___________________________________________________ (23) “The winner of the competition will be decided later,” the judge announced. The judge announced that _____________________________ decided later. READING Read the following text on celebrity stalkers and mark sentences 24 to 30 T (TRUE), F (FALSE), or NS (NOT STATED). Celebrities and other people in the public eye have always had to put up with intrusive press reporters and photographers as part of their everyday life. But in recent years some of them have had to face a more sinister figure, the celebrity stalker. A celebrity stalker is a lone obsessive fan who follows the celebrity everywhere. Typically, the fan is a man and the celebrity is a woman. Despite evidence to the contrary, the stalker imagines that he and the celebrity are in a relationship or about to start a relationship. He will interpret many things or coincidences as proof of this relationship. They may, for example, both like the same kind of music; if she’s a movie actress, he will hear messages in her movies; if she’s a singer, he’ll hear them in her words of her songs. The fact that the celebrity may be already married or have a partner seems to have no effect on the stalker, apart from causing hostility or jealousy toward the third person. The stalker will look for opportunities to form a relationship with the victim. He may wait for long periods outside the celebrity’s place of work, or home, or follow her to social occasions. He will send gifts, flowers, love letters, etc. In some cases, he will even try to find a way to become a part of the person’s life. For example, one person, a woman this time, managed to enter a world-famous pop star’s house, claiming she was a relative. The stalker constantly confuses fantasy with reality. Whatever the celebrity does to avoid the situation is likely to be misinterpreted by the stalker as a sign that their relationship is developing or is about to develop. If the celebrity manages to communicate directly that she is not interested, he will ignore or reinterpret the message. There are even cases where a stalker has been sent to prison still believing that he and the celebrity were made for each other. (24) Stalkers have always been a problem for celebrities. T/F/NS (25) Some stalkers take photographs of celebrities. T/F/NS (26) The stalker finds reasons to support his fantasies. T/F/NS (27) The stalker’s attitude toward a celebrity changes if she’s married. T/F/NS (28) Stalkers may try to get to know the celebrity’s family. T/F/NS (29) If a celebrity asks a stalker to stop, he’ll usually cooperate. T/F/NS (30) Stalkers sent to prison sometimes remain in love with their

celebrities. T/F /NS

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Answer Key

1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 scandal 8 scene 9 trafficking 10 evasion 11 robbery 12 victim 13 attack 14 victims 15 … he hadn’t been feeling 16 … he / she was retiring 17 … where she had spent her 18 … she was very happy to 19 … why he didn’t like 20 … if she would return to work 21 … if he / she had decided to 22 … who his favorite movie actors were 23 … the winner of the competition would be 24 F 25 NS 26 T 27 F 28 NS 29 F 30 T

ORAL TASK: Answer the following questions :

• What is the role of newspapers in society? • Why do we buy newspapers? • Is the news censored in your country? • Will newspapers disappear in the future? • What is your favorite section of the newspaper to read? • Do you think the news influences people too much?

LEARNING CHECK: (Student’s book: pages 58 y 59) Do all the suggested activities. These are quick revision exercises of units 5 and 6.

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WRITTEN TASK: Do all the exercises and writing activity suggested in your writing book page 29 (SEND THIS PAPER TO YOUR TUTOR FOR CORRECTION PURPOSES)