ii¥-(f) - united states agency for international...

3'1 0 II¥- (f) J / PD- A AD· 0 3 g .. D, USA1D/NEPAL Ml-:M)RANDIJH W' COIf} StmJEC'r: Ccrcnln Re·rlcv by Secretary of.' Agl'ieulLure Hinif;try Ii\'l'E!/PLtV;)R " ':<;;\1 29. J.V",:tS .. Hi.nLt;tr'y of Agriculture and :Crl'igu-' LiJ)!'i 8ingbn Dllrou:.' COPIES TO; Jnl tt rni '" c.: K Sllln::HCY,' nf.?Fialt:l in the re"lie'ued the Integrat.ed ',:er",;[tlb druft l'l'Oje<::t Papel' and cle::tred it 1.01' to 1-,he 0:1:' riwln::e" :;cnbl' of'Xit::er ':.'ilS responsibility fOt' J.inir,o\1 'I>,ith the ,/1 i,iinin [;1"Y" 0:(' add:1:tiollal j.J,J:, reSOUT{!eS f01" ]Hl'i{:,l".1.lI!m:i.ng in \!cYGC!d, After openln['; i' i.'(:Ti, c,r ;,10C1; :i.i:1r,;, Se':::retr.;i-Y- Jj" R" Ked.1'.:1.1.:.1 ns;;:el1 (cile 1'1' J c, B" iClYld.l'll ,to til (;! ',rlC 7 ;iS or th? :lJep2.:,:'"t;rnent of !\Gl'icuJ.ture" ;·11'< inl;Ul.'n l, :requested i'fill>0nto SUmrll.l.l.'):r,e the pro,je<.;:t den1gn, 'dUson brieH,Y oU'GliDed the ;{ntesrated Cereals projed" noting in llllrticu:lnr lon{j de', d.opmcnt phaLiG and AI£+" s autl101'i:l,Cl.- tion to negotiate uith or).y ')r)e the l.ntcrmt"i'.ional Agri- cult lIral l:!eTclopwmi; S(!x·vil':e HI',,' Nilson noted ft:m as intention to u contrud orJtl'lee;,l the J1\oo and HMJ.'1- USAXD/Nepul uEauud.ng d Mro iChudka noted. three 'lueNt:i.olla about the Integrated Cereals Project.-.. li'irst ,: Iw remLl.rlwd that prO'lis ion for generlll improvement o;C storage ffcilitiea of the Agriculture Inputs Corpora- tlon (AIC) had been dropped o (The ,1anuary 9 19'7'5 PROP contained a provision for equivalent in rupees for "seed storage conversionll but thig 'i\"IlB deleted from the project design aD insuf'l'icielltly de'{cloped and pot:wibly pOlling substantial management problemso) t-tro Khadlca questioned -'c.he requirement for tlJO expatriates in mai:r.e" He observed that the rliiniatry of );:'inance might raise the same question!) and object to inclusion of the mah:e plant , breeder {the mahe agronomiat. already i6 in Nepal under contract to C »0 Third;> Mr ... Khadka questioned 'che role of tr.c four Pa\ce Corps Volunteers slated to nerve in the four Development Regions" He aslted how they \1ould be tl-Ued and assigned, and what their educa- tional background l·rould be o (J12. CJ. f. 6 Drafted by: Date: April 2p 19'f6 (, \ II

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  • 3'1 0 II- (f) J / PD- AAD 0 3g.. D ,


    Ml-:M)RANDIJH W' COIf} F~~.'I'lON

    StmJEC'r: 1ntci.~rated Ccrcnln Proj~d:: Rerlcv by Secretary of.' Agl'ieulLure Hinif;try

    ~f'Ii\'l'E!/PLtV;)R " :~\ ':,ith the ,/1 mlti~'(' i,iinin [;1"Y" il."mn~t:")i1ity 0:(' add:1:tiollal j.J,J:, reSOUT{!eS f01" ]Hl'i{:,l".1.lI!m:i.ng in f'.:~L;_,:;ul::,llre '~.!i.l[l \!cYGC!d,

    After openln['; ti~ i' i.'(:Ti, c,r ;,10C1; :i.i:1r,;, Se':::retr.;i-Y- Jj" R" Ked.1'.:1.1.:.1 ns;;:el1 DiI'i~(;tf)r (cile1'1' J J~ c, B" iClYld.l'll ,to PYC,~Cl1t til (;! ',rlC7;iS or th? :lJep2.:,:'"t;rnent of !\Gl'icuJ.ture" ;11'< \h;H51'~D. inl;Ul.'n l, :requested r,1r~ i'fill>0nto SUmrll.l.l.'):r,e the pro,jel,{,}~ 0

    Third;> Mr ... Khadka questioned 'che role of tr.c four Pa\ce Corps Volunteers slated to nerve in the four Development Regions" He aslted how they \1ould be tl-Ued and assigned, and what their educational background lrould be o

    (J12. CJ. f.6 Drafted by: AGR~~1l':~~ Date: April 2p 19'f6 (, \



  • - 2 .,

    Replying t.o Ht'o KI1I'..r.lIw ~s point on stol"age) Dro Grader noted that '.!ortilidc}~atlonE of p:rnjcct Tl:'ll:ile(~II,cnt unO. desiGn hall led to the dec:1.s.lon GO de1ei;e n 1'11'[;," "tol'uge l'rol~j'Wn f't'om the PPo He stressed that 11 ~'E.t8ful ll.rJulYI3J.u of' :;t();:tJ~~e Iwec'1.8 nml. of' altel';Jfr~i"J"e l"n.y~ to meet Sltr~hl'e",ui l'ClIicnts 'l'lUu).c1 tl'.XH.! to ~)tc l1ndeI""Gu:'~en be.~' )1'2 A~I~I} l..'oulc1 t::onBirle,;:' nss1.t}A(,~!.r..',-;(~ ].11 !jJ.'B 1.Il ~i I-,() r~:~;eo L.\(a" G'l"n{lt~:t- l.~'ytecI that..."~'FI)ee

    '.,,< ,~, " 'fl '. ",> "1 7, , .. , .. ' J' '. ',";. ~:. r ',. U';'" \" 'l{' /1 :.',.,.. .. C' .'--.,; ,'I ,.,' " tl~'l .lrJlU .. Ch l!:.LL.il, lJ .. L.lOl:.I, t..u.J .du ....,. .d1 .... ,.;; . I .' ;, 110 ,I( .J", '. () (.

    oi' a IJrni5..'Jlm".l:. aJJ.o!:ni:,ir ' (,:~' ll!'! (;0 :;;:t 1i15.1.u'on 1~C!ui.;u:l.eiJ.i, for ."Igri,. lL]..(.\n'(~" He ()b.':l(''''''~:rJ 1.ll~1.t, .~\)l)r:l.:. 0';:' n:') (!Ol'i Ehrl('!i::c t;~r::(!r'f!i;-("

    t, oi' "thr:; d}.:iJ.I~'t. J}~(c ..Jc!.d~ J.>':~~])el' \'llli~!il i.SII'~;:~J. ?:!.c'd a :';~:~~Il.1()r .PJ~1rrt~ i~rcederP :i.n Jfnla:L'~e 0.1" O'e-!H':;X' ~"J:'op to '02 UE:L8i'm:i.llc.\~,~t L".Hd to t~'l(! lJUc,e 1':;i1i~~h i.i1(lj.. t8....{~';.;(~.rJ :~t,h:~ iO.:J.'ft:: p::,,~t~~l~~ b.rceG.(::"~'" :,::l.:J ~L to .i.\~~,.1J.i:~\r~a for !l t;ho:c~~~~:(' )\;!.r~lod oj' '~in1(:! G.!' pel"'beUG n,ut a"l, [l).. ,,'.~'o Su1.;L::.~a:1;,j_~~;~! "bO(~t:_:;~:...,OU_H~I. 'i~r) -::,It:t.3 liflt:i.ne in pxo.../~.':1.ed J.. l1 Annf::;( } ..'" ~~:3to.2fJ.(~t; l:)o;sitior:;t~() g~~ODC; 0:(' ~!;f.)rk0 di~:f:;.ni()il o:t' t.ime u!' .l"'eSf.:D_rv~ll -('C.':lill .,11 jh."J(j ~:n'~'~.Bon vo:i.j'rt~3d. Oli.t tl~.D;{~ t~C! pD~i)-.torl '~ia!,j HOt, 'CO be fLUuJ. l~':J~;il tlt(:~

  • - 3 -

    Mro lChadka inquired wha.t the rel.ationship between USAID/Nepal and the Agl:~oultu.raJ. Development Counoil (A/D/C) would bet l~ro Grader expl ined that an AlDIe role in Nepal (at least initially) "muld be funded by Am,hla.oh1ngton" The mAID/Nepal - A/D./C relat1onshly' would be rather "remotetl ~ hut)) Dro Grader observedi' both the A/D/e and the IADS ~'lere derived :from the RMI~elellel" FoundationSld were staffed by people with life..l ong professional assoe lations.o 80 that the AlDIe role in Nepal shou;Ld be readily coordinated Inth the Integrated Cereals project actiTi'tY,'o fhe rupee equivaJ,ent of. $50000 pi"Ogral'QIDed for socHQ, sc::iene~ resea.l"'Ch within the !n~cegra.ted Cereals proje~t "rould 1:la a 'vaiJI.able regardless of any A/IDle l"Ole (or lack thereof )~ Mx'o Grader 1Jaido '

    Dro Mathema. obseI'Ved 'chat the l?ar ciipant training schedule vlaS quite general witr. respect to "Gypea of aca,demie subjects JGO be coveredo Mr" WH.son said. that this had been done deliberatelY in order to ena.ble 1:MJ a.nd the contJ!'a'Ctor (vlho ,'tfould control pe.r1i:l,a1.p8.n'{j funds ) to l'lOrlt oui detailed training requirements., Mro Wilson no'~ed that training l

  • Participantn ~

    1.. Mr.. Dirghn Hnj Koirule. v' 6er.~retel1r

    Hinintr'J of F08d~ Anl.'i(~ult.ure and ;:!".!'igl.!.t.ion

    Sj.ll,;hr-. [ll.rD.....r

    20 Mr u Bed :t:t).!lO.dul' lCl:ud.ku L

    Dil~~tor rkmerlll

    Deportl!l'~llt 0:( Ag:d.cllltu..re

    Hnrihar l~ha\nm

    3" ~:!ro Sa~~l' fJe.h.ndw. Prudhnn V

    Ar.:ti12G ,:/oint Sec:1.'6t(!.lY

    Miniiltr;;r o~:' ~'ood:J Ag.l'iculture

    unci ::rr:1.I~(l(;ion Singho. D\nl'.:~

    40 Dr" Thnl~I!l' l'{ai;ll :,lei.1t~, I~eting .Toint Secretary V l.i3.nint:r:r of Ji'oOQjJ Ac;X'.'i.enlt;urc uud :Crrigat1on 35.neha f',u:tbc:.r:':; ;{ath!l1Ul1cl.ll

    ~o .Mr o Shi~'" :~)D.-badl'.:L Nern).:!.!} JjCputy l)J.l'eetor V .?eneln.l

    Departrr.tm:; o:? 1l.gri.:.:uJ:Gl're

    Ho.:l'i1.18.r g]Hl.')rtU1

    6u LTo Plwllpa.r.l1lil IJlmktn t.i::ttJH2DlIl t/

    /l.l('!ting D5..~'e(~tol' Gel'lerD~.

    Dcpcl1:'tmcnt of' JfOOU. and Ar~J:icu.."l:ture

    [.:a:ckeU.i'11j Se~;~vic!(:::l . Bog :UB.1.ar

    't" Vir 0 fJidur. F.um~n :t'hapa,1J (7(mero.l I'oJa,nager t/

    P.{';l"i~u1tiue ~:nr>llt Corpol'a.t.ion

    'l'd:u~ I\at!ur;;:~ndu

    80 Mr" Bam ?!'