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Line Straight Horizontal Suggests a feeling of rest or repose, objects parallel to the earth are at rest in relation to gravity. The picture on the left is a sidewalk on ECU’s campus and the picture On the right was taken at Joyner library. Both are good Examples of horizontal line.

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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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Straight Horizontal

Suggests a feeling of rest or repose, objects parallel to the earth are at rest in relation to gravity. The picture on the left is a sidewalk on ECU’s campus and the picture On the right was taken at Joyner library. Both are good Examples of horizontal line.

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Line  Straight Vertical

Communicate a feeling of loftiness

and spirituality suggest an

overpowering grandeur, beyond

ordinary human measure. The picture

on the left is a building on ECU’s

campus and the picture on the right is of two sculptures on ECU’s campus, both portray the vertical

line element of design

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Curved Flowing Soft, shallow curves suggest comfort, safety, familiarity, relaxation. They recall the curves of the human body, and therefore have a pleasing, sensual quality. The picture above was taken near Joyner library and it shows the curved flowing quality in a line.

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Line  suggest confusion, turbulence, even frenzy. These lines make you feel out of control and create interest.

Curved Tightly

Top  Le':  Sand  on  the  beach  crea2ng  2ght    curves.  Top  Right:  an  example  Of  2ght  curves  on  a  carpet  

Below: an example of very tightly curved lines on a box

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Texture Tactile Texture

Not  only  visible  to  the  eye,  but  can  be  felt  with  your  hand.  It  exists  in  everything  we  can  feel  whether  it  has  a  smooth  or  rough  texture.  Both  of  these  pictures  were  taken  on  ECU’s  campus  and  they  both  have  a  tac2le  texture  because  you  can  feel  how  rough  it  is  when    you  place  your  hand  on  the  surface.  

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Texture  Implied Texture

Can be simulated or invented created to look like something it is not may look rough, smooth or any other feel but is purely made up by the artist. It does look like "real" texture. The picture below is a Bedspread showing what implied texture can look like.

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Texture  Non Reflective

Non Reflective texture seems to come off as “dull” because it does not have the most interesting quality. The picture below shows how a piece of material Can be non reflective and dull.

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Texture  Reflective

Reflec2ve  texture  has  a  surface  that  seems  shiny  or  smooth  and  also  almost  reflects  an    image  back  at  you.  The  image  to  the  le'  is  a    Picture  frame  that  is  shiny  and  shows  how  an  image  Can  be  reflected  back  at  you.  The  picture  to  the  Right  shows  a  mirror  like  object  that  is  shiny  And  smooth.  

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Proportion Objects in Proportion with Space

When objects Are in

Proportion With space Everything Looks like They are In place

And are the “correct”


This image Was taken

In my Apartment

And it Is a good Example Because You can

Tell everything Is in

Proportion Because Of the tv

And the metal figure


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Proportion  Objects not in Proportion with Space

When objects Are not in

Proportion With space

It either Makes the

Objects around Them seem

Giant or Miniature

This image Taken in front

Of Joyner Library is of A very large

Fountain That seems to Miniaturize the

Objects (or Humans) Around it.