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THINK AGAIN... See page 2

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MINESAFE IS PUBLISHED BY :The Mining Operations Division6th Floor, Mineral HouseDepartment of Minerals and EnergyWestern Australia100 Plain StreetEAST PERTH WA 6004Tel: (08) 9222 3310Fax (08) 9325 2280e-mail: [email protected]://www.dme.gov.auConsultantEditor: Catherine Stedman

Tel: (08) 9317 3485Associate Editors: Mark Butson

Chris StubleyPatrick BurkeMark Brown

Typesetting: Jo DugganGraphic Design: Frank Richards

MINESAFE is published four times a year.Articles and news items may be used freely,although we would appreciateacknowledgment, as well as a copy of anypublication in which they are used.

Inside.........PAGE SPECIAL FEATURES2 If You Think Structures Don’t

Fall Down........Think Again!4 MOSHAB Goes Underground6 Processing Plant Risk

Management7 “Year 2000 – Millennium Bug”8 Managing Shiftwork Quiz (Part

2)11 WA Mines Receive

Recognition in the 1998Minex Awards

12 Safety in Mine Surveying13 Conditions of Entry to


REGULAR ARTICLES3 Editorial10 Innovations12 People and Places14 What’s On15 Staff Changes. New

Publications16 Incident Alert


People who assume that structuresdon’t fall down need to be aware thatboth new and old structures can notonly collapse but are doing so moreoften.

In June this year, the bin and supportstructure pictured on the covercollapsed when loaded to 80%capacity during commissioningoperations for a new treatment plant.Fortunately, no one was injured, butseveral people might have been killedif they had been in the area at the time.

It appears at this stage that the absenceof web stiffeners in the primary supportbeams led to the failure of the structure.The web stiffeners were included inengineering design calculations, butwere not shown on the designdrawings. This illustrates theimportance of ensuring that designdrawings accurately reflect engineeringdesign calculations.

In May 1996 the bin support structureat another treatment plant twisted anddeformed when loaded well belowcapacity. This bin had been newlycommissioned and the deformationwas also caused by the omission of webstiffeners to the primary bin supportbeams. In this case the design engineerdid not carry out calculations to checkthe need for web stiffeners.

Section 14 and regulations 6.3 to 6.5of the Mines Safety and Inspection Act

1994 clearly define the duties ofpersons who design any plant for useat a mine.

Structural design engineers mustensure design calculations conform tothe relevant Australian Standards.Consulting engineering design officesmust ensure design calculations arechecked by another engineer and thatdesign drawings are checked by thedesign engineer and the principalstructural engineer.

Another cause of structural collapsesis corrosion of steelwork. This wharfwalkway structure (pictured) hadextensive corrosion and failed as sixmen walked across it. All six men fell8 metres into the ocean, some of themsuffering serious injuries.

Treatment plants are also very corrosiveenvironments and there have beenseveral incidents on minesites wheresteel floors have collapsed.

If you see corrosion on structuralsteelwork that may be more thansurface corrosion you should adviseyour supervisor of the problem. Wherethe corrosion of supporting steelworkhas diminished the original strength ofthe structure, a structural designengineer should be employed to assessthe safety of the structure. If remedialwork is recommended then the workshould be carried out immediately.

The wharf walkway structure corrodedthrough and fell to the ocean.


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In light of the fatalities experienced overthe past 18 months, and the interests ofsafety education, it is time to revisit theissue of personal accountability for safety.

Personal accountability does not mean“it’s all up to the person on the job”.

Sometimes, it is easy to lose sight of thefact that each and every employee at amine, from the Chief Executive or generalmanager through to the miner or plantoperator, has first andforemost, the employee’sduty of care to takereasonable care of his or hersafety and health, and toavoid causing harm to thesafety and health of others.This obligation is the basis ofpersonal accountability forsafety.

People in management andsupervisory positions haveadditional responsibilitiesand accountabilities placedon them throughappointment to a position ofstatutory or businessauthority.

Managers and supervisors are not theemployer (which is almost always amining company) but they operate asagents to carry out duties for theemployer.

In carrying out such duties to meet theemployer’s obligation, these people stillretain their individual personalaccountability. Part of that accountabilityis developing a working environment thatallows all other employees to carry outtheir duty of care.

Simply put, the system of work, which isthe responsibility of the employer, mustbe user friendly, and the employer’sagents must provide the necessaryworkplace “tools” that will allow all otheremployees to be held accountable if thetools are not used. This also applies

where company rules are in place,because the “lawful instruction” whichthe employees must obey under theirduty of care, must also include themechanisms to permit employees tocooperate with the rule.

In underground mining in particular,where regular supervision of allemployees is not practicable, a good dealof reliance is placed on the employee towork safely. This can be done only if

each person is trained, instructed andequipped to do so, and the work systemand communication systems areadequately and safely established.

Whereas in the past the airleg miner (forexample) had a large measure of controlof his or her own job and work routine,current mining operations are generallyhighly mechanised and often closelycoupled and tightly spaced.

Three or four individuals or groups ofpeople may be involved in sequence inadvancing a heading or operating astoping system.

Any incorrect or unsafe act, whether dueto action or lack of action on the part ofan individual, may have seriousconsequences for others.


Managers and supervisors are not theemployer but they operate as agentsto carry out duties for the employer.

...these people still retain theirindividual personal accountability.Part of that accountability is developinga working environment that allows allother employees to carry out their dutyof care.

Development of a high level ofawareness of this personal accountabilityis a critical part of improving the safetyculture in a mine and ensuring a highstandard of performance. Developingthe skills and knowledge comes onlyfrom effective education, training andexperience, and not by simply tellingemployees that it is their duty of care tomake sure things happen or don’t happenin a certain way.

Catherine Stedman

Consultant Editor

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On the 5 August 1998 the MinesOccupational Safety and Health AdvisoryBoard (MOSHAB) met in Kalgoorlie forthe first time. Following the meetingMOSHAB members split into two groupsand visited Kanowna Belle and KCGMMount Charlotte underground goldmines.

The Kalgoorlie visit was arrangedfollowing requests, made atthe public open forumsheld by the Prevention ofMining Fatalities Taskforcelast October, that MOSHABshould increase its profile inregional areas.

At the MOSHAB meetingmembers considered areport on theimplementation of thepriority 1 recommendationsof the Report on Fatalitiesin the Western AustralianMining Industry. (Asummary of the

implementation of theserecommendations has been included asan insert in this edition of MINESAFE).

Many of the recommendations have beenreferred to tripartite working parties withrepresentatives from the Department, theindustry and the unions.

Increased Focus on UndergroundMining

Since the release of the fatalities reportthe Inspectorate has focused its attentionon the underground sector, with amarked increase in management systemaudits, and high impact function auditsrelated to ground control.

Confidential Survey ofUnderground Employees

Recommendation 1.3required MOSHAB todevelop a program toimprove the safety culture ofthe industry. MOSHAB hasconducted a confidentialsurvey of undergroundemployees, supervisors andforemen. Undergroundmines in the Kalgoorlie,Kambalda, Yilgarn, Leinster,Murchison and Telferregions have been visitedand employees asked tocomplete the written survey.


32 people attended the follow-up forum at Mineral House inPerth for the Prevention of Mining Fatalities Taskforce.

Underground miners completing aconfidential survey from MOSHAB.

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The research programme undertaken byKeith Terry, Greg Hewson and MikeRowe on “Characterisation of inhaleddusts on minesites” is complete.

Measurements were made on:

(i) comparison of the collectionefficiencies of the closed-face,seven-hole and IOM samplingheads;

MERIWA PROJECT M249(ii) particle size distribution of inhaled

dusts at both surface andunderground mines; and

(iii) diesel particulate matterconcentrations.

The full report (MERIWA Report 195) isavailable from MERIWATel: (08) 9222 3397.

Copies of the Executive Summary areavailable from:Keith Terry Tel: (08) 9457 1698 orMike Rowe Tel: (08) 9222 3050.

The survey team, MOSHAB members PatGilroy, Bob Leggerini and HenryRozmianiec, said the response to thesurvey from the workforce had been verypositive with over 1,100 employeessurveyed. They will report to MOSHABon the findings in September.

The Team also reported that very fewunderground employees had read oreven seen the fatality report, eventhough some 3,000 copies have beendistributed. It was clear that while manycompanies have copies of the report,few have actually sat down withunderground employees in crib roomsor safety and health meetings and gonethrough its findings andrecommendations.

MOSHAB would like to remindmanagement that all of therecommendations, other than thoserelating to the Department, are mattersto be acted upon. If change andimprovement is to be made thencompanies must take a leading role toprevent further fatalities.

First Code of Practice Released

In response to Recommendation 1.8,MOSHAB has released the draft code ofpractice for Surface Rock Support forUnderground Excavations under theprovisions of Mines Safety and InspectionAct 1994 Section 93(1). The code hasbeen released as a draft for a two-monthpublic comment period.

The code requires all underground minesto install surface rock support, ie. mesh,shotcrete etc in addition to primary rockreinforcement in the backs of headingsthat are 3.5m in height or greater, unlessa documented geotechnical riskassessment determines otherwise.

Copies of the code of practice can beobtained by contacting Cassie BoothTel: (08) 9222 3845 or on the DME Webpage at www.dme.wa.gov.au/news/reports.html. Comments should bereturned by no later than 5:00pm30 September 1998.

Information for Bereaved Families

A new publication Information forBereaved Families on the MiningFatality Investigation andCoronial Inquiry Processwas approved byMOSHAB to assist familiesto understand the processand the roles of the minesinspectors, police and thecoroner’s office following amining fatality.

The booklet was arecommendation of the fatalityreport and will be provided tothe family by the Inspectorfollowing a fatality.

U N D E R G R O U N DFatalities Taskforce Follow-Up Forums

On Thursday 6 August and Friday 7August the Prevention of Mining FatalitiesTaskforce held follow-up public forumsin Kalgoorlie and Perth. 52 peopleattended the Kalgoorlie forum while 32attended in Perth.

The forums were held to report on theprogress of the implementation of thefatalities report recommendations andallow people to provide feedback to theTaskforce on matters relating to miningfatalities. All matters raised will bereported back to MOSHAB.

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In the October 1997 issue of MINESAFEa feature article covered the applicationof the National Standard for the Controlof Major Hazards Facilities (MHF) tomine sites. The article described thechange to Mining Operations Division’sapproach to the management of risk inprocessing plants.

Adoption of the MHF Standard under theExplosives and Dangerous Goods Actrequires those minesites which meet theMHF criteria to comply with theStandard. All minesites in WA have beenrisk ranked against the MHF criteria onthe basis of the following:

• Storage/use and generation ofDangerous Goods/HazardousSubstances.

• Application of temperature andpressure in processing.

• Consequences of potential eventsonsite and offsite.

This has been done to enable MOD tofocus primarily on the processing plantsafety management systems of thoseminesites that generate acute risks. Asecondary, and equally important focus,is on those sites that generate chronicrisks.

As a result, a Memorandum ofUnderstanding between the ChiefInspector of Explosives and DangerousGoods and the State Mining Engineer hasbeen signed which effectively places WAmine sites into three groups:

• Those sites that present a MajorHazard threat to the public areautomatically deemed to be MHFsand require a Safety Report (Onshoreequivalent to a Safety Case Study) to

PROCESSING PLANTIobtain a Dangerous Goods Storagelicense.

• Those sites that present a MajorHazard threat to their employees orsome offsite risk to the public willrequire compliance with the Standardas a condition of their DangerousGoods Storage license. The morecomplex processing plants are in thisgroup.

• For all other minesites, the Standardis recommended as a guide to thedevelopment of good risk and safetymanagement practice. However, it isalso likely that minesite safetyperformance will form a furthercriteria for the enforcement of variousrequirements of the Standard.

This new approach does not apply justto new processing plants. The“management of change” in minesites is

Murrin Murrin nickel mine recently completed a detailed review under the new system.


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The ‘day of the Millennium Bug’ is fastapproaching and unless satisfactorilydealt with can present seriousimplications in regard to safety and healthon minesites. Indeed the ‘bug’ couldstrike much earlier should someelectronic equipment fail to recognise theyear ’99.

The potential serious consequences thatmay result from safety systems failure arepredictable and warrant a detailed riskassessment and risk control strategy thatwill positively prevent unsafe conditionsarising from the failure or malfunction ofaffected plant.

The possible effects on critical plant suchas mine winders, processinstrumentation, fire protection and otheressential safety circuits are apparent.Other seemingly inconsequential faultsmay also produce serious results,underpinning a need to closely scrutiniseall electrical equipment and circuits.

Expert advice should be sought frommanufacturers and may also be solicitedfrom the proliferation of consultantscurrently working on the problem.

Further information may be referencedfrom MOD’s Safety Bulletin No. 32


Murrin Murrin nearing completion.

RISK MANAGEMENTunder close scrutiny. Anynew processing plants, orupgrades or modifications,particularly those involvingdangerous goods, hazardoussubstances, high pressureand high temperaturecurrently require a level ofrisk assessment under theMS&I Act and Regulations.The utilisation of riskassessment tools such asHAZOP, HAZID and FMEAare starting to becomecommonplace within themining processing industry.Investigations carried out byMOD have found the lack ofhazard identification to be amajor contributor toaccidents and incidents.

The first detailed reviewsunder the new system haveoccurred for the “big three”lateritic nickel minesites,Bulong, Cawse and Murrin Murrin whichare intended to be operational before theend of the year.

These reviews revealed that the level ofsafety management adopted by all threewas in line with the requirements of theMHF Standard. Multiple designHAZOPs, ETA, FTA, HAZID and severalother risk management tools had been

issued 9 October 1997, from acomprehensive Department ofCommerce and Trade ‘Year 2000’information pack (Tel: 1800 199 251),from Standards Australia, and generallyover the internet.

Be prepared, this is everyone’s problem.

used in the development of their sitesafety management systems.

Similar reviews and SMS (SafetyManagement System) audits are intendedbeginning with those sites that generatethe highest risks.

For more information contact SteveKamarudin Tel: (08) 9222 3543, orMike Rowe Tel: (08) 9222 3050.

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1. Have employees received shiftwork fitness for worktraining in the last 3 years on how to manage safetyand health issues like sleep, diet, exercise, drug use?

No. 0Thought about it, but haven’t gotaround to it yet. 1Some have. 5All, or most have. 10

2. Does fitness for work training include the partners ofemployees either as participants or by providingliterature and personal contact sources of advice?

No. 0It is left to the employee to pass oninformation if they wish to. 1Only sometimes. 5Always. 10

3. Does shiftwork fitness for work training includeinformation that can be tailored to individualdifferences in body rhythms and sleep/wake patterns?

No. 0No specific information provided. 1Some information provided. 5Part of the program. 10

4. Does any training include information on how to adaptto the shift rosters you are using?

No. 0General information about rosters atinduction. 1Information provided through EAP (EmployeeAssistance Program) on request. 5Part of the program. 10

5. Is shiftwork lifestyle training compulsory for newstarters?

No. 0Provided when scheduled program ispresented. 1An informal system operates. 5Part of our OSH policy. 10

6. Do you have a process for distributing shiftworkinformation and tips (noticeboards, newsletters,memos etc.)?

No. 0Thinking about it, but no action yet. 1Informal procedures in place. 5Systematic approach to distributinginformation. 10

8. Are your on site medical personnel up to date withsafety issues resulting from sleep disorders or shiftmaladaptation syndrome?

Don’t know. 0Only refer employees to EAP. 1Make some effort to improve theirknowledge. 5Company actively promotes and supportslearning activities. 10

9. Do you regularly consider the impact that shiftmaladaptation may be having on workplace incidents?

Never thought about it. 0Crossed my mind, but not acted on. 1Review stats for possible links. 5Part of management strategy. 10

10. Do all shiftworkers have access to private counsellingthrough an EAP on shiftwork related problems?

Don’t have an EAP. 0Yes, but not widely advertised. 1Yes, but left up to the employee. 5Employees actively encouraged to seeksupport either through self referral orcompany referral. 10

11. Do you have screening procedures in place to identify,then support employees having problems adapting toshiftwork?

No. 0Only informally. 1To a limited extent. 5Yes. 10

12. Are all your supervisors aware of, and trained in,company procedures about shiftwork problems andhow to handle them?

No. 0Some are. 1Yes, but training is irregular. 5Yes. 10

7. Do you encourage your safety committee to developshiftwork lifestyle programs?

No committee. 0Committee is thinking aboutshiftwork issues. 1Committee distributes information butdoes not actively target shiftwork. 5Committee actively involved indeveloping lifestyle programs. 10


Part (1) of this quiz (Corporate Responsibility) was published in the March 1998 edition of MINESAFE.There have been numerous requests for the promised follow up, and here it is!


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20. Do you have a shiftwork policy statement that includesprocedures and accountabilities related to sleep/alert/fatigue management?

No. ` 0Implied in OSH policy. 1No separate policy but procedures andaccountabilities known. 5Yes. 10

21. Do you have practices in place to assist nightshiftworkers to overcome episodes of drowsiness?eg. Napping facilities, exercise opportunities, changeof tasks, etc?

No. 0Employees usually just sent home. 1Currently putting practices in place. 5Yes. 10

22. Do you have any mechanism such as a test to screenemployees who might be driving home after nightshift,or for verifying fitness for work before or during anyshift?

No. 0Thinking about it. 1Informal screening in place. 5Yes. 10

23. Is napping forbidden in your workplace system?No. 0No formal training. 1Part of scheduled training. 5Yes. 10

24. Are employees trained in techniques to nap effectivelyfor 15-20 minutes where the work system allows forthis?

No. 0No formal training. 1Part of scheduled training. 5Yes. 10


This quiz is adapted from THE 24 HOUR MANAGER, DR MMOORE EDE, 1993, Addison Wesley, USA

13. Is the food in your dry mess compatible with nutritionalguidelines issued to shiftworkers?

Don’t know. 0Little effort is made. 1Some effort is made. 5Yes. 10

14. Are nightshift workers able to eat to suit their shift? egcan they get breakfast before they go to work, anddinner at 6am?

No. 0Left up to caterers. 1Some effort made. 5Written in contracts. 10

15. Are worksite vending machines supplied with light,digestible alternatives to chocolate bars and othersaturated fat foods?

No. 0Little choice. 1Some choice. 5Yes. 10

16. Do you encourage shiftworkers to use refrigerators andmicrowaves to prepare shiftworker friendly foodsbrought from home or from the dry mess?

None of my business. 0Given written material to read. 1Tips and hints sometimes distributed. 5Actively promoted and encouraged. 10


17. Do you provide shiftworkers with training programson the dangers of driving when drowsy?

No. 0Sometimes. 1Part of lifestyle training package. 5Actively promoted on a continuous basis. 10

18. Are all management and workers familiar with the legalliability issues associated with shiftworker fatigue?

Don’t know. 0Senior management. 1Limited knowledge. 5Yes. 10

19. Does everyone in the organisation understand theimportance of providing opportunities to reduce driverfatigue?

Don’t know. 0Limited understanding. 1Yes, but not always applied. 5Yes, and opportunities provided. 10


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Wesfarmers new “state of the art” lube truck with easy access steps at the front.

Tyre storage and side ramp to eliminate back strain / manual handling injury (Lawlers Gold Mine).

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The National Minerals Industry Excellence Awards for Healthand Safety (MINEX) awards, run by the Minerals Council ofAustralia were introduced in 1995 as an initiative to improvethe occupational health and safety performance of the miningindustry in Australia.

To be honoured with the MINEX award a mine must haveattained a very high standard of excellence in O S & Hperformance. This year, the Worsley Alumina Refinery won thisprestigious award.

Mr Rob Filmer, Senior Safety and Health Services Officer, putstheir success down to the following safety and health strengths:

• Leadership and commitment for safety and health are drivenfrom the highest levels in the organisation. This commitmentcascades down through the organisation through a processof open and honest communication.

• Safety and health issues and performance are a majoragenda item at board meetings of the joint venture partners.

• Senior managers are highly visible throughout theorganisation and are “walking the talk” constantly.

• The team-based approach to all activities in the operationhas meant that there is a high degree of commitment andownership to safety and health initiatives at all levels in theorganisation.

• There is a significant commitment to providing the necessaryresources to manage safety and health on site withexpenditure on safety and health receiving the highestpriority.

• A significant number of the operating systems in safetyand health have been developed jointly by managementand the employees (eg isolation and tagging procedures,materials handling) thereby ensuring a high degree ofmotivation and ownership.

The following other applicants were recognised for attainingsignificant achievements in mine safety:


- WMC Exploration – based in WA


- BHP Crinum Mine – an underground coal mine locatedin Queensland

The common key element amongst mines which achievedrecognition in the MINEX award process was, that they haverecognised the importance of and achieved a fully integratedteam-based safety culture incorporating every individual whoworks at the mine (management and employees). Thisapproach anticipates hazards, evaluates risks and effectivelymanages them before an incident occurs.

For further information about the MINEX awards contact theMinerals Council of Australia on Tel: (06) 279 3600.

Rob Filmer receives the highly coveted MINEX Award forWorsley Alumina Refinery. With him are (L to R) Dick Wells(Minerals Council of Australia), Dennis Else (National OH&SCommission), Nick Stump (Minerals Council of Australia), JohnGoodacre (Kaiser Bectel) and Jim Jarvis (Worsley).

Philip Smith receives the high commendation for WMCExploration. With him are (L to R) Dennis Else, Nick Stump andDick Wells.


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The release of the report of the JudicialInquiry into the Gretley Colliery Disasterin NSW (14 November 1996) providesan opportunity to emphasise how criticalaccurate survey control is tounderground mining operations inparticular.

Surveying is of course also critical tosafety in open pit operations, particularlyin terms of mining down through oldworkings, and monitoring pit wallstability, but control is more readilymanaged on the surface.

Mining operations underground are ineffect carried out “blind”, and thesurveying process provides the “eyes” forthe mining to proceed.

Four miners lost their lives on thenightshift at Gretley, on 14 November1996, and had not four others been inthe cribroom at the time, they too wouldhave been killed.

Due to an error in interpretation of plansof old colliery workings, the nightshiftmining started at 7 to 8m from the oldworkings and not 100m as was believed.

The old workings were filled with waterand a high head was provided by shaftsleading to the surface.

When the inrush occurred the force wasso great that a 40/50 tonne miningmachine was pushed back 17m andjammed against the side of the drive.

The experience of disasters in mines frominrushes of water (and mud) is as old asthe history of mining.

Two MSI Act Regulations relate to thisissue:

10.18 - Approaching dangerouswater.

10.27 – Procedures when workingsare approaching each other.

There are two important points to notefrom this inquiry and from others beforeit.

• Information from old plans must bechecked and researched thoroughlyif it is to be used to plan and carry outmining in proximity to old workings.Probe drilling is an essentialprecaution to verify voids shown onold plans.

• If it is not practicable to drain off waterand sludge accumulation in oldworkings, then a safe separationdistance must be maintained, and thissafety barrier verified by controlledprobe drilling.

Concerns have been raised in relation tocheck surveying and ready availability ofsurvey data at some mines, and a SafetyBulletin to industry is being prepared fordistribution to all mines drawing attentionto the potential risks, and to the need forgood standards of surveying practice.

Leinster Nickel Operations MARCSTA induction.

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It has come to the attention of theDepartment that a number of miningcompanies are requiring some peopleentering their sites to complete a Deedof Indemnity as a condition of entry.

The permits generally involve the personagreeing to indemnify the company, itsemployees and agents against all liabilityin respect to death or injury to the personand of any loss or damage to any of theirproperty which may result from the fault,negligence or breach of duty by thecompany, its employees or agents andcontractors whilst on property owned bythe company. In some cases, contractorsand sub-contractors employed to dowork on the minesite have been askedto complete these forms.

Employers cannot simply abrogate theirresponsibility by requiring employeesand contractors to sign deeds ofindemnity before coming on site. They


remain responsible for ensuring thesafety of those people while they arethere. Employers may require peopleentering their sites to acknowledge thesafety requirements applicable to themine (eg. speed limits, protectiveequipment to be worn etc). Thatacknowledgment should not be confusedwith the duty of care provisions inSections (9) and (13) of the Mines Safetyand Inspection Act 1994, which clearlystate the duties of employers andmanagers. The Occupiers’ Liability Act1985 also prescribes the standard of carerequired by occupiers of land(employers) to anyone (includingcontractors) who enter that land.

Employers at a mine are required toprovide so far as is practicable, a safeworking environment for theiremployees. This principally includesproviding and maintaining workplaces,plant and systems of work where

employees are not exposed to hazardsand proving such information,instruction, training and supervision asis necessary, to ensure that employeescan perform their work in such a mannerthat they are not exposed to hazards.

Anyone working on the mine isconsidered to be an employee underSection (9); and any confusion thatrelates to Section (9)(3) which refers toagreements about “matters of control”between the principal and the contractorshould be referred to the Inspectorate forclarification.

There is also a Guidance Note availablefrom the Chamber of Minerals andEnergy entitled “General Duty of Carein Western Australian Mines” which willhelp to avoid misunderstanding the intentof the legislation. Tel: (08) 9325 2955

Sinclair Knight Merz consulting engineers attend aMARCSTA induction in Perth.

At Murrin Murrin H&S reps attend a training course.


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SAFETY BEHAVIOUR SEMINARThe Chamber of Minerals and Energy’sSouth West Regional OHS Committeeheld a one day seminar in Bunbury on30 June 1998 called “Implementingsafety behaviour initiatives in the WAmining industry”.

The seminar held at the Lord ForrestHotel was filled to capacity with 180people attending and at least 20 turnedaway. The focus of the seminar was to

By all accounts the day was verysuccessful and a follow-up seminar orworkshop is now being considered forthe south west, Kalgoorlie and Perthdepending on demand.

Copies of the papers presented at theseminar have been printed by theChamber and can be purchased bycontacting Paula SinclairTel: (08) 9325 2955.

share information of the various safetybehaviour initiatives of miningcompanies.

Dr Ken Hay from Alcoa Australia’sPinjarra refinery opened the session witha technical presentation called “SafetyBehaviour – What it’s All About”, and wasfollowed by speakers from MillenniumInorganic Chemicals, Worsley Alumina,Hamersley Iron and WMC Resources Ltd.


Examinations for the following certificates of competencywill be held statewide on 26 October 1998. Applicationsclose on 26 September 1998, the fee is $100.00.





For application forms and further information contact LindaRamsell Tel: (08) 9222 3682.



24-25 SEPTEMBER 1998

Speakers will cover all the main aspects of small and mediumscale deformation monitoring using GPS technology.

Enquiries to: Dr Maria Tsakiri, School of Spatial Sciences,Curtin University of Technology, Tel: (08) 9266 7565.


A one day seminar on acid mine drainage (AMD) will beheld at the Department of Minerals and Energy, Perth on 7October 1998. Interstate and local speakers will cover controlof sulphidic oxidation in waste rock, prediction technologiesand procedures for identifying acid forming mine waste, pluspractical ways of identifying and resolving AMD problems.

Legislative requirements in Western Australia will be covered,while several speakers will relate their experience in themanagement of AMD problems on their particular minesite.

For further information contactRoger Schulz Tel: (08) 9222 3018 orHarry Douglas Tel: (08) 9291 9789.



Examines the mechanisms of rock breakage that are operatingwithin a blast and considers means of minimising wall damageadjacent to the blast.


PERTH, 15-16 OCTOBER 1998

Structured to provide a mix of the theoretical and practicalaspects inherent in safe and efficient underground excavationpractice.


PERTH, 10-13 NOVEMBER 1998

Promotes an understanding of terminology used by geologistsand engineers in basic structural geology and geomechanicstechniques as used in assessing pit wall stability.



Addresses the issues facing site personnel involved with theday-to-day management of tailings storage facilities to complywith the relevant operating standards and decommissioningrequirements.

For further information contactChristine Neskudla or Gillian MacmillanTel: (08) 9380 3300.


Page 15: IF YOU THINK STRUCTURES DON’T FALL · PDF fileIF YOU THINK STRUCTURES DON’T FALL DOWN....THINK AGAIN ... both new and old structures can not ... did not carry out calculations




Farewell to Allan Mathie, Special ProjectsOfficer who accepted redundancy, and toDawn Asser who resigned as Secretary of theKarratha Inspectorate.

MOD Publications

Safety Bulletin No. 41 - Death of Mine Surveyor inRockfall

Safety Bulletin No. 42 - Use of Air Hoists forTransportation of Personnel inUnderground Mines

Safety Bulletin No. 43 - Structural Safety of Buildingsand Plant

Information for Bereaved Families on the Mining FatalityInvestigation and Coronial Inquiry Process

An industry work-group has startedpreparing a DME guideline that willaddress and deal with safety mattersassociated with the design and operationof remotely controlled load-haul dumpmachines used in underground mines.

The first meeting was held on 30 July1998 and attended by 14 groupmembers representing the Department,machine manufacturers, remoteequipment manufacturers, miningcompanies, underground miningcontractors, mining consultants, safetyprofessionals, machine operators, andunions.

Key safety issues were given the full andfrank airing they warrant. The meetingproduced some innovative ideas, whichhave formed the basis of a first draft ofthe guideline. To ensure the finaldocument truly represents ‘best practice’,as much input as possible from operating,maintenance, training, safety andsupervisory staff is not only sought, butalso considered to be an essential partof the development process.

This is a critical and urgent matter: SixWA miners have been killed by remotelyoperated machines since November

1993, each involving a degree of ‘risk-taking’.

Think about it, and submit your personalor collective views, opinions and ideasin complete confidence or anonymouslyto:

Denis BrownDepartment of Minerals & Energy100 Plain St.East Perth WA6004Ph: (08) 9222 3546Fax: (09) 9325 2280Email: [email protected]

For further information on the products and services of the Department of Minerals and Energy takea look at http:www.dme.wa.gov.au and bookmark it to get the latest information.

Page 16: IF YOU THINK STRUCTURES DON’T FALL · PDF fileIF YOU THINK STRUCTURES DON’T FALL DOWN....THINK AGAIN ... both new and old structures can not ... did not carry out calculations




A fitter, employed by a contractexploration drilling company, sufferedburns to his face, chest and arms whenthe diesel fuel tank of a truck-mountedauxiliary compressor unit exploded as heattempted to weld a crack in the tank.

The tank contained a quantity of dieselfuel.

Contributing Factors

• Hazards associated with repairing thefuel tank were not fully assessed.

• No written procedure existed for hotwork on equipment that may not befree of flammable liquids, gases orvapours.

• The fuel tank contained a quantity ofdiesel fuel. It had not been cleanedor purged.

• There was direct application of a heatsource to the tank and its contents.

• The employee had not beenadequately trained and instructed incarrying out this type of task.


• Fire or explosion may occur if hotwork is carried out on a container,tank, or drum that may not be free of

flammable or combustible solids,liquids, gases, or vapours. A safesystem of work is required.

It is strongly recommended thatprocedures set out in Appendix C ofAustralian Standard 1674.1-1997“Safety in Welding and AlliedProcesses – Part 1: Fire Precautions”be followed.

• Refer to regulation 4.3(1) “Hot WorkProcedures” of the Mines Safety and


Inspection Regulations 1995. Thisregulation stipulates that “Themanager of, and each employer at, amine must ensure that a person is notallowed to use welding, oxy-acetylene cutting or other hot workequipment at the mine if there is anyrisk of personal injury or damage toplant or facilities from fire unless theperson has a permit to do so signedby a competent person at the mine.”

Number of incidents reported since 1994Number of incidents

0 500 1000 1500 2000

Presence of gas

Breakage of rope

Railway incident

Gas or dust ignition

Explosives incident


Light vehicle incident

Fixed plant incident

Drill/power shovel incident

Crane incident


Other incidents

Wall failure

Electrical incident

Truck/mobile equip. incident

Outbreak of fire

This issue's feature "Drilling Incidents by Type"

Caught by/between 28%

Struck by rods 16%

Fall from rig 12%

Misc 9%Struck by flying objects 6%

Vehicle/equipment roll 6%

Struck by hose 6%

Mast failure 4%

Struck by tools 4%

Lifting/moving object 4%

Fall ground level 3%

Stepping 2%