*if decency doesn’t, law should make us samaritans* good samaritans usa are afraid to act

*If Decency Doesn’t, Law Should Make Us Samaritans* Good Samaritans USA Are Afraid to Act

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

*If Decency Doesnt, Law Should Make Us Samaritans* Good Samaritans USA Are Afraid to Act Slide 2 Extra Credit Opportunity If you got a 74 or below on your foreign words and phrases test, you can make up 10 of your missed questions by using the words in a sentence and turning it in to me by your next class. Slide 3 Evaluating Arguments Argument- a series of statements designed to convince you of something. It is important to evaluate arguments based on credibility, or believability, of the authors argument. Slide 4 Steps to Evaluating an Argument 1. What is the claim or opinion? Read through the whole article Determine the claim, or their opinion Claim is often stated in form of a generalization, a broad statement covering many situations Ex of generalization: Every eligible citizen should be required to vote Slide 5 2. What is the support? Logical Appeals use convincing reasons and evidence to appeal to a persons logic Reasons explain why the author holds the opinion, ex: Citizens should be required to vote because only then will elected officials represent all the people. Evidence is specific info that is used to back up a reason. Types of evidence: facts, statistics (number facts), examples, and quotes by experts Emotional Appeals stir feelings, though are not necessarily fact based. Authors use emotional appeal because they know it might override reason Loaded words-words with strong emotional connotations or associations) Anecdotes- brief stories or personal accounts of an event. Steps to Evaluating an Argument Slide 6 3. Is the evidence comprehensive? An author must provide sufficient evidence to back up generalizations and make arguments convincing Ask yourself whether or not the author has done his or her job Are there more emotional appeals than relevant evidence Steps to Evaluating an Argument Slide 7 4. What is the authors intent? Consider the authors intent Do they hold a bias or have a prejudiced interest Note the tone-is it angry and irrational or calm and reasoned Steps to Evaluating an Argument Slide 8 Vocabulary Allegations: in law, assertions, or positive statements, made without proof Depraved: immoral Liability: legal obligation or responsibility to make good a damage or loss Rationalizations: seemingly reasonable excuses or explanations for ones behaviorbut not the real reasons Solidarity: complete unity in a group or organization Slide 9 Vocabulary Feigning: pretending Immunity: freedom from legal obligation Construed: interpreted Indemnifies: in a legal sense, protects Callous: unfeeling Litigious-quick to sue Slide 10 Have you ever. Seen someone drop a book in the hall and passed them without helping? Seen someone upset or hurt and passed without helping? What if not helping meant you would get suspended? Would you agree or disagree with that rule? Slide 11 Connecting to what we have read In And of Clay Are We Created and The Man in the Water, Rolf Carle and the man in the water help others in situations of danger. These 2 articles discuss whether or not that help should be required by law. Slide 12 Good Samaritan Law What is a good Samaritan? Someone who unselfishly helps someone in need. From the Bible parable Princess Diana-Princess of Wales- Famous for her humanitarian work and fashion sense The Peoples Princess Killed in Paris in 1997 in a highly publicized car wreck. Photographers were criticized for taking photos and not helping. Slide 13 Slide 14 Should there be a Good Samaritan Law? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP nK0NCn_MQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP nK0NCn_MQ Now turn to pg. 334. While we read, look for the writers argument and support. Slide 15 Analyzing the arguments 1 st article Claim or opinion Evidence 2nd article Claim or opinion Evidence Slide 16 Analyze your bubble charts Label each reason as a logical or emotional appeal Is the evidence comprehensive? Did the author do his job? Is there more evidence or emotional appeals? Who do you agree with and why?