ihp published friday every lfluui ignul i...ihp published every i friday lfluui etndti ignul> ati...

IHp Published Every I Friday > LflUUi etndti Ignul ati VOLUME XXI MT VERNON ROCKCASTLE COUNTY KY FRIDAY AUG 14 1908 NUMBER 46 I TALKSLOUD AAI AND I s Dont forget your cash asthese are cash prices BEST 7 t CALICOES 5 Gents f For the next 30 clays i I wil sell all H 10 cent rtaicles at 7 cts 25 4 rq cts 50 u U 39cts i uJQO > 7Qct- I50 J v ti wf e > W H t IIIO TJ I MENS Suits worth 1600 now 1300 I Suits worth 1500 now 1200 1 f Suits worth 1200 now 900 l Suits worth 8 0o now 650 fI Suits worth 550 now 400 CHILDRENS I i Suits from 80 cents to 2 I Boys Corduroy pants werew f 50 cents now 39 cents I Prices J on Shoes the same as j Bother goods Come while O ffA Dont forget the CashS I SKIRTS I A lot of Ladies Skirts wereg to qnow 150 to 25058 la great bargain f- ft A lot of Linl1imCarp th and f Rugs < v I COME NOW 1 jGfJOHNSONJlo PROHIBITION GAINS IN FOUR YEARS Alabama i9o4 20 prohibition counties 11 dispensary counties 85 licensecounti sI90SState prohibition In effect December 31 Ig0- 8Arkansaslg0444 prohibition counties 2H license counties2 partially license counties 1908 57 prohibition counties California 1904 170 proh ibit ion towns 19108 200 prohibition towns ProhibitIion 1908 Nearly 100 prohibition towns State local option law passed 1907 Denver half pro hibltionConnecticntIg04Halr of State local prohibition iyo8 I ciease in prohibition vote Delaware 1904 Few small pro ¬ hibition towns i9o8 Twothirds of State under prohibition Florida i9o4 30 prohibition counties Ig0830 prohibition prohibit I cities 1908 <aw State e law prohibit towns wholly cities in of State countiesMinnesotaJ90440o territory 190825 counties State jqp counties 37 pro State pro 230 pro ¬ 1908 = cities against pro towns 700 prohibi ¬ tion towns 1908 1611 prohibi tion towns Mississippi lg0465 prohibit ¬ ion counties IgoS77 prohibit ¬ ion counties Montana 1904 No prohibition territory i9o8 One prohibition countyNebraska19o4200 prohibition towns 1908 600 prohibition towns 22 prohibition counties Nevada 1904 No prohibition territory 1908 Local gains New Hampshire 1904 444 pro- hibition ¬ towns I908I3 pro ¬ hibition towns New Jersey i9o4 License State Sunday closing and vigor ¬ ous law enforcement Agitation for county option New Yorkrgo4285 prohibit ¬ ion towns Cities licened by State 1908 Some local gains North Carolina19o4Local option bill passed 1903 1908 State prohibition carried May 36 by 40000I North Dakota 1904 State pro ¬ hibition Lax enforcement in some sectionsI90SState pro ¬ hibition State wide emforcem- entOhio19o4145 prohibition towns First State local option law passed 1908 i6m prohibit ¬ ion towns County prohibition law passed Okl homalg04Few prohibit ion towns 1908 State prdhbit I ionOregonrgo4No prohibition territory 1908 21 prohibition counties out of 34 I PennsylvaniaI9o4Prohibit ¬ Ig08I movements county prohibitionRhode Island I9042 pro- hibition ¬ towns 1908 Some local gainsSouth Carolina 1904 State dispensary i goST State dispen sary abolished 1907 8 prohibition counties South DakotaigluScattering prohibition towns 19o83 pro- hibition ¬ countie- sTennessee19o48 license cities i9o8 3 license citie- sTexas19o414o prohibition counties IgoSI5 prohibition counties Utah 1904 No1 prohibition territory Igo8152 prohibition counties Vermont 1904 138 prohibition towns 1908216 prohibition towns Virginia 1904 Local option 4hibition Washington19o4Few pro ¬ bibition towns 1908 General local prohibition gains 4 Vest Virginia 4904 40 out of J 54 counties dry 1908 State cam ¬ paign for constitutionalprohibition Wisconsin 1904 300 prohibit ¬ ion towns i9og 789 prohibition J townsWyoming19o4No prohibit- ion ¬ J territory 1908 Some local gains Arizona1904No prohibition territory 1908 Two prohibition districts J New Mexico 1908 State pro ¬ hibition asked for when admitted District of Columbia 1908 Prohibition campaign in progress 4 CURED HAY F VET AND SUMMER COLD A S Naubaum Batesvllle Iud writes Last year I suffered for three month with a summer cold so distressing that it interferred with my business 1 had many of the symptoms of hay fever and a doctors prescription did not reach my case and I took several medi ¬ cines which seemed only to aggra ¬ vate it Fortunately I insisted upon having Foleys Honey and Tar It quickly cured me My wife has sinceused Foleys Ho nejr and Tar with the same success The loss by fire of the Green baum distillery and warehouses With other property at Midway will be near 1OOOJ ooo The Greenbaums who operated the distillery it is said are covered by insurance The big losses will come from outside per sons who had whisky stored in the warehouses Many of these no in ¬ surance WHY JAMES LEE GOT WELL Everybody in Zadesvile 0 knows Mrs Mary Lee of rural routeS She writes My husband James Lee firmly believes he owes his life to the use of Dr Kings New Discovery His lungs were so severely affected that consumpt ¬ ton seemed inevitable when a friend recommended New Dis covert We tried it and its use has restored him to perfect health Dr Kings New Discovery is the King of throat and lung remedies For coughs and colds it has no equal The first dose gives relief Try it Sold under guarantee at Chas C Davis drug store Soc and 100 Trial bottle free Wilbur Wright the American aeroplane inventor gave his ma ¬ chine a public trial at Lemans France and sailed twice around a field in one minute and fortysix saconds The distance travled was a little over ia mile The machine behaved well and the exhibition was accounted a distinct s- HOW TO AVOID APPENDS CITIS- Mostvictims of appendicitis are those who are habitually cons tipa ¬ ted Foleys Orinp Laxative cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels Foleys Orino J4xativedoes not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take Refuse sub stitutes Sold by Chas C Pavis Established DE iOoO i i Being overstocked on certain lines it is necessary we run our stock down and in order to do so we offer our entire stock ofi Shoes Cfofhing and i 20 Per Cent Discount i Dress Goods and Calicoes Our entire line of Dress Goods and Cailcoes go at a discountof 15 PER CENT i L LFKRUEGERSOH 1 Mt Vernon Phone 87 K KentuckyI VVW vrv V PROGRAM J For fifth Sumday meeting of the Executive Board of the Rockcastle Association to be held at Poplar Grove church Saturday and Sun ¬ day August 29th and 30 1908 SATURDAY 1 to A M Singing and prayer 2 Meeting called to order and the mission of the Board stated by Bro H C Gentry Chm 3 Welcome addresses Rev James Cummins and Rev Godby 4 Home and Foreign Mission Revs Dock Gooch and W M BrockI 5 Adjournment for dinner which will be served at the church 6 The needs or benefit of this Board to the cause of Christ and the Association Geo E Painter Open for general discussion SATURDAY NIGHT 7 Th t true Church of Christ when and where established Rev C C Wilson SUNDAY 8 The design of Baptism and what it is for in a literal sense Rev A J Pike 9 Final perseverance of the Saints Rev C C Metcilf C Gentry Executive Board 1H E Painter M Hurst About4uo former employes of the Government printing office bindery who were dismismissed by former Public printer Stillings cannot re enter the service without submit ting to another examination I EXCELLENT HEALTH ADVICE Mrs M M Davidson of No 379 Gifford Ave San Jose Cal saysiThe worth of electric Bitters as a general family remedy for headache biliousness and torpor of soyroJ ¬ I benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions There is more j health for the digestive organs in a I bottle of Electric Bitters than in any other remedy I know of Sold under guarantee at Chas C I Davis drugstore soc 1887 At r I untnnttnnnnnnnnn tnnnunnnnttntntnnnntntn I 10 WATCH FREE I To one out of the first twenty five 25customers 3 EwbQ trade 12 with us we will give absolutely free = E 10 watch Coupons will be issued to each customer = 1- E until his purchases amount to 12 and these coupons = E are then exchanged for ticket The number on one 3E Eto call for your coupon w = SUMMER GOODSIn order to close them out = we are making exceptionally low prices on all kinds of = ESummer goods Bargains = w JI J STOKES w on Bast Fork Skeggs Creek = Three miles South of Mt Vernon P S Remember that in connection we have goner 3 = al blacksmith shop Wagon making and repairing a = = specialty i lUUHll1UU1U1U1U1H1U1UllU U1U1U1U1Ul1U lUIllUluilUU1 Bureau of Sols US Department of Agriculture announces that un ¬ der the new and limited appropria tion for soil surveys made the last congress it will be impossible to undertake any considerable amountof new work during the en suing two years that in the stateof Kentucky only onenew county vyill be takeu up and that county is Rockcastle Our county owes this important distinction and probable benefit to the non Haney Helm congressman from this district when the subject of this appropria ¬ tion was broached last spring Mr Helm went to the chief of the Bu reau of Soils and got his promise that ii any new work was done in Kentucky part of it should be in his district The Chief has kept his promise and announces that the beginning of the soil survey of Rockcastle will be on April ist next When he found that he as well as the state was limited to one couu tyMr Helm chose Rockcastle tor the reason that its topography made its survey more interesting more likely of good results and more = I I ¬ a a w n r a a important of early accomplishment than any others of the destrict which have not been surveyed A BOON TO ECDERIDY PEOPLE Most elderly people have some kidney or bladder disoider that is dangerousFolds asit corrects irregularities and tones n takingJ401eys and be vigorous Sold by Chas C Davis Senators Faraker arid Dick have been invited to attendbut not speak at the opening of the Taft cam ¬ paign in Ohio The principal ad dresses will be made by Gov Bar¬ ris Senator Beveridge ane Gov Hughes No one is immune from kidney FoleyaKidney ofkidney not beyond the reach of medicine For sale by Chas U Davis

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Page 1: IHp Published Friday Every LflUUi Ignul I...IHp Published Every I Friday LflUUi etndti Ignul> ati VOLUME XXI MT VERNON ROCKCASTLE COUNTY KY FRIDAY AUG 14 1908 NUMBER 46 I TALKSLOUD

IHpPublished Every

I Friday








Dont forget your cashasthese are cash




For the next 30 claysi I wil sell allH 10 cent rtaicles at 7 cts

254 rq cts

50 u U 39cts i

uJQO > 7Qct-

I50J v ti wf e >


I MENSSuits worth 1600 now 1300

ISuits worth 1500 now 1200 1fSuits worth 1200 now 900l Suits worth 8 0o now 650fISuits worth 550 now 400


Suits from 80 cents to 2 IBoys Corduroy pants werew

f 50 cents now 39 cents



on Shoes the same as j

Bother goods Come whileOffADont forget the CashS

I SKIRTS IA lot of Ladies Skirts weregto qnow 150 to 25058

la great bargain f-

ft A lot of Linl1imCarp thand

fRugs < v ICOME NOW 1



Alabama i9o4 20 prohibitioncounties 1 1 dispensary counties 85licensecounti sI90SStateprohibition In effect December31 Ig0-

8Arkansaslg0444 prohibitioncounties 2H license counties2partially license counties 190857 prohibition counties

California 1904 170 proh ibition towns 19108 200 prohibitiontowns

ProhibitIion1908 Nearly 100 prohibitiontowns State local option lawpassed 1907 Denver half pro


State local prohibition iyo8I ciease in prohibition vote

Delaware 1904 Few small pro ¬

hibition towns i9o8 Twothirdsof State under prohibition

Florida i9o4 30 prohibitioncounties Ig0830 prohibition





<awStatee law





of State






37 pro

State pro

230 pro ¬

1908 =cities



prohibi ¬

tion towns 1908 1611 prohibition towns

Mississippi lg0465 prohibit ¬

ion counties IgoS77 prohibit ¬

ion counties

Montana 1904 No prohibitionterritory i9o8 One prohibition


towns 1908 600 prohibitiontowns 22 prohibition counties

Nevada 1904 No prohibitionterritory 1908 Local gains

New Hampshire 1904 444 pro-


towns I908I3 pro¬

hibition townsNew Jersey i9o4 License

State Sunday closing and vigor ¬

ous law enforcement Agitationfor county option

New Yorkrgo4285 prohibit ¬

ion towns Cities licened by State1908 Some local gains

North Carolina19o4Localoption bill passed 1903 1908State prohibition carried May 36 by40000INorth Dakota 1904 State pro ¬

hibition Lax enforcement insome sectionsI90SState pro ¬

hibition State wide emforcem-entOhio19o4145 prohibition

towns First State local optionlaw passed 1908 i6m prohibit ¬

ion towns County prohibitionlaw passed

Okl homalg04Few prohibition towns 1908 State prdhbit

I ionOregonrgo4No prohibitionterritory 1908 21 prohibitioncounties out of 34

I PennsylvaniaI9o4Prohibit ¬Ig08Imovements county


Island I9042 pro-



towns 1908 Some local

gainsSouthCarolina 1904 State

dispensary i goST State dispensary abolished 1907 8 prohibitioncounties

South DakotaigluScatteringprohibition towns 19o83 pro-


countie-sTennessee19o48 license cities

i9o8 3 license citie-

sTexas19o414o prohibitioncounties IgoSI5 prohibitioncounties

Utah 1904 No1 prohibitionterritory Igo8152 prohibitioncounties

Vermont 1904 138 prohibitiontowns 1908216 prohibitiontowns

Virginia 1904 Local option

4hibitionWashington19o4Few pro ¬

bibition towns 1908 Generallocal prohibition gains 4

Vest Virginia 4904 40 out of J

54 counties dry 1908 State cam ¬

paign for constitutionalprohibitionWisconsin 1904 300 prohibit ¬

ion towns i9og 789 prohibition J


ion¬ J

territory 1908 Some localgains

Arizona1904No prohibitionterritory 1908 Two prohibitiondistricts

JNew Mexico 1908 State pro ¬

hibition asked for when admittedDistrict of Columbia 1908

Prohibition campaign in progress4


A S Naubaum Batesvllle Iudwrites Last year I suffered forthree month with a summer cold sodistressing that it interferred withmy business 1 had many of thesymptoms of hay fever and adoctors prescription did not reachmy case and I took several medi ¬

cines which seemed only to aggra ¬

vate it Fortunately I insistedupon having Foleys Honey andTar It quickly cured me Mywife has sinceused Foleys Ho nejrand Tar with the same success

The loss by fire of the Greenbaum distillery and warehousesWith other property at Midway willbe near 1OOOJ ooo The Greenbaumswho operated the distillery it is saidare covered by insurance The biglosses will come from outside persons who had whisky stored in thewarehouses Many of these no in ¬



Everybody in Zadesvile 0knows Mrs Mary Lee of ruralrouteS She writes My husbandJames Lee firmly believes he oweshis life to the use of Dr KingsNew Discovery His lungs wereso severely affected that consumpt ¬

ton seemed inevitable when afriend recommended New Discovert We tried it and its usehas restored him to perfect healthDr Kings New Discovery is theKing of throat and lung remediesFor coughs and colds it has noequal The first dose gives reliefTry it Sold under guarantee atChas C Davis drug store Socand 100 Trial bottle free

Wilbur Wright the Americanaeroplane inventor gave his ma¬

chine a public trial at LemansFrance and sailed twice around afield in one minute and fortysixsaconds The distance travled wasa little over ia mile The machinebehaved well and the exhibitionwas accounted a distinct s-


Mostvictims of appendicitis arethose who are habitually cons tipa ¬

ted Foleys Orinp Laxative cureschronic constipation by stimulatingthe liver and bowels and restoresthe natural action of the bowelsFoleys Orino J4xativedoes notnauseate or gripe and is mild andpleasant to take Refuse substitutes Sold by Chas C Pavis



iOoO i i

Being overstocked on certain lines it isnecessary we run our stock down and inorder to do so we offer our entire stock ofiShoes Cfofhing and i

20 Per Cent Discount

iDress Goods and Calicoes

Our entire line of Dress Goods andCailcoes go at a discountof



Mt Vernon

Phone 87


KentuckyIVVW vrv V


J For fifth Sumday meeting of theExecutive Board of the RockcastleAssociation to be held at PoplarGrove church Saturday and Sun ¬

day August 29th and 30 1908SATURDAY

1 to A M Singing and prayer2 Meeting called to order and

the mission of the Board statedby Bro H C Gentry Chm

3 Welcome addresses RevJames Cummins and Rev Godby

4 Home and Foreign MissionRevs Dock Gooch and W MBrockI5 Adjournment for dinner whichwill be served at the church

6 The needs or benefit of thisBoard to the cause of Christ andthe Association Geo E PainterOpen for general discussion


7 Th t true Church of Christwhen and where established

Rev C C WilsonSUNDAY

8 The design of Baptism andwhat it is for in a literal sense

Rev A J Pike

9 Final perseverance of theSaints Rev C C Metcilf

C GentryExecutive Board 1H E Painter

M Hurst

About4uo former employes of theGovernment printing office binderywho were dismismissed by formerPublic printer Stillings cannot reenter the service without submitting to another examination



Mrs M M Davidson of No379 Gifford Ave San Jose CalsaysiThe worth of electric Bittersas a general family remedy forheadache biliousness and torpor ofsoyroJ ¬


benefit of those seeking relief fromsuch afflictions There is more

j health for the digestive organs in aI bottle of Electric Bitters than inany other remedy I know ofSold under guarantee at Chas C

I Davis drugstore soc



r Iuntnnttnnnnnnnnn tnnnunnnnttntntnnnntntn

I 10 WATCH FREE ITo one out of the first twenty five 25customers 3EwbQ trade 12 with us we will give absolutely free =

E 10 watch Coupons will be issued to each customer = 1-

E until his purchases amount to 12 and these coupons =E are then exchanged for ticket The number on one3EEto call for your coupon w= SUMMER GOODSIn order to close them out= we are making exceptionally low prices on all kinds of =ESummer goods Bargains =w JI J STOKESw on Bast Fork Skeggs Creek= Three miles South of Mt Vernon

P S Remember that in connection we have goner 3= al blacksmith shop Wagon making and repairing a == specialty ilUUHll1UU1U1U1U1H1U1UllU U1U1U1U1Ul1U lUIllUluilUU1

Bureau ofSols U S Departmentof Agriculture announces that un ¬

der the new and limited appropriation for soil surveys made thelast congress it will be impossibleto undertake any considerableamountof new work during the ensuing two years that in the stateofKentucky only onenew county vyill

be takeu up and that county isRockcastle Our county owes thisimportant distinction and probablebenefit to the non Haney Helmcongressman from this districtwhen the subject of this appropria ¬

tion was broached last spring MrHelm went to the chief of the Bu

reau of Soils and got his promise

that ii any new work was done inKentucky part of it should be inhis district The Chief has kept hispromise and announces that thebeginning of the soil survey ofRockcastle will be on April istnext When he found that he as wellas the state was limited to one couutyMr Helm chose Rockcastle torthe reason that its topography madeits survey more interesting morelikely of good results and more











important of early accomplishmentthan any others of the destrictwhich have not been surveyed


Most elderly people have somekidney or bladder disoider that isdangerousFoldsasitcorrects irregularities and tones n

takingJ401eysand be vigorous Sold by ChasC Davis

Senators Faraker arid Dick havebeen invited to attendbut not speakat the opening of the Taft cam ¬

paign in Ohio The principal addresses will be made by Gov Bar¬ris Senator Beveridge ane GovHughes

No one is immune from kidney

FoleyaKidneyofkidneynot beyond the reach of medicineFor sale by Chas U Davis