ideal traits of a chief executive-ebook

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  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook


  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook


    2013 Ron R. Kelleher

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored

    in a retrieval system, or transmitted in and form or by any means

    electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or other

    except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the

    prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Mission Viejo, California, by Ron R. Kelleher

    Cover artwork designed by:

    Fabrizio Romano, Canada

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook



    Welcome! ............................................................................................................. 1

    Corporate Reputations ...................................................................................... 3

    What is the role of a CEO? ................................................................................ 5

    Who is a CEO? .................................................................................................... 6

    Why is this important? ...................................................................................... 7

    From Shepherd to King ..................................................................................... 9

    Personal Standards ..........................................................................................12

    1. Commitment to God ...........................................................................12

    2. Personal Integrity ................................................................................14

    3. Avoid Evil .............................................................................................17

    Public Standards ..............................................................................................19

    1. Avoid the Gossips ...............................................................................19

    2. Avoid the Prideful ...............................................................................22

    3. Seek Godly Advisors ..........................................................................244. Avoid the Deceitful .............................................................................26

    5. Demand Accountability .....................................................................28

    Action Steps ......................................................................................................30

    Summary ...........................................................................................................31

    Thank-You .........................................................................................................33

    About Ron Kelleher .........................................................................................34

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook




    I am so glad you have chosen to download this eBook, Ideal Traits of a

    CEO or anyone else in a position of leadership!

    There are lots of things you could be doing with your time right now,

    but you have chosen to spend a few moments with me. Clearly you are

    exceptional, bright, intuitive, and discerning. Did I leave anything out?

    This eBook is based on a speech I gave to a group of business men and

    women at a conference in the Philippines. It is a topic that is near and

    dear to my heartand I suspect yours as wellor you wouldnt have

    bothered to download it.I was employed by Procter & Gamble for 36-years in a variety of sales

    and marketing management positions. Early in my career I became a

    Christian and my life in business changed. Suddenly I was struggling

    with questions of how to integrate my business life with what I was

    learning about my faith.

    Given my diverse experiences I could write about any number of

    business issues. But I am not. As important as these issues may be, what

    is most important to me today is leadership!

    Failures of leadership have resulted in the collapse of businesses, and

    sadly, many ministries. Failures of leadership, especially among

    Christians, cause me great pain. Building strong Christian leaders is

    extremely important to me, and why I wrote this eBook. Ideal Traits of a

    Chief Executive or anyone else in a position of leadership!examines a

    Biblical model for CEOs. You certainly dont have to be a CEO to

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    benefit from this messageit is for everyone who is in a leadership

    position, and for all those who aspire to leadership.

    The Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive or anyone else in a position of

    leadership!is based on Psalm 101 written by King David. In this Psalm

    King David describes nine traits of a Godly leader. Well examine them

    one at a time, and along the way I provide some examples from my own


    My passion is to equip, enable, and encourageevery Christian in the

    marketplace to live out their faith in areas of their greatest influence. I

    pray that God will bless you, and all your endeavors, as you keep Him

    first in your life!

    Now, lets get startedon the journey to be an Ideal CEO.

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    Pick up the business section of your local newspaper on any given day

    and youre likely to read about a company in trouble because of the

    ethical failings of senior management. I did a quick Google search andfound there are over 34 millionentries for corporate or business ethics.

    A few years ago in the U.S. we had the Enron scandal. Executives

    misstated earnings by hundreds of millions of dollars which caused the

    collapse of a multi-billion dollar company. Tens of thousands of

    investors lost everything, and thousands of employees lost not only

    their jobs, but their entire retirement savings. Every year we have

    numerous other similar examples of executives who break their trust

    with their investors and consumers. Its not just a U.S. problem. These

    things happen all over the world.

    Companies have reputations just like people do. Anyone who has been

    in business for a few years knows which companies in their industry are

    honest and which companies are crooks.What kind of a reputation

    does your company have? Do you know where that reputation comesfrom? Your corporate reputation is a reflection of the corporate culture

    which is shaped by the leaders of the company, starting with the CEO.

    Jesus tells us very clearly that reputation comes from our leaders; a

    student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like

    his teacher(Luke 6:40).

    The student is molded by the teacher, not the other way around. Soemployees are mostoften a reflection of their corporate teachers.

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    Whether for good or for evil, employees reflect the training they receive.

    Not only do they do what they have been taught, but in a few weeks or

    months they become linked to the corporate culture that molds them for

    their entire career.

    Jesus goes on to say, No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear

    good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit(Luke 6:43-44).

    Again, Jesus is reminding us that the employee is a reflection of the

    corporate tree from which they grew. Employees tend to adapt to the

    environment they are inif it is ethical they become or remain ethical,

    and the reverse is also true.

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    A CEO is both responsible for and accountable for the company. He or

    she is also accountable to the community they serve, their investors, and

    the consumers who buy their products or services.

    o A CEO is a Leader who

    o Sets Direction

    o Establishes Goals

    o Sets Priorities

    o A CEO is Accountable for Bottom Line Results

    o Sales

    o Profit

    o A CEO is Accountable for the Organizations Reputation


    Good Reputation attracts good people

    o Good Reputation retains good people

    o A CEO is Accountable for livelihood of the organizations


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    Who is a CEO? Well certainly the person at the top of the organization

    chart. But I tell you its more than that. I submit thatWEREAll CEOs!


    Each of us sets direction.

    o Each of us is responsible to deliver results.

    o Each of us is responsible for maintaining a good reputation.

    o Each of us has others that depend on us.

    When I first started working at P&G as a salesman in our

    Folgers Coffee division my boss took me aside one day to

    give me some advice. He said, Pretend that you have

    mortgaged everything you have and have invested it in the

    Ron Kelleher Company and you are the CEOyou own

    this company. Pretend that your job is to manage this

    company selling as much product as you can. Pretend thatyour livelihood depends on it. Pretend that you must do

    everything in your power every single day to do the best job

    you can or your company will fail and you will lose all your

    money. That, he said, is how you should think every day

    when you get up to go to work. Even though you work for a

    giant corporation you need to act like it is your own

    business. Whether you are an entrepreneur, whether youwork for a small company, or even a giant like Procter &

    Gambleyou need to think and act like a CEO every single day!

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    If you are at all like me, you prefer to think the best of people. But the

    truth of the matter is we have all sinned and fallen short. The pressures

    to perform and succeed in the business world sometimes cause peoplewho would normally never do anything improper to suddenly crash

    and burn amidst tangled webs of lies and deceptions.

    In my experience, there are three types of people based on their level of

    moral development: the relativist, the conventionalist, and the


    The relativistbehaves in ways that protect their own interests. Theseare the ends justify the means people. They will break company rules

    and even laws if it benefits them. When something goes wrong it is

    someone elses fault.

    The conventionalistwill reflect the ethical standards of their employer

    and peers. They want to conform to high standards but need guidance

    because their own moral framework is not highly developed.

    Theprinciplisthas a highly developed moral framework that informs

    their behavior. They are not swayed by others when making of morality

    or ethical decisions. The principled individual will face the

    consequences of maintaining their moral code even in the face of

    pressure from superiors and peers.

    Perhaps as many as 10-20% of people fall into the relativist category,

    and a similar number in the principled group, leaving the majority of60-80% of the workforce in the conventionalist group.

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    Obviously, you would like to have everyone in your organization be a

    principlist, but the fact is the best recruiting efforts in the world cannot

    guarantee that result. You might think that ministries come close, and

    perhaps they fare better than some secular organizations,but you dont

    have to look too far to find ministries that have experienced major moralfailures. If you dont believe me, ask a pastor if they have ever had to

    deal with moral failures in their organizations. Ive never found one yet!

    As a leader you dont need the relativists in your organization at all. Be

    diligent in your recruiting to screen them out. If you find you already

    have a relativist in your midst do what you can to limit your legal

    exposure, document their improprieties, consult counsel if needed, and

    ultimately, remove them from your organization.

    Like it or not the vast majority of the remaining workforceyours, your

    customers, and your suppliers are conventionalists. It is a fact of

    business life, and that is precisely why it is so important that you

    establish your own moral framework, and another explicitly stated

    moral framework for your organization.

    The balance of this eBook is directed at understanding one example of amoral framework, that of King David taken from Psalm 101.

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    Some would tell you that the Bible is a nice book of stories, but it is old,

    written long ago, and doesnt really relate to our lives today. Others

    might tell you that its good for individuals and families, but has little orno relevance to companies and businesses in the 21stcentury. I couldnt

    disagree more! I think the Bible and its teaching are as relevant today as

    when they were first penned.

    I hope after you finish reading this eBook youll agree the Bible has a lot

    to say that is relevant to us as business people today.

    Before we look at what King David wrote in detail lets review alittlehistory.

    David, the son of Jesse, grew up tending his fathers flocks. When he

    was 17 years old he visited his brothers who were in Sauls army

    preparing to do battle with the Philistines. David demonstrated his faith

    in God that day when he faced Goliath and killed him on the battlefield.

    From there on David became

    A valiant soldier, a great military strategist, an able administrator,

    a diplomat, a composer, a musician, and eventually a powerful

    king who united the tribes of Israel.

    But David had his weaknesses. He took Bathsheba, another mans wife,

    slept with her and then conspired to have her husband Uriah killed on

    the battlefield. As is so often the case God shows us both the strengths

    and the weaknesses of his people, and thank goodness, it makes me

    realize that even if I make a mistake, or make poor choices I can still be

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    used by God. In Davids case as long as he was faithful to God, and the

    work that God had called him to do he prospered. But when he became

    complacent, a little lazy, sin crept into his life. He suffered greatly as a

    result. There are consequences to our decisions, but as David turned

    back to God he turned his life around.

    Now that we have some background lets take a look at what the wise

    King David wrote regarding the important attributes of a leader:

    1 I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will sing praise.

    2I will be careful to lead a blameless life when will you come to me? I

    will walk in my house with blameless heart.

    3I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate;

    they will not cling to me.

    4Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do

    with evil.

    5Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him will I put to silence;

    whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure.

    6My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me;

    he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.

    7No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks

    falsely will stand in my presence.


    Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked in the land; I will cutoff every evildoer from the city of the LORD.

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    As I thought about these verses and really studied them it occurred to

    me that they could be grouped into two categories of standards:

    o Personal



    Personal standardsare those that David expected of himselfstandards

    he intended to adhere to in his life.

    Public standardsare those that David expected of the people who

    served him in his court. For our terms today, these are the standards for

    the employees and teammates in our company. David understood that

    the king had a responsibility to the kingdom and the people that servedhim. For us leading companies, that would be our investors and the

    consumers who buy our products.

    Lets begin our examination of the Ideal Traits of a CEOby looking at

    Kings Davids personal standards

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    David identified three characteristics that can be grouped into personal


    Commitment to God,

    Personal integrity, and

    Avoidance of evil.



    David made ten commitments with the phrase I willin this single

    psalm. The first two appear in verse one, I will sing of your love and

    justice; to you, OLord, I will sing praise.It is important to note that

    Davids first and most important Personal Standard is commitment to


    David recognized Gods love and justice, and made a commitment topraise God. Love and justice are two sides of the same coin; there has

    never been a man so bad that God could not love him, nor a man so

    pure that he would not face judgment. Implicit in this relationship is

    great compassion. For without love, judgment would surely be swift

    and harsh.

    As organizational leaders, we need to be committed first to God and

    then to our work. This keeps our focus where it should be, and will

    hopefully remind us that we should have compassion with our

    organizations just as God does with us.

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    A man in Tennessee has done some calculating of just how

    far the Apostle Paul walked in his efforts to spread the

    gospel. According to Acts, he took three missionaryjourneys. The second of these alone amounted to three

    thousand miles, two-thousands of which would have been

    on foot. The average daily distance of a traveler of that time

    was about twenty miles. That doesnt sound like far in

    todays world with big paved roads and good cars. Even in

    Manila traffic it would take maybe an hour. But in Pauls

    day 20 miles was at least a ten-hour day walking witheverything he owned strapped to his back sandals on his

    feet, and not a smooth paved road in sight! A Roman Inn

    would be located every 20 to 25 miles. And trust me these

    were not like the Four Seasons or the Beverly Hills Peninsula

    Hotel. These inns were unbelievably filthy, immoral, and

    bug-infested. Paul traveled through snowy mountain passes

    in the winter and traversed raging rivers during the springfloods. He walked through areas famous for harboring

    robbers and criminals. He braved wild animals which

    imperiled every traveler. Along the way Paul was

    shipwrecked, flogged, beaten, and thrown in prison for

    years. And to think he was walking not for his own health,

    but for the spiritual wellbeing of others! Thats commitment

    to God!

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    The second Personal Standard David wrote about is that ofpersonal

    integrity. He said,Iwill be careful to lead a blameless life -- when will you

    come to me? I will walk in my house with a blameless heart.David declared

    his intention to lead a blameless life; a life of integrity. But even so, herecognized that he needed Gods help.

    David also understood that the need for integrity began in the home.

    The use of the phrase, I will walkindicates that David understood that

    leading a blameless life was not something to be achieved in a moment

    of time, but something that was to be the focus of his entire life.

    How many people do you know that deal with people one way at work,another at church, another in public, and another at home? Davids

    verse does not say, I will be good at home and at church, but anything

    goes at the office.It is critical that we lead our lives with integrity, and

    that means all aspects of our lives. There is no such thing as business

    ethics.There is only ethics.

    A few years ago in the midst of a political campaign a politician was

    accused of having an extramarital affair. He denied it vehemently. I told

    my wife if this turns out to be true this man cannot be trusted. If he is

    willing to violate his marital vows he will lie about anything.As the

    campaign went on we found out that he had a number of inappropriate

    relationships, and a number of questionable business deals relating to

    abuse of power in his former office. It seemed like every day something

    new was discovered. Amazingly he won the election and the stories

    continued throughout his term of office. He had an inappropriate

    relationship with a young woman who worked for him in office and

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    again denied it for weeks that is until DNA proof was obtained. He

    was our 42ndpresident: William Jefferson Clinton.

    If a man will lie about a small thing you can bet he will lie about nearly

    everything if it will advance his desires.

    Leading a life of integrity is an everyday, every minute endeavor. Note

    that there are no qualifiers to Davids statement. It does not say.

    o I will be blameless only when things are going right,

    o I will be blameless only when Im in a good mood, or

    o I will be blameless only when my enemies arent attacking me.

    Business gets complicated. If you want to simplify your life lead a life of


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    In my 34-years at P&G Ive had one boss who I felt was

    lacking personal integrity. He was a big, robust charismatic

    guy and most everyone liked him. But for some reason mywife Barbara was always suspicious of him. Ive come to

    realize that women have a sixth sense about these things.

    Anyway, one day my boss was coming to visit me and this

    was in the days before cell phones. I called his hotel the

    night before we were to meet to make arrangements for the

    next morning. He hadnt checked in yet, so I called the office,

    and his secretary told me he had left earlier in the day.Worried now that something might have happened to him I

    called his home, and his wife also told me that he had left

    early in the day. Well it turns out he had spent the afternoon

    and night with one of his employees, a young woman with

    whom he was having an affair.

    A few months later we were having a sales contest and one

    of my salesmen was winning the contest. I was very proud

    of him. But this same boss didnt want my man to win so he

    changed the rules of the contest to favor another salesman.

    When my man continued to win, my boss changed the rules

    again so his man would win. Needless to say I was furious!

    We didnt get along well after that. Eventually the company

    found out about his indiscretions, and some other things,

    and gave him an opportunity to pursue a different career!

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    The third Personal Standard David set out was to avoid evil. David

    understood the ease with which a king could fall into temptation: Iwill

    set before my eyes no vile thing.The more you can do to avoid the

    temptation of doing wrong, the less you will be tempted.

    David continues, saying, The deeds of faithless men Ihate; they will not

    cling to me. Men of a perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to

    do with evil.He knew that men with impure hearts and false motives

    were dangerous for the king who wanted to live a life of integrity, and

    he planned to avoid association with them.

    Likewise, as corporate leaders, we should avoid placing ourselves inpositions that may lead to temptation as well as avoid working with

    people who are not committed to living their lives with integrity.

    Our family has attended Saddleback Valley Community Church for

    many years. You may have heard of it. Our senior pastor, Rick Warren,

    has written some books that have been pretty good sellers, like Purpose

    Driven Life. Anyway, Rick realized that for his pastoral staff it is very

    important to do everything they can not only to avoid temptation, but

    even the appearance of evil. In the office, a man does not have a meeting

    with a woman by themselves unless the door is open. A staff member

    doesnt travel in a car with a woman who is not his wife by

    themselveseven the mile from the church sanctuary down to the

    office! Just two examples of several safeguards put in place to reduce


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    The higher up you are the more people around who would like to see

    you fail. Dont give them any ammunition. Do everything you can to

    avoid temptation in your own life, and surround yourself with people of


    Some years ago as my work required more and more travel I

    could sense concern on my wifes partafter all well over

    half of our employees were women and I was traveling out

    of town with them sometimes for several days at a time. We

    agreed that I would do everything I could to avoid even the

    appearance of evil and situations that might lead to

    temptation. I do not spend after-hours time with a woman

    unless we are in a group. No exceptions! I always call my

    wife at the end of the dayno matter what time it is so she

    knows that I am safe and sound in my own room.

    People in our organization have come to accept and respect

    my rules for conduct on the road. Its a simple thing,but its

    an important illustration of the steps one must go to avoid


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    David describes four standards of conduct for people serving in his


    To avoid the gossips,

    To avoid the prideful,

    To seek out Godly advisors,

    To avoid the deceitful, and

    To demand accountability.

    Since David had already proclaimed his personal standards, he focused

    these public standards on the people who worked for him. In our terms

    today, these would be the standards for our peers and employees.


    The first of the Public Standards is to avoid the gossips. David decided

    that gossips would not be tolerated in his court; Whoever slanders his

    neighbor in secret, him I will put to silence.The King James version reads

    even stronger; Whosoever privily slandereth his neighbor, him will I cut off.

    The word used for cut offalso means to destroy.So when David

    said he planned to silence the gossips he was very serious.

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    There is a Spanish proverb that translates, Whoever gossips to you will

    gossip about you.How many times have you found people speculating

    in the latest office gossip? How many times has someone come into your

    office with gossip? How many times have you read a memo that was

    part fact and part gossip? Davids plan was to silence the gossipsthrough intolerance. If people realize that the boss is outspokenly

    intolerant of gossip most people will keep their tongues.

    Another solution is to leave your door open to squelch rumors. If you

    invite people to bring rumors to you for direct answers rather than

    spread the gossip, you will squelch most of the gossip.

    There was a peasant with a troubled conscience who went to a monk foradvice. He said that he had circulated a vile story about a friend, only to

    find out the story was not true. If you want to make peace with your

    conscience,said the monk, you must fill a bag with chicken feathers,

    go to every dooryard in the village, and drop at each of them one fluffy

    feather.The peasant did as he was told. Then he returned to the monk

    and announced he had done penance for his folly. Not yet,replied the

    monk, Take your bag, make the rounds again and gather up everyfeather that you have dropped.But the wind must have blown them

    all away,said the peasant. Words are like feathers in the wind, once

    uttered no matter how hard you try, you can never get them back.

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    At P&G we have gone through several restructurings over

    the years as we have purchased other companies and

    streamlined some of our businesses. These restructurings arealways difficult stressful times for employees because of the

    unknown. Will I be asked to move to a new city? Will I be

    asked to take on a new role? Will I even have a job?

    When so many questions arise it is inevitable that gossips

    will start their tongues wagging and the rumors will start

    flying. I am proud of the way our company handles these

    situations. We tell people we will tell you what we can as

    soon as we can. People are invited to ask their managers any

    questions they want even if we dont know all the answers

    right away we will be as honest and straightforward as

    possible. Importantly we work really hard to stop the

    gossips and the rumor mill from even getting started.

    Nothing productive comes from gossip. Its a complete

    waste of time and energy that is better focused on the


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    The second of the Public Standards is to avoid the prideful. The

    conceited and prideful could not expect much patience in Davids court:

    whoever has haughty eyes, and a proud heart, him I will not endure.

    Conceited and prideful people are prone to doing what is expedient, not

    for doing what is right. They look for ways to be first on everyone elses

    priority list. They look for ways to be first in line. They look for ways to

    be first at the check-out counter. They look for ways to be first out of the

    parking lot. They look for ways to win the game of first come, first


    In the corporation, these people take credit for other peoples work,cover up mistakes, and misrepresent situations to skew decisions that

    will favor themselves.

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    Some years ago I had a co-worker who I got along with well

    enough, but I always was a little suspicious of his motives.

    The longer I worked around him the more I noticed that hewas quick to assert himself in successful projects that had

    high visibility. Often in meetings he would take credit for

    other peoples work making it seem like he had done it all

    when in fact he had done little or none of the real work.

    Once I learned that he had been at a management meeting

    across the country and taken complete credit for a project

    my team had completedone in which he had noinvolvement whatsoever! If a project was doing poorly he

    was the one who would either distance himself from the

    project or talk to management about all the failures of the

    rest of the team. He reminded me of a peacockeverything

    he did was designed to make himself look good and it didnt

    matter at all if that came at someone elses expense.

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    The third Public Standard is to seek Godly advisors. Being king required

    David to make decisions every day. The peoples welfare, and their very

    lives depended on the decisions he made. David wisely surrounded

    himself with Godly advisors he could trust: My eyes will be on thefaithful in the land, that they may dwell with me, he whose walk is blameless

    will minister to me.

    The decisions you make every day may not impact a whole country. But

    to make the best decisions possible you need the most accurate

    information available coming from sources you can really trust.

    Executives at every level are dependent on the information they receiveto make decisionsfrom small to largeevery day. In every position I

    have been in I have engaged Godly men and women whom I can trust

    to help me. Even though we are now in different jobs I can still rely on

    this group of trusted ex-coworkers to be honest with meeven if it


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    In my entire career with P&G I have been honored by

    several of our senior managers who have taken me in as a

    trusted advisor. They have made a point of saying that theytrust me because I have a reputation for telling the

    unvarnished truth. They know that where they are in the

    executive offices people tend to tell them what they want to

    hear. Ill never forget when after some candid discussion one

    of our senior managers put his arm around me as we walked

    out of a meeting and whispered, Please, I dont know a lot

    about this new business yet. So if it looks like we are goingto do something stupid you get on the phone and call me

    directly!He had only been in this new role a few weeks, but

    already he had a sense that people were telling him what

    they thought he wanted to hear to please him. What he

    needed was advice from people he could trust!

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    The fourth Public Standard is to avoid the deceitful. Abraham Lincoln,

    our 16thpresident, said No man has a good enough memory to be a

    successful liar.

    David set out a very strict standard for honesty: No one who practices

    deceit will dwell in my house, no one who speaks falsely will stand in my

    presence.He intended not to allow people who were known liars to

    stand before him or work in his court.

    Great discernment is needed to tell the honest from the dishonest. When

    you know someone is dishonest they should have no place in your


    David summarized his thoughts on public standards saying that he

    would surround himself with the faithful and the blameless: My eyes

    will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me, he whose walk

    is blameless will minister to me.

    As CEOs, or as leaders, we would be wise to follow Davids example by

    surrounding ourselves with faithful employees who subscribe to the

    same code of ethics we do.

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook



    Back in 1985 a young sales manager eager to set himself

    apart from his peers was determined to succeed. In those

    days we regularly had promotion allowances to help launchnew products. He overstated the allowance to a customer to

    get the customer to buy the product, but in doing so he

    overspent his budget. To dig himself out of the financial hole

    he created he used money from the next product launch to

    pay bills from the prior launch. Within 18 months his

    promotion allowance budget was over a quarter of a million

    dollars in the red. About that time we stopped introducingnew products on a regular basis and he had no way to cover

    his deceitful practices. To avoid getting caught he left the

    company and his mess behind. Sadly, but not too surprising

    he did the very same thing at the next company where he


  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook




    The last of Davids Public Standards is to demand accountability. David

    clearly understood his responsibility as a ruler to the city and in this

    case, to the nation Israel: Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked

    in the land, I will cut off every evil doer from the city of the Lord.Davidplanned to get up early every day to ferret out the wicked and cut them

    off from the city. He realized maintaining his kingdom relied on a

    continuous cleansing action. You cannot clean out the wickedonceit

    is an ongoing effort! He also realized that cleansing the wicked from his

    kingdom was ultimately his responsibility.

    The position of leadership gives us the additional responsibility of using

    our positions to enhance the development of society. As Christians we

    are commanded to be salt and light(Matthew 5:13-16) so we must live

    lives that demonstrates how Christ works in our lives.

    Like David, we are responsible for the actions of our employees. But

    arent we also responsible to the society at large which makes the

    operation of our companies possible? Accountability is both a personal

    and public responsibility.

    This is what being accountable to the public we serve as business people

    is all aboutwe must be responsible, and we must be accountable. We

    must not violate the publics trust in us as business men and women.

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook



    Many years ago when we had salesman calling on

    individual grocery stores we had one cantankerous old

    grocer who was particularly disagreeable and suspicious ofall the salesmen that called on him. At the end of a long day

    one of our salesmen was working late and called on this

    grocer. The grocer was convinced he wasnt getting the same

    deal as someone else down the street and to teach our

    salesman a lesson he locked him in the basement of the store

    and left for the day. The next morning when our salesman

    called in and reported what happened it took only a matterof hours before we rallied all our salespeople in the area

    they were sent to the store and we bought up every one of

    our products and we stopped calling on him. We could not,

    as a company, tolerate dealing with someone who would

    treat one of our employees so dishonorably!

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook




    You cannot insulate yourself from the moral relativists, or even the

    conventionalists who might put you and your business at risk. You can

    however, develop your own personal moral framework, and a code ofethics for your organization.

    If you are in a large organization there is probably already a written

    code of ethics that is enforced via a policy manual. If you are the CEO or

    in senior management make sure that these documents are up to date

    and that senior leadership enforces the code rigorously. Most large

    companies have an ethics committee that reports to senior management.

    It is imperative that this committee have strong and open relationships

    not only with senior management but with the entire organization.

    As an individual, you need to have a personal ethical framework. It

    doesnt matter if you are a part of a multi-national organization or you

    are a solo-preneur. Developing your own written ethical framework will

    force you to think through what is important to you as an individual

    and as a leader, and most important, how you will conduct yourself inthe marketplace.

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook




    Id like to summarize what weve taken thus far from King David.

    Psalm 101 and each of the standards weve discussed is focused on

    action. The word willis used sixteen times. In fifteen of the uses,David made a commitment to a standard of behavior that he expected of

    himself as leader of the nation Israel. That is why this psalm is

    sometimes referred to as the royal code of ethics.

    Summarizing this code of ethics:

    o We need to keep our focus on God, and remember that God

    provides us a unique balance of love and judgment that shouldbe reflected in our relationships with others.

    o We need to live lives of integrity and this means at home, at

    work, and in public.

    o We need to avoid evil and putting ourselves in a position to be

    tempted or being around those we know are evil.


    We need to avoid the gossips, the prideful, and the deceitful.

    Employees with these characteristics should be removed from

    positions of authority. Over the long haul they do more damage

    than they do good.

    o We need to remember that we are accountable to society and

    we should endeavor to leave this world a better place for our

    having been here.

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook



    I want to close with another passage written by King David:

    Blessed is the man

    Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,

    Nor stands in the path of sinners,

    Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

    But his delight is in the law of the LORD,

    And in His law he meditates day and night.

    He shall be like a tree

    Planted by the rivers of water. . . . (Psalm 1:1-3)

    If you study the Psalms youll find these same ideals repeated over andover. This is Gods way of telling us how important this is.

    It is my hope that having read this eBook you now agree with me that

    there is much to be gathered from the Bible, which applies to the

    business we do every day. Its really the best instruction manual we

    could hope to have.

    In closing our topic on the Ideal Traits of a CEO or anyone else in a positionof leadershipId like to pose three questions to you:

    o Do you want to be blessed by God?

    o Do you want your business to be blessed by God?

    o Do you want your company to be known in the community as a

    blessing to the people you serve?

    If you answered yes to these questions, remember you cannot be the

    ideal CEO without Gods power in your life!

  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook




    Thank-you for downloading and reading my eBook! I pray that God

    will bless you, and all your endeavors, as you keep Him first in your


    If I can answer any questions, or be of help, please reach out to me. We

    are all members of the same body!

    Now before you go, would you do me a favor?Please visit my

    Facebook page, like it, and connect with me on LinkedIn.

    Email:[email protected]


    In His Service,

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  • 7/23/2019 Ideal Traits of a Chief Executive-eBook




    I began my professional career working for

    Procter & Gamble in June 1973. I started in

    our sales department, and transitionedinto marketing in 1987. In my 36-year

    career I was privileged to participate in the

    launch of dozens of new and innovative

    products that impacted the lives of

    consumers around the world. I worked on

    the launch of products like ThermaCare,

    Prilosec, Crest, Pampers, Tide, Pantene, Oilof Olay, and many others. The last four

    years of my P&G career I was responsible

    for ethnic marketing targeted to our Hispanic and African American

    consumers who shop in our grocery stores in the U.S.

    Working for P&G was an incredible experience. I was truly blessed to

    work with some brilliant, creative minds. In 2009 a corporate restructure

    caused me to think about what I was doing, and as much I loved my

    work, I couldnt escape the feeling that God was calling me to a new

    adventure. I retired in June 2009, and started seminary at Talbot

    Theological in the fall. I graduated in May of 2012, and began my

    ministry career as Chief Operations Officer of Guidelines International
